Acikgoz, N., E. Ilker, A. Gokcol. 2004. Evaluation of biological
research on the computer. E.U. TOTEM No:2 (in Turkish).
Arabaci, O. 1995. Izmir oregano (Origanum onites L.)'s growing
technical and quality specifications. Ph.D. Thesis. Graduate
School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Ege University. 125
p (in Turkish).
Anonymous. 2016. Bornova Meteorological Data of Olive
Research Institute, Izmir
Avci, A. B. 2006. Determination of some agronomic and
technological properties in different ecological conditions of
improved of Izmir oregano (Origanum onites L.) clones.
Ph.D. Thesis. Graduate School of Natural and Applied
Sciences. Ege University. 153 p (in Turkish).
Badi, H. N., D. Yazdani, S. M. Ali, F. Nazari. 2004 Effects of
spacing and harvesting time on herbage yield and
quality/quantity of oil in thyme, Thymus vulgaris L.
Industrial Crops and Products. 19:231–236.
Bagdat, R. B. 2006. Uses of medicinal plants, sage (Salvia
officinalis L.) and the techniques of depositing species
known as thyme in our country. Journal of Field Crops
Central Research Institute. 15(1-2):19-28. (in Turkish).
Baydar, H. 2002. Investigations on the yield and quality of the
essential oil of Izmir oregano (Origanum onites L. ) under
Isparta conditions. Suleyman Demirel University Institute of
Science Institute. 6(2):17-24. (in Turkish).
Baydar, H. 2005. Effect of different collected times on the
volatile oil content and volatile oil components on plateau
oregano (Origanum minutiflorum o. schwarz) Suleyman
Demirel University Institute of Science Institute. 6(2):17-24.
(in Turkish).
Bayram, E., H. Geren. A. Ceylan, N. Ozay. 1999. The effect of
different shape heights on the yield and quality of Izmir
oregano (Origanum onites L.). Turkish 3. Congress of Field
Crops. 15-18 November. Adana. I:222-226. (in Turkish).
Ceylan, A. A.Vomel, E. Nigdeli. 1998. Investigations on
adaptation and breeding of Izmir oregano (Origanum
syriacum L.). I. Program for the symposium of forest
products. (in Turkish).
Ceylan, A., E. Bayram and H. Geren. 1999. Investigation on
agronomic and quality characteristics of improved clones in
Origanum (Origanum onites L.) breeding, Turkish Journal of
Agriculture and Forestry. 23:1163-1168.
Ceylan, A., E. Bayram, N. Sahbaz, H. Otan and S. Karaman.
2003. Yield performance and essential oil composition of
individual plants and improved clones of Origanum onites L.
grown in Aegean Region of Turkey. Israel Journal of Plant
Sci. 51:285-290.
Ceylan, A., H. Otan, M. Polat, E. Bayram, O. Sari, N. Ozay, S.
Kudat, N. Çarkıcı, B. Oguz, A. Kitiki. 1994. Origanum
onites L. (Izmir oregano) on agrotechnical investigations. T.
C. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs General
Directorate of Agricultural Research. Aegean Agricultural
Research Institute Report. (in Turkish).
Ekren, S. and E. Ilker. 2017. The Influence of Clipping
Application on Yield and Some yield Parameters of Aegean
Types Tobaccos. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 22(2):218-
Gora, J., A. Lis, J. Kula, M. Staniszewska and A. Woloszyn.
2002. Chemical composition variability of essential oils in
the ontogenesis of some plants. Flavour and Fragrance
Journal. 17:445–451.
Gungor, F. U. 2002. Comparison of clones developed in Izmir
oregano (Origanum onites L.) clones in terms of agronomic
and quality. Ph.D. Thesis. Graduate School of Natural and
Applied Sciences. Ankara University. 74 p (in Turkish).
Gungor, F.U., N. Bayraktar and M.D. Kaya. 2005. Comparison
of improved clones of Izmir oregano (Origanum onites L.)
for agronomic and quality characteristics under Kula
conditions. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 11(2): 196-200.
Kan, Y., L. Altun, S. Arslan, M. Kartal, Z. Endes. 2005. effect of
organic manure applied at different doses on the yield and
quality of Izmir oregano (Origanum onites L.). Turkish VI.
Congress of Field Crops. 5-9 September. Antalya. I:497-500.
(in Turkish).
Karik, U., A.B. Tınmaz, M. Kurkcuoglu, K. H. C. Baser, G.
Tumen. 2007. Effects of different harvest times on yield and
quality in Istanbul oregano (Origanum vulgare subsp.
hirtum) populations. Bahce 36(1-2):37-48. (in Turkish).
Kirici, S. and M. Inan. 2001. The effect of different harvesting
times of oregano (Origanum syriacum var. bevanii) on yield
and yield components in Cukurova conditions. Turkish 4.
Congress of Field Crops. 17-21. September. Tekirdag.
II:291-294. (in Turkish).
Kirman, H. 1993. Research on the determination of some
agronomic and quality characteristics of improved Izmir
oregano (Origanum onites L.) lines. Master Thesis. Graduate
School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Ege University. 39
p (in Turkish).
Kizil , S., A. Ipek , N. Arslan and K. M. Khawar. 2008. Effect of
different developing stages on some nagronomical
characteristics and essential oil composition of Oregano
(Origanum onites). New Zealand Journal of Crop and
Horticultural Science 36: 71-76.
Kizil, S. and O. Toncer. 2006. Influence of different harvest
times on the yield and oil composition of spearmint (Mentha
spicata L. var. spicata). Journal of Food, Agriculture &
Environment. 4 (3&4): 135-137.
Kizil, S., M. Inan and S. Kirici. 2013. Determination of the Best
Herbage Yield and Hypericin Content of St. John’s wort
(Hypericum perforatum L.) under Semi Arid Climatic
Conditions. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 18(1): 95-100.
Kizil, S., M. Turk, M. Ozguven, K. M. Khawar. 2009. Full
Blooming Stage is Suitable for Herbage Yield and Essential
Oil Content of Summer Savory (Satureja hortensis L.).
Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants 12 (5): 620-629.
Kizil, S., O. Toncer , A. Ipek , N. Arslan , S. Saglam and K. M.
Khawar. 2008. Blooming stages of Turkish hyssop
(Hyssopus officinalis L.) affect essential oil composition
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil and Plant
Science. 58: 273-279.
Otan, H. and A. O. Sari. 1994. Some quality characteristics of
Origanum onites L. (Izmir oregano) populations in western
Anatolian flora. Turkish Congress of Field Crops. Agronomy
Reports 1. 25-29 April. Izmir.146-149.
Ozel, M.Z. and H. Kaymaz. 2004. Superheated water extraction,
steam distillation and soxhelet extraction of essential oils of
Origanum onites. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
379(7-8): 1127-1133.
Ozguven, M. and S. Tansi. 1998. Drug Yield and Essential Oil
of Thymus vulgaris L. as in Influenced by Ecological and
Ontogenetical Variation. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and
Forestry 22: 537-542.
Ozsoy, U. E. 1995. Investigations on some agronomic and
quality characteristics of the Izmir oregano (Origanum onites
L.) populations collected from Mugla region. Master Thesis.
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Ege
University. 67 p (in Turkish).
Putievsky, E., U. Ravid, N. Dudai. 1996. Cultivation, selection
and conservation of oregano species in Isreal. Promoting the
conservation and use of underutilized and neglected crops.
14.Oregano. Proceedings of the IPGRI International
Workshop on Oregano. 8-12 May. CIHEAM. Valenzo. Bari
Ramamneh, E. A. D. M. A. 2009. Plant growth strategies of
Thymus vulgaris L. in response to population density.
Industrial Crops and Products 30:389–394.
Sancaktaroglu, S. and E. Bayram. 2011. Researches on the
determination of the yields and quality characteristics of
Istanbul oregano populations (Origanum vulgare subsp.
hirtum L.) of the different origin. The Journal of Ege
University Faculty of Agriculture. 48: 265-276 (in Turkish).
Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and procedures of
statistics. McGaw-Hill book Company. Inc. N.Y.
Telci, I. and Y. Hisil. 2008. Biomass Yield and Herb Essential
Oil Characters at different Harvest Stages of Spring and
Autumn Sown Coriandrum sativum. Europian Journal of
Hort.Sci. 73 (6): 267–272.
Toncer, O. and S. Kizil. 2005. Determination of yield and yield
components in wild thyme (Thymbra spicata L. var. spicata)
as influenced by development stages. Horticulture Science
(PRAGUE). 32(3): 100–103.
Toncer, O., S. Karaman and E. Diraz. 2010. An annual
variation in essential oil composition of Origanum syriacum
from Southeast Anatolia of Turkey. Journal of Medicinal
Plants Research 4(11): 1059-1064.
Wichtl, M. 1971. Die Pharmakognostichemische Analys, Band
2., Frankfurt/M.
Zawislak, G. and R. N. Wierdak. 2014. Evaluation of the yield
and biological value of tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.)
in the bunch harvest cultivation. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum
Cultus. 13(4): 185-198.
The purpose of this study was to the effects of different harvest times on some yield and quality characteristics.
Origanum onites L. cultivar “Ceylan-2002” was used as plant material. Field trial was conducted in 2014 and
2015 at Bornova/Izmir. Oregano plants were harvested starting on 15 of May (harvest time:1), 31 of May
(harvest time:2), 16 of June (harvest time:3), 2 of July (harvest time:4), 18 of July (harvest time:5), 3 of August
(harvest time:6), 19 of August (harvest time:7) and 4 of September (harvest time:8) and fresh herbage yield,
drug herbage yield, drug leaf yield, essential oil content and essential oil yield in each of harvest time were
determined. The result from the combined variance analysis over two years for each characteristic indicated
that variation among means for harvest time was significant (p≤0.01) while differences between two years were
not significant for all characteristics. The results showed that the highest drug herbage yield, drug leaf yield
and essential oil yield were obtained at the 4th (15 of June) harvest time. It was concluded that the most
suitable harvest time in coastal zone of Aegean region is 4th (2 of July) harvest time.
Acikgoz, N., E. Ilker, A. Gokcol. 2004. Evaluation of biological
research on the computer. E.U. TOTEM No:2 (in Turkish).
Arabaci, O. 1995. Izmir oregano (Origanum onites L.)'s growing
technical and quality specifications. Ph.D. Thesis. Graduate
School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Ege University. 125
p (in Turkish).
Anonymous. 2016. Bornova Meteorological Data of Olive
Research Institute, Izmir
Avci, A. B. 2006. Determination of some agronomic and
technological properties in different ecological conditions of
improved of Izmir oregano (Origanum onites L.) clones.
Ph.D. Thesis. Graduate School of Natural and Applied
Sciences. Ege University. 153 p (in Turkish).
Badi, H. N., D. Yazdani, S. M. Ali, F. Nazari. 2004 Effects of
spacing and harvesting time on herbage yield and
quality/quantity of oil in thyme, Thymus vulgaris L.
Industrial Crops and Products. 19:231–236.
Bagdat, R. B. 2006. Uses of medicinal plants, sage (Salvia
officinalis L.) and the techniques of depositing species
known as thyme in our country. Journal of Field Crops
Central Research Institute. 15(1-2):19-28. (in Turkish).
Baydar, H. 2002. Investigations on the yield and quality of the
essential oil of Izmir oregano (Origanum onites L. ) under
Isparta conditions. Suleyman Demirel University Institute of
Science Institute. 6(2):17-24. (in Turkish).
Baydar, H. 2005. Effect of different collected times on the
volatile oil content and volatile oil components on plateau
oregano (Origanum minutiflorum o. schwarz) Suleyman
Demirel University Institute of Science Institute. 6(2):17-24.
(in Turkish).
Bayram, E., H. Geren. A. Ceylan, N. Ozay. 1999. The effect of
different shape heights on the yield and quality of Izmir
oregano (Origanum onites L.). Turkish 3. Congress of Field
Crops. 15-18 November. Adana. I:222-226. (in Turkish).
Ceylan, A. A.Vomel, E. Nigdeli. 1998. Investigations on
adaptation and breeding of Izmir oregano (Origanum
syriacum L.). I. Program for the symposium of forest
products. (in Turkish).
Ceylan, A., E. Bayram and H. Geren. 1999. Investigation on
agronomic and quality characteristics of improved clones in
Origanum (Origanum onites L.) breeding, Turkish Journal of
Agriculture and Forestry. 23:1163-1168.
Ceylan, A., E. Bayram, N. Sahbaz, H. Otan and S. Karaman.
2003. Yield performance and essential oil composition of
individual plants and improved clones of Origanum onites L.
grown in Aegean Region of Turkey. Israel Journal of Plant
Sci. 51:285-290.
Ceylan, A., H. Otan, M. Polat, E. Bayram, O. Sari, N. Ozay, S.
Kudat, N. Çarkıcı, B. Oguz, A. Kitiki. 1994. Origanum
onites L. (Izmir oregano) on agrotechnical investigations. T.
C. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs General
Directorate of Agricultural Research. Aegean Agricultural
Research Institute Report. (in Turkish).
Ekren, S. and E. Ilker. 2017. The Influence of Clipping
Application on Yield and Some yield Parameters of Aegean
Types Tobaccos. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 22(2):218-
Gora, J., A. Lis, J. Kula, M. Staniszewska and A. Woloszyn.
2002. Chemical composition variability of essential oils in
the ontogenesis of some plants. Flavour and Fragrance
Journal. 17:445–451.
Gungor, F. U. 2002. Comparison of clones developed in Izmir
oregano (Origanum onites L.) clones in terms of agronomic
and quality. Ph.D. Thesis. Graduate School of Natural and
Applied Sciences. Ankara University. 74 p (in Turkish).
Gungor, F.U., N. Bayraktar and M.D. Kaya. 2005. Comparison
of improved clones of Izmir oregano (Origanum onites L.)
for agronomic and quality characteristics under Kula
conditions. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 11(2): 196-200.
Kan, Y., L. Altun, S. Arslan, M. Kartal, Z. Endes. 2005. effect of
organic manure applied at different doses on the yield and
quality of Izmir oregano (Origanum onites L.). Turkish VI.
Congress of Field Crops. 5-9 September. Antalya. I:497-500.
(in Turkish).
Karik, U., A.B. Tınmaz, M. Kurkcuoglu, K. H. C. Baser, G.
Tumen. 2007. Effects of different harvest times on yield and
quality in Istanbul oregano (Origanum vulgare subsp.
hirtum) populations. Bahce 36(1-2):37-48. (in Turkish).
Kirici, S. and M. Inan. 2001. The effect of different harvesting
times of oregano (Origanum syriacum var. bevanii) on yield
and yield components in Cukurova conditions. Turkish 4.
Congress of Field Crops. 17-21. September. Tekirdag.
II:291-294. (in Turkish).
Kirman, H. 1993. Research on the determination of some
agronomic and quality characteristics of improved Izmir
oregano (Origanum onites L.) lines. Master Thesis. Graduate
School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Ege University. 39
p (in Turkish).
Kizil , S., A. Ipek , N. Arslan and K. M. Khawar. 2008. Effect of
different developing stages on some nagronomical
characteristics and essential oil composition of Oregano
(Origanum onites). New Zealand Journal of Crop and
Horticultural Science 36: 71-76.
Kizil, S. and O. Toncer. 2006. Influence of different harvest
times on the yield and oil composition of spearmint (Mentha
spicata L. var. spicata). Journal of Food, Agriculture &
Environment. 4 (3&4): 135-137.
Kizil, S., M. Inan and S. Kirici. 2013. Determination of the Best
Herbage Yield and Hypericin Content of St. John’s wort
(Hypericum perforatum L.) under Semi Arid Climatic
Conditions. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 18(1): 95-100.
Kizil, S., M. Turk, M. Ozguven, K. M. Khawar. 2009. Full
Blooming Stage is Suitable for Herbage Yield and Essential
Oil Content of Summer Savory (Satureja hortensis L.).
Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants 12 (5): 620-629.
Kizil, S., O. Toncer , A. Ipek , N. Arslan , S. Saglam and K. M.
Khawar. 2008. Blooming stages of Turkish hyssop
(Hyssopus officinalis L.) affect essential oil composition
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil and Plant
Science. 58: 273-279.
Otan, H. and A. O. Sari. 1994. Some quality characteristics of
Origanum onites L. (Izmir oregano) populations in western
Anatolian flora. Turkish Congress of Field Crops. Agronomy
Reports 1. 25-29 April. Izmir.146-149.
Ozel, M.Z. and H. Kaymaz. 2004. Superheated water extraction,
steam distillation and soxhelet extraction of essential oils of
Origanum onites. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
379(7-8): 1127-1133.
Ozguven, M. and S. Tansi. 1998. Drug Yield and Essential Oil
of Thymus vulgaris L. as in Influenced by Ecological and
Ontogenetical Variation. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and
Forestry 22: 537-542.
Ozsoy, U. E. 1995. Investigations on some agronomic and
quality characteristics of the Izmir oregano (Origanum onites
L.) populations collected from Mugla region. Master Thesis.
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Ege
University. 67 p (in Turkish).
Putievsky, E., U. Ravid, N. Dudai. 1996. Cultivation, selection
and conservation of oregano species in Isreal. Promoting the
conservation and use of underutilized and neglected crops.
14.Oregano. Proceedings of the IPGRI International
Workshop on Oregano. 8-12 May. CIHEAM. Valenzo. Bari
Ramamneh, E. A. D. M. A. 2009. Plant growth strategies of
Thymus vulgaris L. in response to population density.
Industrial Crops and Products 30:389–394.
Sancaktaroglu, S. and E. Bayram. 2011. Researches on the
determination of the yields and quality characteristics of
Istanbul oregano populations (Origanum vulgare subsp.
hirtum L.) of the different origin. The Journal of Ege
University Faculty of Agriculture. 48: 265-276 (in Turkish).
Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and procedures of
statistics. McGaw-Hill book Company. Inc. N.Y.
Telci, I. and Y. Hisil. 2008. Biomass Yield and Herb Essential
Oil Characters at different Harvest Stages of Spring and
Autumn Sown Coriandrum sativum. Europian Journal of
Hort.Sci. 73 (6): 267–272.
Toncer, O. and S. Kizil. 2005. Determination of yield and yield
components in wild thyme (Thymbra spicata L. var. spicata)
as influenced by development stages. Horticulture Science
(PRAGUE). 32(3): 100–103.
Toncer, O., S. Karaman and E. Diraz. 2010. An annual
variation in essential oil composition of Origanum syriacum
from Southeast Anatolia of Turkey. Journal of Medicinal
Plants Research 4(11): 1059-1064.
Wichtl, M. 1971. Die Pharmakognostichemische Analys, Band
2., Frankfurt/M.
Zawislak, G. and R. N. Wierdak. 2014. Evaluation of the yield
and biological value of tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.)
in the bunch harvest cultivation. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum
Cultus. 13(4): 185-198.
Sonmez, C. (2019). EFFECT OF DIFFERENT HARVEST TIMES ON SOME YIELD AND ESSENTIAL OIL CHARACTERISTICS IN Origanum onites L. Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 24(1), 106-110.
Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year. Owner : Prof. Dr. Behçet KIR Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Emre ILKER Address : 848 sok. 2. Beyler İşhanı No:72, Kat:3 D.313 35000 Konak-Izmir, TURKEY Email : Tel : +90 232 3112679 Tel/Fax : : +90 232 3432474