Research Article
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Year 2015, Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 65 - 71, 18.05.2015


A field trial was conducted at the experimental fields of Ege University in Bornova and Odemis in 2006 and 2007. The effects of two soil textures (heavy and light) and four cultivars (TT-2008, TT-2009, P-5683 and Elci) on the yield and chemical compositions of some alfalfa cultivars were evaluated under the Mediterranean climatic conditions. The experimental design was a Randomized Complete Blocks with four replications. Results indicated that, the effects of soil texture on yield and quality traits of crop material were significant. TT-2008 and P-5683 alfalfa cultivars had better performances than the other cultivars with regard to yield (fresh herbage, dry matter and crude protein) and quality (contents of dry matter, crude protein, crude ash, ADF and NDF values) characteristics. The overall mean of alfalfa yield at light textured soil condition was significantly higher as compared to the heavy textured soil.


  • Abusuwar, A.O. and E. Bakri. 2009. Effect of water quality and weeding on yield and quality of three alfalfa (Medicago sativa l.) cultivars. Austrialian Journal of Crop Science, 3(6), p: 315-321.
  • Acikgoz, N., E. Ilker and A. Gokcol. 2004. Assessment of biological research on the computer. EU TOTEM, İzmir (in Turkısh).
  • Al-Suhaibani, N.A. 2010. Estimation yield and quality of alfalfa and clover for mixture cropping pattern at different seeding rates. American-Eurasian Journal Agriculture & Environment Sci., 8 (2), p: 189-196.
  • Albayrak, S. and M. Turk. 2013. Changes in the forage yield and quality of legume-grass mixtures throughout a vegetation period. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 37, p: 139-147.
  • Altinok, S. and A. Karakaya. 2002. Forage yield of different alfalfa cultivars under Ankara conditions. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 26, p: 11-16.
  • Andueza, D., F. Munoz, A. Maisterra and I. Delgado. 2001. Forage yield and crude protein content of lucerne cultivars established in the ebro middle valley. Preliminar results. In: Options Méditerranéennes. Series A: Séminaires Méditerranéens, 45, p: 73-76.
  • Anonymous. 2013. Turkish statistical institute. (Accessed November 24, 2014).
  • Anonymous. 2005. Fertilising dairy pastures: A manual for use in the Target 10 Soils and Fertilisers Program. Department of Primary Industries, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, ISBN 1741462193, 2nd ed., 318p.
  • Avci, M.A., A. Ozkose and A. Tamkoc. 2013. Determination of yield and quality characteristics of alfalfa (Medicago sativa l.) varieties grown in different locations. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 12 (4), p: 487-490.
  • Avcioglu, R., H. Geren and H. Ozkul. 2001. Seasonal changes of quantitative and qualitative performances of some alfalfa cultivars in the Mediterranean coastal part of Aegean Region. Options méditerranéennes, Numero a-45: Quality in lucerne and medics for animal production, 14-16 September 2001, Zaragoza (Spain), CHIEAM, FAO, p: 205-209.
  • Basbag, M., R. Demirel and M. Avci. 2009. Determination of some agronomical and quality properties of wild alfalfa (Medicago sativa l.) clones in turkey. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol. 7 (2), p: 357-359.
  • Cinar, S. and R. Hatipoglu. 2014. Forage yield and botanical composition of mixtures of some perennial warm season grasses with alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) under Mediterranean conditions. Turk J Field Crops, 19(1), p: 13-18.
  • Bulgurlu, S. and M. Ergul. 1978. Physical, chemical and biological analyses methods of feeds. Izmir, Ege Univ. Agric. Fac. Publish No: 127 (in Turkish).
  • Dale, L.M., I. Rotar, A. Thewis, R. Vidican, V. Florian and A. Ciure. 2012. Determination of alfalfa crude fiber, ndf, adf and lignin content by nir spectrometry. Lucrări Ştiintifice, vol. 55, seria Agronomie, p: 245-249.
  • Erkovan, H.I., M.K. Gullap, M. Dasci and A. Koc. 2009. Changes in leaf area index forage quality and above-ground biomass in grazed and ungrazed rangelands of eastern anatolia region. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 15 (3), p: 217-223.
  • Forbes, J.C. and R.D. Watson. 1992. Plants in agriculture. Cambridge University Pres., Cambridge, 355p.
  • Geren, H., B. Kir, G. Demiroglu and Y.T. Kavut. 2009. Effects of different soil textures on the yield and chemical composition of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars under mediterranean climate conditions. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 21 (7), p: 5517-5522.
  • Jarrige, R. 1988. Alimentation des bovins, ovins et caprins. INRA Paris, 471p.
  • Kacar, B. and A. Inal. 2008. Plant analysis. Ankara, Nobel Publish No:1241, 892p (in Turkish).
  • Kiraz, A.B. 2011. Determination of relative feed value of some legume hays harvested at flowering stage. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 6 (5), p: 525-530.
  • Mala, A.S.E.E. and B. Fadlala. 2013. Effect of stage of cutting alfalfa (berseem) on crude protein content and dry matter yield. ARPN Journal of Science and Technology, 3 (10), p: 982-985.
  • Markovic, J., J. Radovic, Z. Lugic and D. Sokolovic. 2007. The effect of development stage on chemical composition of alfalfa leaf and stem. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 23 (5-6), p: 383-388.
  • Meyer, D.W. 2005. Plant height as determinant for harvesting alfalfa. In: Forage Focus, Meyer, D.W. (Ed.). Midwest Forage Association, Minneapolis, USA., p: 12-13.
  • Moreira, A. and N.K. Fageria. 2010. Liming influence on soil chemical properties, nutritional status and yield of alfalfa grown in acid soil. R. Bas. Ci. Solo, 34, p:1231-1239.
  • Rechel, E.A., B.D. Meek, W.R. DeTar and L.M. Carter. 1991. Alfalfa yield as affected by harvest traffic and soil compaction in a sandy loam soil. Journal of Production Agriculture (4) 2, p: 241-246.
  • Riday, H. and E.C. Brummer. 2005. Relationships among biomass yield components within and between subspecies of Alfalfa. =16387&content=PDF (Accessed November 24, 2014).
  • Rohweder, D.A., R.F. Barnes and N. Jorgensen. 1978. Proposed hay grading standards based on laboratory analyses for evaluating quality. Journal Animal Sci., 47, p: 747-759.
  • Saruhan, V. and A. Kusvuran. 2011. Determination of yield performances of some lucerne (medicago sativa l) cultivars and genotypes under the Southeastern Anatolian region conditions. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Izmir, 48 (2), p: 133-140 (in Turkish).
  • Selmi, H., Z. Abdelwahed, A. Rouissi, B. Jemmali, L. Tayachi, M. Amraoui and H. Rouissi. 2013. Preliminary nutritional characterization of some shrubs from the north of Tunisia. International Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Sciences. 1 (1), p: 36-39.
  • Sengul, S., L. Tahtacioglu and A. Mermer. 2003. Determination of suitable alfalfa (Medicago sativa L) cultivars and lines for Eastern Anatolia Region. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Erzurum, 34 (4), p: 321- 325 (in Turkish).
  • Sheaffer, C.C., D. Cash, N.J. Ehlke, J.L. Hansen, J.C. Henning, J. Grimsbo Jewett, K.D. Johnson, M.A. Peterson, M. Smith and D.R. Viands. 1998. Entry x environment interactions for alfalfa forage quality. Agronomy Journal, 90, p: 774-780.
  • Soya, H., R. Avcioglu and H. Geren. 2004. Forage crops, Hasad Press, Turkey, 223p (in Turkish).
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie 1980. Principles and procedures of statistics, second edition, New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Tomic, Z., Z. Nesic, V. Krnjaja, M. Zujovic and M.M. Petrovic. 2006. Forage production and quality of some new legume cultivars in Serbia. Sustainable grassland productivity: Proceedings of the 21st General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Badajoz, Spain, p: 282-284.
  • Tongel, M.O. and I. Ayan. 2010. Nutriotional contents and yield performances of lucerne (medicago sativa l.) cultivars in southern black sea shores. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 9 (15), p: 2067-2073.

Alfalfa, Soil texture, Cultivars, Yield, Quality characteristics

Year 2015, Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 65 - 71, 18.05.2015



  • Abusuwar, A.O. and E. Bakri. 2009. Effect of water quality and weeding on yield and quality of three alfalfa (Medicago sativa l.) cultivars. Austrialian Journal of Crop Science, 3(6), p: 315-321.
  • Acikgoz, N., E. Ilker and A. Gokcol. 2004. Assessment of biological research on the computer. EU TOTEM, İzmir (in Turkısh).
  • Al-Suhaibani, N.A. 2010. Estimation yield and quality of alfalfa and clover for mixture cropping pattern at different seeding rates. American-Eurasian Journal Agriculture & Environment Sci., 8 (2), p: 189-196.
  • Albayrak, S. and M. Turk. 2013. Changes in the forage yield and quality of legume-grass mixtures throughout a vegetation period. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 37, p: 139-147.
  • Altinok, S. and A. Karakaya. 2002. Forage yield of different alfalfa cultivars under Ankara conditions. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 26, p: 11-16.
  • Andueza, D., F. Munoz, A. Maisterra and I. Delgado. 2001. Forage yield and crude protein content of lucerne cultivars established in the ebro middle valley. Preliminar results. In: Options Méditerranéennes. Series A: Séminaires Méditerranéens, 45, p: 73-76.
  • Anonymous. 2013. Turkish statistical institute. (Accessed November 24, 2014).
  • Anonymous. 2005. Fertilising dairy pastures: A manual for use in the Target 10 Soils and Fertilisers Program. Department of Primary Industries, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, ISBN 1741462193, 2nd ed., 318p.
  • Avci, M.A., A. Ozkose and A. Tamkoc. 2013. Determination of yield and quality characteristics of alfalfa (Medicago sativa l.) varieties grown in different locations. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 12 (4), p: 487-490.
  • Avcioglu, R., H. Geren and H. Ozkul. 2001. Seasonal changes of quantitative and qualitative performances of some alfalfa cultivars in the Mediterranean coastal part of Aegean Region. Options méditerranéennes, Numero a-45: Quality in lucerne and medics for animal production, 14-16 September 2001, Zaragoza (Spain), CHIEAM, FAO, p: 205-209.
  • Basbag, M., R. Demirel and M. Avci. 2009. Determination of some agronomical and quality properties of wild alfalfa (Medicago sativa l.) clones in turkey. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol. 7 (2), p: 357-359.
  • Cinar, S. and R. Hatipoglu. 2014. Forage yield and botanical composition of mixtures of some perennial warm season grasses with alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) under Mediterranean conditions. Turk J Field Crops, 19(1), p: 13-18.
  • Bulgurlu, S. and M. Ergul. 1978. Physical, chemical and biological analyses methods of feeds. Izmir, Ege Univ. Agric. Fac. Publish No: 127 (in Turkish).
  • Dale, L.M., I. Rotar, A. Thewis, R. Vidican, V. Florian and A. Ciure. 2012. Determination of alfalfa crude fiber, ndf, adf and lignin content by nir spectrometry. Lucrări Ştiintifice, vol. 55, seria Agronomie, p: 245-249.
  • Erkovan, H.I., M.K. Gullap, M. Dasci and A. Koc. 2009. Changes in leaf area index forage quality and above-ground biomass in grazed and ungrazed rangelands of eastern anatolia region. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 15 (3), p: 217-223.
  • Forbes, J.C. and R.D. Watson. 1992. Plants in agriculture. Cambridge University Pres., Cambridge, 355p.
  • Geren, H., B. Kir, G. Demiroglu and Y.T. Kavut. 2009. Effects of different soil textures on the yield and chemical composition of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars under mediterranean climate conditions. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 21 (7), p: 5517-5522.
  • Jarrige, R. 1988. Alimentation des bovins, ovins et caprins. INRA Paris, 471p.
  • Kacar, B. and A. Inal. 2008. Plant analysis. Ankara, Nobel Publish No:1241, 892p (in Turkish).
  • Kiraz, A.B. 2011. Determination of relative feed value of some legume hays harvested at flowering stage. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 6 (5), p: 525-530.
  • Mala, A.S.E.E. and B. Fadlala. 2013. Effect of stage of cutting alfalfa (berseem) on crude protein content and dry matter yield. ARPN Journal of Science and Technology, 3 (10), p: 982-985.
  • Markovic, J., J. Radovic, Z. Lugic and D. Sokolovic. 2007. The effect of development stage on chemical composition of alfalfa leaf and stem. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 23 (5-6), p: 383-388.
  • Meyer, D.W. 2005. Plant height as determinant for harvesting alfalfa. In: Forage Focus, Meyer, D.W. (Ed.). Midwest Forage Association, Minneapolis, USA., p: 12-13.
  • Moreira, A. and N.K. Fageria. 2010. Liming influence on soil chemical properties, nutritional status and yield of alfalfa grown in acid soil. R. Bas. Ci. Solo, 34, p:1231-1239.
  • Rechel, E.A., B.D. Meek, W.R. DeTar and L.M. Carter. 1991. Alfalfa yield as affected by harvest traffic and soil compaction in a sandy loam soil. Journal of Production Agriculture (4) 2, p: 241-246.
  • Riday, H. and E.C. Brummer. 2005. Relationships among biomass yield components within and between subspecies of Alfalfa. =16387&content=PDF (Accessed November 24, 2014).
  • Rohweder, D.A., R.F. Barnes and N. Jorgensen. 1978. Proposed hay grading standards based on laboratory analyses for evaluating quality. Journal Animal Sci., 47, p: 747-759.
  • Saruhan, V. and A. Kusvuran. 2011. Determination of yield performances of some lucerne (medicago sativa l) cultivars and genotypes under the Southeastern Anatolian region conditions. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Izmir, 48 (2), p: 133-140 (in Turkish).
  • Selmi, H., Z. Abdelwahed, A. Rouissi, B. Jemmali, L. Tayachi, M. Amraoui and H. Rouissi. 2013. Preliminary nutritional characterization of some shrubs from the north of Tunisia. International Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food Sciences. 1 (1), p: 36-39.
  • Sengul, S., L. Tahtacioglu and A. Mermer. 2003. Determination of suitable alfalfa (Medicago sativa L) cultivars and lines for Eastern Anatolia Region. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Erzurum, 34 (4), p: 321- 325 (in Turkish).
  • Sheaffer, C.C., D. Cash, N.J. Ehlke, J.L. Hansen, J.C. Henning, J. Grimsbo Jewett, K.D. Johnson, M.A. Peterson, M. Smith and D.R. Viands. 1998. Entry x environment interactions for alfalfa forage quality. Agronomy Journal, 90, p: 774-780.
  • Soya, H., R. Avcioglu and H. Geren. 2004. Forage crops, Hasad Press, Turkey, 223p (in Turkish).
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie 1980. Principles and procedures of statistics, second edition, New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Tomic, Z., Z. Nesic, V. Krnjaja, M. Zujovic and M.M. Petrovic. 2006. Forage production and quality of some new legume cultivars in Serbia. Sustainable grassland productivity: Proceedings of the 21st General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Badajoz, Spain, p: 282-284.
  • Tongel, M.O. and I. Ayan. 2010. Nutriotional contents and yield performances of lucerne (medicago sativa l.) cultivars in southern black sea shores. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 9 (15), p: 2067-2073.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Yasar Kavut

Riza Avcıoglu This is me

Publication Date May 18, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 20 Issue: 1



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Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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