Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 117 - 126, 15.12.2018


Intercropping and biofertilizer are thought to be strategies for reducing the risks of agricultural production and enhancing yield and quality in developing sustainable agriculture. Hence, two field experiments were carried out with factorial arrangement based on a randomized complete block design with three replications, to evaluate the effects of fertility and cropping systems on quality of safflower in 2015 and 2016. Treatments included nutrient levels (100% chemical fertilizers, 60% and 30% chemical + biological fertilizers and no fertilizer) and safflower and faba bean sole cropping, intercropping systems of them with ratios of 1:1 and 2:1. Results revealed that the integrated use of chemical and biofertilizers in intercropped plants caused to increasing yield components of safflower for both years. The highest unsaturated fatty acids, protein and oil content were achieved in 60% chemical plus biofertilizers. Also, between intercropping systems, ratio of 1:1 and the combinative application of chemical and biofertilizers had the highest land equivalent ratio. Values of actual yield loss showed an advantage of 20 to 98 % from intercropping due to recovery made by intercrops. Therefore, it was concluded that intercropping (safflower / faba bean) with integrated use of the reduced chemical and biological fertilizers, improved growth and quality of safflower.


  • Abdelkader, M.A.I. and E.H.A Hamad. 2015. Evaluation of productivity and competition indices of safflower and fenugreek as affected by intercropping pattern and foliar fertilization rate. Middle East J Agriculture Research 4(4): 956-966.
  • Abou-Khadrah, S.H., A.A.E. Mohamed, N.R. Gerges and Z.M. Diab. 2000. Response of four sunflower hybrids in low nitrogen fertilizer levels of phosphor in bio-fertilizer. Journal of Agricultural Research. Tanta University 28:105-118.
  • Akbari, P., A. Ghalavand, A.M. Modares Sanavy, M. Agha Alikhani and A.M. Shoghi Kalkhoran. 2011. Comparison of different nutritional levels and the effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on the grain yield and quality of sunflower. Australian Journal of Crop Sciences 5:1570-1576.
  • AOAC. 1960. Official method of analysis of association of official agricultural chemists, Washington D.C., pp. 15-16 (9th Ed.).
  • AOCS. 1993. Official methods and recommended practices. The American oil chemist’s society champaign.
  • Arslan, B. 2007. The determination of oil content and fatty acid composition of domestic and exotic safflower genotypes and their relationship. Journal of Agronomy 6: 415-420.
  • Banik, P., T. Sasmal, P.K. Ghosal and D.K. Bagchi. 2000. Evaluation of Mustard (Brassica compestris var. Toria) and legume intercropping under 1:1 and 2:1 row-replacement series systems. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 185: 9-14.
  • Banik, P. 1996. Evaluation of wheat and legume intercropping under 1:1 and 2:1 row-replacement series system. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 176: 289-294.
  • Cosge, B., B. Gurbuz and M. Kiralan. 2007. Oil content and fatty acid composition of some Safflower varieties sown in spring and winter. International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences 1: 11-15.
  • Dhima, K.V., A.A. Lithourgidis, I.B. Vasilakoglou and C.A. Dordas. 2007. Competition indices of common vetch and cereal intercrops in two seeding ratio. Field Crop Research 100: 249-256.
  • FAO. 2017. Production year book.
  • Farnia, A. and M. Moayedi. 2014. Effect of phosphate and nitrogen bio-fertilizers on yield, yield components, oil and protein in sunflower. Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences 3: 110-117.
  • Fuente, E. B., S. A. Suarez, A. E. Lenardis and S. L. Poggio. 2014. Intercropping sunflower and soybean in intensive farming systems: Evaluating yield advantage and effect on weed and insect assemblages. NJAS - Wageningen J. Life Science 70: 47-52.
  • Gao, J., K.D. Thelen, D.H. Min, S. Smith, X. Hao and R. Gehl. 2010. Effects of manure and fertilizer applications on canola oil content and fatty acid composition. Agronomy Journal 102: 790–797.
  • Jahansooz, M.R., I.A. Yunusa, D.R. Coventry, A.R. Palmer and D. Eamus. 2007. Radiation and water use associated with growth and yields of wheat and chickpea in sole and mixed crops. European Journal of Agronomy 26: 275-282.
  • Jalilian, J., S. Modarres-Sanavy, S.F. Saberali and K. Sadat-Asilan. 2012. Effects of the combination of beneficial microbes and nitrogen on sunflower seed yields and seed quality traits under different irrigation regimes. Field Crops Research Journal 127: 26-34.
  • Jalilian, J., A. Najafabadi and M. Zardashti. 2017. Intercropping systems and farming systems affect the yield and yield components of safflower and bitter vetch. Journal of Plant Interactions 12: 92-99.
  • Knowles, P.F. 1989. Safflower. In: Oil crops of the world (ed. Robbelen, G., R. K. Dowoney and A. Ashri), pp. 363-374. MCGraw – Hill, NewYork.
  • Kopke, U and T. Nemecek. 2010. Ecological services of faba bean. Field Crops Research 115: 217-233.
  • Krol, B. and T. Paszko. 2017. Harvest date as a factor affecting crop yield, oil content and fatty acid composition of the seeds of calendula cultivars. Industrial Crops and Products 97: 242-251.
  • Kumar, V. 1994. Nitrogen economy in Indian mustard through use of Azotobacter chroococcum. Crops Research 8: 449-452.
  • Lajara, J.R., U. Diaz and Q. Diaz. 1990. Definite influence of localization and climatic conditions on fatty acid composition of sunflower seed oil. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 67: 618-623.
  • Layek, J., B. G. Shivakumar, D. S. Rana, S. Munda and K. Lakshman. 2015. Effect of nitrogen fertilization on yield, intercropping indices and produce quality of different soybean (Glycine max) + cereal intercropping systems. Indian Journal of Agronomy 60: 230-235.
  • Luis, R., M.J. Silva, J. Pereira, V. Encarna, F. González-Andrés and B. Andrade. 2013. Inoculation with Bradyrhizobium japonicum enhances the organic and fatty acids content of soybean seeds. Food Chemistry 141: 3636-3648.
  • Manjith Kumar, B.R., M. Chidenand, P.M. Mansur and S.C. Salimath. 2009. Influence of different row proportions on yield components and yield of rabi crops under different intercropping systems. Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22: 1087-1089.
  • Mirzaei, A. and S. Vazan. 2013. Study the effect of drought stress chemical fertilizer and bio-fertilizer on seed yield and important agronomic of safflower. International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences 6: 968-974.
  • Mirzakhani, M., M.R. Ardakani, A. Aeene band, F. Rejali and A.H. Shirani Rad. 2009. Response of spring safflower to co-inoculation with Azotobacter chroococum and Glomus intraradices under different levels of nitrogen and phosphourus. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 4: 255-261.
  • Mohsennia, O. and J. Jalilian. 2012. Response of safflower seed quality characteristics to different soil fertility systems and irrigation disruption. International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences 3: 968-976.
  • Narula, N., V. Kumar, R. Behl, A. Deubel, A. Gransee and W. Merbach. 2000. Effect of p solubilizing on N, P, K uptake in p- responsive wheat genotypes grown under greenhouse condition. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 163: 393-398.
  • Oelbermann, M. and L. Echarte. 2011. Evaluating soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in recently established maize/soybean intercropping systems. European Journal of Soil Science 62: 35-41.
  • Pritchard, F.M., H.A. Eagles, R.M. Norton, S.A. Salisbury and M. Nicolas. 2000. Environmental effects on seed composition of Victorian canola. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 40: 679-685.
  • Purdy, R.H. 1985. Oxidative stability of high oleic sunflower and safflower oils. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 62: 523-525.
  • Raei, Y., W. Weisany, K. Ghassemi-Golezani and S.H. Torabian. 2015. Effects of additive intercropping on field performance of potato and green bean at different densities. Biological Forum - An International Journal 7: 534-540.
  • Raei, Y., A. Bagheri-Pirouz, J. Shafagh-Kolvanagh, S. Nasrollahzadeh and P. Aghaei-Gharachorlou. 2017. Effect of chemical and bio nitrogen fertilizer on yield and yield components of soybean under intercropping with maize. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences 10: 90-96.
  • Sabzalian, M.R., G. Saeidi and A. Mirlohi. 2008. Oil content and fatty acid composition in seeds of three safflower species. Euphytica 85: 717-721.
  • Seyed Sharifi, R. 2012. Study of nitrogen rates effects and seed bio priming with PGPR on quantitative and qualitative yield of Safflower. Technical Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2: 162-166.
  • Seyed Sharifi, R. 2016. Application of biofertilizers and zinc increases yield, nodulation and unsaturated fatty acids of soybean. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture 103: 251-258.
  • Seyed Sharif, R., A. Namvar and R. Seyed Sharifi. 2017. Grain filling and fatty acid composition of safflower fertilized with integrated nitrogen fertilizer and biofertilizers. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 52: 236-243.
  • Shehata, M.M and S.A. EL-Khawas. 2003. Effect of two biofertilizers on growth parameters, yield characters, nitrogenous components, nucleic acids content, minerals, oil content, protein profiles and DNA banding pattern of sunflower yield. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 6: 1257-1268.
  • Singh Rajesh, K., H. Kumar and K. Singh Amitesh. 2010. Brassica based intercropping systems - A Review. Journal of Agricultural Science 31: 6- 11.
  • Soleymanifard, A and S.A. Siadat. 2011. Effect of inoculation with bio-fertilizer in different nitrogen levels on yield and yields components of safflower under dry land conditions. American Eurasian Journal of Agriculture and Enviromental Sciences 11: 473-477.
  • Timmusk, S., B. Nicander, U. Granhall and E. Tillberg. 1999. Cytokinin production by Paenibacillus polymyxa. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 31: 1847-1852.
  • Tsubo, M., S. Walker and H.O. Ogindo. 2005. A simulation model of cereal – legume intercropping systems for semi-arid regions. Field Crops Research 93(1): 23-33.
  • Vandermeer, J.H. 1989. The ecology of intercropping. Cambridge University Press, UK.
  • Velasco, L and J.M. Fernandez- Martinez. 2001. Breeding for oil quality in safflower. Proceedings of the 5th International Safflower Conference. Williston, North Dakota and Sidney, USA 133-137.
  • Vosoughkia, M., L. Hossainchi Ghareaghag, M. Ghavami, M. Gharachorloo and B. Delkhosh. 2011. Evaluation of oil content and Fatty acid composition in seeds of different genotypes of Safflower. International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research 2: 59-66.
  • Zafaranieh, M. 2015. Effect of various combinations of safflower and chickpea intercropping on yield and yield components of safflower. Agriculture Science Developments 4: 31-34.
  • Zhang, L., W.V.D. Werf, L. Bastiaans, S. Zhang, B. Li and J.H.J. Spiert. 2008. Light interception and utilization in relay intercrops of wheat and cotton. Field Crops Research 107: 29-42.
Year 2018, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 117 - 126, 15.12.2018



  • Abdelkader, M.A.I. and E.H.A Hamad. 2015. Evaluation of productivity and competition indices of safflower and fenugreek as affected by intercropping pattern and foliar fertilization rate. Middle East J Agriculture Research 4(4): 956-966.
  • Abou-Khadrah, S.H., A.A.E. Mohamed, N.R. Gerges and Z.M. Diab. 2000. Response of four sunflower hybrids in low nitrogen fertilizer levels of phosphor in bio-fertilizer. Journal of Agricultural Research. Tanta University 28:105-118.
  • Akbari, P., A. Ghalavand, A.M. Modares Sanavy, M. Agha Alikhani and A.M. Shoghi Kalkhoran. 2011. Comparison of different nutritional levels and the effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on the grain yield and quality of sunflower. Australian Journal of Crop Sciences 5:1570-1576.
  • AOAC. 1960. Official method of analysis of association of official agricultural chemists, Washington D.C., pp. 15-16 (9th Ed.).
  • AOCS. 1993. Official methods and recommended practices. The American oil chemist’s society champaign.
  • Arslan, B. 2007. The determination of oil content and fatty acid composition of domestic and exotic safflower genotypes and their relationship. Journal of Agronomy 6: 415-420.
  • Banik, P., T. Sasmal, P.K. Ghosal and D.K. Bagchi. 2000. Evaluation of Mustard (Brassica compestris var. Toria) and legume intercropping under 1:1 and 2:1 row-replacement series systems. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 185: 9-14.
  • Banik, P. 1996. Evaluation of wheat and legume intercropping under 1:1 and 2:1 row-replacement series system. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 176: 289-294.
  • Cosge, B., B. Gurbuz and M. Kiralan. 2007. Oil content and fatty acid composition of some Safflower varieties sown in spring and winter. International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences 1: 11-15.
  • Dhima, K.V., A.A. Lithourgidis, I.B. Vasilakoglou and C.A. Dordas. 2007. Competition indices of common vetch and cereal intercrops in two seeding ratio. Field Crop Research 100: 249-256.
  • FAO. 2017. Production year book.
  • Farnia, A. and M. Moayedi. 2014. Effect of phosphate and nitrogen bio-fertilizers on yield, yield components, oil and protein in sunflower. Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences 3: 110-117.
  • Fuente, E. B., S. A. Suarez, A. E. Lenardis and S. L. Poggio. 2014. Intercropping sunflower and soybean in intensive farming systems: Evaluating yield advantage and effect on weed and insect assemblages. NJAS - Wageningen J. Life Science 70: 47-52.
  • Gao, J., K.D. Thelen, D.H. Min, S. Smith, X. Hao and R. Gehl. 2010. Effects of manure and fertilizer applications on canola oil content and fatty acid composition. Agronomy Journal 102: 790–797.
  • Jahansooz, M.R., I.A. Yunusa, D.R. Coventry, A.R. Palmer and D. Eamus. 2007. Radiation and water use associated with growth and yields of wheat and chickpea in sole and mixed crops. European Journal of Agronomy 26: 275-282.
  • Jalilian, J., S. Modarres-Sanavy, S.F. Saberali and K. Sadat-Asilan. 2012. Effects of the combination of beneficial microbes and nitrogen on sunflower seed yields and seed quality traits under different irrigation regimes. Field Crops Research Journal 127: 26-34.
  • Jalilian, J., A. Najafabadi and M. Zardashti. 2017. Intercropping systems and farming systems affect the yield and yield components of safflower and bitter vetch. Journal of Plant Interactions 12: 92-99.
  • Knowles, P.F. 1989. Safflower. In: Oil crops of the world (ed. Robbelen, G., R. K. Dowoney and A. Ashri), pp. 363-374. MCGraw – Hill, NewYork.
  • Kopke, U and T. Nemecek. 2010. Ecological services of faba bean. Field Crops Research 115: 217-233.
  • Krol, B. and T. Paszko. 2017. Harvest date as a factor affecting crop yield, oil content and fatty acid composition of the seeds of calendula cultivars. Industrial Crops and Products 97: 242-251.
  • Kumar, V. 1994. Nitrogen economy in Indian mustard through use of Azotobacter chroococcum. Crops Research 8: 449-452.
  • Lajara, J.R., U. Diaz and Q. Diaz. 1990. Definite influence of localization and climatic conditions on fatty acid composition of sunflower seed oil. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 67: 618-623.
  • Layek, J., B. G. Shivakumar, D. S. Rana, S. Munda and K. Lakshman. 2015. Effect of nitrogen fertilization on yield, intercropping indices and produce quality of different soybean (Glycine max) + cereal intercropping systems. Indian Journal of Agronomy 60: 230-235.
  • Luis, R., M.J. Silva, J. Pereira, V. Encarna, F. González-Andrés and B. Andrade. 2013. Inoculation with Bradyrhizobium japonicum enhances the organic and fatty acids content of soybean seeds. Food Chemistry 141: 3636-3648.
  • Manjith Kumar, B.R., M. Chidenand, P.M. Mansur and S.C. Salimath. 2009. Influence of different row proportions on yield components and yield of rabi crops under different intercropping systems. Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22: 1087-1089.
  • Mirzaei, A. and S. Vazan. 2013. Study the effect of drought stress chemical fertilizer and bio-fertilizer on seed yield and important agronomic of safflower. International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences 6: 968-974.
  • Mirzakhani, M., M.R. Ardakani, A. Aeene band, F. Rejali and A.H. Shirani Rad. 2009. Response of spring safflower to co-inoculation with Azotobacter chroococum and Glomus intraradices under different levels of nitrogen and phosphourus. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 4: 255-261.
  • Mohsennia, O. and J. Jalilian. 2012. Response of safflower seed quality characteristics to different soil fertility systems and irrigation disruption. International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences 3: 968-976.
  • Narula, N., V. Kumar, R. Behl, A. Deubel, A. Gransee and W. Merbach. 2000. Effect of p solubilizing on N, P, K uptake in p- responsive wheat genotypes grown under greenhouse condition. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 163: 393-398.
  • Oelbermann, M. and L. Echarte. 2011. Evaluating soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in recently established maize/soybean intercropping systems. European Journal of Soil Science 62: 35-41.
  • Pritchard, F.M., H.A. Eagles, R.M. Norton, S.A. Salisbury and M. Nicolas. 2000. Environmental effects on seed composition of Victorian canola. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 40: 679-685.
  • Purdy, R.H. 1985. Oxidative stability of high oleic sunflower and safflower oils. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 62: 523-525.
  • Raei, Y., W. Weisany, K. Ghassemi-Golezani and S.H. Torabian. 2015. Effects of additive intercropping on field performance of potato and green bean at different densities. Biological Forum - An International Journal 7: 534-540.
  • Raei, Y., A. Bagheri-Pirouz, J. Shafagh-Kolvanagh, S. Nasrollahzadeh and P. Aghaei-Gharachorlou. 2017. Effect of chemical and bio nitrogen fertilizer on yield and yield components of soybean under intercropping with maize. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences 10: 90-96.
  • Sabzalian, M.R., G. Saeidi and A. Mirlohi. 2008. Oil content and fatty acid composition in seeds of three safflower species. Euphytica 85: 717-721.
  • Seyed Sharifi, R. 2012. Study of nitrogen rates effects and seed bio priming with PGPR on quantitative and qualitative yield of Safflower. Technical Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2: 162-166.
  • Seyed Sharifi, R. 2016. Application of biofertilizers and zinc increases yield, nodulation and unsaturated fatty acids of soybean. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture 103: 251-258.
  • Seyed Sharif, R., A. Namvar and R. Seyed Sharifi. 2017. Grain filling and fatty acid composition of safflower fertilized with integrated nitrogen fertilizer and biofertilizers. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 52: 236-243.
  • Shehata, M.M and S.A. EL-Khawas. 2003. Effect of two biofertilizers on growth parameters, yield characters, nitrogenous components, nucleic acids content, minerals, oil content, protein profiles and DNA banding pattern of sunflower yield. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 6: 1257-1268.
  • Singh Rajesh, K., H. Kumar and K. Singh Amitesh. 2010. Brassica based intercropping systems - A Review. Journal of Agricultural Science 31: 6- 11.
  • Soleymanifard, A and S.A. Siadat. 2011. Effect of inoculation with bio-fertilizer in different nitrogen levels on yield and yields components of safflower under dry land conditions. American Eurasian Journal of Agriculture and Enviromental Sciences 11: 473-477.
  • Timmusk, S., B. Nicander, U. Granhall and E. Tillberg. 1999. Cytokinin production by Paenibacillus polymyxa. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 31: 1847-1852.
  • Tsubo, M., S. Walker and H.O. Ogindo. 2005. A simulation model of cereal – legume intercropping systems for semi-arid regions. Field Crops Research 93(1): 23-33.
  • Vandermeer, J.H. 1989. The ecology of intercropping. Cambridge University Press, UK.
  • Velasco, L and J.M. Fernandez- Martinez. 2001. Breeding for oil quality in safflower. Proceedings of the 5th International Safflower Conference. Williston, North Dakota and Sidney, USA 133-137.
  • Vosoughkia, M., L. Hossainchi Ghareaghag, M. Ghavami, M. Gharachorloo and B. Delkhosh. 2011. Evaluation of oil content and Fatty acid composition in seeds of different genotypes of Safflower. International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research 2: 59-66.
  • Zafaranieh, M. 2015. Effect of various combinations of safflower and chickpea intercropping on yield and yield components of safflower. Agriculture Science Developments 4: 31-34.
  • Zhang, L., W.V.D. Werf, L. Bastiaans, S. Zhang, B. Li and J.H.J. Spiert. 2008. Light interception and utilization in relay intercrops of wheat and cotton. Field Crops Research 107: 29-42.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Mahmoodreza Saeıdı This is me

Yaghoub Raeı This is me

Rouhollah Amını This is me

Akbar Taghızadeh This is me

Bahman Pasban-eslam This is me

Publication Date December 15, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 23 Issue: 2


APA Saeıdı, M., Raeı, Y., Amını, R., Taghızadeh, A., et al. (2018). CHANGES IN FATTY ACID AND PROTEIN OF SAFFLOWER AS RESPONSE TO BIOFERTILIZERS AND CROPPING SYSTEM. Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 23(2), 117-126.

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