Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 187 - 194, 15.12.2018


The experiment was conducted in the experimental fields of at Alasehir district of Manisa province in western Turkey in 2016 and 2017, aiming to determine the adaptability of new maize cultivars for grain production as main crop under Mediterranean ecological conditions. Kayras, Kalends, Kebeos, Keidas, Inove, Performer, Hydro, Pioneer 2088, Pioneer-31-D-24, Pioneer 2105, LG 30600, LG Indaco, LG 30692, BC 678, C-955 and Valbom were tested. Significant differences were detected among the varieties in terms of plant height, first ear height, number of leaves per plant, stem diameter, ear length, ear diameter, number of kernels per ear, 1000 kernel weight, grain yield and crude protein traits. The average value of plant height of maize cultivars varied between 216.03 and 262.45 cm and first ear height 82.70 and 105.48 cm; number of leaves per plant 11.50 and 14.65; stem diameter between 19.0 and 24.1 mm; ear length between 19.33 and 23.06 cm; ear diameter 38.0 to 52.4 mm; number of kernels per ear 314.05 and 563.11; 1000 kernel weight 295.06 and 406.03 g; grain yield 9020.6 kg ha-1 and 12243.0 kg ha-1 and crude protein content between 8.72 and 14.24 %. In conclusion, cv. Pioneer-2105 and cv. Performer were superior than the other cultivars with regard to yield and 1000 kernel weight traits.


  • Abendroth, L.J., R.W. Elmore, M.J. Boyer and S.K. Marlay. 2011. Corn growth and development. PMR 1009. Iowa State University Extension, Ames, Iowa.
  • Andrade, F.H., C. Vega, S. Uhart, A. Cirilo, M. Cantarero and O. Valentinuz. 1999. Kernel number determination in maize. Crop Sci. 39:453-459.
  • Anonymous, 2018. Meteorological data for Alasehir-Manisa. The Turkish State Meteorological Service. 2016-2017 and long term. Allard, R.W. 1999. Principles of plant breeding. Second Edition. JohnWiley and Sons. New York. pp. 102-104.
  • Babaoglu, M. 2003. Comparative Evaluation Of Maize (Zea mays L.) Genotypes Having Different Origins In Terms Of Some Agronomical and Quality Characteristics. Unpublished Ph. D.Thesis. Univ. of Trakya, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Dept. of Field Crops.p:110-120.
  • Budak, B., H. Soya and R. Avcioglu. 2014. An investigation on the grain yield and some characteristics of some maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars grown as second crop in different locations of Izmir Province. Anadolu J of AARI 24(1):21-28 (in Turkish).
  • Caglar, H., O. Erekul and A. Yigit. 2017. Determination of yield and amino acid content of corn varieties grown at different locations. ADU, J. of Agric. 14(1):65-70 (in Turkish).
  • Cicchino, M., J.I. Rattalion Edreira, M. Uribelarrea and M.E. Otegui. 2010. Heat stress in field-grown maize: Response of physiological determinants of grain yield. Crop Sci. 50:1438-1448.
  • Demir, E. and O. Konuskan. 2016. Determination of performances of some dent corn genotypes in Cukurova conditions. Suleyman Demirel Univ. J. of Agric. Fac. 11(2): 11-20 (in Turkish).
  • Eck, H.V. 1986. Effects of water deficits on yield, yield components, and water use efficiency of irrigated corn. Agron. J. 78: 1035-1040.
  • Freed, R., S.P. Einensmith, S. Guets, D. Reicosky, V.W. Smail and P. Wolberg. 1989. User’s Guide to MSTAT-C, An Analysis of Agronomic Research Experiments. Michigan State Univ. USA.
  • Harder, D., R.E. Carlson and R.H. Shaw. 1982. Yield and yield components and nutrient content of corn grain as influenced by post-silking moisture stress. Agron. J. 74:275-278.
  • Hu, Q., and G. Buyanovsky. 2003. Climate Effects on Corn Yield in Missouri. J. Appl. Meteorol. 42:1626-1635.
  • Idikut, L. and S.N. Kara. 2013. Determination of some yield components with green starch ratios of second crop corn for grain growing.KSU, J. Nat. Sci. 16(1):8-15 (in Turkish).
  • Jones, R.J., S. Ouattar and R.K. Crookston. 1984. Thermal environment during endosperm cell division and grain filling in maize: effects on kernel growth and development in vitro. Crop Sci. 24: 133-137.
  • Karasahin, M. and B. Sade. 2012. Effects of maturity groups on grain yield and other yield components of hybrid corn varieties (Zea mays L. indentata). Selcuk Univ. J. Selcuk Agric. and Food Sci. 26(2):12-17. ISSN:1309-0550 (in Turkish).
  • Karakuyu, M. and A. Ozcaglar. 2005. Agricultural Structure of Alasehir Sub-province and Suggestions for Planning J. of Geographical Sciences 3(2): 1-17.
  • Keskin, B., H. Akdeniz, I.H. Yılmaz and N. Turan. 2005. Yield and quality of forage corn(Zea mays L.) as influenced by cultivar and nitrogen rate. Asian Network for Scientific Information. J. of Agron. 4(2): 138-141.
  • Kirtok, Y. 1998. Production and use of corn. Kocaoluk Printing House, Istanbul (in Turkish).
  • Koca, Y.O., I. Turgut and O. Erekul. 2010. The determination of performance at the first and second crop productions in maize grain cultivation. Ege Univ., J. of Agric. Fac. 47(2): 181-190 (in Turkish).
  • Koca, Y.O. and O. Erekul. 2011. The determination of performance of some hybrid corn varieties. ADU, J. of Agric. 8(2): 41-45 (in Turkish).
  • Kokten, K. and M. Akcura. 2017. Performances of hybrid dent maize cultivars in Bingol conditions. Suleyman Demirel Univ. J. of Natural and Applied Sci. 21(1): 261-265.
  • Kun, E. 1985. Temperate climate cereals. Ankara Univ, Faculty of Agric. No: 953. pp:141-206 (in Turkish).
  • Kusaksiz, T. 2010. Adaptability of some new maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars for silage production as main crop in Mediterranean environment. Turkish J. of Field Crops 15: 193-197.
  • Kusvuran, A. and R.I. Nazli. 2014. Determination of grain maize properties of some maize(Zea mays L.) cultivars under middle Kizilirmak Basin ecological conditions. YYU J. Agric. Sci. 24(3): 233-240 (in Turkish).
  • Mayer, L.I., R. Savin and G. A. Maddonni. 2016. Heat stress during grain filling modifies kernel protein composition in field-grown maize. Crop Sci. 56(4): 1890-1903.
  • Milander, Jeremy J. 2015. Maize Yield and Components as Influenced by Environment and Agronomic Management. Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln. Dept. of Agronomy and Horticulture. M. Sci Thesis, Dissertations, and Student Research in Agronomy and Horticulture. 86.
  • Moser, S.B., B. Feil, S. Jampatong and P. Stamp. 2006. Effects of pre-anthesis drought, nitrogen fertilizer rate, and variety on grain yield, yield components, and harvest index of tropical maize. Agric. Water Management. 81: 41-58.
  • Novacek, M.J., S.C. Mason, T.D. Galusha and M. Yaseen. 2013. Twin rows minimally impact irrigated maize yield, morphology, and lodging. Agron. J. 105:268-276.
  • Oktem, A. and A.G. Oktem. 2009. Determination of performances of some hybrid dent corn (Zea mays L. indentata) genotypes under Harran plain conditions. Harran Univ. J. Agric. Fac. 13(2): 49-58 (in Turkish).
  • Oktem, A. and A. Toprak. 2013. Determination of yield and some morphological characteristics of some dent corn genotypes (Zea mays L. indentata) under Cukurova conditions. Harran Univ. J. Agric. Fac. 17(4): 15-24 (in Turkish).
  • Okursoy, H. 2009. Determination Of Water Production Functions Of Secondary Crop Maize Under Different Irrigation Methods In Trakya Conditions. Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis. Univ. of Namık Kemal, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Dept. of Farm Structure and Irrigations. p:123-126.
  • Oner, F., I. Sezer and A. Gulumser. 2012. Comparison of dent corn (Zea mays L. indentata) varieties and lines grown in different locations in terms of agronomic traits. Tekirdag Univ, J. of Agric. Faculty. 9(2): 1-6.
  • Oylukan, S. and H. Gungor.1975. Water consumption of corn in Central Anatolia. Eskisehir Region Soil Water Research Inst. No: 129, Report Series No: 88, Eskisehir.
  • Ozata, E., H.H. Gecit, A. Oz and S. Unverikincikarakaya. 2013. Determination of performance of some candidate dent corn under main crop conditions. Igdir Univ. J. Inst. of Sci. and Tech. 3(1): 91-98 (in Turkish).
  • Pandey, R.K., J.W. Maranville, and A. Admou. 2000. Deficit irrigation and nitrogen effects on maize in a Sahelian environment. I. Grain yield and yield components. Agric. Water Management. 46: 1-13.
  • Saruhan, V., I. Gul and C. Akinci. 2007. A study of adaptation of some corn cultivars as grown second crop. ISSN 1682-3974. Asian J. of Plant Sci. 6 (2): 326-331.
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. 2nd Ed., McGraw Hill Inc., New York, USA. pp.20-90. TTSM. 2018. National Variety List. (Access date:12.09.2018)
  • TUIK. 2018. Crop Production Statistics for Turkey. (Access date:12.09.2018)
  • Yilmaz, N. and E. Han. 2016. The determination of grain yield and yield components of some maize cultivars under Giresun ecological conditions. Igdir Univ. J. Inst. of Sci. and Tech. 6(3): 171-176 (in Turkish).
  • Yolcu, H. and M. Tan. 2008. General view to Turkey forage crops cultivation. Univ. of Ankara. J. Agric. Sci.14(3): 303- 312.
Year 2018, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 187 - 194, 15.12.2018



  • Abendroth, L.J., R.W. Elmore, M.J. Boyer and S.K. Marlay. 2011. Corn growth and development. PMR 1009. Iowa State University Extension, Ames, Iowa.
  • Andrade, F.H., C. Vega, S. Uhart, A. Cirilo, M. Cantarero and O. Valentinuz. 1999. Kernel number determination in maize. Crop Sci. 39:453-459.
  • Anonymous, 2018. Meteorological data for Alasehir-Manisa. The Turkish State Meteorological Service. 2016-2017 and long term. Allard, R.W. 1999. Principles of plant breeding. Second Edition. JohnWiley and Sons. New York. pp. 102-104.
  • Babaoglu, M. 2003. Comparative Evaluation Of Maize (Zea mays L.) Genotypes Having Different Origins In Terms Of Some Agronomical and Quality Characteristics. Unpublished Ph. D.Thesis. Univ. of Trakya, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Dept. of Field Crops.p:110-120.
  • Budak, B., H. Soya and R. Avcioglu. 2014. An investigation on the grain yield and some characteristics of some maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars grown as second crop in different locations of Izmir Province. Anadolu J of AARI 24(1):21-28 (in Turkish).
  • Caglar, H., O. Erekul and A. Yigit. 2017. Determination of yield and amino acid content of corn varieties grown at different locations. ADU, J. of Agric. 14(1):65-70 (in Turkish).
  • Cicchino, M., J.I. Rattalion Edreira, M. Uribelarrea and M.E. Otegui. 2010. Heat stress in field-grown maize: Response of physiological determinants of grain yield. Crop Sci. 50:1438-1448.
  • Demir, E. and O. Konuskan. 2016. Determination of performances of some dent corn genotypes in Cukurova conditions. Suleyman Demirel Univ. J. of Agric. Fac. 11(2): 11-20 (in Turkish).
  • Eck, H.V. 1986. Effects of water deficits on yield, yield components, and water use efficiency of irrigated corn. Agron. J. 78: 1035-1040.
  • Freed, R., S.P. Einensmith, S. Guets, D. Reicosky, V.W. Smail and P. Wolberg. 1989. User’s Guide to MSTAT-C, An Analysis of Agronomic Research Experiments. Michigan State Univ. USA.
  • Harder, D., R.E. Carlson and R.H. Shaw. 1982. Yield and yield components and nutrient content of corn grain as influenced by post-silking moisture stress. Agron. J. 74:275-278.
  • Hu, Q., and G. Buyanovsky. 2003. Climate Effects on Corn Yield in Missouri. J. Appl. Meteorol. 42:1626-1635.
  • Idikut, L. and S.N. Kara. 2013. Determination of some yield components with green starch ratios of second crop corn for grain growing.KSU, J. Nat. Sci. 16(1):8-15 (in Turkish).
  • Jones, R.J., S. Ouattar and R.K. Crookston. 1984. Thermal environment during endosperm cell division and grain filling in maize: effects on kernel growth and development in vitro. Crop Sci. 24: 133-137.
  • Karasahin, M. and B. Sade. 2012. Effects of maturity groups on grain yield and other yield components of hybrid corn varieties (Zea mays L. indentata). Selcuk Univ. J. Selcuk Agric. and Food Sci. 26(2):12-17. ISSN:1309-0550 (in Turkish).
  • Karakuyu, M. and A. Ozcaglar. 2005. Agricultural Structure of Alasehir Sub-province and Suggestions for Planning J. of Geographical Sciences 3(2): 1-17.
  • Keskin, B., H. Akdeniz, I.H. Yılmaz and N. Turan. 2005. Yield and quality of forage corn(Zea mays L.) as influenced by cultivar and nitrogen rate. Asian Network for Scientific Information. J. of Agron. 4(2): 138-141.
  • Kirtok, Y. 1998. Production and use of corn. Kocaoluk Printing House, Istanbul (in Turkish).
  • Koca, Y.O., I. Turgut and O. Erekul. 2010. The determination of performance at the first and second crop productions in maize grain cultivation. Ege Univ., J. of Agric. Fac. 47(2): 181-190 (in Turkish).
  • Koca, Y.O. and O. Erekul. 2011. The determination of performance of some hybrid corn varieties. ADU, J. of Agric. 8(2): 41-45 (in Turkish).
  • Kokten, K. and M. Akcura. 2017. Performances of hybrid dent maize cultivars in Bingol conditions. Suleyman Demirel Univ. J. of Natural and Applied Sci. 21(1): 261-265.
  • Kun, E. 1985. Temperate climate cereals. Ankara Univ, Faculty of Agric. No: 953. pp:141-206 (in Turkish).
  • Kusaksiz, T. 2010. Adaptability of some new maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars for silage production as main crop in Mediterranean environment. Turkish J. of Field Crops 15: 193-197.
  • Kusvuran, A. and R.I. Nazli. 2014. Determination of grain maize properties of some maize(Zea mays L.) cultivars under middle Kizilirmak Basin ecological conditions. YYU J. Agric. Sci. 24(3): 233-240 (in Turkish).
  • Mayer, L.I., R. Savin and G. A. Maddonni. 2016. Heat stress during grain filling modifies kernel protein composition in field-grown maize. Crop Sci. 56(4): 1890-1903.
  • Milander, Jeremy J. 2015. Maize Yield and Components as Influenced by Environment and Agronomic Management. Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln. Dept. of Agronomy and Horticulture. M. Sci Thesis, Dissertations, and Student Research in Agronomy and Horticulture. 86.
  • Moser, S.B., B. Feil, S. Jampatong and P. Stamp. 2006. Effects of pre-anthesis drought, nitrogen fertilizer rate, and variety on grain yield, yield components, and harvest index of tropical maize. Agric. Water Management. 81: 41-58.
  • Novacek, M.J., S.C. Mason, T.D. Galusha and M. Yaseen. 2013. Twin rows minimally impact irrigated maize yield, morphology, and lodging. Agron. J. 105:268-276.
  • Oktem, A. and A.G. Oktem. 2009. Determination of performances of some hybrid dent corn (Zea mays L. indentata) genotypes under Harran plain conditions. Harran Univ. J. Agric. Fac. 13(2): 49-58 (in Turkish).
  • Oktem, A. and A. Toprak. 2013. Determination of yield and some morphological characteristics of some dent corn genotypes (Zea mays L. indentata) under Cukurova conditions. Harran Univ. J. Agric. Fac. 17(4): 15-24 (in Turkish).
  • Okursoy, H. 2009. Determination Of Water Production Functions Of Secondary Crop Maize Under Different Irrigation Methods In Trakya Conditions. Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis. Univ. of Namık Kemal, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Dept. of Farm Structure and Irrigations. p:123-126.
  • Oner, F., I. Sezer and A. Gulumser. 2012. Comparison of dent corn (Zea mays L. indentata) varieties and lines grown in different locations in terms of agronomic traits. Tekirdag Univ, J. of Agric. Faculty. 9(2): 1-6.
  • Oylukan, S. and H. Gungor.1975. Water consumption of corn in Central Anatolia. Eskisehir Region Soil Water Research Inst. No: 129, Report Series No: 88, Eskisehir.
  • Ozata, E., H.H. Gecit, A. Oz and S. Unverikincikarakaya. 2013. Determination of performance of some candidate dent corn under main crop conditions. Igdir Univ. J. Inst. of Sci. and Tech. 3(1): 91-98 (in Turkish).
  • Pandey, R.K., J.W. Maranville, and A. Admou. 2000. Deficit irrigation and nitrogen effects on maize in a Sahelian environment. I. Grain yield and yield components. Agric. Water Management. 46: 1-13.
  • Saruhan, V., I. Gul and C. Akinci. 2007. A study of adaptation of some corn cultivars as grown second crop. ISSN 1682-3974. Asian J. of Plant Sci. 6 (2): 326-331.
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. 2nd Ed., McGraw Hill Inc., New York, USA. pp.20-90. TTSM. 2018. National Variety List. (Access date:12.09.2018)
  • TUIK. 2018. Crop Production Statistics for Turkey. (Access date:12.09.2018)
  • Yilmaz, N. and E. Han. 2016. The determination of grain yield and yield components of some maize cultivars under Giresun ecological conditions. Igdir Univ. J. Inst. of Sci. and Tech. 6(3): 171-176 (in Turkish).
  • Yolcu, H. and M. Tan. 2008. General view to Turkey forage crops cultivation. Univ. of Ankara. J. Agric. Sci.14(3): 303- 312.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Tamer Kusaksız This is me

Esen Kutlu Kusaksız This is me

Publication Date December 15, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 23 Issue: 2


APA Kusaksız, T., & Kusaksız, E. K. (2018). THE PERFORMANCES OF SOME NEW DENT MAIZE (Zea mays L.) CULTIVARS GROWN AS MAIN CROP IN A MEDITERRANEAN ENVIRONMENT. Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 23(2), 187-194.

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