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Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 24 Issue: 1, 46 - 53, 14.06.2019


Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are organisms that cause to enhance the resistance of having fungi to water stress. To survey the effects of various levels of water deficit and two kinds of mycorrhizal fungi on quantitative and qualitative traits of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) cultivars, an experimental using factorial-split plot design was carried out with three replications in the research field of Agricultural Research Center, West-Azerbaijan in 2015 and 2016 cropping seasons. The main plots (factor A and B) included different levels of irrigation; normal irrigation (irrigation after 70 mm evaporation of crop (ETc)), moderate water stress (irrigation after 90 mm ETc) and severe water stress (irrigation after 110 mm ETc) and factor B included three levels: two kinds of mycorrhizal fungi Funneliformis mosseae, Rhizophagus intraradices and non-inoculated (control). Sub plots (factor C) consisted of eight commercial cultivars of sesame named "single branch Naz", "several branches Naz", "Dashtestan 5", "Dashtestan 2", "Darab 2", "Darab 14", "Halil" and "Pal". Mean comparison of 2-yr showed that with enhancing severity of water deficit, all studied traits decreased. Severe water stress reduced seed yield, oil yield, protein yield and biological yield about 64, 65, 62 and 40 percent, respectively. Using two kinds of mycorrhizal fungi F. mosseae, R. intraradices compared to non-inoculated (control) traits quantitative and qualitative traits increased. Also in three different irrigation conditions, "Darab 2" and "Darab 14" were superior commercial cultivars. To improve quantitative and qualitative traits of sesame, use of mycorrhizal fungi, especially F. mosseae was found to be recommendable.

Supporting Institution

Iran National Science Foundation (INSF)

Project Number



The authors appreciate financial supports provided by Iran National Science Foundation (INSF) (Project no. 93014474).


  • Aslani, Z., A. Hassani, M. Rasooli Sadaghiyani, F. Sefidkon and M. Barin. 2011. Effect of two fungi species of arbuscular mycorrhizal (Glomus mosseae and Glomus intraradices) on growth, chlorophyll contents and P concentration in Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under drought stress conditions. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 27: 471- 486
  • Association Official Analytical Chemists. 1990. Official Method of Analysis. Washington, DC, USA.
  • Bahrami, H., J. Razmjoo and A. Ostadi Jafari. 2012. Effect of drought stress on germination and seedling growth of sesame cultivars (Sesamum indicum L.). Int. J. Agr. Sci. 2: 423-428.
  • Chamberlain, A.R. 1952. Measuring water in small channels with WSC flume. Agric. Exp. Stn. Circ. 200. State College of Washington, Pullman.
  • Cho, K., H. Toler, J. Lee, B. Ownely, J.C. Stutz, J.L. Moore and R.M. Auge. 2006. Mycorrhizal symbiosis and response of sorghum plants to combined drought and salinity stresses. J. Plant Physiol. 163: 517-528.
  • Davoodi Fard, M., H. Paknezhad, F. Fazeli and P. Farahani Pad. 2011. Effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and foliar application of amino acids and silicic acid on antioxidant enzyme activity of wheat under drought stress. Iranian Journal of Agronomy and Plant Breeding 6: 11-36.
  • Dhopte, A.M. and L.M. Manuel. 2002. Principles and techniques for plant scientists. 1st Edn., Updesh Purohit for Agribios (India), Odhpur, IBSN: 81-7754-116-1, pp: 373.
  • Diouf, M., S. Boureima and T. Diop, et al. 2010. Gamma raysinduced mutant spectrum and frequency in sesame. Turk. J. Field Crops. 15(1): 99-105.
  • Fagria, N.K. 1995. Increasing yield of crops. Translated by: Hashemi Dezfoli, S.A. and A. Kocheki. Mashhad University Press. 287 pages.
  • Fanaee, H., M. Naroee Rad and M. Mohammad Ghasemi. 2014. Evaluation of seed yield, yield components and tolerance to drought stress of spring canola genotypes. Seed and Plant. 30: 269-287.
  • FAO. 2016. Yearbook production. FAO Pub. Rome, Itlay.
  • Ganji Arjenaki, F., R. Jabbari and A. Morshedi. 2012. Evaluation of drought stress on relative water content, chlorophyll content and mineral elements of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties. Int. J. Agric. Crop Sci. 4: 726-729.
  • Gholinezhad, E., A. Ayneband, A. Hassanzadeh Ghorttapeh, Gh. Noormohammadi and I. Bernousi. 2010. Effect of irrigation regimen on water and nitrogen use efficiency of Var. Iroflor sunflower in different amounts of nitrogen and plant density in Urmia. J. Agric. Sci. 20: 24-75.
  • Gholinezhad, E., A. Ayneband, A. Hassanzadeh Ghorttapeh, I. Bernousi and H. Rezaei. 2009. Evaluation of effect of drought stress with nitrogen levels and plant density on seed yield and yield components and harvest index of Var. Iroflor sunflower in Urmia. J. Plant Prod. Res. 16: 1-28.
  • Habibzadeh, Y., A. Pirzad, M.R. Zardashtai, J. Jalilian and O. Eini. 2012. Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on seed and protein yield under water–deficit stress in Mung Bean. Agron. J. 105: 79-84.
  • Haghighatnia, H., H. Nadian, F. Rejali and F. Tavakoli. 2012. Effect of two species of arbuscular-mycorrhizal fungi on vegetative growth and phosphorous uptake of Mexican lime rootstock (Citrus aurantifolia) under drought stress conditions. Seed and Plant. 2: 403-417.
  • Heidari, M., M. Galavi and M. Hassani. 2011. Effect of sulfur and iron fertilizers on yield, yield components and nutrient uptake in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) under water stress. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 10: 816-8822.
  • Jamshidi, A., A. Ghalavand, M.J. Zare and F.A.R. Jamshidi. 2009. Effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza on yield, yield components and properties of sunflower in drought conditions (Helianthus annuus L.). Iranian Journal of Crop Science. 11: 136-150.
  • Ladjal, M., R. Huc and M. Ducrey. 2005. Drought effects on hydraulic conductivity and xylem vulnerability to embolism in diverse species and provenances of Mediterranean cedars. Tree Physiol. 25: 1109-1117.
  • Mehrabi, Z. and P. Ehsanzadeh. 2011. A study on physiological attributes and seed yield of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) cultivars under different soil moisture regimes. J. Crops Improv. 13: 75-88.
  • Mensah, J.K., B.O. Obadoni, P. Eruotor and F. Onome-Trieguna. 2006. Simulated flooding and drought effects on germination, growth and yield parameters of sesame. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 13: 1249-1253.
  • Mugendi Njerua, E., G. Boccia, L. Aviob, C. Sbranab, A. Turrinic, M. Giovannettic and P. Bàrberiaa. 2017. Functional identity has a stronger effect than diversity on mycorrhizalsymbiosis and productivity of field grown organic tomato. Eur. J. Agron. 86: 1-11.
  • Phumichai, C., W. Matthayatthaworn and N. Chuenpom, et al. 2017. Identification of a scar marker linked to a shattering resistance trait in sesame. Turk. J. Field Crops. 22(2): 258- 265.
  • Raei, Y., J. Shariati and W. Weisany. 2015. Effect of biological fertilizers on seed oil, yield and yield components of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) at different irrigation levels. J. Agric. Sci. Suit. Prod. 25: 65-84.
  • Rahimzadeh, S. and A. Pirzad. 2017. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Pseudomonas in reduce drought stress damage in flax (Linum usitatissimum L.): a field study. Mycorrhiza. 27: 537-552.
  • Rejali, F., A. Alizadeh, M. Malakoti and S. Rastin. 2007. Effect of the association of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis on growth, yield and absorption of mineral elements in wheat under drought stress. J. Soil Water Sci. 21: 241-259.
  • Rezvani Moghaddam, P., M.B. Amiri and M. Seyyedi. 2014. Effect of organic and bio-fertilizers application on yield, oil content and fatty acids composition of sesame (Sesame indicum L.). Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences. 16: 209-221.
  • Sainz, M.J., M.T. Taboada-Castro and A. Vilarino. 1998. Growth, mineral and mycorrhizal colonization of red clover and cucumber plants grown in a soil amended with composted urban wastes. Plant Soil. 205: 85-92.
  • Sogut, T. 2009. Effect of main and second cropping on seed yield, oil and protein content of sesame genotypes. Turk. J. Field Crops. 14(2): 64-71.
  • Timajchi, M., A. Kashani, M.R. Ardakani, F. Rejali, M. Abbasian and M. Seyfi. 2010. Comparison of the nano, biological and chemical fungicides effect on the protein seed quantity and leaf nitrogen of corn (CV. Sc-704) with mycorrhiza symbiosis. 5th National Conference New Ideas in Agriculture, 17-18 Feb. 2010. Azad University of Khorasghan, Isfahan, Iran.
  • Xue-Guang, S. and T. Ming. 2012. Comparison of four routinely used methods for assessing root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Botany. 90: 1073-1083.
  • Yol, E., S. Furat and B. Uzun. 2013. Genetic control of purple plant color in sesame. Turk. J. Field Crops. 18(2): 229-232. Yol, E., C. Toker and B. Uzun. 2017. Inheritance of long and dense capsule characteristics in sesame. Turk. J. Field Crops. 22(1): 8-13.
Year 2019, Volume: 24 Issue: 1, 46 - 53, 14.06.2019


Project Number



  • Aslani, Z., A. Hassani, M. Rasooli Sadaghiyani, F. Sefidkon and M. Barin. 2011. Effect of two fungi species of arbuscular mycorrhizal (Glomus mosseae and Glomus intraradices) on growth, chlorophyll contents and P concentration in Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under drought stress conditions. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 27: 471- 486
  • Association Official Analytical Chemists. 1990. Official Method of Analysis. Washington, DC, USA.
  • Bahrami, H., J. Razmjoo and A. Ostadi Jafari. 2012. Effect of drought stress on germination and seedling growth of sesame cultivars (Sesamum indicum L.). Int. J. Agr. Sci. 2: 423-428.
  • Chamberlain, A.R. 1952. Measuring water in small channels with WSC flume. Agric. Exp. Stn. Circ. 200. State College of Washington, Pullman.
  • Cho, K., H. Toler, J. Lee, B. Ownely, J.C. Stutz, J.L. Moore and R.M. Auge. 2006. Mycorrhizal symbiosis and response of sorghum plants to combined drought and salinity stresses. J. Plant Physiol. 163: 517-528.
  • Davoodi Fard, M., H. Paknezhad, F. Fazeli and P. Farahani Pad. 2011. Effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and foliar application of amino acids and silicic acid on antioxidant enzyme activity of wheat under drought stress. Iranian Journal of Agronomy and Plant Breeding 6: 11-36.
  • Dhopte, A.M. and L.M. Manuel. 2002. Principles and techniques for plant scientists. 1st Edn., Updesh Purohit for Agribios (India), Odhpur, IBSN: 81-7754-116-1, pp: 373.
  • Diouf, M., S. Boureima and T. Diop, et al. 2010. Gamma raysinduced mutant spectrum and frequency in sesame. Turk. J. Field Crops. 15(1): 99-105.
  • Fagria, N.K. 1995. Increasing yield of crops. Translated by: Hashemi Dezfoli, S.A. and A. Kocheki. Mashhad University Press. 287 pages.
  • Fanaee, H., M. Naroee Rad and M. Mohammad Ghasemi. 2014. Evaluation of seed yield, yield components and tolerance to drought stress of spring canola genotypes. Seed and Plant. 30: 269-287.
  • FAO. 2016. Yearbook production. FAO Pub. Rome, Itlay.
  • Ganji Arjenaki, F., R. Jabbari and A. Morshedi. 2012. Evaluation of drought stress on relative water content, chlorophyll content and mineral elements of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties. Int. J. Agric. Crop Sci. 4: 726-729.
  • Gholinezhad, E., A. Ayneband, A. Hassanzadeh Ghorttapeh, Gh. Noormohammadi and I. Bernousi. 2010. Effect of irrigation regimen on water and nitrogen use efficiency of Var. Iroflor sunflower in different amounts of nitrogen and plant density in Urmia. J. Agric. Sci. 20: 24-75.
  • Gholinezhad, E., A. Ayneband, A. Hassanzadeh Ghorttapeh, I. Bernousi and H. Rezaei. 2009. Evaluation of effect of drought stress with nitrogen levels and plant density on seed yield and yield components and harvest index of Var. Iroflor sunflower in Urmia. J. Plant Prod. Res. 16: 1-28.
  • Habibzadeh, Y., A. Pirzad, M.R. Zardashtai, J. Jalilian and O. Eini. 2012. Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on seed and protein yield under water–deficit stress in Mung Bean. Agron. J. 105: 79-84.
  • Haghighatnia, H., H. Nadian, F. Rejali and F. Tavakoli. 2012. Effect of two species of arbuscular-mycorrhizal fungi on vegetative growth and phosphorous uptake of Mexican lime rootstock (Citrus aurantifolia) under drought stress conditions. Seed and Plant. 2: 403-417.
  • Heidari, M., M. Galavi and M. Hassani. 2011. Effect of sulfur and iron fertilizers on yield, yield components and nutrient uptake in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) under water stress. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 10: 816-8822.
  • Jamshidi, A., A. Ghalavand, M.J. Zare and F.A.R. Jamshidi. 2009. Effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza on yield, yield components and properties of sunflower in drought conditions (Helianthus annuus L.). Iranian Journal of Crop Science. 11: 136-150.
  • Ladjal, M., R. Huc and M. Ducrey. 2005. Drought effects on hydraulic conductivity and xylem vulnerability to embolism in diverse species and provenances of Mediterranean cedars. Tree Physiol. 25: 1109-1117.
  • Mehrabi, Z. and P. Ehsanzadeh. 2011. A study on physiological attributes and seed yield of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) cultivars under different soil moisture regimes. J. Crops Improv. 13: 75-88.
  • Mensah, J.K., B.O. Obadoni, P. Eruotor and F. Onome-Trieguna. 2006. Simulated flooding and drought effects on germination, growth and yield parameters of sesame. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 13: 1249-1253.
  • Mugendi Njerua, E., G. Boccia, L. Aviob, C. Sbranab, A. Turrinic, M. Giovannettic and P. Bàrberiaa. 2017. Functional identity has a stronger effect than diversity on mycorrhizalsymbiosis and productivity of field grown organic tomato. Eur. J. Agron. 86: 1-11.
  • Phumichai, C., W. Matthayatthaworn and N. Chuenpom, et al. 2017. Identification of a scar marker linked to a shattering resistance trait in sesame. Turk. J. Field Crops. 22(2): 258- 265.
  • Raei, Y., J. Shariati and W. Weisany. 2015. Effect of biological fertilizers on seed oil, yield and yield components of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) at different irrigation levels. J. Agric. Sci. Suit. Prod. 25: 65-84.
  • Rahimzadeh, S. and A. Pirzad. 2017. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Pseudomonas in reduce drought stress damage in flax (Linum usitatissimum L.): a field study. Mycorrhiza. 27: 537-552.
  • Rejali, F., A. Alizadeh, M. Malakoti and S. Rastin. 2007. Effect of the association of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis on growth, yield and absorption of mineral elements in wheat under drought stress. J. Soil Water Sci. 21: 241-259.
  • Rezvani Moghaddam, P., M.B. Amiri and M. Seyyedi. 2014. Effect of organic and bio-fertilizers application on yield, oil content and fatty acids composition of sesame (Sesame indicum L.). Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences. 16: 209-221.
  • Sainz, M.J., M.T. Taboada-Castro and A. Vilarino. 1998. Growth, mineral and mycorrhizal colonization of red clover and cucumber plants grown in a soil amended with composted urban wastes. Plant Soil. 205: 85-92.
  • Sogut, T. 2009. Effect of main and second cropping on seed yield, oil and protein content of sesame genotypes. Turk. J. Field Crops. 14(2): 64-71.
  • Timajchi, M., A. Kashani, M.R. Ardakani, F. Rejali, M. Abbasian and M. Seyfi. 2010. Comparison of the nano, biological and chemical fungicides effect on the protein seed quantity and leaf nitrogen of corn (CV. Sc-704) with mycorrhiza symbiosis. 5th National Conference New Ideas in Agriculture, 17-18 Feb. 2010. Azad University of Khorasghan, Isfahan, Iran.
  • Xue-Guang, S. and T. Ming. 2012. Comparison of four routinely used methods for assessing root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Botany. 90: 1073-1083.
  • Yol, E., S. Furat and B. Uzun. 2013. Genetic control of purple plant color in sesame. Turk. J. Field Crops. 18(2): 229-232. Yol, E., C. Toker and B. Uzun. 2017. Inheritance of long and dense capsule characteristics in sesame. Turk. J. Field Crops. 22(1): 8-13.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Esmaeil Gholınezhad This is me

Reza Darvıshzadeh This is me

Project Number 93014474
Publication Date June 14, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 24 Issue: 1


APA Gholınezhad, E., & Darvıshzadeh, R. (2019). EFFECT OF MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI ON SESAME PRODUCTIVITY UNDER WATER STRESS IN LOW-INPUT AGRICULTURE SYSTEM. Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 24(1), 46-53. https://doi.org/10.17557/tjfc.564087

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