Year 2019,
Volume: 24 Issue: 1, 98 - 105, 14.06.2019
Sedhom Abdelkhalık
Ding Mınglıang
Gu Jıan
Li Hongsheng
Armghan Shahzad
Muhammad Asım
Zhao Hong
Yang Mujun
This study was conducted to identify desirable wheat germplasm for superior hybrid cross combinations through
1) identifying the best parents with high combining ability (CA) and 2) estimating heterosis effects. Two thermophoto-sensitive-genic-male-sterile lines (K456s and K78s) as female parents and 60 restorer lines as males were
crossed according to line × tester hybridization method. The observed variation for most of the nine studied
characters and <1 ratio for general (G)/specific (S) CA suggested governance of non-additive gene action. The
GCA for K456s was higher than K78s in six out of nine characters, while restorers 2016Y2-2776 and 2016Y2-
4117 had the highest in five characters. The crosses K78s/R31 and K456s/R2 had highest positive SCA values
in five and six characters, respectively. The crosses K78s/R43 and K456s/R21 had the overall highest significant
positive heterosis estimates for the best cross with respect to yield plant-1and has the potential for utilization in
hybrid wheat breeding program.
Supporting Institution
The National Key Research and Development Program of China
Project Number
The financial support by The National Key Research
and Development Program of China (2016YFD0101603) is
gratefully acknowledged
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Year 2019,
Volume: 24 Issue: 1, 98 - 105, 14.06.2019
Sedhom Abdelkhalık
Ding Mınglıang
Gu Jıan
Li Hongsheng
Armghan Shahzad
Muhammad Asım
Zhao Hong
Yang Mujun
Project Number
- Anonymous. 1999. Agrobase 99. Agronomix Software, Inc.171
Waterloo St.Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA R3N 0S4.
- Anonymous. 2015. High yield of Yunnan hybrid wheat planted in
Vietnam, China. Yunnan Daily. Accessed on January 28,
2019 from
- Allard, A.M. 1960. Principles of Plant Breeding. Jhon Willy and
Sons. Inc. New York, U.S.A., p: 92.
- Fasahat, P., A. Rajabi, J.M. Rad and J. Derera. 2016. Principles
and utilization of combining ability in plant breeding. Biom.
Biostat. Int J. 4(1): 00085.
- Fisher, R.A. and F. Yates. 1967. Statistical Tables for Biological,
Agricultural and Medical Research, London Group Limited.
- Fonseca, S. and F.L. Patterson. 1968. Hybrid vigor in a sevenparent diallel crosses in common winter wheat (Triticum
aestivum L.). Crop Sci. 8: 85-88.
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Agriculture Research. John Wiley & Sons, New York: WileyInterscience.
Hochholdinger, F. and J.A. Baldauf. 2018. Heterosis in plants.
Current Biology. 28: 1089-1092.
- Istipliler, D., E. Ilker, F. A. Tonk, G. Civi and M. Tosun. 2015.
Line×tester analysis and estimating combining abilities for
yield and some yield components in bread wheat. Turk. J.
Field Crops. 20: 72-77.
- Jain, S.K. and E.V.D. Sastry. 2012. Heterosis and combining
ability for grain yield and its contributing traits in bread wheat
(Triticum aestivum L.). J. of Agric. and Allied Sci. 1:17-22.
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Quantitative Traits. Chapman and Hall, London.
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population of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Turk. J.
Field Crops. 22(2): 197-203.
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2008. Relationship between phenotypic and genetic diversity
of parental genotypes and the specific combining ability and
heterosis effects in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Euphytica.
165: 419-434.
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Cambridge Univ. Press, London, N. Y.
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Genetics and Exploitation of Heterosis and Crop Plants, eds.
Coors, J.G. and Stuab, J.E., Crop Science Society of America,
Madison, 99-118.
- Rasheda, A., M. Muneeb and A. Salam. 2014. Genetic
architecture of yield components accessed through line×tester
analysis in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Universal J. of Plant
Sci. 2(5): 93-96.
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analysis in basmati rice. Pakistan J. of Botany. 39(6): 2035-
- Saeed, A., M.A. Chowdhry, N. Saeed, I. Khalıq and M.Z. Johar.
2001. Line×tester analysis for some morpho-physiological
traits in bread wheat. Int. J. of Agric. & Biology. 3(4): 444-
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ability studies for yield and yield components in Basmati rice.
An Int. J. on Rice. 46(1): 12-16
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Quantitative Genetic Analysis Kalyani; Publisher New Delhi
Ludhiana lndia.
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thermo-sensitive male sterility on thermo-sensitive male
sterile wheat line A3314. Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 38(6):
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Statistics. 2nd edition. McGraw Hill Book Company Inc.,
New York.
- Tadesse, W.T., S. Inagaki, M.N. Picard, E. Picard and M. Baum.
2013. Methods and Applications of Doubled Haploid
Technology in Wheat Breeding. ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria. 36
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Estimates in Arachis hypogaea L. II. Field performance of F1
hybrids. Crop Sci. 10(6): 713-715.
- Zhao, C. 2013. Research and application of hybrid wheat in
China. Engineering Sci. 11(5): 19-21.