Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 57 - 65, 11.06.2020



  • Amaducci, S. and M. Colauzzi. 2016. Effect of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on the production of biogas from maize and sorghum in a water limited environment. European Journal of Agronomy. 76:54-65.
  • Andreev, N.G. 1989. Meadow and field fodder production. M:492-495.
  • Basaran U., Dogrusor C.M., E. Gulumser and H. Mut. 2017. Hay Yield and quality of intercropped sorghum-sudan grass hybrid and legumes with different seed ratio. Turk J. Field Crops. 22(1):47-53 DOI: 10.17557/tjfc.301834.
  • Blanco, A. 2016. Multidisciplinary study of chemical and biological factors related to Pb accumulation in sorghum crops grown in contaminated soils and their toxicological implications. Journal of Geochemical Exploration.166:18- 26.
  • Bondarenko, M.G. and V.I. Kopyrin. 1985. Optimal terms of Sudan grass sowing for feed. Bulletin of Agricultural Science of Kazakhstan. 12:38-39.
  • Clark, A. 2007. Managing cover crops profi tably. SARE Outreach: 240-244.
  • Cole, C.A., Kaiser, A.G., J.W. Piltz and S Harden. 1996. An evaluation of sorghums for silage production in northern New South Wales. Proceedings of the 3rd Australian Sorghum Conference, Tamworth, NSW. 93:127-139.
  • Fribourg, H.A. 1995. Summer annual grasses. Forages. I:463- 472.
  • Grigoriev, V.I. 1963. Cultivation of Sudan grass under the changed light mode. Research on plant physiology and biochemistry. 43:25-27.
  • Habyarimana, E., Bonardi, P., Laureti, D., di Bari, V., S. Cosentino and C. Lorenzoni. 2004. Multilocational valuation of biomass sorghum hybrids under two stand densities and variable water supply in Italy. Ind. Crops Prod. 20:3-9.
  • Kapustin, S.I. 2019. FSAOU. North Caucasus Federal University. 1:50-55
  • Kolomiec, N.Y., S.I Gorpinichenko and G.M. Yermolina. 1999.
  • Stepniachka grade of Sudan grass. Corn and sorghum. 5:17- 18.
  • Kshnyakin, W.A. and Y.U. Zozulin. 1984. Impact of sowing timing on Sudan grass yield in North Kulunda. Novosibirsk:138-144.
  • Lukmanova, F.H. 2019. Bashkortostan SRIA.3:20-25.
  • McIntosh, D.W. 2016. Forage harvest timing impact on biomass quality from native warm-season grass mixtures. Agronomy Journal. 108:1524-1530.
  • Nasiyev В.N, Zhanatalapov N.Zh, A.N. Yessenguzhina and R. Yeleshev. 2019. The use of sudan grass for the production of green fodder, hay and haylage in Western Kazakhstan. Ecology, Environment and Conservation. 25(2):295-302.
  • Nazli, R.I., Inal, A., V. Kusvuran and Tansi. 2014. Effects of different organic materials on forage production from sorghum x. sudangrass hybrid (Sorghum bicolor x Sorghum bicolor var. sudanense). Turk J. of Agricultural and Natural Sci. Special Issue: 2:2075-2082.
  • Nichiporovich, A.A. 1961. Photosynthetic plant activity in crops. M:50-85.
  • Novoselov, Yu.K., Kharkov, G.D. and N.S. Shevtsova. 1987. Methodological instructions conducting field experiments with feed crops. Moscow, All-Russian Research Institute of Feed named after V.R. Williams: 49-55.
  • Novoselov, Yu.K., Shpakov, A.S., Yartieva, J.A., Grigoriev, N.G. and G.A. Dedaev. 1989. Methodological recommendations on bioenergetic assessment of crop rotations and technologies for growing fodder cultures. Moscow, All-Russian Research Institute of Feed named after V.R. Williams: 50-55.
  • Oten, M. 2017. The Effects of different sowing time and harvesting height on hydrocyanic acid content in some silage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) varieties. Turk J. Field Crops. 22(2):211-217. DOI: 10.17557/tjfc.356224.
  • Puchkov, K.H. 1974. Features of Sudan grass development in pure form and in mixture with corn under irrigation conditions. Biological foundations of crop production. 54:55-59.
  • Sarrantonio, M. 1994. Northeast cover crop handbook. RodaleInstitute. 2:35-45.
  • Shatilov, I.S., Movsisyants, A.P. and I.A. Dranenko. 1981. Sudan grass. Moscow, Kolos: 52- 60.
  • Sliwinski, B. and F. Brzóska. 2008. Wykorzystanie kiszonek z sorgo w żywieniu krów mlecznych. Problemy agrotechniki oraz wykorzystania kukurydzy i sorgo. UP Poznań:263- 266.
  • Spaar, D. and D. Schuhmann. 2000. Die nat Orlichen Grund Jagen der Pflanzen-produktion in den Landern der GUS und des Baltikums. Buchedition Agrimedia Spithal. 620-628.
  • Tyutyunnikov, A.I. 1973. One-year fodder herbs. M:45-72.
  • Uzun, F.S., Ugur and M. Sulak М. 2009. Yield, nutritional and chemical properties of some sorghum x sudangrass hybrids (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench x Sorghum sudanense Stapf.). Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 8:1602- 1608.
  • Zavarzin, A.I., G.I. Kostina and I.V. Mahrov. 2002. World collection source of raw material for the selection of Sudan grass. Corn and sorghum. 6:20-21.
  • Zherukov, B.H., K.G. Magomedov and M.K. Magomedov. 2006. Terms of Sudan grass sowing. Farming. 2:45-46.
  • Zhuchenko, A.A. 1990. Adaptive Crop Production. M:350-355.


Year 2020, Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 57 - 65, 11.06.2020


Sudan grass (Sorghum sudanense (Piper.) Stapf) for the dry-steppe zone of West Kazakhstan is the most
productive and drought-resistant, as well as promising culture. Therefore, in order to ensure the smooth
supply of feed to livestock, it is important to carry out studies on the adaptation of elements of Sudan grass
cultivation technology to the regional conditions. The research examined different sowing times at 10-day
intervals, and for the harvesting of green fodder, haylage and hay, the harvesting times were examined in
different phases of development, as well as grazing mode of use of Sudan grass. The results of scientific
research showed that for the conditions of the region it is important to select both optimal sowing and
harvesting times. In the years of research, the yield of dry mass of Sudan grass at different sowing times was
21.05-23.37 c/ha, with the highest productivity determined at 1 early sowing time. When studying the time of
harvesting, high yield of dry mass of Sudan grass was ensured during harvesting of plant formations in the
blooming period 19.06-23.69 c/ha. Under grazing conditions in the study area, Sudan grass produced 16.99
c/ha of dry mass in a total of 4 browsing.


  • Amaducci, S. and M. Colauzzi. 2016. Effect of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on the production of biogas from maize and sorghum in a water limited environment. European Journal of Agronomy. 76:54-65.
  • Andreev, N.G. 1989. Meadow and field fodder production. M:492-495.
  • Basaran U., Dogrusor C.M., E. Gulumser and H. Mut. 2017. Hay Yield and quality of intercropped sorghum-sudan grass hybrid and legumes with different seed ratio. Turk J. Field Crops. 22(1):47-53 DOI: 10.17557/tjfc.301834.
  • Blanco, A. 2016. Multidisciplinary study of chemical and biological factors related to Pb accumulation in sorghum crops grown in contaminated soils and their toxicological implications. Journal of Geochemical Exploration.166:18- 26.
  • Bondarenko, M.G. and V.I. Kopyrin. 1985. Optimal terms of Sudan grass sowing for feed. Bulletin of Agricultural Science of Kazakhstan. 12:38-39.
  • Clark, A. 2007. Managing cover crops profi tably. SARE Outreach: 240-244.
  • Cole, C.A., Kaiser, A.G., J.W. Piltz and S Harden. 1996. An evaluation of sorghums for silage production in northern New South Wales. Proceedings of the 3rd Australian Sorghum Conference, Tamworth, NSW. 93:127-139.
  • Fribourg, H.A. 1995. Summer annual grasses. Forages. I:463- 472.
  • Grigoriev, V.I. 1963. Cultivation of Sudan grass under the changed light mode. Research on plant physiology and biochemistry. 43:25-27.
  • Habyarimana, E., Bonardi, P., Laureti, D., di Bari, V., S. Cosentino and C. Lorenzoni. 2004. Multilocational valuation of biomass sorghum hybrids under two stand densities and variable water supply in Italy. Ind. Crops Prod. 20:3-9.
  • Kapustin, S.I. 2019. FSAOU. North Caucasus Federal University. 1:50-55
  • Kolomiec, N.Y., S.I Gorpinichenko and G.M. Yermolina. 1999.
  • Stepniachka grade of Sudan grass. Corn and sorghum. 5:17- 18.
  • Kshnyakin, W.A. and Y.U. Zozulin. 1984. Impact of sowing timing on Sudan grass yield in North Kulunda. Novosibirsk:138-144.
  • Lukmanova, F.H. 2019. Bashkortostan SRIA.3:20-25.
  • McIntosh, D.W. 2016. Forage harvest timing impact on biomass quality from native warm-season grass mixtures. Agronomy Journal. 108:1524-1530.
  • Nasiyev В.N, Zhanatalapov N.Zh, A.N. Yessenguzhina and R. Yeleshev. 2019. The use of sudan grass for the production of green fodder, hay and haylage in Western Kazakhstan. Ecology, Environment and Conservation. 25(2):295-302.
  • Nazli, R.I., Inal, A., V. Kusvuran and Tansi. 2014. Effects of different organic materials on forage production from sorghum x. sudangrass hybrid (Sorghum bicolor x Sorghum bicolor var. sudanense). Turk J. of Agricultural and Natural Sci. Special Issue: 2:2075-2082.
  • Nichiporovich, A.A. 1961. Photosynthetic plant activity in crops. M:50-85.
  • Novoselov, Yu.K., Kharkov, G.D. and N.S. Shevtsova. 1987. Methodological instructions conducting field experiments with feed crops. Moscow, All-Russian Research Institute of Feed named after V.R. Williams: 49-55.
  • Novoselov, Yu.K., Shpakov, A.S., Yartieva, J.A., Grigoriev, N.G. and G.A. Dedaev. 1989. Methodological recommendations on bioenergetic assessment of crop rotations and technologies for growing fodder cultures. Moscow, All-Russian Research Institute of Feed named after V.R. Williams: 50-55.
  • Oten, M. 2017. The Effects of different sowing time and harvesting height on hydrocyanic acid content in some silage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) varieties. Turk J. Field Crops. 22(2):211-217. DOI: 10.17557/tjfc.356224.
  • Puchkov, K.H. 1974. Features of Sudan grass development in pure form and in mixture with corn under irrigation conditions. Biological foundations of crop production. 54:55-59.
  • Sarrantonio, M. 1994. Northeast cover crop handbook. RodaleInstitute. 2:35-45.
  • Shatilov, I.S., Movsisyants, A.P. and I.A. Dranenko. 1981. Sudan grass. Moscow, Kolos: 52- 60.
  • Sliwinski, B. and F. Brzóska. 2008. Wykorzystanie kiszonek z sorgo w żywieniu krów mlecznych. Problemy agrotechniki oraz wykorzystania kukurydzy i sorgo. UP Poznań:263- 266.
  • Spaar, D. and D. Schuhmann. 2000. Die nat Orlichen Grund Jagen der Pflanzen-produktion in den Landern der GUS und des Baltikums. Buchedition Agrimedia Spithal. 620-628.
  • Tyutyunnikov, A.I. 1973. One-year fodder herbs. M:45-72.
  • Uzun, F.S., Ugur and M. Sulak М. 2009. Yield, nutritional and chemical properties of some sorghum x sudangrass hybrids (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench x Sorghum sudanense Stapf.). Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 8:1602- 1608.
  • Zavarzin, A.I., G.I. Kostina and I.V. Mahrov. 2002. World collection source of raw material for the selection of Sudan grass. Corn and sorghum. 6:20-21.
  • Zherukov, B.H., K.G. Magomedov and M.K. Magomedov. 2006. Terms of Sudan grass sowing. Farming. 2:45-46.
  • Zhuchenko, A.A. 1990. Adaptive Crop Production. M:350-355.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Beybit Nasıyev This is me

Nurbolat Zhanatalapov This is me

Vladimir Shıbaıkın This is me

Hristina Yancheva This is me

Publication Date June 11, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 25 Issue: 1


APA Nasıyev, B., Zhanatalapov, N., Shıbaıkın, V., Yancheva, H. (2020). ADAPTATION OF ELEMENTS OF SUDAN GRASS CULTIVATION TECHNOLOGY TO THE CONDITIONS OF DRY-STEPPE ZONE. Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 25(1), 57-65.

Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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