Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 25 Issue: 2, 107 - 113, 07.12.2020



  • Abaye, A.O., C. Teutsch, W. Clapham and T. Phillips. 2006. The influence of nitrogen rates, planting dates, and seeding rates on herbage biomass and nutritive values of Teff (Erogrostis tef (Zucc.)). The ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings 12-16 November 2006 Indianapolis.
  • Abebe, A. and Y. Filmon. 2018. Effect of Seed Rate on Yield and Yield Components of Tef ((Eragrostic tef) Trotter) at Konso and Arbaminch, Southern Ethiopia. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 8(5):38-45
  • Abebe, B. and T. Workayehu. 2015. Effect of method of sowing and time of Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) fertilizer application, on yield and yield components of Tef (Eragrostis tef Trotter) at Shebedino, Southern Ethiopia. Advances in Crop Science and Technology 3: 168
  • Arefaine, A. 2013. Effects of rates and time of nitrogen fertilizer application on yield and yield components of tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] in Habro District, Eastern Ethiopia. Haramaya University Department of Plant Sciences College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences School of Graduate Studies MSc Thesis 77p
  • Asefa, F., A. Debela and M. Mohammed. 2014. Evaluation of Teff [Eragrostis tef (Zuccagni) Trotter] responses to different rates of NPK along with Zn and B in Didessa District, Southwestern Ethiopia. World Applied Sciences Journal 32(11):2245-2249
  • Assefa, K., H. Tefera, A. Merker, T. Kefyalew and F. Hundera. 2001. Variability, heritability and genetic advance in pheno‐morphic and agronomic traits of Tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] germplasm from eight regions of Ethiopia. Hereditas 134:103-113
  • Assefa K., G. Cannarozzi, D. Girma, R. Kamies, S. Chanyalew, S. Plaza-wüthrich, R. Blösch, A. Rindisbacher, S. Rafudeen and Z. Tadele. 2015. Genetic diversity in tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter]. Frontiers in Plant Science 6:177-209.
  • Atis, I. and M. Akar. 2018. Grain yield, forage yield and forage quality of dual purpose wheat as affected by cutting heights and sowing date. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 23(1):38-48
  • Berry, P.M., M. Sterling, J.H. Spink, C.J. Baker, R. Sylvester-Bradley, S.J. Mooney, A.R. Tams, A.R. Ennos and L.S. Donald. 2004. Understanding and reducing lodging in cereals. Advances in Agronomy 84:217-271
  • Bhargava, A., S. Shukla and D. Ohri. 2007. Genetic variability and interrelationship among various morphological and quality traits in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). Field Crops Research 101:104–116
  • Costanza, S.H., J.M.J. DeWet and J.R. Harlan. 1979. Literature review and numerical taxonomy of Eragrostis teff. Economic Botany 33:413-424
  • Dawit, W. and Y. Andnew. 2005. The study of fungicides application and sowing date, resistance, and maturity of Eragrostis tef for the management of teff rust [Uromyces eragrostidis]. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 27(4):521-527
  • Dent, R. and R. Reid. 2009. Agronomic evaluation of teff in Tasmania, Australian Government, Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation. Project No: PRJ-007907 Pub No: 15/082, 4p
  • Dereje, G., D. Alemu, T. Adisu and B. Anbessa. 2018. Response of yield and yield components of Tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] to optimum rates of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer rate application in Assosa Zone, Benishangul Gumuz Region. Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28(1):81-94.
  • Eckhoff, J.L.A., D.M. Wichman, J. Scheetz, M. Majerus, L.E. Welty, G.F. Stallknecht, R.L. Ditterline, R.L. Dunn and D.C. Sands. 1993. Teff: a potential forage and grain crop for Montana. Montana AgResearch 10:38–41.
  • Fussell, L.K. and M.J.T Norman. 1980. Effect of temperature during various growth stages on grain development and yield of Pennisetum americanum. Journal of Experimental Botany 3:621-33
  • Geren, H., Y.T. Kavut and B. Kir. 2019. Effect of different row spacings on the yield and some yield characteristics of Teff (Eragrostis teff) crop grown under Soke ecological conditions. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University 56(2):231-239 (in Turkish)
  • Geren, H., Y.T. Kavut, G.D. Topcu, S. Ekren and D. Istipliler. 2014. Effects of different sowing dates on the grain yield and some yield components of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) grown under Mediterranean climatic conditions. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University 51(3):297-305 (in Turkish)
  • Giday, O., H. Gibrekidan and T. Berhe. 2014. Response of teff (Eragrostis tef) to different rates of slow release and conventional urea fertilizers in Vertisols of Southern Tigray, Ethiopia. Advances in Plants & Agriculture Research 1(5):1-8
  • Hundera, F., E. Bechere and H. Tefera. 1999. Interrelationships of grain yield, lodging and agronomic traits in tef, Eragrostis tef. Tropical Science 39:63-69
  • Juraimi, A.S., M. Begum, A.M. Sherif and A.A. Rahim. 2009. Competition effects of date of sowing and nutsedge removal time on yield and yield contributing characters of tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter]. American Journal of Applied Sciences 6(10):1820-1825.
  • Kebede, T. 2012. Response of Tef (Erogrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter) cultivars to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer rates at Menzkeya district, North Shewa, Ethiopia. Haramaya University MSc Thesis 66p
  • Ketema, S. 1993. Tef (Eragrostis tef): breeding, genetic resources, agronomy, utilization and role in Ethiopian Agriculture Institute of Agricultural Research. Addis Abeba 102p
  • Ketema, S. 1997. Tef (Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter), Promoting the conservation and use of underutilized and neglected crops. 12. Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Gatersleben/International Plant Genetic Resources Institute Rome Italy 50p
  • Khan, H., M.A. Khan, I. Hussain, M.Z. Khan and M.K. Khattak. 2000. Effect of sowing methods and seed rates on grain yield and yield components of wheat variety PAK-81. Pakistan Journal of Biological Science 3(7):1177-1179.
  • Mebratu, Y., C.V. Raghavaiah and H. Ashagre. 2016. Production potential of Tef (Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter) genotypes in relation to integrated nutrient management on vertisols of mid high lands of Oromia Region of Ethiopia, East Africa. Advances in Crop Science and Technology 4:6.
  • Mengistu, T.K., H.G. Kidan and K. Georgis. 2001. Effect of sowing date and nitrogen fertilization on yield and related traits of teff [Eragrosris teff (Zucc) Trotter] on Vertisols of Kobo Area. Orth Wollo Haramaya University Library and Information Services p:10
  • Miller, B.C., J.E. Hill and S.R. Roberts. 1991. Plant population effects on growth and yield in water- Sindh, seeded rice. Agronomy Journal 83:291-297
  • Miller, D. 2010. Teff Guide 3rd edition, (Accessed September 24 2012)
  • National Research Council (NRC). 1996. Lost Crops of Africa: Volume I: Grains, Washington DC The National Academies Press
  • Ong, C.K. and G.R. Squire. 1984. Response to temperature in a stand of pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides S & H), VII Final numbers of spikelets and grain. Journal of Experimental Botany 35:1233
  • Roseberg, R.J., B.A. Charlton and R.A. Shuck. 2007. Yield and forage quality of four Teff seed brands as affected by planting date and soil/air temperatures in the Klamath Basin. Klamath Basin Research and Extension Center pp:30-41
  • SAS Institute. 1998. INC SAS/STAT user’s guide release 7.0 Cary NC USA.
  • Sherif, A.M. 2004. Competition effects of purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) on growth and yield of tef (Eragrostis teff) in Ethiopia, Universiti Putra Malaysia, School of Graduate Studies PhD Thesis 234p
  • Spaenij-Dekking, L., Y. Kooy-Winkelaar and F. Koning. 2005. The Ethiopian cereal tef in celiac disease. The New England Journal of Medicine 353:1748–1749.
  • Stell, R.G.D., J.A. Torrie and D.A. Dickey. 1997. Principles and Procedures of Statistics: A Biometrical Approach 3rd ed INC NY Mc Graw Hill Book
  • Tefera, H., S. Ketema and T. Tesema. 1990. Variability and genetic advance in tef (Eragrostis tef) cultivars. Tropical Agriculture 67:317-320
  • Temel, S. and S. Yolcu. 2020. The effect of different sowing time and harvesting stages on the herbage yield and quality of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). Turkish Journal of Field Crops 25(1):41-49
  • Twidwell, E.K., A. Boe and D.P. Casper. 1991. Teff: a new annual forage grass for South Dakota. South Dakota State University. Brookings SD Coop Ext Serv Bulletin Ex 8071
  • Vandercasteelen, J., M.D. Regassa., B. Minten and A.S. Taffesse. 2014. Perceptions, Impacts and Rewards of Row Planting of Teff. Available at SSRN:
  • Vos, J., S.H.V. Delden and T.J. Stomph. 2013. Some ecophysiological characteristics of Tef, including mechanics of lodging. Achievements and Prospects of Tef Improvement. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop, November 7-9 2011, Debre Zeit Ethiopia pp: 141-160
  • Zucca, C. 2016. Response of tef row planting to sowing dates on the highland heavy clay soils. Technical Report of Experimental Activities. Project Agreement No 100202


Year 2020, Volume: 25 Issue: 2, 107 - 113, 07.12.2020


This research was carried out to determine the potential of teff as a staple crop for the Mediterranean climate during 2015 and 2016. The effects of four different sowing dates (15 April, 15 May, 15 June and 15 July) on the grain yield and some yield characteristics were investigated. The teff genotype “Dessie” was used as plant material and plant height, thousand-grain weight, harvest index and grain yield were tested. Two-year average results indicated that there were significant differences in mentioned characteristics among the sowing dates. Delayed sowing dates reduced the grain yield. The highest total grain yield, 2780 kg ha-1, was obtained for the teff seeds sown on the 15th April under Mediterranean ecological conditions.


  • Abaye, A.O., C. Teutsch, W. Clapham and T. Phillips. 2006. The influence of nitrogen rates, planting dates, and seeding rates on herbage biomass and nutritive values of Teff (Erogrostis tef (Zucc.)). The ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings 12-16 November 2006 Indianapolis.
  • Abebe, A. and Y. Filmon. 2018. Effect of Seed Rate on Yield and Yield Components of Tef ((Eragrostic tef) Trotter) at Konso and Arbaminch, Southern Ethiopia. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 8(5):38-45
  • Abebe, B. and T. Workayehu. 2015. Effect of method of sowing and time of Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) fertilizer application, on yield and yield components of Tef (Eragrostis tef Trotter) at Shebedino, Southern Ethiopia. Advances in Crop Science and Technology 3: 168
  • Arefaine, A. 2013. Effects of rates and time of nitrogen fertilizer application on yield and yield components of tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] in Habro District, Eastern Ethiopia. Haramaya University Department of Plant Sciences College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences School of Graduate Studies MSc Thesis 77p
  • Asefa, F., A. Debela and M. Mohammed. 2014. Evaluation of Teff [Eragrostis tef (Zuccagni) Trotter] responses to different rates of NPK along with Zn and B in Didessa District, Southwestern Ethiopia. World Applied Sciences Journal 32(11):2245-2249
  • Assefa, K., H. Tefera, A. Merker, T. Kefyalew and F. Hundera. 2001. Variability, heritability and genetic advance in pheno‐morphic and agronomic traits of Tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] germplasm from eight regions of Ethiopia. Hereditas 134:103-113
  • Assefa K., G. Cannarozzi, D. Girma, R. Kamies, S. Chanyalew, S. Plaza-wüthrich, R. Blösch, A. Rindisbacher, S. Rafudeen and Z. Tadele. 2015. Genetic diversity in tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter]. Frontiers in Plant Science 6:177-209.
  • Atis, I. and M. Akar. 2018. Grain yield, forage yield and forage quality of dual purpose wheat as affected by cutting heights and sowing date. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 23(1):38-48
  • Berry, P.M., M. Sterling, J.H. Spink, C.J. Baker, R. Sylvester-Bradley, S.J. Mooney, A.R. Tams, A.R. Ennos and L.S. Donald. 2004. Understanding and reducing lodging in cereals. Advances in Agronomy 84:217-271
  • Bhargava, A., S. Shukla and D. Ohri. 2007. Genetic variability and interrelationship among various morphological and quality traits in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). Field Crops Research 101:104–116
  • Costanza, S.H., J.M.J. DeWet and J.R. Harlan. 1979. Literature review and numerical taxonomy of Eragrostis teff. Economic Botany 33:413-424
  • Dawit, W. and Y. Andnew. 2005. The study of fungicides application and sowing date, resistance, and maturity of Eragrostis tef for the management of teff rust [Uromyces eragrostidis]. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 27(4):521-527
  • Dent, R. and R. Reid. 2009. Agronomic evaluation of teff in Tasmania, Australian Government, Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation. Project No: PRJ-007907 Pub No: 15/082, 4p
  • Dereje, G., D. Alemu, T. Adisu and B. Anbessa. 2018. Response of yield and yield components of Tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] to optimum rates of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer rate application in Assosa Zone, Benishangul Gumuz Region. Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28(1):81-94.
  • Eckhoff, J.L.A., D.M. Wichman, J. Scheetz, M. Majerus, L.E. Welty, G.F. Stallknecht, R.L. Ditterline, R.L. Dunn and D.C. Sands. 1993. Teff: a potential forage and grain crop for Montana. Montana AgResearch 10:38–41.
  • Fussell, L.K. and M.J.T Norman. 1980. Effect of temperature during various growth stages on grain development and yield of Pennisetum americanum. Journal of Experimental Botany 3:621-33
  • Geren, H., Y.T. Kavut and B. Kir. 2019. Effect of different row spacings on the yield and some yield characteristics of Teff (Eragrostis teff) crop grown under Soke ecological conditions. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University 56(2):231-239 (in Turkish)
  • Geren, H., Y.T. Kavut, G.D. Topcu, S. Ekren and D. Istipliler. 2014. Effects of different sowing dates on the grain yield and some yield components of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) grown under Mediterranean climatic conditions. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University 51(3):297-305 (in Turkish)
  • Giday, O., H. Gibrekidan and T. Berhe. 2014. Response of teff (Eragrostis tef) to different rates of slow release and conventional urea fertilizers in Vertisols of Southern Tigray, Ethiopia. Advances in Plants & Agriculture Research 1(5):1-8
  • Hundera, F., E. Bechere and H. Tefera. 1999. Interrelationships of grain yield, lodging and agronomic traits in tef, Eragrostis tef. Tropical Science 39:63-69
  • Juraimi, A.S., M. Begum, A.M. Sherif and A.A. Rahim. 2009. Competition effects of date of sowing and nutsedge removal time on yield and yield contributing characters of tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter]. American Journal of Applied Sciences 6(10):1820-1825.
  • Kebede, T. 2012. Response of Tef (Erogrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter) cultivars to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer rates at Menzkeya district, North Shewa, Ethiopia. Haramaya University MSc Thesis 66p
  • Ketema, S. 1993. Tef (Eragrostis tef): breeding, genetic resources, agronomy, utilization and role in Ethiopian Agriculture Institute of Agricultural Research. Addis Abeba 102p
  • Ketema, S. 1997. Tef (Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter), Promoting the conservation and use of underutilized and neglected crops. 12. Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Gatersleben/International Plant Genetic Resources Institute Rome Italy 50p
  • Khan, H., M.A. Khan, I. Hussain, M.Z. Khan and M.K. Khattak. 2000. Effect of sowing methods and seed rates on grain yield and yield components of wheat variety PAK-81. Pakistan Journal of Biological Science 3(7):1177-1179.
  • Mebratu, Y., C.V. Raghavaiah and H. Ashagre. 2016. Production potential of Tef (Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter) genotypes in relation to integrated nutrient management on vertisols of mid high lands of Oromia Region of Ethiopia, East Africa. Advances in Crop Science and Technology 4:6.
  • Mengistu, T.K., H.G. Kidan and K. Georgis. 2001. Effect of sowing date and nitrogen fertilization on yield and related traits of teff [Eragrosris teff (Zucc) Trotter] on Vertisols of Kobo Area. Orth Wollo Haramaya University Library and Information Services p:10
  • Miller, B.C., J.E. Hill and S.R. Roberts. 1991. Plant population effects on growth and yield in water- Sindh, seeded rice. Agronomy Journal 83:291-297
  • Miller, D. 2010. Teff Guide 3rd edition, (Accessed September 24 2012)
  • National Research Council (NRC). 1996. Lost Crops of Africa: Volume I: Grains, Washington DC The National Academies Press
  • Ong, C.K. and G.R. Squire. 1984. Response to temperature in a stand of pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides S & H), VII Final numbers of spikelets and grain. Journal of Experimental Botany 35:1233
  • Roseberg, R.J., B.A. Charlton and R.A. Shuck. 2007. Yield and forage quality of four Teff seed brands as affected by planting date and soil/air temperatures in the Klamath Basin. Klamath Basin Research and Extension Center pp:30-41
  • SAS Institute. 1998. INC SAS/STAT user’s guide release 7.0 Cary NC USA.
  • Sherif, A.M. 2004. Competition effects of purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) on growth and yield of tef (Eragrostis teff) in Ethiopia, Universiti Putra Malaysia, School of Graduate Studies PhD Thesis 234p
  • Spaenij-Dekking, L., Y. Kooy-Winkelaar and F. Koning. 2005. The Ethiopian cereal tef in celiac disease. The New England Journal of Medicine 353:1748–1749.
  • Stell, R.G.D., J.A. Torrie and D.A. Dickey. 1997. Principles and Procedures of Statistics: A Biometrical Approach 3rd ed INC NY Mc Graw Hill Book
  • Tefera, H., S. Ketema and T. Tesema. 1990. Variability and genetic advance in tef (Eragrostis tef) cultivars. Tropical Agriculture 67:317-320
  • Temel, S. and S. Yolcu. 2020. The effect of different sowing time and harvesting stages on the herbage yield and quality of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). Turkish Journal of Field Crops 25(1):41-49
  • Twidwell, E.K., A. Boe and D.P. Casper. 1991. Teff: a new annual forage grass for South Dakota. South Dakota State University. Brookings SD Coop Ext Serv Bulletin Ex 8071
  • Vandercasteelen, J., M.D. Regassa., B. Minten and A.S. Taffesse. 2014. Perceptions, Impacts and Rewards of Row Planting of Teff. Available at SSRN:
  • Vos, J., S.H.V. Delden and T.J. Stomph. 2013. Some ecophysiological characteristics of Tef, including mechanics of lodging. Achievements and Prospects of Tef Improvement. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop, November 7-9 2011, Debre Zeit Ethiopia pp: 141-160
  • Zucca, C. 2016. Response of tef row planting to sowing dates on the highland heavy clay soils. Technical Report of Experimental Activities. Project Agreement No 100202
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Hakan Geren This is me

Tugce Ozdogan This is me

Aleksandar Sımıc This is me

Zeljko S. Dzeletovıc This is me

Publication Date December 7, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 25 Issue: 2


APA Geren, H., Ozdogan, T., Sımıc, A., Dzeletovıc, Z. S. (2020). EFFECT OF DIFFERENT SOWING DATES ON THE GRAIN YIELD AND SOME YIELD CHARACTERISTICS OF TEFF [Eragrostis teff (Zucc.) Trotter]. Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 25(2), 107-113.

Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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