Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 29 Issue: 2, 177 - 189, 24.12.2024


To evaluate the effect of irrigation regimes on yield and water productivity, a split plot experiment
was conducted with three replications in Iran in 2017 and 2018. The main treatment consisted of
40%, 60%, 80% and 100% water requirements, respectively, and the sub-treatment consisted of four
peanut cultivars which are types of peanuts that are cultivated in Iran market (Guil, Gorgani, Jonobi
and Mesri). Each 100 grams of these introduced peanuts contains 25.5 grams of protein and 48.4
grams of fat. Seed yield in 2017 with an average of 1316 kg ha-1 was higher than seed yield in 2018
with an average of 1022 kg ha-1 Due to irrigation, seed yield in the treatments of 40% and 60% of
water requirement with the average of 1345kg ha-1 and 1379 kg ha-1, respectively, had the highest
value. Due to the year of irrigation, the maximum seed yield in 2017 and in treatments of 40% and
60% of water requirement were with an average of 1494 kg ha-1 and 1593 kg ha-1, respectively. In
peanut cultivars, Jonobi cultivar with an average of 1273 kg ha-1, had the highest value compared to
other cultivars. Due to irrigation×cultivars, 40% water requirement treatment and Jonobi cultivar
with an average of 1732 kg ha-1, and also 60% water requirement treatment and Guil cultivar with
an average of 1667 kg ha-1 had the highest value. The maximum seed yield due in year ×irrigation
×cultivar was in 2017, and in the treatment of 40% of water requirement and in the Jonobi cultivar
with an average of 1856 kg ha-1. Water productivity on biological yield (4.32 kg m-3) and pod yield
(1.96 kg m-3) in Mesri cultivar and Water productivity on seed yield in Gorgani cultivar were 0.54 kg


  • Abdzad Gohari, A., H. Babazadeh, E. Amiri and H. Sedghi. 2018. Estimate of Peanut Production Function under Irrigated Conditions and Salinity. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 27(4).
  • Allen, L.H.J., K.J. Boote, and L.C. Hammond. 1976. Peanut stomatal diffusive resistance affected by soil water and solar radiation. Proc. Soil Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. 35: 42–46.
  • Amiri, E., A.G. Abdzad and A. Mianabadi. 2015. Evaluation of water schemes for peanut, using CSMCROPGRO-Peanut model. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 61(10):1439-1453.
  • Anjum, N.A., S.S. Gill and R. Gill, eds. 2014. Plant adaptation to environmental change: significance of amino acids and their derivatives. CABI.
  • Balota, M. 2020. Rainout Shelter-Induced Water Deficit Negatively Impacts Peanut Yield and Quality in a SubHumid Environment. Peanut Science. 47(2): 54-65.
  • Bonari, E., G.P.V. Vannozzi, A. Benvenuti and M. Baldini. 1992. Modern aspects of sunflower cultivation technigues. Proc. 12th, Sunf, Pisa. Italy.
  • Boontang, S., T. Girdthai, S. Jogloy, C. Akkasaeng, N. Vorasoot, A. Patanothai and N. Tantisuwichwong. 2010. Responses of released cultivars of peanut to terminal drought for traits related to drought tolerance. Asian J. Plant Sci. 9:423–431.
  • Boote, K.J. and G.P.V. Ketring. 1990. Peanut. In: Stewart, B.A., Nielsen, D.R. (Eds.), Irrigation of Agricultural Crops. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI. 675–717.
  • Canavar O. and M.A. Kaynak. 2010. Growing degree day and sunshine radiation effects on Peanut pod yield and growth. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 9:2234–2241.
  • Capra, A., S. Consoli and B. Scicolone. 2008.Water Management Strategies under Deficit Irrigation, J. of Ag. Eng. - Riv. di Ing. Agr .4:27-34.
  • Kvien, C.K., C.C. Holbrook, P. OziasAkins, C. Pilon, A.K. Culbreath and T.B. Brenneman. 2019. Peanut production guide Peanut Physiology. University of Georgia. In press.
  • Anjum, S. A., X.Y. Xie, L.C. Wang, M.F. Saleem, C. Man, and W. Lei. 2011. Morphological, physiological and biochemical responses of plants to drought stress. African journal of agricultural research, 6(9), 2026- 2032.
  • Doorenbos, J. and A.H. Kassam. 1979. Yield response to water. FAO Irrigation and Drainage. Rome, Italy.33: 193.
  • Fulmer, A.M., T.B. Brenneman, R.C. Kemerait, R. Macajoux, D.A. Carroll, G. Faroutine, W. Sheard, P. Dorzan, J.A. Rhoads and G.E. MacDonald. 2020. Evaluation of Improved Valencia Peanut Varieties for Production in Haiti. Peanut Science. 47:1–8.
  • Geerts, S. and D. Raes. 2009. Deficit irrigation as an onfarm strategy to maximize crop water productivity in dry areas. Agr. Water Manage. 96:9. 1275-1284.
  • Hammons, R.O., D. Herman, H.T. Stalker. 2016. Origin and early history of the peanut. In Peanuts: Genetics, Processing, and Utilization. AOCS Press, San Diego, CA.1-26.
  • Hawkins, G.L. J. Kelton, N. Smith and K.A. Balkcom. 2016. Note on Comparing Rate of Soil Moisture Loss for Conventional and Conservation Tillage Production methods for Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. Peanut Science. 43:168–172.
  • Howell, T.A., M.J. McFarland, D.L. Reddell, K.W. Brown, R.J. Newton, P. Dahmen. 1980. Response of peanuts to irrigation management at different crop growth stages. Texas Water Resources Inst., TR-113 vol. II, Texas A&M University, Stephenville, TX.
  • Ike, I. 1986. Effects of soil moisture stress on the growth and yield of Spanish variety peanut. Plant Soil. 96: 297– 298.
  • Nayak, J.J., P.D. Gajjar, S.M. Basha and K.S.S. Naik. 2019. Interrelationship between stilbene producing ability and Aspergillus colonization on selected peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes. Peanut Science. 46:118–126.
  • Kijne, J. W., T.P. Toung, J. Bennett, B. and T. Oweis. 2003. Ensuring food security via improvement in crop water productivity. CGIAR challenge program on water and food (CP), Background paper.
  • Kvien, C.K., C.C. Holbrook, P. Ozias-Akins, C. Pilon, A.K. Culbreath, and T.B. Brenneman. 2019. Peanut production guide, Peanut Physiology. University of Georgia. In press.
  • Lambers, H., F.S. Chapin and T.L. Pons. 2008. Photosynthesis. Plant physiological ecology, Springer. 11-99.
  • Liu, X.Q., K.Y. Ko, S.H. Kim and K.S. Lee. 2008. Effect of Amino Acid Fertilization on Nitrate Assimilation of Leafy Radish and Soil Chemical Properties in High Nitrate Soil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 39: 269–281.
  • Lenka, D. and P.K. Mishra. 1973. Response of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) to irrigation. Indian J. Agron. 18: 492–497.
  • Meisner, C.A. and K.J. Karnok. 1992. Peanut root response to drought stress. Agron. J. 84: 159–165.
  • Narasimham, R.L., I.V.S. Rao and S.M. Rao. 1977. Effect of moisture stress on response of groundnut to phosphate fertilization. Indian J. Agric. Sci. 47: 573– 576.
  • Nautiyal, P.C., S. Ravindra and Y.C. Joshi. 1991. Physiological and biochemical basis for viability differences in Spanish groundnut in response to soil moisture stress. Oleagineux 46: 153–158.
  • Nautiyal, P.C., Y.C. Yoshi and D. Dayal. 2000. Deficit irrigation practices. FAO Water reports. 22:102.
  • Ong, C.K., 1984. The influence of temperature and water deficits on the partitioning of dry matter in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). J. Exp. Bot. 35: 746–755.
  • Ohashi Y., N.S.H. Nakayama and K. Fujita. 2006. Effects of drought stress on photosynthetic gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and stem diameter of soybean plants. Journal of Biology Plant. 50:138-141.
  • Pallas, J.E., J.R. Stansell and T.J. Koske. 1979. Effects of drought on florunner peanuts. Agron. J. 71:853–858.
  • Pierre, A.K., M.J. Mulvaney, D.L. Rowland, B. Tillman, T.L. Grey, J.E. Iboyi, R.G. Leon, D. Perondi and C.W. Wood. 2019. Foliar Fertilization as a Strategy to Increase the Proportion of Mature Pods in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Peanut Science. 46:140–147.
  • Puangbut D., S. Jogloy, N. Vorasoot, C. Akkasaeng, T. Kesmala and A. Patanothai. 2009. Variability in yield responses of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes under early season drought. Asian Journal. Plant science. 8: 254-264.
  • Rao, R.C.N., J.H. Williams, M.V.K. Sivakumar, K.D.R. Wadia. 1988. Effect of water deficit at different growth phases of peanut. II. Response to drought during preflowering phase. Agron. J. 80: 431–438.
  • Reddy, C.R. and S.R. Reddy. 1993. Scheduling irrigation for peanuts with variable amounts of available water. Agric. Water Manage. 23: 1–9.
  • Raddy A.R. Chaitanya K.V. and Vivekanandan M., 2004. Drought induced responses of photosynthesis and antioxidant metabolism in higher plant. Journal of Plant Physiology. 161:1189-1202.
  • Shinde, B.M. and L., Laware., 2010. Effect of drought stress on agronomic Contributing characters in Groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.. Asian. J. Exp. Biol. Sci. 2: 968-971.
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and procedures of statistics. A biometrical approach, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.
  • Virk, G. C. Pilon and J.L. Snider. 2019. Impact of First True Leaf Photosynthetic Efficiency on Peanut Plant Growth under Different Early-Season Temperature Conditions. Peanut Science. 46:162–173.
Year 2024, Volume: 29 Issue: 2, 177 - 189, 24.12.2024



  • Abdzad Gohari, A., H. Babazadeh, E. Amiri and H. Sedghi. 2018. Estimate of Peanut Production Function under Irrigated Conditions and Salinity. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 27(4).
  • Allen, L.H.J., K.J. Boote, and L.C. Hammond. 1976. Peanut stomatal diffusive resistance affected by soil water and solar radiation. Proc. Soil Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. 35: 42–46.
  • Amiri, E., A.G. Abdzad and A. Mianabadi. 2015. Evaluation of water schemes for peanut, using CSMCROPGRO-Peanut model. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 61(10):1439-1453.
  • Anjum, N.A., S.S. Gill and R. Gill, eds. 2014. Plant adaptation to environmental change: significance of amino acids and their derivatives. CABI.
  • Balota, M. 2020. Rainout Shelter-Induced Water Deficit Negatively Impacts Peanut Yield and Quality in a SubHumid Environment. Peanut Science. 47(2): 54-65.
  • Bonari, E., G.P.V. Vannozzi, A. Benvenuti and M. Baldini. 1992. Modern aspects of sunflower cultivation technigues. Proc. 12th, Sunf, Pisa. Italy.
  • Boontang, S., T. Girdthai, S. Jogloy, C. Akkasaeng, N. Vorasoot, A. Patanothai and N. Tantisuwichwong. 2010. Responses of released cultivars of peanut to terminal drought for traits related to drought tolerance. Asian J. Plant Sci. 9:423–431.
  • Boote, K.J. and G.P.V. Ketring. 1990. Peanut. In: Stewart, B.A., Nielsen, D.R. (Eds.), Irrigation of Agricultural Crops. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI. 675–717.
  • Canavar O. and M.A. Kaynak. 2010. Growing degree day and sunshine radiation effects on Peanut pod yield and growth. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 9:2234–2241.
  • Capra, A., S. Consoli and B. Scicolone. 2008.Water Management Strategies under Deficit Irrigation, J. of Ag. Eng. - Riv. di Ing. Agr .4:27-34.
  • Kvien, C.K., C.C. Holbrook, P. OziasAkins, C. Pilon, A.K. Culbreath and T.B. Brenneman. 2019. Peanut production guide Peanut Physiology. University of Georgia. In press.
  • Anjum, S. A., X.Y. Xie, L.C. Wang, M.F. Saleem, C. Man, and W. Lei. 2011. Morphological, physiological and biochemical responses of plants to drought stress. African journal of agricultural research, 6(9), 2026- 2032.
  • Doorenbos, J. and A.H. Kassam. 1979. Yield response to water. FAO Irrigation and Drainage. Rome, Italy.33: 193.
  • Fulmer, A.M., T.B. Brenneman, R.C. Kemerait, R. Macajoux, D.A. Carroll, G. Faroutine, W. Sheard, P. Dorzan, J.A. Rhoads and G.E. MacDonald. 2020. Evaluation of Improved Valencia Peanut Varieties for Production in Haiti. Peanut Science. 47:1–8.
  • Geerts, S. and D. Raes. 2009. Deficit irrigation as an onfarm strategy to maximize crop water productivity in dry areas. Agr. Water Manage. 96:9. 1275-1284.
  • Hammons, R.O., D. Herman, H.T. Stalker. 2016. Origin and early history of the peanut. In Peanuts: Genetics, Processing, and Utilization. AOCS Press, San Diego, CA.1-26.
  • Hawkins, G.L. J. Kelton, N. Smith and K.A. Balkcom. 2016. Note on Comparing Rate of Soil Moisture Loss for Conventional and Conservation Tillage Production methods for Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. Peanut Science. 43:168–172.
  • Howell, T.A., M.J. McFarland, D.L. Reddell, K.W. Brown, R.J. Newton, P. Dahmen. 1980. Response of peanuts to irrigation management at different crop growth stages. Texas Water Resources Inst., TR-113 vol. II, Texas A&M University, Stephenville, TX.
  • Ike, I. 1986. Effects of soil moisture stress on the growth and yield of Spanish variety peanut. Plant Soil. 96: 297– 298.
  • Nayak, J.J., P.D. Gajjar, S.M. Basha and K.S.S. Naik. 2019. Interrelationship between stilbene producing ability and Aspergillus colonization on selected peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes. Peanut Science. 46:118–126.
  • Kijne, J. W., T.P. Toung, J. Bennett, B. and T. Oweis. 2003. Ensuring food security via improvement in crop water productivity. CGIAR challenge program on water and food (CP), Background paper.
  • Kvien, C.K., C.C. Holbrook, P. Ozias-Akins, C. Pilon, A.K. Culbreath, and T.B. Brenneman. 2019. Peanut production guide, Peanut Physiology. University of Georgia. In press.
  • Lambers, H., F.S. Chapin and T.L. Pons. 2008. Photosynthesis. Plant physiological ecology, Springer. 11-99.
  • Liu, X.Q., K.Y. Ko, S.H. Kim and K.S. Lee. 2008. Effect of Amino Acid Fertilization on Nitrate Assimilation of Leafy Radish and Soil Chemical Properties in High Nitrate Soil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 39: 269–281.
  • Lenka, D. and P.K. Mishra. 1973. Response of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) to irrigation. Indian J. Agron. 18: 492–497.
  • Meisner, C.A. and K.J. Karnok. 1992. Peanut root response to drought stress. Agron. J. 84: 159–165.
  • Narasimham, R.L., I.V.S. Rao and S.M. Rao. 1977. Effect of moisture stress on response of groundnut to phosphate fertilization. Indian J. Agric. Sci. 47: 573– 576.
  • Nautiyal, P.C., S. Ravindra and Y.C. Joshi. 1991. Physiological and biochemical basis for viability differences in Spanish groundnut in response to soil moisture stress. Oleagineux 46: 153–158.
  • Nautiyal, P.C., Y.C. Yoshi and D. Dayal. 2000. Deficit irrigation practices. FAO Water reports. 22:102.
  • Ong, C.K., 1984. The influence of temperature and water deficits on the partitioning of dry matter in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). J. Exp. Bot. 35: 746–755.
  • Ohashi Y., N.S.H. Nakayama and K. Fujita. 2006. Effects of drought stress on photosynthetic gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and stem diameter of soybean plants. Journal of Biology Plant. 50:138-141.
  • Pallas, J.E., J.R. Stansell and T.J. Koske. 1979. Effects of drought on florunner peanuts. Agron. J. 71:853–858.
  • Pierre, A.K., M.J. Mulvaney, D.L. Rowland, B. Tillman, T.L. Grey, J.E. Iboyi, R.G. Leon, D. Perondi and C.W. Wood. 2019. Foliar Fertilization as a Strategy to Increase the Proportion of Mature Pods in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Peanut Science. 46:140–147.
  • Puangbut D., S. Jogloy, N. Vorasoot, C. Akkasaeng, T. Kesmala and A. Patanothai. 2009. Variability in yield responses of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes under early season drought. Asian Journal. Plant science. 8: 254-264.
  • Rao, R.C.N., J.H. Williams, M.V.K. Sivakumar, K.D.R. Wadia. 1988. Effect of water deficit at different growth phases of peanut. II. Response to drought during preflowering phase. Agron. J. 80: 431–438.
  • Reddy, C.R. and S.R. Reddy. 1993. Scheduling irrigation for peanuts with variable amounts of available water. Agric. Water Manage. 23: 1–9.
  • Raddy A.R. Chaitanya K.V. and Vivekanandan M., 2004. Drought induced responses of photosynthesis and antioxidant metabolism in higher plant. Journal of Plant Physiology. 161:1189-1202.
  • Shinde, B.M. and L., Laware., 2010. Effect of drought stress on agronomic Contributing characters in Groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.. Asian. J. Exp. Biol. Sci. 2: 968-971.
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and procedures of statistics. A biometrical approach, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.
  • Virk, G. C. Pilon and J.L. Snider. 2019. Impact of First True Leaf Photosynthetic Efficiency on Peanut Plant Growth under Different Early-Season Temperature Conditions. Peanut Science. 46:162–173.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Field Crops and Pasture Production (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Mohammadreza Haddadi 0000-0002-7519-591X

Ebrahim Amırı 0000-0002-5057-6759

Majid Ashouri This is me 0000-0002-4018-3783

Seyyed Mostafa Sadeghi This is me 0000-0001-9714-6978

Naser Mohammadıyan Roshan 0000-0002-7789-4271

Publication Date December 24, 2024
Submission Date November 6, 2023
Acceptance Date November 6, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 29 Issue: 2


APA Haddadi, M., Amırı, E., Ashouri, M., Sadeghi, S. M., et al. (2024). EFFECT OF WATER STRESS ON YIELD AND YIELD COMPONENTS OF PEANUT CULTIVARS. Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 29(2), 177-189.

Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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