Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 29 Issue: 2, 206 - 217, 24.12.2024


In this study, the effectiveness of two organomineral formulations (OMF I and OMF II) on the growth, yield,
kernel quality and health-related compounds of sweet corn were evaluated. Organomineral fertilizers were
compared with chemically fertilized and unfertilized control to evaluate their effects as a basic fertilizer source.
Field experiments were conducted using a randomized complete block design, with three replications over 2
years. Two cultivars (cv. ‘Sentinel’ and cv. ‘Khan’) were used as plant material. The results indicated that (1)
compared to control, the application of organomineral and chemical fertilizers resulted in improvements in most
growth, yield and quality traits of sweet corn in both cultivars; (2) use of organomineral fertilizers led to similar
or significantly higher than chemical fertilizer in plant height, leaf number per plant, ear size, ear weight, ear
yield (husked and de-husked) and total soluble solids. However, these effects showed responses that varied with
type of organomineral fertilizer or cultivar; (3) use of OMF I treatment with cv. ‘Khan’ significantly improved
ear size, ear weight, ear yield (husked and de-husked), colour traits, total phenolic content and antioxidant
activity compared to other treatments.

Supporting Institution

SÜTAŞ Dairy Products Inc./Ege University Service and Consultancy Agreement’ under the Grant agreement number ‘20180204’.

Project Number

Ege University Service and Consultancy Agreement’ under the Grant agreement number ‘20180204’.


  • Abdulraheem Iderawumi, M., J. Hu, S. Ahmed, L. Li, and M.Z.A. Naqvi. 2023. Advances in the use of organic and organomineral fertilizers in sustainable agrıcultural production. In: Organic Fertilizers – New Advances and Applications, ed. Hakeem, K.R. and Grichar, W.J., IntechOpen, Croatia,
  • Adanacioglu, H. and H.E. Yag. 2023. Economic effect of certified organic fertilizer usage: A case study in Menderes district, Izmir Province. Anadolu 33(1):30–44,
  • Ajibola O.V., O. N. Ogunmola and J. B. Amujoyegbe. 2024. Efficacy of soil amendments on agronomic traits, yield and nutritional quality of Sweet Corn (Zea mays L. var. saccharata). Horticulture International Journal. 4(4):96-106.
  • Akinrinde, E.A.A. and A.B.L. Lawal. 2006. Influence of various sources of nutrients on growth attributes, nutrition and biomass production of sweet corn (Zea mays L. Saccharum). J. Biol. Sci. 6 (5):854–860,
  • Alan, O., G. Kinaci, E. Kinaci, Z.B. Basciftci, K. Sonmez, Y. Evrenosoglu and I. Kutlu. 2014. Kernel quality of some sweet corn varieties in relation to processing. Not. Bot. Horti Agrobo. 42 (2):414–419,
  • Alan, O., G. Kinaci, E. Kinaci, I. Kutlu, Z.B. Basciftci, K. Sonmez and Y. Evrenosoglu. 2013. Genetic variability and association analysis of some Quantitative characters in sweet corn. Not. Bot. Hort. Agrobot Cluj. 41(2): 404–413.
  • Alan, O., K. Sonmez, Z. Budak, I. Kutlu and N.G. Ayter. 2011. The effect of sowing dates on yield and agrıcultural characteristics of sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.) in Eskisehir ecological conditions. Selcuk J. Agric. Food Sci. 25 (4):33–40.
  • Ayeni, L.S. and O.S. Ezeh. 2017. Comparative effect of NPK 20:10:10, organic and organo-mineral fertilizers on soil chemical properties, nutrient uptake and yield of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Appl. Trop. Agric. 22 (1):111– 116.
  • Benzie, I.F. and J.J. Strain. 1996. The Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma (FRAP) as a Measure of “antioxidant power”: the FRAP assay. Anal. Biochem. 239(1):70–76.
  • Bharathi, A., M. Balusamy, E. Somasundaram and R. Shanmugasundaram. 2020. INM on sweet corn kernel quality of sweet corn. J. Pharmacogn. Phytochem. 9 (6S):01–04.
  • Bouhia, Y., M. Hafidi and Y. Ouhdouch. 2022. Conversion of waste into organo-mineral fertilizers: current technological trends and prospects. Reviewsin Environ. Sci. Biotechnology. 21 (2):42–446.
  • Carricondo-Martínez, I., F. Berti and Md.C. Salas-Sanjuán. 2022. Different organic fertilisation systems modify tomato quality: an opportunity for circular fertilisation in intensive horticulture. Agronomy. 12 (1):174.
  • Etukudo, O.O., L.A. Babatola, O.D. Ojo and O. Fagbola. 2015. Effects of mycorrhiza, organo-mineral and NKP fertilizer on the performance and post harvest quality of sweet corn. J. Hortic. For. 7 (4):99–103.
  • Gentleman, R.C., V.J. Carey, D.M. Bates, B. Bolstad, M. Dettling, S. Dudoit, B. Ellis, L. Gautier, Y. Ge, J. Gentry, K. Hornik, T. Hothorn, W. Huber, S. Iacus, R. Irizarry, F. Leisch, C. Li, M. Maechler, A.J. Rossini, G. Sawitzki, C. Smith, G. Smyth, L. Tierney, J.Y.H. Yang and J. Zhang. 2004. Bioconductor: Open software development for computational biology and bioinformatics. Genome Biol. 5(10):R80.
  • Intansari, R.S.R. and I.G.M. Subiksa. 2022. The effectiveness of organic fertilizer granules for increasing sweet corn production on acid dryland in Bogor district. J. Soilscape Agric. 1 (1):40–52.
  • Kara, B. 2011. Fresh Ear Yield and Growing Degree-Days of Sweet Corn in Different Sowing Dates in Southwestern Anatolia Region. Turkish Journal Of Field Crops 16(2):166- 171.
  • Kleinhenz, M.D. 2003. Sweet corn variety trials in Ohio: Recent top performers and suggestions for future evaluations. HortTechnology. 13(4):711–718.
  • Ilker, E. 2011. Correlation and Path Coefficient Analyses in Sweet Corn. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 16(2):105-107.
  • Lahay, R.R., R. Sipayung and T. Sabrina. 2019. The growth and yield of sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.) with anorganic and organo-bio Fertilizer. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 260(1):012156. 1315/260/1/012156.
  • Lazcano, C., P. Revılla, R.A. Malvar and J. Domínguez. 2011. Yield and fruit quality of four sweet corn hybrids (Zea mays) under conventional and integrated fertilization with vermicompost. J. Sci. Food Agric. 91 (7):1244–1253.
  • Rehman, F. 2020. Chemistry of plant–microbe interactions in rhizosphere and rhizoplane. Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 8 (5):11– 19.
  • RStudio Team 2020. RStudio: Integrated Development for R. RStudio, PBC, Boston, MA URL
  • Selim, M.M. 2020. Introduction to the integrated nutrient management strategies and their contribution to yield and soil properties. Int. J. Agron. 2821678:1–14.
  • Shen, W., M. Hu, D. Qian, H. Xue, N. Gao and X. Lin. 2021. Microbial deterioration and restoration in greenhouse-based intensive vegetable production systems. Plant Soil. 463(1- 2):1–18.
  • Smith, W.B., M. Wilson and P. Pagliari. 2020. Organomineral fertilizers and their application to field crops. Anim. Manure. 67:229–243.
  • Srinivasarao, Ch., M. Ramesh Naik, A. Naorem, M. Chandana and K. Baral. 2024. Organo-mineral fertilizers for sustainable agriculture. Indian J. Fertilisers. 20 (4):366–383.
  • Swain, T. and W.E. Hillis. 1959. The phenolic constituents of Prunus domestica. I.—The quantitative analysis of phenolic constituents. J. Sci. Food Agric. 10(1):63–68.
  • Syed, S., X. Wang, T.N.V.K.V. Prasad and B. Lian. 2021. Bioorganic mineral fertilizer for sustainable agriculture: current trends and future perspectives. Minerals. 11(12):1336.-
  • Szymanek, M. and W. Tanaś. 2019. Impact of selected mechanıcal propertıes of sweet corn seed on the level of cutting it off from the cob stem. Agric. Eng. 23(4):77–85.
  • Szymanek, M., W. Tanaś and F.H. Kassar 2015. Kernel carbohydrates concentration in Sugary-1, sugary enhanced and shrunken sweet corn kernels. Agric. Agric. Sci. Procedia. 7:260–264.
  • Tejada, M., C. Benitez and J.L. Gonzalez. 2005. Effects of application of two organomineral fertilizers on nutrient leaching losses and wheat crop. Agron. J. 97(3):960–967.
  • Thaipong, K., U. Boonprakob, K. Crosby, L. Cisneros-Zevallos and D. Hawkins Byrne. 2006. Comparison of ABTS, DPPH, FRAP, and ORAC assays for estimating antioxidant activity from guava fruit extracts. J. Food Compos. Anal. 19(6- 7):669–675.
  • Toor, M.D., M. Adnan, A. Raza, R. Ahmed, A. Arshad, H. Maqsood, F. Abbas, M. Mughees-Din, M.H. Shehzad and M.K. Zafar. 2020. Land degradation and its management: a review. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Natl Res. 25(1):54–57.
  • Turgut, I. 2000. Effects of plant population and nitrogen doses on fresh ear yield component of sweet corn (Zea mays L. var. saccharata Sturt.) grown under Bursa conditions. Turk. J. Agric. For. 24:341–347.
  • Verma, B.C., P. Pramanik and D. Bhaduri. 2020. Organic fertilizers for sustainable soil and environmental management. In: R. Meena (Ed.), Nutrient Dynamics for Sustainable Crop Production. Springer, Berlin.
  • Victor, A.O., O.N. Ogunmola and J.B. Amujoyegbe. 2024. Efficacy of soil amendments on agronomic traits, yield and nutritional quality of sweet corn (Zea mays L. var. saccharata). Hortic. Int. J. 4 (4):96–106.
  • Warman, P.R. and K.A. Havard. 1998. Yield, vitamin and mineral content of organically and conventionally grow potatoes and sweet corn. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 68:207–216. Wei, T., V. Simko, M. Levy, Y. Xie, Y. Jin, J. Zemla. 2017.
  • Package ‘corrplot’. Statistician 56 (316), e24.
  • Ye, L., X. Zhao, E. Bao, J. Li, Z. Zou and K. Cao 2020. Bioorganic fertilizer with reduced rates of chemical fertilization improves soil fertility and enhances tomato yield and quality. Sci. Rep. 10 (1):177. 56954-2.
  • Zietz, M., A. Weckmüller, S. Schmidt, S. Rohn, M. Schreiner, A. Krumbein and L.W. Kroh. 2010. Genotypic and climatic influence on the antioxidant activity of flavonoids in Kale (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 58 (4):2123–2130.
Year 2024, Volume: 29 Issue: 2, 206 - 217, 24.12.2024


Project Number

Ege University Service and Consultancy Agreement’ under the Grant agreement number ‘20180204’.


  • Abdulraheem Iderawumi, M., J. Hu, S. Ahmed, L. Li, and M.Z.A. Naqvi. 2023. Advances in the use of organic and organomineral fertilizers in sustainable agrıcultural production. In: Organic Fertilizers – New Advances and Applications, ed. Hakeem, K.R. and Grichar, W.J., IntechOpen, Croatia,
  • Adanacioglu, H. and H.E. Yag. 2023. Economic effect of certified organic fertilizer usage: A case study in Menderes district, Izmir Province. Anadolu 33(1):30–44,
  • Ajibola O.V., O. N. Ogunmola and J. B. Amujoyegbe. 2024. Efficacy of soil amendments on agronomic traits, yield and nutritional quality of Sweet Corn (Zea mays L. var. saccharata). Horticulture International Journal. 4(4):96-106.
  • Akinrinde, E.A.A. and A.B.L. Lawal. 2006. Influence of various sources of nutrients on growth attributes, nutrition and biomass production of sweet corn (Zea mays L. Saccharum). J. Biol. Sci. 6 (5):854–860,
  • Alan, O., G. Kinaci, E. Kinaci, Z.B. Basciftci, K. Sonmez, Y. Evrenosoglu and I. Kutlu. 2014. Kernel quality of some sweet corn varieties in relation to processing. Not. Bot. Horti Agrobo. 42 (2):414–419,
  • Alan, O., G. Kinaci, E. Kinaci, I. Kutlu, Z.B. Basciftci, K. Sonmez and Y. Evrenosoglu. 2013. Genetic variability and association analysis of some Quantitative characters in sweet corn. Not. Bot. Hort. Agrobot Cluj. 41(2): 404–413.
  • Alan, O., K. Sonmez, Z. Budak, I. Kutlu and N.G. Ayter. 2011. The effect of sowing dates on yield and agrıcultural characteristics of sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.) in Eskisehir ecological conditions. Selcuk J. Agric. Food Sci. 25 (4):33–40.
  • Ayeni, L.S. and O.S. Ezeh. 2017. Comparative effect of NPK 20:10:10, organic and organo-mineral fertilizers on soil chemical properties, nutrient uptake and yield of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Appl. Trop. Agric. 22 (1):111– 116.
  • Benzie, I.F. and J.J. Strain. 1996. The Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma (FRAP) as a Measure of “antioxidant power”: the FRAP assay. Anal. Biochem. 239(1):70–76.
  • Bharathi, A., M. Balusamy, E. Somasundaram and R. Shanmugasundaram. 2020. INM on sweet corn kernel quality of sweet corn. J. Pharmacogn. Phytochem. 9 (6S):01–04.
  • Bouhia, Y., M. Hafidi and Y. Ouhdouch. 2022. Conversion of waste into organo-mineral fertilizers: current technological trends and prospects. Reviewsin Environ. Sci. Biotechnology. 21 (2):42–446.
  • Carricondo-Martínez, I., F. Berti and Md.C. Salas-Sanjuán. 2022. Different organic fertilisation systems modify tomato quality: an opportunity for circular fertilisation in intensive horticulture. Agronomy. 12 (1):174.
  • Etukudo, O.O., L.A. Babatola, O.D. Ojo and O. Fagbola. 2015. Effects of mycorrhiza, organo-mineral and NKP fertilizer on the performance and post harvest quality of sweet corn. J. Hortic. For. 7 (4):99–103.
  • Gentleman, R.C., V.J. Carey, D.M. Bates, B. Bolstad, M. Dettling, S. Dudoit, B. Ellis, L. Gautier, Y. Ge, J. Gentry, K. Hornik, T. Hothorn, W. Huber, S. Iacus, R. Irizarry, F. Leisch, C. Li, M. Maechler, A.J. Rossini, G. Sawitzki, C. Smith, G. Smyth, L. Tierney, J.Y.H. Yang and J. Zhang. 2004. Bioconductor: Open software development for computational biology and bioinformatics. Genome Biol. 5(10):R80.
  • Intansari, R.S.R. and I.G.M. Subiksa. 2022. The effectiveness of organic fertilizer granules for increasing sweet corn production on acid dryland in Bogor district. J. Soilscape Agric. 1 (1):40–52.
  • Kara, B. 2011. Fresh Ear Yield and Growing Degree-Days of Sweet Corn in Different Sowing Dates in Southwestern Anatolia Region. Turkish Journal Of Field Crops 16(2):166- 171.
  • Kleinhenz, M.D. 2003. Sweet corn variety trials in Ohio: Recent top performers and suggestions for future evaluations. HortTechnology. 13(4):711–718.
  • Ilker, E. 2011. Correlation and Path Coefficient Analyses in Sweet Corn. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 16(2):105-107.
  • Lahay, R.R., R. Sipayung and T. Sabrina. 2019. The growth and yield of sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.) with anorganic and organo-bio Fertilizer. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 260(1):012156. 1315/260/1/012156.
  • Lazcano, C., P. Revılla, R.A. Malvar and J. Domínguez. 2011. Yield and fruit quality of four sweet corn hybrids (Zea mays) under conventional and integrated fertilization with vermicompost. J. Sci. Food Agric. 91 (7):1244–1253.
  • Rehman, F. 2020. Chemistry of plant–microbe interactions in rhizosphere and rhizoplane. Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 8 (5):11– 19.
  • RStudio Team 2020. RStudio: Integrated Development for R. RStudio, PBC, Boston, MA URL
  • Selim, M.M. 2020. Introduction to the integrated nutrient management strategies and their contribution to yield and soil properties. Int. J. Agron. 2821678:1–14.
  • Shen, W., M. Hu, D. Qian, H. Xue, N. Gao and X. Lin. 2021. Microbial deterioration and restoration in greenhouse-based intensive vegetable production systems. Plant Soil. 463(1- 2):1–18.
  • Smith, W.B., M. Wilson and P. Pagliari. 2020. Organomineral fertilizers and their application to field crops. Anim. Manure. 67:229–243.
  • Srinivasarao, Ch., M. Ramesh Naik, A. Naorem, M. Chandana and K. Baral. 2024. Organo-mineral fertilizers for sustainable agriculture. Indian J. Fertilisers. 20 (4):366–383.
  • Swain, T. and W.E. Hillis. 1959. The phenolic constituents of Prunus domestica. I.—The quantitative analysis of phenolic constituents. J. Sci. Food Agric. 10(1):63–68.
  • Syed, S., X. Wang, T.N.V.K.V. Prasad and B. Lian. 2021. Bioorganic mineral fertilizer for sustainable agriculture: current trends and future perspectives. Minerals. 11(12):1336.-
  • Szymanek, M. and W. Tanaś. 2019. Impact of selected mechanıcal propertıes of sweet corn seed on the level of cutting it off from the cob stem. Agric. Eng. 23(4):77–85.
  • Szymanek, M., W. Tanaś and F.H. Kassar 2015. Kernel carbohydrates concentration in Sugary-1, sugary enhanced and shrunken sweet corn kernels. Agric. Agric. Sci. Procedia. 7:260–264.
  • Tejada, M., C. Benitez and J.L. Gonzalez. 2005. Effects of application of two organomineral fertilizers on nutrient leaching losses and wheat crop. Agron. J. 97(3):960–967.
  • Thaipong, K., U. Boonprakob, K. Crosby, L. Cisneros-Zevallos and D. Hawkins Byrne. 2006. Comparison of ABTS, DPPH, FRAP, and ORAC assays for estimating antioxidant activity from guava fruit extracts. J. Food Compos. Anal. 19(6- 7):669–675.
  • Toor, M.D., M. Adnan, A. Raza, R. Ahmed, A. Arshad, H. Maqsood, F. Abbas, M. Mughees-Din, M.H. Shehzad and M.K. Zafar. 2020. Land degradation and its management: a review. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Natl Res. 25(1):54–57.
  • Turgut, I. 2000. Effects of plant population and nitrogen doses on fresh ear yield component of sweet corn (Zea mays L. var. saccharata Sturt.) grown under Bursa conditions. Turk. J. Agric. For. 24:341–347.
  • Verma, B.C., P. Pramanik and D. Bhaduri. 2020. Organic fertilizers for sustainable soil and environmental management. In: R. Meena (Ed.), Nutrient Dynamics for Sustainable Crop Production. Springer, Berlin.
  • Victor, A.O., O.N. Ogunmola and J.B. Amujoyegbe. 2024. Efficacy of soil amendments on agronomic traits, yield and nutritional quality of sweet corn (Zea mays L. var. saccharata). Hortic. Int. J. 4 (4):96–106.
  • Warman, P.R. and K.A. Havard. 1998. Yield, vitamin and mineral content of organically and conventionally grow potatoes and sweet corn. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 68:207–216. Wei, T., V. Simko, M. Levy, Y. Xie, Y. Jin, J. Zemla. 2017.
  • Package ‘corrplot’. Statistician 56 (316), e24.
  • Ye, L., X. Zhao, E. Bao, J. Li, Z. Zou and K. Cao 2020. Bioorganic fertilizer with reduced rates of chemical fertilization improves soil fertility and enhances tomato yield and quality. Sci. Rep. 10 (1):177. 56954-2.
  • Zietz, M., A. Weckmüller, S. Schmidt, S. Rohn, M. Schreiner, A. Krumbein and L.W. Kroh. 2010. Genotypic and climatic influence on the antioxidant activity of flavonoids in Kale (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 58 (4):2123–2130.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Fertilisers and Application
Journal Section Articles

Özlem Alan 0000-0002-7207-5488

Bülent Budak 0000-0002-2728-9049

Fatih Şen 0000-0001-7286-2863

Müttalip Gündoğdu 0000-0002-9375-7365

Project Number Ege University Service and Consultancy Agreement’ under the Grant agreement number ‘20180204’.
Publication Date December 24, 2024
Submission Date October 1, 2024
Acceptance Date November 17, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 29 Issue: 2



Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Emre ILKER
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