Breastfeeding and Child’s growth. Interpreting Brain Development through a biological and sociocultural context
Year 2020,
Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 14 - 19, 25.10.2020
Eleni Tympa
Athina Charissi
Vasiliki Karavida
Human brain begins to develop from uterus to postnatal period, affected by
a genetic program in which diet holds a distinguished role. Research evidence
has shown that diet in early life has a significant long-term impact on health
and development. Moreover, food deprivation during early life affects
physiology and brain biochemistry and connects to possible brain disfunction. Breastfeeding is the natural way of feeding the infant and the young child,
providing it with an ideal growth and health. Available research evidence proves
positive impacts of breastfeeding to the intelligence index, showing higher rates
for breast fed infants than formula fed infants. The main objective of this paper is to highlight the role of breastfeeding
in child's brain development. The suggested psycho-cultural context of
interpretation highlights a series of symbolic dimensions of breastfeeding along
with socio-cultural implications that interact with meaning-making processes, consequent
practices, relationships and social models.
Supporting Institution
University of Ioannina
- 1. American Academy of Pediatrics. Section on Breastfeeding. Breastfeeding and the use of Human milk. Pediatrics. 2012 Mar;129(3):e827-41.
- 2. Anderson JW, Johnstone BM, Remley DT. Breast-feeding and cognitive development: a meta-analysis. Am J Clin Nutr. 1999 Oct 1;70(4):525-535.
- 3. Athanasopoulou M, Kaitelidou D, Zyga S, Malliarou M, Kalokairinou A. Cultural and social dimensions of breastfeeding. Interscientific Health Care. 2013;5(1):13-18. Greek.
- 4. Belfort MB. The Science of Breastfeeding and Brain Development. Breastfeed Med. 2017 Oct;12(8):459-461.
- 5. Black MM. Recent Research in Nutrition and Growth. In Colombo J, Koletzko B, Lampl M, editors. Recent Research in Nutrition and Growth. Nestlé Nutr Inst Workshop Ser. Nestlé Nutrition Institute, Switzerland/S. Karger AG. 2018;89:185-195.
- 6. Blencowe H, Cousens S, Modell B, Lawn J. Folic acid to reduce neonatal mortality from neural tube disorders. Int J Epidemiol. 2010 Apr;39(1):i110–i121.
- 7. Boyer Κ. Of care and commodities: breast milk and the new politics of mobile biosubstances. Progr Hum Geog. 2010 Febr 1;34(1):5-20.
- 8. Bruner J. The culture of Education. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press; 1996.
- 9. Cassidy T, Dowling S, Mahon B, Dykes F. Exchanging breastmilk: Introduction. Matern Child Nutr. 2018 Dec 27;14(S6):e12748.
- 10. Cetin I, Berti C, Calabrese S. Role of micronutrients in the periconceptional period. Hum Reprod Update. 2010 Jan-Febr;16(1):80-95.
- 11. Charissi A. From Critical Consciousness to Change? The Experience of a Mutual Learning Group of Teachers [dissertation]. Ioannina: The University of Ioannina, Greece; 2017.
- 12. Crenshaw JT. Healthy birth practice #6: Keep mother and baby together—It's best for mother, baby, and breastfeeding. J Perinat Educ. 2014 Fall;23(4):211-217.
- 13. Douglas M. Purity and Danger. Athens, Editions Politropon; 2006. Greek.
- 14. De Rooij SR, Caan MW, Swaab DF, Nederveen AJ, Majoie CB, Schwab M et al. Prenatal famine exposure has sex-specific effects on brain size. Brain. 2016 Aug;139(Pt 8):2136-42.
- 15. De Souza AS, Fernandes FS, do Carmo MG. Effects of maternal malnutrition and postnatal nutritional rehabilitation on brain fatty acids, learning, and memory. Nutr Rev. 2011 Febr 14;69(3):132-144.
- 16. Dowling S, Cooper T. What do we know about the experiences of women in the twenty-first century who breastfeed beyond 12 months of age? A systematic review of qualitative evidence. Paper presented at the 8th SCENE Symposium at the University of Turku, Finland; 2019 June.
- 17. Eilander A, Hundscheid DC, Osendarp SJ, Transler C, Zock PL. Effects of n-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on visual and cognitive development throughout childhood: a review of human studies. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2007 Marc 21;76(4):189–203.
- 18. Falkingham M, Abdelhamid A, Curtis P, Fairweather-Tait S, Dye L, Hooper L. The effects of oral iron supplementation on cognition in older children and adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutr J. 2010 Jan 25;9:4.
- 19. Fleming T. Axel Honneth and the Struggle for Recognition: Implications for Transformative Learning. In Nicolaides A, Holt D, editors. Spaces of Transformation and Transformation of Space: Proceedings of the XI International Transformative Learning Conference; 2014 Oct 23-26; New York: Teachers College, Columbia University; 2014 pp. 318-324.
- 20. Fouts HN, Hewlett BS, Lamb ME. A Biocultural Approach to Breastfeeding Interactions in Central Africa. American Anthropologist. 2012 Marc 19;114(1):123-136.
- 21. Geertz C. The Interpretations of cultures. Athens Publ Alexandria; 2003. Greek.
- 22. Gournas G. Change through Relationship: An Interdisciplinary Model for Team Involvement in Education (Major Teacher Training Program); 2011.
- 23. Griswold W. Cultures and Societies in a Changing World. 4th Ed. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications Ltd; 2013.
- 24. Guesnet P, Alessandri JM. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and the developing central nervous system (CNS) - Implications for dietary recommendations. Biochimie. 2011 Jan;93(1):7-12.25. Herba CM, Roza S, Govaert P, Hofman A, Jaddoe V, Verhulst FC et al. Breastfeeding and early brain development: the Generation R study. Matern Child Nutr. 2013 Nov 20;9(3):332-349.
- 26. Horta BL, Loret de Mola C, Victora CG. Breastfeeding and intelligence: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Acta Pediatr. 2015 Dec;104(467):14-19.
- 27. Jardi C, Hernandez-Martinez C, Canals J, Arija V, Bedmar C, Voltas N et al. Influence of breastfeeding and iron status on mental and psychomotor development during the first year of life. Infant Behav Dev. 2018 Febr;50:300-310.
- 28. Kent J, Fannin M, Dowling S. Gender dynamics in the donation field: Human tissue donation for research, therapy and feeding. Sociol Health Ill. 2019 Aug 13;41(3):567-584.
- 29. Kramer MS, Aboud F, Mironova E, Vanilovich I, Platt RW, Matush L et al. Breastfeeding and child cognitive development: new evidence from a large randomized trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2008 May;65(5):578-584.
- 30. Lenehan SM, Boylan GB, Livingstone V, Fogarty L, Twomey DM, Nikolovsky G et al. The impact of short-term predominate breastfeeding on cognitive outcome and 5 years. Acta Pediatr. 2019 Sept 13.
- 31. Mudd AT, Fil JE, Knight LC, Lam F, Liang ZP, Dilger RN. Early-Life Iron Deficiency Reduces Brain Iron Content and Alters Brain Tissue Composition Despite Iron Repletion: A Neuroimaging Assessment. Nutrients. 2018 Jan 27;10(2).
- 32. Papataxiarchis E. About the cultural construction of identity. Topika B pp 197-216. Athens Editions Nisos; 1996. Greek.
- 33. Ramakrishnan U, Grant F, Goldenberg T, Zongrone A, Martopell R. Effect of women’s nutrition before and during pregnancy on maternal and infant outcomes: a systematic review. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2012 Jul;26(1):285-301.
- 34. Tran TD, Biggs BA, Tran T, Simpson JA, Hanieh S, Dwyer T et al. Impact on Infants’ Cognitive Development of Antenatal Exposure to Iron Deficiency Disorder and Common Mental Disorders. PLoS One. 2013 Sept 23;8(9):e74876.
- 35. West L. ‘Love actually’: Transformative Learning meets Bildung, and the psychosocial concept of recognition. In Andritsakou D, West L, editors. What’s the point of Transformative Learning? Proceedings of the 1st Conference of ESREA’s Network “Interrogating Transformative Processes in Learning and Education: An International Dialogue”; 2014; Athens, Greece: ESREA & Hellenic Adult Education Association; 2014 pp. 247-256.
- 36. World Health Organization (WHO). Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding. Geneva; 2003.
- 37. Willats P. Effects of Nutrition on the Development of Higher – Order Cognition. Nestle Nutr Inst Workshop Ser. 2018;89:175-184.
- 38. Yousafzai AK, Obradovic J, Rasheed MA, Rizvi A, Portillia XA, Trado-Strayer N et al. Effects of responsive stimulation and nutrition interventions on children's development and growth at age 4 years in a disadvantaged population in Pakistan: a longitudinal follow-up of a cluster-randomised factorial effectiveness trial. The Lancet Global Health. 2016 June 21;4(8):548-558.
- 39. Zafrana M. Brain and Education. Thessaloniki: Kyriakidis; 2018.
- 40. Zamani B. Breastfeeding as a Cultural Practice: An Ethnographic Approach to the Speech and Action of the La Leche Breastfeeding Association in Thessaloniki [dissertation]. Thessaloniki: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; 2006.
Year 2020,
Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 14 - 19, 25.10.2020
Eleni Tympa
Athina Charissi
Vasiliki Karavida
- 1. American Academy of Pediatrics. Section on Breastfeeding. Breastfeeding and the use of Human milk. Pediatrics. 2012 Mar;129(3):e827-41.
- 2. Anderson JW, Johnstone BM, Remley DT. Breast-feeding and cognitive development: a meta-analysis. Am J Clin Nutr. 1999 Oct 1;70(4):525-535.
- 3. Athanasopoulou M, Kaitelidou D, Zyga S, Malliarou M, Kalokairinou A. Cultural and social dimensions of breastfeeding. Interscientific Health Care. 2013;5(1):13-18. Greek.
- 4. Belfort MB. The Science of Breastfeeding and Brain Development. Breastfeed Med. 2017 Oct;12(8):459-461.
- 5. Black MM. Recent Research in Nutrition and Growth. In Colombo J, Koletzko B, Lampl M, editors. Recent Research in Nutrition and Growth. Nestlé Nutr Inst Workshop Ser. Nestlé Nutrition Institute, Switzerland/S. Karger AG. 2018;89:185-195.
- 6. Blencowe H, Cousens S, Modell B, Lawn J. Folic acid to reduce neonatal mortality from neural tube disorders. Int J Epidemiol. 2010 Apr;39(1):i110–i121.
- 7. Boyer Κ. Of care and commodities: breast milk and the new politics of mobile biosubstances. Progr Hum Geog. 2010 Febr 1;34(1):5-20.
- 8. Bruner J. The culture of Education. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press; 1996.
- 9. Cassidy T, Dowling S, Mahon B, Dykes F. Exchanging breastmilk: Introduction. Matern Child Nutr. 2018 Dec 27;14(S6):e12748.
- 10. Cetin I, Berti C, Calabrese S. Role of micronutrients in the periconceptional period. Hum Reprod Update. 2010 Jan-Febr;16(1):80-95.
- 11. Charissi A. From Critical Consciousness to Change? The Experience of a Mutual Learning Group of Teachers [dissertation]. Ioannina: The University of Ioannina, Greece; 2017.
- 12. Crenshaw JT. Healthy birth practice #6: Keep mother and baby together—It's best for mother, baby, and breastfeeding. J Perinat Educ. 2014 Fall;23(4):211-217.
- 13. Douglas M. Purity and Danger. Athens, Editions Politropon; 2006. Greek.
- 14. De Rooij SR, Caan MW, Swaab DF, Nederveen AJ, Majoie CB, Schwab M et al. Prenatal famine exposure has sex-specific effects on brain size. Brain. 2016 Aug;139(Pt 8):2136-42.
- 15. De Souza AS, Fernandes FS, do Carmo MG. Effects of maternal malnutrition and postnatal nutritional rehabilitation on brain fatty acids, learning, and memory. Nutr Rev. 2011 Febr 14;69(3):132-144.
- 16. Dowling S, Cooper T. What do we know about the experiences of women in the twenty-first century who breastfeed beyond 12 months of age? A systematic review of qualitative evidence. Paper presented at the 8th SCENE Symposium at the University of Turku, Finland; 2019 June.
- 17. Eilander A, Hundscheid DC, Osendarp SJ, Transler C, Zock PL. Effects of n-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on visual and cognitive development throughout childhood: a review of human studies. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2007 Marc 21;76(4):189–203.
- 18. Falkingham M, Abdelhamid A, Curtis P, Fairweather-Tait S, Dye L, Hooper L. The effects of oral iron supplementation on cognition in older children and adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutr J. 2010 Jan 25;9:4.
- 19. Fleming T. Axel Honneth and the Struggle for Recognition: Implications for Transformative Learning. In Nicolaides A, Holt D, editors. Spaces of Transformation and Transformation of Space: Proceedings of the XI International Transformative Learning Conference; 2014 Oct 23-26; New York: Teachers College, Columbia University; 2014 pp. 318-324.
- 20. Fouts HN, Hewlett BS, Lamb ME. A Biocultural Approach to Breastfeeding Interactions in Central Africa. American Anthropologist. 2012 Marc 19;114(1):123-136.
- 21. Geertz C. The Interpretations of cultures. Athens Publ Alexandria; 2003. Greek.
- 22. Gournas G. Change through Relationship: An Interdisciplinary Model for Team Involvement in Education (Major Teacher Training Program); 2011.
- 23. Griswold W. Cultures and Societies in a Changing World. 4th Ed. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications Ltd; 2013.
- 24. Guesnet P, Alessandri JM. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and the developing central nervous system (CNS) - Implications for dietary recommendations. Biochimie. 2011 Jan;93(1):7-12.25. Herba CM, Roza S, Govaert P, Hofman A, Jaddoe V, Verhulst FC et al. Breastfeeding and early brain development: the Generation R study. Matern Child Nutr. 2013 Nov 20;9(3):332-349.
- 26. Horta BL, Loret de Mola C, Victora CG. Breastfeeding and intelligence: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Acta Pediatr. 2015 Dec;104(467):14-19.
- 27. Jardi C, Hernandez-Martinez C, Canals J, Arija V, Bedmar C, Voltas N et al. Influence of breastfeeding and iron status on mental and psychomotor development during the first year of life. Infant Behav Dev. 2018 Febr;50:300-310.
- 28. Kent J, Fannin M, Dowling S. Gender dynamics in the donation field: Human tissue donation for research, therapy and feeding. Sociol Health Ill. 2019 Aug 13;41(3):567-584.
- 29. Kramer MS, Aboud F, Mironova E, Vanilovich I, Platt RW, Matush L et al. Breastfeeding and child cognitive development: new evidence from a large randomized trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2008 May;65(5):578-584.
- 30. Lenehan SM, Boylan GB, Livingstone V, Fogarty L, Twomey DM, Nikolovsky G et al. The impact of short-term predominate breastfeeding on cognitive outcome and 5 years. Acta Pediatr. 2019 Sept 13.
- 31. Mudd AT, Fil JE, Knight LC, Lam F, Liang ZP, Dilger RN. Early-Life Iron Deficiency Reduces Brain Iron Content and Alters Brain Tissue Composition Despite Iron Repletion: A Neuroimaging Assessment. Nutrients. 2018 Jan 27;10(2).
- 32. Papataxiarchis E. About the cultural construction of identity. Topika B pp 197-216. Athens Editions Nisos; 1996. Greek.
- 33. Ramakrishnan U, Grant F, Goldenberg T, Zongrone A, Martopell R. Effect of women’s nutrition before and during pregnancy on maternal and infant outcomes: a systematic review. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2012 Jul;26(1):285-301.
- 34. Tran TD, Biggs BA, Tran T, Simpson JA, Hanieh S, Dwyer T et al. Impact on Infants’ Cognitive Development of Antenatal Exposure to Iron Deficiency Disorder and Common Mental Disorders. PLoS One. 2013 Sept 23;8(9):e74876.
- 35. West L. ‘Love actually’: Transformative Learning meets Bildung, and the psychosocial concept of recognition. In Andritsakou D, West L, editors. What’s the point of Transformative Learning? Proceedings of the 1st Conference of ESREA’s Network “Interrogating Transformative Processes in Learning and Education: An International Dialogue”; 2014; Athens, Greece: ESREA & Hellenic Adult Education Association; 2014 pp. 247-256.
- 36. World Health Organization (WHO). Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding. Geneva; 2003.
- 37. Willats P. Effects of Nutrition on the Development of Higher – Order Cognition. Nestle Nutr Inst Workshop Ser. 2018;89:175-184.
- 38. Yousafzai AK, Obradovic J, Rasheed MA, Rizvi A, Portillia XA, Trado-Strayer N et al. Effects of responsive stimulation and nutrition interventions on children's development and growth at age 4 years in a disadvantaged population in Pakistan: a longitudinal follow-up of a cluster-randomised factorial effectiveness trial. The Lancet Global Health. 2016 June 21;4(8):548-558.
- 39. Zafrana M. Brain and Education. Thessaloniki: Kyriakidis; 2018.
- 40. Zamani B. Breastfeeding as a Cultural Practice: An Ethnographic Approach to the Speech and Action of the La Leche Breastfeeding Association in Thessaloniki [dissertation]. Thessaloniki: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; 2006.