Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 71 - 81, 30.08.2024



  • World Health Organization. Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Situation Report 22. Retrieved from: 49b1_2.
  • T.C. Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Public Health. (2020). COVID-19 (Sars-Cov-2 Infection) general information, epidemiology and diagnosis. Ankara: Ministry of Health, Retrieved from:
  • World Health Organization. Cumulative confirmed COVID-19 deaths by world region. Retrieved from:
  • Shanafelt T, Ripp J, Trockel M. Understanding and addressing sources of anxiety among health care professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Jama, 2020; 323(21): 2133-2134.
  • Ramaiah P, Tayyib NA, Alsolami FJ, Lindsay GM, Asfour HI, Alshmemri MS, Alsulami SA. Generated themes of e-learning: Exploration of students’ challenges during covid-19. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2021; 14(14): 1133-1138.
  • Aygin D, Aysel G, Esin D. Investigation of the effect of COVID-19 infection on nursing students. Sakarya University Journal of Holistic Health, 2022; 5(1): 1-18.
  • Kim SC, Sloan C, Montejano A, Quiban C. Impacts of coping mechanisms on nursing students’ mental health during Covid-19 lockdown: A cross-sectional survey. Nursing Reports, 2021; 11(1): 36–44.
  • Turan FD. Intolerance to Uncertainty and Health Anxiety As the Predictors of Nursing Students’ COVID-19 Phobis. Ordu University Journal of Nursing Studies, 2022; 5(1): 49-59.
  • Ulenaers D, Grosemans J, Schrooten W, Bergs J. Clinical placement experience of nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study. Nurse Education Today, 2021;99:104746.
  • Montemurro N. The emotional impact of COVID-19: From medical staff to common people. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 2020; 87 (1): 23–24. 03.032
  • Simpson MG, Sawatzky JV. Clinical placement anxiety in undergraduate nursing students: A concept analysis. Nurse Education Today, 2020; 87: 104329.
  • Çiçek AÇ, Ardıç C, Bilir Ö. The role of medical education based on simulation in home health services: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University Faculty of Medicine. Journal of Clinical Medicine Family Medicine, 2018; 10(5): 20-22.
  • Aldekhyl SS, Arabi YM. Simulation role in preparing for COVID-19. Annals of Thoracic Medicine. 2020; 15(3): 134.
  • Almomani E, Sullivan J, Hajjieh M, Leighton K. Simulation-based education pro- gramme for upskilling non-critical care nurses for COVID-19 deployment. BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning, 2020; 20(1): 1–4.
  • Hung CC, Kao HF, Liu HC, Liang HF, Chu TP, Lee BO. Effects of simulation-based learning on nursing students’ perceived competence, self-efficacy, and learning satisfaction: A repeat measurement method. Nurse Educucation Today, 2021; 97(1): 1–10.
  • Casafont C, Fabrellas N, Rivera P, Olivé-Ferrer MC, Querol E, Venturas M, ... Zabalegui A. Experiences of nursing students as healthcare aid during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain: A phemonenological research study. Nurse Education Today, 2021; 97: 104711.
  • Sahin G, Basak T. Debriefing methods in simulation-based education. Journal of Education and Research in Nursing, 2021; 18(3): 341-347.
  • Akbaba Ö, Tercan B, Tarsuslu S, Yurt SU. The effect of the simulation training applied in the first and emergency laboratory on the basic skill level of the students. Journal of Health Services and Education, 2020; 3(2): 45-51.
  • Cervera-Gasch A, Gonz ́alez-Chorda VM, Mena-Tudela D. COVID-19: are Spanish medicine and nursing students prepared? Nurse Education Today, 2020; 92: 104473.
  • Collado-Boira EJ, Ruiz-Palomino E, Salas-Media P, Folch-Ayora, A, Muriach M, Balino P. The COVID-19 outbreak”- An empirical phenomenological study on perceptions and psychosocial considerations surrounding the immediate incorporation of final-year Spanish nursing and medical students into the health system. Nurse Education Today, 2020; 92: 104504.
  • Işık R, Konuş S, Bakar C. Medical students’ approaches to COVID-19 and thoughts on the role of social media. Mersin University Journal of Health Sciences, 2021; 14(3): 545-556.
  • Kurt D, Dalkiran SS. Determining the compliance of intern nursing students with isolation precautions in the COVID-19 pandemic period. Bezmialem Science, 2021; 10 (4): 493-499.
  • Ahorsu DK, Lin CY, Imani V, Saffari M, Griffiths MD, Pakpour AH. The Fear of COVID-19 Scale: Development and initial validation. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2022; 20(3): 1537–1545.
  • Ladikli N, Bahadir E, Yumuşak FN, Akkuzu H, Karaman G, Türkkan Z. (2020). The reliability and validity of Turkish version of coronavirus anxiety scale. International Journal of Social Science, 2020; 3(2): 71-80.
  • Geniş B, Gürhan N, Koç M, Geniş Ç, Şahin B, Çırakoğlu OC, Coşar B. Development of perception and attitude scales related with COVID-19 pandemia. Pearson Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 2020; 5(7): 306-325.
  • Pan D, Rajwani K. Implementation of simulation training during the COVID-19 pandemic: A New York hospital experience. Simulation in Healthcare, 2021; 16(1): 46-51.
  • Shon S, Moon KJ. Effects of integrated simulation education among nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Korea. International Journal of Contents, 2021; 17(3): 38-47.
  • Sullivan J, Al-Marri A, Almomani E, Mathias J. The impact of simulation-based education on nurses’ perceived predeployment anxiety during the covid-19 pandemic within the cultural context of a middle eastern country. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development, 2021; 8: 23821205211061012.
  • Mohamed A, Mohamed L. Perceived nursing students’ satisfaction and self-confidence towards the elements of clinical simulation design and educational practice during the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. Tanta Scientific Nursing Journal, 2020; 19 (2): 68-98.
  • Artan T, Karaman M, Arslan İ, Cebeci F. Evaluation of the Perceptions and Attitudes Evaluation Scale towards the COVID-19 outbreak. Journal of Social Work, 2020; 4(2): 101-107.
  • Spence D, Zambas S, Mannix J, Jackson D, Neville S. Challenges to the provision of clinical education in nursing. Contemporary Nurse, 2019; 55: 458–467.
  • Suarez-Garcia JM., Maestro-Gonzalez A, Zuazua-Rico D, S ́anchez-Zaballos M, Mosteiro-Diaz MP, Stressors for Spanish nursing students in clinical practice. Nurse Education Today, 2018; 64: 16–20. nedt.2018.02.001.
  • Shaw SCK. Hopelessness, helplessness and resilience: The importance of safeguarding our trainees’ mental wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nurse Education in Practice, 2020; 44: 102780.
  • Yazici HG, Ökten Ç. Nursing students’ clinical practices during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Fear of COVID‐19 and anxiety levels. Nursing Forum, 2022; 57: 298-304.
  • Lovric R, Farcic N, Miksic S, Vcev A. Studying during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative ınductive content analysis of nursing students’ perceptions and experiences. Education Sciences, 2020; 10 (7): 1-18.

The Effect of Simulation Education on Nursing Students' Perception and Fear of COVID-19: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 71 - 81, 30.08.2024


Aim: This study aims to determine the effect of simulation education on nursing students’ perception and fear of the COVID-19 disease. Method: This study was conducted in a randomized controlled trials with 86 nursing students from a university between November 10 and December 10, 2021. Data were collected using a personal information form and the Approach to COVID-19 Patient Form, which were designed by the researchers, the COVID-19 Disease Perception Scale, and the Fear of COVID-19 Scale. Results: While the COVID-19 Fear Scale mean score of the intervention and control groups was high before the training, it decreased after the training. After the training of the intervention and control group, the mean score of the COVID-19 Disease Perception Scale increased. It was found that the simulation education given to the intervention group increased the level of correct implementation of the interventions related to approaching patients after the education. Conclusion: It was found that the simulation education given to students provided positive improvements in the approach to patients with COVID-19 and disease perception and fear levels.


  • World Health Organization. Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Situation Report 22. Retrieved from: 49b1_2.
  • T.C. Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Public Health. (2020). COVID-19 (Sars-Cov-2 Infection) general information, epidemiology and diagnosis. Ankara: Ministry of Health, Retrieved from:
  • World Health Organization. Cumulative confirmed COVID-19 deaths by world region. Retrieved from:
  • Shanafelt T, Ripp J, Trockel M. Understanding and addressing sources of anxiety among health care professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Jama, 2020; 323(21): 2133-2134.
  • Ramaiah P, Tayyib NA, Alsolami FJ, Lindsay GM, Asfour HI, Alshmemri MS, Alsulami SA. Generated themes of e-learning: Exploration of students’ challenges during covid-19. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2021; 14(14): 1133-1138.
  • Aygin D, Aysel G, Esin D. Investigation of the effect of COVID-19 infection on nursing students. Sakarya University Journal of Holistic Health, 2022; 5(1): 1-18.
  • Kim SC, Sloan C, Montejano A, Quiban C. Impacts of coping mechanisms on nursing students’ mental health during Covid-19 lockdown: A cross-sectional survey. Nursing Reports, 2021; 11(1): 36–44.
  • Turan FD. Intolerance to Uncertainty and Health Anxiety As the Predictors of Nursing Students’ COVID-19 Phobis. Ordu University Journal of Nursing Studies, 2022; 5(1): 49-59.
  • Ulenaers D, Grosemans J, Schrooten W, Bergs J. Clinical placement experience of nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study. Nurse Education Today, 2021;99:104746.
  • Montemurro N. The emotional impact of COVID-19: From medical staff to common people. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 2020; 87 (1): 23–24. 03.032
  • Simpson MG, Sawatzky JV. Clinical placement anxiety in undergraduate nursing students: A concept analysis. Nurse Education Today, 2020; 87: 104329.
  • Çiçek AÇ, Ardıç C, Bilir Ö. The role of medical education based on simulation in home health services: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University Faculty of Medicine. Journal of Clinical Medicine Family Medicine, 2018; 10(5): 20-22.
  • Aldekhyl SS, Arabi YM. Simulation role in preparing for COVID-19. Annals of Thoracic Medicine. 2020; 15(3): 134.
  • Almomani E, Sullivan J, Hajjieh M, Leighton K. Simulation-based education pro- gramme for upskilling non-critical care nurses for COVID-19 deployment. BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning, 2020; 20(1): 1–4.
  • Hung CC, Kao HF, Liu HC, Liang HF, Chu TP, Lee BO. Effects of simulation-based learning on nursing students’ perceived competence, self-efficacy, and learning satisfaction: A repeat measurement method. Nurse Educucation Today, 2021; 97(1): 1–10.
  • Casafont C, Fabrellas N, Rivera P, Olivé-Ferrer MC, Querol E, Venturas M, ... Zabalegui A. Experiences of nursing students as healthcare aid during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain: A phemonenological research study. Nurse Education Today, 2021; 97: 104711.
  • Sahin G, Basak T. Debriefing methods in simulation-based education. Journal of Education and Research in Nursing, 2021; 18(3): 341-347.
  • Akbaba Ö, Tercan B, Tarsuslu S, Yurt SU. The effect of the simulation training applied in the first and emergency laboratory on the basic skill level of the students. Journal of Health Services and Education, 2020; 3(2): 45-51.
  • Cervera-Gasch A, Gonz ́alez-Chorda VM, Mena-Tudela D. COVID-19: are Spanish medicine and nursing students prepared? Nurse Education Today, 2020; 92: 104473.
  • Collado-Boira EJ, Ruiz-Palomino E, Salas-Media P, Folch-Ayora, A, Muriach M, Balino P. The COVID-19 outbreak”- An empirical phenomenological study on perceptions and psychosocial considerations surrounding the immediate incorporation of final-year Spanish nursing and medical students into the health system. Nurse Education Today, 2020; 92: 104504.
  • Işık R, Konuş S, Bakar C. Medical students’ approaches to COVID-19 and thoughts on the role of social media. Mersin University Journal of Health Sciences, 2021; 14(3): 545-556.
  • Kurt D, Dalkiran SS. Determining the compliance of intern nursing students with isolation precautions in the COVID-19 pandemic period. Bezmialem Science, 2021; 10 (4): 493-499.
  • Ahorsu DK, Lin CY, Imani V, Saffari M, Griffiths MD, Pakpour AH. The Fear of COVID-19 Scale: Development and initial validation. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2022; 20(3): 1537–1545.
  • Ladikli N, Bahadir E, Yumuşak FN, Akkuzu H, Karaman G, Türkkan Z. (2020). The reliability and validity of Turkish version of coronavirus anxiety scale. International Journal of Social Science, 2020; 3(2): 71-80.
  • Geniş B, Gürhan N, Koç M, Geniş Ç, Şahin B, Çırakoğlu OC, Coşar B. Development of perception and attitude scales related with COVID-19 pandemia. Pearson Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 2020; 5(7): 306-325.
  • Pan D, Rajwani K. Implementation of simulation training during the COVID-19 pandemic: A New York hospital experience. Simulation in Healthcare, 2021; 16(1): 46-51.
  • Shon S, Moon KJ. Effects of integrated simulation education among nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Korea. International Journal of Contents, 2021; 17(3): 38-47.
  • Sullivan J, Al-Marri A, Almomani E, Mathias J. The impact of simulation-based education on nurses’ perceived predeployment anxiety during the covid-19 pandemic within the cultural context of a middle eastern country. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development, 2021; 8: 23821205211061012.
  • Mohamed A, Mohamed L. Perceived nursing students’ satisfaction and self-confidence towards the elements of clinical simulation design and educational practice during the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. Tanta Scientific Nursing Journal, 2020; 19 (2): 68-98.
  • Artan T, Karaman M, Arslan İ, Cebeci F. Evaluation of the Perceptions and Attitudes Evaluation Scale towards the COVID-19 outbreak. Journal of Social Work, 2020; 4(2): 101-107.
  • Spence D, Zambas S, Mannix J, Jackson D, Neville S. Challenges to the provision of clinical education in nursing. Contemporary Nurse, 2019; 55: 458–467.
  • Suarez-Garcia JM., Maestro-Gonzalez A, Zuazua-Rico D, S ́anchez-Zaballos M, Mosteiro-Diaz MP, Stressors for Spanish nursing students in clinical practice. Nurse Education Today, 2018; 64: 16–20. nedt.2018.02.001.
  • Shaw SCK. Hopelessness, helplessness and resilience: The importance of safeguarding our trainees’ mental wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nurse Education in Practice, 2020; 44: 102780.
  • Yazici HG, Ökten Ç. Nursing students’ clinical practices during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Fear of COVID‐19 and anxiety levels. Nursing Forum, 2022; 57: 298-304.
  • Lovric R, Farcic N, Miksic S, Vcev A. Studying during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative ınductive content analysis of nursing students’ perceptions and experiences. Education Sciences, 2020; 10 (7): 1-18.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects ​Internal Diseases Nursing​
Journal Section Articles

Nurten Terkeş 0000-0002-1644-8382

Sibel Şentürk 0000-0002-5634-174X

Publication Date August 30, 2024
Submission Date April 7, 2024
Acceptance Date August 6, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Terkeş, N., & Şentürk, S. (2024). The Effect of Simulation Education on Nursing Students’ Perception and Fear of COVID-19: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Turkish Journal of Health Science and Life, 7(2), 71-81.