Türkiye Trüfleri Kontrol Listesi
Year 2016,
Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 103 - 109, 29.12.2016
İsmail Şen
Hakan Allı
Hasan Sungur Civelek
Trüfler ekolojik ve ticari olarak değerli bir makrofungus grubudur ve eski çağlardan beri insanları etkilemektedirler. Benzer şekilde, Türkiye trüfler için uygun şartlara sahiptir. Bu nedenle, sunulan bu çalışmada Türkiye’den kaydedilen trüflerin listesi verilmiştir.
- Afyon A. 1996. Isparta Yöresinde Belirlenen Bazı Makroskobik Mantarlar. Turk J Bot, 20: 161 -164.
- Akata I, Çetin B and Işıloğlu M. 2010. Macrofungal Diversity of Ilgaz Mountain National Park and Its Environs (Turkey). Mycotaxon, 113: 287 – 290.
- Akata I, Uzun Y and Kaya A. 2016. Macrofungal Diversity of Zigana Mountain (Gümüşhane/Turkey). Biodicon, 9/2: 57 – 69.
- Alkan S, Kaşık G and Aktaş S. 2010. Macrofungi of Derebucak (Konya, Turkey). Turk J Bot, 34: 335 – 350.
- Allı H, Şen İ and Altuntaş D. 2016. Macrofungi of İznik Province. Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Series C, 25: 7 – 24.
- Candar SS and Allı H. 2012. Yalova İli Makrofungusları. 21. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, 3-7.09.2012, İzmir, Turkey, Abstract Book: 1192.
- Castellano MA and Türkoğlu A. 2012. New Records of Truffle Taxa in Tuber and Terfezia from Turkey. Turk J Bot, 36: 295 – 298.
- Çaka Ş and Türkoğlu A. 2016. Some Commercial Truffles and Their Natural Habitats. Muğla Journal of Science and Technology, Special Issue, 13 -14.
- Demir S, Demirel K and Uzun Y. 2007. Macrofungi of Batman provinve. Ekoloji 16 (64): 37–42.
- Demirel K. 1998. Two New Records for the Mycoflora of Turkey. YYÜ. Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bil. Dergisi, 5: 22 – 25.
- Demirel K, Kaya A and Uzun Y. 2003. Macrofungi of Erzurum Province. Turk J Bot, 27: 29 – 36.
- Doğan HH. 2006. The first locality of Phallogaster saccatus (Hysterangiaceae) in Turkey. Mikologia i Fitopatologia 40/1: 22–24.
- Doğan HH and Öztürk C. 2006. Macrofungi and Their Distribution in Karaman Province, Turkey. Turk J Bot. 30: 193 – 207.
- Doğan HH, Öztürk C, Kaşık G and Aktaş S. 2007. Macrofungi Distribution of Mut Province in Turkey. Pak J Bot, 39/1: 293 – 308.
- Doğan HH, Küçük MA and Akata I. 2010. A Study on Macrofungal Diversity of Bozyazı Province (Mersin), Turkey. GU J Sci, 23/4: 393 – 400.
- Doğan HH and Kurt F. 2016. New Macrofungi Records from Turkey and Macrofungal Diversity of Pozantı-Adana. Turk J Bot, 40: 209 – 217.
- Elliot TF, Türkoğlu A, Trappe MT and Yaratanakul Güngör M. 2016. Turkish Truffles 2: Eight New Records from Anatolia. Mycotaxon, 131: 439 – 453.
- Gezer K. 2000. Contributions to the Macrofungi Flora of Antalya Province. Turk J Bot, 24: 293 – 298.
- Gezer K, Kaygusuz O, Çelik A and Işıloğlu M. 2014. Ecological Characteristics of Truffles Growing In Denizli Province, Turkey. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 12: 1105–1109.
- Gücin F. 1990. Elazığ Çevresinde Belirlenen Makrofunguslar. Doğa Türk Botanik Dergisi, 14 (3): 171–177.
- Gücin F, Kaya A, Soylu MK and Uzun Y. 2010. Picoa Vittad., A New Truffle Genus Record for Turkey. Biodicon, 3/3: 23 – 25.
- Güngör H, Solak MH, Allı H, Işıloğlu M and Kalmış E. 2015. New Records for Turkey and Contributions to the Macrofungal Diversity of Isparta Province. Turk J Bot. 39: 867 – 877.
- Güngör H, Solak MH, Allı H, Işıloğlu M and Kalmış E. 2016. Contributions to the Macrofungal Diversity of Muğla Province (Turkey). Mycotaxon, Link Page 131: 256.
- Işıloğlu M and Öder N. 1995. Malatya Yöresinin Makrofungusları. Turk J Bot 19: 321–324.
- Kaşık G, Öztürk C, Akkoz C and Doğan HH. 1998. S. U. Alaaddin Keykubat Kampusunde Belirlenen Bazı Makrofunguslar. Selcuk Universitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakultesi Dergisi 15: 87–99.
- Kaşık G, Öztürk C and Toprak E. 2001. Macrofungi of Niğde Province (Turkey). The Herb Journal of Systematic Botany 8(2): 137–142.
- Kaşık G, Öztürk C, Türkoğlu A and Doğan HH. 2003. Macrofungi of Yahyalı (Kayseri) Province. Turk J Bot. 27: 453 – 462.
- Kaya A. 2006. Macrofungi of Andırın (Kahramanmaraş) District. Turk J Bot, 30: 85 – 93.
- Kaya A. 2009a. Macromycetes of Kahramanmaraş Province (Turkey). Mycotaxon, 108: 31 – 34.
- Kaya A. 2009b. Macrofungal Diversity of Nemrut Mount National Park and Its Environs (Adıyaman – Turkey). Afr J Biotech. 8/13: 2978 – 2983.
- Kaya A. 2009c. Macrofungi of Huzurlu High Plateau (Gaziantep-Turkey). Turk J Bot, 33: 429–437.
- Kaya A. 2015. Contributions to the Macrofungal Diversity of Atatürk Dam Lake Basin. Turk J Bot, 39: 162 – 172.
- Kaya A, Demirel K and Uzun Y. 2012. Macrofungal Diversity of Araban (Gaziantep / Turkey) District. Biodicon, 5 (3): 162 – 166.
- Kiriş Z, Halıcı MG, Akata I and Allı H. 2012. Macrofungi of Akdağmadeni (Yozgat/Turkey) and Gemerek (Sivas/Turkey), Biodicon, 5/2: 53 – 58.
- Köse S, Gezer K, Gökler İ and Türkoğlu. 2006. Macrofungi of Bekilli (Denizli) District. Turk J Bot. 30: 267 – 272.
- Köstekçi H, Yamaç M and Solak MH. 2005. Macrofungi of Türkmenbaba Mountain (Eskişehir). Turk J Bot, 29: 409 – 416.
- Öder N. 1988. Taxonomic Investigations of Important Edible And Poisonous Mushrooms Growing In The Konya Center And Some Districts Of Konya. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 8: 237–257.
- Öztürk C, Kaşık G and Toprak E. 1997. Ascomycetes Makrofunguslarından Türkiye İçin İki Yeni Kayıt. Ot Sistematik Botanik Dergisi 4: 53–56.
- Öztürk C, Kaşık G, Doğan HH and Aktaş S. 2003. Macrofungi of Alanya District. Turk J Bot, 27: 303 – 312.
- Pegler DN, Spooner BM and Young TWK. 1993. British Truffles, A Revision of British Hypogeous Fungi. Royal Botanic Garden, Kew.
- Pilát AA. 1937. Additamenta ad Floram Asiae Minoris Hymenomycetum et Gasteromycetum. Bulletin Trimestriel Society Mycologie France, 53: 253–264.
- Servi H, Akata I and Çetin B. 2010. Macrofungal Diversity of Bolu Abant Nature Park (Turkey). Afr J Biotech, 9/24: 3622 – 3628.
- Sesli E and Denchev CM. 2008. Checklists of the myxomycetes, larger ascomycetes, and larger basidiomycetes in Turkey. Mycotaxon, 106: 65–67. + [complete version, 1–145, new version uploaded in January 2014].
- Sesli E and Castellano MA. 2009. Rhizopogon marchii (Basidiomycota, Rhizopogonaceae), A New Record from Turkey. Ot Sistematik Botanik Dergisi 16: 155–158.
- Sesli E and Moreau PA. 2015. Taxonomic Studies on Some New Fungal Records from Trabzon, Turkey. Turk J Bot. 39: 857 – 866.
- Solak MH, Işıloğlu M, Gücin F and Gökler İ. 1999. MAcrofungi of İzmir Province. Turk J Bot. 23: 383 – 390.
- Solak MH, Gücin F, Işıloğlu M and Pacioni G. 2003. A new record of Geopora cooperi f. cooperi from West Asia. Pakistan J Bot 35: 473–475.
- Solak MH, Işıloğlu M, Kalmış E ve Allı H. 2007.Macrofungi of Turkey, Checklist, Volume 1. Üniversiteliler Ofset, İzmir.
- Solak MH, Işıloğlu M, Kalmış E ve Allı H. 2015.Macrofungi of Turkey, Checklist, Volume 2. Üniversiteliler Ofset, İzmir.
- Türkekul İ. 2003. A Contribution to the Fungal Flora of Tokat Province. Turk J Bot. 27: 313 – 320.
- Türkoğlu A and Gezer K. 2006. Hacer Ormanı (Kayseri)’nın Makrofungusları. Ekoloji, 15: 43 – 48.
- Türkoğlu A, Kanlık A and Gezer K. 2007. Macrofungi of Çamlık District (Denizli-Turkey). Turk J Bot, 31: 551 – 557.
- Türkoğlu A and Yağız D. 2012. Contributions to the Macrofungal Diversity of Uşak Province. Turk J Bot. 36: 580 – 589.
- Türkoğlu A and Castellano MA. 2013. New Records of Truffle Fungi (Basidiomycetes) from Turkey. Turk J Bot, 37: 970 – 976.
- Türkoğlu A and Castellano MA. 2014. New Records of Some Ascomycete Truffle Fungi from Turkey. Turk J Bot., 38: 406 – 416.
- Türkoğlu A. 2015. Yeraltındaki Gizli Hazine: Trüf Mantarları. T.C. Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanlığı Orman Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
- Türkoğlu A, Castellano MA, Trappe JM and Yaratanakul Güngör M. 2015. Turkish Truffles I: 18 New Records for Turkey. Turk J Bot., 39: 359 – 376.
- Uzun Y, Keleş A and Demirel K. 2006. Contributions to the Macrofungi Flora of Gümüşhane Province. Turk J Bot, 30: 39 – 46.
- Uzun Y, Acar İ and Akata I. 2014. Notes on Turkish Melanogaster. Ot Sistematik Botanik Dergisi, 21/2: 113 – 118.
- Uzun Y, Kaya A, Karacan İH, Kaya ÖF and Yakar S. 2015. Macromycetes Determined in Islahiye (Gaziantep/Turkey) District. Biodicon, 8/3: 209 – 217.
- Ünal G, Türkoğlu A and Yaratanakul Güngör M. 2016. Muğla Yöresindeki Eucalyptus Ormanlarında Yetişen Makrofunguslar Üzerine Taksonomik Çalışmalar. Türk Tarım – Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 4/3: 244 – 247.
- Yağız D, Afyon A, Konuk M and Helfer S. 2006a. Contributions to the Macrofungi of Bolu and Düzce Provinces, Turkey. Mycotaxon, 95: 331 – 334.
- Yağız D, Afyon A, Konuk M and Helfer S. 2006b. Contributions to the Macrofungi of Kastamonu Province, Turkey. Mycotaxon, 98: 177 – 180.
- Yıldız A and Ertekin AS. 1997. Contribution to the Macrofungal Flora of Diyarbakır. Turk J Bot, 21: 119–122.
- Yılmaz Ersel F and Solak MH. 2004. Contributions to the Macrofungi of İzmir Province. Turk J Bot, 28: 487 – 490.
- Trappe JM, Molina R, Luoma DL, Cázares E, Pilz D, Smith JE, Castellano MA, Miller SL, Trappe J.,Diversity, Ecology, and Conservation of Truffle Fungi in Forests of the Pacific Northwest.,USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report, USA.,ENGLİSH,USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report, USA.,2009
Checklist of Turkish Truffles
Year 2016,
Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 103 - 109, 29.12.2016
İsmail Şen
Hakan Allı
Hasan Sungur Civelek
Truffles are ecologically and commercially valued macrofungi group and they attract the people since ancient times. Similarly, Turkey has suitable conditions for truffles. So, the list of truffles that reported from Turkey is given in this paper.
- Afyon A. 1996. Isparta Yöresinde Belirlenen Bazı Makroskobik Mantarlar. Turk J Bot, 20: 161 -164.
- Akata I, Çetin B and Işıloğlu M. 2010. Macrofungal Diversity of Ilgaz Mountain National Park and Its Environs (Turkey). Mycotaxon, 113: 287 – 290.
- Akata I, Uzun Y and Kaya A. 2016. Macrofungal Diversity of Zigana Mountain (Gümüşhane/Turkey). Biodicon, 9/2: 57 – 69.
- Alkan S, Kaşık G and Aktaş S. 2010. Macrofungi of Derebucak (Konya, Turkey). Turk J Bot, 34: 335 – 350.
- Allı H, Şen İ and Altuntaş D. 2016. Macrofungi of İznik Province. Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Series C, 25: 7 – 24.
- Candar SS and Allı H. 2012. Yalova İli Makrofungusları. 21. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, 3-7.09.2012, İzmir, Turkey, Abstract Book: 1192.
- Castellano MA and Türkoğlu A. 2012. New Records of Truffle Taxa in Tuber and Terfezia from Turkey. Turk J Bot, 36: 295 – 298.
- Çaka Ş and Türkoğlu A. 2016. Some Commercial Truffles and Their Natural Habitats. Muğla Journal of Science and Technology, Special Issue, 13 -14.
- Demir S, Demirel K and Uzun Y. 2007. Macrofungi of Batman provinve. Ekoloji 16 (64): 37–42.
- Demirel K. 1998. Two New Records for the Mycoflora of Turkey. YYÜ. Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bil. Dergisi, 5: 22 – 25.
- Demirel K, Kaya A and Uzun Y. 2003. Macrofungi of Erzurum Province. Turk J Bot, 27: 29 – 36.
- Doğan HH. 2006. The first locality of Phallogaster saccatus (Hysterangiaceae) in Turkey. Mikologia i Fitopatologia 40/1: 22–24.
- Doğan HH and Öztürk C. 2006. Macrofungi and Their Distribution in Karaman Province, Turkey. Turk J Bot. 30: 193 – 207.
- Doğan HH, Öztürk C, Kaşık G and Aktaş S. 2007. Macrofungi Distribution of Mut Province in Turkey. Pak J Bot, 39/1: 293 – 308.
- Doğan HH, Küçük MA and Akata I. 2010. A Study on Macrofungal Diversity of Bozyazı Province (Mersin), Turkey. GU J Sci, 23/4: 393 – 400.
- Doğan HH and Kurt F. 2016. New Macrofungi Records from Turkey and Macrofungal Diversity of Pozantı-Adana. Turk J Bot, 40: 209 – 217.
- Elliot TF, Türkoğlu A, Trappe MT and Yaratanakul Güngör M. 2016. Turkish Truffles 2: Eight New Records from Anatolia. Mycotaxon, 131: 439 – 453.
- Gezer K. 2000. Contributions to the Macrofungi Flora of Antalya Province. Turk J Bot, 24: 293 – 298.
- Gezer K, Kaygusuz O, Çelik A and Işıloğlu M. 2014. Ecological Characteristics of Truffles Growing In Denizli Province, Turkey. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 12: 1105–1109.
- Gücin F. 1990. Elazığ Çevresinde Belirlenen Makrofunguslar. Doğa Türk Botanik Dergisi, 14 (3): 171–177.
- Gücin F, Kaya A, Soylu MK and Uzun Y. 2010. Picoa Vittad., A New Truffle Genus Record for Turkey. Biodicon, 3/3: 23 – 25.
- Güngör H, Solak MH, Allı H, Işıloğlu M and Kalmış E. 2015. New Records for Turkey and Contributions to the Macrofungal Diversity of Isparta Province. Turk J Bot. 39: 867 – 877.
- Güngör H, Solak MH, Allı H, Işıloğlu M and Kalmış E. 2016. Contributions to the Macrofungal Diversity of Muğla Province (Turkey). Mycotaxon, Link Page 131: 256.
- Işıloğlu M and Öder N. 1995. Malatya Yöresinin Makrofungusları. Turk J Bot 19: 321–324.
- Kaşık G, Öztürk C, Akkoz C and Doğan HH. 1998. S. U. Alaaddin Keykubat Kampusunde Belirlenen Bazı Makrofunguslar. Selcuk Universitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakultesi Dergisi 15: 87–99.
- Kaşık G, Öztürk C and Toprak E. 2001. Macrofungi of Niğde Province (Turkey). The Herb Journal of Systematic Botany 8(2): 137–142.
- Kaşık G, Öztürk C, Türkoğlu A and Doğan HH. 2003. Macrofungi of Yahyalı (Kayseri) Province. Turk J Bot. 27: 453 – 462.
- Kaya A. 2006. Macrofungi of Andırın (Kahramanmaraş) District. Turk J Bot, 30: 85 – 93.
- Kaya A. 2009a. Macromycetes of Kahramanmaraş Province (Turkey). Mycotaxon, 108: 31 – 34.
- Kaya A. 2009b. Macrofungal Diversity of Nemrut Mount National Park and Its Environs (Adıyaman – Turkey). Afr J Biotech. 8/13: 2978 – 2983.
- Kaya A. 2009c. Macrofungi of Huzurlu High Plateau (Gaziantep-Turkey). Turk J Bot, 33: 429–437.
- Kaya A. 2015. Contributions to the Macrofungal Diversity of Atatürk Dam Lake Basin. Turk J Bot, 39: 162 – 172.
- Kaya A, Demirel K and Uzun Y. 2012. Macrofungal Diversity of Araban (Gaziantep / Turkey) District. Biodicon, 5 (3): 162 – 166.
- Kiriş Z, Halıcı MG, Akata I and Allı H. 2012. Macrofungi of Akdağmadeni (Yozgat/Turkey) and Gemerek (Sivas/Turkey), Biodicon, 5/2: 53 – 58.
- Köse S, Gezer K, Gökler İ and Türkoğlu. 2006. Macrofungi of Bekilli (Denizli) District. Turk J Bot. 30: 267 – 272.
- Köstekçi H, Yamaç M and Solak MH. 2005. Macrofungi of Türkmenbaba Mountain (Eskişehir). Turk J Bot, 29: 409 – 416.
- Öder N. 1988. Taxonomic Investigations of Important Edible And Poisonous Mushrooms Growing In The Konya Center And Some Districts Of Konya. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 8: 237–257.
- Öztürk C, Kaşık G and Toprak E. 1997. Ascomycetes Makrofunguslarından Türkiye İçin İki Yeni Kayıt. Ot Sistematik Botanik Dergisi 4: 53–56.
- Öztürk C, Kaşık G, Doğan HH and Aktaş S. 2003. Macrofungi of Alanya District. Turk J Bot, 27: 303 – 312.
- Pegler DN, Spooner BM and Young TWK. 1993. British Truffles, A Revision of British Hypogeous Fungi. Royal Botanic Garden, Kew.
- Pilát AA. 1937. Additamenta ad Floram Asiae Minoris Hymenomycetum et Gasteromycetum. Bulletin Trimestriel Society Mycologie France, 53: 253–264.
- Servi H, Akata I and Çetin B. 2010. Macrofungal Diversity of Bolu Abant Nature Park (Turkey). Afr J Biotech, 9/24: 3622 – 3628.
- Sesli E and Denchev CM. 2008. Checklists of the myxomycetes, larger ascomycetes, and larger basidiomycetes in Turkey. Mycotaxon, 106: 65–67. + [complete version, 1–145, new version uploaded in January 2014].
- Sesli E and Castellano MA. 2009. Rhizopogon marchii (Basidiomycota, Rhizopogonaceae), A New Record from Turkey. Ot Sistematik Botanik Dergisi 16: 155–158.
- Sesli E and Moreau PA. 2015. Taxonomic Studies on Some New Fungal Records from Trabzon, Turkey. Turk J Bot. 39: 857 – 866.
- Solak MH, Işıloğlu M, Gücin F and Gökler İ. 1999. MAcrofungi of İzmir Province. Turk J Bot. 23: 383 – 390.
- Solak MH, Gücin F, Işıloğlu M and Pacioni G. 2003. A new record of Geopora cooperi f. cooperi from West Asia. Pakistan J Bot 35: 473–475.
- Solak MH, Işıloğlu M, Kalmış E ve Allı H. 2007.Macrofungi of Turkey, Checklist, Volume 1. Üniversiteliler Ofset, İzmir.
- Solak MH, Işıloğlu M, Kalmış E ve Allı H. 2015.Macrofungi of Turkey, Checklist, Volume 2. Üniversiteliler Ofset, İzmir.
- Türkekul İ. 2003. A Contribution to the Fungal Flora of Tokat Province. Turk J Bot. 27: 313 – 320.
- Türkoğlu A and Gezer K. 2006. Hacer Ormanı (Kayseri)’nın Makrofungusları. Ekoloji, 15: 43 – 48.
- Türkoğlu A, Kanlık A and Gezer K. 2007. Macrofungi of Çamlık District (Denizli-Turkey). Turk J Bot, 31: 551 – 557.
- Türkoğlu A and Yağız D. 2012. Contributions to the Macrofungal Diversity of Uşak Province. Turk J Bot. 36: 580 – 589.
- Türkoğlu A and Castellano MA. 2013. New Records of Truffle Fungi (Basidiomycetes) from Turkey. Turk J Bot, 37: 970 – 976.
- Türkoğlu A and Castellano MA. 2014. New Records of Some Ascomycete Truffle Fungi from Turkey. Turk J Bot., 38: 406 – 416.
- Türkoğlu A. 2015. Yeraltındaki Gizli Hazine: Trüf Mantarları. T.C. Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanlığı Orman Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
- Türkoğlu A, Castellano MA, Trappe JM and Yaratanakul Güngör M. 2015. Turkish Truffles I: 18 New Records for Turkey. Turk J Bot., 39: 359 – 376.
- Uzun Y, Keleş A and Demirel K. 2006. Contributions to the Macrofungi Flora of Gümüşhane Province. Turk J Bot, 30: 39 – 46.
- Uzun Y, Acar İ and Akata I. 2014. Notes on Turkish Melanogaster. Ot Sistematik Botanik Dergisi, 21/2: 113 – 118.
- Uzun Y, Kaya A, Karacan İH, Kaya ÖF and Yakar S. 2015. Macromycetes Determined in Islahiye (Gaziantep/Turkey) District. Biodicon, 8/3: 209 – 217.
- Ünal G, Türkoğlu A and Yaratanakul Güngör M. 2016. Muğla Yöresindeki Eucalyptus Ormanlarında Yetişen Makrofunguslar Üzerine Taksonomik Çalışmalar. Türk Tarım – Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 4/3: 244 – 247.
- Yağız D, Afyon A, Konuk M and Helfer S. 2006a. Contributions to the Macrofungi of Bolu and Düzce Provinces, Turkey. Mycotaxon, 95: 331 – 334.
- Yağız D, Afyon A, Konuk M and Helfer S. 2006b. Contributions to the Macrofungi of Kastamonu Province, Turkey. Mycotaxon, 98: 177 – 180.
- Yıldız A and Ertekin AS. 1997. Contribution to the Macrofungal Flora of Diyarbakır. Turk J Bot, 21: 119–122.
- Yılmaz Ersel F and Solak MH. 2004. Contributions to the Macrofungi of İzmir Province. Turk J Bot, 28: 487 – 490.
- Trappe JM, Molina R, Luoma DL, Cázares E, Pilz D, Smith JE, Castellano MA, Miller SL, Trappe J.,Diversity, Ecology, and Conservation of Truffle Fungi in Forests of the Pacific Northwest.,USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report, USA.,ENGLİSH,USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report, USA.,2009