Research Article
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Year 2016, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 20 - 27, 31.12.2016



  • Elçi Ş, 2005. Baklagil ve Buğdaygil Yem Bitkileri. TC. Tarım ve Köy İşleri Bakanlığı, Ankara, s 54-56.
  • Tan M, Serin Y, 2008. Baklagil Yem Bitkileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No: 190, Erzurum, s, 1-3.
  • Anonymous, 2002. FAO Agricultural Production, (19.06.2009).
  • Bolton J.L, Goplen B.P, Baenziger H, 1972. World Distribution and Historical Developments. Agronomy, 15, 1-34.
  • Anonim 2007. TÜİK Tarım Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri. (19.06.2009).
  • Yıldırım E, 2008. Tarımsal Zararlılarla Mücadele Yöntemleri ve Kullanılan İlaçlar. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No:219, s 1, Erzurum.
  • Pisarek M, 1995. Influence of the Age of Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) Plantations Age on the Occurrence of Harmful Weevils (Col. Curculionidae) in the Rzeszow Region. Materiay Sesji Instytutu Ochrony Roslin, 2 (35), 23-25.
  • Lykouressıs D.P, Emmanouel N.G, Parentıs AA, 1991. Studıes on Biology and Population-Structure of 3 Curculionid Pests of Lucerne in Greece. Journal of Applıed Entomology-Zeıtschrıft Fur Angewandte Entomologıe, 3 (112), 317-320.
  • Vasil'eva T.V, 2004. Pests of non-traditional fodder crops. Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii, 3, 56-57.
  • Özbek H, Hayat, R., 2008. Tahıl, Sebze, Yem ve Endüstri Bitki Zararlıları. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No: 340, 179-197, Erzurum.
  • Strbac P, 2005. Other important weevils (Curculionidae) of alfalfa and clover. Biljni Lekar (Plant Doctor), 5 (33), 501-508.
  • Toshova T.B, Subchev M. A, Atanasova D.I, Velázquez de Castro A.J, Smart L, 2009. Sıtona Weevıls (Coleoptera: Curculıonıdae) Caught by Traps in Alfalfa Fıelds in Bulgaria Bıotechnol. & Bıotechnol. Eq. Specıal Edıtıon/On-Lıne.
  • Tamer A, Aydemir M, Has A, 1997. Ankara ve Konya illerinde Korunga ve Yoncada Görülen Zararlı ve Faydalı Böcekler Üzerinde Faunistik Çalışmalar. Bitki Koruma Bülteni, 37 (34), 125-161.
  • Kıvan M, 1995. Tekirdağ İlinde Baklagil Yem Bitkilerinde Bulunan Sitona GM (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Türleri, Konukçuları ve Yayılışları Üzerine Ön Araştırmalar. Türk Entomol.Derg, 19 (4), 299-304.
  • Barrad B.I.P, 1996. Sitona Lepidus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) , A Potential Clover Pest New to New Zealand. New Zealand Entomologist, vol. 19, 23-29.
  • Akkaya A, 1995. Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde Baklagil Yem Bitkilerinde Entomolojik Sorunlar ve Çözüm Önerileri. GAP Bölgesi Bitki Koruma Sorunları ve Çözüm Önerileri, Şanlıurfa.
  • Saygılı H, Şahin F, Aysan Y, 2006. Fitobakteriyoloji. s, 65-75 İzmir-İstanbul-Adana.
  • Dhingani M.R., Parakhia M.V, Tomar R. 2013. Functional characterization of PGPR and its identification through 16 S rRNA sequencing. Indian Journal of Applied Research, 3:6, 47-50
  • Miller I, Berger T, 1985. Bacteria Identification by Gas Chromatography of Whole Cell fatty acids. Hewlett Packard Gas Chromatography Application Note, Hewlett Packard Co., Alto, CA, 228-238.
  • Jackman P.J.H, 1985. Bacterial taxonomy based on electrophoretic whole-cell protein patterns. The Society for Applied Bacteriology, 415-429.
  • Kersters K, 1985. Numerical methods in the classification of bacteria protein electrophoresis. Society for General Microbiology, 337-368.
  • Miller S.A, Martin R.R, 1988. Molecular Diagnosis of plant disease. Phytopathology, 26, 409-432.
  • Guillorit-Rondeau C, Malandrin L, Samson R, 1996. Identification of two serological flagellar types (H1 and H2) in Pseudomonas syringae pathovars. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 102, 99-104.
  • Scortichini M, Janse J.D, Rossi M.P, Derks J.H.J, 1996. Characterization of Xanthomonas campestris pv. pruni strains from different host by pathogenicity test and analysis of whole-cell fatty acids and whole-cell proteins. Journal of Phytopathology, 144, 69-74.
  • Zhang Y, Geider K, 1997. Differentiation of Erwinia amylovora strains by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Applied and Enviromental Microbiology, 63, 4421-4426.

Isolation and Identification of Entomopathogenic Bacteria from Some Species of Curculionidae Familia Harmful to Leguminous Forage Plants

Year 2016, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 20 - 27, 31.12.2016


In this study; It is aimed to isolate
and identify entomopathogenic bacterial microorganisms from some insects
belonging to Curculionidae family which are harmful in leguminous forage plants
in Erzurum province and some districts (Aşkale, Pasinler, Tortum and Oltu).
Different periods of diseased and dead pest insects used in the research were
collected in June and July from areas unused chemicals and brought to the
laboratory under suitable conditions. Many isolates of bacteria have been
obtained by isolating these samples brought from the laboratory. A total of 88
isolates from these isolates were isolated and stored at -80 ° C. Some
classical and molecular methods Microbial Identification System (MIS) were used
in the identification of each isolate of bacteria. When the identified isolates
were examined, they were used as biopesticides in many studies. 3 Bacillus
thuringiensis, 3 Bacillus pumilus, 4 Brevibacillus brevis, 4 Paenibacillus spp.
And 2 Serratia spp., Were obtained. According to the results of classical and
biochemical tests carried out with the aim of identifying bacterial isolates
All isolates were positive for the catalase test and for KOH tests, both
negative and positive results were obtained between the isolates. As a result
of the hypersensitivity tests (HR) performed on tobacco plants, it was
determined that the obtained isolates gave a negative result. As a result,
entomopathogens obtained from this study were diagnosed in the determined
target direction, It is thought that there are potentially usable species as
biopesticides in isolates, in particular against some damages of the
Curculionidae family which are harmful in leguminous forage plants.


  • Elçi Ş, 2005. Baklagil ve Buğdaygil Yem Bitkileri. TC. Tarım ve Köy İşleri Bakanlığı, Ankara, s 54-56.
  • Tan M, Serin Y, 2008. Baklagil Yem Bitkileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No: 190, Erzurum, s, 1-3.
  • Anonymous, 2002. FAO Agricultural Production, (19.06.2009).
  • Bolton J.L, Goplen B.P, Baenziger H, 1972. World Distribution and Historical Developments. Agronomy, 15, 1-34.
  • Anonim 2007. TÜİK Tarım Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri. (19.06.2009).
  • Yıldırım E, 2008. Tarımsal Zararlılarla Mücadele Yöntemleri ve Kullanılan İlaçlar. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No:219, s 1, Erzurum.
  • Pisarek M, 1995. Influence of the Age of Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) Plantations Age on the Occurrence of Harmful Weevils (Col. Curculionidae) in the Rzeszow Region. Materiay Sesji Instytutu Ochrony Roslin, 2 (35), 23-25.
  • Lykouressıs D.P, Emmanouel N.G, Parentıs AA, 1991. Studıes on Biology and Population-Structure of 3 Curculionid Pests of Lucerne in Greece. Journal of Applıed Entomology-Zeıtschrıft Fur Angewandte Entomologıe, 3 (112), 317-320.
  • Vasil'eva T.V, 2004. Pests of non-traditional fodder crops. Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii, 3, 56-57.
  • Özbek H, Hayat, R., 2008. Tahıl, Sebze, Yem ve Endüstri Bitki Zararlıları. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No: 340, 179-197, Erzurum.
  • Strbac P, 2005. Other important weevils (Curculionidae) of alfalfa and clover. Biljni Lekar (Plant Doctor), 5 (33), 501-508.
  • Toshova T.B, Subchev M. A, Atanasova D.I, Velázquez de Castro A.J, Smart L, 2009. Sıtona Weevıls (Coleoptera: Curculıonıdae) Caught by Traps in Alfalfa Fıelds in Bulgaria Bıotechnol. & Bıotechnol. Eq. Specıal Edıtıon/On-Lıne.
  • Tamer A, Aydemir M, Has A, 1997. Ankara ve Konya illerinde Korunga ve Yoncada Görülen Zararlı ve Faydalı Böcekler Üzerinde Faunistik Çalışmalar. Bitki Koruma Bülteni, 37 (34), 125-161.
  • Kıvan M, 1995. Tekirdağ İlinde Baklagil Yem Bitkilerinde Bulunan Sitona GM (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Türleri, Konukçuları ve Yayılışları Üzerine Ön Araştırmalar. Türk Entomol.Derg, 19 (4), 299-304.
  • Barrad B.I.P, 1996. Sitona Lepidus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) , A Potential Clover Pest New to New Zealand. New Zealand Entomologist, vol. 19, 23-29.
  • Akkaya A, 1995. Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde Baklagil Yem Bitkilerinde Entomolojik Sorunlar ve Çözüm Önerileri. GAP Bölgesi Bitki Koruma Sorunları ve Çözüm Önerileri, Şanlıurfa.
  • Saygılı H, Şahin F, Aysan Y, 2006. Fitobakteriyoloji. s, 65-75 İzmir-İstanbul-Adana.
  • Dhingani M.R., Parakhia M.V, Tomar R. 2013. Functional characterization of PGPR and its identification through 16 S rRNA sequencing. Indian Journal of Applied Research, 3:6, 47-50
  • Miller I, Berger T, 1985. Bacteria Identification by Gas Chromatography of Whole Cell fatty acids. Hewlett Packard Gas Chromatography Application Note, Hewlett Packard Co., Alto, CA, 228-238.
  • Jackman P.J.H, 1985. Bacterial taxonomy based on electrophoretic whole-cell protein patterns. The Society for Applied Bacteriology, 415-429.
  • Kersters K, 1985. Numerical methods in the classification of bacteria protein electrophoresis. Society for General Microbiology, 337-368.
  • Miller S.A, Martin R.R, 1988. Molecular Diagnosis of plant disease. Phytopathology, 26, 409-432.
  • Guillorit-Rondeau C, Malandrin L, Samson R, 1996. Identification of two serological flagellar types (H1 and H2) in Pseudomonas syringae pathovars. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 102, 99-104.
  • Scortichini M, Janse J.D, Rossi M.P, Derks J.H.J, 1996. Characterization of Xanthomonas campestris pv. pruni strains from different host by pathogenicity test and analysis of whole-cell fatty acids and whole-cell proteins. Journal of Phytopathology, 144, 69-74.
  • Zhang Y, Geider K, 1997. Differentiation of Erwinia amylovora strains by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Applied and Enviromental Microbiology, 63, 4421-4426.
There are 25 citations in total.


Journal Section Volume I Issue I, 2016

Fatih Dadaşoğlu

Esin Dadaşoğlu This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Dadaşoğlu, F., & Dadaşoğlu, E. (2016). Isolation and Identification of Entomopathogenic Bacteria from Some Species of Curculionidae Familia Harmful to Leguminous Forage Plants. Turkish Journal of Science, 1(1), 20-27.
AMA Dadaşoğlu F, Dadaşoğlu E. Isolation and Identification of Entomopathogenic Bacteria from Some Species of Curculionidae Familia Harmful to Leguminous Forage Plants. TJOS. December 2016;1(1):20-27.
Chicago Dadaşoğlu, Fatih, and Esin Dadaşoğlu. “Isolation and Identification of Entomopathogenic Bacteria from Some Species of Curculionidae Familia Harmful to Leguminous Forage Plants”. Turkish Journal of Science 1, no. 1 (December 2016): 20-27.
EndNote Dadaşoğlu F, Dadaşoğlu E (December 1, 2016) Isolation and Identification of Entomopathogenic Bacteria from Some Species of Curculionidae Familia Harmful to Leguminous Forage Plants. Turkish Journal of Science 1 1 20–27.
IEEE F. Dadaşoğlu and E. Dadaşoğlu, “Isolation and Identification of Entomopathogenic Bacteria from Some Species of Curculionidae Familia Harmful to Leguminous Forage Plants”, TJOS, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 20–27, 2016.
ISNAD Dadaşoğlu, Fatih - Dadaşoğlu, Esin. “Isolation and Identification of Entomopathogenic Bacteria from Some Species of Curculionidae Familia Harmful to Leguminous Forage Plants”. Turkish Journal of Science 1/1 (December 2016), 20-27.
JAMA Dadaşoğlu F, Dadaşoğlu E. Isolation and Identification of Entomopathogenic Bacteria from Some Species of Curculionidae Familia Harmful to Leguminous Forage Plants. TJOS. 2016;1:20–27.
MLA Dadaşoğlu, Fatih and Esin Dadaşoğlu. “Isolation and Identification of Entomopathogenic Bacteria from Some Species of Curculionidae Familia Harmful to Leguminous Forage Plants”. Turkish Journal of Science, vol. 1, no. 1, 2016, pp. 20-27.
Vancouver Dadaşoğlu F, Dadaşoğlu E. Isolation and Identification of Entomopathogenic Bacteria from Some Species of Curculionidae Familia Harmful to Leguminous Forage Plants. TJOS. 2016;1(1):20-7.