Anaphylaxis is a rapid-onset, life-threatening, systemic hypersensitivity reaction that may develop due to drugs or other triggers(1). Early recognition and treatment of anaphylaxis
are vital.In this case, we present antibiotic-induced anaphylaxis and subsequent refractory cardiac arrest.
Muraro A, Roberts G, Worm M, Bilò MB, Brockow K, Fernández Rivas M, et al.. Anaphylaxis: guidelines from the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Allergy (2014) 69:1026–45.
Moneret-Vautrin DA, Morisset M, Flabbee J, Beaudouin E, Kanny G. Epidemiology of life-threatening and lethal anaphylaxis: a review. Allergy 2005;60:443-51.
Bailey CG, Engel BS, Luescher JN, Taylor ML. Medication Errors In Relation To Education & Medication Errors In Relation To Years of Nursing Experience. Volume 3, 2009.
Anafilaksi, ilaçlara veya diğer nedenlere bağlı olarak gelişebilen hızlı başlangıçlı, yaşamı tehdit edici, sistemik bir hipersensitivite reaksiyonudur(1). Kardiyorespiratuar arrestin geri döndürülebilir nedenlerinden birisi olan anafilaksinin erken tanınması ve tedavisi hayati öneme sahiptir. Bu olgu sunumunda antibiyotiğe bağlı gelişen anafilaksi ve sonrasında gelişen dirençli kardiyak arrest tablosunu sunmayı amaçladık.
Muraro A, Roberts G, Worm M, Bilò MB, Brockow K, Fernández Rivas M, et al.. Anaphylaxis: guidelines from the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Allergy (2014) 69:1026–45.
Moneret-Vautrin DA, Morisset M, Flabbee J, Beaudouin E, Kanny G. Epidemiology of life-threatening and lethal anaphylaxis: a review. Allergy 2005;60:443-51.
Bailey CG, Engel BS, Luescher JN, Taylor ML. Medication Errors In Relation To Education & Medication Errors In Relation To Years of Nursing Experience. Volume 3, 2009.