Review Article
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Year 2025, Issue: 113, 385 - 404, 26.03.2025


Ticaret, etnik ve kültürel ilişkilerin aracı olan Büyük İpek Yolu (BİY), Avrasya kıtasındaki
iki büyük uygarlığın - Batı ve Doğu medeniyetlerinin tarihinde önemli bir yere sahiptir.
BİY, Doğu ve Batı medeniyetlerini binlerce yıldır birbirine bağlamıştır. BİY, bilim, teknik,
teknolojilerin, uluslararası ve bölgeler arası ilişkilerin, Avrasya anakarasında kültürel değerlerin
değişiminin gerçekleşmesine hizmet etmiştir. BİY, MÖ 3. yüzyılda oluşturulmuş ve MS 16.
yüzyıla kadar yürürlükte kalmıştır. Büyük İpek Yolu 1700 yıl gibi bir geniş zaman dilimi
içinde 18.000 kilometre uzunluktaki güzergâh üzerinde bulunan milletlerin dünyaya yeni bilgi,
din ve yazıların yaymasında, bununla birlikte farklı dillerin ve kültürlerin etkileşiminde ve
çeşitli ırklara mensup halkların etnik ilişkilerinde önemli rol oynamıştır. Büyük İpek Yolu,
100’den fazla halkın yaşadığı topraklardan geçmiş, birçok ırk, halk ve ülkenin temsilcileri
yüzyıllardır bu yolda yürütülen ticaret ve ekonomik ilişkilerde aktif rol almışlardır. Ancak
bunların arasında Orta Asya’da yaşayan halkların, bilhassa Türklerin ataları özel bir yere
sahiptir. Büyük İpek Yolu bu güzergâhın merkezinden yer almış konumundan dolayı, BİY
bölge halklarının tarihi, etnopsikolojisi, kültürü, dilleri, dini inançları ve geleneklerinin
oluşumunda derin izler bırakmıştır. Orta Çağ’da Büyük İpek Yolu’nun önemini kaybetmesinin,
Avrasya’nın merkezinde yer alan birçok ülkenin evrensel bağlantılardan kopmasına ve netice
olarak gelişmedeki geri kalmışlıkları nedeniyle dünya emperyalizminin pençesine düşmesine
yol açtığı da iyi bilinmektedir. İnsanlığın küreselleşme çağına girdiği ve yenidünya düzenin
oluşumu gerçekleşiyor olduğu günümüzde, Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti’nin “Tek Kuşak ve Tek
Yol” girişimiyle medeniyetler arasındaki bu kadim diyalog ve işbirliği yolunun yeniden
canlandırılmaya başlanması hiç de tesadüf değildir, çünkü insanlık BİY tarihinde olduğu
gibi ancak eşit işbirliğine dayandığında sürdürülebilir gelişmeyi yakalayacaktır. Bu projeye
olan talep artmaktadır. “Tek Kuşak Tek Yol” girişiminin bir an önce uygulanması, İpek Yolu
üzerindeki ülkelerin ekonomik refahına ve Avrasya karasındaki çok yönlü işbirliğine, farklı
medeniyetler arasındaki faydalı etkileşimlere ve gezegenimizde barışçıl kalkınmaya katkıda
bulunacaktır. Gerçekleştiği takdirde “Tek Kuşak Tek Yol” projesi dünyadaki tüm ülkelerin
refahı için atılmış büyük bir adım olacaktır. Avrasya’daki Türk toplulukları yeni İpek Yolu›nda
hak ettikleri yerlerini bulmalı ve yüzyıllardır olduğu gibi Doğu ile Batı uygarlıkları arasında
yeniden köprü görevine üstlenmelidir.


  • Andrew, Chatzky & James, McBride. China’s Massive Belt and Road Initiative Council on Foreign Relations., (January 28, 2020).
  • Barthold, W.W. History of the cultural life of Turkestan. Leningrad, 1927.
  • Bichurin, I. “Ancient Chinese Sources About the Peoples of Central Asia”, vol. 2, 1951, 272- 310.
  • Bosworth, Clifford E. Steppes and the Silk Route. In.: The UNESCO courier, Special edition, 2023, 24-25.
  • Brown, Cynthia Stokes. “Italian Trader at the Court of Kublai Khan”, https://www.khanacademy. org/humanities/big-history-project/expansion-interconnection/ exploration-interconnection /a/marco-polo, (May, 2024).
  • Buang, Amriah. “Graffyeo in the Islamic World”, Encyclopedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures (2nd Edition), Springer, 2008, 1-5.
  • Buniyatov, Z. M. State of the Khorezmshahs-Anushtegenids. Moscow: Nauka, Main Editorial Office of Oriental Literature, 1986.
  • Clavijo R. G. Diary of Travel to the Court of Temur in Samarkand in 1403-1406. St. Petersburg, 1891.
  • “Don’t Cry for the Nabucco Pipeline”, (May 9, 2014).
  • Egorov, V. L. Historical geography of the Golden Horde in the XIII-XIV centuries. Moskow: Nauka, 1985.
  • Forbes, Andrew; Henley, David. “The Heavenly Horses of the West’ in: China’s Ancient Tea Horse Road”, Chiang Mai: Cognoscenti Books, 2011, 3-88.
  • Francis K. H. So. “Travels, Contact, and Conversion: Chinese Rediscovery of the West”, Monumenta Serica, Vol. 54, 2006, 165-184.
  • Gao Yang. “The Origin of the Turks and the Turkish Khanate”, X. Türk Tarih Kongresi (Ankara 22 – 26 Eylül 1986), Bildiri Kitabı, V. Cilt, Türk Tarih Kurumu, 1991.
  • Golden, P.B. An Introduction to the History of the Turkic Peoples. Series Turcologica, Band IX. Wiesbanden: Otto-Harrassowitz, 1992.
  • Grousset, René. “Empire of the Steppes: A History of Central Asia”, Rutgers University Press, 1989, 486-534.
  • Gumilev L.N. Ancient Rus and the Great Steppe. Moscow: Misl, 1993.
  • Hakluyt, Richard. Travels to the Eastern Countries of Plano Carpini and Rubruk, Moscow, 1957.
  • Ibn Fadlan. “Ibn Fadlan. “Note” About A Trip to the Volga”, fadlan.htm (in Russian) Koshelenko G.A. & Pilipko V.N., “Parthia”, History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Volume II, Paris: UNESCO Publishing, 1996, 149-150.
  • Kurbanov, Aydogdy. The Hephthalites: Archaeological and Historical Analysis. PhD Thesis Submitted to the Department of History and Cultural Studies of the Free University, Berlin, 2010. Lyashchenko, P.I. History of the National Economy of the USSR. T. 1. Moskow: OGIZ, 1947. Madrahimov, Z.Sh. & Kenjayev, E.H., Norkuziyev D.R. History of International Relations and Diplomacy, Namangan, 2019.
  • Mallory, J. P. Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture. - London: Taylor & Francis, 1997.
  • Mamleva, L.A. “The formation of the Great Silk Road in the system of trans civilizational interaction of the peoples of Eurasia”, Vita Antiqua, Vol. 2, 1999.
  • Pulleyblank, Edwin G. “Prehistoric East-West Contacts Across Eurasia: Notes and Comment. Pacific Affairs”, Vol. 47, No. 4 (Winter, 1974-1975), 500-508.
  • Reuel, R. Hanks. “Muslims at the Crossroads: An Introductory Survey of Historical and Contemporary Aspects of Islam in Central Asia”, Education about Asia, Volume 10, Number 3 Winter 2005; Volume 10:3 Special Section on Asia in World History: 300-1500 CE, 39-42.
  • Richthofen. “Silk Roads: Toward the Archaeology of a Concept”, The Silk Road, Volume 5 Number 1, Summer, 2007, 1-76.
  • Putz, Catherine. “China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Construction to Begin in October, Kyrgyz President Says”, to-begin-in-october-kyrgyz-president-says/ (May, 8, 2024).
  • Taner, Filiz. “Çin’in Küresel Tek Kuşak Tek Yol Girişiminde Türkiye’nin Konumu Üzerine Bir İnceleme”, Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Oğuzhan Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt: 2, Sayı: 2, 2020, 117-133.
  • Wilson, Paul D. The Kushans and the Emergence of the Early Silk Roads. Master’s Thesis. Date: 2020. Publisher: University of Sydney, 23222 (May, 2024).
  • Yoshida, Yutaka. “When did Sogdians begin to Write vertically?” Tokyo University Linguistic Papers (TULIP) 33, 2013, 375-394.
  • Zamonov, A. History of Bukhara Khanate, Tashkent: Bayoz, 2021.


Year 2025, Issue: 113, 385 - 404, 26.03.2025


The Great Silk Road (GSR), a means of trade, ethnic and cultural relations, has an important
place in the history of the two great civilizations on the Eurasian continent - Western and
Eastern civilizations. GSR has connected Eastern and Western cultures for tens of centuries.
GSR served to development of science, technique, technologies, international and interregional
relations and exchange of cultural values on the mainland. GSR was created in the 3rd century
BC and was in force until the 16th century AD. During the 17th century, the nations located on
the 18,000-kilometer-long Great Silk Road played a major role in spreading new knowledge,
religions, and writings to the world, in the interaction of different languages and cultures, and
in the ethnic relations of peoples. The Great Silk Road passed through the territories inhabited
by more than 100 peoples, representatives of many races, peoples and countries participated
in the trade and economic relations carried out on this road for centuries. But among them,
the ancestors of the peoples who lived in Central Asia -peoples with Turkic origins, a special
role. For this reason, the location in the center of GSR has left its traces in the formation of the
history, ethnopsychology, culture, languages, religious beliefs and traditions of peoples this
region. It is known that the loss of importance of the Great Silk Road in the Middle Ages
led to the disconnection of many countries located in the center of Eurasia from universal
connections and falling into the clutches of world imperialism as a result of their backwardness
in development. In our days, when humanity has entered the new world order and the era
of globalization in its development, the beginning of the restoration of this ancient way of
dialogue and cooperation between civilizations with the initiative of the People’s Republic of
China “One Belt and One Road” is not at all accidental, because humanity is based on equal
cooperation. The demand for this project is increasing. Early implementation of the “One Belt
and One Road” initiative will contribute to the economic well-being of the countries along the
Silk Road and economic cooperation in the region, cooperation and relations between different
civilizations, and peaceful development on our planet, the “One Belt and One Road” project is
a huge step taken for the well-being of all countries of the World. The Turkic peoples must find
their rightful place in the new Silk Road and be a bridge again between East and West, as they
have been for centuries.


  • Andrew, Chatzky & James, McBride. China’s Massive Belt and Road Initiative Council on Foreign Relations., (January 28, 2020).
  • Barthold, W.W. History of the cultural life of Turkestan. Leningrad, 1927.
  • Bichurin, I. “Ancient Chinese Sources About the Peoples of Central Asia”, vol. 2, 1951, 272- 310.
  • Bosworth, Clifford E. Steppes and the Silk Route. In.: The UNESCO courier, Special edition, 2023, 24-25.
  • Brown, Cynthia Stokes. “Italian Trader at the Court of Kublai Khan”, https://www.khanacademy. org/humanities/big-history-project/expansion-interconnection/ exploration-interconnection /a/marco-polo, (May, 2024).
  • Buang, Amriah. “Graffyeo in the Islamic World”, Encyclopedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures (2nd Edition), Springer, 2008, 1-5.
  • Buniyatov, Z. M. State of the Khorezmshahs-Anushtegenids. Moscow: Nauka, Main Editorial Office of Oriental Literature, 1986.
  • Clavijo R. G. Diary of Travel to the Court of Temur in Samarkand in 1403-1406. St. Petersburg, 1891.
  • “Don’t Cry for the Nabucco Pipeline”, (May 9, 2014).
  • Egorov, V. L. Historical geography of the Golden Horde in the XIII-XIV centuries. Moskow: Nauka, 1985.
  • Forbes, Andrew; Henley, David. “The Heavenly Horses of the West’ in: China’s Ancient Tea Horse Road”, Chiang Mai: Cognoscenti Books, 2011, 3-88.
  • Francis K. H. So. “Travels, Contact, and Conversion: Chinese Rediscovery of the West”, Monumenta Serica, Vol. 54, 2006, 165-184.
  • Gao Yang. “The Origin of the Turks and the Turkish Khanate”, X. Türk Tarih Kongresi (Ankara 22 – 26 Eylül 1986), Bildiri Kitabı, V. Cilt, Türk Tarih Kurumu, 1991.
  • Golden, P.B. An Introduction to the History of the Turkic Peoples. Series Turcologica, Band IX. Wiesbanden: Otto-Harrassowitz, 1992.
  • Grousset, René. “Empire of the Steppes: A History of Central Asia”, Rutgers University Press, 1989, 486-534.
  • Gumilev L.N. Ancient Rus and the Great Steppe. Moscow: Misl, 1993.
  • Hakluyt, Richard. Travels to the Eastern Countries of Plano Carpini and Rubruk, Moscow, 1957.
  • Ibn Fadlan. “Ibn Fadlan. “Note” About A Trip to the Volga”, fadlan.htm (in Russian) Koshelenko G.A. & Pilipko V.N., “Parthia”, History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Volume II, Paris: UNESCO Publishing, 1996, 149-150.
  • Kurbanov, Aydogdy. The Hephthalites: Archaeological and Historical Analysis. PhD Thesis Submitted to the Department of History and Cultural Studies of the Free University, Berlin, 2010. Lyashchenko, P.I. History of the National Economy of the USSR. T. 1. Moskow: OGIZ, 1947. Madrahimov, Z.Sh. & Kenjayev, E.H., Norkuziyev D.R. History of International Relations and Diplomacy, Namangan, 2019.
  • Mallory, J. P. Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture. - London: Taylor & Francis, 1997.
  • Mamleva, L.A. “The formation of the Great Silk Road in the system of trans civilizational interaction of the peoples of Eurasia”, Vita Antiqua, Vol. 2, 1999.
  • Pulleyblank, Edwin G. “Prehistoric East-West Contacts Across Eurasia: Notes and Comment. Pacific Affairs”, Vol. 47, No. 4 (Winter, 1974-1975), 500-508.
  • Reuel, R. Hanks. “Muslims at the Crossroads: An Introductory Survey of Historical and Contemporary Aspects of Islam in Central Asia”, Education about Asia, Volume 10, Number 3 Winter 2005; Volume 10:3 Special Section on Asia in World History: 300-1500 CE, 39-42.
  • Richthofen. “Silk Roads: Toward the Archaeology of a Concept”, The Silk Road, Volume 5 Number 1, Summer, 2007, 1-76.
  • Putz, Catherine. “China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Construction to Begin in October, Kyrgyz President Says”, to-begin-in-october-kyrgyz-president-says/ (May, 8, 2024).
  • Taner, Filiz. “Çin’in Küresel Tek Kuşak Tek Yol Girişiminde Türkiye’nin Konumu Üzerine Bir İnceleme”, Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Oğuzhan Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt: 2, Sayı: 2, 2020, 117-133.
  • Wilson, Paul D. The Kushans and the Emergence of the Early Silk Roads. Master’s Thesis. Date: 2020. Publisher: University of Sydney, 23222 (May, 2024).
  • Yoshida, Yutaka. “When did Sogdians begin to Write vertically?” Tokyo University Linguistic Papers (TULIP) 33, 2013, 375-394.
  • Zamonov, A. History of Bukhara Khanate, Tashkent: Bayoz, 2021.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects South-East Asian Language, Literature and Culture, Organisational, Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication
Journal Section Research Article

Juliboy Eltazarov 0000-0002-3082-433X

Early Pub Date March 24, 2025
Publication Date March 26, 2025
Submission Date December 14, 2024
Acceptance Date February 25, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Issue: 113



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