Year 2021,
Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 1073 - 1097, 01.07.2021
In democracy that focuses on the individual's participation in the social system, the individual constitutes the direct target audience of politicians who are struggling for power with their citizen identity. Social media is also seen as the most up-to-date communication environment where the leader can directly, instantly and directly be able to / interact with her audience and establish a community system of her own. In the research, an answer to the questions of “Do political leaders have an open and direct intervention to democracy on social media?” and “How are leaders communicating with the masses in a critical and emotional election?" have been sought. For this, the 2020 US Presidential Election, the consequences of which will affect world politics, has been discussed. The process is set in a time frame with the agenda regarding before-sequence and after. Another important issue is that it is the highest turnout election in US history in the last 120 years; therefore, it points out that the level of expectations and feelings attributed to it is high. In this background and framework, examples were taken from leaders’ tweets; these leaders are at the point of representing the agenda and emotional intensity at the highest level in influencing the masses. As a result, it has been observed that Biden was running the process in a rather flat, cool-blooded, election and Trump-oriented manner, while Trump was an emotional leader acting with his audience in real life and social media with his actions and discourses and that he intervenes directly and openly to democracy in accordance with his leadership and aims, using communication (discourse and emotions) to activate the masses. 9.121 tweets have been obtained and analysed in total using RStudio (version R-4.0.4) programming language. The tweets discussed were subjected to content and sentiment analysis using text mining methods. It is possible to count the use of social media in this way as a sign of an era in which the legitimacy of governments and elections in politics can be debated constantly.
Referans2 Anadolu Ajansı. (2021). ABD'de başkanlık seçimine son 120 yılın en fazla katılımı gerçekleşti. Erişim Tarihi: 07.03.2021, https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/abd-baskanlik-secimleri-2020/abdde-baskanlik-secimine-son-120-yilin-en-fazla-katilimi-gerceklesti/2032338
Referans3 Ax, J. (2020). ‘The 2020 U.S. presidential election calendar: Day by day’. Reuters. Erişim Tarihi: 07.03.2021, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-timeline-idUSKBN25Y1HI
Referans4 Axelrod, T. (2020). Georgia secretary of state announces hand recount of presidential race. The Erişim Tarihi: 11.11.2020, https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/525476-georgia-secretary-of-state-announces-hand-recount
Referans6 Bauer, S. (2020). Biden narrowly wins Wisconsin; Trump to call for a recount. Erişim Tarihi: 05.11.2020), https://www.startribune.com/biden-trump-locked-in-tight-race-in-wisconsin/572968382/
Referans7 BBC (2018). Cambridge Analytica-linked firm 'boasted of poll interference'. Erişim Tarihi: 28.03.2021, https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-43528219
Referans8 Budryk, Z. (2020). Dominion spokesman: 'It is not physically possible for our machines to switch votes from one candidate to the other. Erişim Tarihi: 22.11.2020, https://thehill.com/policy/technology/527086-dominion-spokesman-it-is-not-physically-possible-for-our-machines-to-switch
Referans9 Budryk, Z. (2020). Trump walks back tweet saying Biden 'won' election. Erişim Tarihi: 15.11.2020, https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/526027-trump-says-biden-won-while-promoting-election-conspiracy-theories
Referans10 Bowden, J.(2020). Arizona GOP seeks to temporarily bar Maricopa Co. from certifying election results. Erişim Tarihi: 16.11.2020, https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/526448-arizona-gop-seeks-to-temporarily-bar-maricopa-co-from-certifying
Referans11 Byrnes, J. (2020). Trump campaign files for new recount in Georgia. Erişim Tarihi: 21.11.2020, https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/527051-trump-campaign-files-for-new-recount-in-georgia
Referans12 Caitlin. O. (2019). Trump Tells Intel Chiefs to ‘go Back to School’ after They Break with Him. Erişim Tarihi: 23.03.2021, https://www.politico.com/story/2019/01/30/trump-national-security-1136433?cid=apn
Referans13 Cambridge (t.y). Elcetion. Erişim Tarihi 23.03.2021, https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/election
Referans14 Candan, K., Solak, M., Bilgin, M. (2020). Dünyada Seçim Sistemleri, Ankara: TBMM Araştırma Hizmetleri Başkanlığı Yayınları
Referans15 Chalfant, M. (2020). Michigan certifies Biden victory in another blow to Trump. Erişim Tarihi: 23.11.2020, https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/527255-michigan-election-board-certifies-biden-win
Referans16 Chalfant, M.; Samuels, B. (2020). Barr to step down as attorney general, erişim Tarihi: 14.12.2020,.https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/530179-barr-to-step-down-as-attorney-general
Referans17 Collins (t.y). Election, Erişim Tarihi 23.03.2021, https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/election
Referans18 Collony, G. (2020). Trump trains' block highways and bridges from New York to Colorado as 2020 election approaches. Erişim Tarihi: 02.11.2020, https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/trump-train-maga-colorado-us-2020-election-biden-b1515257.html
Referans19 Confessore, N. (2018). Cambridge Analytica and Facebook: The Scandal and the Fallout So Far. Erişim Tarihi: 28.03.2021, https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/04/us/politics/cambridge-analytica-scandal-fallout.html
Referans20 Durkee, A. (2020). Judge Says Trump Campaign Has ‘No Evidence’ To Support Georgia Mail-In Ballot Claims. Erişim Tarihi: 05.11.2020, https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2020/11/05/trump-georgia-mail-in-ballots-lawsuit-in-third-battleground-state-lawsuit-of-the-day/?sh=3db365673ca2
Referans21 Durke, A. (2020). Pennsylvania Judge Rules In Favor Of Trump Campaign, Orders State Can’t Count Some Ballots. Erişim Tarihi: 12.11.2020, https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2020/11/12/pennsylvania-judge-rules-in-favor-of-trump-campaign-orders-state-cant-count-some-ballots/?sh=1ff6e0b06c12
Referans22 Easley, J. (2020). Conservative outlet OAN won't recognize Biden as president-elect until Congress certifies. Erişim Tarihi: 16.12.2020, https://thehill.com/homenews/media/530496-oan-wont-recognize-biden-as-president-elect-until-congress-certifies
Referans23 Edmonds, R. (2020). The AP and Fox News say Biden has carried Arizona. Why do other networks say it’s too close to call?. Erişim Tarihi: 05.11.2020, https://www.poynter.org/reporting-editing/2020/the-ap-and-fox-news-say-biden-has-carried-arizona-why-do-other-networks-say-its-too-close-to-call/
Referans24 Entman, R.M. (1993). Framing: Toward Clarification of a Fractured Paradigm. Journal of Communication, 43(4): 51-58.
Referans25 Erdoğan, İ. (2012). Pozitivist Metodoloji ve Ötesi: Araştırma Tasarımları, Niteliksel ve İstatistiksel Yöntemler. Ankara: ERK Yayınları
Referans26 Faris, R., Clark, J., Etling, B., Kaiser, J., Roberts, H. Schmitt, C., Benkler, Y. (2020). Partisanship, Impeachment, and the Democratic Primaries: American Political Discourse, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
Referans27 Francia, P. L. (2018). Free Media and Twitter in the 2016 Presidential Election: The Unconventional Campaign of Donald Trump. Social Science Computer Review, 36(4): 440–455.
Referans28 Gainous, J. ve Wagner. K. M. (2014). Tweeting to Power: The Social Media Revolution in American Politics. NY: Oxford University Press.
Referans29 Gamson, W.A.ve Modigliani, A. (1989). Media discourse and public opinion on nuclear power: A constructionist approach. American Journal of Sociology, 95: 1-37.
Referans31 Gulati, G. J. (2010). No Laughing Matter: The Role of New Media in the 2008 Election. L. J. Sabato (Ed.), The Year of Obama: How Barack Obama Won the White House (s. 187–204). New York: Longman.
Referans32 Hançerlioğlu, O. (1986). Toplumbilim Sözlüğü, İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi
Referans33 Hutzler, A. (2020). Electoral College Cements Joe Biden's Victory With Zero Faithless Electors. Erişim Tarihi: 14.12.2020, https://www.newsweek.com/electoral-college-cements-joe-bidens-victory-zero-faithless-electors-1554660
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Referans44 Neidig, H. (2020, b). Judge dismisses Arizona GOP lawsuit seeking audit of county's ballots. Erişim Tarihi: 19.11.2020, https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/526781-judge-dismisses-arizona-gop-lawsuit-seeking-audit-of-countys-ballots
Referans45 Neidig, H. (2020). Michigan judge rejects GOP effort to halt county's vote certification. Erişim Tarihi: 13.11.2020), https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/525900-michigan-judge-rejects-gop-effort-to-halt-countys-vote-certification
Referans46 Ouyang, Y. ve Waterman, R. W. (2020). Trump, Twitter, and the American Democracy, Switzerland: Springer
Referans47 Oxford (t.y). Democracy. Erişim Tarihi 23.03.2021, https://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803095709688
Referans48 Özgül, B. (2002). Seçim ve Seçim Sistemleri, Türkiye’deki Seçim Sistemi Uygulamaları ve Bir Model Önerisi. (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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Referans50 Pulver, D.V. (2020). US Postal Service blows court-ordered deadline to check for missing ballots. About 300,000 can't be traced. Erişim Tarihi: 03.11.2020, https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2020/11/03/postal-service-blows-deadline-check-missing-mail-ballots/6149643002/
Referans52 Samuels, B. (2020). Trump campaign sues to halt vote counting in Michigan. Erişim Tarihi: 04.11.2020, https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/524506-trump-campaign-sues-to-halt-vote-counting-in-michigan
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Year 2021,
Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 1073 - 1097, 01.07.2021
Bireyin toplumsal sisteme katılımını merkezine alan demokraside birey, vatandaş kimliğiyle, iktidar mücadelesi içinde olan siyasetçilerin iletişim açısından doğrudan hedef kitlesini oluşturmaktadır. Liderin, doğrudan, anlık ve filtresiz şekilde kitlesiyle olabildiği/etkileşime girebildiği, kendine ait bir topluluk sistemi kurabildiği sosyal medya da mevcut en güncel iletişim ortamı olarak görülmektedir. Araştırmada, “Sosyal medyada siyasi liderlerin demokrasiye açık ve doğrudan bir müdahalesi var mıdır?”, “Liderlerin kritik ve duygu yoğunluklu bir seçim anında kitlelerle iletişimi nasıldır?” sorularına cevap aranmaktadır. Bunun için sonuçları dünya siyasetini etkileyebilecek olan 2020 ABD Başkanlık Seçimleri ele alınmıştır. Süreç öncesi-sırası ve sonrasıyla ilgili gündem ile birlikte bir zaman dilimine oturtulmuştur. ABD tarihinde 120 yıl sonra gerçekleşen en yüksek katılımlı seçim olması ise diğer önemli bir husustur; dolayısıyla ona ilişkin beklentilerin ve yüklenen duyguların düzeyinin yüksek olduğunu işaret etmektedir. Bu zemin ve çerçevede liderlerin tweetlerinden örnekler alınmıştır; bu liderler gündem ve duygusal yoğunluğu şahıslarında en yüksek düzeyde temsil etme ve kitleleri etkileyebilme noktasında bulunmaktadır. Toplam 9.121 tweet RStudio (sürüm R-4.0.4) programlama dili kullanılarak elde edilmiş ve analiz edilmiştir. Ele alınan tweetler, metin madenciliği yöntemleri kullanılarak içerik ve duygu analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Sonuçta Biden’in oldukça düz, soğukkanlı, seçim ve Trump odaklı şekilde süreci yürüttüğü, Trump’ın ise eylem ve söylemleriyle gerçek hayatta ve sosyal medyada kitlesiyle birlikte hareket eden duygusal bir lider olduğu, liderliğine ve amaçlarına uygun olarak demokrasiye açık ve doğrudan müdahale ettiği, iletişimi (söylem ve duyguları) kitleleri aktive etmek için kullandığı görülmüştür. Sosyal medyanın bu şekilde kullanımını, siyasette iktidarların ve seçimlerin meşruluğunun sürekli tartışılabileceği bir dönemin işareti olarak saymak mümkündür.
Referans2 Anadolu Ajansı. (2021). ABD'de başkanlık seçimine son 120 yılın en fazla katılımı gerçekleşti. Erişim Tarihi: 07.03.2021, https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/abd-baskanlik-secimleri-2020/abdde-baskanlik-secimine-son-120-yilin-en-fazla-katilimi-gerceklesti/2032338
Referans3 Ax, J. (2020). ‘The 2020 U.S. presidential election calendar: Day by day’. Reuters. Erişim Tarihi: 07.03.2021, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-timeline-idUSKBN25Y1HI
Referans4 Axelrod, T. (2020). Georgia secretary of state announces hand recount of presidential race. The Erişim Tarihi: 11.11.2020, https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/525476-georgia-secretary-of-state-announces-hand-recount
Referans6 Bauer, S. (2020). Biden narrowly wins Wisconsin; Trump to call for a recount. Erişim Tarihi: 05.11.2020), https://www.startribune.com/biden-trump-locked-in-tight-race-in-wisconsin/572968382/
Referans7 BBC (2018). Cambridge Analytica-linked firm 'boasted of poll interference'. Erişim Tarihi: 28.03.2021, https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-43528219
Referans8 Budryk, Z. (2020). Dominion spokesman: 'It is not physically possible for our machines to switch votes from one candidate to the other. Erişim Tarihi: 22.11.2020, https://thehill.com/policy/technology/527086-dominion-spokesman-it-is-not-physically-possible-for-our-machines-to-switch
Referans9 Budryk, Z. (2020). Trump walks back tweet saying Biden 'won' election. Erişim Tarihi: 15.11.2020, https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/526027-trump-says-biden-won-while-promoting-election-conspiracy-theories
Referans10 Bowden, J.(2020). Arizona GOP seeks to temporarily bar Maricopa Co. from certifying election results. Erişim Tarihi: 16.11.2020, https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/526448-arizona-gop-seeks-to-temporarily-bar-maricopa-co-from-certifying
Referans11 Byrnes, J. (2020). Trump campaign files for new recount in Georgia. Erişim Tarihi: 21.11.2020, https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/527051-trump-campaign-files-for-new-recount-in-georgia
Referans12 Caitlin. O. (2019). Trump Tells Intel Chiefs to ‘go Back to School’ after They Break with Him. Erişim Tarihi: 23.03.2021, https://www.politico.com/story/2019/01/30/trump-national-security-1136433?cid=apn
Referans13 Cambridge (t.y). Elcetion. Erişim Tarihi 23.03.2021, https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/election
Referans14 Candan, K., Solak, M., Bilgin, M. (2020). Dünyada Seçim Sistemleri, Ankara: TBMM Araştırma Hizmetleri Başkanlığı Yayınları
Referans15 Chalfant, M. (2020). Michigan certifies Biden victory in another blow to Trump. Erişim Tarihi: 23.11.2020, https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/527255-michigan-election-board-certifies-biden-win
Referans16 Chalfant, M.; Samuels, B. (2020). Barr to step down as attorney general, erişim Tarihi: 14.12.2020,.https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/530179-barr-to-step-down-as-attorney-general
Referans17 Collins (t.y). Election, Erişim Tarihi 23.03.2021, https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/election
Referans18 Collony, G. (2020). Trump trains' block highways and bridges from New York to Colorado as 2020 election approaches. Erişim Tarihi: 02.11.2020, https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/trump-train-maga-colorado-us-2020-election-biden-b1515257.html
Referans19 Confessore, N. (2018). Cambridge Analytica and Facebook: The Scandal and the Fallout So Far. Erişim Tarihi: 28.03.2021, https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/04/us/politics/cambridge-analytica-scandal-fallout.html
Referans20 Durkee, A. (2020). Judge Says Trump Campaign Has ‘No Evidence’ To Support Georgia Mail-In Ballot Claims. Erişim Tarihi: 05.11.2020, https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2020/11/05/trump-georgia-mail-in-ballots-lawsuit-in-third-battleground-state-lawsuit-of-the-day/?sh=3db365673ca2
Referans21 Durke, A. (2020). Pennsylvania Judge Rules In Favor Of Trump Campaign, Orders State Can’t Count Some Ballots. Erişim Tarihi: 12.11.2020, https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2020/11/12/pennsylvania-judge-rules-in-favor-of-trump-campaign-orders-state-cant-count-some-ballots/?sh=1ff6e0b06c12
Referans22 Easley, J. (2020). Conservative outlet OAN won't recognize Biden as president-elect until Congress certifies. Erişim Tarihi: 16.12.2020, https://thehill.com/homenews/media/530496-oan-wont-recognize-biden-as-president-elect-until-congress-certifies
Referans23 Edmonds, R. (2020). The AP and Fox News say Biden has carried Arizona. Why do other networks say it’s too close to call?. Erişim Tarihi: 05.11.2020, https://www.poynter.org/reporting-editing/2020/the-ap-and-fox-news-say-biden-has-carried-arizona-why-do-other-networks-say-its-too-close-to-call/
Referans24 Entman, R.M. (1993). Framing: Toward Clarification of a Fractured Paradigm. Journal of Communication, 43(4): 51-58.
Referans25 Erdoğan, İ. (2012). Pozitivist Metodoloji ve Ötesi: Araştırma Tasarımları, Niteliksel ve İstatistiksel Yöntemler. Ankara: ERK Yayınları
Referans26 Faris, R., Clark, J., Etling, B., Kaiser, J., Roberts, H. Schmitt, C., Benkler, Y. (2020). Partisanship, Impeachment, and the Democratic Primaries: American Political Discourse, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
Referans27 Francia, P. L. (2018). Free Media and Twitter in the 2016 Presidential Election: The Unconventional Campaign of Donald Trump. Social Science Computer Review, 36(4): 440–455.
Referans28 Gainous, J. ve Wagner. K. M. (2014). Tweeting to Power: The Social Media Revolution in American Politics. NY: Oxford University Press.
Referans29 Gamson, W.A.ve Modigliani, A. (1989). Media discourse and public opinion on nuclear power: A constructionist approach. American Journal of Sociology, 95: 1-37.
Referans31 Gulati, G. J. (2010). No Laughing Matter: The Role of New Media in the 2008 Election. L. J. Sabato (Ed.), The Year of Obama: How Barack Obama Won the White House (s. 187–204). New York: Longman.
Referans32 Hançerlioğlu, O. (1986). Toplumbilim Sözlüğü, İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi
Referans33 Hutzler, A. (2020). Electoral College Cements Joe Biden's Victory With Zero Faithless Electors. Erişim Tarihi: 14.12.2020, https://www.newsweek.com/electoral-college-cements-joe-bidens-victory-zero-faithless-electors-1554660
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