Research Article
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Year 2025, Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 377 - 393


COVID-19 Pandemisi tüm disiplinleri eğitim yöntemlerinde ani bir değişime zorladı. Uygulamaya dayalı bir eğitim metodolojisine sahip olan mimarlık eğitimi, bu kritik değişimin üstesinden gelmek için yaratıcı yollar gerektirmiştir. Bu nitel çalışma, fiziksel bir kavram olan rengi fiziksel olmayan bir ortamda sunmanın yollarını aramakta ve COVID-19 Pandemisi döneminde uzaktan mimarlık eğitiminde renk çalışmalarının etkinliğini araştırmaktadır. Bu çalışma özellikle asenkron uzaktan eğitimin mimarlık eğitiminde renk bilgisi ve öğrenimini nasıl etkilediğine odaklanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, renk dersinin mimarlık ve tasarım eğitimi açısından etkinliği, renk teorisinin temelleri hakkında bilgi edinme, renk ve malzeme kombinasyonlarını ve bu kombinasyonlardaki duygusal ilişkilendirmeleri anlama, bireylerin iç mekan deneyimini şekillendirmede beceri kazanma ve çeşitli renk uygulamalarının taşıdığı potansiyeli kavrama üzerindeki etkisine göre değerlendirilmektedir. Bu çalışma bir eylem araştırmasıdır ve ödev çıktıları, katılımcı öğrencilerin çalışmalarının öz değerlendirmeleri, sunumların görselleri ve araştırmacı tarafından yapılan gözlemler bu çalışmanın ana veri kaynaklarını oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma, mimarlık eğitiminde renk kavramını tam olarak yakalamak için çeşitli iletişim yöntemlerinin kullanılmasının önemini ortaya koymuş ve hibrit eğitimin olumlu yönlerine işaret etmiştir.

Ethical Statement

Bu çalışma Düzce Üniversitesi Etik Kurulu tarafından / 2020 - 129 / 2020 sayılı izinle onaylanmıştır.


  • Adedoyin, O. B., & Soykan, E. (2023). COVID-19 pandemic and online learning: the challenges and opportunities. Interactive Learning Environments , 31(2), 863-875.
  • Agoston, G. A. (2013). Color Theory and Its Application in Art and Design (Vol. 19). Springer.
  • Akçay Kavakoğlu, A. G., Domingo-Callabuig, D., & Bilen, Ö. (2022). Architectural design communication (ADC) in online education during COVID-19 pandemic: A comparison of Turkish and Spanish universities . Open House International 47(2): 361-384. Open House International, 47(2), 361-384.
  • Alburgawi, S. A., & Al-Gamdi, M. A. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on architecture design studio pedagogy in Saudi Arabia. Open House International, 47(4), 594-604.
  • Alfiras, M., Bojiah, J., & Yassin, A. A. (2020). COVID-19 pandemic and the changing paradigms of higher education: A Gulf university perspective. Asian EFL Journal, 27(5), 339-347.
  • Allu-Kangkum, E. L. (tarih yok). COVID-19 and sustainable architectural education: challenges and perceptions on online learning. IJRDO-journal of Educational Research , 6(2), 7-12.
  • Amro, D. K. (2022). The Impact of COVID‐19 Lockdown on Design Students’ Performance Case Study in the UAE . International Journal of Art & Design Education , 41(1), 108-124.
  • Asensio, P., & Kliczkowski, H. (2002). Legorreta+ Legorreta. A Asppan,SL.
  • Boake, T. M. (2013). Understanding Steel Design: An Architectural Design Manual. Walter de Gruyter.
  • Brzezicki, M. (2020). Strengths and weaknesses of architectural education on-line classes conducted during COVID-19. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, 18(4), 381-386.
  • Carlos, J., & Cesar, D. (2018). Reflections and experiences on the teaching of colour in the architecture and urbanism course in the University of São Paulo. Journal of the International Colour Association(22), 15-22.
  • Cesar, J. C. (2018). Chromatic harmony in architecture and the Munsell color system. Color Research and Application, 43(6), 865-871.
  • Ceylan, S., Şahin, P., Seçmen, S., Somer, M. E., & Süher, K. H. (2021). An evaluation of online architectural design studios during COVID-19 outbreak. Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research , 15(1), 203-218.
  • Csillag, P., Lucia, A., & Hirschler, R. (2018). Overview of colour education in Brazilian Universities: a focus on design courses in the state of São Paulo. Journal of the International Colour Association(22), 4-14.
  • Daniel, S. J. (2020). Education and the COVID-19 pandemic. Prospects , 49(1), 91-96.
  • Efron, S. E., & Ravid, R. (2019). Action Research in Education: A Practical Guide. Guilford Publications.
  • Ekman, P. (1973). Universal facial expressions in emotion. . Studia Psychologica, 15(2), 140-147.
  • Elliot, J. (1991). Action Research for Educational Change. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
  • Erkök , F., Eren, Ç., Uz Sönmez , F., & Aydınlı, S. (2006). A paradigm shift in the first year design education. ITU A/Z , 2(1), 62-78.
  • Fallatah, S. A.-1.-2. (2020). Senior interior design students’ perceptions about distance learning in the shadow of COVID-19. Journal Of Public Health Research , 9(1), 29-37.
  • Ferring , M. (2014). Color and architecture in 1970s Sweden. Color Research and Application , 39(5), 492-498.
  • Fewella, L. N. (2023). Impact of COVID-19 on distance learning practical design courses. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 33, 1703-1726. Gao, X. P., Xin, J. H., Sato, T., Hansuebsai, A., Scalzo, M., Kajiwara, K., . . . Billger, M. (2007). Analysis of cross‐cultural color emotion. Color Research & Application , 32(3), 223-229.
  • Gill, A. S., Irwin, D. S., Ng, R. Y., Towey, D., Wang, T., & Zhang, Y. (2020). The future of teaching post-COVID-19: Microlearning in product design education. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering ( (s. 780-785). IEEE. Doi: 10.1109/TALE48869.2020.9368322
  • Given, L. M. (2008). The Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods. Sage publications.
  • Glasner, B., & Schmidt, P. (. (2010). Chroma: Design, Architecture and Art in Color. DE GRUYTER.
  • Glasser, D. (2000). Reflections on architectural education. Journal of Architectural Education, 53(4), 250-252.
  • Gou, A., & Wang, J. (2017). A comparison between wishes and status: Gray is not the preference for residents while the city shows neutral colors. Color Research and Application, 42(5), 650-663.
  • Grover, R., & Wright, A. (2023). Shutting the studio: the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on architectural education in the United Kingdom . International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 33(3), 1173-1197.
  • Gunawardena, C. N., & McIsaac, M. S. (2013). Distance education. Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology (s. 361-401). içinde Routledge.
  • Hassanpour, B. (2023). Transformational contribution of technology to studio culture: experience of an online first-year architecture design studio during the COVID-19 pandemic . Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research , 17(2), 393-408.
  • Horiguchi, S., & Iwamatsu, K. (2018). From Munsell color system to a new color psychology system. Color Research & Application, 43(6), 827-839.
  • Iranmanesh, A., & Onur, Z. (2021). Mandatory virtual design studio for all: Exploring the transformations of architectural education amidst the global pandemic . International Journal of Art & Design Education, 40(1), 251-267.
  • Itten, J. (1970). The Elements Of Color. (Van Hagen E, translator; F. Birren, editor). John Wiley & Sons.
  • Janssens, J., & Mikellides, B. (1998). Color Research in Architectural Education — A Cross-Cultural Explorative Study. Color Research and Application, 23(5), 328-334.;2-Y
  • Jover, L. N., & Alba, C. L. (2002). Perception and Phenomenology of Light and Colour in the Architecture of Luis Barragán. M. A. Ródenas-López, j. Calvo-López, & M. Salcedo-Galera (Dü.), Architectural Graphics. EGA 2022.Springer Series in Design and Innovation. içinde 23, s. 333-341. Cham: Springer.
  • Karadağ, A., & İncedere, L. (2020). Kentsel belleği̇n sürdürülebi̇li̇rli̇ği̇ açısından İzmi̇r’deki̇ endüstri̇ mi̇ras alanlarının önemi̇: Alsancak li̇man ardi bölgesi̇ örneği̇. Ege Coğrafya Dergisi, 29(1), 57-71.
  • Kaya, N., & Crosby, M. (2006). Color associations with different building types: An experimental study on American college students. Color Research and Application, 31(1), 67-71.
  • Kobayashi, S. (1981). The aim and method of the color image scale. Color Research & Application , 6(2), 93-107.
  • Kowaltowski, D. C., Gomes da Silva, V., de O Neves, L., Deliberador, M. S., Zara, O. O., Colleto, G. M., & Victorio, E. R. (2020). Action research and architectural sustainable design education: A case study in Brazil. International Journal Of Technology and Design Education, 30, 815-836.
  • Kuehni, R. G. (2012). Color: An Introduction To Practice And Principles. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Lee, K., Yang, Y., & Zheng, Z. (2020). Research on color harmony of building façades. Color Research and Application, 45(1), 105-119.
  • Lotfabadi, P., & Mousavi, S. A. (2022). Adaptation of architectural education pedagogy in addressing COVID-19 pandemic . Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning, 5(4), 1094-1105.
  • Manav, B. (2017). Color-emotion associations, designing color schemes for urban environment-architectural settings. Color Research and Application, 42(5), 631-640.
  • Manav, B. (2007). Color-emotion associations and color preferences: A case study for residences. Color Research and Application , 32(2), 144-150.
  • Martosenjoyo, T. (2021). Architecture education during the covid-19 pandemic. Education Quarterly Reviews, 4(4), preprint.
  • Meerwein, G., Rodeck, B., & Mahnke, F. (2007). Color-communication in architectural space. De Gruyter.
  • Megahed, N., & Hassan, A. (2022). A blended learning strategy: reimagining the post-Covid-19 architectural education. Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, 16(1), 184-202.
  • Nigam, S., & Kapoor, V. (2021). Perspective of interior design students towards online classes amid COVID-19 pandemic in India. The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, 9(2), 275-284.
  • Norton, L. (2018). Action research in teaching and learning: A practical guide to conducting pedagogical research in universities. Routledge.
  • Plutchik, R. (2001). The nature of emotions: Human emotions have deep evolutionary roots, a fact that may explain their complexity and provide tools for clinical practice . American Scientist, 89(4), 344-350.
  • Rasmussen, S. E. (1964). Experiencing architecture. MIT Press.
  • Robinson, D. L. (2008). Brain function, emotional experience and personality. Netherlands Journal of Psychology , 64, 152-168.
  • Schön, D. A. (1987). Educating the reflective practitioner: Toward a new design for teaching and learning in the professions . Jossey-Bass.
  • Serra, J. (2013a). Three color strategies in architectural composition. Color Research and Application, 38(4), 238-250.
  • Serra, J. (2013b). The versatility of color in contemporary architecture. Color Research and Application, 38(4), 344-355.
  • Serra, J., & Codoner, A. (2014). Color composition in postmodern western architecture. Color Research and Application, 39(4), 399-412.
  • Smart, J. C. (1997). On some criticisms of a physicalist theory of colors. A. Byrne, & D. R. Hilbert içinde, Readings on Color: The philosophy of color (Vol. 1). MIT Press.
  • Stringer, E. T. (2008). Action research in education. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Unver, R. (2002). Color education in architecture. 9th Congress of the International Colour Association. 4421, s. 1000-1003. Rochester, NY: SPIE.
  • Ural, S., Akbay, S., & Altay, B. (2002). Progression of color decision making in introductory design education . Color Research and Application , 42(6), 849-860.
  • Yuan, J., Xie, Y., & Brooks, K. (2022). Explore industrial design pedagogy under the pandemic in the US. in Lockton, D., Lenzi, S., Hekkert, P., Oak, A., Sádaba, J., Lloyd, P. (eds.) DRS2022:Research Papers (s. 1-13). Bilbao, Spain: DRS.


Year 2025, Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 377 - 393


COVID-19 pandemic enforced all disciplines to sudden change in their education methods. As having a practice-based education methodology, architecture education necessitated creative ways to overcome this critique change. This qualitative study searches for the ways to deliver a physical concept, color, within a non-physical setting, and explores the effectiveness of color studies in distance architectural education in COVID-19 Pandemic period. This study specifically focuses on how asynchronous distance education affected the color knowledge and learning in architecture education. In this study, the effectiveness of the color course in terms of architecture and design education is evaluated according to its impact on gaining knowledge about basics of color theory, understanding color and material combinations and emotional associations on those combinations, gaining skills in shaping individuals’ interior space experience, covering the potential of various color practices. This study is an action research and assignment outputs, self-assessments of participating students’ work, visuals of the submissions, and observations made by the researcher are the main data sources of this study. The study revealed the importance of using various communication methods to fully capture the concept of color in architectural education and pointed out the positive aspects of hybrid education.

Ethical Statement

This study has been approved by Duzce University Ethics Committee / approval number 2020 - 129 / 2020


  • Adedoyin, O. B., & Soykan, E. (2023). COVID-19 pandemic and online learning: the challenges and opportunities. Interactive Learning Environments , 31(2), 863-875.
  • Agoston, G. A. (2013). Color Theory and Its Application in Art and Design (Vol. 19). Springer.
  • Akçay Kavakoğlu, A. G., Domingo-Callabuig, D., & Bilen, Ö. (2022). Architectural design communication (ADC) in online education during COVID-19 pandemic: A comparison of Turkish and Spanish universities . Open House International 47(2): 361-384. Open House International, 47(2), 361-384.
  • Alburgawi, S. A., & Al-Gamdi, M. A. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on architecture design studio pedagogy in Saudi Arabia. Open House International, 47(4), 594-604.
  • Alfiras, M., Bojiah, J., & Yassin, A. A. (2020). COVID-19 pandemic and the changing paradigms of higher education: A Gulf university perspective. Asian EFL Journal, 27(5), 339-347.
  • Allu-Kangkum, E. L. (tarih yok). COVID-19 and sustainable architectural education: challenges and perceptions on online learning. IJRDO-journal of Educational Research , 6(2), 7-12.
  • Amro, D. K. (2022). The Impact of COVID‐19 Lockdown on Design Students’ Performance Case Study in the UAE . International Journal of Art & Design Education , 41(1), 108-124.
  • Asensio, P., & Kliczkowski, H. (2002). Legorreta+ Legorreta. A Asppan,SL.
  • Boake, T. M. (2013). Understanding Steel Design: An Architectural Design Manual. Walter de Gruyter.
  • Brzezicki, M. (2020). Strengths and weaknesses of architectural education on-line classes conducted during COVID-19. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, 18(4), 381-386.
  • Carlos, J., & Cesar, D. (2018). Reflections and experiences on the teaching of colour in the architecture and urbanism course in the University of São Paulo. Journal of the International Colour Association(22), 15-22.
  • Cesar, J. C. (2018). Chromatic harmony in architecture and the Munsell color system. Color Research and Application, 43(6), 865-871.
  • Ceylan, S., Şahin, P., Seçmen, S., Somer, M. E., & Süher, K. H. (2021). An evaluation of online architectural design studios during COVID-19 outbreak. Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research , 15(1), 203-218.
  • Csillag, P., Lucia, A., & Hirschler, R. (2018). Overview of colour education in Brazilian Universities: a focus on design courses in the state of São Paulo. Journal of the International Colour Association(22), 4-14.
  • Daniel, S. J. (2020). Education and the COVID-19 pandemic. Prospects , 49(1), 91-96.
  • Efron, S. E., & Ravid, R. (2019). Action Research in Education: A Practical Guide. Guilford Publications.
  • Ekman, P. (1973). Universal facial expressions in emotion. . Studia Psychologica, 15(2), 140-147.
  • Elliot, J. (1991). Action Research for Educational Change. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
  • Erkök , F., Eren, Ç., Uz Sönmez , F., & Aydınlı, S. (2006). A paradigm shift in the first year design education. ITU A/Z , 2(1), 62-78.
  • Fallatah, S. A.-1.-2. (2020). Senior interior design students’ perceptions about distance learning in the shadow of COVID-19. Journal Of Public Health Research , 9(1), 29-37.
  • Ferring , M. (2014). Color and architecture in 1970s Sweden. Color Research and Application , 39(5), 492-498.
  • Fewella, L. N. (2023). Impact of COVID-19 on distance learning practical design courses. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 33, 1703-1726. Gao, X. P., Xin, J. H., Sato, T., Hansuebsai, A., Scalzo, M., Kajiwara, K., . . . Billger, M. (2007). Analysis of cross‐cultural color emotion. Color Research & Application , 32(3), 223-229.
  • Gill, A. S., Irwin, D. S., Ng, R. Y., Towey, D., Wang, T., & Zhang, Y. (2020). The future of teaching post-COVID-19: Microlearning in product design education. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering ( (s. 780-785). IEEE. Doi: 10.1109/TALE48869.2020.9368322
  • Given, L. M. (2008). The Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods. Sage publications.
  • Glasner, B., & Schmidt, P. (. (2010). Chroma: Design, Architecture and Art in Color. DE GRUYTER.
  • Glasser, D. (2000). Reflections on architectural education. Journal of Architectural Education, 53(4), 250-252.
  • Gou, A., & Wang, J. (2017). A comparison between wishes and status: Gray is not the preference for residents while the city shows neutral colors. Color Research and Application, 42(5), 650-663.
  • Grover, R., & Wright, A. (2023). Shutting the studio: the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on architectural education in the United Kingdom . International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 33(3), 1173-1197.
  • Gunawardena, C. N., & McIsaac, M. S. (2013). Distance education. Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology (s. 361-401). içinde Routledge.
  • Hassanpour, B. (2023). Transformational contribution of technology to studio culture: experience of an online first-year architecture design studio during the COVID-19 pandemic . Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research , 17(2), 393-408.
  • Horiguchi, S., & Iwamatsu, K. (2018). From Munsell color system to a new color psychology system. Color Research & Application, 43(6), 827-839.
  • Iranmanesh, A., & Onur, Z. (2021). Mandatory virtual design studio for all: Exploring the transformations of architectural education amidst the global pandemic . International Journal of Art & Design Education, 40(1), 251-267.
  • Itten, J. (1970). The Elements Of Color. (Van Hagen E, translator; F. Birren, editor). John Wiley & Sons.
  • Janssens, J., & Mikellides, B. (1998). Color Research in Architectural Education — A Cross-Cultural Explorative Study. Color Research and Application, 23(5), 328-334.;2-Y
  • Jover, L. N., & Alba, C. L. (2002). Perception and Phenomenology of Light and Colour in the Architecture of Luis Barragán. M. A. Ródenas-López, j. Calvo-López, & M. Salcedo-Galera (Dü.), Architectural Graphics. EGA 2022.Springer Series in Design and Innovation. içinde 23, s. 333-341. Cham: Springer.
  • Karadağ, A., & İncedere, L. (2020). Kentsel belleği̇n sürdürülebi̇li̇rli̇ği̇ açısından İzmi̇r’deki̇ endüstri̇ mi̇ras alanlarının önemi̇: Alsancak li̇man ardi bölgesi̇ örneği̇. Ege Coğrafya Dergisi, 29(1), 57-71.
  • Kaya, N., & Crosby, M. (2006). Color associations with different building types: An experimental study on American college students. Color Research and Application, 31(1), 67-71.
  • Kobayashi, S. (1981). The aim and method of the color image scale. Color Research & Application , 6(2), 93-107.
  • Kowaltowski, D. C., Gomes da Silva, V., de O Neves, L., Deliberador, M. S., Zara, O. O., Colleto, G. M., & Victorio, E. R. (2020). Action research and architectural sustainable design education: A case study in Brazil. International Journal Of Technology and Design Education, 30, 815-836.
  • Kuehni, R. G. (2012). Color: An Introduction To Practice And Principles. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Lee, K., Yang, Y., & Zheng, Z. (2020). Research on color harmony of building façades. Color Research and Application, 45(1), 105-119.
  • Lotfabadi, P., & Mousavi, S. A. (2022). Adaptation of architectural education pedagogy in addressing COVID-19 pandemic . Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning, 5(4), 1094-1105.
  • Manav, B. (2017). Color-emotion associations, designing color schemes for urban environment-architectural settings. Color Research and Application, 42(5), 631-640.
  • Manav, B. (2007). Color-emotion associations and color preferences: A case study for residences. Color Research and Application , 32(2), 144-150.
  • Martosenjoyo, T. (2021). Architecture education during the covid-19 pandemic. Education Quarterly Reviews, 4(4), preprint.
  • Meerwein, G., Rodeck, B., & Mahnke, F. (2007). Color-communication in architectural space. De Gruyter.
  • Megahed, N., & Hassan, A. (2022). A blended learning strategy: reimagining the post-Covid-19 architectural education. Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, 16(1), 184-202.
  • Nigam, S., & Kapoor, V. (2021). Perspective of interior design students towards online classes amid COVID-19 pandemic in India. The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, 9(2), 275-284.
  • Norton, L. (2018). Action research in teaching and learning: A practical guide to conducting pedagogical research in universities. Routledge.
  • Plutchik, R. (2001). The nature of emotions: Human emotions have deep evolutionary roots, a fact that may explain their complexity and provide tools for clinical practice . American Scientist, 89(4), 344-350.
  • Rasmussen, S. E. (1964). Experiencing architecture. MIT Press.
  • Robinson, D. L. (2008). Brain function, emotional experience and personality. Netherlands Journal of Psychology , 64, 152-168.
  • Schön, D. A. (1987). Educating the reflective practitioner: Toward a new design for teaching and learning in the professions . Jossey-Bass.
  • Serra, J. (2013a). Three color strategies in architectural composition. Color Research and Application, 38(4), 238-250.
  • Serra, J. (2013b). The versatility of color in contemporary architecture. Color Research and Application, 38(4), 344-355.
  • Serra, J., & Codoner, A. (2014). Color composition in postmodern western architecture. Color Research and Application, 39(4), 399-412.
  • Smart, J. C. (1997). On some criticisms of a physicalist theory of colors. A. Byrne, & D. R. Hilbert içinde, Readings on Color: The philosophy of color (Vol. 1). MIT Press.
  • Stringer, E. T. (2008). Action research in education. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Unver, R. (2002). Color education in architecture. 9th Congress of the International Colour Association. 4421, s. 1000-1003. Rochester, NY: SPIE.
  • Ural, S., Akbay, S., & Altay, B. (2002). Progression of color decision making in introductory design education . Color Research and Application , 42(6), 849-860.
  • Yuan, J., Xie, Y., & Brooks, K. (2022). Explore industrial design pedagogy under the pandemic in the US. in Lockton, D., Lenzi, S., Hekkert, P., Oak, A., Sádaba, J., Lloyd, P. (eds.) DRS2022:Research Papers (s. 1-13). Bilbao, Spain: DRS.
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Architecture (Other)

İlayda Soyupak 0000-0002-3770-420X

Early Pub Date March 19, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date January 7, 2025
Acceptance Date March 15, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 15 Issue: 2



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