Research Article
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Year 2025, Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 526 - 542


Filistin-İsrail savaşı, on yıllardır devam eden, karmaşık ve çok boyutlu bir sorundur. 7 Ekim 2023’te yeniden alevlenen şiddet olayları, dünya genelinde büyük yankı uyandırmıştır. Bu çalışmada, savaşın ilk beş gününde manşet ve alt başlıklarda Filistin-İsrail savaşına dair hangi çerçevelerin kullanıldığı ve bu çerçevelerin gazetelerin yayın politikalarıyla nasıl ilişkili olduğu incelenmiştir. Bu bağlamda ABD, İngiltere, Türkiye ve Almanya'da yayın yapan The New York Times, The Guardian, Hürriyet ve Taz gazetelerinin bu döneme ait erişilebilen sayıları analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda, Türkiye’yi temsil eden Hürriyet gazetesinin savaşın ilk günlerinde tarafsızlığı pekiştiren çerçeveler kullandığı tespit edilmiştir. Buna karşılık, The New York Times, The Guardian ve Taz gazetelerinin manşet ve alt başlıklarında genellikle İsrail’i destekleyen çerçeveler kullandığı gözlemlenmiştir. Genel anlamda, Hürriyet ve diğer örneklem dâhilindeki gazetelerin, gazetecilik ilkeleri çerçevesinde haberleri tam anlamıyla tarafsız ve nesnel bir şekilde sunmadıkları ortaya çıkmıştır.


  • Akıner, N., & Küngerü, A. (2016). Uluslararası medya söyleminde İsrail’in 2014 Gazze saldırısı: CNN ve Al Jazeera üzerinden karşılaştırmalı bir analiz. TESAM Akademi Dergisi, 3(1), 53-79.
  • Amer, M. M. (2022). BBC and New York Times’ coverage of the May 2021 Israel onslaught on Gaza: A critical discourse analysis. International Journal of English Linguistics, 12(5), 1-10. doi:10.5539/ijel.v12n5p1
  • Bateson, G. (1972). Steps to an Ecology of Mind, Jason Aronson Inc. New Jersey: Notvale. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Bloch-Elkon, Y. (2007). Studying the media, public opinion, and foreign policy in international crises: The United States and the Bosnian crisis, 1992–1995. Press/Politics, 12(4), 20–51. doi:10.1177/1081180X0730718
  • Brants, K., & Neijens, P. (1998). The infotainment of politics. Political Communication, 15(2), 149-164. doi:10.1080/10584609809342363
  • Cottle, S. (2009). Global Crisis Reporting: Journalism in the Global Age. Berkshire: Open University Press.
  • Durfee, J. L. (2006). Social change and status quo framing effects on risk perception: An exploratory experiment. Science Communication, 27(4), 459-495. doi:10.1177/10755470052853
  • Entman, R. M. (1991). Framing U.S. coverage of ınternational news: Contrasts in narratives of the KAL and Iran air ıncidents. Journal of Communication, 41(4), 6-27. doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.1991.tb02328.x
  • Entman, R. M. (1993). Framing: Toward clarification of a fractured paradigm. Journal of Communication, 43(4), 51-58. doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.1993.tb01304.x
  • Entman, R. M. (2008). Theorizing mediated public diplomacy: The U.S. case. International Journal of Press/Politics, 13(2), 87-102. doi:10.1177/19401612083146
  • Erdoğan, İ. (2011). Gündem koyma ve saptama yaklaşiminda bir araştirma geleneği ve tasarimi olarak çerçeveleme. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 2(1), 48-62.
  • Fairhurst, G., & Sarr, R. (1996). . (1996). The art of framing. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Friedman, A. (1979). Framing pictures: The role of knowledge in automatized encoding and memory for gist. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 108(3), 316-355. doi:10.1037//0096-3445.108.3.316
  • Gamson, W., & Modigliani, A. (1989). Media discourse and public opinion on nuclear power: A constructionist approach. American Journal of Sociology, 95(1), 1-37.
  • Gan, F., Teo, J. L., & Detenber, B. H. (2005). Framing the battle for the White House: A comparison of two national newspapers’ coverage of the 2000 United States presidential election. Gazette (Leiden, Netherlands), 67(5), 441-467. doi:10.1177/001654920505605
  • Gavin, D. (2024, August 27). Framing Theory. Retrieved August 27, 2024 from: adresinden alındı
  • Gelvin, J. L. (2014). The Israel-Palestine Conflict: One Hundred Years of War. . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Goffman, E. (1974). Frame analysis: An essay on the organization of experience . New York: Harper & Row.
  • Gökdemir, A. (2024). İngiliz Medyasında İsrail-Filistin Savaşının Haberin Tarafgirliği Ekseninde Değerlendirmesi . Mevzu–Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 12, 225-261.
  • Huang, Y., & Fahmy, S. (2013). Picturing a journey of protest or a journey of harmony? Comparing the visual framing of the 2008 Olympic torch relay in the US versus the Chinese Press. Media, War & Conflict, 6(3), 191-206. doi:10.1177/17506352134956
  • Karniel, Y., Lavie-Dinur, A., & Azran, T. S. (2016). Professional or personal framing? International media coverage of the Israel–Hamas prisoner exchange deal. Media, War & Conflict, 10(1), 1-20. doi:10.1177/17506352166587
  • McCombs, M., & Ghanem, S. I. (2001). The Convergence of Agenda Setting and Framing. S. D. Reese, O. H. Gandy, & J. E. Grant içinde, Framing Public Life, Perspectives on Media and Our Undestanding of the Social World (s. 67-81). London: Lwarance Erlbaum Puplisher.
  • Morris, B. (2001). Righteous victims: A history of the zionist-Arab conflict, 1881-1999. New York City: Vintage Books.
  • Nazir, J., & Haroon, S. (2004). Corpus-Based Metaphorical Framing Analysis Of War And Genocide Metaphors In The Israel-Palestinian Conflict In Western Media. Harf-o-Sukhan, 8(3), 452-475.
  • Nelson, T. E., Clawson, R. A., & Oxley, Z. M. (1997). Media Framing of a Civil Liberties Conflict and its Effect on Toleranc. The American Political Science Review, 91(3), 567-583.
  • Özarslan, H. (2007). Çerçeveleme yaklaşımı açısından haber çerçevelerinin izler kitle düşünceleri üzerindeki etkisi (Tez No. 211419) [Yayınlanmış Doktora tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Ulusal Tez Merkezi]. (Özarslan, 2007).
  • Özarslan, H., & Güran, M. (2015). İletişim araştirmalarinda çerçeveleme paradigmasi: Son döneme ait bir inceleme. Selçuk İletişim, 8(4), 32-48.
  • Pan, Z., & Kosicki, G. M. (2001). Framing as a strategic action in public deliberation. S. D. Reese, O. H. Gandy, & A. E. Jr. içinde, Framing Public Life: Perspectives on Media and Our Understanding of the Social World (s. 51-82). London: Routledge.
  • Patterson, T. E., & Donsbagh, W. (1996). News decisions: Journalists as partisan actors. Political communication, 13(4), 455-468. doi:10.1080/10584609.1996.9963131
  • Reese, S. D. (2001). Prologue-Framing Public Life: A Bridging Model for Media Research. S. D. Reese, O. H. Gandy, & J. E. Grant içinde, Framing Public Life, Perspectives on Media and Our Undestanding of the Social World (s. 7-31). London: Lwarance Erlbaum.
  • Rodelo, F. V., & Muñiz, C. (2019). Government frames and their influence on news framing: An analysis of cross-lagged correlations in the Mexican context. Global media and communication, 15(1), 103-119. doi:10.1177/17427665188188
  • Semetko, H. A., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2000). Framing European politics: A content analysis of press and television news. Journal of communication, 50(2), 93-109. doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2000.tb02843.x
  • Stout, D. A., & Buddenbaum, J. M. (2003). Media, religion, and framing. Journal of Media and Religion. 2 (1), 1-3. doi:10.1207/S15328415JMR0201_1
  • Tankard, J. W. (2001). The Empirical Approach to the Study of Media Framing. S. D. Reese, O. H. Gandy, & J. E. Grant içinde, Framing Public Life, Perspectives on Media and Our Undestanding of the Social World (s. 95-105). London: Lwarance Erlbaum Publisher.
  • Tuchman, G. (1978). Making News: A Study in the construction of reality. New York: Free Press.
  • Vu, H. T., & Nyan, L. (2020). When the news takes sides: automated framing analysis of news coverage of the rohingya crisis by the elite press from three countries. Journalism Studies, 21(9), 1284-1304. doi:10.1080/1461670X.2020.1745665
  • Yılmaz, D. (2024). Filistin-İsrail Çatışması: Liberal Basının Bakış Açısından Uluslararası Bir Analiz. Ombudsman Akademik, Özel Sayı 2 (GAZZE), 309-344.
  • Yılmaz, D. (2024). Türk Medyasında Hamas-İsrail Çatışması: Analiz ve Değerlendirme. TRT Akademi, 9(20), 80-123.


Year 2025, Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 526 - 542


The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a complex and multifaceted issue that has persisted for decades. The violent incidents that erupted on October 7, 2023, have significant global repercussions. This study analyzes the framing employed in the headlines and subheadings regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict during the initial five days of the outbreak, as well as how these frames relate to the editorial policies of major newspapers. The research focuses on The New York Times, The Guardian, Hürriyet, and Taz, published in the USA, England, Turkey, and Germany, respectively. The analysis revealed that Hürriyet, representing Turkey, utilized frames that reinforced neutrality in the early days of the conflict. Conversely, The New York Times, The Guardian, and Taz predominantly employed frames that favored Israel in their coverage. Overall, we found that Hürriyet and the other sample newspapers did not present the news with complete impartiality and objectivity in accordance with journalistic principles.


  • Akıner, N., & Küngerü, A. (2016). Uluslararası medya söyleminde İsrail’in 2014 Gazze saldırısı: CNN ve Al Jazeera üzerinden karşılaştırmalı bir analiz. TESAM Akademi Dergisi, 3(1), 53-79.
  • Amer, M. M. (2022). BBC and New York Times’ coverage of the May 2021 Israel onslaught on Gaza: A critical discourse analysis. International Journal of English Linguistics, 12(5), 1-10. doi:10.5539/ijel.v12n5p1
  • Bateson, G. (1972). Steps to an Ecology of Mind, Jason Aronson Inc. New Jersey: Notvale. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Bloch-Elkon, Y. (2007). Studying the media, public opinion, and foreign policy in international crises: The United States and the Bosnian crisis, 1992–1995. Press/Politics, 12(4), 20–51. doi:10.1177/1081180X0730718
  • Brants, K., & Neijens, P. (1998). The infotainment of politics. Political Communication, 15(2), 149-164. doi:10.1080/10584609809342363
  • Cottle, S. (2009). Global Crisis Reporting: Journalism in the Global Age. Berkshire: Open University Press.
  • Durfee, J. L. (2006). Social change and status quo framing effects on risk perception: An exploratory experiment. Science Communication, 27(4), 459-495. doi:10.1177/10755470052853
  • Entman, R. M. (1991). Framing U.S. coverage of ınternational news: Contrasts in narratives of the KAL and Iran air ıncidents. Journal of Communication, 41(4), 6-27. doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.1991.tb02328.x
  • Entman, R. M. (1993). Framing: Toward clarification of a fractured paradigm. Journal of Communication, 43(4), 51-58. doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.1993.tb01304.x
  • Entman, R. M. (2008). Theorizing mediated public diplomacy: The U.S. case. International Journal of Press/Politics, 13(2), 87-102. doi:10.1177/19401612083146
  • Erdoğan, İ. (2011). Gündem koyma ve saptama yaklaşiminda bir araştirma geleneği ve tasarimi olarak çerçeveleme. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 2(1), 48-62.
  • Fairhurst, G., & Sarr, R. (1996). . (1996). The art of framing. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Friedman, A. (1979). Framing pictures: The role of knowledge in automatized encoding and memory for gist. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 108(3), 316-355. doi:10.1037//0096-3445.108.3.316
  • Gamson, W., & Modigliani, A. (1989). Media discourse and public opinion on nuclear power: A constructionist approach. American Journal of Sociology, 95(1), 1-37.
  • Gan, F., Teo, J. L., & Detenber, B. H. (2005). Framing the battle for the White House: A comparison of two national newspapers’ coverage of the 2000 United States presidential election. Gazette (Leiden, Netherlands), 67(5), 441-467. doi:10.1177/001654920505605
  • Gavin, D. (2024, August 27). Framing Theory. Retrieved August 27, 2024 from: adresinden alındı
  • Gelvin, J. L. (2014). The Israel-Palestine Conflict: One Hundred Years of War. . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Goffman, E. (1974). Frame analysis: An essay on the organization of experience . New York: Harper & Row.
  • Gökdemir, A. (2024). İngiliz Medyasında İsrail-Filistin Savaşının Haberin Tarafgirliği Ekseninde Değerlendirmesi . Mevzu–Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 12, 225-261.
  • Huang, Y., & Fahmy, S. (2013). Picturing a journey of protest or a journey of harmony? Comparing the visual framing of the 2008 Olympic torch relay in the US versus the Chinese Press. Media, War & Conflict, 6(3), 191-206. doi:10.1177/17506352134956
  • Karniel, Y., Lavie-Dinur, A., & Azran, T. S. (2016). Professional or personal framing? International media coverage of the Israel–Hamas prisoner exchange deal. Media, War & Conflict, 10(1), 1-20. doi:10.1177/17506352166587
  • McCombs, M., & Ghanem, S. I. (2001). The Convergence of Agenda Setting and Framing. S. D. Reese, O. H. Gandy, & J. E. Grant içinde, Framing Public Life, Perspectives on Media and Our Undestanding of the Social World (s. 67-81). London: Lwarance Erlbaum Puplisher.
  • Morris, B. (2001). Righteous victims: A history of the zionist-Arab conflict, 1881-1999. New York City: Vintage Books.
  • Nazir, J., & Haroon, S. (2004). Corpus-Based Metaphorical Framing Analysis Of War And Genocide Metaphors In The Israel-Palestinian Conflict In Western Media. Harf-o-Sukhan, 8(3), 452-475.
  • Nelson, T. E., Clawson, R. A., & Oxley, Z. M. (1997). Media Framing of a Civil Liberties Conflict and its Effect on Toleranc. The American Political Science Review, 91(3), 567-583.
  • Özarslan, H. (2007). Çerçeveleme yaklaşımı açısından haber çerçevelerinin izler kitle düşünceleri üzerindeki etkisi (Tez No. 211419) [Yayınlanmış Doktora tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Ulusal Tez Merkezi]. (Özarslan, 2007).
  • Özarslan, H., & Güran, M. (2015). İletişim araştirmalarinda çerçeveleme paradigmasi: Son döneme ait bir inceleme. Selçuk İletişim, 8(4), 32-48.
  • Pan, Z., & Kosicki, G. M. (2001). Framing as a strategic action in public deliberation. S. D. Reese, O. H. Gandy, & A. E. Jr. içinde, Framing Public Life: Perspectives on Media and Our Understanding of the Social World (s. 51-82). London: Routledge.
  • Patterson, T. E., & Donsbagh, W. (1996). News decisions: Journalists as partisan actors. Political communication, 13(4), 455-468. doi:10.1080/10584609.1996.9963131
  • Reese, S. D. (2001). Prologue-Framing Public Life: A Bridging Model for Media Research. S. D. Reese, O. H. Gandy, & J. E. Grant içinde, Framing Public Life, Perspectives on Media and Our Undestanding of the Social World (s. 7-31). London: Lwarance Erlbaum.
  • Rodelo, F. V., & Muñiz, C. (2019). Government frames and their influence on news framing: An analysis of cross-lagged correlations in the Mexican context. Global media and communication, 15(1), 103-119. doi:10.1177/17427665188188
  • Semetko, H. A., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2000). Framing European politics: A content analysis of press and television news. Journal of communication, 50(2), 93-109. doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2000.tb02843.x
  • Stout, D. A., & Buddenbaum, J. M. (2003). Media, religion, and framing. Journal of Media and Religion. 2 (1), 1-3. doi:10.1207/S15328415JMR0201_1
  • Tankard, J. W. (2001). The Empirical Approach to the Study of Media Framing. S. D. Reese, O. H. Gandy, & J. E. Grant içinde, Framing Public Life, Perspectives on Media and Our Undestanding of the Social World (s. 95-105). London: Lwarance Erlbaum Publisher.
  • Tuchman, G. (1978). Making News: A Study in the construction of reality. New York: Free Press.
  • Vu, H. T., & Nyan, L. (2020). When the news takes sides: automated framing analysis of news coverage of the rohingya crisis by the elite press from three countries. Journalism Studies, 21(9), 1284-1304. doi:10.1080/1461670X.2020.1745665
  • Yılmaz, D. (2024). Filistin-İsrail Çatışması: Liberal Basının Bakış Açısından Uluslararası Bir Analiz. Ombudsman Akademik, Özel Sayı 2 (GAZZE), 309-344.
  • Yılmaz, D. (2024). Türk Medyasında Hamas-İsrail Çatışması: Analiz ve Değerlendirme. TRT Akademi, 9(20), 80-123.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Communication Studies

Mehmet Akif Günay 0000-0003-1039-5440

Early Pub Date March 19, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date January 7, 2025
Acceptance Date March 16, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 15 Issue: 2


APA Günay, M. A. (2025). INTERNATIONAL MEDIA FRAMING OF THE PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI WAR. Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 15(2), 526-542.

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