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The Role of Pragmatic Competence in Foreign Language Education

Year 2016, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 10 - 19, 15.01.2016


Pragmatic competence has become, especially in the last few decades, one of the issues that attracted attention in the field as an essential part of language competence. The realization that having a good command of linguistic knowledge in target language would not be enough to master the language has created the need to investigate the value and effect of pragmatic competence in language education. This review is intended to provide a brief overview of pragmatics and pragmatic competence, the pedagogic significance of pragmatic competence highlighting the relevant theoretical components of pragmatics. For the purposes of this review, relevant literature covering definitions of pragmatics and pragmatic competence and research carried out on pragmatic competence is presented.

Keywords: pragmatic competence, foreign language education, communicative competence, pragmatics instruction


  • Allami, H. &Naeimi. A. (2011). A cross-linguistic study of refusals: An analysis of pragmatic competence development in Iranian EFL learners. Journal of Pragmatics, 43, 385-406.
  • Bachman, L. (1990). Fundamental considerations in language testing. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Bardovi-Harlig, K., (1996). Pragmatics and language teaching: Bringing pragmatics and pedagogy together. In: Bouton, L.F. (Ed.), Pragmatics and language learning, vol. 7. University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign, Urbana, IL, pp. 21–39.
  • Bardovi-Harlig, K., & Mahan-Taylor, R. (2010). Introduction. In K, Bardovi-Harlig& R, Mahan-Taylor (Eds.), Teaching pragmatics (pp. 1-13). Retrieved from
  • Blum-Kulka, S., & House, J. (1989). Cross-cultural and situational variation in requesting behavior. In S. Blum-Kulka, J. House, & G. Kasper (Eds.), Cross-cultural pragmatics: Requests and apologies (pp. 123-154). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
  • Canale, M., & Swain, M. (1980). Theoretical base of communicative approaches to second language teaching and testing. Applied Linguistics, 1, 1-47. Retrieved from 10.1093/applin/I.l.l
  • Canale, M. (1983). Language and Communication. In J. C. Ricards & R. W. Schmidt (Eds.), From communicative competence to communicative language pedagogy (pp. 2-27). New York: Longman.
  • Celce-Murcia, M., Dörnyei, Z., &Thurrell, S. (1995). Communicative competence: A pedagogically motivated model with content specifications. Issues in Applied Linguistics, 6, 5-35.
  • Chomsky, N. (1965). Aspects of the theory of syntax. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Crystal, D. (1985). A dictionary of linguistics and phonetics (2nded.). Oxford: Backwell.
  • Eisenchlas, S. (2011). On-line interactions as a resource to raise pragmatic awareness. Journal of Pragmatics, 43, 51-61.
  • Farshi, S., & Baghbani, S. (2015). The effects of implicit and explicit focus on form on oral accuracy of EFL learners. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(2), 292-297.
  • Fordyce, K. (2014). The differential effects of explicit and implicit instruction on EFL learners’ use of epistemic stance. Applied Linguistics, 35 (1), 6-28.
  • Garcia, P. (2004). Meaning in academic contexts: A corpus-based study of pragmatic utterances. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Northern Arizona University.
  • Grice, P. (1975). Logic and conversation. In P. Cole & J. Morgan (Eds.), Syntax and semantics. Vol.3: Speech acts (pp.41-58). New York, NY: Academic Press.
  • Halenko, N. & Jones, C. (2011). Teaching pragmatic awareness of spoken requests to Chinese EAP learners in the UK: Is explicit instruction effective? System, 39, 240-250.
  • Halliday, M.A.K. (1975). Learning how to mean. London: Edward Arnold.
  • Hymes, D. H. (1972). On communicative competence. In J. B. Price, & J. Holmes (Eds.), Sociolinguistics(pp. 269-293). Harmondsworth: Penguin.
  • Ifantidou, E. (2013). Pragmatic competence and explicit instruction. Journal of Pragmatics, 59, 93-116.
  • Kasper, G. (1996). Interlanguage pragmatics in SLA. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 18, 145-148.
  • Kasper, G., & Schmidt, R. (1996). Developmental issues in interlanguage pragmatics. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 18, 149-169.
  • Leech, G. (1983). Principles of pragmatics. London: Longman.
  • Levinson, S. (1983). Pragmatics. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  • Li, S. (2012). The effects of input-based practice on pragmatic development of requests in L2 Chinese. Language Learning. 62 (2), p. 403-438.
  • Matsumura, S. (2003). Modelling the relationship among interlanguage pragmatic development, L2 proficiency, and exposure to L2. Applied Linguistics, 24, 465-91.
  • Morris, C. W. (1938). Foundations of the theory of signs. In O. Neurath, R. Carnap & C. W. Morries (Eds.), International encyclopedia of unified science (Vol. 2, pp. 77-138). Chicago: University of Chicago.
  • Nguyen, T., Pham, T., & Pham, M. (2012). The relative effects of explicit and implicit form-focused instruction on the development of L2 pragmatic competence. Journal of Pragmatics, 44, 416-434.
  • Rajabi, S, &Farahian, M. (2013). The effects of pragmatic instruction on EFL learners' awareness of suggestions. Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods, 3 (3), 28-38.
  • Rose, K., & Kasper, G., (2001). Pragmatics in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Shi, X. (2014). On cross-cultural pragmatic failures in C/E interpretation. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 4 (5), p. 1033-1037.
  • Solak, E., & Bayar, A. (2015). Current challenges in English Language Learning in Turkish EFL context. Participatory Educational Research, 2(1), 106-115.
  • Takimoto, M. (2007). The effects of input-based tasks on the development of learners’ pragmatic proficiency. Applied Linguistics, 30 (1), 1-25.
  • Takimoto, M. (2008). The effects of deductive and inductive instruction on the development of language learners’ pragmatic competence. The Modern Language Journal, 92, 369-386.
  • Takimoto, M. (2009). Exploring the effects of input-based treatment and test on the development of learners’ pragmatic proficiency. Journal of Pragmatics, 41, 1029-1046.
  • Thomas, J. (1983). Cross-cultural pragmatic failure. Applied Linguistics, 4, 91-112.
  • Trosborg, A. (1987). Apology strategies in natives/non-natives. Journal of Pragmatics, 11, 147-167.
  • vanCompernolle, R. (2011). Developing second language sociopragmatic knowledge through concept-based instruction: A microgenetic case study. Journal of Pragmatics, 43, 3267-3283.
  • Yule, G. (1996). Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Year 2016, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 10 - 19, 15.01.2016



  • Allami, H. &Naeimi. A. (2011). A cross-linguistic study of refusals: An analysis of pragmatic competence development in Iranian EFL learners. Journal of Pragmatics, 43, 385-406.
  • Bachman, L. (1990). Fundamental considerations in language testing. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Bardovi-Harlig, K., (1996). Pragmatics and language teaching: Bringing pragmatics and pedagogy together. In: Bouton, L.F. (Ed.), Pragmatics and language learning, vol. 7. University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign, Urbana, IL, pp. 21–39.
  • Bardovi-Harlig, K., & Mahan-Taylor, R. (2010). Introduction. In K, Bardovi-Harlig& R, Mahan-Taylor (Eds.), Teaching pragmatics (pp. 1-13). Retrieved from
  • Blum-Kulka, S., & House, J. (1989). Cross-cultural and situational variation in requesting behavior. In S. Blum-Kulka, J. House, & G. Kasper (Eds.), Cross-cultural pragmatics: Requests and apologies (pp. 123-154). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
  • Canale, M., & Swain, M. (1980). Theoretical base of communicative approaches to second language teaching and testing. Applied Linguistics, 1, 1-47. Retrieved from 10.1093/applin/I.l.l
  • Canale, M. (1983). Language and Communication. In J. C. Ricards & R. W. Schmidt (Eds.), From communicative competence to communicative language pedagogy (pp. 2-27). New York: Longman.
  • Celce-Murcia, M., Dörnyei, Z., &Thurrell, S. (1995). Communicative competence: A pedagogically motivated model with content specifications. Issues in Applied Linguistics, 6, 5-35.
  • Chomsky, N. (1965). Aspects of the theory of syntax. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Crystal, D. (1985). A dictionary of linguistics and phonetics (2nded.). Oxford: Backwell.
  • Eisenchlas, S. (2011). On-line interactions as a resource to raise pragmatic awareness. Journal of Pragmatics, 43, 51-61.
  • Farshi, S., & Baghbani, S. (2015). The effects of implicit and explicit focus on form on oral accuracy of EFL learners. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(2), 292-297.
  • Fordyce, K. (2014). The differential effects of explicit and implicit instruction on EFL learners’ use of epistemic stance. Applied Linguistics, 35 (1), 6-28.
  • Garcia, P. (2004). Meaning in academic contexts: A corpus-based study of pragmatic utterances. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Northern Arizona University.
  • Grice, P. (1975). Logic and conversation. In P. Cole & J. Morgan (Eds.), Syntax and semantics. Vol.3: Speech acts (pp.41-58). New York, NY: Academic Press.
  • Halenko, N. & Jones, C. (2011). Teaching pragmatic awareness of spoken requests to Chinese EAP learners in the UK: Is explicit instruction effective? System, 39, 240-250.
  • Halliday, M.A.K. (1975). Learning how to mean. London: Edward Arnold.
  • Hymes, D. H. (1972). On communicative competence. In J. B. Price, & J. Holmes (Eds.), Sociolinguistics(pp. 269-293). Harmondsworth: Penguin.
  • Ifantidou, E. (2013). Pragmatic competence and explicit instruction. Journal of Pragmatics, 59, 93-116.
  • Kasper, G. (1996). Interlanguage pragmatics in SLA. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 18, 145-148.
  • Kasper, G., & Schmidt, R. (1996). Developmental issues in interlanguage pragmatics. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 18, 149-169.
  • Leech, G. (1983). Principles of pragmatics. London: Longman.
  • Levinson, S. (1983). Pragmatics. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  • Li, S. (2012). The effects of input-based practice on pragmatic development of requests in L2 Chinese. Language Learning. 62 (2), p. 403-438.
  • Matsumura, S. (2003). Modelling the relationship among interlanguage pragmatic development, L2 proficiency, and exposure to L2. Applied Linguistics, 24, 465-91.
  • Morris, C. W. (1938). Foundations of the theory of signs. In O. Neurath, R. Carnap & C. W. Morries (Eds.), International encyclopedia of unified science (Vol. 2, pp. 77-138). Chicago: University of Chicago.
  • Nguyen, T., Pham, T., & Pham, M. (2012). The relative effects of explicit and implicit form-focused instruction on the development of L2 pragmatic competence. Journal of Pragmatics, 44, 416-434.
  • Rajabi, S, &Farahian, M. (2013). The effects of pragmatic instruction on EFL learners' awareness of suggestions. Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods, 3 (3), 28-38.
  • Rose, K., & Kasper, G., (2001). Pragmatics in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Shi, X. (2014). On cross-cultural pragmatic failures in C/E interpretation. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 4 (5), p. 1033-1037.
  • Solak, E., & Bayar, A. (2015). Current challenges in English Language Learning in Turkish EFL context. Participatory Educational Research, 2(1), 106-115.
  • Takimoto, M. (2007). The effects of input-based tasks on the development of learners’ pragmatic proficiency. Applied Linguistics, 30 (1), 1-25.
  • Takimoto, M. (2008). The effects of deductive and inductive instruction on the development of language learners’ pragmatic competence. The Modern Language Journal, 92, 369-386.
  • Takimoto, M. (2009). Exploring the effects of input-based treatment and test on the development of learners’ pragmatic proficiency. Journal of Pragmatics, 41, 1029-1046.
  • Thomas, J. (1983). Cross-cultural pragmatic failure. Applied Linguistics, 4, 91-112.
  • Trosborg, A. (1987). Apology strategies in natives/non-natives. Journal of Pragmatics, 11, 147-167.
  • vanCompernolle, R. (2011). Developing second language sociopragmatic knowledge through concept-based instruction: A microgenetic case study. Journal of Pragmatics, 43, 3267-3283.
  • Yule, G. (1996). Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language En
Journal Section Articles

Ayşegül Takkaç Tulgar

Publication Date January 15, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Takkaç Tulgar, A. (2016). The Role of Pragmatic Competence in Foreign Language Education. Turkish Online Journal of English Language Teaching, 1(1), 10-19.
AMA Takkaç Tulgar A. The Role of Pragmatic Competence in Foreign Language Education. TOJELT. January 2016;1(1):10-19. doi:10.32959/tojelt.229304
Chicago Takkaç Tulgar, Ayşegül. “The Role of Pragmatic Competence in Foreign Language Education”. Turkish Online Journal of English Language Teaching 1, no. 1 (January 2016): 10-19.
EndNote Takkaç Tulgar A (January 1, 2016) The Role of Pragmatic Competence in Foreign Language Education. Turkish Online Journal of English Language Teaching 1 1 10–19.
IEEE A. Takkaç Tulgar, “The Role of Pragmatic Competence in Foreign Language Education”, TOJELT, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 10–19, 2016, doi: 10.32959/tojelt.229304.
ISNAD Takkaç Tulgar, Ayşegül. “The Role of Pragmatic Competence in Foreign Language Education”. Turkish Online Journal of English Language Teaching 1/1 (January 2016), 10-19.
JAMA Takkaç Tulgar A. The Role of Pragmatic Competence in Foreign Language Education. TOJELT. 2016;1:10–19.
MLA Takkaç Tulgar, Ayşegül. “The Role of Pragmatic Competence in Foreign Language Education”. Turkish Online Journal of English Language Teaching, vol. 1, no. 1, 2016, pp. 10-19, doi:10.32959/tojelt.229304.
Vancouver Takkaç Tulgar A. The Role of Pragmatic Competence in Foreign Language Education. TOJELT. 2016;1(1):10-9.

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