Year 2020,
, 1 - 12, 01.04.2020
Müge Sarper Kahveci
Serpil Sarper
- Akarmeşe, C. The Relationship Between Pre-Competition State Anxiety and Performance Criteria in Volleyball, Gazi University Institute of Health Sciences. MA Thesis, Ankara, 2004.
- Aksu, O. (2018). Comparison of trait anxiety levels, emotional intelligence and personality traits of karate players according to various variables, Bartın University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching, MA Thesis, p. 35, 51, Bartın.
- Arslan, A. (2019). Investigation of Social Anxiety and General Self-Efficacy Perceptions of Healthcare Vocational School Students in Terms of Various Variables. International e-Journal of Educational Studies. Volume 3 Issue 6, 78-96. DOI: 10.31458/iejes.524860
- Ateş, C., Yıldız, Y., Yıldız, K. (2018). Professional Basketball And Volleyball Players' Perception Of Coach Communication Skill Levels And Investigation Of Anxiety Levels Of Sportspeople. Erciyes Journal of Communication. 5(3), 40-52.
- Ayan, A., Ünsar, A. S., Dinçer, D. (2013). Defining Social Avoidance and Social Anxiety Levels of Blue-collar Employees: An Application in the Textile Sector. Journal of Social Sciences, 11(1) 163-179.
- Aydemir, Ö., Köroğlu, E. (2000). Clinical Scales used in Psychiatry. Ankara: Doctors’ Association of Publishing.
- Aynacı, B. (2018). Relationship Between Anxiety Levels and Religiosity of People Applying to Family Counseling Center. İTU Institute of Social Sciences. (Unpublished MA Thesis). Department to Family Counseling.
- Bakıntaş, Z. (2008). Evaluation of Anxiety Levels of Football Referees Before and After the Competition. (Unpublished MA Thesis). Dumlupınar University.
- Beyaztaş, E. (2019). İstanbul’da Görev Yapan Futbol Hakemlerinin Müsabaka Öncesi ve Müsabaka Sonrası Kaygı Düzeylerinin Analizi. İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Antrenörlük Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı
- Boz, E. (2019). Examining the Relationship between Imagination and Anxiety in Elite Karate Players. (Unpublished MA Thesis) Bartın University. Institute of Educational Sciences. Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching.
- Cangir, Ş. (2019). Examining State and Trait Anxiety of Sportswomen. (Unpublished MA Thesis). İstanbul Gelişim University. Institute of Health Sciences. Department of Coaching.
- Civan, A. (2001). Comparison of state and trait anxiety of sportspeople taking part in individual and team sports before and after the competition (Doctoral dissertation, Selçuk University Institute of Health Sciences).
- Çevik, V., Baloğlu, M. (2007). Investigation of School Administrators' Computer Anxiety Levels in Terms of Various Variables. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, Fall, Issue 52, pp:547-568.
- Develi, E. (2006). Investigation of trait anxiety of physical education teachers working in primary schools in Konya (Doctoral dissertation, Selçuk University Institute of Health Sciences).
- Dicle Yeniyol, Z. (2018). Investigation of Job Satisfaction, Anxiety and Burnout Levels of Healthcare Professionals. Işık University, Institute of Social Sicences, Department of Clinical Psychology. (Unpublished MA Thesis).
- Elmas, L. & Birol, S. Ş. (2018). The effect of imagination levels of early adolescents participating in sports recreation activities on perception of success. The Journal of International Anatolia Sport Science, 3(1), p. 256.
- Engür, M. (2002). The Effect of Success Motivation on State Anxiety Levels in Elite Sportspeople. Unpublished MA Thesis. Ege University Institute of Health Sciences. Psycho-social Fields in Sports. İzmir.
- Enoch, M., Xu, K., Ferro, E., Harris, C.R., Goldman, D. (2003). Genetic Origins Of Anxiety İn Women: A Role For A Functional Catechol-O-Methyltransferase Polymorphism. Psychiatric Genetics. 13: 33–41.
- Genç, G., Yazıcıoğlu, A. (2018). Mathematics Anxiety Levels of Primary School 4th Grade Students. Research in Education. p. 168-176.
- Gümüş, M. (2002). Investigation of State Anxiety Levels According to Score Rankings in Professional Football Teams, MA Thesis, Sakarya University, Institute of Social Sciences, Sakarya.
- Gürsoy, F. (2006). Investigation of Self-Design and Anxiety Levels of Adolescents in Different Socio- Economic Levels. Ç.U. Journal of Social Sciences Institute, Volume 15, Issue2, 2006, p.183- 190.
- Kaplan, H., Şentürk, A. (2019). Investigation of the anxiety levels of the Physically Disabled Sportspeople participating in Turkey Swimming Championship. Isfaw Congress Brochure. p. 114-120.
- Kuru, E. (2000). Psychology in Sports. Ankara: G. U. Faculty of Communication Press.
- Landy, S. (2005). Pathways to competence: Encouraging healty social and emotional development in young children. Infant Mental Health Journal, 26, 85-87.
- Mancevska, S., Pluncevik Gligoroska, J., Todorovska, L., Petrovska, S. & Dejanova, B. (2018). Levels of Anxiety and Depression in Elite Karate Players, Research in Physical Education, Sport and Health, 7(1), s. 33.
- Oktay, M.C., Yıldız, M. (2018). Investigation of Continuous and State Anxiety Levels According to Various Variables of Individuals Who Have Dived for the First Time. Kafkas University Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences. Spring 21, 161-168 DOI:10.9775/kausbed.2018.011
- Öğüt, R. (2004). Comparison of the level of trait anxiety and self-esteem in sports. (Unpublished MA Thesis). Ege University Institute of Health Sciences, İzmir.
- Öner, N., Le Compte, A. (1998). Discontinuous State Trait Anxiety Inventory Handbook. İstanbul: Boğaziçi University Press.
- Öztürk, S.E. (2019). Examining the Influence of State and Trait Anxiety Levels of Dart Players on Performance. Bartın University. Institute of Educational Sciences. Department of Physical Education and Sports (Unpublished MA Thesis).
- Selya, H. (1998). Stress Without Distress. (ed. Barbara Woods) Applying psychology to sport. Hodder & Stoughton. 98-109.
- Spilberger, D. Charles ve I. G. Saroson (1976). Stress and Anxiety. The Series in Clinical and Community Psychology. Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, Washington, London.
- Şahin, N.H., Batıgün, A.D. Uğurtaş, S. (2002). Short Symptom Inventory (SSI): validity, reliability and factor structure for usage on adolescents. Turkşsh Journal of Psychiatry, 13 (2). TDK (2018). Turkish Language Association, downloaded on 06.12.2019
- Tezer, N. (2018). Examining the Anxiety Levels of Mountaineering Coaches. International Journal Mountaineering and Climbing, 1(1), 54-56.
- Tık Yakar, F. A. (2015). Anxiety Level of Families of Children with Normal Development in Exams with Inclusive Education. Unpublished MA Thesis, Dokuz Eylul University.
- Üngüren, E. (2007). Evaluation of Hopelessness and Anxiety Levels of Students Receiving Tourism Education in High Schools and Universities in Terms of Various Variables: An Implication in Antalya. (Unpublished MA Thesis). Akdeniz University.
- Yıldız, A. (2019). Investigation of the State and Trait Anxiety Levels of Volleyball Coaches Living in Bursa According to their Age, Document Type, Level of Team Worked and Athlete's CV. (Unpublished MA Thesis). Bursa Uludağ University. Institute of Educational Sciences. Department of Physical Education and Sports.
- Yılmaz Aydın, D. (2018). Exam Anxiety, Attachment Styles and Mothers' Anxiety Levels of Students Preparing for University Exam. Hacettepe University. Unpublished MA Thesis. Department of Educational Sciences, Psychological Counseling and Guidance Program.
- Yöş, B. (2018). Investigation of the Relationship between Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies and Depression and Anxiety in University Students. Işık University. Unpublished MA Thesis. Institute of Social Sciences. Department of Clinical Psychology.
Year 2020,
, 1 - 12, 01.04.2020
Müge Sarper Kahveci
Serpil Sarper
The present study aimed to determine the state and trait anxiety levels of Badminton players at Super League level during the competition. The research consists of a total of 61 sportspeople, 35 women and 26 men participating in the 2013 Interuniversity Badminton Super League competition. In the information form and Spielberger's Trait-Trait Anxiety Inventory were used as data collection tools. In the research, T-Test and ANOVA Tests were used in Independent Groups. SPSS 25.0 statistical package program was used to evaluate the data and to find the calculated values, and the significance of the data was evaluated as p 0.05 ; there was a significant difference only in the socioeconomic status p
- Akarmeşe, C. The Relationship Between Pre-Competition State Anxiety and Performance Criteria in Volleyball, Gazi University Institute of Health Sciences. MA Thesis, Ankara, 2004.
- Aksu, O. (2018). Comparison of trait anxiety levels, emotional intelligence and personality traits of karate players according to various variables, Bartın University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching, MA Thesis, p. 35, 51, Bartın.
- Arslan, A. (2019). Investigation of Social Anxiety and General Self-Efficacy Perceptions of Healthcare Vocational School Students in Terms of Various Variables. International e-Journal of Educational Studies. Volume 3 Issue 6, 78-96. DOI: 10.31458/iejes.524860
- Ateş, C., Yıldız, Y., Yıldız, K. (2018). Professional Basketball And Volleyball Players' Perception Of Coach Communication Skill Levels And Investigation Of Anxiety Levels Of Sportspeople. Erciyes Journal of Communication. 5(3), 40-52.
- Ayan, A., Ünsar, A. S., Dinçer, D. (2013). Defining Social Avoidance and Social Anxiety Levels of Blue-collar Employees: An Application in the Textile Sector. Journal of Social Sciences, 11(1) 163-179.
- Aydemir, Ö., Köroğlu, E. (2000). Clinical Scales used in Psychiatry. Ankara: Doctors’ Association of Publishing.
- Aynacı, B. (2018). Relationship Between Anxiety Levels and Religiosity of People Applying to Family Counseling Center. İTU Institute of Social Sciences. (Unpublished MA Thesis). Department to Family Counseling.
- Bakıntaş, Z. (2008). Evaluation of Anxiety Levels of Football Referees Before and After the Competition. (Unpublished MA Thesis). Dumlupınar University.
- Beyaztaş, E. (2019). İstanbul’da Görev Yapan Futbol Hakemlerinin Müsabaka Öncesi ve Müsabaka Sonrası Kaygı Düzeylerinin Analizi. İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Antrenörlük Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı
- Boz, E. (2019). Examining the Relationship between Imagination and Anxiety in Elite Karate Players. (Unpublished MA Thesis) Bartın University. Institute of Educational Sciences. Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching.
- Cangir, Ş. (2019). Examining State and Trait Anxiety of Sportswomen. (Unpublished MA Thesis). İstanbul Gelişim University. Institute of Health Sciences. Department of Coaching.
- Civan, A. (2001). Comparison of state and trait anxiety of sportspeople taking part in individual and team sports before and after the competition (Doctoral dissertation, Selçuk University Institute of Health Sciences).
- Çevik, V., Baloğlu, M. (2007). Investigation of School Administrators' Computer Anxiety Levels in Terms of Various Variables. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, Fall, Issue 52, pp:547-568.
- Develi, E. (2006). Investigation of trait anxiety of physical education teachers working in primary schools in Konya (Doctoral dissertation, Selçuk University Institute of Health Sciences).
- Dicle Yeniyol, Z. (2018). Investigation of Job Satisfaction, Anxiety and Burnout Levels of Healthcare Professionals. Işık University, Institute of Social Sicences, Department of Clinical Psychology. (Unpublished MA Thesis).
- Elmas, L. & Birol, S. Ş. (2018). The effect of imagination levels of early adolescents participating in sports recreation activities on perception of success. The Journal of International Anatolia Sport Science, 3(1), p. 256.
- Engür, M. (2002). The Effect of Success Motivation on State Anxiety Levels in Elite Sportspeople. Unpublished MA Thesis. Ege University Institute of Health Sciences. Psycho-social Fields in Sports. İzmir.
- Enoch, M., Xu, K., Ferro, E., Harris, C.R., Goldman, D. (2003). Genetic Origins Of Anxiety İn Women: A Role For A Functional Catechol-O-Methyltransferase Polymorphism. Psychiatric Genetics. 13: 33–41.
- Genç, G., Yazıcıoğlu, A. (2018). Mathematics Anxiety Levels of Primary School 4th Grade Students. Research in Education. p. 168-176.
- Gümüş, M. (2002). Investigation of State Anxiety Levels According to Score Rankings in Professional Football Teams, MA Thesis, Sakarya University, Institute of Social Sciences, Sakarya.
- Gürsoy, F. (2006). Investigation of Self-Design and Anxiety Levels of Adolescents in Different Socio- Economic Levels. Ç.U. Journal of Social Sciences Institute, Volume 15, Issue2, 2006, p.183- 190.
- Kaplan, H., Şentürk, A. (2019). Investigation of the anxiety levels of the Physically Disabled Sportspeople participating in Turkey Swimming Championship. Isfaw Congress Brochure. p. 114-120.
- Kuru, E. (2000). Psychology in Sports. Ankara: G. U. Faculty of Communication Press.
- Landy, S. (2005). Pathways to competence: Encouraging healty social and emotional development in young children. Infant Mental Health Journal, 26, 85-87.
- Mancevska, S., Pluncevik Gligoroska, J., Todorovska, L., Petrovska, S. & Dejanova, B. (2018). Levels of Anxiety and Depression in Elite Karate Players, Research in Physical Education, Sport and Health, 7(1), s. 33.
- Oktay, M.C., Yıldız, M. (2018). Investigation of Continuous and State Anxiety Levels According to Various Variables of Individuals Who Have Dived for the First Time. Kafkas University Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences. Spring 21, 161-168 DOI:10.9775/kausbed.2018.011
- Öğüt, R. (2004). Comparison of the level of trait anxiety and self-esteem in sports. (Unpublished MA Thesis). Ege University Institute of Health Sciences, İzmir.
- Öner, N., Le Compte, A. (1998). Discontinuous State Trait Anxiety Inventory Handbook. İstanbul: Boğaziçi University Press.
- Öztürk, S.E. (2019). Examining the Influence of State and Trait Anxiety Levels of Dart Players on Performance. Bartın University. Institute of Educational Sciences. Department of Physical Education and Sports (Unpublished MA Thesis).
- Selya, H. (1998). Stress Without Distress. (ed. Barbara Woods) Applying psychology to sport. Hodder & Stoughton. 98-109.
- Spilberger, D. Charles ve I. G. Saroson (1976). Stress and Anxiety. The Series in Clinical and Community Psychology. Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, Washington, London.
- Şahin, N.H., Batıgün, A.D. Uğurtaş, S. (2002). Short Symptom Inventory (SSI): validity, reliability and factor structure for usage on adolescents. Turkşsh Journal of Psychiatry, 13 (2). TDK (2018). Turkish Language Association, downloaded on 06.12.2019
- Tezer, N. (2018). Examining the Anxiety Levels of Mountaineering Coaches. International Journal Mountaineering and Climbing, 1(1), 54-56.
- Tık Yakar, F. A. (2015). Anxiety Level of Families of Children with Normal Development in Exams with Inclusive Education. Unpublished MA Thesis, Dokuz Eylul University.
- Üngüren, E. (2007). Evaluation of Hopelessness and Anxiety Levels of Students Receiving Tourism Education in High Schools and Universities in Terms of Various Variables: An Implication in Antalya. (Unpublished MA Thesis). Akdeniz University.
- Yıldız, A. (2019). Investigation of the State and Trait Anxiety Levels of Volleyball Coaches Living in Bursa According to their Age, Document Type, Level of Team Worked and Athlete's CV. (Unpublished MA Thesis). Bursa Uludağ University. Institute of Educational Sciences. Department of Physical Education and Sports.
- Yılmaz Aydın, D. (2018). Exam Anxiety, Attachment Styles and Mothers' Anxiety Levels of Students Preparing for University Exam. Hacettepe University. Unpublished MA Thesis. Department of Educational Sciences, Psychological Counseling and Guidance Program.
- Yöş, B. (2018). Investigation of the Relationship between Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies and Depression and Anxiety in University Students. Işık University. Unpublished MA Thesis. Institute of Social Sciences. Department of Clinical Psychology.