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Year 2019, , 1 - 13, 01.07.2019



  • Bucher, A., Richard, C., Bucher, D., (1974), Recreation for Today-s Society, New Jersey, Prentice- Hall, Inc, s:4,5,6.
  • Abadan, M., (1966), Türk Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Serbest Zaman Faaliyeti, BZD Semineri, HSEK Yayını, İstanbul.
  • American Collage Of Sport Medicine, (1980), Guidelines For Graded Exercise Testing And Exercise
  • Prescription, Second Ed., Lea And Febiger, Philadelphia. American Heart Association, (1983), An Older Person’s Guide To Cardiovascular Health, Dallas, Aha.
  • Cordes, K., Ibrahim, H., (1996), Aplications in Recreation and Leisure, Mosby Publishing, ss.8-48.
  • Çubuk, M., (1984), Turizmin Dinlenme Eğlenme ve Boş Zaman Değerlendirme ile Bütünleşmesi
  • Yeniden Tanım Denemesi ve Turizmin Planlanmasında Sistemli Bir Yaklaşım, Mimar Sinan. Üniversitesi Yayınları s.169, İstanbul. Gavin, J., (1992), The Exercise Habit, Leisure Press Champaign, Illinois.
  • Getcher, LH., Pipin, G., Varnes., J., (1994), Perspectives on HEALTH, DC Health and Company Lexington.
  • Howe, C.Z., (1983), Establishing Employee Recreation Programs,Leisure Today Vol: 54, S 34.
  • Işıkhan, V.,(1996) İş Doyumu, Verimlilik Dergisi, Ankara . s: 124.
  • Karaküçük, S.; (1999)Rekreasyon (Boş Zamanları Değerlendirme),Üçüncü baskı, Bağırgan Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • Kılbaş, Ş., (1995)Gençlik ve Boş Zaman, Ç. Ü ,Basımevi Adana, s.29,30.
  • La place, J., (1972), Health, Apletion Century Crofts, New York, Ss. 123-147.
  • Lange, J., (1982), “America İs Fitness Binge “Us News And World Reeport, Maay. S 6l-64.
  • Mathieson, A., Goffry W., (1982)Tourism Economic Physical ans Social İmpacts, Longman Group Limited , London.
  • Menerney, W., (1978), “Help Yourself” İlinois, S5.
  • Muğla Raporu (2004),Muğla Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Yüksekokulu Rekreasyon
  • Bölümü “ II Çalışma Grubu Toplantısı Raporu ” Muğla. Özbaydar, S.; (1983)İnsan Davranışının Sınırlan ve Spor Psikolojisi, Altın KitaplarYayınevi, İstanbul.
  • Sağcan, M.; (1986)Rekreasyon ve Turizm, İzmir.
  • Sharkey, B.T., (1990), Physsiology Of Fitness The Canadian Experience, The Journal Of Sports
  • Medicine And Physical Fitness. Tezcan, M.; (1993)Boş Zamanlar Sosyolojisi, Ankara üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Yayınları, Ankara.
  • The Readers Digest Association, (198l), How To Keep Fit For Life, November. United States Of America, (198l), How To Keep For Life, 6. Edition, Usa, New York. Williams, C.S., Harageones, E.G., Jhohnson,D., Smith,C:D., (1999), Personal Fitness, Kendall Hunt
  • Publishing Company , Iowa. Zorba,E; (2002), Türkiye’de Rekreasyona Bakış, Gelişimi Ve Beklentiler, 7.Uluslararası Spor
  • Bilimleri Kongresi Panel Kitabı, 27-29 Ekim 2002, sayfa,185-194-Antalya.
  • Zorba,E; (1999)Herkes İçin Spor ve Fiziksel Uygunluk, G.S.G.M. Eğitim Dairesi, Ankara.
  • Zorba.E, Miçooğulları, O. B. Zorba.Ercan, Tekin.A,(2004) “Sport Tourism in Turkey” Journal of
  • Sport Tourism, Vol. 9.N 4, pp.325-329. Zorba.E, Miçooğulları, O. B., Zorba.Ercan, (2004) “ To Determine a Sport Tourists Profile
  • For Turkey ” Journal of Sport Tourism, Vol. 9.N 4, pp.323-324. Zorba.E, Miçooğulları, O. B., Zorba.Ercan, (2004) “ To Determine a Sport Tourists Profile
  • For Turkey ” Journal of Sport Tourism, Vol. 9.N 4, pp.323-324. Zorba.E, Ekici. S., Tekin. A., Mollaoğlu H., Babayiğit(İrez) G., (2007) “ The Investigation of Sport Habits and Healty in Elderly ” Sport and Science in Bulgaria , Vol. 1., pp.138-145.
  • Zorba.E,(2005) “ Attitudes Towards Recration, its Progress and Expectations in Turkey,(Model Universty), 46th Ichper. SD Anniversay World Congress Recreation and Leisure Symposium, ,November 9-13 , pp 98-101. (Full Text)
  • Zorba E, “Spor Turizminde Rekreasyonun Yeri ve Önemi” 9. International Sports Sciences Congress, November, (Çağrılı Konuşmacı).


Year 2019, , 1 - 13, 01.07.2019


Especially in the social lives of countries, recreation is becoming more and more important in parallel with the degree of development, in various countries under the same name or entertainment arts, cultural activities, physical education, sports, dance, hunting, fishing, etc. is expressed by components of free time such as. Recreation has three important functions; rest or self-release, entertainment, selfimprovement. How is this important function called the evaluation of leisure time performed and what is it? The mentality and abilities developed during leisure time are not only valuable to the individual but also important in the society in which the individual is a part. Therefore, societies are closely related to “recreation activities yapılan in free time. In order to develop the concept of recreation in our country and to be able to catch up with the developed countries in terms of recreation, first of all, it is necessary to understand this concept by all the masses of the people, to teach scientific principles and methods of construction and to classify its types. In our country, there is a need for a recreation specialist who has been trained in scientific environments and can keep up with technological developments and has academic competence in fields related to the recreation sector.


  • Bucher, A., Richard, C., Bucher, D., (1974), Recreation for Today-s Society, New Jersey, Prentice- Hall, Inc, s:4,5,6.
  • Abadan, M., (1966), Türk Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Serbest Zaman Faaliyeti, BZD Semineri, HSEK Yayını, İstanbul.
  • American Collage Of Sport Medicine, (1980), Guidelines For Graded Exercise Testing And Exercise
  • Prescription, Second Ed., Lea And Febiger, Philadelphia. American Heart Association, (1983), An Older Person’s Guide To Cardiovascular Health, Dallas, Aha.
  • Cordes, K., Ibrahim, H., (1996), Aplications in Recreation and Leisure, Mosby Publishing, ss.8-48.
  • Çubuk, M., (1984), Turizmin Dinlenme Eğlenme ve Boş Zaman Değerlendirme ile Bütünleşmesi
  • Yeniden Tanım Denemesi ve Turizmin Planlanmasında Sistemli Bir Yaklaşım, Mimar Sinan. Üniversitesi Yayınları s.169, İstanbul. Gavin, J., (1992), The Exercise Habit, Leisure Press Champaign, Illinois.
  • Getcher, LH., Pipin, G., Varnes., J., (1994), Perspectives on HEALTH, DC Health and Company Lexington.
  • Howe, C.Z., (1983), Establishing Employee Recreation Programs,Leisure Today Vol: 54, S 34.
  • Işıkhan, V.,(1996) İş Doyumu, Verimlilik Dergisi, Ankara . s: 124.
  • Karaküçük, S.; (1999)Rekreasyon (Boş Zamanları Değerlendirme),Üçüncü baskı, Bağırgan Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • Kılbaş, Ş., (1995)Gençlik ve Boş Zaman, Ç. Ü ,Basımevi Adana, s.29,30.
  • La place, J., (1972), Health, Apletion Century Crofts, New York, Ss. 123-147.
  • Lange, J., (1982), “America İs Fitness Binge “Us News And World Reeport, Maay. S 6l-64.
  • Mathieson, A., Goffry W., (1982)Tourism Economic Physical ans Social İmpacts, Longman Group Limited , London.
  • Menerney, W., (1978), “Help Yourself” İlinois, S5.
  • Muğla Raporu (2004),Muğla Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Yüksekokulu Rekreasyon
  • Bölümü “ II Çalışma Grubu Toplantısı Raporu ” Muğla. Özbaydar, S.; (1983)İnsan Davranışının Sınırlan ve Spor Psikolojisi, Altın KitaplarYayınevi, İstanbul.
  • Sağcan, M.; (1986)Rekreasyon ve Turizm, İzmir.
  • Sharkey, B.T., (1990), Physsiology Of Fitness The Canadian Experience, The Journal Of Sports
  • Medicine And Physical Fitness. Tezcan, M.; (1993)Boş Zamanlar Sosyolojisi, Ankara üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Yayınları, Ankara.
  • The Readers Digest Association, (198l), How To Keep Fit For Life, November. United States Of America, (198l), How To Keep For Life, 6. Edition, Usa, New York. Williams, C.S., Harageones, E.G., Jhohnson,D., Smith,C:D., (1999), Personal Fitness, Kendall Hunt
  • Publishing Company , Iowa. Zorba,E; (2002), Türkiye’de Rekreasyona Bakış, Gelişimi Ve Beklentiler, 7.Uluslararası Spor
  • Bilimleri Kongresi Panel Kitabı, 27-29 Ekim 2002, sayfa,185-194-Antalya.
  • Zorba,E; (1999)Herkes İçin Spor ve Fiziksel Uygunluk, G.S.G.M. Eğitim Dairesi, Ankara.
  • Zorba.E, Miçooğulları, O. B. Zorba.Ercan, Tekin.A,(2004) “Sport Tourism in Turkey” Journal of
  • Sport Tourism, Vol. 9.N 4, pp.325-329. Zorba.E, Miçooğulları, O. B., Zorba.Ercan, (2004) “ To Determine a Sport Tourists Profile
  • For Turkey ” Journal of Sport Tourism, Vol. 9.N 4, pp.323-324. Zorba.E, Miçooğulları, O. B., Zorba.Ercan, (2004) “ To Determine a Sport Tourists Profile
  • For Turkey ” Journal of Sport Tourism, Vol. 9.N 4, pp.323-324. Zorba.E, Ekici. S., Tekin. A., Mollaoğlu H., Babayiğit(İrez) G., (2007) “ The Investigation of Sport Habits and Healty in Elderly ” Sport and Science in Bulgaria , Vol. 1., pp.138-145.
  • Zorba.E,(2005) “ Attitudes Towards Recration, its Progress and Expectations in Turkey,(Model Universty), 46th Ichper. SD Anniversay World Congress Recreation and Leisure Symposium, ,November 9-13 , pp 98-101. (Full Text)
  • Zorba E, “Spor Turizminde Rekreasyonun Yeri ve Önemi” 9. International Sports Sciences Congress, November, (Çağrılı Konuşmacı).
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Erdal Zorba This is me

Metin Yaman This is me

Publication Date July 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019
