Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 1 - 13, 31.07.2022



  • Akyol, G., Başkan, A. H., Başkan, A. H. (2020). Yeni tip koronavirüs (Covid-19) döneminde spor bilimleri fakültesi öğrencilerinin karantina zamanlarında yaptıkları etkinlikler ve sedanter bireylere önerileri. Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(5), 190-203.
  • Amini, H., Habibi, S., Islamoglu, A. H., Isanejad, E., Uz, C., Daniyari, H. (2021). COVID-19 pandemic-induced physical inactivity: the necessity of updating the Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018-2030. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 26(1), 1-3.
  • Arabacı, R., Çankaya, C. (2007). Beden eğitimi öğretmenlerinin fiziksel aktivite düzeylerinin araştırılması. Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(1), 1-15.
  • Baghurst, T., Bounds, E., Boolani, A., Betts, N. (2018). Comparison between perceived and actual physical activity of physical education teacher education students. Revue phénEPS/PHEnex Journal, 9(3), 1-12.
  • Barkley, J. E., Lepp, A., Glickman, E., Farnell, G., Beiting, J., Wiet, R., Dowdell, B. (2020). The acute effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical activity and sedentary behavior in university students and employees. International Journal of Exercise Science, 13(5), 1326-1339.
  • Bertrand, L., Shaw, K. A., Ko, J., Deprez, D., Chilibeck, P. D., Zello, G. A. (2021). The impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on university students’ dietary intake, physical activity, and sedentary behaviour. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 46(3), 265-272.
  • Bradford, B. D., Hickson, C. N., Evaniew, A. K. (2014). Role modeling: The forgotten part of elementary school physical education. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 14(5), 18-23.
  • Bulguroğlu, H. İ., Bulguroğlu, M., Özaslan, A. (2021). Covid-19 pandemi sürecinde üniversite öğrencilerinin fiziksel aktivite, yaşam kalitesi ve depresyon seviyelerinin incelenmesi. Acıbadem Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(2), 306-311.
  • Cheung, P. (2020). Teachers as role models for physical activity: Are preschool children more active when their teachers are active?. European Physical Education Review, 26(1), 101-110.
  • Demir, F., Çankaya, C. (2019). Beden eğitimi ve spor öğretmenlerinin fiziksel aktivite düzeylerinin mesleki tükenmişlik düzeylerine etkisi. Spor Eğitim Dergisi, 3(2), 20-32.
  • Dinler, E., Badat, T., Kocamaz, D., Yakut, Y. (2020). Evaluation of the physical activity, sleep quality, depression, and life satisfaction of university students during the COVID-19. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences, 3(2), 128-139.
  • Durukan, O., Şahin, G., Durukan, H. (2016). Physical education teachers; physical activity level and affecting factors (the example of Çanakkale). Türk Spor ve Egzersiz Dergisi, 18(1), 103-109.
  • Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (World Health Organization-WHO) (2020). WHO guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
  • Ercan, Ş., Keklicek, H. (2020). COVID-19 pandemisi nedeniyle üniversite öğrencilerinin fiziksel aktivite düzeylerindeki değişimin incelenmesi. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(2), 69-74.
  • Erdoğan, R. (2021). Pandemi döneminde beden eğitimi ve spor yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin beslenme alışkanlıkları ve fiziksel aktivite düzeylerinin belirlenmesi. OPUS–Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 17(Pandemi Özel Sayısı), 3276-3295.
  • Erdogan, R., Yilmaz, M., Aydemir, I. (2021). Determination of physical education and sports teachers' nutrition habits and physical activity levels in the global epidemic (COVID-19) process. Asian Journal of Education and Training, 7(1), 51-59.
  • Faber, L., Hodges Kulinna, P., Darst, P. (2007). Strategies for physical activity promotion beyond the physical education classroom. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 78(9), 27-31.
  • Farah, B. Q., do Prado, W. L., Malik, N., Lofrano-Prado, M. C., de Melo, P. H., Botero, J. P., ... Ritti-Dias, R. M. (2021). Barriers to physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic in adults: A cross-sectional study. Sport Sciences for Health, 17(2), 441-447.
  • Fraenkel, J. R., Wallen, N. E., Hyun, H. H. (2011). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education (Eigth Edit). United State of America: Mc Graw Hill Companies, Inc.
  • Gallo, L. A., Gallo, T. F., Young, S. L., Moritz, K. M., Akison, L. K. (2020). The impact of isolation measures due to COVID-19 on energy intake and physical activity levels in Australian university students. Nutrients, 12(6), 1865.
  • Godin, G. (2011). The Godin-Shephard leisure-time physical activity questionnaire. The Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, 4(1), 18-22.
  • Godin, G., Shephard, R. J. (1985). A simple method to assess exercise behavior in the community. Canadian Journal of Applied Sport Science, 10(3), 141-146.
  • Godin, G., Shephard, R.J. (1997). Godin leisure-time exercise questionnaire. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 29(Supplement), 36-38.
  • Giustino, V., Parroco, A. M., Gennaro, A., Musumeci, G., Palma, A., Battaglia, G. (2020). Physical activity levels and related energy expenditure during COVID-19 quarantine among the Sicilian active population: a cross-sectional online survey study. Sustainability, 12(11), 4356.
  • Hall-Lopez, J. A. (2020). Physical activity levels in physical education teachers before and during school suspension brought by the COVID-19 quarantine. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 18(2), 475-481.
  • Haşıl-Korkmaz, N., Öztürk, İ. E., Rodoslu, C., Uğur, S. (2020). Ortaokul öğrencilerinin COVID-19 salgını sürecinde fiziksel aktivite düzeylerindeki değişikliklerin incelenmesi (Bursa ili örneği). Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 22(4), 101-115.
  • Haywood, K. M. (1991). The role of physical education in the development of active lifestyles. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 62(2), 151-156.
  • Hooper A. (2013). Student's perception of their PE teachers as role models: A retrospective. Wales: Cardiff Metropolitan University. Retrieved from
  • Jakobsson, J., Malm, C., Furberg, M., Ekelund, U., Svensson, M. (2020). Physical activity during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic: Prevention of a decline in metabolic and immunological functions. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 2(57), 1-4.
  • Kajanus, A. E. (2016). Physical education in Chinese schools: Role models, repetition and winning. Special section on Sports: Role Models, Repetition, and Winning. Education about Asia, 21(2), 5-8.
  • Lopez-Valenciano, A., Suarez-Iglesias, D., Sanchez-Lastra, M. A., Ayan, C. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on university students' physical activity levels: An early systematic review. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 3787.
  • McCarthy, H., Potts, H. W., Fisher, A. (2021). Physical activity behavior before, during, and after COVID-19 restrictions: Longitudinal smartphone-tracking study of adults in the United Kingdom. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(2), e23701.
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (MEB) (2018a). Beden Eğitimi ve Oyun Dersi Öğretim Programı (İlkokul 1, 2, 3, ve 4. Sınıflar). Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı, Öğretim Programları.
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (MEB) (2018b). Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Dersi Öğretim Programı (Ortaokul 5, 6, 7, ve 8. Sınıflar). Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı, Öğretim Programları.
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (MEB) (2018c). Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Dersi Öğretim Programı (Ortaöğretim 9, 10, 11, ve 12. Sınıflar). Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı, Öğretim Programları.
  • Osipov, A. Y., Ratmanskaya, T. I., Zemba, E. A., Potop, V., Kudryavtsev, M. D., Nagovitsyn, R. S. (2021). The impact of the universities closure on physical activity and academic performance in physical education in university students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Physical Education of Students, 25(1), 20-27.
  • Öncen, S., Aydın, S., Molla, E. (2020). COVID-19 pandemisi döneminde sokağa çıkma sınırlaması olan ve olmayan illerde yaşayan spor bilimleri öğrencilerinin fiziksel aktivite düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi. Electronic Turkish Studies, 15(6), 739-749.
  • Papaioannou, A. G., Schinke, R. J., Chang, Y. K., Kim, Y. H., Duda, J. L. (2020). Physical activity, health and well-being in an imposed social distanced world. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 18(4), 414-419.
  • Parkinson, S., Burrows, A. (2020). Physical educator and/or health promoter? Constructing ‘healthiness’ and embodying a ‘healthy role model’ in secondary school physical education. Sport, Education and Society, 25(4), 365-377.
  • Peçanha, T., Goessler, K. F., Roschel, H., Gualano, B. (2020). Social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic can increase physical inactivity and the global burden of cardiovascular disease. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 318(6), H1441-H1446.
  • Prete, M., Luzzetti, A., Augustin, L. S., Porciello, G., Montagnese, C., Calabrese, I., ... Crispo, A. (2021). Changes in lifestyle and dietary habits during COVID-19 lockdown in Italy: Results of an online survey. Nutrients, 13(6), 1923.
  • Puccinelli, P. J., da Costa, T. S., Seffrin, A., de Lira, C. A. B., Vancini, R. L., Nikolaidis, P. T., ... Andrade, M. S. (2021). Reduced level of physical activity during COVID-19 pandemic is associated with depression and anxiety levels: An internet-based survey. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rahman, M. E., Islam, M. S., Bishwas, M. S., Moonajilin, M. S., Gozal, D. (2020). Physical inactivity and sedentary behaviors in the Bangladeshi population during the COVID-19 pandemic: An online cross-sectional survey. Heliyon, 6(10), e05392.
  • Rink, J., Hall, T., Williams, L. (2010). The role and responsibilities of the physical education teacher in the school physical activity program. Excerpts from Schoolwide Physical Activity, 1-10.
  • Ritchie, H., Ortiz-Ospina, E., Beltekian, D., Mathieu, E., Hasell, J., Macdonald, B., ... Roser, M. (2020). Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). Our world in data. Retrieved from
  • Robinson, E., Boyland, E., Chisholm, A., Harrold, J., Maloney, N. G., Marty, L., ... Hardman, C. A. (2021). Obesity, eating behavior and physical activity during COVID-19 lockdown: A study of UK adults. Appetite, 156, 104853.
  • Ruiz-Roso, M. B., de Carvalho Padilha, P., Matilla-Escalante, D. C., Brun, P., Ulloa, N., Acevedo-Correa, D., ... Dávalos, A. (2020). Changes of physical activity and ultra-processed food consumption in adolescents from different countries during COVID-19 pandemic: An observational study. Nutrients, 12(8), 2289.
  • Shahidi, S. H., Stewart Williams, J., Hassani, F. (2020). Physical activity during COVID‐19 quarantine. Acta Paediatrica, 109(10), 2147-2148.
  • Spencer, A. (1998). Physical educator: Role model or roll the ball out?. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 69(6), 58-63.
  • Stern, W. H., Johnson, I., Spaziani, M., James, B. (2001). Should physical education majors be required to pass a physical fitness test before graduation?. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 72(1), 14-18.
  • Stockwell, S., Trott, M., Tully, M., Shin, J., Barnett, Y., Butler, L., ... Smith, L. (2021). Changes in physical activity and sedentary behaviours from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown: A systematic review. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 7(1), e000960.
  • Tison, G. H., Avram, R., Kuhar, P., Abreau, S., Marcus, G. M., Pletcher, M. J., Olgin, J. E. (2020). Worldwide effect of COVID-19 on physical activity: A descriptive study. Annals of Internal Medicine, 173(9), 767-770.
  • United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund [UNICEF]. (2021). Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescent and youth nutrition and physical activity. Retrieved from
  • Ünlü, H., Öztürk, B., Aktaş, Ö., Büyüktaş, B. (2020). Bireylerin COVID-19 sürecinde fiziksel aktivite düzeylerindeki değişimin incelenmesi. Türkiye Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(2), 79-87.
  • Wilke, J., Mohr, L., Tenforde, A. S., Edouard, P., Fossati, C., González-Gross, M., ... Hollander, K. (2021). A pandemic within the pandemic? Physical activity levels substantially decreased in countries affected by COVID-19. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(5), 2235.
  • Wilson, O. W., Holland, K. E., Elliott, L. D., Duffey, M., Bopp, M. (2021). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on US college students’ physical activity and mental health. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 18(3), 272-278.
  • Yalız-Solmaz, D., Aydın, G. (2016). Spor bilimleri fakültesinde eğitim gören öğrencilerin fiziksel aktivite düzeyleri. İnönü Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(1), 34-46.
  • Yerlisu-Lapa, T., Yağar, G. (2015, 28-30 Mayıs). Validity and reliability study of leisure-time exercise questionnaire into Turkish [Oral Presentation]. 2nd international Sports Science, Tourism and Recreation Student Congress, Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyon.
  • Zaccagni, L., Toselli, S., Barbieri, D. (2021). Physical activity during COVID-19 lockdown in Italy: A systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(12), 6416.


Year 2022, Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 1 - 13, 31.07.2022


The purpose of this study was to compare the levels of physical activity during leisure time of physical education teacher candidates by gender and grade level and to see if the level of leisure-time physical activity differed before and after the COVID-19 outbreak. A total of 168 teacher candidates, consisting of 100 females and 68 males, who were selected based on a convenient sampling method, participated in the study. The Demographic Information Form, which was prepared by researchers and included questions on gender, grade, and age variables, and the Leisure-time Physical Activity Questionnaire, were used to collect data in the research. The Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis, and Wilcoxon Signed-Rank tests were used to analyze the data. As a result of the research, it was found that there was no statistically significant difference between the scores of the first, second, third, and fourth grade female and male teacher candidates with respect to the level of physical activity in their leisure time physical activity level before and during the COVID-19 outbreak. However, there is a statistically significant difference between the levels of physical activity in the leisure time of the physical education teacher candidates before and during the COVID-19 outbreak, and the levels of physical activity of the teacher candidates’ declined during the COVID-19 outbreak. Research findings revealed a negative impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on physical activity, and various suggestions were presented to policymakers in this direction.


  • Akyol, G., Başkan, A. H., Başkan, A. H. (2020). Yeni tip koronavirüs (Covid-19) döneminde spor bilimleri fakültesi öğrencilerinin karantina zamanlarında yaptıkları etkinlikler ve sedanter bireylere önerileri. Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(5), 190-203.
  • Amini, H., Habibi, S., Islamoglu, A. H., Isanejad, E., Uz, C., Daniyari, H. (2021). COVID-19 pandemic-induced physical inactivity: the necessity of updating the Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018-2030. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 26(1), 1-3.
  • Arabacı, R., Çankaya, C. (2007). Beden eğitimi öğretmenlerinin fiziksel aktivite düzeylerinin araştırılması. Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(1), 1-15.
  • Baghurst, T., Bounds, E., Boolani, A., Betts, N. (2018). Comparison between perceived and actual physical activity of physical education teacher education students. Revue phénEPS/PHEnex Journal, 9(3), 1-12.
  • Barkley, J. E., Lepp, A., Glickman, E., Farnell, G., Beiting, J., Wiet, R., Dowdell, B. (2020). The acute effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical activity and sedentary behavior in university students and employees. International Journal of Exercise Science, 13(5), 1326-1339.
  • Bertrand, L., Shaw, K. A., Ko, J., Deprez, D., Chilibeck, P. D., Zello, G. A. (2021). The impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on university students’ dietary intake, physical activity, and sedentary behaviour. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 46(3), 265-272.
  • Bradford, B. D., Hickson, C. N., Evaniew, A. K. (2014). Role modeling: The forgotten part of elementary school physical education. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 14(5), 18-23.
  • Bulguroğlu, H. İ., Bulguroğlu, M., Özaslan, A. (2021). Covid-19 pandemi sürecinde üniversite öğrencilerinin fiziksel aktivite, yaşam kalitesi ve depresyon seviyelerinin incelenmesi. Acıbadem Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(2), 306-311.
  • Cheung, P. (2020). Teachers as role models for physical activity: Are preschool children more active when their teachers are active?. European Physical Education Review, 26(1), 101-110.
  • Demir, F., Çankaya, C. (2019). Beden eğitimi ve spor öğretmenlerinin fiziksel aktivite düzeylerinin mesleki tükenmişlik düzeylerine etkisi. Spor Eğitim Dergisi, 3(2), 20-32.
  • Dinler, E., Badat, T., Kocamaz, D., Yakut, Y. (2020). Evaluation of the physical activity, sleep quality, depression, and life satisfaction of university students during the COVID-19. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences, 3(2), 128-139.
  • Durukan, O., Şahin, G., Durukan, H. (2016). Physical education teachers; physical activity level and affecting factors (the example of Çanakkale). Türk Spor ve Egzersiz Dergisi, 18(1), 103-109.
  • Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (World Health Organization-WHO) (2020). WHO guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
  • Ercan, Ş., Keklicek, H. (2020). COVID-19 pandemisi nedeniyle üniversite öğrencilerinin fiziksel aktivite düzeylerindeki değişimin incelenmesi. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(2), 69-74.
  • Erdoğan, R. (2021). Pandemi döneminde beden eğitimi ve spor yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin beslenme alışkanlıkları ve fiziksel aktivite düzeylerinin belirlenmesi. OPUS–Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 17(Pandemi Özel Sayısı), 3276-3295.
  • Erdogan, R., Yilmaz, M., Aydemir, I. (2021). Determination of physical education and sports teachers' nutrition habits and physical activity levels in the global epidemic (COVID-19) process. Asian Journal of Education and Training, 7(1), 51-59.
  • Faber, L., Hodges Kulinna, P., Darst, P. (2007). Strategies for physical activity promotion beyond the physical education classroom. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 78(9), 27-31.
  • Farah, B. Q., do Prado, W. L., Malik, N., Lofrano-Prado, M. C., de Melo, P. H., Botero, J. P., ... Ritti-Dias, R. M. (2021). Barriers to physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic in adults: A cross-sectional study. Sport Sciences for Health, 17(2), 441-447.
  • Fraenkel, J. R., Wallen, N. E., Hyun, H. H. (2011). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education (Eigth Edit). United State of America: Mc Graw Hill Companies, Inc.
  • Gallo, L. A., Gallo, T. F., Young, S. L., Moritz, K. M., Akison, L. K. (2020). The impact of isolation measures due to COVID-19 on energy intake and physical activity levels in Australian university students. Nutrients, 12(6), 1865.
  • Godin, G. (2011). The Godin-Shephard leisure-time physical activity questionnaire. The Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, 4(1), 18-22.
  • Godin, G., Shephard, R. J. (1985). A simple method to assess exercise behavior in the community. Canadian Journal of Applied Sport Science, 10(3), 141-146.
  • Godin, G., Shephard, R.J. (1997). Godin leisure-time exercise questionnaire. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 29(Supplement), 36-38.
  • Giustino, V., Parroco, A. M., Gennaro, A., Musumeci, G., Palma, A., Battaglia, G. (2020). Physical activity levels and related energy expenditure during COVID-19 quarantine among the Sicilian active population: a cross-sectional online survey study. Sustainability, 12(11), 4356.
  • Hall-Lopez, J. A. (2020). Physical activity levels in physical education teachers before and during school suspension brought by the COVID-19 quarantine. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 18(2), 475-481.
  • Haşıl-Korkmaz, N., Öztürk, İ. E., Rodoslu, C., Uğur, S. (2020). Ortaokul öğrencilerinin COVID-19 salgını sürecinde fiziksel aktivite düzeylerindeki değişikliklerin incelenmesi (Bursa ili örneği). Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 22(4), 101-115.
  • Haywood, K. M. (1991). The role of physical education in the development of active lifestyles. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 62(2), 151-156.
  • Hooper A. (2013). Student's perception of their PE teachers as role models: A retrospective. Wales: Cardiff Metropolitan University. Retrieved from
  • Jakobsson, J., Malm, C., Furberg, M., Ekelund, U., Svensson, M. (2020). Physical activity during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic: Prevention of a decline in metabolic and immunological functions. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 2(57), 1-4.
  • Kajanus, A. E. (2016). Physical education in Chinese schools: Role models, repetition and winning. Special section on Sports: Role Models, Repetition, and Winning. Education about Asia, 21(2), 5-8.
  • Lopez-Valenciano, A., Suarez-Iglesias, D., Sanchez-Lastra, M. A., Ayan, C. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on university students' physical activity levels: An early systematic review. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 3787.
  • McCarthy, H., Potts, H. W., Fisher, A. (2021). Physical activity behavior before, during, and after COVID-19 restrictions: Longitudinal smartphone-tracking study of adults in the United Kingdom. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(2), e23701.
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (MEB) (2018a). Beden Eğitimi ve Oyun Dersi Öğretim Programı (İlkokul 1, 2, 3, ve 4. Sınıflar). Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı, Öğretim Programları.
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (MEB) (2018b). Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Dersi Öğretim Programı (Ortaokul 5, 6, 7, ve 8. Sınıflar). Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı, Öğretim Programları.
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (MEB) (2018c). Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Dersi Öğretim Programı (Ortaöğretim 9, 10, 11, ve 12. Sınıflar). Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı, Öğretim Programları.
  • Osipov, A. Y., Ratmanskaya, T. I., Zemba, E. A., Potop, V., Kudryavtsev, M. D., Nagovitsyn, R. S. (2021). The impact of the universities closure on physical activity and academic performance in physical education in university students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Physical Education of Students, 25(1), 20-27.
  • Öncen, S., Aydın, S., Molla, E. (2020). COVID-19 pandemisi döneminde sokağa çıkma sınırlaması olan ve olmayan illerde yaşayan spor bilimleri öğrencilerinin fiziksel aktivite düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi. Electronic Turkish Studies, 15(6), 739-749.
  • Papaioannou, A. G., Schinke, R. J., Chang, Y. K., Kim, Y. H., Duda, J. L. (2020). Physical activity, health and well-being in an imposed social distanced world. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 18(4), 414-419.
  • Parkinson, S., Burrows, A. (2020). Physical educator and/or health promoter? Constructing ‘healthiness’ and embodying a ‘healthy role model’ in secondary school physical education. Sport, Education and Society, 25(4), 365-377.
  • Peçanha, T., Goessler, K. F., Roschel, H., Gualano, B. (2020). Social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic can increase physical inactivity and the global burden of cardiovascular disease. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 318(6), H1441-H1446.
  • Prete, M., Luzzetti, A., Augustin, L. S., Porciello, G., Montagnese, C., Calabrese, I., ... Crispo, A. (2021). Changes in lifestyle and dietary habits during COVID-19 lockdown in Italy: Results of an online survey. Nutrients, 13(6), 1923.
  • Puccinelli, P. J., da Costa, T. S., Seffrin, A., de Lira, C. A. B., Vancini, R. L., Nikolaidis, P. T., ... Andrade, M. S. (2021). Reduced level of physical activity during COVID-19 pandemic is associated with depression and anxiety levels: An internet-based survey. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rahman, M. E., Islam, M. S., Bishwas, M. S., Moonajilin, M. S., Gozal, D. (2020). Physical inactivity and sedentary behaviors in the Bangladeshi population during the COVID-19 pandemic: An online cross-sectional survey. Heliyon, 6(10), e05392.
  • Rink, J., Hall, T., Williams, L. (2010). The role and responsibilities of the physical education teacher in the school physical activity program. Excerpts from Schoolwide Physical Activity, 1-10.
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There are 59 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Research Article

Neriman Hilal Doğan 0000-0001-5033-5130

Leyla Saraç 0000-0002-8593-6873

Publication Date July 31, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 11 Issue: 3
