Metallic-intermetallic laminate (MIL) composites consisting of alternating layers of Ta, Al and the intermetallic Al3Ta have been fabricated by reactive foil sintering in open atmospheric furnace. In this study, tantalum and aluminum foils with initial thicknesses of 250 µm were used. Sintering process has carried at 850-900 and 950 ºC for 5 and 7.5 hours under 2 MPa pressure. The aluminium foil was consumed by forming a tantalum aluminide intermetallic compound. Thus, the final microstructure consists of alternating layers of intermetallic compound and unreacted Ta metal. Microstructural characterizations of produced composites have conducted by using scaning electron microscope. Hardness values of test samples have also measured by vickers indentation method
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Price, R.D., Jiang, F., Kulin, R.M., Vecchio, K.S., (2011), Effects of ductile phase volume fraction on the mechanical properties of Ti–Al3Ti metal-intermetallic laminate (MIL) composites, (pp:3134-3146), Materials Science and Engineering
Rohatgi, A., Harach, D.J., Vecchio, K.S., Harvey, K.P., (2003) Resistance-curve and fracture behavior of Ti–Al3Ti metallic –intermetallic laminate (MIL) composites, (pp:2933–2957), Acta Materialia
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Zeytin S ., Üstel, F., İpek, M., Kazdal, Zeytin, H., (2008), Production of Ti–Al3Ti metal intermetallic laminate (MIL) composites, Project Number:104M184, Tubitak Project
Year 2013,
Volume: 3 Issue: 4, 18 - 25, 23.07.2016
Bataev, I.A. Bataev, A.A. Mali, V.I, Pavliukova, D.V., (2012) Structural and mechanical properties of metallic–intermetallic laminate composites produced by explosive welding and annealing (pp: 225–234), Materials and Design
İpek, M, Üstel, F., Zeytin S, (2008), Fracture Behaviour of Ti-Al3Ti Metallic-Intermetallic Laminate (MIL) Composites, (p.1262-1268), Pamukkale University, Denizli.
Oktay, S,Yıldırım, H, Yener, T., İpek, M., Zeytin S., Bindal, C. (2010), Intermetallics Formation in Nickel Aluminum Laminate System, (pp:1043-1050), Pamukkale University, Denizli
Peng, L.M. Wang, J.H., Li, H., Zhao, J.H., He,L.H, (2004) Synthesis and microstructural characterization of Ti–Al3Ti metal –intermetallic laminate (MIL) composites, (pp:243–248) Scripta Materialia
Peng, L.M., Li, H. Wang, J.H., (2005) Processing and mechanical behavior of laminated titanium–titanium tri-aluminide (Ti –Al3Ti) composites, (pp:309–318), Materials Science and Engineering
Price, R.D., Jiang, F., Kulin, R.M., Vecchio, K.S., (2011), Effects of ductile phase volume fraction on the mechanical properties of Ti–Al3Ti metal-intermetallic laminate (MIL) composites, (pp:3134-3146), Materials Science and Engineering
Rohatgi, A., Harach, D.J., Vecchio, K.S., Harvey, K.P., (2003) Resistance-curve and fracture behavior of Ti–Al3Ti metallic –intermetallic laminate (MIL) composites, (pp:2933–2957), Acta Materialia
Tiezheng Li, F. Grignon, D.J. Benson, K.S. Vecchio, E.A. Olevsky, Fengchun Jiang, A. Rohatgi, R.B. Schwarz, M.A. Meyers, (2004), Modeling the elastic properties and damage evolution in Ti–Al3Ti metal intermetallic laminate (MIL) composites, (pp:10–26), Materials Science and Engineering
Yeh, C.L., Wang, H.J., (2010) Formation of Ta–Al intermetallics by combustion synthesis involving Al-based thermite reactions, (pp:153–158), Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Zeytin S ., Üstel, F., İpek, M., Kazdal, Zeytin, H., (2008), Production of Ti–Al3Ti metal intermetallic laminate (MIL) composites, Project Number:104M184, Tubitak Project
Zeynep Öztekin
This is me
Sakarya University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Serdivan, Sakarya, Turkey
İbrahim Altınsoy
This is me
Sakarya University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Serdivan, Sakarya, Turkey
Gözde F.Çelebi Efe
This is me
Sakarya University, Karasu Vacotional High School, Department of Machinery and Metal Technologies, Karasu, Sakarya, Turkey
Sakin Zeytin
This is me
Sakarya University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Serdivan, Sakarya, Turkey
Yener, T., Öztekin, Z., Altınsoy, İ., Efe, G. F., et al. (2016). A New Laminate Composite System: Metallic-Intermetallic Laminate Material. TOJSAT, 3(4), 18-25.
Yener T, Öztekin Z, Altınsoy İ, Efe GF, Zeytin S. A New Laminate Composite System: Metallic-Intermetallic Laminate Material. TOJSAT. July 2016;3(4):18-25.
Yener, Tuba, Zeynep Öztekin, İbrahim Altınsoy, Gözde F.Çelebi Efe, and Sakin Zeytin. “A New Laminate Composite System: Metallic-Intermetallic Laminate Material”. TOJSAT 3, no. 4 (July 2016): 18-25.
Yener T, Öztekin Z, Altınsoy İ, Efe GF, Zeytin S (July 1, 2016) A New Laminate Composite System: Metallic-Intermetallic Laminate Material. TOJSAT 3 4 18–25.
T. Yener, Z. Öztekin, İ. Altınsoy, G. F. Efe, and S. Zeytin, “A New Laminate Composite System: Metallic-Intermetallic Laminate Material”, TOJSAT, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 18–25, 2016.
Yener, Tuba et al. “A New Laminate Composite System: Metallic-Intermetallic Laminate Material”. TOJSAT 3/4 (July 2016), 18-25.
Yener T, Öztekin Z, Altınsoy İ, Efe GF, Zeytin S. A New Laminate Composite System: Metallic-Intermetallic Laminate Material. TOJSAT. 2016;3:18–25.
Yener, Tuba et al. “A New Laminate Composite System: Metallic-Intermetallic Laminate Material”. TOJSAT, vol. 3, no. 4, 2016, pp. 18-25.
Yener T, Öztekin Z, Altınsoy İ, Efe GF, Zeytin S. A New Laminate Composite System: Metallic-Intermetallic Laminate Material. TOJSAT. 2016;3(4):18-25.