Research Article
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The Level of Engagement of the Female Workforce in the Rural Tourism Development of Serbia

Year 2020, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 36 - 42, 18.06.2020


The participation of women in the rural tourism development of Serbia is not at a satisfactory level because it marks the predominant satisfaction of basic existential needs, with a high representation of material deprivation. The participation of women in the social community is very superficial, a pronounced passive cultural pattern, and the lifestyle of women in the countryside is mainly focused on reproduction. The authors of the paper aimed to, with the help of a survey interview in the field, establish the degree of participation of women, as well as their position in tourism development in Serbia. The research was conducted in the municipality of Šid, during a traditional event dedicated to women in the countryside. The obtained results, processed in the SPSS software, version 23.00, undoubtedly prove the poor position of women and their insufficient contribution to the development of tourism. The importance of the work emphasizes the issue of women's position in rural areas and activities, based on the results obtained, it is possible to contribute to corrective measures and strengthening the female workforce in this economic sector.

Supporting Institution

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia

Project Number



This article is derived from the research project III-46006 ‘Sustainable agriculture and rural development in terms of the Republic of Serbia strategic goals realization within the Danube region’ which has financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.


  • Babović, M. O. Vuković. (2008). Žene na selu kao pomažući članovi poljoprivrednog domaćinstva, položaj, uloge i socijalna prava (Rural women as helping members of the agricultural household: position, roles and social rights). Beograd, UNDP
  • Baum, T., Kralj, A., Robinson, R. N., & Solnet, D. J. (2016). Tourism workforce research: A review, taxonomy and agenda. Annals of Tourism Research, 60, 1–22.
  • Baum, T. (2007). Human resources in tourism: Still waitingfor change. Tourism Management, 28(6), 1383–1399.
  • Bazić M., & Bazić, A. (2017). Anketiranje kao tehnika ispitivanja I njena primena u istrazivanju komunikacijskih procesa (Surveying as a testing technique and its application in the research of communication processes). Megatrend revija, Vol.15, No.3, pp.61-67.
  • Blagojević, M. (2009). Knowledge Production at the Semiperiphery: A Gender Perspective, Beograd, IKSI.
  • Blagojević, M. (2002). Žene i muškarci u Srbiji 1990-2000, Urodnjavanje cene haosa, u: Srbija krajem milenijuma, razaranje društva, promene i svakodnevni život (Women and Men in Serbia 1990-2000, The Unification of the Price of Chaos: Serbia at the End of the Millennium, the Destruction of Society, Changes and Everyday Life). Beograd, ISIFF, 283-314.
  • Charlesworth, S., Welsh, J., Strazdins, L., Baird, M., & Campbell, I. (2014). Measuring poor job quality amongst employees: The VicWAL job quality index. Labour & Industry: A Journal of theSocial and Economic Relations of Work, 24(2), 103-123.
  • Cvijanović, D., Gajić, T., (2020). Analysis of the Market Values of Lemeska spa; Importance and Possibility of Renewal Through the Cluster System. Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of the Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization Within the Danube Region. Thematic Proceedings. Institute of Agricultural Economics Belgrade, pp.177-193.
  • Demirović, D., Kosić, K., Surd, V., Zunić, L., Syromiatnikova, Y. (2017). Application of tourism destination competitiveness model on rural destinations. Journal of Geographical Institute, „Jovan Cvijić“ SASA, 67(3), 79-295.
  • Elaine., C., Catheryn K., & Charles, A., (2017); A systematicliterature review of risk and gender research in tourism. Tourism Management, 58 (2017) 89-100.
  • Fleischer, A., Tchetchik, A. (2005). Does rural tourism benefit from agriculture. Tourism Management, 26 (4), 493–501. Flisher, A., Felsenstein, D. (2000). Support for rural tourism: Does it make a difference? Annals of Tourism Research, 21(4), 180-194.
  • Fotiadis, A. (2011). The role of tourism in rural development: the role of tourism in rural development through a comparative analysis of a Greek and a Hungarian rural tourism area. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.
  • Fu, X., Riddersataat, J., Jia, H. (2020). Are all tourism markets equal? Linkages between market-based tourism demand, quality of life, and economic development in Hong Kong. Tourism Management, 77, 2020.
  • Gajić, T., Penić, M., Vujko, A., & Petrović, M.D., (2018). Development Perspectives of Rural Tourism Policy – Comparative Study of Rural Tourism Competitiveness Based on Perceptions of Tourism Workers in Slovenia and Serbia. Eastern European Countryside, 24, 1, 144-154.
  • Gajić, T., Vujko, A., Petrović, M.D., Mrkša, M., Penić, M. (2018). Examination of regional disparity in the level of tourist offer in rural clusters of Serbia. –Economic of agriculture– Ekonomika poljoprivrede, 65(3), 911-929.
  • Gal, S. and G. Kligman (2000). The politics of gender after socialism. A comparative-historical essay. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Gentry, K. M. (2007). Belizean women and tourism work: opportunity or impediment? Annals of Tourism Research, 34(2), 477-496.
  • Kara, D., Uysal, M., & Magnini, V. P. (2012). Gender differences on JSof the five-star hotel employees: The case of the Turkish hotel industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 20(7), 1047–1065.
  • Kende, A. & M. Nemenyi (1999). Two Generations Perceptions of Femininity in Post Socialist Hungary. In Construction, Reconstruction: Women, Family and Politics in Central Europe, Peto A., and B. Rasky (eds.), 1945-1998, Budapest, OSI, CEU Press, 147-186.
  • Masika, R. & S. Joekes (1996). Employment and sustainable livelihoods: A gender perspective, Report prepared at the request of the Gender Office of the SwedishInternational Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).
  • Munoz-Bullon, F. (2009). The gap between male and female pay in the Spanish tourism industry. Tourism Management, 30(5), 638-649.
  • Pantić, N., & Milojević, I. (2019). Investments and employment in tourism in the Republic of Serbia. Hotel and Tourism Management, 7(1), 95 – 104.
  • Perović, L. (1998). Srbija u modernizacijskim procesima 19. i 20. veka: Položaj žene kao merilo modernizacije (Serbia in the modernization processes of the 19th and 20th centuries: The position of women as a measure of modernization), Naučni skup, Beograd: INIS.
  • Pleck, J.H., (1977). The work-family role system. Social Problems, 24(4), 411-421.
  • Risman B. (1998). Gender Vertigo: American Families in Transition. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
  • Risman, B., (2004). Gender as a social structure: Theory wrestling with activism. Gender and Society, 18(4): 429–51.
  • Thrane, C. (2008). Earnings differentiation in the tourism industry: gender, human capital and socio-demographic effects. Tourism Management, 29(3), 514-524.
  • Tom B., (2015). Human resources in tourism: Still waiting for change? e A 2015 reprise. Tourism Management, 50, 204-212.
  • Yang, E. C. L., & Tavakoli, R. (2016). “Doing” tourism gender research in Asia: An analysis of authorship, research topic, and methodology. In Tourism and Asian genders, C. Khoo-Lattimore, & P. Mura (Eds.) (pp. 23-39). Bristol, UK: Channel View.
Year 2020, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 36 - 42, 18.06.2020


Project Number



  • Babović, M. O. Vuković. (2008). Žene na selu kao pomažući članovi poljoprivrednog domaćinstva, položaj, uloge i socijalna prava (Rural women as helping members of the agricultural household: position, roles and social rights). Beograd, UNDP
  • Baum, T., Kralj, A., Robinson, R. N., & Solnet, D. J. (2016). Tourism workforce research: A review, taxonomy and agenda. Annals of Tourism Research, 60, 1–22.
  • Baum, T. (2007). Human resources in tourism: Still waitingfor change. Tourism Management, 28(6), 1383–1399.
  • Bazić M., & Bazić, A. (2017). Anketiranje kao tehnika ispitivanja I njena primena u istrazivanju komunikacijskih procesa (Surveying as a testing technique and its application in the research of communication processes). Megatrend revija, Vol.15, No.3, pp.61-67.
  • Blagojević, M. (2009). Knowledge Production at the Semiperiphery: A Gender Perspective, Beograd, IKSI.
  • Blagojević, M. (2002). Žene i muškarci u Srbiji 1990-2000, Urodnjavanje cene haosa, u: Srbija krajem milenijuma, razaranje društva, promene i svakodnevni život (Women and Men in Serbia 1990-2000, The Unification of the Price of Chaos: Serbia at the End of the Millennium, the Destruction of Society, Changes and Everyday Life). Beograd, ISIFF, 283-314.
  • Charlesworth, S., Welsh, J., Strazdins, L., Baird, M., & Campbell, I. (2014). Measuring poor job quality amongst employees: The VicWAL job quality index. Labour & Industry: A Journal of theSocial and Economic Relations of Work, 24(2), 103-123.
  • Cvijanović, D., Gajić, T., (2020). Analysis of the Market Values of Lemeska spa; Importance and Possibility of Renewal Through the Cluster System. Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of the Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization Within the Danube Region. Thematic Proceedings. Institute of Agricultural Economics Belgrade, pp.177-193.
  • Demirović, D., Kosić, K., Surd, V., Zunić, L., Syromiatnikova, Y. (2017). Application of tourism destination competitiveness model on rural destinations. Journal of Geographical Institute, „Jovan Cvijić“ SASA, 67(3), 79-295.
  • Elaine., C., Catheryn K., & Charles, A., (2017); A systematicliterature review of risk and gender research in tourism. Tourism Management, 58 (2017) 89-100.
  • Fleischer, A., Tchetchik, A. (2005). Does rural tourism benefit from agriculture. Tourism Management, 26 (4), 493–501. Flisher, A., Felsenstein, D. (2000). Support for rural tourism: Does it make a difference? Annals of Tourism Research, 21(4), 180-194.
  • Fotiadis, A. (2011). The role of tourism in rural development: the role of tourism in rural development through a comparative analysis of a Greek and a Hungarian rural tourism area. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.
  • Fu, X., Riddersataat, J., Jia, H. (2020). Are all tourism markets equal? Linkages between market-based tourism demand, quality of life, and economic development in Hong Kong. Tourism Management, 77, 2020.
  • Gajić, T., Penić, M., Vujko, A., & Petrović, M.D., (2018). Development Perspectives of Rural Tourism Policy – Comparative Study of Rural Tourism Competitiveness Based on Perceptions of Tourism Workers in Slovenia and Serbia. Eastern European Countryside, 24, 1, 144-154.
  • Gajić, T., Vujko, A., Petrović, M.D., Mrkša, M., Penić, M. (2018). Examination of regional disparity in the level of tourist offer in rural clusters of Serbia. –Economic of agriculture– Ekonomika poljoprivrede, 65(3), 911-929.
  • Gal, S. and G. Kligman (2000). The politics of gender after socialism. A comparative-historical essay. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Gentry, K. M. (2007). Belizean women and tourism work: opportunity or impediment? Annals of Tourism Research, 34(2), 477-496.
  • Kara, D., Uysal, M., & Magnini, V. P. (2012). Gender differences on JSof the five-star hotel employees: The case of the Turkish hotel industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 20(7), 1047–1065.
  • Kende, A. & M. Nemenyi (1999). Two Generations Perceptions of Femininity in Post Socialist Hungary. In Construction, Reconstruction: Women, Family and Politics in Central Europe, Peto A., and B. Rasky (eds.), 1945-1998, Budapest, OSI, CEU Press, 147-186.
  • Masika, R. & S. Joekes (1996). Employment and sustainable livelihoods: A gender perspective, Report prepared at the request of the Gender Office of the SwedishInternational Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).
  • Munoz-Bullon, F. (2009). The gap between male and female pay in the Spanish tourism industry. Tourism Management, 30(5), 638-649.
  • Pantić, N., & Milojević, I. (2019). Investments and employment in tourism in the Republic of Serbia. Hotel and Tourism Management, 7(1), 95 – 104.
  • Perović, L. (1998). Srbija u modernizacijskim procesima 19. i 20. veka: Položaj žene kao merilo modernizacije (Serbia in the modernization processes of the 19th and 20th centuries: The position of women as a measure of modernization), Naučni skup, Beograd: INIS.
  • Pleck, J.H., (1977). The work-family role system. Social Problems, 24(4), 411-421.
  • Risman B. (1998). Gender Vertigo: American Families in Transition. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
  • Risman, B., (2004). Gender as a social structure: Theory wrestling with activism. Gender and Society, 18(4): 429–51.
  • Thrane, C. (2008). Earnings differentiation in the tourism industry: gender, human capital and socio-demographic effects. Tourism Management, 29(3), 514-524.
  • Tom B., (2015). Human resources in tourism: Still waiting for change? e A 2015 reprise. Tourism Management, 50, 204-212.
  • Yang, E. C. L., & Tavakoli, R. (2016). “Doing” tourism gender research in Asia: An analysis of authorship, research topic, and methodology. In Tourism and Asian genders, C. Khoo-Lattimore, & P. Mura (Eds.) (pp. 23-39). Bristol, UK: Channel View.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Tourism (Other)
Journal Section Peer-reviewed Articles

Tamara Gajic 0000-0003-3016-8368

Drago Cvijanović This is me 0000-0002-4037-327X

Project Number III-46006
Publication Date June 18, 2020
Submission Date May 18, 2020
Acceptance Date June 14, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Gajic, T., & Cvijanović, D. (2020). The Level of Engagement of the Female Workforce in the Rural Tourism Development of Serbia. Journal of Tourism Leisure and Hospitality, 2(1), 36-42.

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