Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 135 - 152, 31.12.2022


Kilikya Ermeni Krallığı ile Moğollar arasındaki ilişkiler, 1243’teki Kösedağ Savaşı’ndan sonra başlamıştır. Ülkesinin Moğollarca işgal edilmesinden endişeye kapılan Ermeni kralı I. Hetum, bu savaştan kısa bir süre sonra kardeşi Smbat’ı Altın Ordu hanı Batu’nun yanına göndererek ona bağlılığını bildirmiştir. Smbat daha sonra kral tarafından 1246’daki Güyük’ün tahta çıkma merasimine gönderildi. Bu vesileyle Kilikya Ermeni Krallığı bir kez daha Moğollara tabiyetini yinelemiştir. Smbat dört yıl boyunca Moğollar arasında kalmış, 1250’de Kilikya’ya dönmüştür. 1253’te bu kez kral I. Hetum, Batu’nun isteği üzerine o sıralar merkezî Moğol kağanlığının tahtında oturan Möngke Han’ı ziyaret etmek için yola çıkmıştır. İlkin Batu’nun yanına uğrayan kral, Hazar Denizi tarafından Möngke Han’la görüşmek için yolculuğuna devam etmiş ve bu yolculuk boyunca İç Asya’nın etnik tarihi ve ilginç gelenekleriyle tanışma fırsatı yakalamıştır. Söz konusu yolculuğa ilişkin ayrıntılı rapor Ermeni kronik yazarı Kirakos Gandzaketsi’nin kroniğinde bulunmaktadır.
Bu makalede, adı geçen Ermeni kronik yazarının Türk-Moğol tarihi bakımından önem taşıyan kralın yolculuğuna dair raporu tarafımızca değerlendirilmiş ve Ermeniceden Türkçeye tenkitli bir çevirisi yapılmıştır.


  • ‘Ala-ad-Din ‘Ata-Malik Juvaini, The History of the World-Conqueror I-II, translated from the text of Mirza Muhammad Qazvini by John Andrew Boyle, Harvard University Press, Cambridge-Massachusetts, 1958.
  • “Hetum Patmiçi Jamanakagrutyunı”, Manr Jamanakagrutyunner XIII-XVII dd. II, ed. V. A. Hakobyan, Haykakan SSR Gitutyunneri Akademiayi Hratarakçutyun, Yerevan, 1956, s. 33-93.
  • Abdulgaffar Kırımî, Umdet al-Ahbar, haz. Derya Derin Paşaoğlu, Tataristan Respublikası Fenler Akademiyası, Kazan, 2014.
  • Andreasyan, Hrand, “Türk Tarihine Aid Ermeni Kaynakları”, Tarih Dergisi, I (1949), s. 95 118.
  • Barthold, W., Turkestan Down to the Mongol Invasion, E. J. W. GMS, London, 1968.
  • Boyle, John Andrew, “The Journey of Het‘um I, King of Little Armenia, to the Court of the Great Khan Möngke”, Central Asiatic Journal, 9 (1964), s. 175-189.
  • Boyle, John Andrew, “The Seasonal Residences of the Great Khan Ögedei”, Central Asiatic Journal, 16 (1972), s. 125-131.
  • Bretschneider, E., Medieavel Researches from Eastern Asiatic Sources I, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. Ltd, London, 1910.
  • Cathay and the Way Thither Being a Collection of Medieval Notices of China, translated and edited by Henry Yule, vol. I, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1916.
  • Clauson, Sir Gerard, An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1972.
  • Cleaves, Francis Woodman, “The Mongolian Names and Terms in the History of the Nation of the Archers by Grigor Akanc‘”, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 12 (1949), s. 400-443.
  • d’Aboulféda, Géographie II, traduite de l’Arabe en Français et accompagnée de notes par M. Stanislas Guyard, À l’Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, 1848.
  • Dashdondog, Bayarsaikhan, “Kirakos Gandzakets‘i, as a Mongol Prisonner”, Ming Qing Yanjiu, 22 (2018), s. 155-163.
  • Dashdondog, Bayarsaikhan, The Mongols and the Armenians (1220-1335), Brill, Leiden- Boston, 2011.
  • Ebü’l-Ferec İbnü’l-İbrî, Târihu Muhtasari’d-Düvel, çev. Şerafeddin Yaltkaya, TTK, Ankara, 2011.
  • El-Ömerî, Türkler Hakkında Gördüklerim ve Duyduklarım (Mesâliku’l-Ebsâr), çev. D. Ahsen Batur, Selenge yayınları, İstanbul, 2014.
  • Geschichte Wassaf’s, Persich Herausgegeben und Deutsch Übersetzt von Hammer- Purgstall, I. Band, Auf Kosten Der Kais. Akademie Der Wissenschaften, Wien, 1856.
  • Gregory Abû’l-Farac (Bar Hebraeus), Abû’l Farac Tarihi II, çev. Ömer Rıza Doğrul, TTK, Ankara, 1987.
  • Grigor of Akanc’, History of the Nation of the Archers, the Armenian text edited with an English translation and notes by Robert P. Blake and Richard N. Frye, Harvard University Press, Cambridge-Massachusetts, 1954.
  • Grousset, René, The Empire of the Steppes, translated from the French by Naomi Walford, Rutgers University Press, New Jersey, 1970.
  • Hamilton, James, “Aoutor du manuscrit Staël-Holstein”, T’oung Pao, 46 (1958), s. 115- 153.
  • Hetum Patmiç Tatarats, ed. Mkrtiç Avgerean, Venetik, 1842.
  • Hope, Michael, Power, Politics, and Tradition in the Mongol Empire and the Īlkhānate of Iran, Oxford University Press, 2016.
  • Ḥudūd al-'Ālam. “The Regions of the World”, translated and explained by V. Minorsky, ed. by C. E. Bosworth, GMS, Cambridge, 1982.
  • İbn al-Asir, Arabakan Ağbyurner, ed. Aram Ter Ğevondyan, Haykakan SSH Gitutyunneri Akademia Patmutyun İnstitut, Yerevan, 1982.
  • İbn Bibi, el-Evâmirü’l-Alâiyye fi’l Umûri’l-Alâiyye (Selçuknâme), çev. Mürsel Öztürk, TTK, Ankara, 2020.
  • Jackson, Peter, “ The Crisis in the Holy Land in 1260”, The English Historical Review, 95 (1980), s. 481-513.
  • Kâşgarlı Mahmud, Dîvânu Lugâti’t-Türk. Giriş-Metin-Notlar-Dizin, haz. Ahmet B. Ercilasun-Ziyat Akkoyunlu, TDK, Ankara, 2014.
  • Kerîmüddin Mahmud-i Aksarayî, Müsâmeretü’l-Ahbâr, çev. Mürsel Öztürk, TTK, Ankara, 2000.
Year 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 135 - 152, 31.12.2022



  • ‘Ala-ad-Din ‘Ata-Malik Juvaini, The History of the World-Conqueror I-II, translated from the text of Mirza Muhammad Qazvini by John Andrew Boyle, Harvard University Press, Cambridge-Massachusetts, 1958.
  • “Hetum Patmiçi Jamanakagrutyunı”, Manr Jamanakagrutyunner XIII-XVII dd. II, ed. V. A. Hakobyan, Haykakan SSR Gitutyunneri Akademiayi Hratarakçutyun, Yerevan, 1956, s. 33-93.
  • Abdulgaffar Kırımî, Umdet al-Ahbar, haz. Derya Derin Paşaoğlu, Tataristan Respublikası Fenler Akademiyası, Kazan, 2014.
  • Andreasyan, Hrand, “Türk Tarihine Aid Ermeni Kaynakları”, Tarih Dergisi, I (1949), s. 95 118.
  • Barthold, W., Turkestan Down to the Mongol Invasion, E. J. W. GMS, London, 1968.
  • Boyle, John Andrew, “The Journey of Het‘um I, King of Little Armenia, to the Court of the Great Khan Möngke”, Central Asiatic Journal, 9 (1964), s. 175-189.
  • Boyle, John Andrew, “The Seasonal Residences of the Great Khan Ögedei”, Central Asiatic Journal, 16 (1972), s. 125-131.
  • Bretschneider, E., Medieavel Researches from Eastern Asiatic Sources I, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. Ltd, London, 1910.
  • Cathay and the Way Thither Being a Collection of Medieval Notices of China, translated and edited by Henry Yule, vol. I, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1916.
  • Clauson, Sir Gerard, An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1972.
  • Cleaves, Francis Woodman, “The Mongolian Names and Terms in the History of the Nation of the Archers by Grigor Akanc‘”, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 12 (1949), s. 400-443.
  • d’Aboulféda, Géographie II, traduite de l’Arabe en Français et accompagnée de notes par M. Stanislas Guyard, À l’Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, 1848.
  • Dashdondog, Bayarsaikhan, “Kirakos Gandzakets‘i, as a Mongol Prisonner”, Ming Qing Yanjiu, 22 (2018), s. 155-163.
  • Dashdondog, Bayarsaikhan, The Mongols and the Armenians (1220-1335), Brill, Leiden- Boston, 2011.
  • Ebü’l-Ferec İbnü’l-İbrî, Târihu Muhtasari’d-Düvel, çev. Şerafeddin Yaltkaya, TTK, Ankara, 2011.
  • El-Ömerî, Türkler Hakkında Gördüklerim ve Duyduklarım (Mesâliku’l-Ebsâr), çev. D. Ahsen Batur, Selenge yayınları, İstanbul, 2014.
  • Geschichte Wassaf’s, Persich Herausgegeben und Deutsch Übersetzt von Hammer- Purgstall, I. Band, Auf Kosten Der Kais. Akademie Der Wissenschaften, Wien, 1856.
  • Gregory Abû’l-Farac (Bar Hebraeus), Abû’l Farac Tarihi II, çev. Ömer Rıza Doğrul, TTK, Ankara, 1987.
  • Grigor of Akanc’, History of the Nation of the Archers, the Armenian text edited with an English translation and notes by Robert P. Blake and Richard N. Frye, Harvard University Press, Cambridge-Massachusetts, 1954.
  • Grousset, René, The Empire of the Steppes, translated from the French by Naomi Walford, Rutgers University Press, New Jersey, 1970.
  • Hamilton, James, “Aoutor du manuscrit Staël-Holstein”, T’oung Pao, 46 (1958), s. 115- 153.
  • Hetum Patmiç Tatarats, ed. Mkrtiç Avgerean, Venetik, 1842.
  • Hope, Michael, Power, Politics, and Tradition in the Mongol Empire and the Īlkhānate of Iran, Oxford University Press, 2016.
  • Ḥudūd al-'Ālam. “The Regions of the World”, translated and explained by V. Minorsky, ed. by C. E. Bosworth, GMS, Cambridge, 1982.
  • İbn al-Asir, Arabakan Ağbyurner, ed. Aram Ter Ğevondyan, Haykakan SSH Gitutyunneri Akademia Patmutyun İnstitut, Yerevan, 1982.
  • İbn Bibi, el-Evâmirü’l-Alâiyye fi’l Umûri’l-Alâiyye (Selçuknâme), çev. Mürsel Öztürk, TTK, Ankara, 2020.
  • Jackson, Peter, “ The Crisis in the Holy Land in 1260”, The English Historical Review, 95 (1980), s. 481-513.
  • Kâşgarlı Mahmud, Dîvânu Lugâti’t-Türk. Giriş-Metin-Notlar-Dizin, haz. Ahmet B. Ercilasun-Ziyat Akkoyunlu, TDK, Ankara, 2014.
  • Kerîmüddin Mahmud-i Aksarayî, Müsâmeretü’l-Ahbâr, çev. Mürsel Öztürk, TTK, Ankara, 2000.
Year 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 135 - 152, 31.12.2022



  • ‘Ala-ad-Din ‘Ata-Malik Juvaini, The History of the World-Conqueror I-II, translated from the text of Mirza Muhammad Qazvini by John Andrew Boyle, Harvard University Press, Cambridge-Massachusetts, 1958.
  • “Hetum Patmiçi Jamanakagrutyunı”, Manr Jamanakagrutyunner XIII-XVII dd. II, ed. V. A. Hakobyan, Haykakan SSR Gitutyunneri Akademiayi Hratarakçutyun, Yerevan, 1956, s. 33-93.
  • Abdulgaffar Kırımî, Umdet al-Ahbar, haz. Derya Derin Paşaoğlu, Tataristan Respublikası Fenler Akademiyası, Kazan, 2014.
  • Andreasyan, Hrand, “Türk Tarihine Aid Ermeni Kaynakları”, Tarih Dergisi, I (1949), s. 95 118.
  • Barthold, W., Turkestan Down to the Mongol Invasion, E. J. W. GMS, London, 1968.
  • Boyle, John Andrew, “The Journey of Het‘um I, King of Little Armenia, to the Court of the Great Khan Möngke”, Central Asiatic Journal, 9 (1964), s. 175-189.
  • Boyle, John Andrew, “The Seasonal Residences of the Great Khan Ögedei”, Central Asiatic Journal, 16 (1972), s. 125-131.
  • Bretschneider, E., Medieavel Researches from Eastern Asiatic Sources I, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. Ltd, London, 1910.
  • Cathay and the Way Thither Being a Collection of Medieval Notices of China, translated and edited by Henry Yule, vol. I, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1916.
  • Clauson, Sir Gerard, An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1972.
  • Cleaves, Francis Woodman, “The Mongolian Names and Terms in the History of the Nation of the Archers by Grigor Akanc‘”, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 12 (1949), s. 400-443.
  • d’Aboulféda, Géographie II, traduite de l’Arabe en Français et accompagnée de notes par M. Stanislas Guyard, À l’Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, 1848.
  • Dashdondog, Bayarsaikhan, “Kirakos Gandzakets‘i, as a Mongol Prisonner”, Ming Qing Yanjiu, 22 (2018), s. 155-163.
  • Dashdondog, Bayarsaikhan, The Mongols and the Armenians (1220-1335), Brill, Leiden- Boston, 2011.
  • Ebü’l-Ferec İbnü’l-İbrî, Târihu Muhtasari’d-Düvel, çev. Şerafeddin Yaltkaya, TTK, Ankara, 2011.
  • El-Ömerî, Türkler Hakkında Gördüklerim ve Duyduklarım (Mesâliku’l-Ebsâr), çev. D. Ahsen Batur, Selenge yayınları, İstanbul, 2014.
  • Geschichte Wassaf’s, Persich Herausgegeben und Deutsch Übersetzt von Hammer- Purgstall, I. Band, Auf Kosten Der Kais. Akademie Der Wissenschaften, Wien, 1856.
  • Gregory Abû’l-Farac (Bar Hebraeus), Abû’l Farac Tarihi II, çev. Ömer Rıza Doğrul, TTK, Ankara, 1987.
  • Grigor of Akanc’, History of the Nation of the Archers, the Armenian text edited with an English translation and notes by Robert P. Blake and Richard N. Frye, Harvard University Press, Cambridge-Massachusetts, 1954.
  • Grousset, René, The Empire of the Steppes, translated from the French by Naomi Walford, Rutgers University Press, New Jersey, 1970.
  • Hamilton, James, “Aoutor du manuscrit Staël-Holstein”, T’oung Pao, 46 (1958), s. 115- 153.
  • Hetum Patmiç Tatarats, ed. Mkrtiç Avgerean, Venetik, 1842.
  • Hope, Michael, Power, Politics, and Tradition in the Mongol Empire and the Īlkhānate of Iran, Oxford University Press, 2016.
  • Ḥudūd al-'Ālam. “The Regions of the World”, translated and explained by V. Minorsky, ed. by C. E. Bosworth, GMS, Cambridge, 1982.
  • İbn al-Asir, Arabakan Ağbyurner, ed. Aram Ter Ğevondyan, Haykakan SSH Gitutyunneri Akademia Patmutyun İnstitut, Yerevan, 1982.
  • İbn Bibi, el-Evâmirü’l-Alâiyye fi’l Umûri’l-Alâiyye (Selçuknâme), çev. Mürsel Öztürk, TTK, Ankara, 2020.
  • Jackson, Peter, “ The Crisis in the Holy Land in 1260”, The English Historical Review, 95 (1980), s. 481-513.
  • Kâşgarlı Mahmud, Dîvânu Lugâti’t-Türk. Giriş-Metin-Notlar-Dizin, haz. Ahmet B. Ercilasun-Ziyat Akkoyunlu, TDK, Ankara, 2014.
  • Kerîmüddin Mahmud-i Aksarayî, Müsâmeretü’l-Ahbâr, çev. Mürsel Öztürk, TTK, Ankara, 2000.
Year 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 135 - 152, 31.12.2022



  • ‘Ala-ad-Din ‘Ata-Malik Juvaini, The History of the World-Conqueror I-II, translated from the text of Mirza Muhammad Qazvini by John Andrew Boyle, Harvard University Press, Cambridge-Massachusetts, 1958.
  • “Hetum Patmiçi Jamanakagrutyunı”, Manr Jamanakagrutyunner XIII-XVII dd. II, ed. V. A. Hakobyan, Haykakan SSR Gitutyunneri Akademiayi Hratarakçutyun, Yerevan, 1956, s. 33-93.
  • Abdulgaffar Kırımî, Umdet al-Ahbar, haz. Derya Derin Paşaoğlu, Tataristan Respublikası Fenler Akademiyası, Kazan, 2014.
  • Andreasyan, Hrand, “Türk Tarihine Aid Ermeni Kaynakları”, Tarih Dergisi, I (1949), s. 95 118.
  • Barthold, W., Turkestan Down to the Mongol Invasion, E. J. W. GMS, London, 1968.
  • Boyle, John Andrew, “The Journey of Het‘um I, King of Little Armenia, to the Court of the Great Khan Möngke”, Central Asiatic Journal, 9 (1964), s. 175-189.
  • Boyle, John Andrew, “The Seasonal Residences of the Great Khan Ögedei”, Central Asiatic Journal, 16 (1972), s. 125-131.
  • Bretschneider, E., Medieavel Researches from Eastern Asiatic Sources I, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. Ltd, London, 1910.
  • Cathay and the Way Thither Being a Collection of Medieval Notices of China, translated and edited by Henry Yule, vol. I, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1916.
  • Clauson, Sir Gerard, An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1972.
  • Cleaves, Francis Woodman, “The Mongolian Names and Terms in the History of the Nation of the Archers by Grigor Akanc‘”, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 12 (1949), s. 400-443.
  • d’Aboulféda, Géographie II, traduite de l’Arabe en Français et accompagnée de notes par M. Stanislas Guyard, À l’Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, 1848.
  • Dashdondog, Bayarsaikhan, “Kirakos Gandzakets‘i, as a Mongol Prisonner”, Ming Qing Yanjiu, 22 (2018), s. 155-163.
  • Dashdondog, Bayarsaikhan, The Mongols and the Armenians (1220-1335), Brill, Leiden- Boston, 2011.
  • Ebü’l-Ferec İbnü’l-İbrî, Târihu Muhtasari’d-Düvel, çev. Şerafeddin Yaltkaya, TTK, Ankara, 2011.
  • El-Ömerî, Türkler Hakkında Gördüklerim ve Duyduklarım (Mesâliku’l-Ebsâr), çev. D. Ahsen Batur, Selenge yayınları, İstanbul, 2014.
  • Geschichte Wassaf’s, Persich Herausgegeben und Deutsch Übersetzt von Hammer- Purgstall, I. Band, Auf Kosten Der Kais. Akademie Der Wissenschaften, Wien, 1856.
  • Gregory Abû’l-Farac (Bar Hebraeus), Abû’l Farac Tarihi II, çev. Ömer Rıza Doğrul, TTK, Ankara, 1987.
  • Grigor of Akanc’, History of the Nation of the Archers, the Armenian text edited with an English translation and notes by Robert P. Blake and Richard N. Frye, Harvard University Press, Cambridge-Massachusetts, 1954.
  • Grousset, René, The Empire of the Steppes, translated from the French by Naomi Walford, Rutgers University Press, New Jersey, 1970.
  • Hamilton, James, “Aoutor du manuscrit Staël-Holstein”, T’oung Pao, 46 (1958), s. 115- 153.
  • Hetum Patmiç Tatarats, ed. Mkrtiç Avgerean, Venetik, 1842.
  • Hope, Michael, Power, Politics, and Tradition in the Mongol Empire and the Īlkhānate of Iran, Oxford University Press, 2016.
  • Ḥudūd al-'Ālam. “The Regions of the World”, translated and explained by V. Minorsky, ed. by C. E. Bosworth, GMS, Cambridge, 1982.
  • İbn al-Asir, Arabakan Ağbyurner, ed. Aram Ter Ğevondyan, Haykakan SSH Gitutyunneri Akademia Patmutyun İnstitut, Yerevan, 1982.
  • İbn Bibi, el-Evâmirü’l-Alâiyye fi’l Umûri’l-Alâiyye (Selçuknâme), çev. Mürsel Öztürk, TTK, Ankara, 2020.
  • Jackson, Peter, “ The Crisis in the Holy Land in 1260”, The English Historical Review, 95 (1980), s. 481-513.
  • Kâşgarlı Mahmud, Dîvânu Lugâti’t-Türk. Giriş-Metin-Notlar-Dizin, haz. Ahmet B. Ercilasun-Ziyat Akkoyunlu, TDK, Ankara, 2014.
  • Kerîmüddin Mahmud-i Aksarayî, Müsâmeretü’l-Ahbâr, çev. Mürsel Öztürk, TTK, Ankara, 2000.
Year 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 135 - 152, 31.12.2022



  • ‘Ala-ad-Din ‘Ata-Malik Juvaini, The History of the World-Conqueror I-II, translated from the text of Mirza Muhammad Qazvini by John Andrew Boyle, Harvard University Press, Cambridge-Massachusetts, 1958.
  • “Hetum Patmiçi Jamanakagrutyunı”, Manr Jamanakagrutyunner XIII-XVII dd. II, ed. V. A. Hakobyan, Haykakan SSR Gitutyunneri Akademiayi Hratarakçutyun, Yerevan, 1956, s. 33-93.
  • Abdulgaffar Kırımî, Umdet al-Ahbar, haz. Derya Derin Paşaoğlu, Tataristan Respublikası Fenler Akademiyası, Kazan, 2014.
  • Andreasyan, Hrand, “Türk Tarihine Aid Ermeni Kaynakları”, Tarih Dergisi, I (1949), s. 95 118.
  • Barthold, W., Turkestan Down to the Mongol Invasion, E. J. W. GMS, London, 1968.
  • Boyle, John Andrew, “The Journey of Het‘um I, King of Little Armenia, to the Court of the Great Khan Möngke”, Central Asiatic Journal, 9 (1964), s. 175-189.
  • Boyle, John Andrew, “The Seasonal Residences of the Great Khan Ögedei”, Central Asiatic Journal, 16 (1972), s. 125-131.
  • Bretschneider, E., Medieavel Researches from Eastern Asiatic Sources I, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. Ltd, London, 1910.
  • Cathay and the Way Thither Being a Collection of Medieval Notices of China, translated and edited by Henry Yule, vol. I, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1916.
  • Clauson, Sir Gerard, An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1972.
  • Cleaves, Francis Woodman, “The Mongolian Names and Terms in the History of the Nation of the Archers by Grigor Akanc‘”, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 12 (1949), s. 400-443.
  • d’Aboulféda, Géographie II, traduite de l’Arabe en Français et accompagnée de notes par M. Stanislas Guyard, À l’Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, 1848.
  • Dashdondog, Bayarsaikhan, “Kirakos Gandzakets‘i, as a Mongol Prisonner”, Ming Qing Yanjiu, 22 (2018), s. 155-163.
  • Dashdondog, Bayarsaikhan, The Mongols and the Armenians (1220-1335), Brill, Leiden- Boston, 2011.
  • Ebü’l-Ferec İbnü’l-İbrî, Târihu Muhtasari’d-Düvel, çev. Şerafeddin Yaltkaya, TTK, Ankara, 2011.
  • El-Ömerî, Türkler Hakkında Gördüklerim ve Duyduklarım (Mesâliku’l-Ebsâr), çev. D. Ahsen Batur, Selenge yayınları, İstanbul, 2014.
  • Geschichte Wassaf’s, Persich Herausgegeben und Deutsch Übersetzt von Hammer- Purgstall, I. Band, Auf Kosten Der Kais. Akademie Der Wissenschaften, Wien, 1856.
  • Gregory Abû’l-Farac (Bar Hebraeus), Abû’l Farac Tarihi II, çev. Ömer Rıza Doğrul, TTK, Ankara, 1987.
  • Grigor of Akanc’, History of the Nation of the Archers, the Armenian text edited with an English translation and notes by Robert P. Blake and Richard N. Frye, Harvard University Press, Cambridge-Massachusetts, 1954.
  • Grousset, René, The Empire of the Steppes, translated from the French by Naomi Walford, Rutgers University Press, New Jersey, 1970.
  • Hamilton, James, “Aoutor du manuscrit Staël-Holstein”, T’oung Pao, 46 (1958), s. 115- 153.
  • Hetum Patmiç Tatarats, ed. Mkrtiç Avgerean, Venetik, 1842.
  • Hope, Michael, Power, Politics, and Tradition in the Mongol Empire and the Īlkhānate of Iran, Oxford University Press, 2016.
  • Ḥudūd al-'Ālam. “The Regions of the World”, translated and explained by V. Minorsky, ed. by C. E. Bosworth, GMS, Cambridge, 1982.
  • İbn al-Asir, Arabakan Ağbyurner, ed. Aram Ter Ğevondyan, Haykakan SSH Gitutyunneri Akademia Patmutyun İnstitut, Yerevan, 1982.
  • İbn Bibi, el-Evâmirü’l-Alâiyye fi’l Umûri’l-Alâiyye (Selçuknâme), çev. Mürsel Öztürk, TTK, Ankara, 2020.
  • Jackson, Peter, “ The Crisis in the Holy Land in 1260”, The English Historical Review, 95 (1980), s. 481-513.
  • Kâşgarlı Mahmud, Dîvânu Lugâti’t-Türk. Giriş-Metin-Notlar-Dizin, haz. Ahmet B. Ercilasun-Ziyat Akkoyunlu, TDK, Ankara, 2014.
  • Kerîmüddin Mahmud-i Aksarayî, Müsâmeretü’l-Ahbâr, çev. Mürsel Öztürk, TTK, Ankara, 2000.
Year 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 135 - 152, 31.12.2022



  • ‘Ala-ad-Din ‘Ata-Malik Juvaini, The History of the World-Conqueror I-II, translated from the text of Mirza Muhammad Qazvini by John Andrew Boyle, Harvard University Press, Cambridge-Massachusetts, 1958.
  • “Hetum Patmiçi Jamanakagrutyunı”, Manr Jamanakagrutyunner XIII-XVII dd. II, ed. V. A. Hakobyan, Haykakan SSR Gitutyunneri Akademiayi Hratarakçutyun, Yerevan, 1956, s. 33-93.
  • Abdulgaffar Kırımî, Umdet al-Ahbar, haz. Derya Derin Paşaoğlu, Tataristan Respublikası Fenler Akademiyası, Kazan, 2014.
  • Andreasyan, Hrand, “Türk Tarihine Aid Ermeni Kaynakları”, Tarih Dergisi, I (1949), s. 95 118.
  • Barthold, W., Turkestan Down to the Mongol Invasion, E. J. W. GMS, London, 1968.
  • Boyle, John Andrew, “The Journey of Het‘um I, King of Little Armenia, to the Court of the Great Khan Möngke”, Central Asiatic Journal, 9 (1964), s. 175-189.
  • Boyle, John Andrew, “The Seasonal Residences of the Great Khan Ögedei”, Central Asiatic Journal, 16 (1972), s. 125-131.
  • Bretschneider, E., Medieavel Researches from Eastern Asiatic Sources I, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. Ltd, London, 1910.
  • Cathay and the Way Thither Being a Collection of Medieval Notices of China, translated and edited by Henry Yule, vol. I, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1916.
  • Clauson, Sir Gerard, An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1972.
  • Cleaves, Francis Woodman, “The Mongolian Names and Terms in the History of the Nation of the Archers by Grigor Akanc‘”, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 12 (1949), s. 400-443.
  • d’Aboulféda, Géographie II, traduite de l’Arabe en Français et accompagnée de notes par M. Stanislas Guyard, À l’Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, 1848.
  • Dashdondog, Bayarsaikhan, “Kirakos Gandzakets‘i, as a Mongol Prisonner”, Ming Qing Yanjiu, 22 (2018), s. 155-163.
  • Dashdondog, Bayarsaikhan, The Mongols and the Armenians (1220-1335), Brill, Leiden- Boston, 2011.
  • Ebü’l-Ferec İbnü’l-İbrî, Târihu Muhtasari’d-Düvel, çev. Şerafeddin Yaltkaya, TTK, Ankara, 2011.
  • El-Ömerî, Türkler Hakkında Gördüklerim ve Duyduklarım (Mesâliku’l-Ebsâr), çev. D. Ahsen Batur, Selenge yayınları, İstanbul, 2014.
  • Geschichte Wassaf’s, Persich Herausgegeben und Deutsch Übersetzt von Hammer- Purgstall, I. Band, Auf Kosten Der Kais. Akademie Der Wissenschaften, Wien, 1856.
  • Gregory Abû’l-Farac (Bar Hebraeus), Abû’l Farac Tarihi II, çev. Ömer Rıza Doğrul, TTK, Ankara, 1987.
  • Grigor of Akanc’, History of the Nation of the Archers, the Armenian text edited with an English translation and notes by Robert P. Blake and Richard N. Frye, Harvard University Press, Cambridge-Massachusetts, 1954.
  • Grousset, René, The Empire of the Steppes, translated from the French by Naomi Walford, Rutgers University Press, New Jersey, 1970.
  • Hamilton, James, “Aoutor du manuscrit Staël-Holstein”, T’oung Pao, 46 (1958), s. 115- 153.
  • Hetum Patmiç Tatarats, ed. Mkrtiç Avgerean, Venetik, 1842.
  • Hope, Michael, Power, Politics, and Tradition in the Mongol Empire and the Īlkhānate of Iran, Oxford University Press, 2016.
  • Ḥudūd al-'Ālam. “The Regions of the World”, translated and explained by V. Minorsky, ed. by C. E. Bosworth, GMS, Cambridge, 1982.
  • İbn al-Asir, Arabakan Ağbyurner, ed. Aram Ter Ğevondyan, Haykakan SSH Gitutyunneri Akademia Patmutyun İnstitut, Yerevan, 1982.
  • İbn Bibi, el-Evâmirü’l-Alâiyye fi’l Umûri’l-Alâiyye (Selçuknâme), çev. Mürsel Öztürk, TTK, Ankara, 2020.
  • Jackson, Peter, “ The Crisis in the Holy Land in 1260”, The English Historical Review, 95 (1980), s. 481-513.
  • Kâşgarlı Mahmud, Dîvânu Lugâti’t-Türk. Giriş-Metin-Notlar-Dizin, haz. Ahmet B. Ercilasun-Ziyat Akkoyunlu, TDK, Ankara, 2014.
  • Kerîmüddin Mahmud-i Aksarayî, Müsâmeretü’l-Ahbâr, çev. Mürsel Öztürk, TTK, Ankara, 2000.


Year 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 135 - 152, 31.12.2022


The relations between the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia and the Mongols began after the Battle of Köse Dag in 1243. The Armenian King Het‘um I, who had concerned about his land to be invaded by the Mongols, sent his brother Smbat to Batu, whom khan of the Golden Horde, after a short while that battle, and declared his allegiance to him. Later, Smbat, is erranded to the Mongol Khanate to attend the ceremony of Güyük’s coronation in 1246 by the King He’tum. On this occasion the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia renewed their once again subordination to the Mongols. Smbat stayed among the Mongols for four years and turned back to Cilicia in 1250. In 1253, this time King Hetum I, departed to visit Möngke Khan, who was sitting on the throne of the central Mongolian khanate for the Batu's request. The king, firstly stopped by Batu, then continued his journey by the Caspian Sea to meet with Möngke Khan, and during this journey he had the opportunity to meet the ethnic history and interesting traditions of Inner Asia. The detailed report about the referred journey is found in the chronicle of Kirakos Gandzakets’i’s, the Armenian chronicler.
In this article, the report about the journey of the king, which have important a place in regarding the Turco-Mongolian history, evaluated, and critically translated, from Armenian to Turkish by us.


  • ‘Ala-ad-Din ‘Ata-Malik Juvaini, The History of the World-Conqueror I-II, translated from the text of Mirza Muhammad Qazvini by John Andrew Boyle, Harvard University Press, Cambridge-Massachusetts, 1958.
  • “Hetum Patmiçi Jamanakagrutyunı”, Manr Jamanakagrutyunner XIII-XVII dd. II, ed. V. A. Hakobyan, Haykakan SSR Gitutyunneri Akademiayi Hratarakçutyun, Yerevan, 1956, s. 33-93.
  • Abdulgaffar Kırımî, Umdet al-Ahbar, haz. Derya Derin Paşaoğlu, Tataristan Respublikası Fenler Akademiyası, Kazan, 2014.
  • Andreasyan, Hrand, “Türk Tarihine Aid Ermeni Kaynakları”, Tarih Dergisi, I (1949), s. 95 118.
  • Barthold, W., Turkestan Down to the Mongol Invasion, E. J. W. GMS, London, 1968.
  • Boyle, John Andrew, “The Journey of Het‘um I, King of Little Armenia, to the Court of the Great Khan Möngke”, Central Asiatic Journal, 9 (1964), s. 175-189.
  • Boyle, John Andrew, “The Seasonal Residences of the Great Khan Ögedei”, Central Asiatic Journal, 16 (1972), s. 125-131.
  • Bretschneider, E., Medieavel Researches from Eastern Asiatic Sources I, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. Ltd, London, 1910.
  • Cathay and the Way Thither Being a Collection of Medieval Notices of China, translated and edited by Henry Yule, vol. I, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1916.
  • Clauson, Sir Gerard, An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1972.
  • Cleaves, Francis Woodman, “The Mongolian Names and Terms in the History of the Nation of the Archers by Grigor Akanc‘”, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 12 (1949), s. 400-443.
  • d’Aboulféda, Géographie II, traduite de l’Arabe en Français et accompagnée de notes par M. Stanislas Guyard, À l’Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, 1848.
  • Dashdondog, Bayarsaikhan, “Kirakos Gandzakets‘i, as a Mongol Prisonner”, Ming Qing Yanjiu, 22 (2018), s. 155-163.
  • Dashdondog, Bayarsaikhan, The Mongols and the Armenians (1220-1335), Brill, Leiden- Boston, 2011.
  • Ebü’l-Ferec İbnü’l-İbrî, Târihu Muhtasari’d-Düvel, çev. Şerafeddin Yaltkaya, TTK, Ankara, 2011.
  • El-Ömerî, Türkler Hakkında Gördüklerim ve Duyduklarım (Mesâliku’l-Ebsâr), çev. D. Ahsen Batur, Selenge yayınları, İstanbul, 2014.
  • Geschichte Wassaf’s, Persich Herausgegeben und Deutsch Übersetzt von Hammer- Purgstall, I. Band, Auf Kosten Der Kais. Akademie Der Wissenschaften, Wien, 1856.
  • Gregory Abû’l-Farac (Bar Hebraeus), Abû’l Farac Tarihi II, çev. Ömer Rıza Doğrul, TTK, Ankara, 1987.
  • Grigor of Akanc’, History of the Nation of the Archers, the Armenian text edited with an English translation and notes by Robert P. Blake and Richard N. Frye, Harvard University Press, Cambridge-Massachusetts, 1954.
  • Grousset, René, The Empire of the Steppes, translated from the French by Naomi Walford, Rutgers University Press, New Jersey, 1970.
  • Hamilton, James, “Aoutor du manuscrit Staël-Holstein”, T’oung Pao, 46 (1958), s. 115- 153.
  • Hetum Patmiç Tatarats, ed. Mkrtiç Avgerean, Venetik, 1842.
  • Hope, Michael, Power, Politics, and Tradition in the Mongol Empire and the Īlkhānate of Iran, Oxford University Press, 2016.
  • Ḥudūd al-'Ālam. “The Regions of the World”, translated and explained by V. Minorsky, ed. by C. E. Bosworth, GMS, Cambridge, 1982.
  • İbn al-Asir, Arabakan Ağbyurner, ed. Aram Ter Ğevondyan, Haykakan SSH Gitutyunneri Akademia Patmutyun İnstitut, Yerevan, 1982.
  • İbn Bibi, el-Evâmirü’l-Alâiyye fi’l Umûri’l-Alâiyye (Selçuknâme), çev. Mürsel Öztürk, TTK, Ankara, 2020.
  • Jackson, Peter, “ The Crisis in the Holy Land in 1260”, The English Historical Review, 95 (1980), s. 481-513.
  • Kâşgarlı Mahmud, Dîvânu Lugâti’t-Türk. Giriş-Metin-Notlar-Dizin, haz. Ahmet B. Ercilasun-Ziyat Akkoyunlu, TDK, Ankara, 2014.
  • Kerîmüddin Mahmud-i Aksarayî, Müsâmeretü’l-Ahbâr, çev. Mürsel Öztürk, TTK, Ankara, 2000.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Uluslararası Toplumsal Bilimler Dergisi Cilt 6 Sayı 3

İlhan Aslan 0000-0002-8838-244X

Early Pub Date December 30, 2022
Publication Date December 31, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 6 Issue: 3


APA Aslan, İ. (2022). KİLİKYA ERMENİ KRALI I. HETUM’UN MÖNGKE HAN’A YOLCULUĞU. Uluslararası Toplumsal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(3), 135-152.