Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 1 - 19


Creating a holistic and acceptable overall picture of Russia's position in the modern world, identifying patterns of interaction between Russia and the United States/Western countries, as well as recognition or non-recognition by other states of Russia's special position and role in the new era is quite a difficult task. This complex continues to maintain its place on the agenda as a source of endless scientific and political debate. In this context, the reactions of Russian officials to the crises that emerged during the transition from the Soviets to the Federation attract the interest of researchers from all fields. The dynamics of Russian foreign policy were especially important in the 1990s, when the form of government changed and the aggressiveness in the usual Soviet foreign policy was partially replaced by liberal views of a certain period. Any such change/initiative, or simply classifying major events and adding (inevitably subjective) evaluations on a scale of "good-bad" or " profitable-unprofitable for Russia " can lead to errors. The foreign policy of the "New Russia" objectively took a back seat under the conditions of large-scale and contradictory socio-economic and political reforms initiated by B. Yeltsin and his close associates. The general understanding was that establishing good relations with the US/West is considered the key to solving problems. This idea changed radically, especially after the attacks on Yugoslavia, which made Russia doubt its position in the new world order. Russia, which built its foreign policy, in particular, with the idea of preserving the perception of a "great power," had to face various problems in the process of adapting to the "new world order." From this point of view, our idea is to identify the causes of this radical change that has occurred and to conduct a proper analysis.
This article attempts to outline the general contours of the foreign policy concept that the “New Russia” tried to form during the transition from the Soviet Union to the Federation, efforts to preserve the perception of the “great power” in international organizations and how it reacted to the international conjuncture in the process of adapting to the “New World Order” emerging under the leadership of the United States.


  • Arkhiv vneshney politiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii (AVP RF). F.192. O. 81. P. 517. D. 1. Iskh. 89. Ot 26.12.1991. S. 27–28. «O pereimenovanii posol'stva SSSR v posol'stvo RF».
  • AVP RF. F. 192. O. 82. P. 527. D. 1. Iskh. 8. Ot 30.01.1992.
  • Diplomaticheskiy vestnik. M., 1992. 15 yanvarya.
  • Dogovor o pravopreyemstve v otnoshenii gosudarstvennogo dolga i aktivov Soyuza SSR ot 4 dekabrya 1991 g. URL:
  • Kontseptsii vneshney politiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii 1992 goda // Vneshnyaya politika i bezopasnost' sovremennoy Rossii (1991–1998). Khrestomatiya v dvukh tomakh. T. 2. Dokumenty / Sost. T.A. Shakleina. M., MONF. 1999.
  • Kontseptsiya vneshney politiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii 1993 g./ Vneshnyaya politika i bezopasnost' sovremennoy Rossii. 1991–2002. Khrestomatiya v 4-kh tomakh / Red.-sost. T.A. Shakleina. T. IV. Dokumenty. M., MGIMO(U) MID RF. Rossiyskaya assotsiatsiya mezhdunarodnykh issledovaniy. ANO «INO-Tsentr (Informatsiya. Nauka. Obrazovaniye)». 2002.
  • Khartiya rossiysko-amerikanskogo partnerstva i druzhby // Vneshnyaya politika i bezopasnost' sovremennoy Rossii. 1991–2002. Khrestomatiya v 4-kh t. / Sost. T.A. Shakleina. T. IV. M. 2002.
  • Gosudarstvennyy vizit Prezidenta RF B.N. Yel'tsina v SSHA 16–18 iyulya 1992 g.: Sbornik dokumentov. M., Mezhdunarodnyye otnosheniya. 1992.
  • U.S: Department of State Dispatch. Vol. 3. June 22. 1992. P. 493; Baker J.A. with DeFrank T.M. The Politics of Diplomacy: Revolution, War and Peace 1989–1992. New York. 1995.
  • Zayavleniye Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federatsii B.N. Yel'tsina po voprosam sokrashcheniya i ogranicheniya vooruzheniy (29.01.1992) // Diplomaticheskiy vestnik. M., 4–5, 29 Fevralya–15 marta 1992.
  • emp-Devidskaya deklaratsiya Prezidenta Busha-starshego i Prezidenta B.N. Yel'tsina o novykh otnosheniyakh // Vneshnyaya politika i bezopasnost' sovremennoy Rossii. 1991–2002. Khrestomatiya v 4-kh t. / Sost. T.A. Shakleina. T. IV. M. 2002.
  • United Nations General Assembly. Official Records. Fifty-third Session. 63rd Plenary Meeting. A/53/PV.63. 19 Nov 1998.
  • Vizit A.V. Kozyreva v respubliki byvshey SFRYU (18–20 i 24–27 maya) // Diplomaticheskiy vestnik. M., №12. 30 iyunya.
  • Vystupleniye A.V. Kozyreva // Diplomaticheskiy vestnik. M., 1992. № 13–14.
  • Brifing 1 iyunya 1993 g. (provodil S.V. Yastrzhembskiy) // Diplomaticheskiy vestnik. M., 1993. № 13–14.
  • Vystupleniye Prezidenta RF B.N. Yel'tsina na spetsial'nom torzhestvennom zasedanii GA po sluchayu 50-letiya OON// Diplomaticheskiy vestnik. M., 1995. № 11.
  • Zayavleniye Soveta Federatsii Federal'nogo Sobraniya Rossiyskoy Federatsii o rasshirenii NATO na Vostok, 25 oktyabrya 1995 g./ Diplomaticheskiy vestnik. M., 1995. № 12.
  • Zayavleniya MID RF 31 avgusta, 5 sentyabrya, 12 sentyabrya 1995 g. // Diplomaticheskiy vestnik. M., 1995. № 10. С. 59.
  • Brifing 5 fevralya 1993 g. (provodil S.V. Yastrzhembskiy) // Diplomaticheskiy vestnik. M., 1993. № 5–6. K realizatsii Deytonskikh soglasheniy // Diplomaticheskiy vestnik. M., 1996. № 1.
  • Adamishin A.L. Yugoslavskaya prelyudiya // Rossiya v global'noy politike. 2013. 31 avgusta – URL:
  • Arbatov A. The Transformation of Russia’s Military Doctrine in the after-math of Kosovo and Chechnya // Russia between East and West: Russian Foreign Policy on the Threshold of the Twenty-First Century. Gabriel Gorodetsky (ed). – London: Frank Cass, 2003. - Р. 27–31.
  • Batyuk V.I. Trudnoye partnerstvo. Dvustoronniye rezhimy i instituty v rossiysko-amerikanskikh otnosheniyakh posle okonchaniya «Kholodnoy voyny» / RAN. In-t SSHA i Kanady. – M.: Prometey, 2008. - 212 s.
  • Batyuk V.I. NATO i Rossiyskaya Federatsiya: Evolyutsiya vzaimootnosheniy // Vestnik MGU. – Ser. 25: Mezhdunarodnyye otnosheniya i mirovaya politika. – 2020. – № 1. – S. 3–31.
  • Bobrov A.K. Kontseptual'nyye osnovy vneshney politiki Rossii: Monografiya / A.K. Bobrov. – M.: Aspekt Press, 2021. 222 s.
  • Bogaturov A. Tri pokoleniya vneshnepoliticheskikh doktrin Rossii // Mezhdunarodnyye protsessy. 2007. URL:
  • Buckley M. Russian Foreign Policy and Its Critics // European Security. – Vol. 11. – № 4. – 2002. - Р. 29–46. D’Anieri P. Russian Foreign Policy: Continuity, Revolution and the Search for Status. Ryan K. Beasley et al. (eds.). Foreign Policy in Comparative Perspective: Domestic and International Influences on State Behavior. – Washington: CQ Press, 2002. - Р. 95–120.
  • Dvorkin V. Kratkiye kommentarii k prekrashcheniyu deystviy programmy Nanna–Lugara// Moskovskiy tsentr Karnegi. 2015. 6 fevralya. URL:
  • Dvorkin V.Z. Yadernoye sderzhivaniye: vzglyad v budushcheye // Pro et Contra. –1998. – T. 3. – № 4 Gorbachev M. Russia Never Wanted a War // New York Times. 20 August 2008.
  • Gorbachev i «Doktrina Sinatry» // Kommersant. Aprel’. 2021. URL: Huskey E. Presidential Power in Russia. Armonk. – New York. 1999. - 250 p.
  • Iz interv'yu S.V. Lavrova, Vremya novostey 18 maya 2004 g. Jurado E. Russia’s Role in a Multipolar World: Between Change and Stability // Foresight. Kislyakov A. Russia to Overhaul Its Nuclear Missile Shield // Russia Beyond the Headlines. – Nov 2012. – URL: Kortunov S.V. Kontrol' za vooruzheniyami i interesy Rossii. – M.: Moskovskiy obshchestvennyy nauchnyy fond, 1997. - 214 s.
  • Lavrov S.V. Politicheskiy tyazheloves // Nash Primakov / IMEMO RAN. Pod red. N.I. Ivanovoy. – M.: Magistr, 2016. - S. 33–44.
  • Makayrchev A. Russia in a Multipolar World: Role Identities and ‘Cognitive Maps’ // Revista CIDOB. D’afers Internationals. – № 96. – 2011. – URL:
  • McCornick J. American Foreign Policy and Process. United States: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning. 2010. - 630 p.
  • Mankoff J. Russian Foreign Policy: The Return of Great Power Politics. – Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2009. - 372 p.
  • Neymark M.A. Evolyutsiya vneshnepoliticheskoy strategii Rossii. – M.: Prospekt, 2020. - 319 s.
  • Oldberg I. Russia’s Great Power Strategy Under Putin and Medvedev // Occasional UI Papers. Swedish Institute of International Affairs. – № 1. – 2010. - Р. 1–23.
  • Panagiouto R.A. The Centrality of the United Nations in Russian Foreign Policy // Journal of Communist Studies and Transtion Politics. – Vol. 27. – № 2. – 2011. - Р. 195–216.
  • Papp D., Loch K.J. and Endicott J. American Foreign Policy: History, Politics and Policy. – New York: Pearson/Longman, 2005. - 560 p.
  • Paterson T. G., Clifford J.G., Maddock S.J., Kisatsky D., Hagan K.J. American Foreign Relations. Vol. 2. A History since 1985. Sixth Edition. Boston. Houghton Mifflin Company. 2005.
  • Panov A.N. Kontseptual'nyye osnovy vneshney politiki /A.N.Panov // Vneshnyaya politika Rossii. 1991–2016: [kollektivnaya monografiya/ T.A. Shakleina, A.N. Panov, A.S. Bulatov i dr.; otv. red. Ye.M. Kozhokin, A.L. Chechevshinikov]; pod obshch. red. i s predisl. akad. A.V. Torkunova; MGIMO (un-t) MID RF. M., MGIMO-universitet. 2017.
  • Primakov Ye.M. Mezhdunarodnyye otnosheniya nakanune KHKHI veka: Problemy, perspektivy // Mezhdunarodnaya zhizn'. – M. – 1996. – № 10. - S. 3–13.
  • Remington T. Politics in Russia. New York. Pearson/Longman. 2004.
  • Reshetnikov A. Great projects’ Politics in Russia: History’s Hardly Victorious End // Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization. – Vol. 19. – № 2. – 2011. - Р. 151–175.
  • Rywkin M. Russia: In Quest of Superpower Status // American Foreign Policy Interests. – Vol. 30. – № 1. – 2008. - Р. 13–21.
  • Sergunin А. Explaining Russian Foreign Policy Behavior: Theory and Practice (Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society). Ibidem Press. Stuttgart 2016. - 220 p.
  • Setov R.A. Sovremennyy miroporyadok i gosudarstvennyye interesy Rossii. Terminy, teorii, prognozy. M., 2010. 367 s.
  • Shearman P. Russia and NATO Enlargement: The Case Against. Mike Bowker and Cameron Ross (eds.). Russia After the Cold War. Harlow. – London: Longman, 2000. - Р. 299–318.
  • Snow Donald M. National Security for a New Era: Globalization and Geopolitics. – New York: Pearson/Longman, 2004. - 420 p.
  • Tsygankov A.P. Finding a Civilizational Idea: ‘West’, ‘Eurasia’ and ‘Euro-East’ in Russia’s Foreign Policy // Geopolitics. – Vol. 12. – № 3. – 2007. - Р. 375–399.
  • Tsygankov A.P. Russia’s Power and Alliances in the 21st Century // Politics. – Vol. 30. – № 1. – 2010. - Р. 43–51.


Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 1 - 19


Rusya’nın günümüz dünyasındaki durumunun bütünsel ve kabul edilebilir bir genel resminin oluşturulması, Rusya ile ABD/Batı ülkelerinin etkileşimlerinin kalıplarının tanımlanması ve diğer devletlerin Rusya’nın yeni çağdaki özel konumunu ve rolünü tanıması ya da tanımaması oldukça zor bir ödevdir. Bu kompleks, tükenmek bilmeyen bir bilimsel ve politik tartışmanın kaynağı olarak halen gündemdeki yerini korumaktadır. Bu çerçevede Sovyetlerden Federasyona geçişte ortaya çıkan krizlerle mücadele konusunda Rus yetkililerin gösterdikleri reaksiyon her kesimden araştırmacının ilgisini çekmektedir. Özellikle yönetimin biçiminin değişmesi ve alışılagelmiş Sovyet dış politikasındaki agresifliğin yerini kısmen de olsa belirli bir dönem liberal görüşlerin alması 1990lar özelinde Rus dış politika dinamiklerini önemli kılmaktadır. Bu türden herhangi bir değişim/girişim ya ana önemli olayları basitçe sınıflandırmak ve (kaçınılmaz olarak öznel) değerlendirmelerde “iyi-kötü” ya da “Rusya için karlı-karsız” bir ölçeğin eklenmesiyle tanımlamak hataya sebebiyet verebilir. “Yeni Rusya’nın” dış politikası, B. Yeltsin ve yakın çevresinin başlattığı büyük ölçekli ve çelişkili sosyo-ekonomik ve politik reformların yürütülmesi koşullarında nesnel olarak arka planda yer aldı. Genel anlayış ABD/Batı ile iyi ilişkilerin kurulması sorunların çözümünün anahtarı olarak düşünüldüğü yönünde oldu. Bu fikir özellikle Yugoslavya’ya yapılan saldırılar sonrası radikal bir şekilde değişti ve Rusya’yı yeni dünya düzenindeki pozisyonunu sorgulamaya itti. Özellikle “büyük güç” algısını koruma düşüncesi ile dış politikasını oluşturan Rusya, “yeni dünya düzenine” adaptasyon sürecinde çeşitli sorunlarla uğraşmak zorunda kaldı. Bu açıdan bakıldığında bizim düşüncemiz, ortaya çıkan bu radikal değişikliğin sebeplerini ortaya koymak ve doğru analizler yapmaktır.
Bu makalede Sovyetlerden Federasyona geçişte yeni Rusya’nın oluşturmaya çalıştığı dış politika konseptinin genel hatlarını, uluslararası örgütlerde “büyük güç” algısını koruma çabaları ve ABD önderliğinde ortaya çıkan “Yeni Dünya Düzenine” adaptasyon sürecinde uluslararası konjonktürde nasıl bir reaksiyon gösterdiği ortaya koyulmaya çalışılmıştır.


  • Arkhiv vneshney politiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii (AVP RF). F.192. O. 81. P. 517. D. 1. Iskh. 89. Ot 26.12.1991. S. 27–28. «O pereimenovanii posol'stva SSSR v posol'stvo RF».
  • AVP RF. F. 192. O. 82. P. 527. D. 1. Iskh. 8. Ot 30.01.1992.
  • Diplomaticheskiy vestnik. M., 1992. 15 yanvarya.
  • Dogovor o pravopreyemstve v otnoshenii gosudarstvennogo dolga i aktivov Soyuza SSR ot 4 dekabrya 1991 g. URL:
  • Kontseptsii vneshney politiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii 1992 goda // Vneshnyaya politika i bezopasnost' sovremennoy Rossii (1991–1998). Khrestomatiya v dvukh tomakh. T. 2. Dokumenty / Sost. T.A. Shakleina. M., MONF. 1999.
  • Kontseptsiya vneshney politiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii 1993 g./ Vneshnyaya politika i bezopasnost' sovremennoy Rossii. 1991–2002. Khrestomatiya v 4-kh tomakh / Red.-sost. T.A. Shakleina. T. IV. Dokumenty. M., MGIMO(U) MID RF. Rossiyskaya assotsiatsiya mezhdunarodnykh issledovaniy. ANO «INO-Tsentr (Informatsiya. Nauka. Obrazovaniye)». 2002.
  • Khartiya rossiysko-amerikanskogo partnerstva i druzhby // Vneshnyaya politika i bezopasnost' sovremennoy Rossii. 1991–2002. Khrestomatiya v 4-kh t. / Sost. T.A. Shakleina. T. IV. M. 2002.
  • Gosudarstvennyy vizit Prezidenta RF B.N. Yel'tsina v SSHA 16–18 iyulya 1992 g.: Sbornik dokumentov. M., Mezhdunarodnyye otnosheniya. 1992.
  • U.S: Department of State Dispatch. Vol. 3. June 22. 1992. P. 493; Baker J.A. with DeFrank T.M. The Politics of Diplomacy: Revolution, War and Peace 1989–1992. New York. 1995.
  • Zayavleniye Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federatsii B.N. Yel'tsina po voprosam sokrashcheniya i ogranicheniya vooruzheniy (29.01.1992) // Diplomaticheskiy vestnik. M., 4–5, 29 Fevralya–15 marta 1992.
  • emp-Devidskaya deklaratsiya Prezidenta Busha-starshego i Prezidenta B.N. Yel'tsina o novykh otnosheniyakh // Vneshnyaya politika i bezopasnost' sovremennoy Rossii. 1991–2002. Khrestomatiya v 4-kh t. / Sost. T.A. Shakleina. T. IV. M. 2002.
  • United Nations General Assembly. Official Records. Fifty-third Session. 63rd Plenary Meeting. A/53/PV.63. 19 Nov 1998.
  • Vizit A.V. Kozyreva v respubliki byvshey SFRYU (18–20 i 24–27 maya) // Diplomaticheskiy vestnik. M., №12. 30 iyunya.
  • Vystupleniye A.V. Kozyreva // Diplomaticheskiy vestnik. M., 1992. № 13–14.
  • Brifing 1 iyunya 1993 g. (provodil S.V. Yastrzhembskiy) // Diplomaticheskiy vestnik. M., 1993. № 13–14.
  • Vystupleniye Prezidenta RF B.N. Yel'tsina na spetsial'nom torzhestvennom zasedanii GA po sluchayu 50-letiya OON// Diplomaticheskiy vestnik. M., 1995. № 11.
  • Zayavleniye Soveta Federatsii Federal'nogo Sobraniya Rossiyskoy Federatsii o rasshirenii NATO na Vostok, 25 oktyabrya 1995 g./ Diplomaticheskiy vestnik. M., 1995. № 12.
  • Zayavleniya MID RF 31 avgusta, 5 sentyabrya, 12 sentyabrya 1995 g. // Diplomaticheskiy vestnik. M., 1995. № 10. С. 59.
  • Brifing 5 fevralya 1993 g. (provodil S.V. Yastrzhembskiy) // Diplomaticheskiy vestnik. M., 1993. № 5–6. K realizatsii Deytonskikh soglasheniy // Diplomaticheskiy vestnik. M., 1996. № 1.
  • Adamishin A.L. Yugoslavskaya prelyudiya // Rossiya v global'noy politike. 2013. 31 avgusta – URL:
  • Arbatov A. The Transformation of Russia’s Military Doctrine in the after-math of Kosovo and Chechnya // Russia between East and West: Russian Foreign Policy on the Threshold of the Twenty-First Century. Gabriel Gorodetsky (ed). – London: Frank Cass, 2003. - Р. 27–31.
  • Batyuk V.I. Trudnoye partnerstvo. Dvustoronniye rezhimy i instituty v rossiysko-amerikanskikh otnosheniyakh posle okonchaniya «Kholodnoy voyny» / RAN. In-t SSHA i Kanady. – M.: Prometey, 2008. - 212 s.
  • Batyuk V.I. NATO i Rossiyskaya Federatsiya: Evolyutsiya vzaimootnosheniy // Vestnik MGU. – Ser. 25: Mezhdunarodnyye otnosheniya i mirovaya politika. – 2020. – № 1. – S. 3–31.
  • Bobrov A.K. Kontseptual'nyye osnovy vneshney politiki Rossii: Monografiya / A.K. Bobrov. – M.: Aspekt Press, 2021. 222 s.
  • Bogaturov A. Tri pokoleniya vneshnepoliticheskikh doktrin Rossii // Mezhdunarodnyye protsessy. 2007. URL:
  • Buckley M. Russian Foreign Policy and Its Critics // European Security. – Vol. 11. – № 4. – 2002. - Р. 29–46. D’Anieri P. Russian Foreign Policy: Continuity, Revolution and the Search for Status. Ryan K. Beasley et al. (eds.). Foreign Policy in Comparative Perspective: Domestic and International Influences on State Behavior. – Washington: CQ Press, 2002. - Р. 95–120.
  • Dvorkin V. Kratkiye kommentarii k prekrashcheniyu deystviy programmy Nanna–Lugara// Moskovskiy tsentr Karnegi. 2015. 6 fevralya. URL:
  • Dvorkin V.Z. Yadernoye sderzhivaniye: vzglyad v budushcheye // Pro et Contra. –1998. – T. 3. – № 4 Gorbachev M. Russia Never Wanted a War // New York Times. 20 August 2008.
  • Gorbachev i «Doktrina Sinatry» // Kommersant. Aprel’. 2021. URL: Huskey E. Presidential Power in Russia. Armonk. – New York. 1999. - 250 p.
  • Iz interv'yu S.V. Lavrova, Vremya novostey 18 maya 2004 g. Jurado E. Russia’s Role in a Multipolar World: Between Change and Stability // Foresight. Kislyakov A. Russia to Overhaul Its Nuclear Missile Shield // Russia Beyond the Headlines. – Nov 2012. – URL: Kortunov S.V. Kontrol' za vooruzheniyami i interesy Rossii. – M.: Moskovskiy obshchestvennyy nauchnyy fond, 1997. - 214 s.
  • Lavrov S.V. Politicheskiy tyazheloves // Nash Primakov / IMEMO RAN. Pod red. N.I. Ivanovoy. – M.: Magistr, 2016. - S. 33–44.
  • Makayrchev A. Russia in a Multipolar World: Role Identities and ‘Cognitive Maps’ // Revista CIDOB. D’afers Internationals. – № 96. – 2011. – URL:
  • McCornick J. American Foreign Policy and Process. United States: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning. 2010. - 630 p.
  • Mankoff J. Russian Foreign Policy: The Return of Great Power Politics. – Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2009. - 372 p.
  • Neymark M.A. Evolyutsiya vneshnepoliticheskoy strategii Rossii. – M.: Prospekt, 2020. - 319 s.
  • Oldberg I. Russia’s Great Power Strategy Under Putin and Medvedev // Occasional UI Papers. Swedish Institute of International Affairs. – № 1. – 2010. - Р. 1–23.
  • Panagiouto R.A. The Centrality of the United Nations in Russian Foreign Policy // Journal of Communist Studies and Transtion Politics. – Vol. 27. – № 2. – 2011. - Р. 195–216.
  • Papp D., Loch K.J. and Endicott J. American Foreign Policy: History, Politics and Policy. – New York: Pearson/Longman, 2005. - 560 p.
  • Paterson T. G., Clifford J.G., Maddock S.J., Kisatsky D., Hagan K.J. American Foreign Relations. Vol. 2. A History since 1985. Sixth Edition. Boston. Houghton Mifflin Company. 2005.
  • Panov A.N. Kontseptual'nyye osnovy vneshney politiki /A.N.Panov // Vneshnyaya politika Rossii. 1991–2016: [kollektivnaya monografiya/ T.A. Shakleina, A.N. Panov, A.S. Bulatov i dr.; otv. red. Ye.M. Kozhokin, A.L. Chechevshinikov]; pod obshch. red. i s predisl. akad. A.V. Torkunova; MGIMO (un-t) MID RF. M., MGIMO-universitet. 2017.
  • Primakov Ye.M. Mezhdunarodnyye otnosheniya nakanune KHKHI veka: Problemy, perspektivy // Mezhdunarodnaya zhizn'. – M. – 1996. – № 10. - S. 3–13.
  • Remington T. Politics in Russia. New York. Pearson/Longman. 2004.
  • Reshetnikov A. Great projects’ Politics in Russia: History’s Hardly Victorious End // Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization. – Vol. 19. – № 2. – 2011. - Р. 151–175.
  • Rywkin M. Russia: In Quest of Superpower Status // American Foreign Policy Interests. – Vol. 30. – № 1. – 2008. - Р. 13–21.
  • Sergunin А. Explaining Russian Foreign Policy Behavior: Theory and Practice (Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society). Ibidem Press. Stuttgart 2016. - 220 p.
  • Setov R.A. Sovremennyy miroporyadok i gosudarstvennyye interesy Rossii. Terminy, teorii, prognozy. M., 2010. 367 s.
  • Shearman P. Russia and NATO Enlargement: The Case Against. Mike Bowker and Cameron Ross (eds.). Russia After the Cold War. Harlow. – London: Longman, 2000. - Р. 299–318.
  • Snow Donald M. National Security for a New Era: Globalization and Geopolitics. – New York: Pearson/Longman, 2004. - 420 p.
  • Tsygankov A.P. Finding a Civilizational Idea: ‘West’, ‘Eurasia’ and ‘Euro-East’ in Russia’s Foreign Policy // Geopolitics. – Vol. 12. – № 3. – 2007. - Р. 375–399.
  • Tsygankov A.P. Russia’s Power and Alliances in the 21st Century // Politics. – Vol. 30. – № 1. – 2010. - Р. 43–51.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects International History
Journal Section TOBİDER - International Journal of Social Sciences Volume 8 Issue 2

Burak Kolot 0000-0001-5216-2704

Early Pub Date June 30, 2024
Publication Date
Submission Date May 20, 2024
Acceptance Date May 24, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 8 Issue: 2
