Writing Rules

General Principles
1. International Journal of Social Sciences is an international peer-reviewed journal and is published three times a year.
2. Submission of the manuscript to the International Journal of Social Sciences is accepted as an application for publication. No royalties are paid for the articles.
3. International Any legal responsibility for the content of the articles published in the Journal of Social Sciences belongs to the author.
4. International The Journal of Social Sciences has the right to make corrections in the submitted articles, to publish or not to publish the articles.
5. Although the publication language is Turkey Turkish, it is possible to include articles in other Turkish dialects , English , German and French when deemed necessary and appropriate.
6. Turkish and English abstract of at least 200 words at the beginning of the article , 3-5 words of keywords ; Turkish and English title should be included.
7. Under the title of the article , information such as the name of the author, his title, the institution he works for and ¬the e-mail address where he can be reached should not be included . This information will be added to the article by the editor after the articles have gone through the referee process, since the academician who added the articles to the system or sent them to the journal can already be seen by the system administrator. Therefore, while the articles are being entered into the system, it should be reviewed and ensured that no information about the author is included in the article. This is important in terms of allowing the referees who will review the article to act more easily.
8. The manuscript can be sent via the Article Tracking System at www.tobider.com , from the personal page entered with an e-mail address and password, or from the http://dergipark.gov.tr/toplumsalbilimler page where our journal is located in DergiPark , using the Submit Article link. In articles with more than one author, whoever is the first author, the article should be uploaded to the system, and the other authors should be added to the "other authors" section on the system. After the article is added to the system, the referee process can be followed from the same page. After this stage, it is necessary to wait for the reports from all the referees to make the corrections. Because authors can add a correction to the system once. Because when the correction requested by a referee is made and the article is added to the system, the requested corrections will not be made if a second referee requests corrections at the next stage.
9. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must not have been previously published elsewhere. The publication of symposium papers that have not been published in the form of a book is possible provided that this situation is stated.
10. Manuscripts must be sent in the format specified below. Manuscripts that are not entered into the system in this format will not be considered.

Page layout
1. Manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Word program and page structures should be arranged as follows:
Paper Size A4 Vertical
Top Margin 3 cm
Bottom Margin 3 cm
Left Margin 3 cm
Right Margin 2.5 cm
Font Times News Novel
Font Style Normal
Size (regular text) 12
Size (footnote text) 10
table-chart 11th
Paragraph Spacing 0 pt first , then 12 pt
Line gap Single (1.15)

2. Details such as page numbers, headers and footers should not be included in the manuscripts.
3. Only the first letters of each word of the headings in the article should be written in capitals and bold, and no other formatting should be included.
4. In terms of spelling and punctuation, the Spelling Guide of the Turkish Language Institution should be taken as a basis, except for special cases necessitated by the article or the subject.
5. APA should be used as the citation system in the article , however, authors who want to submit articles on History can submit their articles using the footnote method, since the APA system is insufficient for this field. There must be a bibliography at the end of the article.