Research Article
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Neonatal mortality and short term prognosis in newborns born after assisted reproduction techniques

Year 2011, Volume: 46 Issue: 1, 1 - 5, 01.03.2011


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  • Steptoe PC, Edwards RG. Birth after the reimplantation of a human embryo. Lancet 1978; 2: 366. (Abstract) / (Full Text)
  • Adamson GD, de Mouzon J, Lancaster P, Nygren KG, Sullivan E, Zegers-Hochschild F. World collaborative report on in vitro fertilization, 2000. Fertil Steril 2006; 85: 1586-622. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Wright VC, Chang J, Jeng G, Macaluso M ; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Assisted reproductive technology surveillance- United States, 2005. MMWR Surveill Summ 2008; 57: 1-23. (Abstract) / (Full Text)
  • Klemetti R, Gissler M, Hemminki E. Comparison of perinatal health of children born from IVF in Finland in the early and late 1990s. Hum Reprod 2002; 17: 2192-8. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • MacGillivray I, Campbell DM. Management of twin pregnancies. In: MacGillivray I, Campbell DM, Thompson B, (eds). Twinning and Twins. John Wiley: Chichester, 1988: 111-39.
  • Malone FD, Kaufman GE, Chelmow D, Athanassiou A, Nores JA, D'Alton ME. Maternal morbidity associated with triplet pregnancy. Am J Perinatol 1998; 15: 73-7. (Abstract) / (PDF)
  • Ombelet W, Martens G, De Sutter P, et al. Perinatal outcome of 12021 singleton and 3108 twin births after non-IVF-assisted reproduction: a cohort study. Hum Reprod 2006; 21: 1025-32. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Dhont M, De Neubourg F, Van Der Elst J, De Sutter P. Perinatal outcome of pregnancies after assisted reproduction: a case control study. J Assist Reprod Genet 1997; 14: 575-80. (Abstract) / (PDF)
  • Westergaard HB, Tranberg J, Erb K, Nyboe A. Danish national in-vitro fertilization registry 1994-1995: a controlled study of births, malformations and cytogenetic findings. Hum Reprod 1999; 14: 1896-902. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Bonduelle M, Liebaers I, Deketelaere V, et al. Neonatal data on a cohort of 2889 infants born after ICSI (1991-1999) and of 2995 infants born after IVF (1983-1999). Human Reprod 2002; 17: 671-94. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Senat MV, Ancel PY, Bouvier Colle MH, Bréart G. How does multipl pregnancy affect maternal mortality and morbidity? Clin Obstet Gynecol 1998; 41: 78-83. (Abstract)
  • The ESHRE Capri Workshop Group. Multipl gestation pregnancy. Hum Reprod 2000; 15: 1856-64. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Bernasko J, Lynch L, Lapinski R, Berkowitz RL. Twin pregnancies conceived by assisted reproductive techniques: Maternal and neonatal outcomes. Obstet Gynecol 1997; 89: 368-72. (Abstract)
  • Daniel Y, Ochshorn Y, Fait G, Geva E, Bar-Am A, Lessing JB. Analysis of 104 twin pregnancies conceived with assisted repro- ductive techniques and 193 spontaneously conceived twin preg- nancies. Fertil Steril 2000; 74: 683-9. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Moise J, Laor A, Armon Y, Gur I, Gale R. The outcome of twin preg- nancies after IVF. Hum reprod 1998; 13: 1702-5. (Abstract) / (PDF)
  • Jackson RA, Gibson KA, Wu YW, Croughan MS. Perinatal outcomes in singletons following in vitro fertilization: a metaanalysis. Obstet Gynecol 2004; 103: 551-63. (Abstract)
  • Helmerhorst FM, Perquin DA, Donker D, Keirse MJ. Perinatal outcome of singletons and twins after assisted conception: a systematic review of controlled studies. BMJ 2004; 328: 261. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Aslan H, Cebeci A, Yıldırım G, Ceylan Y. Neonatal outcomes of twin pregnancies after assisted reproductive techniques. J Turkish German Gynecol Assoc 2005; 6: 111-3.
  • Müngen E, Tütüncü L. İkizden fazla sayıdaki çoğul gebelikler. Perinataloji 2001; 3:149-56. (Abstract)
  • Nayeri F, Aghahosseini M, Alyasin A, Nili F. Outcome of newborns conceived through artificial reproductive techniques in Tehran Iran. IJRM. 2006; 4: 57-62. (PDF)
  • Allen C, Bowdin S, Harrison RF, et al. Pregnancy and perinatal outcomes after assisted reproduction: a comparative study. Ir J Med Sci 2008; 177: 233-41. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Al-Fifi S, Al-Binali A, Al-Shahrani M, et al. Congenital anomalies and other perinatal outcomes in ICSI vs naturally conceived pregnancies: a comparative study. J Assist Reprod Genet 2009; 26: 377-81. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Pektas MK, Kunt C, Gungor T, Mollamahmutoglu L. Perinatal and first year outcomes of spontaneus versus assisted twins: a single center experience. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2008; 278: 143-7. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Tuncbilek E, Boduroğlu K, Alikaşifoğlu M. Results of the Turkish congenital malformation survey. Turk J Pediatr 1999; 41: 287-97. (Abstract)
  • Koivurova S, Hartikainen AL, Gissler M, Hemminki E, Sovio U, Järvelin MR. Neonatal outcome and congenital malformations in children born after in-vitro feritlization. Hum Reprod 2002; 17: 5:1391-8. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Stromberg B, Dahlquist G, Ericson A, Finnström O, Köster M, Stjernqvist K. Neurological sequelae in children born after in-vitro fertilization: a population-based study. Lancet 2002; 359: 461-5. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Pinborg A, Loft A, Rasmussen S, et al. Neonatal outcome in Danish national cohort of 3438 IVF/ICSI and 10362 non-IVF/ICSI twins born between 1995 and 2000. Hum Reprod 2004; 19: 435-41. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)

Yardımcı üreme teknikleri ile sağlanan gebeliklerden doğan bebeklerde yenidoğan ölüm oranı ve kısa dönemdeki seyri

Year 2011, Volume: 46 Issue: 1, 1 - 5, 01.03.2011


Amaç: Günümüzde yard›mc› üreme tekniklerinin (YÜT) kullan›m›n›n artmas› ile birlikte, bu gebeliklere ba¤l› erken do¤um ve ço¤ul gebelik oranlar› da artm›flt›r. Bu çal›flmada, klini¤imizde YÜT ile sa¤lanan gebeliklerden do¤an bebeklerdeki yenido¤an hastal›k ölüm oran› ve k›sa dönem seyrin araflt›r›lmas› amaçlanm›flt›r.

Gereç ve Yöntem: Hastanemizde Ocak 2007-Aral›k 2007 tarihleri aras›nda YÜT ile gerçeklefltirilen gebeliklerden do¤an 123 bebek çal›flma grubu olarak al›nd›. Olgular›n dosyalar›ndan geriye dönük olarak perinatal ve yenido¤an döneme ait verileri, do¤ufltan anomali varl›¤›, erken do¤uma ba¤l› hastal›klar (kronik akci¤er hastal›¤›, kafa içine kanama, prematüre retinopatisi) ve yenido¤an ölüm oran›n›n sonuçlar› kaydedildi. Kaybedilen olgularda ölüme neden olan etkenler araflt›r›larak, YÜT bebeklerindeki seyir normal gebeliklerden do¤an bebeklerle de istatistiksel olarak karfl›laflt›r›ld›. ‹statistiksel analizlerde ba¤›ms›z örnekler için t-testi ve ki-kare testi kullan›ld›.

Bulgular: Çal›flma grubunu oluflturan 123 YÜT bebe¤inin %95,6’s› erken do¤mufltu ve ölüm oran› % 20,3 idi. Çal›flma grubunda do¤ufltan anomali s›kl›¤› %8,9, ço¤ul gebelik oran› %90,2 olarak bulundu. Normal gebeliklere göre YÜT bebeklerinde do¤um a¤›rl›¤›n›n daha düflük, ölüm oran›n›n ve do¤ufltan anomali s›kl›¤›n›n daha yüksek oldu¤u saptand›.

Çıkarımlar: Yard›mc› üreme teknikleri sonras›nda do¤an bebeklerde ço¤ul gebelik, düflük do¤um a¤›rl›¤› ve do¤ufltan anomali oran›n›n artm›fl oldu¤u, bu durumun hastal›k ve ölüm oran›nda art›fla neden oldu¤u kan›s›na var›lm›flt›r. 


  • Steptoe PC, Edwards RG. Birth after the reimplantation of a human embryo. Lancet 1978; 2: 366. (Abstract) / (Full Text)
  • Adamson GD, de Mouzon J, Lancaster P, Nygren KG, Sullivan E, Zegers-Hochschild F. World collaborative report on in vitro fertilization, 2000. Fertil Steril 2006; 85: 1586-622. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Wright VC, Chang J, Jeng G, Macaluso M ; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Assisted reproductive technology surveillance- United States, 2005. MMWR Surveill Summ 2008; 57: 1-23. (Abstract) / (Full Text)
  • Klemetti R, Gissler M, Hemminki E. Comparison of perinatal health of children born from IVF in Finland in the early and late 1990s. Hum Reprod 2002; 17: 2192-8. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • MacGillivray I, Campbell DM. Management of twin pregnancies. In: MacGillivray I, Campbell DM, Thompson B, (eds). Twinning and Twins. John Wiley: Chichester, 1988: 111-39.
  • Malone FD, Kaufman GE, Chelmow D, Athanassiou A, Nores JA, D'Alton ME. Maternal morbidity associated with triplet pregnancy. Am J Perinatol 1998; 15: 73-7. (Abstract) / (PDF)
  • Ombelet W, Martens G, De Sutter P, et al. Perinatal outcome of 12021 singleton and 3108 twin births after non-IVF-assisted reproduction: a cohort study. Hum Reprod 2006; 21: 1025-32. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Dhont M, De Neubourg F, Van Der Elst J, De Sutter P. Perinatal outcome of pregnancies after assisted reproduction: a case control study. J Assist Reprod Genet 1997; 14: 575-80. (Abstract) / (PDF)
  • Westergaard HB, Tranberg J, Erb K, Nyboe A. Danish national in-vitro fertilization registry 1994-1995: a controlled study of births, malformations and cytogenetic findings. Hum Reprod 1999; 14: 1896-902. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Bonduelle M, Liebaers I, Deketelaere V, et al. Neonatal data on a cohort of 2889 infants born after ICSI (1991-1999) and of 2995 infants born after IVF (1983-1999). Human Reprod 2002; 17: 671-94. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Senat MV, Ancel PY, Bouvier Colle MH, Bréart G. How does multipl pregnancy affect maternal mortality and morbidity? Clin Obstet Gynecol 1998; 41: 78-83. (Abstract)
  • The ESHRE Capri Workshop Group. Multipl gestation pregnancy. Hum Reprod 2000; 15: 1856-64. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Bernasko J, Lynch L, Lapinski R, Berkowitz RL. Twin pregnancies conceived by assisted reproductive techniques: Maternal and neonatal outcomes. Obstet Gynecol 1997; 89: 368-72. (Abstract)
  • Daniel Y, Ochshorn Y, Fait G, Geva E, Bar-Am A, Lessing JB. Analysis of 104 twin pregnancies conceived with assisted repro- ductive techniques and 193 spontaneously conceived twin preg- nancies. Fertil Steril 2000; 74: 683-9. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Moise J, Laor A, Armon Y, Gur I, Gale R. The outcome of twin preg- nancies after IVF. Hum reprod 1998; 13: 1702-5. (Abstract) / (PDF)
  • Jackson RA, Gibson KA, Wu YW, Croughan MS. Perinatal outcomes in singletons following in vitro fertilization: a metaanalysis. Obstet Gynecol 2004; 103: 551-63. (Abstract)
  • Helmerhorst FM, Perquin DA, Donker D, Keirse MJ. Perinatal outcome of singletons and twins after assisted conception: a systematic review of controlled studies. BMJ 2004; 328: 261. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Aslan H, Cebeci A, Yıldırım G, Ceylan Y. Neonatal outcomes of twin pregnancies after assisted reproductive techniques. J Turkish German Gynecol Assoc 2005; 6: 111-3.
  • Müngen E, Tütüncü L. İkizden fazla sayıdaki çoğul gebelikler. Perinataloji 2001; 3:149-56. (Abstract)
  • Nayeri F, Aghahosseini M, Alyasin A, Nili F. Outcome of newborns conceived through artificial reproductive techniques in Tehran Iran. IJRM. 2006; 4: 57-62. (PDF)
  • Allen C, Bowdin S, Harrison RF, et al. Pregnancy and perinatal outcomes after assisted reproduction: a comparative study. Ir J Med Sci 2008; 177: 233-41. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Al-Fifi S, Al-Binali A, Al-Shahrani M, et al. Congenital anomalies and other perinatal outcomes in ICSI vs naturally conceived pregnancies: a comparative study. J Assist Reprod Genet 2009; 26: 377-81. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Pektas MK, Kunt C, Gungor T, Mollamahmutoglu L. Perinatal and first year outcomes of spontaneus versus assisted twins: a single center experience. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2008; 278: 143-7. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Tuncbilek E, Boduroğlu K, Alikaşifoğlu M. Results of the Turkish congenital malformation survey. Turk J Pediatr 1999; 41: 287-97. (Abstract)
  • Koivurova S, Hartikainen AL, Gissler M, Hemminki E, Sovio U, Järvelin MR. Neonatal outcome and congenital malformations in children born after in-vitro feritlization. Hum Reprod 2002; 17: 5:1391-8. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Stromberg B, Dahlquist G, Ericson A, Finnström O, Köster M, Stjernqvist K. Neurological sequelae in children born after in-vitro fertilization: a population-based study. Lancet 2002; 359: 461-5. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
  • Pinborg A, Loft A, Rasmussen S, et al. Neonatal outcome in Danish national cohort of 3438 IVF/ICSI and 10362 non-IVF/ICSI twins born between 1995 and 2000. Hum Reprod 2004; 19: 435-41. (Abstract) / (Full Text) / (PDF)
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Research

Esra Arun Özer This is me

İşın Yaprak This is me

Ebru Türkoğlu This is me

Tansu Ballı This is me

Sümer Sütçüoğlu This is me

Aydın Erdemir This is me

Hese Coşar This is me

Zelal Kahramaner This is me

Ali Kanık This is me

Gamze Men This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 46 Issue: 1


APA Özer, E. A., Yaprak, İ., Türkoğlu, E., Ballı, T., et al. (2011). Yardımcı üreme teknikleri ile sağlanan gebeliklerden doğan bebeklerde yenidoğan ölüm oranı ve kısa dönemdeki seyri. Türk Pediatri Arşivi, 46(1), 1-5.
AMA Özer EA, Yaprak İ, Türkoğlu E, Ballı T, Sütçüoğlu S, Erdemir A, Coşar H, Kahramaner Z, Kanık A, Men G. Yardımcı üreme teknikleri ile sağlanan gebeliklerden doğan bebeklerde yenidoğan ölüm oranı ve kısa dönemdeki seyri. Türk Pediatri Arşivi. March 2011;46(1):1-5. doi:10.4274/tpa.46.07
Chicago Özer, Esra Arun, İşın Yaprak, Ebru Türkoğlu, Tansu Ballı, Sümer Sütçüoğlu, Aydın Erdemir, Hese Coşar, Zelal Kahramaner, Ali Kanık, and Gamze Men. “Yardımcı üreme Teknikleri Ile sağlanan Gebeliklerden doğan Bebeklerde yenidoğan ölüm Oranı Ve kısa dönemdeki Seyri”. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 46, no. 1 (March 2011): 1-5.
EndNote Özer EA, Yaprak İ, Türkoğlu E, Ballı T, Sütçüoğlu S, Erdemir A, Coşar H, Kahramaner Z, Kanık A, Men G (March 1, 2011) Yardımcı üreme teknikleri ile sağlanan gebeliklerden doğan bebeklerde yenidoğan ölüm oranı ve kısa dönemdeki seyri. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 46 1 1–5.
IEEE E. A. Özer, “Yardımcı üreme teknikleri ile sağlanan gebeliklerden doğan bebeklerde yenidoğan ölüm oranı ve kısa dönemdeki seyri”, Türk Pediatri Arşivi, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 1–5, 2011, doi: 10.4274/tpa.46.07.
ISNAD Özer, Esra Arun et al. “Yardımcı üreme Teknikleri Ile sağlanan Gebeliklerden doğan Bebeklerde yenidoğan ölüm Oranı Ve kısa dönemdeki Seyri”. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 46/1 (March 2011), 1-5.
JAMA Özer EA, Yaprak İ, Türkoğlu E, Ballı T, Sütçüoğlu S, Erdemir A, Coşar H, Kahramaner Z, Kanık A, Men G. Yardımcı üreme teknikleri ile sağlanan gebeliklerden doğan bebeklerde yenidoğan ölüm oranı ve kısa dönemdeki seyri. Türk Pediatri Arşivi. 2011;46:1–5.
MLA Özer, Esra Arun et al. “Yardımcı üreme Teknikleri Ile sağlanan Gebeliklerden doğan Bebeklerde yenidoğan ölüm Oranı Ve kısa dönemdeki Seyri”. Türk Pediatri Arşivi, vol. 46, no. 1, 2011, pp. 1-5, doi:10.4274/tpa.46.07.
Vancouver Özer EA, Yaprak İ, Türkoğlu E, Ballı T, Sütçüoğlu S, Erdemir A, Coşar H, Kahramaner Z, Kanık A, Men G. Yardımcı üreme teknikleri ile sağlanan gebeliklerden doğan bebeklerde yenidoğan ölüm oranı ve kısa dönemdeki seyri. Türk Pediatri Arşivi. 2011;46(1):1-5.