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The impact of passive smoking on the development of lower respiratory tract infection in infancy Original Article

Year 2009, Volume: 44 Issue: 1, 12 - 17, 01.03.2009


Aim: The goal of this study was to evaluate the impact of passive smoking on the development of lower respiratory tract infection LRTI in children aged 0 24 months Material and Method: 95 infants with LRTI and 95 healthy control infants were included in the case control study conducted by random sample method Urinary cotinine creatinine ratios u CCR were determined in all children Smoking habits of their parents were evaluated Data were analysed by Chi square Mann Whitney U and Pearson correlation tests Results: The frequency of LRTI was increased in children with exposure to passive smoking The incidence of LRTI was also increased as the number of cigarettes smoked increased The infants whose mothers were active smokers had more LRTI compared to those whose mothers were non smokers OR= 2 5 p= 0 026 The prevalence of passive smoking was quite high in both group sof children according to u CCR 95 8 92 7 respectively The prevalence of passive smoking detected with quantitative measurements among children was higher than parental self reports Conclusions: Passive smoking prevalence was very high in infants with LRTI and in healthy infants However passive smoking exposure and smoking density among infants with LRTI were higher than healthy infants Turk Arch Ped 2009; 44: 12 7 Key words: Infant lower respiratory tract infection passive smoking


  • California Environmental Protection Agency. Health effects of ex- posure to environmental tobacco smoke. Final Report. California Environmental Protection Agency Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assesment, 1997: 1-112.
  • Hofhuis W, de Jongste JC, Merkus PJ. Adverse health effects of prenatal and postnatal tobacco smoke exposure on children. Arc Dis Child 2003; 88: 1086-90.
  • Landau LF. Parental smoking; asthma and wheezing illnesses in infants and children. Paediatr Respir Rev 2001; 2: 202-6.
  • Cook DG, Strachan DP. Health effects of passive smoking Sum- mary of effects of parental smoking on the respiratory health of children. Thorax 1999; 54: 357-66.
  • Cook DG, Strachan DP, Corey IM. Health effects of passive smo- king. Parental smoking and spirometric indice in children. Thorax 1998; 53: 884-93.
  • Lux AL, Henderson SJ, Poccock SJ, et al. Wheeze associated with parental smoke exposure: a prospective, longitudinal study. Arch Dis Child 2000; 83: 307-12.
  • Halterman JS, Borrelli B, Tremblay P, et al. Screening for environ- mental tobacco smoke exposure among ınner-city children with asthma. Pediatrics 2008; 122: 1277-83.
  • Peat JK, Keena V, Harakeh Z, Marks G. Parental smoking and res- piratory tract infections in children. Paediatr Respir Rev 2001; 2: 207-13.
  • Cook DG. Strachan DP. Health effects of passive smoking. Paren- tal smoking pravalance of respiratory symptoms and asthma in school age children. Thorax 1997; 52: 1081-94.
  • DiFranza JR, Aligne CA, Weitzman M. Prenatal and postnatal en- vironmental tobacco smoke exposure and children’s health. Pedi- atrics 2004; 113: 1007-15.
  • Ribeiro SA, Furuyama T, Schenkman S, Jardim JR. Atopy, passi- ve smoking, respiratory infections and asthma among children from kindergarten and elementary school. Sao Paulo Med J 2002; 120: 109-12.
  • World Health Organization. Tobacco Atlas 10. Erişim: http:/
  • Karakoç F, Dağlı E, Kut A, Pamukçu A. Çocuklarda pasif sigaraya maruziyetin serum kotinin düzeyi ile belirlenmesi. Türkiye Klinikle- ri Dergisi 1998; 7: 77-82.
  • Boyacı H, Duman C, Basygit I, Ilgazlı A, Yıldız F. Determination of environmental tobacco smoke in primary school children with uri- ne cotinine measurements. Tuberk Toraks 2004; 52: 231-6.
  • Keskinoglu P, Cimrin D, Aksakoglu G. The impact of passive smo- king on the development of lower respiratory tract infections in children. J Trop Pediatr 2007; 53: 319-24.
  • Jurado D, Munoz C, Luna Jde D, et al. Environmental tobacco smo- ke exposure in children: parental perception of smokiness at home and other factors associated with urinary cotinine in preschool chil- dren. J Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol 2004; 14: 330-6.
  • Willers S, Axmon A, Feyerabend C, Nielsen J, Skarping G, Skerf- ving S. Assesment of enviromental tobacco smoke exposure in children with asthmatic symptoms by questionnaire and cotinine concentrations in plasma, saliva, and urine. J Clin Epidemiol 2000; 53: 715-21.
  • Henderson FW, Reid HF, Morris R, et al. Home air nicotine levels and urinary cotinine excretion in preschool children. Am Rev Res- pir Dis 1989; 140:197-201.
  • Uyan AP, Baskın E, Özyürek H. Anne sütü alımı ve sigara dumanı- na maruz kalmanın respiratuvar semptomlara etkisi. Türk Ped Arş 2002; 37: 29-32.
  • Karadağ B, Karakoç F, Ceran O, Hamutçu R, Inan S, Daglı E. Do- es passive smoke exposure trigger acute asthma attack in chil- dren? Allergol Immunopathol 2003; 3: 318-23.
  • Matt GE, Wahlgren DR, Hovell MF, et al. Measuring enviromental tobacco smoke exposure in infants and young children through urine cotinine and memory-based parental reports: empirical fin- dings and discussion. Tobacco Control 1999; 8: 282-9.
  • Willers S, Axmon A, Feyerabend C, Nielsen J, Skarping G, Skerf- ving S. Assesment of enviromental tobacco smoke exposure in children with asthmatic symptoms by questionnaire and cotinine concentrations in plasma, saliva, and urine. J Clin Epidemiol 2000; 53: 715-21.
  • Jarvis MJ, Goddard E, Higgins V, Feyerabend C, Briyant A, Cook DG. Children exposure to passive smoking in England since the 1980s: cotinine evidence from population surveys. BMJ 2000; 321: 343-5.
  • Laniado-Laborin R, Candelaria JI, Villasenor A, Woodruff SI, Sallis JF. Concordance between parental and children's reports of pa- rental smoking prompts. Chest 2004; 125: 429-34.
  • Li JS, Peat JK, Xuan W, Berry G. Meta-Analysis on the associati- on between enviromental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure and the prevalence of lower respiratory tract infection in early childhood. Pediatr Pulmonol 1999; 27: 5-13.
  • Koch A, Molbak K, Homoe P, et al. Risk factors for acute respira- tory tract infections in young Greenlandic children. Am J Epidemi- ol 2003; 158: 374-84.
  • Prietsch SO, Fischer GB, Cesar JA, et al. Acute disease of the lo- wer airways in children under five years of age: role of domestic environmental and maternal cigarette smoking. J Pediatr (Rio J) 2002; 78: 415-22.
  • Wright AL, Holberg C, Martinez FD, et al. Relationship of parental smoking to wheezing and nonwheezing lower respiratory tract ill- nesses in infancy. Group Health Medical Associates. J Pediatr 1991; 118: 207-14.
  • Reese AC, James IR, Landau Lİ, et al. Relationship between uri- nary cotinine level and diagnosis in children admitted to hospital. Am Rev Respir Dis 1992; 146: 66-70.
  • Willers S, Svenonius E, Skarping G. Passive smoking and childho- od asthma. Allergy 1991; 46: 330-4.

Süt çocukluğu döneminde edilgin sigara içiminin alt solunum yolu enfeksiyonu gelişimine etkisi Orijinal Araştırma

Year 2009, Volume: 44 Issue: 1, 12 - 17, 01.03.2009


Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı süt çocuklarında alt solunum yolu enfeksiyonunun pasif sigara içimi ile ilişkisini araştırmaktır Gereç ve Yöntem: Rastgele örnekleme yöntemi kullanılan olgu kontrol çalışmasına alt solunum yolu enfeksiyonu ASYE tanısı almış 0 24 ay yaş grubunda 95 süt çocuğu ve 95 sağlıklı süt çocuğu alındı Tüm çocuklarda idrar kotinin kreatinin oranları i KKO ölçüldü Ailelerinin sigara içme özellikleri değerlendirildi Veri değerlendirmeleri için Mann Whitney U Ki kare ve Pearson korelasyon testleri kullanıldı Bulgular: Alt solunum yolu enfeksiyonu sigara dumanı ile karşılaşan çocuklarda daha fazla idi İçilen sigara miktarı arttıkça ASYE sıklığı da artmaktaydı Annesi sigara içen çocuklarda içmeyenlere göre anlamlı olarak daha fazla nbsp; ASYE geliştiği saptandı OR= 2 5 p= 0 026 i KKO’ya göre olgu ve kontrol gruplarında pasif içicilik yüksek oranda bulundu sırasıyla 95 8 92 7 Çocuklarda ölçümlerle saptanan pasif içicilik sıklığı ailelerin bildiriminden daha yüksekti nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; Çıkarımlar: Alt solunum yolu enfeksiyonlu ve sağlıklı süt çocuklarının büyük çoğunluğunun pasif sigara dumanı ile karşılaştığı belirlendi Ancak pasif sigara içiciliği ve yoğunluğu nbsp; ASYE’li süt çocuklarında daha yüksekti Türk Ped Arş 2009; 44: 12 7 Anahtar kelimeler: Alt solunum yolu enfeksiyonu edilgin sigara içimi süt çocuğu


  • California Environmental Protection Agency. Health effects of ex- posure to environmental tobacco smoke. Final Report. California Environmental Protection Agency Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assesment, 1997: 1-112.
  • Hofhuis W, de Jongste JC, Merkus PJ. Adverse health effects of prenatal and postnatal tobacco smoke exposure on children. Arc Dis Child 2003; 88: 1086-90.
  • Landau LF. Parental smoking; asthma and wheezing illnesses in infants and children. Paediatr Respir Rev 2001; 2: 202-6.
  • Cook DG, Strachan DP. Health effects of passive smoking Sum- mary of effects of parental smoking on the respiratory health of children. Thorax 1999; 54: 357-66.
  • Cook DG, Strachan DP, Corey IM. Health effects of passive smo- king. Parental smoking and spirometric indice in children. Thorax 1998; 53: 884-93.
  • Lux AL, Henderson SJ, Poccock SJ, et al. Wheeze associated with parental smoke exposure: a prospective, longitudinal study. Arch Dis Child 2000; 83: 307-12.
  • Halterman JS, Borrelli B, Tremblay P, et al. Screening for environ- mental tobacco smoke exposure among ınner-city children with asthma. Pediatrics 2008; 122: 1277-83.
  • Peat JK, Keena V, Harakeh Z, Marks G. Parental smoking and res- piratory tract infections in children. Paediatr Respir Rev 2001; 2: 207-13.
  • Cook DG. Strachan DP. Health effects of passive smoking. Paren- tal smoking pravalance of respiratory symptoms and asthma in school age children. Thorax 1997; 52: 1081-94.
  • DiFranza JR, Aligne CA, Weitzman M. Prenatal and postnatal en- vironmental tobacco smoke exposure and children’s health. Pedi- atrics 2004; 113: 1007-15.
  • Ribeiro SA, Furuyama T, Schenkman S, Jardim JR. Atopy, passi- ve smoking, respiratory infections and asthma among children from kindergarten and elementary school. Sao Paulo Med J 2002; 120: 109-12.
  • World Health Organization. Tobacco Atlas 10. Erişim: http:/
  • Karakoç F, Dağlı E, Kut A, Pamukçu A. Çocuklarda pasif sigaraya maruziyetin serum kotinin düzeyi ile belirlenmesi. Türkiye Klinikle- ri Dergisi 1998; 7: 77-82.
  • Boyacı H, Duman C, Basygit I, Ilgazlı A, Yıldız F. Determination of environmental tobacco smoke in primary school children with uri- ne cotinine measurements. Tuberk Toraks 2004; 52: 231-6.
  • Keskinoglu P, Cimrin D, Aksakoglu G. The impact of passive smo- king on the development of lower respiratory tract infections in children. J Trop Pediatr 2007; 53: 319-24.
  • Jurado D, Munoz C, Luna Jde D, et al. Environmental tobacco smo- ke exposure in children: parental perception of smokiness at home and other factors associated with urinary cotinine in preschool chil- dren. J Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol 2004; 14: 330-6.
  • Willers S, Axmon A, Feyerabend C, Nielsen J, Skarping G, Skerf- ving S. Assesment of enviromental tobacco smoke exposure in children with asthmatic symptoms by questionnaire and cotinine concentrations in plasma, saliva, and urine. J Clin Epidemiol 2000; 53: 715-21.
  • Henderson FW, Reid HF, Morris R, et al. Home air nicotine levels and urinary cotinine excretion in preschool children. Am Rev Res- pir Dis 1989; 140:197-201.
  • Uyan AP, Baskın E, Özyürek H. Anne sütü alımı ve sigara dumanı- na maruz kalmanın respiratuvar semptomlara etkisi. Türk Ped Arş 2002; 37: 29-32.
  • Karadağ B, Karakoç F, Ceran O, Hamutçu R, Inan S, Daglı E. Do- es passive smoke exposure trigger acute asthma attack in chil- dren? Allergol Immunopathol 2003; 3: 318-23.
  • Matt GE, Wahlgren DR, Hovell MF, et al. Measuring enviromental tobacco smoke exposure in infants and young children through urine cotinine and memory-based parental reports: empirical fin- dings and discussion. Tobacco Control 1999; 8: 282-9.
  • Willers S, Axmon A, Feyerabend C, Nielsen J, Skarping G, Skerf- ving S. Assesment of enviromental tobacco smoke exposure in children with asthmatic symptoms by questionnaire and cotinine concentrations in plasma, saliva, and urine. J Clin Epidemiol 2000; 53: 715-21.
  • Jarvis MJ, Goddard E, Higgins V, Feyerabend C, Briyant A, Cook DG. Children exposure to passive smoking in England since the 1980s: cotinine evidence from population surveys. BMJ 2000; 321: 343-5.
  • Laniado-Laborin R, Candelaria JI, Villasenor A, Woodruff SI, Sallis JF. Concordance between parental and children's reports of pa- rental smoking prompts. Chest 2004; 125: 429-34.
  • Li JS, Peat JK, Xuan W, Berry G. Meta-Analysis on the associati- on between enviromental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure and the prevalence of lower respiratory tract infection in early childhood. Pediatr Pulmonol 1999; 27: 5-13.
  • Koch A, Molbak K, Homoe P, et al. Risk factors for acute respira- tory tract infections in young Greenlandic children. Am J Epidemi- ol 2003; 158: 374-84.
  • Prietsch SO, Fischer GB, Cesar JA, et al. Acute disease of the lo- wer airways in children under five years of age: role of domestic environmental and maternal cigarette smoking. J Pediatr (Rio J) 2002; 78: 415-22.
  • Wright AL, Holberg C, Martinez FD, et al. Relationship of parental smoking to wheezing and nonwheezing lower respiratory tract ill- nesses in infancy. Group Health Medical Associates. J Pediatr 1991; 118: 207-14.
  • Reese AC, James IR, Landau Lİ, et al. Relationship between uri- nary cotinine level and diagnosis in children admitted to hospital. Am Rev Respir Dis 1992; 146: 66-70.
  • Willers S, Svenonius E, Skarping G. Passive smoking and childho- od asthma. Allergy 1991; 46: 330-4.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Original Article

Ahmet Arvas This is me

Vedat Baş This is me

Emel Gökmirza This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 44 Issue: 1


APA Arvas, A., Baş, V., & Gökmirza, E. (2009). Süt çocukluğu döneminde edilgin sigara içiminin alt solunum yolu enfeksiyonu gelişimine etkisi Orijinal Araştırma. Türk Pediatri Arşivi, 44(1), 12-17.
AMA Arvas A, Baş V, Gökmirza E. Süt çocukluğu döneminde edilgin sigara içiminin alt solunum yolu enfeksiyonu gelişimine etkisi Orijinal Araştırma. Türk Pediatri Arşivi. March 2009;44(1):12-17.
Chicago Arvas, Ahmet, Vedat Baş, and Emel Gökmirza. “Süt çocukluğu döneminde Edilgin Sigara içiminin Alt Solunum Yolu Enfeksiyonu gelişimine Etkisi Orijinal Araştırma”. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 44, no. 1 (March 2009): 12-17.
EndNote Arvas A, Baş V, Gökmirza E (March 1, 2009) Süt çocukluğu döneminde edilgin sigara içiminin alt solunum yolu enfeksiyonu gelişimine etkisi Orijinal Araştırma. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 44 1 12–17.
IEEE A. Arvas, V. Baş, and E. Gökmirza, “Süt çocukluğu döneminde edilgin sigara içiminin alt solunum yolu enfeksiyonu gelişimine etkisi Orijinal Araştırma”, Türk Pediatri Arşivi, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 12–17, 2009.
ISNAD Arvas, Ahmet et al. “Süt çocukluğu döneminde Edilgin Sigara içiminin Alt Solunum Yolu Enfeksiyonu gelişimine Etkisi Orijinal Araştırma”. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 44/1 (March 2009), 12-17.
JAMA Arvas A, Baş V, Gökmirza E. Süt çocukluğu döneminde edilgin sigara içiminin alt solunum yolu enfeksiyonu gelişimine etkisi Orijinal Araştırma. Türk Pediatri Arşivi. 2009;44:12–17.
MLA Arvas, Ahmet et al. “Süt çocukluğu döneminde Edilgin Sigara içiminin Alt Solunum Yolu Enfeksiyonu gelişimine Etkisi Orijinal Araştırma”. Türk Pediatri Arşivi, vol. 44, no. 1, 2009, pp. 12-17.
Vancouver Arvas A, Baş V, Gökmirza E. Süt çocukluğu döneminde edilgin sigara içiminin alt solunum yolu enfeksiyonu gelişimine etkisi Orijinal Araştırma. Türk Pediatri Arşivi. 2009;44(1):12-7.