Passive smoking environmental tobacco smoke is an important public health problem causing several adverse effects on the health outcomes of children Adverse effects of passive smoking occur from conception through adolescence Exposure to passive smoking in children is associated especially with increased upper and lower respiratory infection and increased asthmatic symptoms Globally including Turkey the percentage of children exposed to environmental tobacco smoke is considerably high Exposure intensity of passive smoking shows a strong correlation with indoor parental and especially maternal smoking the number of cigarettes smoked the number and volume capacity of the rooms where cigarettes are smoked and individual metabolic diversities Turk Arch Ped 2007; 42: 136 41 Key words: Child health passive smoking respiratory tract infection
A vitamini Vitamin A nbsp;74Acil Emergency service nbsp;103Acil servis Emergency department nbsp;61Aile özellikleri Family characteristics nbsp;156Akut romatizmal ateş Acute rheumatic fever nbsp;85Ani ölüm Sudden death nbsp;117Anne D vitamini düzeyi Maternal vitamin D level nbsp;29Anneler Mother nbsp;57Antikoagülasyon Anticoagulation nbsp;6Antropometrik ölçümler Antropometric measurements nbsp;142Aritmi Arrhythmia nbsp;117Aşı Vaccine nbsp;70Ateş Fever nbsp;57Avian influenza A Avian influenza A nbsp;46Beslenme Nutrition nbsp;142Beslenme bozukluğu Malnutrition nbsp;17Beta ketotiyolaz eksikliği Beta ketothiolase deficiency nbsp;77Beyin felci Cerebral palsy nbsp;52Bilgi Knowledge nbsp;153Bronşiyolit Bronchiolitis nbsp;74Brusella Brucellosis nbsp;37Büyüme hormonu eksikliği Growth hormone deficiency nbsp;80Çift ara bezi Double diaper nbsp;52Çocuk Child nbsp;6 24 57 61 65 103Çocuk ortopedi Pediatric orthopaedics nbsp;52Çocuk sağlığı Child health nbsp;136Çocukluk çağı Childhood nbsp;121 133 148D vitamini eksikliği Vitamin D deficiency nbsp;29Değişken immün yetersizlik nbsp;24Common variable immunodeficiencyDiyafragma evantrasyonu Diaphragm eventration nbsp;125Doğumsal Congenital nbsp;125Endokardit Endocarditis nbsp;37Enflamatuvar bağırsak hastalığı nbsp;65Enflammatory bowel disease Enürezis Enuresis nbsp;133Ergen Adolescent nbsp;1 156Ergen suçluluğu Juvenile delinquency nbsp;156Ev programı nbsp; Home program nbsp;112Faktör V leiden Factor V leiden nbsp;165Fizyoterapi Physiotherapy nbsp;112Gebelik Pregnancy nbsp;29Gelişimsel kalça displazisi nbsp;52Developmental dysplasia of the hipGözlem birimi Observation unit nbsp;61Gündüz bakımevi Day nursery nbsp;142Helicobacter pylori Helicobacter pylori nbsp;98Hemanjiyom Hemangiomas nbsp;94Hemolitik üremik sendrom Hemolytic uremic syndrome nbsp;40Hemorajik inme Hhemorrhagic stroke nbsp;6Heparin Heparin nbsp;165Hepatit B Hepatitis B nbsp;70Hiperbilirubinemi Hyperbilirubinemia nbsp;107Hipofiz bezi Hituitary gland nbsp;80Hipogamaglobulinemi Hypogammaglobulinemia nbsp;24Homosistein Homocysteine nbsp;17İdrar enkontinansı Urinary incontinence nbsp;133İdrar yolu enfeksiyonu Urinary tract infection nbsp;162İlaç Drug nbsp;103İmmünbağışıklama Immunoprophylaxis nbsp;70İnme Stroke nbsp;165İntestinal perforasyon Intestinal perforation nbsp;33İskemik inme Ischemic stroke nbsp;6Jinekoloji Gynecology nbsp;1Jones ölçütleri Jones criteria nbsp;85Kalıtsal trombofili Hereditary thrombophilia nbsp;165Kan değişimi Exchange transfusion nbsp;107Kapak dışı aort darlığı Non valvular aortic stenosis nbsp;13Kawasaki sendromu Kawasaki syndrome nbsp;40Kendiliğinden intestinal perforasyon nbsp;33Spontaneous intestinal perforationKetoasidoz Ketoacidosis nbsp;77Koma Coma nbsp;77Kompleks parsiyel epilepsi Complex partial epilepsy nbsp;121Korku Fear nbsp;57Kronik akciğer hastalığı Chronic pulmonary disease nbsp;24Kuş Bird nbsp;46Kümes hayvanı Poultry nbsp;46Leptin Leptin nbsp;17Maliyet Cost nbsp;103Malnütrisyon Malnutrition nbsp;162Mekonyum ileusu Meconium ileusu nbsp;33Nedenler Etiology nbsp;107Nekrotizan enterokolit Necrotizing enterocolitis nbsp;33Nörohipofiz Neurohypophysis nbsp;80Ölüm Death nbsp;148Ölüm oranları Mortality nbsp;148Pandemi Pandemy nbsp;46Pasif sigara içiciliği Passive smoking nbsp;136Perinatal geçiş Perinatal transmission nbsp;70Pes ekino varus Pes equino varus nbsp;52Portal hipertansiyon Portal hypertension nbsp;17Premenarş Premenarch nbsp;1Protein C Protein C nbsp;165Protein enerji malnütrisyonu nbsp;162Protein energy malnutritionProtein S Protein S nbsp;165Psişik Psychic nbsp;121QT dispersiyonu QT dispersion nbsp;117Respiratuvar sinsisyal virüs enfeksiyonu nbsp;74Respiratory syncytial virus infectionRomatizmal kalp hastalığı Rheumatic heart disease nbsp;85Serebral paralizi Cerebral palsy nbsp;112Sinovenöz tromboz Sinovenous thrombosis nbsp;6Solunum sistemi enfeksiyonu Respiratory tract infection nbsp;136Sporcu kalbi Athletes heart nbsp;117Subvalvüler darlık Subvalvular nbsp;13Suç Crime nbsp;156Supravalvüler darlık Supravalvular nbsp;13Şişmanlık Obesity nbsp;142Tanı Diagnosis nbsp;98Tartı kaybı Weight loss nbsp;107Tedavi Management nbsp;94Tedavi Treatment nbsp;98Torasik ektopik böbrek Thoracic ectopic kidney nbsp;125Trombositopeni Thrombocytopenia nbsp;37 40Varsanı Hallucination nbsp;121Yakınma Complaint nbsp;98Yenidoğan Newborn nbsp;1 33 70Yenidoğan Term newborn nbsp;107Yenidoğan “Resüsitasyon” Program Kursu nbsp;153Neonatal Resuscitation Program courseYenidoğan hemşiresi Neonatal nurse nbsp;153Zehirlenme Intoxication nbsp;103
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | When the Turkish word exists |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 1, 2007 |
Published in Issue | Year 2007 Volume: 42 Issue: 4 |