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Novelties in acute rheumatic fever – Review

Year 2007, Volume: 42 Issue: 3, 85 - 93, 01.09.2007


While the incidence and importance of acute rheumatic fever has been declining in industrialized countries it remains as the most important cause of acquired heart disease in developing or undeveloped countries About 3 to 6 of any population is considered to be susceptible to rheumatic fever Although it is common between the ages of 5 and 15 the patients under five years comprise 3 5 of the total number Acute rheumatic fever is diagnosed using the Jones criteria updated by the World Health Organization in 2003 During the first attack two major or one major two minor manifestations in the presence of evidence of recent streptococcal throat infection is a high probability of rheumatic fever Major manifestations are migratory polyarthritis carditis chorea erythema marginatum and subcutaneous nodules; minor manifestations are fever over 38ºC arthralgia elevated acute phase reactants ESR gt;60mm hr C reactive protein and prolongation of PR interval on electrocardiogram Positive throat culture for streptococci elevated increasing ASO titers and history of scarlet fever are accepted as evidences of recent streptococcal infection The role of echocardiography has increased in recent years When echocardiography is not performed subclinical valvular involvements are not recognized and these patients may present with rheumatic heart disease in the future Bed chair rest antibiotic treatment anti inflammatory treatment the treatment for congestive heart failure and sedation in patients with chorea are options for management of rheumatic fever The only intervention proven to affect long term prognosis is secondary prophylaxis In conclusion rheumatic fever may present in various appearances and still bites the heart Turk Arch Ped 2007; 42: 85 93 Key words: Acute rheumatic fever rheumatic heart disease Jones criteria


  • Galal ME, Medhat ME, Khalid AS, Howaida GE. Rheumatic fe- ver and rheumatic heart disease. In: The Science and practi- ce of Pediatric Cardiology. Garson A, Bricker JT, Fisher DJ, Neish SR (eds). 2nd ed. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1998: 1691-24.
  • Ayoub EM. Acute rheumatic fever. In: Moss and Adams’ He- art Disease in infants, children and adolescents. Allen HD, Gutgesel HP, Clark EB, Driscoll DJ (eds). 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2001: 1226-41.
  • Bernstein D. Acquired heart disease In: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. Behrman RE, Kliegman RM, Jenson HB (eds). 17th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2004: 1565-72.
  • Cilliers AM. Rheumatic fever and its management. BMJ 2006; 333: 1153-6.
  • Carapetis JR, Mc Donald M, Wilson N. Acute rheumatic fever. Lancet 2005; 366: 155-66.
  • Ozer S, Hallıoğlu O, Ozkutlu S, Çeliker A, Alehan D, Karagöz T. Childhood acute rheumatic fever in Ankara , Turkey. Turk J Pediatr 2005; 47:120-4.
  • Mayosi BM. A proposal for eradication of rheumatic fever in our lifetime. SAMJ 2006; 96: 229-30.
  • Mbewu AD. Rhuematic heart disease is a neglected disease of poverty requiring a multisectoral approach for control and eradication SAMJ 2006; 96: 231-2.
  • Yuko-Jowi C, Bakari M. Echocardiographic patterns of juve- nile rheumatic heart disease at the Kenyatta National Hospi- tal, Nairobi. East Afr Med J 2005; 82: 514-9.
  • Tani LY, Veasy G, Minich L, Shaddy RE. Rheumatic fever in children younger than 5 years: Is the presentation different? Pediatrics 2003; 112: 1065-8.
  • Canter B, Olguntürk R, Tunaoğlu S. Rheumatic fever in child- ren under 5 years old. Pediatrics 2004; 114: 329-30.
  • Wang C, Liu C, Li Y, Liu M. Adult onset acute rheumatic fever. Possible resurgence in southern Taiwan. J Clin Rheumatol 2005; 11: 146-9.
  • Martin JM, Barbadora KA. Continued high caseload of rhe- umatic fever in Western Pennsylvania: Possible rheumatoge- nic emm types of streptococcus pyogenes. J Pediatr 2006; 149: 58-63.
  • Mc Donald M, Currie BJ, Carapetis JR. Acute rheumatic fever: a chink in the chain that links the heart to the throat? Lancet Infect Dis 2004; 4: 240-5.
  • Guedez Y, Kotby A, El-Demellawy M, et al. HLA class II asso- ciations with rheumatic heart disease are more evident and consistent among clinically homogeneous patients. Circulati- on 1999; 99: 2784-90.
  • Kudat H, Telci G, Sözen AB, et al. The role of HLA molecules in susceptibility to chronic rheumatic heart disease. Int J Im- munogenet 2006; 33: 41-4.
  • Hallıoğlu O, Mesci L, Özer S. DRB1, DQA1, DQB1 genes in Turkish children with rheumatic fever. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2005; 23: 117-20.
  • Aksu G, Bayram N, Ulger Z, et al. Inverse relationship betwe- en the ratio of ICAM-1 expressing lymphocytes and serum TGF-b1 concentrations in acute rheumatic fever. J Autoim- mun 2005; 25: 141-9.
  • Berdeli A, Celik HA, Özyürek R, Aydın HH. Involvement of immu- noglobulin FcgRIIA and FcgRIIIB gene polymorphisms in sus- ceptibility to rheumatic fever. Clin Biochem 2004; 37: 925-9.
  • Berdeli A, Çelik HA, Özyürek R, Doğrusöz B, Aydın HH. TRL-2 gene Arg 753Gln polimorphism is strongly associated with acu- te rheumatic fever in children. J Mol Med 2005; 83: 535-42.
  • Harrington Z, Visnavastan K, Skinner NA, Curtis N, Currie BJ, Carapetis JR. B-cell antigen D8/17 is a marker of rheumatic fever susceptibility in Aboriginal Australians and can be tested in remote settings. Med J Aust 2006; 184: 507-10.
  • Kaplan EL. Pathogenesis of acute rheumatic fever and rhe- umatic heart disease: evasive after half a century of clinical, epidemiological, and laboratory investigation. Heart 2005; 91:3-4.
  • Fae KC, Oshiro SE, Toubert A, Charron D, Kalil J, Guilherme L. How an autoimmune reaction triggered by molecular mi- micry between streptococcal M protein and cardiac tissue proteins leads to heart lesions in rheumatic heart disease. J Autoimmun 2005; 24: 101-9.
  • Guilherme L, Cyry P, Demarchi LM. Rheumatic heart disease: proinflamatory cytokines play a role in the progression and maintenance of valvular lesions. Am J Pathol 2004; 165: 1583-91.
  • Balat A, Kılınç M, Cekmen MB, et al. Adrenomedullin and to- tal nitrite levels in children with acute rheumatic fever. Clin Bi- ochem 2005; 38: 526-30.
  • Blank M, Aron-maor A, Shoenfeld Y. From rheumatic fever to Libman-Sacks endocarditis: is there any possible pathogene- tic link? Lupus 2005; 14: 697-701.
  • Li Y, Pan Z, Ji Y, Zhang H, Archard LC. Herpes simplex virus type 1 infection in rheumatic valvar disease. Heart 2005; 91: 87-8.
  • Writing group of the committee on rheumatic fever, endocar- ditis, and Kawasaki Disease of the council on cardiovascular disease in the young of the American Heart Association. Gu- idelines for the diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever. Jones cri- teria 1992 update. JAMA 1992; 268: 2069-73.
  • Ferreri P. Proceedings of the Jones criteria workshop. Circu- lation 2002; 106: 2521-3.
  • Harlan GA, Tani LY, Byington CL. Rheumatic fever presenting as monoarticular arthritis. Pediatric Infect Dis J 2006; 25: 743-6.
  • Williamson L, Bowness P, Mowat A, Östman-Smith I. Difficul- ties in diagnosing acute rheumatic fever-arthritis may be short lived and carditis silent. BMJ 2000; 320: 362-5.
  • Olguntürk R, Canter B, Tunaoğlu FS, Kula S. Review of 609 patients with rheumatic fever in terms of revised and updated Jones criteria. Int J Cardiol 2006; 112: 91-8.
  • Narula J, Chandrasekhar Y, Rahimtoola S. Diagnosis of acti- ve rheumatic carditis. The echoes of change. Circulation 1999; 100: 1576-81.
  • Veasy LG. Rheumatic fever- T. Duckett Jones and the rest of the story. Cardiol Young 1995; 5: 293-301.
  • Akalın F, Ünver T, Başaran M . Cardiac troponin-T in acute rheumatic fever. Marmara Medical Journal 2001; 14: 84-8.
  • Narula J, Chopra P, Talwar KK, et al. Does endomyocardial biopsy aid in the diagnosis of active rheumatic carditis. Circu- lation 1993; 88: 2198-205.
  • Polat TB, Yalçin Y, Akdeniz C, et al. QT dispersion in acute rheumatic fever. Cardiol Young 2006; 16: 141-6.
  • Mohindra R, Pannu HS, Mohan B, et al. Syncope in a middle aged male due to acute rheumatic fever. Indian Heart J 2004; 56: 668-9.
  • Kula S, Olguntürk R, Özdemir O. Two unusual presentations of acute rheumatic fever. Cardiol Young 2005; 15: 514-6.
  • Unal N, Kosecik M, Saylam GS, Kır M, Paytoncu S, Kumtepe S. Cardiac tamponade in acute rheumatic fever. Int J Cardiol 2005; 103: 217-8.
  • Ayabakan C, Akalın F. Akut romatizmal ateşin değişken yüzü. Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi 2004; 4: 359-60.
  • Tubridy-Clark M, Carapetis JR. Subclinical carditis in rheumatic fever: A systematic review. Int J Cardiol 2007; 119: 54-8.
  • Özkutlu S, Hallıoğlu O, Ayabakan C. Evaluation of subclinical valvar disease in patients with rheumatic fever. Cardiol Young 2003; 13: 495-9.
  • Vijayalakshmi IB, Mithravinda J, Deva ANP. The role of echo- cardiography in diagnosing carditis in the setting of rheuma- tic fever. Cardiol Young 2005; 15: 583-8.
  • Vasan RS, Shrivastava S, Vijayakumar M, Narang R, Lister BC, Narula J. Echocardiographic evaluation of patients with acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic carditis. Circulation 1996; 94: 73-82.
  • Caldas AM, Terreri MRA, Moises VA, Silva CMC, Carvalho AC, Hilario MOE. The case for utilizing more strict quantitati- ve Doppler echocardiographic criterions for diagnosis of subclinical rheumatic carditis. Cardiol Young 2007; 17: 42-7.
  • Minich LL, Tani LY, Pagotto LT, Shaddy RE, Veasy LG. Dopp- ler echocardiography distinguishes between physiologic and patologic mitral regurgitation in patients with rheumatic fever. Clin Cardiol 1997; 20: 924-6.
  • Veasy LG, Tani LY. A new look at acute rheumatic mitral re- gurgitation. Cardiol Young 2005; 15: 568-77.
  • Camara EJ, Neubauer C, Camara GF, Lopez AA. Mechanisms of mitral valvar insufficiency in children and adolescents with severe rheumatic heart disease: an echocardiographic study with clinical and epidemiological correlations. Cardiol Young 2004; 14: 527-32.
  • Snider LA, Sachdev V, Mac Karonis JE, St. Peter M, Swedo SE. Echocardiographic findings in PANDAS Subgroup. Pedi- atrics 2004; 114: 748-51.
  • Maia DP, Teixieira AL, Cunningham MCQ, Cardoso F. Obsessi- ve compulsive behavior, hyperactivity and attention deficit di- sorder in Sydenham Chorea. Neurology 2005; 64: 1799-801.
  • Turley AJ, McCarron B, de Belder MA. Acute rheumatic fever mimicking acute coronary syndrome. Emerg Med J 2006; 23: e45.
  • Gunal N, Baysal K, Hacıömeroğlu P, Belet N, Kolbakır F. Rhe- umatic fever and coronary vasculitis in children. Acta Paediatr 2006; 95:118-20.
  • Gulati T, Kumar P, Dewan V, Anand VK. Henoch Schonlein Purpura with rheumatic carditis. Indian J Pediatr 2004; 71: 371-2.
  • Kula S, Saygılı A, Tunaoğlu FS, Olguntürk R. Acute poststrep- tococcal glomerulonephritis and rheumatic fever in the same patient: a case report and review of the literature. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg 2003; 3: 272-4.
  • Ei-Menyar A, Ai-Hroob A, Numan MT, Gendi SM, Fawzy IM. Unilateral pulmonary edema: unusual presentation of acute rheumatic fever. Pediatr Cardiol 2005; 26: 700-2.
  • Sethi S, Kaushik K, Mohandas K, Sengupta C, Singh S, Shar- ma M. Anti-streptolysin O titres in normal healthy children of 5-15 years. Indian Pediatr 2003; 40: 1068-71.
  • Pereira BA, Silva NA, Andrade LE, et al. Jones criteria and un- derdiagnosis of acute rheumatic fever. Indian J Pediatr 2007; 74: 117-21.
  • Mota CC. Limitations and perspectives with approach to rhe- umatic fever and rheumatic heart disease. Cardiol Young 2005; 15: 580-2.
  • Ralph A, Jcups S, McGough K, McDonald M, Currie BJ. The challenge of acute rheumatic fever diagnosis in a high incidence population: a prospective study and proposed gu- idelines for diagnosis in Australia’s Northern Territory. Heart Lung Circ 2006; 15: 113-8.
  • Haskes PJ, Tauber T, Somekh E, et al. Naproxen as an alter- native to aspirin for the treatment of arthritis of rheumatic fe- ver. J Pediatr 2003; 143: 399-401.
  • Marshall RL. Ibuprofen and aspirin in acute rheumatic fever. JAMA 1990; 263: 1633-4.
  • Cilliers AM, Manyemba J, Salojee H. Anti-inflammatory treat- ment for carditis in acute rheumatic fever. Cochrane Databa- se Syst Rev 2003; 2:CD003176.
  • Visnavathan K, Manjarez RC, Zabriskie JB. Rheumatic fever. Curr Treat Options Cardiovasc Med 1999; 1: 253-8.
  • Paz JA, Silva CAA, Marquez-Diaz MJ. Randomized double- blind study with prednisone in Sydenham’s Chorea. Pediatr Neurol 2006; 34: 264-9.
  • Tandon R. Is it possible to prevent rheumatic fever? Indian Heart J 2004; 56: 677-9.
  • Van Howe RS, Kusnier LP. Diagnosis and management of pharingitis in a pediatric population based on cost-effective- ness and projected health outcomes. Pediatrics 2006; 117: 609-19.
  • Rimoin AW, Hamza HS, Vince A, et al. Evaluation of the WHO clinical decsion rule for streptococcal pharingitis. Arch Dis child 2005; 90: 1066-70.
  • Park H, Cleary PP. Active and passive intranasal immunizati- ons with streptococcal surface protein C5a peptidase prevent infection of murine nasal mucosa- associated lymphoid tis- sue, a functional homologue of human tonsils. Infection and Immunity 2005; 73: 7878-86.
  • Essop MR, Nkomo VT. Rheumatic and nonrheumatic valvular heart disease. Epidemiology, management and prevention in Africa. Circulation 2005; 112: 3584-91.
  • McDonald M, Brown A, Noonan S, Carapetis JR. Preventing recurrent rheumatic fever: the role of register based program- mes. Heart 2005; 91: 1131-3.
  • Harrington Z, Thomas DP, Currie BJ, Bulkanhawuy J. Challenging perceptions of non-compliance with rheumatic fever prophylaxis in a remote Aboriginal community. MJA 2006; 184: 514-7.
  • Karaaslan S, Demirören S, Oran B, Baysal T, Başpınar O, Uçar C. Criteria for judging the improvement in subclinical rheumatic carditis. Cardiol Young 2003; 13: 500-5.
  • Meira ZMA, Goulart EMA, Mota CCC. Comparative study of clinical and doppler echocardiographic evaluations of the progression of valve diseases in children and adolescents with rheumatic fever. Arq Bras Cardiol 2006; 86: 32-8.
  • Meira ZMA, Goulart EMA, Colosimo EA, Mota CCC. Long term follow up of rheumatic fever and predictors of severe rheumatic valvar disease in Brazilian children and adoles- cents. Heart 2005; 91: 1019-22.

Akut romatizmal ateş ve yenilikler Derleme

Year 2007, Volume: 42 Issue: 3, 85 - 93, 01.09.2007


Akut romatizmal ateş gelişmiş ülkelerde sıklığı ve önemi giderek azalmakla birlikte az gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerde hala edinilmiş kalp hastalıklarının en önemli nedenini oluşturmaktadır Herhangi bir toplumun 3 6’sının romatizmal ateşe duyarlı olduğu düşünülmektedir En sık 5 15 yaş arasında görülmekle birlikte beş yaş altındaki olgular toplam sayının 3 5’ini oluşturmaktadır Tanı son olarak 2003 yılında Dünya Sağlık Örgütünce yeniden gözden geçirilen Jones ölçütleri ile konulmaktadır İlk atak sırasında geçirilmiş streptokok enfeksiyonu kanıtlandığında iki majör ya da bir majör iki minör bulgunun birlikte bulunması romatizmal ateş tanısı için yüksek bir olasılıktır Majör bulgular gezici poliartrit kardit kore eritema marjinatum ve deri altı nodüller; minör bulgular ise 38 derecenin üzerinde ateş artralji akut faz belirteçlerinde artış eritrosit çökme hızı gt;60mm sa C reaktif protein ve elektrokardiyogramda PR aralığının uzamasıdır Boğaz kültüründe etkenin üretilmesi yüksek artan ASO titresi kızıl öyküsü geçirilmiş streptokok enfeksiyonu kanıtı olarak kabul edilir Ekokardiyografinin tanıdaki rolü son yıllarda giderek artmıştır Ekokardiyografi uygulanmadığında “subklinik” kapak yetersizlikleri atlanmakta ileride romatizmal kapak hastalığı olarak karşımıza çıkabilmektedir Yatak istirahati antibiyotik tedavisi antienflamatuvar tedavi kalp yetersizliği tedavisi kore’li hastalarda sedasyon ve cerrahi tedavi seçenekleri mevcuttur Hastalığın seyrini değiştirdiği düşünülen tek girişim ikincil profilaksidir Sonuç olarak akut romatizmal ateş değişik kılıklarda karşımıza çıkabilen ve ‘kalbi ısıran’ bir hastalık olma özelliğini sürdürmektedir Türk Ped Arş 2007; 42: 85 93 Anahtar kelimeler: Akut romatizmal ateş romatizmal kalp hastalığı Jones ölçütleri


  • Galal ME, Medhat ME, Khalid AS, Howaida GE. Rheumatic fe- ver and rheumatic heart disease. In: The Science and practi- ce of Pediatric Cardiology. Garson A, Bricker JT, Fisher DJ, Neish SR (eds). 2nd ed. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1998: 1691-24.
  • Ayoub EM. Acute rheumatic fever. In: Moss and Adams’ He- art Disease in infants, children and adolescents. Allen HD, Gutgesel HP, Clark EB, Driscoll DJ (eds). 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2001: 1226-41.
  • Bernstein D. Acquired heart disease In: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. Behrman RE, Kliegman RM, Jenson HB (eds). 17th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2004: 1565-72.
  • Cilliers AM. Rheumatic fever and its management. BMJ 2006; 333: 1153-6.
  • Carapetis JR, Mc Donald M, Wilson N. Acute rheumatic fever. Lancet 2005; 366: 155-66.
  • Ozer S, Hallıoğlu O, Ozkutlu S, Çeliker A, Alehan D, Karagöz T. Childhood acute rheumatic fever in Ankara , Turkey. Turk J Pediatr 2005; 47:120-4.
  • Mayosi BM. A proposal for eradication of rheumatic fever in our lifetime. SAMJ 2006; 96: 229-30.
  • Mbewu AD. Rhuematic heart disease is a neglected disease of poverty requiring a multisectoral approach for control and eradication SAMJ 2006; 96: 231-2.
  • Yuko-Jowi C, Bakari M. Echocardiographic patterns of juve- nile rheumatic heart disease at the Kenyatta National Hospi- tal, Nairobi. East Afr Med J 2005; 82: 514-9.
  • Tani LY, Veasy G, Minich L, Shaddy RE. Rheumatic fever in children younger than 5 years: Is the presentation different? Pediatrics 2003; 112: 1065-8.
  • Canter B, Olguntürk R, Tunaoğlu S. Rheumatic fever in child- ren under 5 years old. Pediatrics 2004; 114: 329-30.
  • Wang C, Liu C, Li Y, Liu M. Adult onset acute rheumatic fever. Possible resurgence in southern Taiwan. J Clin Rheumatol 2005; 11: 146-9.
  • Martin JM, Barbadora KA. Continued high caseload of rhe- umatic fever in Western Pennsylvania: Possible rheumatoge- nic emm types of streptococcus pyogenes. J Pediatr 2006; 149: 58-63.
  • Mc Donald M, Currie BJ, Carapetis JR. Acute rheumatic fever: a chink in the chain that links the heart to the throat? Lancet Infect Dis 2004; 4: 240-5.
  • Guedez Y, Kotby A, El-Demellawy M, et al. HLA class II asso- ciations with rheumatic heart disease are more evident and consistent among clinically homogeneous patients. Circulati- on 1999; 99: 2784-90.
  • Kudat H, Telci G, Sözen AB, et al. The role of HLA molecules in susceptibility to chronic rheumatic heart disease. Int J Im- munogenet 2006; 33: 41-4.
  • Hallıoğlu O, Mesci L, Özer S. DRB1, DQA1, DQB1 genes in Turkish children with rheumatic fever. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2005; 23: 117-20.
  • Aksu G, Bayram N, Ulger Z, et al. Inverse relationship betwe- en the ratio of ICAM-1 expressing lymphocytes and serum TGF-b1 concentrations in acute rheumatic fever. J Autoim- mun 2005; 25: 141-9.
  • Berdeli A, Celik HA, Özyürek R, Aydın HH. Involvement of immu- noglobulin FcgRIIA and FcgRIIIB gene polymorphisms in sus- ceptibility to rheumatic fever. Clin Biochem 2004; 37: 925-9.
  • Berdeli A, Çelik HA, Özyürek R, Doğrusöz B, Aydın HH. TRL-2 gene Arg 753Gln polimorphism is strongly associated with acu- te rheumatic fever in children. J Mol Med 2005; 83: 535-42.
  • Harrington Z, Visnavastan K, Skinner NA, Curtis N, Currie BJ, Carapetis JR. B-cell antigen D8/17 is a marker of rheumatic fever susceptibility in Aboriginal Australians and can be tested in remote settings. Med J Aust 2006; 184: 507-10.
  • Kaplan EL. Pathogenesis of acute rheumatic fever and rhe- umatic heart disease: evasive after half a century of clinical, epidemiological, and laboratory investigation. Heart 2005; 91:3-4.
  • Fae KC, Oshiro SE, Toubert A, Charron D, Kalil J, Guilherme L. How an autoimmune reaction triggered by molecular mi- micry between streptococcal M protein and cardiac tissue proteins leads to heart lesions in rheumatic heart disease. J Autoimmun 2005; 24: 101-9.
  • Guilherme L, Cyry P, Demarchi LM. Rheumatic heart disease: proinflamatory cytokines play a role in the progression and maintenance of valvular lesions. Am J Pathol 2004; 165: 1583-91.
  • Balat A, Kılınç M, Cekmen MB, et al. Adrenomedullin and to- tal nitrite levels in children with acute rheumatic fever. Clin Bi- ochem 2005; 38: 526-30.
  • Blank M, Aron-maor A, Shoenfeld Y. From rheumatic fever to Libman-Sacks endocarditis: is there any possible pathogene- tic link? Lupus 2005; 14: 697-701.
  • Li Y, Pan Z, Ji Y, Zhang H, Archard LC. Herpes simplex virus type 1 infection in rheumatic valvar disease. Heart 2005; 91: 87-8.
  • Writing group of the committee on rheumatic fever, endocar- ditis, and Kawasaki Disease of the council on cardiovascular disease in the young of the American Heart Association. Gu- idelines for the diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever. Jones cri- teria 1992 update. JAMA 1992; 268: 2069-73.
  • Ferreri P. Proceedings of the Jones criteria workshop. Circu- lation 2002; 106: 2521-3.
  • Harlan GA, Tani LY, Byington CL. Rheumatic fever presenting as monoarticular arthritis. Pediatric Infect Dis J 2006; 25: 743-6.
  • Williamson L, Bowness P, Mowat A, Östman-Smith I. Difficul- ties in diagnosing acute rheumatic fever-arthritis may be short lived and carditis silent. BMJ 2000; 320: 362-5.
  • Olguntürk R, Canter B, Tunaoğlu FS, Kula S. Review of 609 patients with rheumatic fever in terms of revised and updated Jones criteria. Int J Cardiol 2006; 112: 91-8.
  • Narula J, Chandrasekhar Y, Rahimtoola S. Diagnosis of acti- ve rheumatic carditis. The echoes of change. Circulation 1999; 100: 1576-81.
  • Veasy LG. Rheumatic fever- T. Duckett Jones and the rest of the story. Cardiol Young 1995; 5: 293-301.
  • Akalın F, Ünver T, Başaran M . Cardiac troponin-T in acute rheumatic fever. Marmara Medical Journal 2001; 14: 84-8.
  • Narula J, Chopra P, Talwar KK, et al. Does endomyocardial biopsy aid in the diagnosis of active rheumatic carditis. Circu- lation 1993; 88: 2198-205.
  • Polat TB, Yalçin Y, Akdeniz C, et al. QT dispersion in acute rheumatic fever. Cardiol Young 2006; 16: 141-6.
  • Mohindra R, Pannu HS, Mohan B, et al. Syncope in a middle aged male due to acute rheumatic fever. Indian Heart J 2004; 56: 668-9.
  • Kula S, Olguntürk R, Özdemir O. Two unusual presentations of acute rheumatic fever. Cardiol Young 2005; 15: 514-6.
  • Unal N, Kosecik M, Saylam GS, Kır M, Paytoncu S, Kumtepe S. Cardiac tamponade in acute rheumatic fever. Int J Cardiol 2005; 103: 217-8.
  • Ayabakan C, Akalın F. Akut romatizmal ateşin değişken yüzü. Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi 2004; 4: 359-60.
  • Tubridy-Clark M, Carapetis JR. Subclinical carditis in rheumatic fever: A systematic review. Int J Cardiol 2007; 119: 54-8.
  • Özkutlu S, Hallıoğlu O, Ayabakan C. Evaluation of subclinical valvar disease in patients with rheumatic fever. Cardiol Young 2003; 13: 495-9.
  • Vijayalakshmi IB, Mithravinda J, Deva ANP. The role of echo- cardiography in diagnosing carditis in the setting of rheuma- tic fever. Cardiol Young 2005; 15: 583-8.
  • Vasan RS, Shrivastava S, Vijayakumar M, Narang R, Lister BC, Narula J. Echocardiographic evaluation of patients with acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic carditis. Circulation 1996; 94: 73-82.
  • Caldas AM, Terreri MRA, Moises VA, Silva CMC, Carvalho AC, Hilario MOE. The case for utilizing more strict quantitati- ve Doppler echocardiographic criterions for diagnosis of subclinical rheumatic carditis. Cardiol Young 2007; 17: 42-7.
  • Minich LL, Tani LY, Pagotto LT, Shaddy RE, Veasy LG. Dopp- ler echocardiography distinguishes between physiologic and patologic mitral regurgitation in patients with rheumatic fever. Clin Cardiol 1997; 20: 924-6.
  • Veasy LG, Tani LY. A new look at acute rheumatic mitral re- gurgitation. Cardiol Young 2005; 15: 568-77.
  • Camara EJ, Neubauer C, Camara GF, Lopez AA. Mechanisms of mitral valvar insufficiency in children and adolescents with severe rheumatic heart disease: an echocardiographic study with clinical and epidemiological correlations. Cardiol Young 2004; 14: 527-32.
  • Snider LA, Sachdev V, Mac Karonis JE, St. Peter M, Swedo SE. Echocardiographic findings in PANDAS Subgroup. Pedi- atrics 2004; 114: 748-51.
  • Maia DP, Teixieira AL, Cunningham MCQ, Cardoso F. Obsessi- ve compulsive behavior, hyperactivity and attention deficit di- sorder in Sydenham Chorea. Neurology 2005; 64: 1799-801.
  • Turley AJ, McCarron B, de Belder MA. Acute rheumatic fever mimicking acute coronary syndrome. Emerg Med J 2006; 23: e45.
  • Gunal N, Baysal K, Hacıömeroğlu P, Belet N, Kolbakır F. Rhe- umatic fever and coronary vasculitis in children. Acta Paediatr 2006; 95:118-20.
  • Gulati T, Kumar P, Dewan V, Anand VK. Henoch Schonlein Purpura with rheumatic carditis. Indian J Pediatr 2004; 71: 371-2.
  • Kula S, Saygılı A, Tunaoğlu FS, Olguntürk R. Acute poststrep- tococcal glomerulonephritis and rheumatic fever in the same patient: a case report and review of the literature. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg 2003; 3: 272-4.
  • Ei-Menyar A, Ai-Hroob A, Numan MT, Gendi SM, Fawzy IM. Unilateral pulmonary edema: unusual presentation of acute rheumatic fever. Pediatr Cardiol 2005; 26: 700-2.
  • Sethi S, Kaushik K, Mohandas K, Sengupta C, Singh S, Shar- ma M. Anti-streptolysin O titres in normal healthy children of 5-15 years. Indian Pediatr 2003; 40: 1068-71.
  • Pereira BA, Silva NA, Andrade LE, et al. Jones criteria and un- derdiagnosis of acute rheumatic fever. Indian J Pediatr 2007; 74: 117-21.
  • Mota CC. Limitations and perspectives with approach to rhe- umatic fever and rheumatic heart disease. Cardiol Young 2005; 15: 580-2.
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There are 75 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Review

Figen Akalın This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 42 Issue: 3


APA Akalın, F. (2007). Akut romatizmal ateş ve yenilikler Derleme. Türk Pediatri Arşivi, 42(3), 85-93.
AMA Akalın F. Akut romatizmal ateş ve yenilikler Derleme. Türk Pediatri Arşivi. September 2007;42(3):85-93.
Chicago Akalın, Figen. “Akut Romatizmal Ateş Ve Yenilikler Derleme”. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 42, no. 3 (September 2007): 85-93.
EndNote Akalın F (September 1, 2007) Akut romatizmal ateş ve yenilikler Derleme. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 42 3 85–93.
IEEE F. Akalın, “Akut romatizmal ateş ve yenilikler Derleme”, Türk Pediatri Arşivi, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 85–93, 2007.
ISNAD Akalın, Figen. “Akut Romatizmal Ateş Ve Yenilikler Derleme”. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 42/3 (September 2007), 85-93.
JAMA Akalın F. Akut romatizmal ateş ve yenilikler Derleme. Türk Pediatri Arşivi. 2007;42:85–93.
MLA Akalın, Figen. “Akut Romatizmal Ateş Ve Yenilikler Derleme”. Türk Pediatri Arşivi, vol. 42, no. 3, 2007, pp. 85-93.
Vancouver Akalın F. Akut romatizmal ateş ve yenilikler Derleme. Türk Pediatri Arşivi. 2007;42(3):85-93.