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Year 2006, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 109 - 116, 05.08.2016


Bu derlemede, iç ortam havasında bulunan uçucu organik bileşiklerin (UOB) kaynakları ve insan sağlığı üzerine olan etkileri incelenmiştir. Farklı birçok çeşidi bulunan uçucu organik bileşiklerin en önemli kaynakları inşaat ve dekorasyonda kullanılan malzemelerdir. Literatürde kaynaklarına göre sınıflandırılmış olan uçucu organik bileşiklerin iç ortam havasındaki ortalama konsantrasyonları verilmiştir. İncelenen UOB’lerin toksisite değerleri de göz önüne alınarak insan sağlığı üzerine olan etkileri ortaya konmuştur. Ayrıca tayin metodundaki farklılık ile UOB’lerden ayrılan formaldehit de incelenmiştir. Yapılan literatür incelemesi sonunda UOB’lerin iç ortamdaki konsantrasyonlarının pek çok faktöre bağlı olarak geniş bir aralıkta değiştiği görülmüştür.


  • 1. ACGIH (American Conference of Govermental Industrial Hygienists). Threshold limit values and biological exposure indices. 6th Ed. Cincinnati, 1994.
  • 2. ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Registry). U.S. Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Service, Atlanta, GA. 1997.
  • 3. BARDANA EJ, MONTANARO A. Formaldehyde: an analysis of its respiratory, cutaneous, and immunologic effects. Annals of Allergy. 66(6): 441-452, 1991.
  • 4. BAEZ A, PADILLA H, GARCIA R, TORRES MDC, ROSAS I, BELMONT R. Carbony levels in indoor and outdoor air in Mexico City. The Science of Total Environment. 302: 211-226, 2003.
  • 5. BERGLUND B. A longitudinal study of air contaminants in a newly built pre-school. Environment International. 8: 11-115, 1982.
  • 6. BREYSSE PA. Formaldehyde levels and accompanying symptoms associated with individuals residing in over 1000 conventional and mobile homes in the state of Washington. Indoor Air. 3:403-408, 1984.
  • 7. BROOKS BO, UTTER GM, DEBROY JA, SCKIMKE RD. Indoor air pollution: an edifice complex. Clinical Toxicology. 29(3):315-374, 1991.
  • 8. BROWN SK. Assessment of pollutant emissions from dry process photocopiers. Indoor Air. 9:259-267, 1999.
  • 9. BROWN VM, CRAMP DR. Volatile Organic Compounds. 1996. [Editörler: RW BERRY, VM BROWN, SDK COWARD. Indoor air quality in Homes, the Building Research Establishment Indoor Environment Study. Part 1. Construction Research Communications, London].
  • 10. BROWN SK, SIM MR, ABRAMSON NJ, GRAY CN. Concentrations of volatile organic compounds in indoor air- a review. Indoor Air. 4:123-134, 1994.
  • 11. BURTON BT. Volatile organic compounds. Indoor Air Pollution and Health. Marcel Dekker, New York, 1997.
  • 12. ECJRC (European Commission Joint Research Centre). Total volatile organic compounds (TUOB) in indoor air quality quality investigations. European Commission. Luxerbourg, 1997.
  • 13. EBERLEIN-KONIG B, PRZYBILLA B,KUHNL P, PECHAK J,GEBEFUGI L, KLENSCHMIDT J,RING J. Influence of airborne nitrogen dioxide or formaldehyde on parameters of skin function and cellular activation in patients with atopic eczama and control subjects. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 101(1):141-143, 1998.
  • 14. EVCİ D, VAİZOĞLU S, ÖZDEMİR M, AYCAN S, GÜLER Ç. Ankara’da 46 kahvehanede formaldehit düzeylerinin belirlenmesi. TSK Koruyucu Hekimlik Bülteni, 4(3): 129-135. 2005.
  • 15. FELLIN P, OTSON R. Assesment of the influence of climatic factors on concentration levels of volatile organic compounds (UOBs) in Canadian homes. Atmospheric Environment. 28(22):3-6, 1994.
  • 16. FISCHER PH, HOEK G,REEUWIJK HV, BRIGGS DJ, LEBERT E,WIJNEN JH, KINGHAM S, ELLIOTT PE. Traffic related differences in outdoor and indoor concentrations of particles and volatile organic compunds in Amsterdam. Atmospheric Environment. 34: 3713-3722, 2000.
  • 17. GUO H, MURRAY F. Characterization of total volatile organic compound emissions from paints. Clean Product and Processes. 3:42-8, 2001.
  • 18. GUO H, MURRAY F, WILKINSON S. Evalution of total volatile organic compound emissions from adhesives based on chamber tests. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association. 50:199-206, 2000.
  • 19. GUSTAFFSON H, JONSSON B. Trade standarts for testing chemical emission from building materials: Part I: Measurement of flooring materials. Proceedins of Indoor Air. 93 (2): 437-442, 1993.
  • 20. GROES L, PEJTERSEN J, VALBJORN O. Perceptions and symptoms as a function of indoor environmental factors and building characteristics in Office buildings. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate . Vol 4. 1996, Nagoya, Japan.
  • 21. HENSCHEL BD, FORTANN RC, ROACHE NF. Variations in the emission of volatile organic compounds from the toner for a specific photocopier. J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc. 51:708-717, 2001.
  • 22. HINES AL, GHOSH TK, LOYALKA SK, WARDER RC. Indor Air- Quality and Control. Pretince-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1993.
  • 23. IEH (Institute for Environment and Health). IEH assessment on indoor air quality in the home. Leicester, 1996.
  • 24. KOECK M, PİCHLER-SEMMELROCK FP, SCLACHER R. Formaldehyde-study of indoor air pollution in Austria. Central European Journal of PublicHealth. 5(3):127-130, 1997.
  • 25. LEE CW, DAI YT, CHIEN CH, HSU DJ. Characteristics and health impacts of volatile organic compounds in photocopy centers. Environmental Research. 100:139-149, 2006.
  • 26. LEE SC, LAM S, FAI HK. Characterization of UOBs, ozone, and PM10 emissions from office equipment in an environmental chamber. Build. Environ. 36:837-842, 2001.
  • 27. LEOVIC KW, WHITAKER DA, NORTHEIM C., SHELDON LS. Evaluation of test method for measuring indoor air emission from dry-process photocopiers. J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc. 48:915-923, 1998.
  • 28. MARONI M, SEIFERT B, LINDVALL T. Indoor Air Quality –A Comprehensive Reference Book. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1995.
  • 29. MENTEŞE S, GÜLLÜ G. Evlerde hava kalitesinin belirlenmesi: formaldehit kirleticisinin miktar ve kaynağının tespiti. 6. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, İstanbul, Kasım 2005.
  • 30. MOLHAVE L. Indoor air pollution due to building materials. Proceedings of the First International Indoor Climate Symposium, S. 89. 1979, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • 31. MOLHAVE L. Indoor climate, air pollution and human comfort. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology. 1(1): 63-81, 1991.
  • 32. MORGAN KT. A brief review of formaldehyde carcinugenesis in relation tor at nasal pathology and human health risk assessment. Toxicologic Pathology. 25(3),291-307, 1997.
  • 33. MYERS GE. The effect of temparature and humidty of formaldehyde emission from UF- bonded boards: a literature critique. Forests Products Journal. 35:20-31, 1985.
  • 34. NIEMALA R, VAINO H. Formaldehyde exposure in work and the general environment. Scandinavian Journal of work and Environment Health. 7(1):95-100, 1985.
  • 35. NORBACK D, BJORNSSON E, JANSON C, WIDSTROM J, BOMAN G. Asthma and the indoor environment:the significance of emission of formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds from newly painted indoor surfaces. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 52(69): 388-395, 1995.
  • 36. OTTO D, HUNDELL H, HOUSE D, MOLHAVE L, COUNTS W. Exposure of humans to a volatile organic mixture. I. Behavioural assessment. Archives of Environmental Health. 47(1):23-30, 1992.
  • 37. PRESCHER KE, JANDER K. Formaldehyde in indoor air. Bundesgesundheitsblatt. 30:273-278, 1987.
  • 38. RANDO RJ, SIMLOTE P, SALVAGGIO JE, LEHRER SB. Environmental tabobacco smoke: measurement and health effects of involuntary smoking. In Bardana, EJ, Mantanaro, A. (Eds.), Indoor Air Pollution and Health. 61-82, 1997.
  • 39. ROBINSON J, NELSON WC. National Human Activity Pattern Survey Data Base. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, 1995.
  • 40. SANDMEYER EE. Aromatic hydrocarbons. S 3253-3431, 1982. [Editörler: GD CLAYTON; FE CLAYTON: Patty’s Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, 3 rd Edition, Wiley, New York].
  • 41. SHAH JJ, SINGH HB. Distribution of volatile organic compounds in outdoor and indoor air. Environmental Science and Technology. 22: 1381-1388, 1988.
  • 42. TAMAS G, WESCHLER JC, TOFTUM J, FANGER PO. Influence of ozone-limonene reactions on perceived air quality. Indoor Air. 16:168-178, 2006.
  • 43. US EPA. Office equipment:design, indoor air emissions, and pollution prevention opportunities. EPA- 600/R-95-045, US EPA/Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory, 1995.
  • 44. US EPA. Integrated Risk Information System, 1998a.
  • 45. US EPA. Carcinogenic effects of benzene: an update. Office of Research and Development, EPA/600/P- 97001F. Washington, 1998b.
  • 46. WALLACE LA. Personal exposure to 25 volatile organic compounds, Toxicology and Industrial Health. 7: 203-208, 1991a.
  • 47. WALLACE LA. Comparision of risks from outdoor and indoor exposure exposure to toxic chemicals. Environmental Health Perspectives. 95(1):7-13, 1991b.
  • 48. WESCHLER CJ. Ozone in indoor environments:concentration chemsitry. Indoor Air. 10:269-288, 2000.
  • 49. WIESLANDER G, NORBACK D, BJORNSSON E, JANSON C, BOMAN G. Asthma and the indoor environment: the significance of emission of formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds from newly painted indoor surfaces. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. 69(2): 115-124, 1997.
  • 50. WIGLUSZ R, SITKO ELZBIETA, NIKEL G, JARNUSZKIEWICZ I, IGIELSKA B. The effect of temperature on the emission of formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds (UOBs) from laminate flooring-a case study. Building and Environment. 37:41-44, 2002.
  • 51. WOLKOFF P, CLAUSEN PA, JENSEN B, NIELSEN GD, WILKINS CK. Are we measuring the relevant indoor pollutants?. Indoor Air. 7(1):92-106, 1997.
  • 52. WOLKOFF P, WILKINS CK, CLAUSEN PA, LARSE K. Comparision of volatile organic compounds from processed paper and toners from office copiers and printers: methods, emission rates, and modeled concentrations. Indoor Air.3:113-123, 1993.
  • 53. VAUGHAN TL, STRADER C, DAVIS S, DALING JL. Formaldehyde and cancers of the pharynx, sinus and nasal cavity:II Residential exposures. International Journal of Cancer. 38(5): 685-688, 1986.
  • 54. VURAL MS, BALANLI A. Yapı ürünü kaynaklı iç hava kirliliği ve risk değerlendirme de ön araştırma. Megaron YTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi. 1(1): 28-39, 2005.


Year 2006, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 109 - 116, 05.08.2016


In this review, sources and health effects of volatile organic compounds existing in indoor air are investigated. The most important source of volatile organic compounds, having so many types, are materials used for construction and decoration. Average concentrations of volatile organic compounds existing in indoor air are given. These organic compounds are classified according to their sources in the literature. The health effects of VOCs are discussed with respect to their toxicity values. Formaldehyde, which is considered apart from VOCs due to the difference in sampling and analysis, is also investigated. At the end of the literature investigation, it is seen that indoor concentrations of VOCs change in a wide range as a result of many factors.


  • 1. ACGIH (American Conference of Govermental Industrial Hygienists). Threshold limit values and biological exposure indices. 6th Ed. Cincinnati, 1994.
  • 2. ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Registry). U.S. Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Service, Atlanta, GA. 1997.
  • 3. BARDANA EJ, MONTANARO A. Formaldehyde: an analysis of its respiratory, cutaneous, and immunologic effects. Annals of Allergy. 66(6): 441-452, 1991.
  • 4. BAEZ A, PADILLA H, GARCIA R, TORRES MDC, ROSAS I, BELMONT R. Carbony levels in indoor and outdoor air in Mexico City. The Science of Total Environment. 302: 211-226, 2003.
  • 5. BERGLUND B. A longitudinal study of air contaminants in a newly built pre-school. Environment International. 8: 11-115, 1982.
  • 6. BREYSSE PA. Formaldehyde levels and accompanying symptoms associated with individuals residing in over 1000 conventional and mobile homes in the state of Washington. Indoor Air. 3:403-408, 1984.
  • 7. BROOKS BO, UTTER GM, DEBROY JA, SCKIMKE RD. Indoor air pollution: an edifice complex. Clinical Toxicology. 29(3):315-374, 1991.
  • 8. BROWN SK. Assessment of pollutant emissions from dry process photocopiers. Indoor Air. 9:259-267, 1999.
  • 9. BROWN VM, CRAMP DR. Volatile Organic Compounds. 1996. [Editörler: RW BERRY, VM BROWN, SDK COWARD. Indoor air quality in Homes, the Building Research Establishment Indoor Environment Study. Part 1. Construction Research Communications, London].
  • 10. BROWN SK, SIM MR, ABRAMSON NJ, GRAY CN. Concentrations of volatile organic compounds in indoor air- a review. Indoor Air. 4:123-134, 1994.
  • 11. BURTON BT. Volatile organic compounds. Indoor Air Pollution and Health. Marcel Dekker, New York, 1997.
  • 12. ECJRC (European Commission Joint Research Centre). Total volatile organic compounds (TUOB) in indoor air quality quality investigations. European Commission. Luxerbourg, 1997.
  • 13. EBERLEIN-KONIG B, PRZYBILLA B,KUHNL P, PECHAK J,GEBEFUGI L, KLENSCHMIDT J,RING J. Influence of airborne nitrogen dioxide or formaldehyde on parameters of skin function and cellular activation in patients with atopic eczama and control subjects. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 101(1):141-143, 1998.
  • 14. EVCİ D, VAİZOĞLU S, ÖZDEMİR M, AYCAN S, GÜLER Ç. Ankara’da 46 kahvehanede formaldehit düzeylerinin belirlenmesi. TSK Koruyucu Hekimlik Bülteni, 4(3): 129-135. 2005.
  • 15. FELLIN P, OTSON R. Assesment of the influence of climatic factors on concentration levels of volatile organic compounds (UOBs) in Canadian homes. Atmospheric Environment. 28(22):3-6, 1994.
  • 16. FISCHER PH, HOEK G,REEUWIJK HV, BRIGGS DJ, LEBERT E,WIJNEN JH, KINGHAM S, ELLIOTT PE. Traffic related differences in outdoor and indoor concentrations of particles and volatile organic compunds in Amsterdam. Atmospheric Environment. 34: 3713-3722, 2000.
  • 17. GUO H, MURRAY F. Characterization of total volatile organic compound emissions from paints. Clean Product and Processes. 3:42-8, 2001.
  • 18. GUO H, MURRAY F, WILKINSON S. Evalution of total volatile organic compound emissions from adhesives based on chamber tests. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association. 50:199-206, 2000.
  • 19. GUSTAFFSON H, JONSSON B. Trade standarts for testing chemical emission from building materials: Part I: Measurement of flooring materials. Proceedins of Indoor Air. 93 (2): 437-442, 1993.
  • 20. GROES L, PEJTERSEN J, VALBJORN O. Perceptions and symptoms as a function of indoor environmental factors and building characteristics in Office buildings. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate . Vol 4. 1996, Nagoya, Japan.
  • 21. HENSCHEL BD, FORTANN RC, ROACHE NF. Variations in the emission of volatile organic compounds from the toner for a specific photocopier. J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc. 51:708-717, 2001.
  • 22. HINES AL, GHOSH TK, LOYALKA SK, WARDER RC. Indor Air- Quality and Control. Pretince-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1993.
  • 23. IEH (Institute for Environment and Health). IEH assessment on indoor air quality in the home. Leicester, 1996.
  • 24. KOECK M, PİCHLER-SEMMELROCK FP, SCLACHER R. Formaldehyde-study of indoor air pollution in Austria. Central European Journal of PublicHealth. 5(3):127-130, 1997.
  • 25. LEE CW, DAI YT, CHIEN CH, HSU DJ. Characteristics and health impacts of volatile organic compounds in photocopy centers. Environmental Research. 100:139-149, 2006.
  • 26. LEE SC, LAM S, FAI HK. Characterization of UOBs, ozone, and PM10 emissions from office equipment in an environmental chamber. Build. Environ. 36:837-842, 2001.
  • 27. LEOVIC KW, WHITAKER DA, NORTHEIM C., SHELDON LS. Evaluation of test method for measuring indoor air emission from dry-process photocopiers. J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc. 48:915-923, 1998.
  • 28. MARONI M, SEIFERT B, LINDVALL T. Indoor Air Quality –A Comprehensive Reference Book. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1995.
  • 29. MENTEŞE S, GÜLLÜ G. Evlerde hava kalitesinin belirlenmesi: formaldehit kirleticisinin miktar ve kaynağının tespiti. 6. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, İstanbul, Kasım 2005.
  • 30. MOLHAVE L. Indoor air pollution due to building materials. Proceedings of the First International Indoor Climate Symposium, S. 89. 1979, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • 31. MOLHAVE L. Indoor climate, air pollution and human comfort. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology. 1(1): 63-81, 1991.
  • 32. MORGAN KT. A brief review of formaldehyde carcinugenesis in relation tor at nasal pathology and human health risk assessment. Toxicologic Pathology. 25(3),291-307, 1997.
  • 33. MYERS GE. The effect of temparature and humidty of formaldehyde emission from UF- bonded boards: a literature critique. Forests Products Journal. 35:20-31, 1985.
  • 34. NIEMALA R, VAINO H. Formaldehyde exposure in work and the general environment. Scandinavian Journal of work and Environment Health. 7(1):95-100, 1985.
  • 35. NORBACK D, BJORNSSON E, JANSON C, WIDSTROM J, BOMAN G. Asthma and the indoor environment:the significance of emission of formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds from newly painted indoor surfaces. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 52(69): 388-395, 1995.
  • 36. OTTO D, HUNDELL H, HOUSE D, MOLHAVE L, COUNTS W. Exposure of humans to a volatile organic mixture. I. Behavioural assessment. Archives of Environmental Health. 47(1):23-30, 1992.
  • 37. PRESCHER KE, JANDER K. Formaldehyde in indoor air. Bundesgesundheitsblatt. 30:273-278, 1987.
  • 38. RANDO RJ, SIMLOTE P, SALVAGGIO JE, LEHRER SB. Environmental tabobacco smoke: measurement and health effects of involuntary smoking. In Bardana, EJ, Mantanaro, A. (Eds.), Indoor Air Pollution and Health. 61-82, 1997.
  • 39. ROBINSON J, NELSON WC. National Human Activity Pattern Survey Data Base. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, 1995.
  • 40. SANDMEYER EE. Aromatic hydrocarbons. S 3253-3431, 1982. [Editörler: GD CLAYTON; FE CLAYTON: Patty’s Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, 3 rd Edition, Wiley, New York].
  • 41. SHAH JJ, SINGH HB. Distribution of volatile organic compounds in outdoor and indoor air. Environmental Science and Technology. 22: 1381-1388, 1988.
  • 42. TAMAS G, WESCHLER JC, TOFTUM J, FANGER PO. Influence of ozone-limonene reactions on perceived air quality. Indoor Air. 16:168-178, 2006.
  • 43. US EPA. Office equipment:design, indoor air emissions, and pollution prevention opportunities. EPA- 600/R-95-045, US EPA/Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory, 1995.
  • 44. US EPA. Integrated Risk Information System, 1998a.
  • 45. US EPA. Carcinogenic effects of benzene: an update. Office of Research and Development, EPA/600/P- 97001F. Washington, 1998b.
  • 46. WALLACE LA. Personal exposure to 25 volatile organic compounds, Toxicology and Industrial Health. 7: 203-208, 1991a.
  • 47. WALLACE LA. Comparision of risks from outdoor and indoor exposure exposure to toxic chemicals. Environmental Health Perspectives. 95(1):7-13, 1991b.
  • 48. WESCHLER CJ. Ozone in indoor environments:concentration chemsitry. Indoor Air. 10:269-288, 2000.
  • 49. WIESLANDER G, NORBACK D, BJORNSSON E, JANSON C, BOMAN G. Asthma and the indoor environment: the significance of emission of formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds from newly painted indoor surfaces. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. 69(2): 115-124, 1997.
  • 50. WIGLUSZ R, SITKO ELZBIETA, NIKEL G, JARNUSZKIEWICZ I, IGIELSKA B. The effect of temperature on the emission of formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds (UOBs) from laminate flooring-a case study. Building and Environment. 37:41-44, 2002.
  • 51. WOLKOFF P, CLAUSEN PA, JENSEN B, NIELSEN GD, WILKINS CK. Are we measuring the relevant indoor pollutants?. Indoor Air. 7(1):92-106, 1997.
  • 52. WOLKOFF P, WILKINS CK, CLAUSEN PA, LARSE K. Comparision of volatile organic compounds from processed paper and toners from office copiers and printers: methods, emission rates, and modeled concentrations. Indoor Air.3:113-123, 1993.
  • 53. VAUGHAN TL, STRADER C, DAVIS S, DALING JL. Formaldehyde and cancers of the pharynx, sinus and nasal cavity:II Residential exposures. International Journal of Cancer. 38(5): 685-688, 1986.
  • 54. VURAL MS, BALANLI A. Yapı ürünü kaynaklı iç hava kirliliği ve risk değerlendirme de ön araştırma. Megaron YTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi. 1(1): 28-39, 2005.
There are 54 citations in total.


Other ID JA55UA24RF
Journal Section Articles

Bilge Alyüz This is me

Sevil Veli This is me

Publication Date August 5, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Alyüz, B., & Veli, S. (2016). İÇ ORTAM HAVASINDA BULUNAN UÇUCU ORGANİK BİLEŞİKLER VE SAĞLIK ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİ. Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(2), 109-116.
Chicago Alyüz, Bilge, and Sevil Veli. “İÇ ORTAM HAVASINDA BULUNAN UÇUCU ORGANİK BİLEŞİKLER VE SAĞLIK ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİ”. Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 7, no. 2 (August 2016): 109-16.
EndNote Alyüz B, Veli S (August 1, 2016) İÇ ORTAM HAVASINDA BULUNAN UÇUCU ORGANİK BİLEŞİKLER VE SAĞLIK ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİ. Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 7 2 109–116.
IEEE B. Alyüz and S. Veli, “İÇ ORTAM HAVASINDA BULUNAN UÇUCU ORGANİK BİLEŞİKLER VE SAĞLIK ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİ”, Trakya Univ J Sci, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 109–116, 2016.
ISNAD Alyüz, Bilge - Veli, Sevil. “İÇ ORTAM HAVASINDA BULUNAN UÇUCU ORGANİK BİLEŞİKLER VE SAĞLIK ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİ”. Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 7/2 (August 2016), 109-116.
MLA Alyüz, Bilge and Sevil Veli. “İÇ ORTAM HAVASINDA BULUNAN UÇUCU ORGANİK BİLEŞİKLER VE SAĞLIK ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİ”. Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 2, 2016, pp. 109-16.