Reversed Subtitling and Foreign Language Learning: Investigating the Applications of Reversed Subtitling in Formal Language Learning Environments in Greece
Year 2022,
, 66 - 92, 30.06.2022
Nikoleta Kalliopi Papadopoulou
Katerina Gouletı
In light of the current generation’s extensive familiarization with technology and exposure to a vast amount of audiovisual materials daily, researchers have been investigating the effects of subtitled audiovisual products in foreign language learning for years. It has been generally found that the polysemiotic nature of subtitled audiovisual content (Lertola 2019) enhances foreign language learning, as the message conveyed is supported by the audio and the visual and textual information (Talaván Zanόn 2006) presented on screen. The relevant studies show that the various modes of subtitling (interlingual, intralingual, and reversed interlingual subtitling) offer benefits in different aspects of language learning, with reversed interlingual subtitling (L1 audio with subtitles in L2) having demonstrable advantages in the vocabulary and grammar acquisition of less advanced learners. A study was conducted to examine the current state of the integration of reversed subtitled material in the Greek learners’ foreign language learning experience. This study investigated the perceptions and practices of Greek teachers who teach English as a Foreign Language (EFL) with regards to using reversed subtitles as a teaching method. It was revealed that the majority of the teachers participating in the study had not used this mode as a teaching practice due to their unfamiliarity with its educational potentials. Motivated by the findings, the paper concludes with suggestions of informal learning spaces where learners could have access to reversed subtitled materials and yield their language learning benefits incidentally.
- Ávila-Cabrera, José Javier. 2021. “Reverse Subtitling in the ESP Class to Improve Written Skills in English: A Case Study.” Journal of Audiovisual Translation 4 (1): 27–49. doi:10.47476/jat.v4i1.2021.22.
- Ávila-Cabrera, José Javier, and Pilar Rodríguez Arancón. 2021. “The Use of Active Subtitling Activities for Students of Tourism in order to Improve Their English Writing Production.” Ibérica: Revista de la Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Específicos (AELFE), no. 41, 155–180.
- Ayten, Adem, Sema Bulat, and Elif İnceismail. 2019. “A Study of Generation Z Viewing Habits in Context of Uses and Gratification Theory: The Protector Netflix Series Case.” In Communication and Technology Congress 2019, edited by Deniz Yengin and And Algün, 1–11. Editografika. doi:10.7456/ctc_2019_01.
- Bairstow, Dominique, and Jean-Marc Lavaur. 2011. “Standard vs. Reversed Subtitles: Effects on Movie Comprehension and Lexical Retrieval.” Paper presented at 8th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Oslo, Norway, June 15–18.
- Black, Sharon. 2022. “Subtitles as a Tool to Boost Language Learning? Children’s Views and Experiences of Watching Films and Television Programmes in Other Languages with Interlingual Subtitles.” Journal of Audiovisual Translation 5 (1): 73–93. doi:10.47476/jat.v5i1.2022.157.
- Borghetti, Claudia, and Jennifer Lertola. 2014. “Interlingual Subtitling for Intercultural Language Education: A Case Study.” Language and Intercultural Communication 14 (4): 423–440. doi:10.1080/14708477.2014.934380.
- Borrás, Isabel, and Robert C. Lafayette. 1994. “Effects of Multimedia Courseware Subtitling on the Speaking Performance of College Students of French.” The Modern Language Journal 78 (1): 61–75. doi:10.2307/329253.
- Bravo, Maria Da Conceição. 2008. “Putting the Reader in the Picture: Screen Translation and Foreign-Language Learning.” PhD diss., Rovira i Virgili University.
- Caimi, Anna Μaria, and Cristina Mariotti. 2015. “Beyond the Book: The Use of Subtitled Audiovisual Material to Promote Content and Language Integrated Learning in Higher Education.” In Audiovisual Translation: Taking Stock, edited by Jorge Díaz Cintas and Josélia Neves, 230–243. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars.
- Čepon, Slavica. 2011. “Interlingual Subtitling as a Mode of Facilitating Incidental Foreign Language Acquisition.” English for Specific Purposes World, no. 33.
- Chen, Yi-Ru, Yeu-Ting Liu, and Andrew Graeme Todd. 2018. “Transient but Effective? Captioning and Adolescent EFL Learners’ Spoken Vocabulary Acquisition.” English Teaching & Learning 42 (1): 25–56. doi:10.1007/s42321-018-0002-8.
- Cintrón-Valentín, Myrna, Lorenzo García-Amaya, and Nick C. Ellis. 2019. “Captioning and Grammar Learning in the L2 Spanish Classroom.” In “Video and Language Learning,” edited by Maribel Montero Perez and Michael P. H. Rodgers. Special Issue, The Language Learning Journal 47 (4): 439–459. doi:10.1080/09571736.2019.1615978.
- Comas-Quinn, Anna. 2019. “Using Online Volunteer Translation Communities for Language Learning in Formal Education.” In New Educational Landscapes: Innovative Perspectives in Language Learning and Technology, edited by Alessia Plutino, Kate Borthwick, and Erika Corradini, 41–46. Voillans:
- Danan, Martine. 1992. “Reversed Subtitling and Dual Coding Theory: New Directions for Foreign Language Instruction.” Language Learning 42 (4): 497–527. doi:10.1111/j.1467-1770.1992.tb01042.x.
- Díaz Cintas, Jorge, and Aline Remael. 2007. Audiovisual Translation: Subtitling. Manchester: St. Jerome.
- Dörnyei, Zoltán, and Tatsuya Taguchi. 2009. Questionnaires in Second Language Research: Construction, Administration, and Processing. New York: Routledge.
- European Commission. 2011. Study on the Use of Subtitling: The Potential of Subtitling to Encourage Foreign Language Learning and Improve the Mastery of Foreign Languages. Final Report.
- Fazilatfar, Ali Mohammad, Shahin Ghorbani, and Leial Samavarchi. 2011. “The Effect of Standard and Reversed Subtitling Versus No Subtitling Mode on L2 Vocabulary Learning.” Journal of Teaching Language Skills 30 (1): 43–64. doi:10.22099/jtls.2012.393.
- Garza, Thomas J. 1991. “Evaluating the Use of Captioned Video Materials in Advanced Foreign Language Learning.” Foreign Language Annals 24 (3): 239–258. doi:10.1111/j.1944-9720.1991.tb00469.x.
- Gouleti, Aikaterini, Giorgos Dimitriadis, and Michalis Kokonis. 2020. “Exploring the Educational Potentials of Language Learning with Netflix Tool: An Eye-Tracking Study.” Ex-centric Narratives: Journal of Anglophone Literature, Culture and Media, no. 4, 113–136. doi:10.26262/exna.v0i4.7920.
- Hilčenko, Slavoljub. 2017. “How Generation ‘Z’ Learns Better?” European Journal of Social Science Education and Research 4 (4s): 379–389. doi:10.26417/ejser.v11i2.p379-389.
- Holobow, Naomi E., Wallace E. Lambert, and Liliane Sayegh. 1984. “Pairing Script and Dialogue: Combinations That Show Promise for Second or Foreign Language Learning.” Language Learning 34 (4): 59–74. doi:10.1111/j.1467-1770.1984.tb00352.x.
- Incalcaterra McLoughlin, Laura. 2009. “Inter-Semiotic Translation in Foreign Language Acquisition: The Case of Subtitles.” In Translation in Second Language Learning and Teaching, edited by Arnd Witte, Theo Harden, and Alessandra Ramos de Oliveira Harden, 227–244. Bern: Peter Lang.
- Kim, Na-Young. 2020. “Languages on the Screen. A Study on Reversed Subtitling and EFL Receptive Language Skills.” Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning 23 (1): 37–66.
- Koletnik Korošec, Melita. 2013. “Translation in Foreign Language Teaching.” In New Horizons in Translation Research and Education 1, edited by Nike K. Pokorn and Kaisa Koskinen, 61–74. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland.
- Koolstra, Cees M., and Jonannes W. J. Beentjes. 1999. “Children’s Vocabulary Acquisition in a Foreign Language through Watching Subtitled Television Programs at Home.” Educational Technology Research and Development 47 (1): 51–60. doi:10.1007/BF02299476.
- Krashen, Stephen D. 1985. The Input Hypothesis: Issues and Implications. London: Longman.
- Lambert, Wallace E., Inga Boehler, and Nelly Sidoti. 1981. “Choosing the Languages of Subtitles and Spoken Dialogues for Media Presentations: Implications for Second Language Education.” Applied Psycholinguistics 2 (2): 133–148. doi:10.1017/S0142716400000904.
- Lambert, Wallace E., and Naomi E. Holobow. 1984. “Combinations of Printed Script and Spoken Dialogue That Show Promise for Students of a Foreign Language.” Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science 16 (1): 1–11. doi:10.1037/h0080775.
- Lee, Minjin, and Andrea Révész. 2020. “Promoting Grammatical Development through Captions and Textual Enhancement in Multimodal Input-Based Tasks.” In “Language Learning from Multimodal Input,” edited by Carmen Muñoz and Elke Peters. Special Issue, Studies in Second Language Acquisition 42 (3): 625–651. doi:10.1017/S0272263120000108.
- Lertola, Jennifer. 2012. “The Effect of The Subtitling Task on Vocabulary Learning.” In Translation Research Projects, edited by Anthony Pym and David Orrego-Carmona 4:61–70. Tarragona: Intercultural Studies Group.
- Lertola, Jennifer. 2019. “Second Language Vocabulary Learning through Subtitling.” Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics 32 (2): 486–514. doi:10.1075/resla.17009.ler.
- Lertola, Jennifer, and Cristina Mariotti. 2017. “Reverse Dubbing and Subtitling: Raising Pragmatic Awareness in Italian English as a Second Language (ESL) Learners.” The Journal of Specialised Translation, no. 28, 103–121.
- Majuddin, Elvenna, Anna Siyanova-Chanturia, and Frank Boers. 2021. “Incidental Acquisition of Multiword Expressions through Audiovisual Materials: The Role of Repetition and Typographic Enhancement.” Studies in Second Language Acquisition 43 (5): 985–1008. doi:10.1017/S0272263121000036.
- Mayer, Richard E. 2003. Learning and Instruction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.
- Montero Perez, Maribel. 2022. “Second or Foreign Language Learning through Watching Audio-Visual Input and the Role of On-Screen Text.” Language Teaching 55 (2): 163–192. doi:10.1017/S0261444821000501.
- Montero Perez, Maribel, Elke Peters, Geraldine Clarebout, and Piet Desmet. 2014. “Effects of Captioning on Video Comprehension and Incidental Vocabulary Learning.” Language Learning & Technology 18 (1): 118–141. doi:10125/44357.
- Munn, Pamela, and Eric Drever. 1990. Using Questionnaires in Small-Scale Research: A Teachers’ Guide. Edinburgh: Scottish Council for Research in Education.
- Neuman, Susan B., and Patricia Koskinen. 1992. “Captioned Television as Comprehensible Input: Effects of Incidental Word Learning from Context for Language Minority Students.” Reading Research Quarterly 27 (1): 95–106. doi:10.2307/747835.
- Paivio, Allan. 1971. Imagery and Verbal Processes. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.
- Paivio, Allan. 1986. Mental Representations: A Dual Coding Approach. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Pattemore, Anastasia, and Carmen Muñoz. 2020. “Learning L2 Constructions from Captioned Audio-Visual Exposure: The Effect of Learner-Related Factors.” System 93. doi:10.1016/j.system.2020.102303.
- Pérez-González, Luis. 2012. “Amateur subtitling and the Pragmatics of Spectatorial Subjectivity.” In “Cross-Cultural Communication at a Theoretical and Methodological Crossroads: Cultural and Media Interfaces,” edited by Marie-Noëlle Guillot. Special Issue, Language and Intercultural Communication 12 (4): 335–352. doi:10.1080/14708477.2012.722100.
- Peters, Elke. 2019. “The Effect of Imagery and On‐Screen Text on Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning from Audiovisual Input.” Tesol Quarterly 53 (4): 1008–1032. doi:10.1002/tesq.531.
- Podara, Anna, Maria Matsiola, Constantinos Nicolaou, Theodora A. Maniou, and George Kalliris. 2020. “Transformation of Television Viewing Practices in Greece: Generation Z and Audiovisual Content.” Journal of Digital Media & Policy, 1–23.doi:10.1386/jdmp_00034_1.
- Prensky, Marc. 2010. Teaching Digital Natives: Partnering for Real Learning. United States of America: Corwin.
- Pym, Anthony, Kirsten Malmkjær, and Maria del Mar Gutiérrez-Colón Plana. 2013. Translation and Language Learning: The Role of Translation in the Teaching of Languages in the European Union: A Study. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
- Ragni, Valentina. 2018. “Didactic Subtitling in the Foreign Language (FL) Classroom. Improving Language Skills Through Task-Based Practice and Form-Focused Instruction (FFI): Background Considerations.” In “Audiovisual Translation in Applied Linguistics: Educational Perspectives,” edited by Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin, Jennifer Lertola, and Noa Talaván. Special Issue, Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts 4 (1): 9–29. doi:10.1075/ttmc.00002.rag.
- Roohani, Ali, and Somayeh Rabiei. 2011. “Effect of Watching Movies with Bimodal, Standard and No-Subtitles on Incidental Learning of Formal and Informal Vocabulary.” Journal of Research in Applied Linguistic Studies (RALS) 2 (2): 100–118.'_Proficiency/links/6021c10f45851589399015f9/Iranian-Bilingual-Schools-and-Language-Institutes-Examining-English-Language-Learners-Proficiency.pdf#page=102.
- Rothman, Darla. 2014. “A Tsunami of Learners Called Generation Z.” Public Safety: A State of Mind 1 (1).
- Talaván, Noa, Ana Ibáñez, and Elena Bárcena. 2017. “Exploring Collaborative Reverse Subtitling for the Enhancement of Written Production Activities in English as a Second Language.” ReCALL 29 (1): 39–58. doi:10.1017/S0958344016000197.
- Talaván, Noa, and Pilar Rodríguez-Arancón. 2014. “The Use of Reverse Subtitling as an Online Collaborative Language Learning Tool.” In “Translation in the Language Classroom: Theory, Research and Practice,” edited by Sara Laviosa. Special Issue, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 8 (1): 84–101. doi:10.1080/1750399X.2014.908559.
- Talaván Zanón, Noa. 2006. “Using Subtitles to Enhance Foreign Language Learning.” Porta Linguarum: Revista Internacional de Didáctica de las Lenguas Extranjeras, no. 6, 41–52. doi:10.30827/Digibug.30659.
- Teng, Feng. 2019a. “Incidental Vocabulary Learning for Primary School Students: The Effects of L2 Caption Type and Word Exposure Frequency.” The Australian Educational Researcher 46 (1): 113–136. doi:10.1007/s13384-018-0279-6.
- Teng, Feng. 2019b. “The Effects of Video Caption Types and Advance Organizers on Incidental L2 Collocation Learning.” Computers & Education 142. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2019.103655.
- Vanderplank, Robert. 1988. “The Value of Teletext Sub-Titles in Language Learning.” ELT Journal 42 (4): 272–281. doi:10.1093/elt/42.4.272.
- Vanderplank, Robert. 2019. “Video and Informal Language Learning.” In The Handbook of Informal Language Learning, edited by Mark Dressman and Randall William Sadler, 181–201. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Van Lommel, Sven, Annouschka Laenen, and Géry d’Ydewalle. 2006. “Foreign-Grammar Acquisition while Watching Subtitled Television Programmes.” British Journal of Educational Psychology 76 (2): 243–258. doi:10.1348/000709905X38946.
- Wang, Yan-dong, and Cai-fen Shen. 2007. “Tentative Model of Integrating Authentic Captioned Video to Facilitate ESL Learning.” Sino-Us English Teaching 4 (9): 1–13.
- Wisniewska, Natalia, and Joan C. Mora. 2020. “Can Captioned Video Benefit Second Language Pronunciation?” In “Language Learning from Multimodal Input,” edited by Carmen Muñoz and Elke Peters. Special Issue, Studies in Second Language Acquisition 42 (3): 599–624. doi:10.1017/S0272263120000029.
Year 2022,
, 66 - 92, 30.06.2022
Nikoleta Kalliopi Papadopoulou
Katerina Gouletı
- Ávila-Cabrera, José Javier. 2021. “Reverse Subtitling in the ESP Class to Improve Written Skills in English: A Case Study.” Journal of Audiovisual Translation 4 (1): 27–49. doi:10.47476/jat.v4i1.2021.22.
- Ávila-Cabrera, José Javier, and Pilar Rodríguez Arancón. 2021. “The Use of Active Subtitling Activities for Students of Tourism in order to Improve Their English Writing Production.” Ibérica: Revista de la Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Específicos (AELFE), no. 41, 155–180.
- Ayten, Adem, Sema Bulat, and Elif İnceismail. 2019. “A Study of Generation Z Viewing Habits in Context of Uses and Gratification Theory: The Protector Netflix Series Case.” In Communication and Technology Congress 2019, edited by Deniz Yengin and And Algün, 1–11. Editografika. doi:10.7456/ctc_2019_01.
- Bairstow, Dominique, and Jean-Marc Lavaur. 2011. “Standard vs. Reversed Subtitles: Effects on Movie Comprehension and Lexical Retrieval.” Paper presented at 8th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Oslo, Norway, June 15–18.
- Black, Sharon. 2022. “Subtitles as a Tool to Boost Language Learning? Children’s Views and Experiences of Watching Films and Television Programmes in Other Languages with Interlingual Subtitles.” Journal of Audiovisual Translation 5 (1): 73–93. doi:10.47476/jat.v5i1.2022.157.
- Borghetti, Claudia, and Jennifer Lertola. 2014. “Interlingual Subtitling for Intercultural Language Education: A Case Study.” Language and Intercultural Communication 14 (4): 423–440. doi:10.1080/14708477.2014.934380.
- Borrás, Isabel, and Robert C. Lafayette. 1994. “Effects of Multimedia Courseware Subtitling on the Speaking Performance of College Students of French.” The Modern Language Journal 78 (1): 61–75. doi:10.2307/329253.
- Bravo, Maria Da Conceição. 2008. “Putting the Reader in the Picture: Screen Translation and Foreign-Language Learning.” PhD diss., Rovira i Virgili University.
- Caimi, Anna Μaria, and Cristina Mariotti. 2015. “Beyond the Book: The Use of Subtitled Audiovisual Material to Promote Content and Language Integrated Learning in Higher Education.” In Audiovisual Translation: Taking Stock, edited by Jorge Díaz Cintas and Josélia Neves, 230–243. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars.
- Čepon, Slavica. 2011. “Interlingual Subtitling as a Mode of Facilitating Incidental Foreign Language Acquisition.” English for Specific Purposes World, no. 33.
- Chen, Yi-Ru, Yeu-Ting Liu, and Andrew Graeme Todd. 2018. “Transient but Effective? Captioning and Adolescent EFL Learners’ Spoken Vocabulary Acquisition.” English Teaching & Learning 42 (1): 25–56. doi:10.1007/s42321-018-0002-8.
- Cintrón-Valentín, Myrna, Lorenzo García-Amaya, and Nick C. Ellis. 2019. “Captioning and Grammar Learning in the L2 Spanish Classroom.” In “Video and Language Learning,” edited by Maribel Montero Perez and Michael P. H. Rodgers. Special Issue, The Language Learning Journal 47 (4): 439–459. doi:10.1080/09571736.2019.1615978.
- Comas-Quinn, Anna. 2019. “Using Online Volunteer Translation Communities for Language Learning in Formal Education.” In New Educational Landscapes: Innovative Perspectives in Language Learning and Technology, edited by Alessia Plutino, Kate Borthwick, and Erika Corradini, 41–46. Voillans:
- Danan, Martine. 1992. “Reversed Subtitling and Dual Coding Theory: New Directions for Foreign Language Instruction.” Language Learning 42 (4): 497–527. doi:10.1111/j.1467-1770.1992.tb01042.x.
- Díaz Cintas, Jorge, and Aline Remael. 2007. Audiovisual Translation: Subtitling. Manchester: St. Jerome.
- Dörnyei, Zoltán, and Tatsuya Taguchi. 2009. Questionnaires in Second Language Research: Construction, Administration, and Processing. New York: Routledge.
- European Commission. 2011. Study on the Use of Subtitling: The Potential of Subtitling to Encourage Foreign Language Learning and Improve the Mastery of Foreign Languages. Final Report.
- Fazilatfar, Ali Mohammad, Shahin Ghorbani, and Leial Samavarchi. 2011. “The Effect of Standard and Reversed Subtitling Versus No Subtitling Mode on L2 Vocabulary Learning.” Journal of Teaching Language Skills 30 (1): 43–64. doi:10.22099/jtls.2012.393.
- Garza, Thomas J. 1991. “Evaluating the Use of Captioned Video Materials in Advanced Foreign Language Learning.” Foreign Language Annals 24 (3): 239–258. doi:10.1111/j.1944-9720.1991.tb00469.x.
- Gouleti, Aikaterini, Giorgos Dimitriadis, and Michalis Kokonis. 2020. “Exploring the Educational Potentials of Language Learning with Netflix Tool: An Eye-Tracking Study.” Ex-centric Narratives: Journal of Anglophone Literature, Culture and Media, no. 4, 113–136. doi:10.26262/exna.v0i4.7920.
- Hilčenko, Slavoljub. 2017. “How Generation ‘Z’ Learns Better?” European Journal of Social Science Education and Research 4 (4s): 379–389. doi:10.26417/ejser.v11i2.p379-389.
- Holobow, Naomi E., Wallace E. Lambert, and Liliane Sayegh. 1984. “Pairing Script and Dialogue: Combinations That Show Promise for Second or Foreign Language Learning.” Language Learning 34 (4): 59–74. doi:10.1111/j.1467-1770.1984.tb00352.x.
- Incalcaterra McLoughlin, Laura. 2009. “Inter-Semiotic Translation in Foreign Language Acquisition: The Case of Subtitles.” In Translation in Second Language Learning and Teaching, edited by Arnd Witte, Theo Harden, and Alessandra Ramos de Oliveira Harden, 227–244. Bern: Peter Lang.
- Kim, Na-Young. 2020. “Languages on the Screen. A Study on Reversed Subtitling and EFL Receptive Language Skills.” Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning 23 (1): 37–66.
- Koletnik Korošec, Melita. 2013. “Translation in Foreign Language Teaching.” In New Horizons in Translation Research and Education 1, edited by Nike K. Pokorn and Kaisa Koskinen, 61–74. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland.
- Koolstra, Cees M., and Jonannes W. J. Beentjes. 1999. “Children’s Vocabulary Acquisition in a Foreign Language through Watching Subtitled Television Programs at Home.” Educational Technology Research and Development 47 (1): 51–60. doi:10.1007/BF02299476.
- Krashen, Stephen D. 1985. The Input Hypothesis: Issues and Implications. London: Longman.
- Lambert, Wallace E., Inga Boehler, and Nelly Sidoti. 1981. “Choosing the Languages of Subtitles and Spoken Dialogues for Media Presentations: Implications for Second Language Education.” Applied Psycholinguistics 2 (2): 133–148. doi:10.1017/S0142716400000904.
- Lambert, Wallace E., and Naomi E. Holobow. 1984. “Combinations of Printed Script and Spoken Dialogue That Show Promise for Students of a Foreign Language.” Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science 16 (1): 1–11. doi:10.1037/h0080775.
- Lee, Minjin, and Andrea Révész. 2020. “Promoting Grammatical Development through Captions and Textual Enhancement in Multimodal Input-Based Tasks.” In “Language Learning from Multimodal Input,” edited by Carmen Muñoz and Elke Peters. Special Issue, Studies in Second Language Acquisition 42 (3): 625–651. doi:10.1017/S0272263120000108.
- Lertola, Jennifer. 2012. “The Effect of The Subtitling Task on Vocabulary Learning.” In Translation Research Projects, edited by Anthony Pym and David Orrego-Carmona 4:61–70. Tarragona: Intercultural Studies Group.
- Lertola, Jennifer. 2019. “Second Language Vocabulary Learning through Subtitling.” Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics 32 (2): 486–514. doi:10.1075/resla.17009.ler.
- Lertola, Jennifer, and Cristina Mariotti. 2017. “Reverse Dubbing and Subtitling: Raising Pragmatic Awareness in Italian English as a Second Language (ESL) Learners.” The Journal of Specialised Translation, no. 28, 103–121.
- Majuddin, Elvenna, Anna Siyanova-Chanturia, and Frank Boers. 2021. “Incidental Acquisition of Multiword Expressions through Audiovisual Materials: The Role of Repetition and Typographic Enhancement.” Studies in Second Language Acquisition 43 (5): 985–1008. doi:10.1017/S0272263121000036.
- Mayer, Richard E. 2003. Learning and Instruction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.
- Montero Perez, Maribel. 2022. “Second or Foreign Language Learning through Watching Audio-Visual Input and the Role of On-Screen Text.” Language Teaching 55 (2): 163–192. doi:10.1017/S0261444821000501.
- Montero Perez, Maribel, Elke Peters, Geraldine Clarebout, and Piet Desmet. 2014. “Effects of Captioning on Video Comprehension and Incidental Vocabulary Learning.” Language Learning & Technology 18 (1): 118–141. doi:10125/44357.
- Munn, Pamela, and Eric Drever. 1990. Using Questionnaires in Small-Scale Research: A Teachers’ Guide. Edinburgh: Scottish Council for Research in Education.
- Neuman, Susan B., and Patricia Koskinen. 1992. “Captioned Television as Comprehensible Input: Effects of Incidental Word Learning from Context for Language Minority Students.” Reading Research Quarterly 27 (1): 95–106. doi:10.2307/747835.
- Paivio, Allan. 1971. Imagery and Verbal Processes. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.
- Paivio, Allan. 1986. Mental Representations: A Dual Coding Approach. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Pattemore, Anastasia, and Carmen Muñoz. 2020. “Learning L2 Constructions from Captioned Audio-Visual Exposure: The Effect of Learner-Related Factors.” System 93. doi:10.1016/j.system.2020.102303.
- Pérez-González, Luis. 2012. “Amateur subtitling and the Pragmatics of Spectatorial Subjectivity.” In “Cross-Cultural Communication at a Theoretical and Methodological Crossroads: Cultural and Media Interfaces,” edited by Marie-Noëlle Guillot. Special Issue, Language and Intercultural Communication 12 (4): 335–352. doi:10.1080/14708477.2012.722100.
- Peters, Elke. 2019. “The Effect of Imagery and On‐Screen Text on Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning from Audiovisual Input.” Tesol Quarterly 53 (4): 1008–1032. doi:10.1002/tesq.531.
- Podara, Anna, Maria Matsiola, Constantinos Nicolaou, Theodora A. Maniou, and George Kalliris. 2020. “Transformation of Television Viewing Practices in Greece: Generation Z and Audiovisual Content.” Journal of Digital Media & Policy, 1–23.doi:10.1386/jdmp_00034_1.
- Prensky, Marc. 2010. Teaching Digital Natives: Partnering for Real Learning. United States of America: Corwin.
- Pym, Anthony, Kirsten Malmkjær, and Maria del Mar Gutiérrez-Colón Plana. 2013. Translation and Language Learning: The Role of Translation in the Teaching of Languages in the European Union: A Study. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
- Ragni, Valentina. 2018. “Didactic Subtitling in the Foreign Language (FL) Classroom. Improving Language Skills Through Task-Based Practice and Form-Focused Instruction (FFI): Background Considerations.” In “Audiovisual Translation in Applied Linguistics: Educational Perspectives,” edited by Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin, Jennifer Lertola, and Noa Talaván. Special Issue, Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts 4 (1): 9–29. doi:10.1075/ttmc.00002.rag.
- Roohani, Ali, and Somayeh Rabiei. 2011. “Effect of Watching Movies with Bimodal, Standard and No-Subtitles on Incidental Learning of Formal and Informal Vocabulary.” Journal of Research in Applied Linguistic Studies (RALS) 2 (2): 100–118.'_Proficiency/links/6021c10f45851589399015f9/Iranian-Bilingual-Schools-and-Language-Institutes-Examining-English-Language-Learners-Proficiency.pdf#page=102.
- Rothman, Darla. 2014. “A Tsunami of Learners Called Generation Z.” Public Safety: A State of Mind 1 (1).
- Talaván, Noa, Ana Ibáñez, and Elena Bárcena. 2017. “Exploring Collaborative Reverse Subtitling for the Enhancement of Written Production Activities in English as a Second Language.” ReCALL 29 (1): 39–58. doi:10.1017/S0958344016000197.
- Talaván, Noa, and Pilar Rodríguez-Arancón. 2014. “The Use of Reverse Subtitling as an Online Collaborative Language Learning Tool.” In “Translation in the Language Classroom: Theory, Research and Practice,” edited by Sara Laviosa. Special Issue, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 8 (1): 84–101. doi:10.1080/1750399X.2014.908559.
- Talaván Zanón, Noa. 2006. “Using Subtitles to Enhance Foreign Language Learning.” Porta Linguarum: Revista Internacional de Didáctica de las Lenguas Extranjeras, no. 6, 41–52. doi:10.30827/Digibug.30659.
- Teng, Feng. 2019a. “Incidental Vocabulary Learning for Primary School Students: The Effects of L2 Caption Type and Word Exposure Frequency.” The Australian Educational Researcher 46 (1): 113–136. doi:10.1007/s13384-018-0279-6.
- Teng, Feng. 2019b. “The Effects of Video Caption Types and Advance Organizers on Incidental L2 Collocation Learning.” Computers & Education 142. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2019.103655.
- Vanderplank, Robert. 1988. “The Value of Teletext Sub-Titles in Language Learning.” ELT Journal 42 (4): 272–281. doi:10.1093/elt/42.4.272.
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