Research Article
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Year 2019, , 134 - 158, 31.12.2019



  • Alonge, Roberto. 1988. Teatro e spettacolo nel secondo ottocento [Theatre and performance in the second half of the 19th century]. Bari: Laterza.
  • Baer, Brian James, and Francoise Massardier-Kenney. 2015. “Gender and Sexuality.” In Researching Translation and Interpreting, edited by Claudia V. Angelelli and Brian James Baer, 83–96. London: Routledge.
  • Barker, Anna. 2011. “Helen Maria William’s Paul and Virginia.” In Translating Women, edited by Luise von Flotow, 57–70. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.
  • Bassnett, Susan. 2005. “Translation, Gender and Otherness.” Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 13 (2): 83–90. doi:10.1080/09076760508668976.
  • Bianco, Francesca. 2017. “Shakespeare: Le traduzioni veneziane di Giustina Renier Michiel e Melchiorre Cesarotti.” [Shakespeare: The Venetian translations by Giustina Renier Michiel and Melchiorre Cesarotti.] In L’Italianistica oggi: Ricerca e didattica; Atti del XIX Congresso dell’ADI – Associazione degli Italianisti (Roma, 9–12 Settembre 2015) [Italianistic today: Didactics and research; Proceedings of the XIX ADI (Italianist Association) Congress (Rome, 9–12 September 2015)], edited by Beatrice Alfonzetti, Teresa Cancro, Valeria Di Iasio, and Ester Pietrobon, 1–10. Rome: Adi Editore.
  • Brake, Terence, Danielle Medina Walker, and Thomas D. Walker. 1995. Doing Business Internationally: The Guide to Cross-Cultural Success. Burr Ridge: Irwin.
  • Brown, John Russell. 1962. Shakespeare and His Comedies. London: Methuen.
  • Butterfield, Ardis. 2000. “National Histories.” In Cultural Reformations: Medieval and Renaissance in Literary History, edited by Brian Cummings and James Simpson, 33–55. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Calvani, Alessandra. 2010. “Le donne in traduzione: Le traduttrici di Shakespeare dal 1798 al primo decennio fascista.” [Women in translation: Women translators of Shakespeare from 1798 to the first Fascist decade.] inTRAlinea 12.
  • Calvani, Alessandra. 2012. Traduzioni e traduttori: Gli specchi dell’originale [Translations and translators: The mirrors of the original]. Padova: Libreria Universitaria Edizioni.
  • Calvani, Alessandra. 2017. “Key Cultural Texts in Translation: Shakespeare and Sterne in Italy.” Journal of Italian Translation 12 (2): 16–37.
  • Chamberlain, Lori. 1988. “Gender and the Metaphorics of Translation.” Signs 13 (3): 454–472.
  • Chemello, Adriana. 2010. “Fuori dai repertori: Donne sulla scena letteraria ottocentesca.” [Far from the inventory: Women on the 19th century literary scene.] Dimensioni e problemi della ricerca storica 1 (January–June): 45–60. doi:10.7376/70329.
  • Collison-Morley, Lacy. 1916. Shakespeare in Italy. Stratford-Upon-Avon: Shakespeare Head Press.
  • Contorbia, Franco, ed. 2006. Lucia Morpurgo Rodocanachi: Le carte, la vita [Lucia Morpurgo Rodocanachi: Her letters, her life]. Firenze: Società Editrice Fiorentina.
  • Cox, Virginia. 2008. Women’s Writing in Italy: 1400–1650. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press.
  • Crinò Annamaria. 1950. Le traduzioni di Shakespeare in Italia nel settecento [The translations of Shakespeare in Italy in the 18th century]. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura.
  • Crotti, Ilaria. 2005. “Presenze traslate: Giustina Renier Michiel nelle lettere di Melchiorre Cesarotti.” [A shifted presence: Giustina Renier Michiel in Melchiorre Cesarotti’s letters.] In Sentir e meditar: Omaggio a Elena Sala Di Felice [Sentir e Meditar: Homage to Elena Sala Di Felice], edited by Laura Sannia Nowé, Roberto Puggioni, and Francesco Cotticelli, 227–242. Rome: Aracne.
  • Cushing, Mary Gertrude. 1908. Pierre Le Tourneur. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Delabastita, Dirk. 1993. There’s a Double Tongue: An Investigation into the Translation of Shakespeare’s Wordplay, with Special Reference to Hamlet. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  • Fois, Eleonora. 2018. Shakespeare tradotto: Le opere del Bardo in Italia fra testi e scena [Shakespeare translated: The works of the Bard between text and stage in Italy]. Rome: Carocci.
  • Goodfellow, Sarah. 1996. “‘Such Masculine Strokes’: Aphra Behn as Translator of A Discovery of New Worlds.” Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies 28 (2): 229–250. doi:10.2307/4052460.
  • Graf, Arturo. 1911. L’anglomania e l’influsso inglese in Italia nel secolo XVIII [Anglomania and the English influence in 18th century Italy]. Torino: E. Loescher.
  • Hamburger, Mick. 2004. “‘If It Be Now’: The Knocking of Fate; Reading Shakespeare for Translation.” In Translating Shakespeare for the Twenty-first Century, edited by Rui Carvalho Homem and Ton Hoenselaars, 117–129. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  • Hoenselaars, Ton. 2003. “Shakespeare and Translation.” In Shakespeare: An Oxford Guide, edited by Stanley Wells and Lena Cowen Orlin, 645–657. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hulme, Hilda M. 1962. Explorations in Shakespeare’s Language: Some Problems of Lexical Meaning in the Dramatic Text. London: Longmans.
  • Jones, Verina R. 2000. “Journalism, 1750–1850.” In A History of Women’s Writing in Italy, edited by Letizia Panizza and Sharon Wood, 120–134. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Kemp, Theresa D. 2010. Women in the Age of Shakespeare. Denver: Greenwood Press.
  • Laurenti, Francesco. 2015. Tradurre: Storie, teorie, pratiche dall’antichità al XIX secolo [Translation: History, theories and practice from the ancient times to the 19th century]. Rome: Armando Editore.
  • Le Tourneur, Pierre, trans. 1776. Shakespeare traduit de l’anglois, dédié au roi. Tome premier [Shakespeare translated from English, dedicated to the King. First volume]. Paris: Chez La Veuve Duchesne.
  • Levy, Anthony. 2000. “Belles Infidèles.” In Encyclopedia of Literary Translation into English: A–L, edited by Olive Classe, 126–127. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.
  • Locatelli, Angela. 1999. “Shakespeare in Italian Romanticism: Literary Querelles, Translations, and Interpretations.” In Shakespeare and Italy, edited by Holger M. Klein and Michele Marrapodi, 10: 19–37. Lewinston: Edwin Mellen Press.
  • Lombardo, Agostino. 1964. “Shakespeare e la critica italiana.” [Shakespeare and the Italian critics.] Sipario 218 (June): 2–13.
  • Lombardo, Agostino. 1997. “Shakespeare in Italy.” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 141 (4): 454–462.
  • Lotman, Yuri M. 1990. Universe of the Mind: A Semiotic Theory of a Culture. London: I.B. Tauris.
  • Malone, Joseph L. 1988. The Science of Linguistics in the Art of Translation. Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • Mandelker, Amy. 2006. “Lotman’s Other: Estrangement and Ethics in Culture and Explosion.” In Lotman and Cultural Studies: Encounters and Extensions, edited by Andreas Schönle, 59–83. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
  • McMahon, Joseph H. 1964. “Ducis: Unkindest Cutter?” Yale French Studies, no. 33, 14–25. doi:10.2307/2929585.
  • Melchiori, Giorgio. 2006. Shakespeare all’opera: I drammi nella librettistica italiana [Shakespeare at the Opera. Shakespeare’s works in Italian librettos]. Rome: Bulzoni Editore.
  • Messbarger, Rebecca, and Paula Finden, eds. 2005. The Contest for Knowledge: Debates over Women’s Learning in Eighteenth–Century Italy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Munday, Jeremy. 2007. “Translation and Ideology: A Textual Approach.” The Translator 13 (2): 195–217. doi:10.1080/13556509.2007.10799238.
  • Peletier du Mans, Jacques. 1555. L’Art Poetique de Jacques Peletier du Mans [The poetic art of Jacques Peletier du Mans]. Lyon: Ian de Tournes & Guil. Gazean.
  • Pemble, John. 2005. Shakespeare Goes to Paris: How the Bard Conquered France. New York: Hambledon and London.
  • Petrone Fresco, Gabi. 1993. Shakespeare’s Reception in 18th Century Italy: The Case of Hamlet. Bern: Peter Lang.
  • Quasimodo, Salvatore, Vico Cesare Lodovici, Gabriele Baldini, and Mario Praz. 1964. “Il problema della traduzione.” [The problem of translation.] Sipario 218 (June): 16–20.
  • Rebora, Pietro. 1949. “Comprensione e Fortuna di Shakespeare in Italia.” [Reception and fortune of Shakespeare in Italy.] Comparative Literature 1 (3): 210–224. doi:10.2307/1769169.
  • Renier Michiel, Giustina, trans. 1797. Opere drammatiche di Shakspeare volgarizzate da una Cittadina Veneta. Tomo I [Dramatic works by Shakespeare translated into vernacular by a Venetian citizen. Book I]. Venice: Eredi Costantini.
  • Ritchie, Fiona. 2014. Women and Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Roberts, Rachel. 2017. “Englishing A Spanish Romance Translating Spanish Rivalry into English Patriotism in Margaret Tyler’s Mirror of Princely Deeds and Knighthood.” inTRAlinea 19.
  • Russell, Rinaldina, ed. 1997. The Feminist Encyclopedia of Italian Literature. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
  • Semenenko, Aleksei. 2012. The Texture of Culture: An Introduction to Yuri Lotman’s Semiotic Theory. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Serpieri, Alessandro. 1988. Nel laboratorio di Shakespeare: Il quadro teorico [Into Shakespeare’s workshop: The theoretical framework]. Parma: Pratiche Editrice.
  • Shakespeare, William. 1768. The Works of Shakespear, from Mr. Pope’s Edition. Volume the Ninth. Containing, Troilus and Cressida. Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet. Othello. Birmingham: Robert Martin.
  • Stavinschi, Alexandra C. 2012. “Pragmatic Markers in Translation.” In The Translation of Fictive Dialogue, edited by Jenny Brumme and Anna Espunya, 233–249. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  • Stewart, Pamela D. 1994. “Luisa Bergalli (1703–1779).” In Italian Women Writers: A Bio-bibliographical Sourcebook, edited by Rinaldina Russell, 50–57. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
  • Todd, Janet, ed. 1993. The Works of Aphra Behn. Vol. 4, Seneca Unmasqued and Other Prose Translations. London: W. Pickering.
  • Tyler, Margaret. 2014. Mirror of Princely Deeds and Knighthood. MHRA Tudor & Stuart Translations, vol. 11, edited by Joyce Boro. London: Modern Humanities Research Association.
  • Venturi, Paola. 2009. “The Translator’s Immobility: English Modern Classics in Italy.” Target 21 (2): 333–357. doi:10.1075/target.21.2.06ven.
  • Walton, Michael. 2008. “‘An Agreeable Innovation’: Play and Translation.” In Translation and the Classic: Identity as Change in the History of Culture, edited by Alexandra Lianeri and Vanda Zajko, 261–276. Clarendon: Oxford University Press.
  • Waring, Caroline. 2007. “Laura Terracina’s Feminist Discourse (1549): Answering the Furioso.” In Investigating Gender, Translation and Culture in Italian Studies, edited by Monica Boria and Linda Risso, 151–167. Leicester: Troubador.
  • Zaharia, Oana-Alis. 2014. “‘De interpretatione recta...’: Early Modern Theories of Translation.” American, British and Canadian Studies Journal 23 (1): 5–23. doi:10.1515/abcsj-2014-0024.

Shakespeare Translated by a Woman: Giustina Renier Michiel’s Othello

Year 2019, , 134 - 158, 31.12.2019


The same metaphors are employed to describe translation and women: they are defined, as John Florio did, in terms of imperfection and inferiority, both deprived of creativity and of writing talent. Women’s translation has been discussed by gender studies and translation studies: the analysis of women’s translation helps to determine their motives, interests and strategies, and it is essential to balance the marginal position of women’s writing in the history of literature. There is a vast body of literature analyzing the way William Shakespeare interpreted and described women, but studies dealing explicitly with women translating Shakespeare are scarce. In Italy, women’s translation played a crucial but overlooked role in Shakespeare’s reception. Thus, this paper intends to focus on the first Italian translation of Othello by Giustina Renier Michiel, who was also the first and only woman translator of Shakespeare in Italy until the Fascist era. An exploration of Shakespeare’s reception and an overview of female writing in Italy will introduce a contrastive analysis which aims at understanding Renier Michiel’s translating approach and strategies. The goal is to highlight her personal input and to prove that her work, stained by a gender-biased judgment and critically downplayed as a mere indirect translation of Shakespeare’s plays through Pierre Le Tourneur’s French edition, was far more independent than believed.


  • Alonge, Roberto. 1988. Teatro e spettacolo nel secondo ottocento [Theatre and performance in the second half of the 19th century]. Bari: Laterza.
  • Baer, Brian James, and Francoise Massardier-Kenney. 2015. “Gender and Sexuality.” In Researching Translation and Interpreting, edited by Claudia V. Angelelli and Brian James Baer, 83–96. London: Routledge.
  • Barker, Anna. 2011. “Helen Maria William’s Paul and Virginia.” In Translating Women, edited by Luise von Flotow, 57–70. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.
  • Bassnett, Susan. 2005. “Translation, Gender and Otherness.” Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 13 (2): 83–90. doi:10.1080/09076760508668976.
  • Bianco, Francesca. 2017. “Shakespeare: Le traduzioni veneziane di Giustina Renier Michiel e Melchiorre Cesarotti.” [Shakespeare: The Venetian translations by Giustina Renier Michiel and Melchiorre Cesarotti.] In L’Italianistica oggi: Ricerca e didattica; Atti del XIX Congresso dell’ADI – Associazione degli Italianisti (Roma, 9–12 Settembre 2015) [Italianistic today: Didactics and research; Proceedings of the XIX ADI (Italianist Association) Congress (Rome, 9–12 September 2015)], edited by Beatrice Alfonzetti, Teresa Cancro, Valeria Di Iasio, and Ester Pietrobon, 1–10. Rome: Adi Editore.
  • Brake, Terence, Danielle Medina Walker, and Thomas D. Walker. 1995. Doing Business Internationally: The Guide to Cross-Cultural Success. Burr Ridge: Irwin.
  • Brown, John Russell. 1962. Shakespeare and His Comedies. London: Methuen.
  • Butterfield, Ardis. 2000. “National Histories.” In Cultural Reformations: Medieval and Renaissance in Literary History, edited by Brian Cummings and James Simpson, 33–55. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Calvani, Alessandra. 2010. “Le donne in traduzione: Le traduttrici di Shakespeare dal 1798 al primo decennio fascista.” [Women in translation: Women translators of Shakespeare from 1798 to the first Fascist decade.] inTRAlinea 12.
  • Calvani, Alessandra. 2012. Traduzioni e traduttori: Gli specchi dell’originale [Translations and translators: The mirrors of the original]. Padova: Libreria Universitaria Edizioni.
  • Calvani, Alessandra. 2017. “Key Cultural Texts in Translation: Shakespeare and Sterne in Italy.” Journal of Italian Translation 12 (2): 16–37.
  • Chamberlain, Lori. 1988. “Gender and the Metaphorics of Translation.” Signs 13 (3): 454–472.
  • Chemello, Adriana. 2010. “Fuori dai repertori: Donne sulla scena letteraria ottocentesca.” [Far from the inventory: Women on the 19th century literary scene.] Dimensioni e problemi della ricerca storica 1 (January–June): 45–60. doi:10.7376/70329.
  • Collison-Morley, Lacy. 1916. Shakespeare in Italy. Stratford-Upon-Avon: Shakespeare Head Press.
  • Contorbia, Franco, ed. 2006. Lucia Morpurgo Rodocanachi: Le carte, la vita [Lucia Morpurgo Rodocanachi: Her letters, her life]. Firenze: Società Editrice Fiorentina.
  • Cox, Virginia. 2008. Women’s Writing in Italy: 1400–1650. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press.
  • Crinò Annamaria. 1950. Le traduzioni di Shakespeare in Italia nel settecento [The translations of Shakespeare in Italy in the 18th century]. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura.
  • Crotti, Ilaria. 2005. “Presenze traslate: Giustina Renier Michiel nelle lettere di Melchiorre Cesarotti.” [A shifted presence: Giustina Renier Michiel in Melchiorre Cesarotti’s letters.] In Sentir e meditar: Omaggio a Elena Sala Di Felice [Sentir e Meditar: Homage to Elena Sala Di Felice], edited by Laura Sannia Nowé, Roberto Puggioni, and Francesco Cotticelli, 227–242. Rome: Aracne.
  • Cushing, Mary Gertrude. 1908. Pierre Le Tourneur. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Delabastita, Dirk. 1993. There’s a Double Tongue: An Investigation into the Translation of Shakespeare’s Wordplay, with Special Reference to Hamlet. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  • Fois, Eleonora. 2018. Shakespeare tradotto: Le opere del Bardo in Italia fra testi e scena [Shakespeare translated: The works of the Bard between text and stage in Italy]. Rome: Carocci.
  • Goodfellow, Sarah. 1996. “‘Such Masculine Strokes’: Aphra Behn as Translator of A Discovery of New Worlds.” Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies 28 (2): 229–250. doi:10.2307/4052460.
  • Graf, Arturo. 1911. L’anglomania e l’influsso inglese in Italia nel secolo XVIII [Anglomania and the English influence in 18th century Italy]. Torino: E. Loescher.
  • Hamburger, Mick. 2004. “‘If It Be Now’: The Knocking of Fate; Reading Shakespeare for Translation.” In Translating Shakespeare for the Twenty-first Century, edited by Rui Carvalho Homem and Ton Hoenselaars, 117–129. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  • Hoenselaars, Ton. 2003. “Shakespeare and Translation.” In Shakespeare: An Oxford Guide, edited by Stanley Wells and Lena Cowen Orlin, 645–657. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hulme, Hilda M. 1962. Explorations in Shakespeare’s Language: Some Problems of Lexical Meaning in the Dramatic Text. London: Longmans.
  • Jones, Verina R. 2000. “Journalism, 1750–1850.” In A History of Women’s Writing in Italy, edited by Letizia Panizza and Sharon Wood, 120–134. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Kemp, Theresa D. 2010. Women in the Age of Shakespeare. Denver: Greenwood Press.
  • Laurenti, Francesco. 2015. Tradurre: Storie, teorie, pratiche dall’antichità al XIX secolo [Translation: History, theories and practice from the ancient times to the 19th century]. Rome: Armando Editore.
  • Le Tourneur, Pierre, trans. 1776. Shakespeare traduit de l’anglois, dédié au roi. Tome premier [Shakespeare translated from English, dedicated to the King. First volume]. Paris: Chez La Veuve Duchesne.
  • Levy, Anthony. 2000. “Belles Infidèles.” In Encyclopedia of Literary Translation into English: A–L, edited by Olive Classe, 126–127. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.
  • Locatelli, Angela. 1999. “Shakespeare in Italian Romanticism: Literary Querelles, Translations, and Interpretations.” In Shakespeare and Italy, edited by Holger M. Klein and Michele Marrapodi, 10: 19–37. Lewinston: Edwin Mellen Press.
  • Lombardo, Agostino. 1964. “Shakespeare e la critica italiana.” [Shakespeare and the Italian critics.] Sipario 218 (June): 2–13.
  • Lombardo, Agostino. 1997. “Shakespeare in Italy.” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 141 (4): 454–462.
  • Lotman, Yuri M. 1990. Universe of the Mind: A Semiotic Theory of a Culture. London: I.B. Tauris.
  • Malone, Joseph L. 1988. The Science of Linguistics in the Art of Translation. Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • Mandelker, Amy. 2006. “Lotman’s Other: Estrangement and Ethics in Culture and Explosion.” In Lotman and Cultural Studies: Encounters and Extensions, edited by Andreas Schönle, 59–83. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
  • McMahon, Joseph H. 1964. “Ducis: Unkindest Cutter?” Yale French Studies, no. 33, 14–25. doi:10.2307/2929585.
  • Melchiori, Giorgio. 2006. Shakespeare all’opera: I drammi nella librettistica italiana [Shakespeare at the Opera. Shakespeare’s works in Italian librettos]. Rome: Bulzoni Editore.
  • Messbarger, Rebecca, and Paula Finden, eds. 2005. The Contest for Knowledge: Debates over Women’s Learning in Eighteenth–Century Italy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Munday, Jeremy. 2007. “Translation and Ideology: A Textual Approach.” The Translator 13 (2): 195–217. doi:10.1080/13556509.2007.10799238.
  • Peletier du Mans, Jacques. 1555. L’Art Poetique de Jacques Peletier du Mans [The poetic art of Jacques Peletier du Mans]. Lyon: Ian de Tournes & Guil. Gazean.
  • Pemble, John. 2005. Shakespeare Goes to Paris: How the Bard Conquered France. New York: Hambledon and London.
  • Petrone Fresco, Gabi. 1993. Shakespeare’s Reception in 18th Century Italy: The Case of Hamlet. Bern: Peter Lang.
  • Quasimodo, Salvatore, Vico Cesare Lodovici, Gabriele Baldini, and Mario Praz. 1964. “Il problema della traduzione.” [The problem of translation.] Sipario 218 (June): 16–20.
  • Rebora, Pietro. 1949. “Comprensione e Fortuna di Shakespeare in Italia.” [Reception and fortune of Shakespeare in Italy.] Comparative Literature 1 (3): 210–224. doi:10.2307/1769169.
  • Renier Michiel, Giustina, trans. 1797. Opere drammatiche di Shakspeare volgarizzate da una Cittadina Veneta. Tomo I [Dramatic works by Shakespeare translated into vernacular by a Venetian citizen. Book I]. Venice: Eredi Costantini.
  • Ritchie, Fiona. 2014. Women and Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Roberts, Rachel. 2017. “Englishing A Spanish Romance Translating Spanish Rivalry into English Patriotism in Margaret Tyler’s Mirror of Princely Deeds and Knighthood.” inTRAlinea 19.
  • Russell, Rinaldina, ed. 1997. The Feminist Encyclopedia of Italian Literature. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
  • Semenenko, Aleksei. 2012. The Texture of Culture: An Introduction to Yuri Lotman’s Semiotic Theory. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Serpieri, Alessandro. 1988. Nel laboratorio di Shakespeare: Il quadro teorico [Into Shakespeare’s workshop: The theoretical framework]. Parma: Pratiche Editrice.
  • Shakespeare, William. 1768. The Works of Shakespear, from Mr. Pope’s Edition. Volume the Ninth. Containing, Troilus and Cressida. Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet. Othello. Birmingham: Robert Martin.
  • Stavinschi, Alexandra C. 2012. “Pragmatic Markers in Translation.” In The Translation of Fictive Dialogue, edited by Jenny Brumme and Anna Espunya, 233–249. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  • Stewart, Pamela D. 1994. “Luisa Bergalli (1703–1779).” In Italian Women Writers: A Bio-bibliographical Sourcebook, edited by Rinaldina Russell, 50–57. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
  • Todd, Janet, ed. 1993. The Works of Aphra Behn. Vol. 4, Seneca Unmasqued and Other Prose Translations. London: W. Pickering.
  • Tyler, Margaret. 2014. Mirror of Princely Deeds and Knighthood. MHRA Tudor & Stuart Translations, vol. 11, edited by Joyce Boro. London: Modern Humanities Research Association.
  • Venturi, Paola. 2009. “The Translator’s Immobility: English Modern Classics in Italy.” Target 21 (2): 333–357. doi:10.1075/target.21.2.06ven.
  • Walton, Michael. 2008. “‘An Agreeable Innovation’: Play and Translation.” In Translation and the Classic: Identity as Change in the History of Culture, edited by Alexandra Lianeri and Vanda Zajko, 261–276. Clarendon: Oxford University Press.
  • Waring, Caroline. 2007. “Laura Terracina’s Feminist Discourse (1549): Answering the Furioso.” In Investigating Gender, Translation and Culture in Italian Studies, edited by Monica Boria and Linda Risso, 151–167. Leicester: Troubador.
  • Zaharia, Oana-Alis. 2014. “‘De interpretatione recta...’: Early Modern Theories of Translation.” American, British and Canadian Studies Journal 23 (1): 5–23. doi:10.1515/abcsj-2014-0024.
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Language Studies
Journal Section Research Articles

Eleonora Foıs This is me 0000-0001-7802-6233

Publication Date December 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Foıs, E. (2019). Shakespeare Translated by a Woman: Giustina Renier Michiel’s Othello. TransLogos Translation Studies Journal, 2(2), 134-158.
AMA Foıs E. Shakespeare Translated by a Woman: Giustina Renier Michiel’s Othello. transLogos Translation Studies Journal. December 2019;2(2):134-158. doi:10.29228/transLogos.16
Chicago Foıs, Eleonora. “Shakespeare Translated by a Woman: Giustina Renier Michiel’s Othello”. TransLogos Translation Studies Journal 2, no. 2 (December 2019): 134-58.
EndNote Foıs E (December 1, 2019) Shakespeare Translated by a Woman: Giustina Renier Michiel’s Othello. transLogos Translation Studies Journal 2 2 134–158.
IEEE E. Foıs, “Shakespeare Translated by a Woman: Giustina Renier Michiel’s Othello”, transLogos Translation Studies Journal, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 134–158, 2019, doi: 10.29228/transLogos.16.
ISNAD Foıs, Eleonora. “Shakespeare Translated by a Woman: Giustina Renier Michiel’s Othello”. transLogos Translation Studies Journal 2/2 (December 2019), 134-158.
JAMA Foıs E. Shakespeare Translated by a Woman: Giustina Renier Michiel’s Othello. transLogos Translation Studies Journal. 2019;2:134–158.
MLA Foıs, Eleonora. “Shakespeare Translated by a Woman: Giustina Renier Michiel’s Othello”. TransLogos Translation Studies Journal, vol. 2, no. 2, 2019, pp. 134-58, doi:10.29228/transLogos.16.
Vancouver Foıs E. Shakespeare Translated by a Woman: Giustina Renier Michiel’s Othello. transLogos Translation Studies Journal. 2019;2(2):134-58.