Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 12/31/22

Year: 2022

Research Articles

Research Article

2. Revisiting Self-Translation and Indirect Translation in Intralingual Context

transLogos Translation Studies Journal aims to contribute to the discipline of Translation Studies, focusing on its interdisciplinary nature and providing a platform for scholars and researchers to discuss the changing trends and demands in the field.

The scope of transLogos Translation Studies Journal covers a wide area ranging from Translation Theory, Translation Criticism, History of Translation and Translation Studies, Applied Translation to Literary Translation, Machine Translation, Computer Technologies in Translation, Translator Training, Technical Writing, and meta issues in Translation Studies.

Before you submit your manuscript, we recommend that you review the Ethical Principles and Publication Policy of our Journal, including information on authorship, peer review, originality and plagiarism policy, editorial responsibilities, copyright, the rights retained by authors, charges, review duration, and publishing schedule.

Prior to submission, please make sure that your manuscript follows The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition. You can download the Journal's Style Guide here.

You can submit your manuscript via the Submit Article page or use the e-mail address translogos@diye.com.tr for submission.

For further questions, please contact translogos@diye.com.tr.

transLogos Translation Studies Journal takes the core practices provided by The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the guidelines and principles set by The European Association of Science Editors (EASE) as basis in handling ethical issues and editorial processes. Some key issues are indicated below.

Authors significantly contributing to the conception, design, and execution of the research study as well as acquisition of data and analysis and interpretation must be listed on the article. The researchers who have conducted the research work must determine in what order authors are to be listed.
Authors are accountable for the contents of the article, take responsibility for it, and share responsibility to settle any questions concerning the integrity and/or accuracy of the article. Fabrication of data, selective reporting of data, and the theft of any data or results are completely unacceptable for any reason whatsoever.
Authors must comprehensively describe their research rationale, research protocol, methodology, and analysis for the sake of verification and reproducibility.
All authors must provide their affiliation(s) at the time the submitted research was conducted and/or penned.
Authors must review and agree on all versions of the manuscript (i.e., before it is submitted, through the revision stage, and at the publication stage of the final version) as well as any changes made through the proofing process.
When a published work is detected to contain an error, authors must deliver a prompt notification to the Journal, and the two parties must discuss relevant action to be taken. When there is a need to make a change in the published article or authors wish to retract their article, this must be done in accordance with the post-publication guidelines specified by the COPE following a meticulous evaluation by the Editor. A permanent notice indicating any such action (e.g., a correction notice, an expression of concern, an erratum, a retraction) must be linked to the original article.

Conflicts of interest and disclosure
Authors submitting manuscripts to the Journal acknowledge that neither the results of their research nor its interpretation have been conditioned by a real, potential, or perceived conflict of interest. In the case of any financial and/or non-financial conflicts of interest that may influence the results or the interpretation of the research, authors must properly acknowledge them. All sources of financial and/or institutional support for the research must also be disclosed.

Peer Review
The submitted manuscripts initially undergo an objective evaluation by the Editorial Board in terms of compliance with the publishing principles of the Journal. The manuscripts accepted by the Editorial Board, which can also request revisions or reject directly, are subjected to plagiarism checking by intihal.net plagiarism detection software. The Editorial Board may contact the authors of the manuscripts with high similarity rates or reject them directly.
The manuscripts with no plagiarism problem are then sent to reviewers who are experts in the field for double-blind peer-review process in line with the COPE ethical guidelines for peer reviewers. The Journal does not allow authors to recommend peer reviewers. It is at the Editor’s discretion to determine reviewers.
Reviewers must make an objective evaluation of the quality of the submitted manuscript in a manner explaining and supporting their judgments, respecting the intellectual independence of the authors, and abstaining from delivering personal criticisms.
No payment is made to reviewers for copyright or the review process. The manuscripts that are decided to be publishable by reviewers, directly or after minor or major changes are made by the authors, go through a final evaluation by the Editorial Board, which may still decide to reject the publication of the manuscript. The rejected manuscripts will not be accepted for re-evaluation in future issues. Once the Editorial Board decides to publish the manuscript, Editor’s suggestions and reviewer reports are sent to the authors for them to finalize their manuscript.
The peer review and editorial decision-making process must be kept confidential at all stages. The reviewers must treat the manuscript delivered to them for review as a confidential document and not show or discuss it with others. They must keep any information and/or ideas obtained through the peer review process confidential and not use them to attain competitive gain.
The reviewers must disclose any conflict of interests associated with the manuscript and/or arising from any kind of relationship with the authors and abstain from those cases in which they may not be able to make an objective evaluation.
The COPE core practices are taken as basis in the treatment of any appeals and complaints concerning peer reviewing (as well as editorial decisions). Evidence is required for any such appeals and complaints to be taken into consideration.

Originality and Plagiarism Policy
The manuscripts submitted to the Journal must be original, previously unpublished, currently not under submission or consideration for publication nor accepted to be published by any other journal or publisher, and not violating any intellectual property rights of others.
In accordance with the COPE definition of plagiarism, which reads as “When somebody presents the work of others (data, words or theories) as if they were his/her own and without proper acknowledgment,” each and every work used in the research study must be clearly and properly cited, and no violation of intellectual property rights of others is acceptable. Authors must also avoid any kind of citation manipulation, which is elaborated on by the COPE.
The manuscripts are subjected to originality checking via intihal.net plagiarism detection software to screen for unoriginal material. In case of high similarity rates, the Editorial Board may contact the authors, or such manuscripts may be rejected directly.

Editorial Responsibilities
The Editor is fully responsible and authorized to accept or reject a manuscript submitted for publication. S/he can ask the Editorial Board and/or reviewers for their evaluations before s/he makes the final decision on the manuscript.
Any manuscript submitted to the Journal is to be given impartial consideration. Any discrimination based on race, gender, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, political stance, and so on is unacceptable in the treatment of manuscripts offered for publication for any reason whatsoever.
No member of the Editorial Board is allowed to disclose any information about a manuscript that is under consideration to anyone apart from (potential) reviewers.                                               

Procedures to be followed in the case of malpractice
The Editor works to maintain the integrity of the submitted or published work by thoroughly addressing any malpractice, reported or suspected, regarding the research in question in line with COPE Core Practices on Allegations of Misconduct. Any report of malpractice must be accompanied by sufficient information and evidence.
In any such case, the Editor will generally first contact the author and all parties concerned to provide them with equal chance to respond to all allegations and will handle the respective claims or complaints meticulously. When it is deemed necessary, further communications may be delivered to the relevant institutions and research bodies as well. The Editor will investigate all the relevant aspects and avoid any sort of allegations until a final conclusion is reached.
When provided with strong evidence of malpractice, the Editor will coordinate with the Editorial Board and the publisher. If the work is still under consideration following submission, it may be rejected and sent back to the author. If the article has been published, a prompt publication of a correction, retraction, expression of concern, or other note may be provided, along with an editorial explaining the malpractice, depending on the severity of the issue.
In such a case, the Editor will also issue a formal letter to the relevant offices, including but not limited to the author’s institution or funding agency, and, if deemed necessary, to higher authorities for further action.
Any reported act of malpractice will be looked into, regardless of the time passing after the publication of the work in question.
Cases of malpractice can be reported directly to the journal’s editorial office (e-mail: translogos@diye.com.tr) and at the same time to the publisher, Diye Global Communications (e-mail: diye@diye.com.tr).

The Journal publishes articles open access in accordance with Budapest Open Access Initiative's (BOAI) 2002 definition of open access.

The Journal holds the copyright of all articles published in the Journal. Authors are required to sign and submit the “transLogos Translation Studies Journal Copyright Transfer and Publication Agreement” to the Journal once their manuscript is accepted for publication. After publication, the use and sharing of the article by others, including posting on third party repositories, will be subject to Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) in accordance with the Journal’s Open Access Policy.
Authors acknowledge that their article does not involve any copyright infringements and any other infringements of rights of others or applicable laws, and that the Journal cannot be held liable for any such infringements.

The Rights Retained by Authors
Authors transferring the copyright of their article to the Journal retain their right to use the article in its published form in their other work, in part or whole, without any revision or modification and to expand it into a book form on condition that they give appropriate attribution to the publication in the Journal explicitly as stated in CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License and in the Journal’s Open Access Policy. When the article is to be re-used by the author as a book chapter or in a collection or compilation or expanded into a book for commercial purposes, permission is required to be sought from the Journal, which reserves its right to levy or waive a fee for such re-use, and appropriate attribution is required to be given to the original publication in the Journal explicitly.

The Journal levies no article submission charges, article processing charges (APCs), or any other charges on authors to launch and complete the publication process.

Review Duration
From submission, it takes 14 weeks on average for a manuscript to be published.

Publishing Schedule
The Journal is published biannually, in June and December.

For further questions, please contact translogos@diye.com.tr.

The Journal levies no article submission charges, article processing charges (APCs), or any other charges on authors to launch and complete the publication process. The Journal provides all its content to users open access without charge. For details, please see the Journal’s Open Access Policy.