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Patient selection for near-total laryngectomy and oncologic results

Year 2002, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 121 - 125, 12.03.2002


Objectives: We reviewed preoperative, perioperative, and postoperative findings and the survival data to determine which patients may be appropriate for near-total laryngectomy.Patients and Methods: We reviewed hospital records of 20 patients ali males; mean age 56.6 years; range 35 to 73 years who underwent near- total laryngectomy. Indications for patient selection for near-total laryngectomy and survival data were evaluated in comparison with literatüre reports.Results: The site of the tumor was the sinüs pyriformis in two, and the larynx in 18 patients. Thirteen patients had T3, seven patients had T2 tumors. The lesions were localized in the sinüs pyriformis in two patients with T2 tumors. The locoregional control rate at the end of two years was 75%; two- and three-year survival rates were 81.2% and 64.2%, respectively.Conclusion: Following a detailed and meticulous investigation in the preoperative period, near-total laryn­ gectomy seems to be appropriate in selected patients with advanced laryngeal and hypopharyngeal tumors in which partial laryngectomy procedures are not consid- ered. İt may both provide cure and preserve phonation.İt may also be considered for functional purposes in patients whose pulmonary functions are insufficient for partial laryngectomy, in those in whom food aspiration is inevitable after partial laryngectomy, and in those suffering from lifelong food aspiration due to neurologic causes, and for oncologic reasons in patients who develop local recurrences after partial laryngectomy.


  • Pearson BW, Woods RD 2nd, Hartman DE. Extended hemilaryngectomy for T3 glottic carcinoma with preservation of speech and swallowing. Laryngoscope 1980;90:1950-61.
  • Gavilan J, Herranz J, Prim J, Rabanal I. Speech results and complications of near-total laryngectomy. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1996;105:729-33.
  • Hoasjoe DK, Martin GF, Doyle PC, Wong FS. A com- parative acoustic analysis of voice production by near- total laryngectomy and normal laryngeal speakers. J Otolaryngol 1992;21:39-43.
  • L a c c o u r reye O, Cre v i e r-Buchman L, Muscatello L, Hans S, Menard M, Brasnu D. Speech and voice characteristics after near-total laryngectomy. A preliminary pro s p e c t i v e s t u d y. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1998;107:1061-5.
  • Pearson BW. Subtotal laryngectomy. Laryngoscope 1981;91:1904-12.
  • DeSanto LW, Pearson BW, Olsen KD. Utility of near- total laryngectomy for supraglottic, pharyngeal, base- of-tongue, and other cancers. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1989;98(1 Pt 1):2-7.
  • Cevanflir B, Kıyak E, Baflerer N, Yazıcıoğlu E, Güldiken Y, Üstündağ E, ve ark. Near-total larinjektomide 3 yıllık de- neyimimiz ve tedavi sonuçlarımız. In: Cerrahpafla Tıp Fakültesi KBB Anabilim Dalı XII. Akademik Haftası Bafl ve Boyun Cerrahisinde Yeni Geliflmeler Simpozyumu Ki- tabı; 13-15 Mayıs 1992; İstanbul, Türkiye. 1992. s. 11 4 - 7 .
  • Kıyak E, Cevanflir B, Güldiken Y, Biliciler N, Yazıcıoğlu E, Tınaz M, et al. Near-total laryngectomy. In: Proceedings of the 15th World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery; June 20-25, 1993; Istanbul, Tu r k e y. Vo l . 2. Istanbul: Erol Ofset; 1993. p. 755-8.
  • L a c c o u r reye H, Laccourreye O, Weinstein G, Menard M, Brasnu D. Supracricoid laryngectomy with cricohy- oidopexy: a partial laryngeal pro c e d u re for selected supraglottic and transglottic carcinomas. Laryngoscope 1 9 9 0 ; 1 0 0 : 7 3 5 - 4 1 .
  • Pearson BW, DeSanto LW, Olsen KD, Salassa JR. Results of near-total laryngectomy. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1998;107(10 Pt 1):820-5.
  • Freeman RB, Marks JE, Ogura JH. Voice preservation in treatment of carcinoma of the pyriform sinus. Laryngoscope 1979;89:1855-63.
  • Krespi YP, Sisson GA. Voice preservation in pyriform sinus carcinoma by hemicricolaryngopharyngectomy. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1984;93(4 Pt 1):306-10.
  • L a c c o u r reye O, Merite-Drancy A, Brasnu D, Chabard e s E, Cauchois R, Menard M, Laccourreye H. Supracricoid hemilaryngopharyngectomy in selected pyriform sinus c a rcinoma staged as T2. Laryngoscope 1993;103:1373-9.
  • Dumich PS, Pearson BW, Weiland LH. Suitability of near-total laryngopharyngectomy in piriform carcino- ma. Arch Otolaryngol 1984;110:664-9.
  • Su CY, Hwang CF. Near-total laryngopharyngectomy with pectoralis major myocutaneous flap in advanced pyriform carcinoma. J Laryngol Otol 1993;107:817-20.
  • Suits GW, Cohen JI, Everts EC. Near-total laryngectomy. Patient selection and technical considerations. Arc h Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1996;122:473-5.
  • Laccourreye O, Laccourreye L, Crevier-Buchman L, Brasnu D, Weinstein GS. Supracricoid hemilaryn- gopharyngectomy conversion to Pearson’s near-total laryngectomy: a case report. Head Neck 1997;19:232-4.
  • Eisele DW. Chronic aspiration. In: Cummings CW, Fredrickson JM, Harker LA, Krause JC, Richardson MA, Schüller DE, editors. Otolaryngology head and neck surgery. 3th ed. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book; 1998. p. 1989-2000.
  • Shenoy AM, Plinkert PK, Nanjundappa N, Premalata S, Arunodhay GR. Functional utility and oncologic safety of near-total laryngectomy with tracheopharyn- geal speech shunt in a Third World oncologic center. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 1997;254:128-32.

Near-total larenjektomi için hasta seçimi ve onkolojik sonuçlar

Year 2002, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 121 - 125, 12.03.2002


Amaç: Ameliyat öncesi, ameliyat sırasında ve ameliyat sonrası dönemdeki bulgular ve elde edilen sağkalım oranlarına göre near-total larenjektominin hangi hastalarda uygulanabileceği incelendi.Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Near-total larenjektomi uygulanan 20 hastanın tümör kontrol kartları ve hastane dosyaları retrospektif olarak incelendi. Literatürde near-total larenjektomi uygulanan olgular arafltırılarak, bizim serimizlehasta seçimi ve sağkalım açısından karflılafltırıldı.Bulgular: Yirmi olgunun ikisinde tümör sinüs piriformis, 18’inde ise larenjeal yerleflimli idi. Tanı konduğunda 13 olgu T3, yedi olgu T2 evresinde idi. T2 evresinde olan olguların ikisinde, tümör sinüs piriformisyerleflimli idi. İki yıllık lökorejyonel kontrol oranı %75,iki yıllık sağkalım oranı %81.2, üç yıllık sağkalımoranı %64.2 bulundu.Sonu ç : Parsiyel larenjektomi tekniklerinin uygulanamayacağı ileri evreli larenjeal ve hipofarenjeal tümörlühastaların bazılarında ameliyat öncesi titiz ve detaylıbir incelemeden sonra uygulanacak near-total larenjektomi bir yandan iyileflme sağlarken, diğer yandanfonasyonu korumaktadır. Near-total larenjektomi ayrıca, bozulmufl akciğer fonksiyonları nedeniyle parsiyellarenjektomi yapılamayan olgularda, parsiyel larenjektomi sonrası önlenemeyen gıda aspirasyonu olan olgularda ve nörolojik nedenlerle ömür boyu sürebilecekgıda aspirasyonu olan olgularda fonksiyonel nedenlerle; parsiyel larenjektomiden sonra nüks geliflen olgularda ise onkolojik nedenlerle uygulanabilir


  • Pearson BW, Woods RD 2nd, Hartman DE. Extended hemilaryngectomy for T3 glottic carcinoma with preservation of speech and swallowing. Laryngoscope 1980;90:1950-61.
  • Gavilan J, Herranz J, Prim J, Rabanal I. Speech results and complications of near-total laryngectomy. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1996;105:729-33.
  • Hoasjoe DK, Martin GF, Doyle PC, Wong FS. A com- parative acoustic analysis of voice production by near- total laryngectomy and normal laryngeal speakers. J Otolaryngol 1992;21:39-43.
  • L a c c o u r reye O, Cre v i e r-Buchman L, Muscatello L, Hans S, Menard M, Brasnu D. Speech and voice characteristics after near-total laryngectomy. A preliminary pro s p e c t i v e s t u d y. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1998;107:1061-5.
  • Pearson BW. Subtotal laryngectomy. Laryngoscope 1981;91:1904-12.
  • DeSanto LW, Pearson BW, Olsen KD. Utility of near- total laryngectomy for supraglottic, pharyngeal, base- of-tongue, and other cancers. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1989;98(1 Pt 1):2-7.
  • Cevanflir B, Kıyak E, Baflerer N, Yazıcıoğlu E, Güldiken Y, Üstündağ E, ve ark. Near-total larinjektomide 3 yıllık de- neyimimiz ve tedavi sonuçlarımız. In: Cerrahpafla Tıp Fakültesi KBB Anabilim Dalı XII. Akademik Haftası Bafl ve Boyun Cerrahisinde Yeni Geliflmeler Simpozyumu Ki- tabı; 13-15 Mayıs 1992; İstanbul, Türkiye. 1992. s. 11 4 - 7 .
  • Kıyak E, Cevanflir B, Güldiken Y, Biliciler N, Yazıcıoğlu E, Tınaz M, et al. Near-total laryngectomy. In: Proceedings of the 15th World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery; June 20-25, 1993; Istanbul, Tu r k e y. Vo l . 2. Istanbul: Erol Ofset; 1993. p. 755-8.
  • L a c c o u r reye H, Laccourreye O, Weinstein G, Menard M, Brasnu D. Supracricoid laryngectomy with cricohy- oidopexy: a partial laryngeal pro c e d u re for selected supraglottic and transglottic carcinomas. Laryngoscope 1 9 9 0 ; 1 0 0 : 7 3 5 - 4 1 .
  • Pearson BW, DeSanto LW, Olsen KD, Salassa JR. Results of near-total laryngectomy. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1998;107(10 Pt 1):820-5.
  • Freeman RB, Marks JE, Ogura JH. Voice preservation in treatment of carcinoma of the pyriform sinus. Laryngoscope 1979;89:1855-63.
  • Krespi YP, Sisson GA. Voice preservation in pyriform sinus carcinoma by hemicricolaryngopharyngectomy. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1984;93(4 Pt 1):306-10.
  • L a c c o u r reye O, Merite-Drancy A, Brasnu D, Chabard e s E, Cauchois R, Menard M, Laccourreye H. Supracricoid hemilaryngopharyngectomy in selected pyriform sinus c a rcinoma staged as T2. Laryngoscope 1993;103:1373-9.
  • Dumich PS, Pearson BW, Weiland LH. Suitability of near-total laryngopharyngectomy in piriform carcino- ma. Arch Otolaryngol 1984;110:664-9.
  • Su CY, Hwang CF. Near-total laryngopharyngectomy with pectoralis major myocutaneous flap in advanced pyriform carcinoma. J Laryngol Otol 1993;107:817-20.
  • Suits GW, Cohen JI, Everts EC. Near-total laryngectomy. Patient selection and technical considerations. Arc h Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1996;122:473-5.
  • Laccourreye O, Laccourreye L, Crevier-Buchman L, Brasnu D, Weinstein GS. Supracricoid hemilaryn- gopharyngectomy conversion to Pearson’s near-total laryngectomy: a case report. Head Neck 1997;19:232-4.
  • Eisele DW. Chronic aspiration. In: Cummings CW, Fredrickson JM, Harker LA, Krause JC, Richardson MA, Schüller DE, editors. Otolaryngology head and neck surgery. 3th ed. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book; 1998. p. 1989-2000.
  • Shenoy AM, Plinkert PK, Nanjundappa N, Premalata S, Arunodhay GR. Functional utility and oncologic safety of near-total laryngectomy with tracheopharyn- geal speech shunt in a Third World oncologic center. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 1997;254:128-32.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Erkan Özüdoğru This is me

Emre Cingi This is me

Hamdi Çaklı This is me

Cem Keçik This is me

Cemal Cingi This is me

M. Kezban Gürbüz This is me

Publication Date March 12, 2002
Published in Issue Year 2002 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


APA Özüdoğru, E., Cingi, E., Çaklı, H., Keçik, C., et al. (2002). Near-total larenjektomi için hasta seçimi ve onkolojik sonuçlar. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat, 9(2), 121-125.
AMA Özüdoğru E, Cingi E, Çaklı H, Keçik C, Cingi C, Gürbüz MK. Near-total larenjektomi için hasta seçimi ve onkolojik sonuçlar. Tr-ENT. March 2002;9(2):121-125.
Chicago Özüdoğru, Erkan, Emre Cingi, Hamdi Çaklı, Cem Keçik, Cemal Cingi, and M. Kezban Gürbüz. “Near-Total Larenjektomi için Hasta seçimi Ve Onkolojik sonuçlar”. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 9, no. 2 (March 2002): 121-25.
EndNote Özüdoğru E, Cingi E, Çaklı H, Keçik C, Cingi C, Gürbüz MK (March 1, 2002) Near-total larenjektomi için hasta seçimi ve onkolojik sonuçlar. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 9 2 121–125.
IEEE E. Özüdoğru, E. Cingi, H. Çaklı, C. Keçik, C. Cingi, and M. K. Gürbüz, “Near-total larenjektomi için hasta seçimi ve onkolojik sonuçlar”, Tr-ENT, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 121–125, 2002.
ISNAD Özüdoğru, Erkan et al. “Near-Total Larenjektomi için Hasta seçimi Ve Onkolojik sonuçlar”. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 9/2 (March 2002), 121-125.
JAMA Özüdoğru E, Cingi E, Çaklı H, Keçik C, Cingi C, Gürbüz MK. Near-total larenjektomi için hasta seçimi ve onkolojik sonuçlar. Tr-ENT. 2002;9:121–125.
MLA Özüdoğru, Erkan et al. “Near-Total Larenjektomi için Hasta seçimi Ve Onkolojik sonuçlar”. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat, vol. 9, no. 2, 2002, pp. 121-5.
Vancouver Özüdoğru E, Cingi E, Çaklı H, Keçik C, Cingi C, Gürbüz MK. Near-total larenjektomi için hasta seçimi ve onkolojik sonuçlar. Tr-ENT. 2002;9(2):121-5.