Thyroid hemiagenesis is usually diagnosed incidentally during examination for other thyroid gland diseases. lodine-123 thyroid scan of a 25-year-old woman showed a normal homogeneous right thy roid lobe, but no uptake in the left lobe.Ultrasonography of the neck confirmed the absence of the left thyroid lobe, while the right lobe was homogeneous and normal. Thyroid hemiagenesis should be included in the differential diagnosis of thyroid diseases.
Shaha AR, Gujarati R. Thyroid hemiagenesis. J Surg Oncol 1997;65:137-40.
Konno N, Kanaya A. Thyroid hemiagenesis associated with the right aortic arch. J Endocrinol Invest 1988;11: 685-7.
Piera J, Garriga J, Calabuig R, Bargallo D. Thyroidal hemiagenesis. Am J Surg 1986;151:419-21.
Duh QY, Ciulla TA, Clark OH. Primary parathyro i d hyperplasia associated with thyroid hemiagenesis and agenesis of the isthmus. Surgery 1994;11 5 : 2 5 7 - 6 3 .
Levy EG. Graves’ disease in a patient with thyroid hemiagenesis. Thyroidology 1989;1:49-50.
Marwaha RK, Khanna CM, Gupta RK, Sharma R. Hemiagenesis associated with chronic lymphocyt- ic thyroiditis. J Assoc Physicians India 1990;38: 5 0 7 - 8 .
Bough ID Jr, Greco T, Romanczuk B. Thyroid hemiagen- esis. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1994;103(4 Pt 1):328-30.
Melnick JC, Stemkowski PE. Thyroid hemiagenesis (hockey stick sign): a review of the world literature and a report of four cases. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1981;52:247-51.
Sari O, Ciftci I, Toru M, Erbas B. Thyroid hemiagene- sis. Clin Nucl Med 2000;25:766-8.
De Remigis P, D'Angelo M, Bonaduce S, Di Giandomenico V, Sensi S. Comparison of ultrasonic scanning and scintis- canning in the evaluation of thyroid hemiagenesis. J Clin Ultrasound 1985;13:561-3.
Prakash R, Narayanan RV, Chakravarty SK. D i ff e rentiation between suppressed thyroid tissue and thyroid hemiagenesis with Tc-99m pertechnetate radionuclide angiography. Clin Nucl Med 1990;15: 6 0 5 - 9 .
Tiroit hemiagenezi: Olgu sunumu
Year 2003,
Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 69 - 71, 10.04.2003
Tiroid hemiagenezi, tiroit hastalıklarının ayırıcı tanı- sında hatırlanması gereken nadir bir hastalıktır. Ta- nı genellikle diğer tiroit hastalıklarına yönelik testler sırasında konmaktadır. Yirmi befl yaflındaki bir ka- dın hastanın iyot 123 tiroid sintigrafisinde sağ taraf- ta normal homojen tiroit lobu görünümü varken, sol lobda iyot tutulumu olmadığı gözlendi. Ultrasonog- rafi ile sol tiroit lobunun olmadığı doğrulanırken, sağ lobun tamamen normal, homojen görünümde olduğu gözlendi
Shaha AR, Gujarati R. Thyroid hemiagenesis. J Surg Oncol 1997;65:137-40.
Konno N, Kanaya A. Thyroid hemiagenesis associated with the right aortic arch. J Endocrinol Invest 1988;11: 685-7.
Piera J, Garriga J, Calabuig R, Bargallo D. Thyroidal hemiagenesis. Am J Surg 1986;151:419-21.
Duh QY, Ciulla TA, Clark OH. Primary parathyro i d hyperplasia associated with thyroid hemiagenesis and agenesis of the isthmus. Surgery 1994;11 5 : 2 5 7 - 6 3 .
Levy EG. Graves’ disease in a patient with thyroid hemiagenesis. Thyroidology 1989;1:49-50.
Marwaha RK, Khanna CM, Gupta RK, Sharma R. Hemiagenesis associated with chronic lymphocyt- ic thyroiditis. J Assoc Physicians India 1990;38: 5 0 7 - 8 .
Bough ID Jr, Greco T, Romanczuk B. Thyroid hemiagen- esis. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1994;103(4 Pt 1):328-30.
Melnick JC, Stemkowski PE. Thyroid hemiagenesis (hockey stick sign): a review of the world literature and a report of four cases. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1981;52:247-51.
Sari O, Ciftci I, Toru M, Erbas B. Thyroid hemiagene- sis. Clin Nucl Med 2000;25:766-8.
De Remigis P, D'Angelo M, Bonaduce S, Di Giandomenico V, Sensi S. Comparison of ultrasonic scanning and scintis- canning in the evaluation of thyroid hemiagenesis. J Clin Ultrasound 1985;13:561-3.
Prakash R, Narayanan RV, Chakravarty SK. D i ff e rentiation between suppressed thyroid tissue and thyroid hemiagenesis with Tc-99m pertechnetate radionuclide angiography. Clin Nucl Med 1990;15: 6 0 5 - 9 .
Saydam, L., Uğur, M. B., Bozkurt, M. K., Özçelik, T. (2003). Thyroid hemiagenesis: a case report. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat, 10(2), 69-71.
Saydam L, Uğur MB, Bozkurt MK, Özçelik T. Thyroid hemiagenesis: a case report. Tr-ENT. April 2003;10(2):69-71.
Saydam, Levent, Mehmet Birol Uğur, Mete Kaan Bozkurt, and Tuncay Özçelik. “Thyroid Hemiagenesis: A Case Report”. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 10, no. 2 (April 2003): 69-71.
Saydam L, Uğur MB, Bozkurt MK, Özçelik T (April 1, 2003) Thyroid hemiagenesis: a case report. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 10 2 69–71.
L. Saydam, M. B. Uğur, M. K. Bozkurt, and T. Özçelik, “Thyroid hemiagenesis: a case report”, Tr-ENT, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 69–71, 2003.
Saydam, Levent et al. “Thyroid Hemiagenesis: A Case Report”. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 10/2 (April 2003), 69-71.
Saydam L, Uğur MB, Bozkurt MK, Özçelik T. Thyroid hemiagenesis: a case report. Tr-ENT. 2003;10:69–71.
Saydam, Levent et al. “Thyroid Hemiagenesis: A Case Report”. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat, vol. 10, no. 2, 2003, pp. 69-71.
Saydam L, Uğur MB, Bozkurt MK, Özçelik T. Thyroid hemiagenesis: a case report. Tr-ENT. 2003;10(2):69-71.