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Prognostic factors and survival rates in oral cavity cancers

Year 2006, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 64 - 71, 20.03.2006


Objectives: We evaluated the treatment results and prognostic factors that might affect local control and survival in patients receiving radiotherapy for oral cavity cancers.Patients and Methods: The study included 32 patients 16 men, 16 women; mean age 62 years; range 26 to 90 years who received radiotherapy for oral cavity can­ cers. AH the patients had squamous celi carcinoma, which involved the tongue in 15 patients 46.9% and the lower lip in 13 patients 40.6% . Most of the patients n=21,65.7% had or T2 tumors. Neck lymph nodes were positive in 11 patients 34.4% . Fifteen patients had early stage stage I, II , 17 patients had advanced stage stage III, IV tumors. Sixteen patients received primary radiotherapy and 16 patients received postop- erative adjuvant radiotherapy, with doses ranging from 5000 cGy to 7000 cGy. The mean follow-up period was 68 months range 5 to 147 months .Results: Two-year and five-year survival rates were 53% and 39%, respectively. Age, sex, tumor differentiation, and the total radiotherapy dose were not found to affect survival p>0.05 , whereas tumor size, positive lymph nodes, stage, and treat­ ment modality were found as significant prognostic factors p=0.01 .Conclusion: Our data show that tumor size, lymph node involvement, stage, and postoperative adju­ vant radiotherapy are significant parameters that affect survival in oral cavity cancers.


  • Pericot J, Escriba JM, Valdes A, Biosca MJ, Monner A, Castellsague X, et al. Survival evaluation of treatment modality in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavi- ty and oropharynx. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2000;28:49-55.
  • Chen YK, Huang HC, Lin LM, Lin CC. Primary oral squamous cell carcinoma: an analysis of 703 cases in southern Taiwan. Oral Oncol 1999;35:173-9.
  • Lindelov B, Kirkegaard J, Hansen HS. Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity. An unselected material from a 5-year period. Acta Oncol 1990;29:1011-5.
  • Ribeiro KC, Kowalski LP, Latorre MR. Impact of comorbidity, symptoms, and patients’ characteristics on the prognosis of oral carcinomas. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2000;126:1079-85.
  • Wildt J, Bjerrum P, Elbrond O. Squamous cell carcino- ma of the oral cavity: a retrospective analysis of treat- ment and prognosis. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci 1989;14:107-13.
  • McLaughlin MP, Mendenhall WM, Million RR. Oral cavity cancers. In: Gunderson & tepper clinical radia- tion oncology. 1st ed. Philadelphia: Churchill- Livingstone; 2000. p. 428-54.
  • Emami B. Oral cavity. In: Carlos A, Perez Luther W. Brady, editors. Principles and practice of radiation oncology. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven Publishers; 1997. p. 977-1021.
  • Inagi K, Takahashi H, Okamoto M, Nakayama M, Makoshi T, Nagai H. Treatment effects in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl 2002;(547):25-9.
  • İmamoğlu IM, Ceylan R, Bahadır O, Muhtar H. Oral kavite ve orofarenksin yassı hücreli karsinomları. Türk ORL Arşivi 1998;36:28-31.
  • Krolls SO, Hoffman S. Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral soft tissues; A statistical analysis of 14 253 cases by age, sex and race of patients. In: Gunderson LL, Churchill JET, editors. Clinical radiation oncology. 1st ed. Philadelphia: Livingstone; 2000. p. 428-452.
  • Vincent T. Devita Jr, Hellman S, Rosenberg SA, (edi- tors). Cancer: principles and practice of oncology. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven Publishers; 1997.
  • Aygenç E, Özdem C: Dil yassı hücreli kanserlerinde cerrahi tedavi sonuçlarımız: Prospektif çalışma. KBB- Forum Dergisi 2002;1:80-5.
  • Urist MM, O’Brien CJ, Soong SJ, Visscher DW, Maddox WA. Squamous cell carcinoma of the buccal mucosa: analysis of prognostic factors. Am J Surg 1987;154:411- 4.
  • Franceschi D, Gupta R, Spiro RH, Shah JP. Improved survival in the treatment of squamous carcinoma of the oral tongue. Am J Surg 1993;166:360-5.
  • Nair MK, Sankaranarayanan R, Padmanabhan TK. Evaluation of the role of radiotherapy in the manage- ment of carcinoma of the buccal mucosa. Cancer 1988;61:1326-31.
  • Tankere F, Camproux A, Barry B, Guedon C, Depondt J, Gehanno P. Prognostic value of lymph node involve- ment in oral cancers: a study of 137 cases. Laryngoscope 2000;110:2061-5.
  • Yılmaz T, Ünal F, Saraç S, Yücel T, Önerci M, Turan E, Gürsel B, Kaya S. Dil kanseri: 88 hastanın deneyimi. Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Dergisi 1999;7:213-8.
  • Çakır Ş, Küçükplakçı B, Özbek N, Elgin Y, Soylu B, Dabak Ş. Postoperatif radyoterapi uygulanan baş- boyun kanserli hastalarda prognozu etkileyen faktör- ler. Türk Onkoloji Dergisi 1996;11:23-6.
  • Spitz MR, Newell GR. Descriptive epidemiology of squamous cell carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract. Cancer Bull 1987;39:79-81.
  • Fein DA, Mendenhall WM, Parsons JT, McCarty PJ, Stringer SP, Million RR, et al. Carcinoma of the oral tongue: a comparison of results and complications of treatment with radiotherapy and/or surgery. Head Neck 1994;16:358-65.
  • Govett GS, Amedee RG. Carcinoma of the buccal mucosa: a 30-year analysis at the Medical Center of Louisiana at New Orleans. J La State Med Soc 1997;149:182-5.
  • Ildstad ST, Bigelow ME, Remensnyder JP. Intra-oral cancer at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Squamous cell carcinoma of the floor of the mouth. Ann Surg 1983;197:34-41.
  • Rodgers LW Jr, Stringer SP, Mendenhall WM, Parsons JT, Cassisi NJ, Million RR. Management of squamous cell carcinoma of the floor of mouth. Head Neck 1993;15:16-9.
  • Özkök S, Esassolak M, Demirbağ N, Arun S, Karadoğan İ, Özsaran Z ve ark. Lokal ileri baş boyun kanserlerinde sisplatin ve 5-fluorourasil ile eş zamanlı radyokemoterapi. Türk Onkoloji Dergisi 1998;13:59- 63.
  • Loree TR, Strong EW. Significance of positive margins in oral cavity squamous carcinoma. Am J Surg 1990;160:410-4.
  • Hicks WL Jr, Loree TR, Garcia RI, Maamoun S, Marshall D, Orner JB, et al. Squamous cell carcinoma of the floor of mouth: a 20-year review. Head Neck 1997;19:400-5.
  • Sessions DG, Spector GJ, Lenox J, Parriott S, Haughey B, Chao C, et al. Analysis of treatment results for floor- of-mouth cancer. Laryngoscope 2000;110(10 Pt 1):1764- 72.

Oral kavile kanserlerinde prognostik faktörler ve sağkalım oranları

Year 2006, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 64 - 71, 20.03.2006


Amaç: Oral kavite kanseri tanısıyla radyoterapi uygulanan hastalarda tedavi sonuçları, lokal kontrol vesağkalımı etkileyebilecek prognostik faktörler değerlendirildi.Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Oral kavite kanseri nedeniyle radyoterapi uygulanan 32 hasta çalışmaya alındı.Tüm hastalarda tümör yassı hücreli karsinomdu.On beş hastada %46.9 dil, 13 hastada %40.6 altdudak kanseri vardı. Hastaların çoğu T1, T2tümörle 21 hasta, %65.7 başvurmuştu; 11’inde %34.4 boyun lenf nodları pozitifti. On beş hasta erken evre evre I, II , 17 hasta ileri evredeydi evre III, IV .On altı hasta primer radyoterapi, 16 hasta ameliyatsonrası adjuvan radyoterapi ile tedavi görmüştü.Radyoterapi dozu 5000-7000 cGy arasında değişiyordu. Hastaların ortalama takip süresi 68 ay dağılım 5-147 ay idi.Bulgular: İki yıllık ve beş yıllık sağkalım oranları sırasıyla %53 ve %39 olarak hesaplandı. Yaş, cinsiyet, tümör diferansiasyonu ve toplam radyoterapidozunun sağkalımı anlamlı olarak etkilemediği görüldü p>0.05 . Tümör büyüklüğü, boyun lenf nodututulumu, evre ve tedavi yönteminin sağkalımı anlamlı etkilediği görüldü p=0.01 . Sonuç: Çalışmamızda tümör büyüklüğü, lenf nodututulumu, evre ve ameliyat sonrası adjuvan radyoterapi, oral kavite kanserlerinde sağkalımı anlamlı olarak etkileyen faktörler olarak bulundu


  • Pericot J, Escriba JM, Valdes A, Biosca MJ, Monner A, Castellsague X, et al. Survival evaluation of treatment modality in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavi- ty and oropharynx. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2000;28:49-55.
  • Chen YK, Huang HC, Lin LM, Lin CC. Primary oral squamous cell carcinoma: an analysis of 703 cases in southern Taiwan. Oral Oncol 1999;35:173-9.
  • Lindelov B, Kirkegaard J, Hansen HS. Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity. An unselected material from a 5-year period. Acta Oncol 1990;29:1011-5.
  • Ribeiro KC, Kowalski LP, Latorre MR. Impact of comorbidity, symptoms, and patients’ characteristics on the prognosis of oral carcinomas. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2000;126:1079-85.
  • Wildt J, Bjerrum P, Elbrond O. Squamous cell carcino- ma of the oral cavity: a retrospective analysis of treat- ment and prognosis. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci 1989;14:107-13.
  • McLaughlin MP, Mendenhall WM, Million RR. Oral cavity cancers. In: Gunderson & tepper clinical radia- tion oncology. 1st ed. Philadelphia: Churchill- Livingstone; 2000. p. 428-54.
  • Emami B. Oral cavity. In: Carlos A, Perez Luther W. Brady, editors. Principles and practice of radiation oncology. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven Publishers; 1997. p. 977-1021.
  • Inagi K, Takahashi H, Okamoto M, Nakayama M, Makoshi T, Nagai H. Treatment effects in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl 2002;(547):25-9.
  • İmamoğlu IM, Ceylan R, Bahadır O, Muhtar H. Oral kavite ve orofarenksin yassı hücreli karsinomları. Türk ORL Arşivi 1998;36:28-31.
  • Krolls SO, Hoffman S. Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral soft tissues; A statistical analysis of 14 253 cases by age, sex and race of patients. In: Gunderson LL, Churchill JET, editors. Clinical radiation oncology. 1st ed. Philadelphia: Livingstone; 2000. p. 428-452.
  • Vincent T. Devita Jr, Hellman S, Rosenberg SA, (edi- tors). Cancer: principles and practice of oncology. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven Publishers; 1997.
  • Aygenç E, Özdem C: Dil yassı hücreli kanserlerinde cerrahi tedavi sonuçlarımız: Prospektif çalışma. KBB- Forum Dergisi 2002;1:80-5.
  • Urist MM, O’Brien CJ, Soong SJ, Visscher DW, Maddox WA. Squamous cell carcinoma of the buccal mucosa: analysis of prognostic factors. Am J Surg 1987;154:411- 4.
  • Franceschi D, Gupta R, Spiro RH, Shah JP. Improved survival in the treatment of squamous carcinoma of the oral tongue. Am J Surg 1993;166:360-5.
  • Nair MK, Sankaranarayanan R, Padmanabhan TK. Evaluation of the role of radiotherapy in the manage- ment of carcinoma of the buccal mucosa. Cancer 1988;61:1326-31.
  • Tankere F, Camproux A, Barry B, Guedon C, Depondt J, Gehanno P. Prognostic value of lymph node involve- ment in oral cancers: a study of 137 cases. Laryngoscope 2000;110:2061-5.
  • Yılmaz T, Ünal F, Saraç S, Yücel T, Önerci M, Turan E, Gürsel B, Kaya S. Dil kanseri: 88 hastanın deneyimi. Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Dergisi 1999;7:213-8.
  • Çakır Ş, Küçükplakçı B, Özbek N, Elgin Y, Soylu B, Dabak Ş. Postoperatif radyoterapi uygulanan baş- boyun kanserli hastalarda prognozu etkileyen faktör- ler. Türk Onkoloji Dergisi 1996;11:23-6.
  • Spitz MR, Newell GR. Descriptive epidemiology of squamous cell carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract. Cancer Bull 1987;39:79-81.
  • Fein DA, Mendenhall WM, Parsons JT, McCarty PJ, Stringer SP, Million RR, et al. Carcinoma of the oral tongue: a comparison of results and complications of treatment with radiotherapy and/or surgery. Head Neck 1994;16:358-65.
  • Govett GS, Amedee RG. Carcinoma of the buccal mucosa: a 30-year analysis at the Medical Center of Louisiana at New Orleans. J La State Med Soc 1997;149:182-5.
  • Ildstad ST, Bigelow ME, Remensnyder JP. Intra-oral cancer at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Squamous cell carcinoma of the floor of the mouth. Ann Surg 1983;197:34-41.
  • Rodgers LW Jr, Stringer SP, Mendenhall WM, Parsons JT, Cassisi NJ, Million RR. Management of squamous cell carcinoma of the floor of mouth. Head Neck 1993;15:16-9.
  • Özkök S, Esassolak M, Demirbağ N, Arun S, Karadoğan İ, Özsaran Z ve ark. Lokal ileri baş boyun kanserlerinde sisplatin ve 5-fluorourasil ile eş zamanlı radyokemoterapi. Türk Onkoloji Dergisi 1998;13:59- 63.
  • Loree TR, Strong EW. Significance of positive margins in oral cavity squamous carcinoma. Am J Surg 1990;160:410-4.
  • Hicks WL Jr, Loree TR, Garcia RI, Maamoun S, Marshall D, Orner JB, et al. Squamous cell carcinoma of the floor of mouth: a 20-year review. Head Neck 1997;19:400-5.
  • Sessions DG, Spector GJ, Lenox J, Parriott S, Haughey B, Chao C, et al. Analysis of treatment results for floor- of-mouth cancer. Laryngoscope 2000;110(10 Pt 1):1764- 72.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Sercan C. Özyurt This is me

Gamze Uğurluer This is me

Ferdi Aksaray This is me

Nalan Aslan This is me

Rahşan Habiboğlu This is me

Mübeccel Tümöz This is me

Publication Date March 20, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 16 Issue: 2


APA Özyurt, S. C., Uğurluer, G., Aksaray, F., Aslan, N., et al. (2006). Oral kavile kanserlerinde prognostik faktörler ve sağkalım oranları. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat, 16(2), 64-71.
AMA Özyurt SC, Uğurluer G, Aksaray F, Aslan N, Habiboğlu R, Tümöz M. Oral kavile kanserlerinde prognostik faktörler ve sağkalım oranları. Tr-ENT. March 2006;16(2):64-71.
Chicago Özyurt, Sercan C., Gamze Uğurluer, Ferdi Aksaray, Nalan Aslan, Rahşan Habiboğlu, and Mübeccel Tümöz. “Oral Kavile Kanserlerinde Prognostik faktörler Ve sağkalım Oranları”. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 16, no. 2 (March 2006): 64-71.
EndNote Özyurt SC, Uğurluer G, Aksaray F, Aslan N, Habiboğlu R, Tümöz M (March 1, 2006) Oral kavile kanserlerinde prognostik faktörler ve sağkalım oranları. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 16 2 64–71.
IEEE S. C. Özyurt, G. Uğurluer, F. Aksaray, N. Aslan, R. Habiboğlu, and M. Tümöz, “Oral kavile kanserlerinde prognostik faktörler ve sağkalım oranları”, Tr-ENT, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 64–71, 2006.
ISNAD Özyurt, Sercan C. et al. “Oral Kavile Kanserlerinde Prognostik faktörler Ve sağkalım Oranları”. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 16/2 (March 2006), 64-71.
JAMA Özyurt SC, Uğurluer G, Aksaray F, Aslan N, Habiboğlu R, Tümöz M. Oral kavile kanserlerinde prognostik faktörler ve sağkalım oranları. Tr-ENT. 2006;16:64–71.
MLA Özyurt, Sercan C. et al. “Oral Kavile Kanserlerinde Prognostik faktörler Ve sağkalım Oranları”. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat, vol. 16, no. 2, 2006, pp. 64-71.
Vancouver Özyurt SC, Uğurluer G, Aksaray F, Aslan N, Habiboğlu R, Tümöz M. Oral kavile kanserlerinde prognostik faktörler ve sağkalım oranları. Tr-ENT. 2006;16(2):64-71.