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The results of specific immunotherapy for house dust mites in patients with allergic rhinitis

Year 2008, Volume: 18 Issue: 2, 79 - 84, 18.04.2008


Objectives: We evaluated three-year clinical and laboratory results of specific immunotherapy SIT for allergenic house dust mite species, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and D. farinae. Patients and Methods: The study included 26 patients 6 males, 20 females; mean age 28 years; range 17-56 years who had allergic rhinitis and were found to be sensitive to D. pteronyssinus and D. farinae. Due to unresponsiveness to other treatment modalities, the patients received subcutaneous SIT for three years. Symptoms nasal stuffiness, rhinorrhea, itching, sneezing, headache, eye symptoms, and smelling were graded before and at the end of SIT, and blood eosinophilia, total IgE and specific IgE levels were determined. Results: At the end of three years, the number of patients that showed strong positivity to D. pteronyssinus and D. farinae decreased from 26 100% to 3 11.5% p=0.0001 and from 18 69.3% to 4 15.4% p<0.005 , respectively. There were significant decreases in blood eosinophilia, total IgE and specific IgE levels, and in the severity of all symptoms related to the nose, head, and eye. Conclusion: Specific immunotherapy reduces symptoms in patients with allergic rhinitis. It is an effective treatment method for allergic rhinitis if performed by trained physicians in carefully selected patients.


  • Önerci M. Rinitlerin tanımı ve sınıflandırılması. In: Önerci M, editör. Alerjik rinosinüzitler. Ankara: Rekmay Ltd; 2002. s. 13-18.
  • Çanakçıoğlu S. Alerjik rinosinüzitler. Klinik Gelişim 2005;18:57-64.
  • Pajno GB, Barberio G, De Luca F, Morabito L, Parmiani S. Prevention of new sensitizations in asthmatic chil- dren monosensitized to house dust mite by specific immunotherapy. A six-year follow-up study. Clin Exp Allergy 2001;31:1392-7.
  • Moller C, Dreborg S, Ferdousi HA, Halken S, Host A, Jacobsen L, et al. Pollen immunotherapy reduces the development of asthma in children with seasonal rhinoconjunctivitis (the PAT-study). J Allergy Clin Immunol 2002;109:251-6.
  • Kalaycı CÖ. Alerjik rinit tedavisinde immünoterapi. In: Önerci M, editör. Rinitler. Ankara: Kutsan Ofset; 1999. s. 199-207.
  • Dykewicz MS, Fineman S, Skoner DP, Nicklas R, Lee R, Blessing-Moore J, et al. Diagnosis and manage- ment of rhinitis: complete guidelines of the Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters in Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1998; 81:478-518.
  • van Cauwenberge P, Bachert C, Passalacqua G, Bousquet J, Canonica GW, Durham SR, et al. Consensus state- ment on the treatment of allergic rhinitis. European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Allergy 2000;55:116-34.
  • Chang TW. The pharmacological basis of anti-IgE therapy. Nat Biotechnol 2000;18:157-62.
  • Kalaycı CÖ. Alerjik rinit patogenezi. In: Önerci M, editör. Rinitler. Ankara: Kutsan Ofset; 1999. s. 29-41.
  • Sin BA. Allerjik hastalıklarda immünoterapi. Türkiye Klinikleri Allerji-Astım Dergisi 1999;1:42-52.
  • Baraniuk JN. Pathogenesis of allergic rhinitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1997;99:S763-72.
  • Çanakçıoğlu S, Yılmaz N. Nazal sitolojik değerlendirme. Türk Otolarengoloji Arşivi 1994;32:85-7.
  • Fokkens WJ, Godthelp T, Holm AF, Blom H, Klein- Jan A. Allergic rhinitis and inflammation: the effect of nasal corticosteroid therapy. Allergy 1997;52(36 Suppl):29-32.
  • Pınar E, Bolat F, Oncel S, Koseoğlu M, Yuksel H, Callı C. The relationship between skin test results and serum eosinophilic cationic protein, nasal eosino- philia, and total IgE values in patients with allergic rhinitis. [Article in Turkish] Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg 2005;14:101-5.
  • Kayhan FT, Ergez E, Hatipoğlu A, Gedikli O, Sezgin B, Yiğit Ö ve ark. Kronik tonsillitli çocuklarda alerjik rinit görülme sıklığı. Kulak Burun Boğaz Klinikleri 2001;3:89-94.
  • Matoga S, Scislicki A, Haluszka J, Kurzawa R. Results of immunotherapy with HDM (Bencard) in children with bronchial asthma. Pediatr Pol 1989;64:167-72. [Abstract]
  • Takeuchi K, Kishioka C, Yuta A, Sakakura Y, Masuda S, Ukai K, et al. Clinical efficacy of immunotherapy with house dust in the patients with perennial nasal allergy. Arerugi 2000;49:627-33. [Abstract]
  • Ohashi Y, Tanaka A, Kakinoki Y, Ohno Y, Sakamoto H, Kato A, et al. Effect of immunotherapy on sea- sonal changes in serum-specific IgE and IgG4 in patients with pollen allergic rhinitis. Laryngoscope 1997;107:1270-5.
  • Jacobsen L, Nuchel Petersen B, Wihl JA, Lowenstein H, Ipsen H. Immunotherapy with partially purified and standardized tree pollen extracts. IV. Results from long-term (6-year) follow-up. Allergy 1997;52:914-20.
  • Ohashi Y, Tanaka A, Kakinoki Y, Ohno Y, Sakamoto H, Kato A, et al. Serum level of soluble interleukin-2 receptor in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis. Scand J Immunol 1997;45:315-21.
  • Ohashi Y, Nakai Y, Tanaka A, Kakinoki Y, Ohno Y, Masamoto T, et al. Serum levels of specific IgE, soluble interleukin-2 receptor, and soluble intercellular adhe- sion molecule-1 in seasonal allergic rhinitis. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1997;79:213-20.
  • Iliopoulos O, Proud D, Adkinson NF Jr, Creticos PS, Norman PS, Kagey-Sobotka A, et al. Effects of immunotherapy on the early, late, and rechallenge nasal reaction to provocation with allergen: changes in inflammatory mediators and cells. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1991;87:855-66.
  • Pastorello EA, Incorvaia C, Riario-Sforza GG, Codecasa L, Menghisi V, Bianchi C. Importance of allergic etiol- ogy in nasal polyposis. Allergy Proc 1994;15:151-5.
  • Keleş N, Ilıcalı ÖC, Değer K. İmmünoterapinin allerjik rinit üzerindeki etkinliği: Klinik değerlendirme ve rinomanometrik ölçüm. KKB ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Dergisi 1997;5:141-4.
  • Palma-Carlos AG, Palma-Carlos ML, Spinola Santos A, Santos C, Pedro E, Pregal A. Local and sys- temic immunotherapy in nasal allergy. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 1999;49 Suppl 1:S207-11.
  • Boquete M, Carballada F, Exposito F, Gonzalez A. Preventive immunotherapy. Allergol Immunopathol 2000;28:89-93. [Abstract]
  • Rhee CS, Libet L, Chisholm D, Takabayashi K, Baird S, Bigby TD, et al. Allergen-independent immunos- timulatory sequence oligodeoxynucleotide therapy attenuates experimental allergic rhinitis. Immunology 2004;113:106-13.
  • Rottem M, Shoenfeld Y. Vaccination and allergy. Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2004;12:223-31.
  • Horner AA, Raz E. Immunostimulatory sequence oligodeoxynucleotide-based vaccination and immu- nomodulation: two unique but complementary strate- gies for the treatment of allergic diseases. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2002;110:706-12.

Alerjik rinitli hastalarda ev tozu akarlarına karşı uygulanan spesifik immünterapi sonuçları

Year 2008, Volume: 18 Issue: 2, 79 - 84, 18.04.2008


Amaç: Ev tozu akarlarından olan Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus ve D. farinae alerjenlerine karşı uygulanan spesifik immünterapinin SİT üç yıllık klinik ve laboratuvar sonuçları değerlendirildi.Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Alerjik rinit tanısı konan ve duyarlı olunan alerjenlere D. pteronyssinus ve D. farinae karşı diğer tedavi yöntemleriyle yeterli sonuç alınamayan 26 hastaya üç yıl boyunca subkutan SİT uygulandı. Tüm hastaların tedavi öncesi ve sonrası burun tıkanıklığı, burun akıntısı, burun kaşıntısı, hapşırık, baş ağrısı, göz yakınmaları, koku alma sorunları derecelendirildi ve periferik kan eozinofil, total IgE ve spesifik IgE değerleri ölçüldü. Bulgular: Deri testinde şiddetli D. pteronyssinus ve D. farinae pozitifliği tedavi öncesinde sırasıyla 26 %100 ve 18 hastada %69.3 , tedavi sonrasında ise üç %11.5 ve dört hastada %15.4 görüldü p=0.0001 ve p


  • Önerci M. Rinitlerin tanımı ve sınıflandırılması. In: Önerci M, editör. Alerjik rinosinüzitler. Ankara: Rekmay Ltd; 2002. s. 13-18.
  • Çanakçıoğlu S. Alerjik rinosinüzitler. Klinik Gelişim 2005;18:57-64.
  • Pajno GB, Barberio G, De Luca F, Morabito L, Parmiani S. Prevention of new sensitizations in asthmatic chil- dren monosensitized to house dust mite by specific immunotherapy. A six-year follow-up study. Clin Exp Allergy 2001;31:1392-7.
  • Moller C, Dreborg S, Ferdousi HA, Halken S, Host A, Jacobsen L, et al. Pollen immunotherapy reduces the development of asthma in children with seasonal rhinoconjunctivitis (the PAT-study). J Allergy Clin Immunol 2002;109:251-6.
  • Kalaycı CÖ. Alerjik rinit tedavisinde immünoterapi. In: Önerci M, editör. Rinitler. Ankara: Kutsan Ofset; 1999. s. 199-207.
  • Dykewicz MS, Fineman S, Skoner DP, Nicklas R, Lee R, Blessing-Moore J, et al. Diagnosis and manage- ment of rhinitis: complete guidelines of the Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters in Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1998; 81:478-518.
  • van Cauwenberge P, Bachert C, Passalacqua G, Bousquet J, Canonica GW, Durham SR, et al. Consensus state- ment on the treatment of allergic rhinitis. European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Allergy 2000;55:116-34.
  • Chang TW. The pharmacological basis of anti-IgE therapy. Nat Biotechnol 2000;18:157-62.
  • Kalaycı CÖ. Alerjik rinit patogenezi. In: Önerci M, editör. Rinitler. Ankara: Kutsan Ofset; 1999. s. 29-41.
  • Sin BA. Allerjik hastalıklarda immünoterapi. Türkiye Klinikleri Allerji-Astım Dergisi 1999;1:42-52.
  • Baraniuk JN. Pathogenesis of allergic rhinitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1997;99:S763-72.
  • Çanakçıoğlu S, Yılmaz N. Nazal sitolojik değerlendirme. Türk Otolarengoloji Arşivi 1994;32:85-7.
  • Fokkens WJ, Godthelp T, Holm AF, Blom H, Klein- Jan A. Allergic rhinitis and inflammation: the effect of nasal corticosteroid therapy. Allergy 1997;52(36 Suppl):29-32.
  • Pınar E, Bolat F, Oncel S, Koseoğlu M, Yuksel H, Callı C. The relationship between skin test results and serum eosinophilic cationic protein, nasal eosino- philia, and total IgE values in patients with allergic rhinitis. [Article in Turkish] Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg 2005;14:101-5.
  • Kayhan FT, Ergez E, Hatipoğlu A, Gedikli O, Sezgin B, Yiğit Ö ve ark. Kronik tonsillitli çocuklarda alerjik rinit görülme sıklığı. Kulak Burun Boğaz Klinikleri 2001;3:89-94.
  • Matoga S, Scislicki A, Haluszka J, Kurzawa R. Results of immunotherapy with HDM (Bencard) in children with bronchial asthma. Pediatr Pol 1989;64:167-72. [Abstract]
  • Takeuchi K, Kishioka C, Yuta A, Sakakura Y, Masuda S, Ukai K, et al. Clinical efficacy of immunotherapy with house dust in the patients with perennial nasal allergy. Arerugi 2000;49:627-33. [Abstract]
  • Ohashi Y, Tanaka A, Kakinoki Y, Ohno Y, Sakamoto H, Kato A, et al. Effect of immunotherapy on sea- sonal changes in serum-specific IgE and IgG4 in patients with pollen allergic rhinitis. Laryngoscope 1997;107:1270-5.
  • Jacobsen L, Nuchel Petersen B, Wihl JA, Lowenstein H, Ipsen H. Immunotherapy with partially purified and standardized tree pollen extracts. IV. Results from long-term (6-year) follow-up. Allergy 1997;52:914-20.
  • Ohashi Y, Tanaka A, Kakinoki Y, Ohno Y, Sakamoto H, Kato A, et al. Serum level of soluble interleukin-2 receptor in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis. Scand J Immunol 1997;45:315-21.
  • Ohashi Y, Nakai Y, Tanaka A, Kakinoki Y, Ohno Y, Masamoto T, et al. Serum levels of specific IgE, soluble interleukin-2 receptor, and soluble intercellular adhe- sion molecule-1 in seasonal allergic rhinitis. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1997;79:213-20.
  • Iliopoulos O, Proud D, Adkinson NF Jr, Creticos PS, Norman PS, Kagey-Sobotka A, et al. Effects of immunotherapy on the early, late, and rechallenge nasal reaction to provocation with allergen: changes in inflammatory mediators and cells. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1991;87:855-66.
  • Pastorello EA, Incorvaia C, Riario-Sforza GG, Codecasa L, Menghisi V, Bianchi C. Importance of allergic etiol- ogy in nasal polyposis. Allergy Proc 1994;15:151-5.
  • Keleş N, Ilıcalı ÖC, Değer K. İmmünoterapinin allerjik rinit üzerindeki etkinliği: Klinik değerlendirme ve rinomanometrik ölçüm. KKB ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Dergisi 1997;5:141-4.
  • Palma-Carlos AG, Palma-Carlos ML, Spinola Santos A, Santos C, Pedro E, Pregal A. Local and sys- temic immunotherapy in nasal allergy. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 1999;49 Suppl 1:S207-11.
  • Boquete M, Carballada F, Exposito F, Gonzalez A. Preventive immunotherapy. Allergol Immunopathol 2000;28:89-93. [Abstract]
  • Rhee CS, Libet L, Chisholm D, Takabayashi K, Baird S, Bigby TD, et al. Allergen-independent immunos- timulatory sequence oligodeoxynucleotide therapy attenuates experimental allergic rhinitis. Immunology 2004;113:106-13.
  • Rottem M, Shoenfeld Y. Vaccination and allergy. Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2004;12:223-31.
  • Horner AA, Raz E. Immunostimulatory sequence oligodeoxynucleotide-based vaccination and immu- nomodulation: two unique but complementary strate- gies for the treatment of allergic diseases. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2002;110:706-12.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Ethem Şahin This is me

Ebru Taş This is me

Emine Nur Dağtekin Ergür This is me

B. Deniz Çuhalı This is me

A. Okan Gürsel This is me

Publication Date April 18, 2008
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 18 Issue: 2


APA Şahin, E., Taş, E., Dağtekin Ergür, E. N., Çuhalı, B. D., et al. (2008). Alerjik rinitli hastalarda ev tozu akarlarına karşı uygulanan spesifik immünterapi sonuçları. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat, 18(2), 79-84.
AMA Şahin E, Taş E, Dağtekin Ergür EN, Çuhalı BD, Gürsel AO. Alerjik rinitli hastalarda ev tozu akarlarına karşı uygulanan spesifik immünterapi sonuçları. Tr-ENT. April 2008;18(2):79-84.
Chicago Şahin, Ethem, Ebru Taş, Emine Nur Dağtekin Ergür, B. Deniz Çuhalı, and A. Okan Gürsel. “Alerjik Rinitli Hastalarda Ev Tozu akarlarına karşı Uygulanan Spesifik immünterapi sonuçları”. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 18, no. 2 (April 2008): 79-84.
EndNote Şahin E, Taş E, Dağtekin Ergür EN, Çuhalı BD, Gürsel AO (April 1, 2008) Alerjik rinitli hastalarda ev tozu akarlarına karşı uygulanan spesifik immünterapi sonuçları. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 18 2 79–84.
IEEE E. Şahin, E. Taş, E. N. Dağtekin Ergür, B. D. Çuhalı, and A. O. Gürsel, “Alerjik rinitli hastalarda ev tozu akarlarına karşı uygulanan spesifik immünterapi sonuçları”, Tr-ENT, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 79–84, 2008.
ISNAD Şahin, Ethem et al. “Alerjik Rinitli Hastalarda Ev Tozu akarlarına karşı Uygulanan Spesifik immünterapi sonuçları”. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 18/2 (April 2008), 79-84.
JAMA Şahin E, Taş E, Dağtekin Ergür EN, Çuhalı BD, Gürsel AO. Alerjik rinitli hastalarda ev tozu akarlarına karşı uygulanan spesifik immünterapi sonuçları. Tr-ENT. 2008;18:79–84.
MLA Şahin, Ethem et al. “Alerjik Rinitli Hastalarda Ev Tozu akarlarına karşı Uygulanan Spesifik immünterapi sonuçları”. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat, vol. 18, no. 2, 2008, pp. 79-84.
Vancouver Şahin E, Taş E, Dağtekin Ergür EN, Çuhalı BD, Gürsel AO. Alerjik rinitli hastalarda ev tozu akarlarına karşı uygulanan spesifik immünterapi sonuçları. Tr-ENT. 2008;18(2):79-84.