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Ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in response to air conducted stimuli: clinical application in healthy adults

Year 2014, Volume: 24 Issue: 6, 311 - 315, 25.12.2014


Objectives: This study aims to determine the normal values for ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in response to air conducted stimuli in healthy adults. Patients and Methods: Thirty-six healthy adult participants with no ear complaints were enrolled. Ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential tests were performed to all participants. Latency and amplitude values of the waves were recorded. Results: The mean N1 latency was 9.62±2.02 4.30-16.00 msec and the mean P1 latency was 14.90±2.33 9.0-21.00 msec. The mean amplitude was 3.36±1.36 1.06-8.48 µV. There was a positive correlation between N1 and P1 latencies and age r=242, p=0.0359 for N1; r=250, p=0.030 for P1 . Conclusion: Ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials can be obtained easily and can be used in the evaluation of vestibular disorders. However, the effect of age should be considered when interpreting results.


  • Rosengren SM, Govender S, Colebatch JG. Ocular and cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials produced by air- and bone-conducted stimuli: comparative properties and effects of age. Clin Neurophysiol 2011;122:2282-9.
  • Todd NP, Rosengren SM, Aw ST, Colebatch JG. Ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (OVEMPs) produced by air- and bone-conducted sound. Clin Neurophysiol 2007;118:381-90.
  • Chihara Y, Iwasaki S, Ushio M, Murofushi T. Vestibular- evoked extraocular potentials by air-conducted sound: another clinical test for vestibular function. Clin Neurophysiol 2007;118:2745-51.
  • Colebatch JG, Halmagyi GM. Vestibular evoked potentials in human neck muscles before and after unilateral vestibular deafferentation. Neurology 1992;42:1635-6.
  • Colebatch JG, Halmagyi GM, Skuse NF. Myogenic potentials generated by a click-evoked vestibulocollic reflex. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1994;57:190-7.
  • Nguyen KD, Welgampola MS, Carey JP. Test-retest reliability and age-related characteristics of the ocular and cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potential tests. Otol Neurotol 2010;31:793-802.
  • Wang SJ, Jaw FS, Young YH. Ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials elicited from monaural versus binaural acoustic stimulations. Clin Neurophysiol 2009;120:420-3.
  • Welgampola MS, Migliaccio AA, Myrie OA, Minor LB, Carey JP. The human sound-evoked vestibulo- ocular reflex and its electromyographic correlate. Clin Neurophysiol 2009;120:158-66.
  • Cheng PW, Chen CC, Wang SJ, Young YH. Acoustic, mechanical and galvanic stimulation modes elicit ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials. Clin Neurophysiol 2009;120:1841-4.
  • Park HJ, Lee IS, Shin JE, Lee YJ, Park MS. Frequency- tuning characteristics of cervical and ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials induced by air-conducted tone bursts. Clin Neurophysiol 2010;121:85-9.
  • Murnane OD, Akin FW, Kelly KJ, Byrd S. Effects of stimulus and recording parameters on the air conduction ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential. J Am Acad Audiol 2011;22:469-80.
  • Murofushi T, Curthoys IS. Physiological and anatomical study of click-sensitive primary vestibular afferents in the guinea pig. Acta Otolaryngol 1997;117:66-72.
  • McCue MP, Guinan JJ, Jr. Acoustically responsive fibers in the vestibular nerve of the cat. J Neurosci 1994;14:6058-70.
  • McCue MP, Guinan JJ, Jr. Sound-evoked activity in primary afferent neurons of a mammalian vestibular system. Am J Otol 1997;18:355-60.
  • Curthoys IS, Vulovic V, Burgess AM, Cornell ED, Mezey LE, Macdougall HG, et al. The basis for using bone- conducted vibration or air-conducted sound to test otolithic function. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2011;1233:231-41.
  • Curthoys IS. A critical review of the neurophysiological evidence underlying clinical vestibular testing using sound, vibration and galvanic stimuli. Clin Neurophysiol 2010;121:132-44.
  • Kantner C, Gurkov R. Characteristics and clinical applications of ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials. Hear Res 2012;294:55-63.
  • Weber KP, Rosengren SM, Michels R, Sturm V, Straumann D, Landau K. Single motor unit activity in human extraocular muscles during the vestibulo- ocular reflex. J Physiol 2012;590:3091-101.
  • Govender S, Rosengren SM, Colebatch JG. The effect of gaze direction on the ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential produced by air-conducted sound. Clin Neurophysiol 2009;120:1386-91.
  • Cho IK, Suh MW, Moon TH, Rhee CK, Jung JY. Clinical comparison between ocular and cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials. Res Vestibul Sci 2011;10:68-73.
  • Todd NP, Rosengren SM, Govender S, Colebatch JG. Low-frequency tuning in the human vestibular-ocular projection is determined by both peripheral and central mechanisms. Neurosci Lett 2009;458:43-7.
  • Huang YC, Yang TL, Young YH. Feasibility of ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials (oVEMPs) recorded with eyes closed. Clin Neurophysiol 2012;123:376-81.
  • Piker EG, Jacobson GP, McCaslin DL, Hood LJ. Normal characteristics of the ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential. J Am Acad Audiol 2011;22:222-30.
  • Tseng CL, Chou CH, Young YH. Aging effect on the ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials. Otol Neurotol 2010;31:959-63.
  • Welgampola MS, Colebatch JG. Vestibulocollic reflexes: normal values and the effect of age. Clin Neurophysiol 2001;112:1971-9.
  • Su HC, Huang TW, Young YH, Cheng PW. Aging effect on vestibular evoked myogenic potential. Otol Neurotol 2004;25:977-80.

Hava yolu uyaranına karşı verilen yanıtta oküler vestibüler uyarılmış miyojenik potansiyeller: Sağlıklı erişkinlerde klinik uygulama

Year 2014, Volume: 24 Issue: 6, 311 - 315, 25.12.2014


Amaç: Bu çalışmada sağlıklı erişkinlerde hava yolu uyaranına karşı verilen yanıtta oküler vestibüler uyarılmış miyojenik potansiyeller için normal değerler belirlendi.Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya işitme sorunu olmayan 38 sağlıklı erişkin katılımcı dahil edildi. Tüm katılımcılara oküler vestibüler uyarılmış miyojenik potansiyel testleri yapıldı. Dalgaların latans ve amplitüd değerleri kayıt edildi.Bulgular: Ortalama N1 latansı 9.62±2.02 4.30-16.00 msn. ve ortalama P1 latansı 14.90±2.33 9.0-21.00 msn. idi. Ortalama amplitüd değeri 3.36±1.36 1.06-8.48 µV idi. N1 ve P1 latansları ile yaş arasında pozitif bir ilişki vardı N1 için r=242, p=0.0359; P1 için r=250, p=0.030 .Sonuç: Oküler vestibüler uyarılmış miyojenik potansiyeller kolayca elde edilebilir ve vestibüler hastalıkların değerlendirilmesinde kullanılabilir. Ancak, sonuçların değerlendirilmesinde yaşın etkisi göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır


  • Rosengren SM, Govender S, Colebatch JG. Ocular and cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials produced by air- and bone-conducted stimuli: comparative properties and effects of age. Clin Neurophysiol 2011;122:2282-9.
  • Todd NP, Rosengren SM, Aw ST, Colebatch JG. Ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (OVEMPs) produced by air- and bone-conducted sound. Clin Neurophysiol 2007;118:381-90.
  • Chihara Y, Iwasaki S, Ushio M, Murofushi T. Vestibular- evoked extraocular potentials by air-conducted sound: another clinical test for vestibular function. Clin Neurophysiol 2007;118:2745-51.
  • Colebatch JG, Halmagyi GM. Vestibular evoked potentials in human neck muscles before and after unilateral vestibular deafferentation. Neurology 1992;42:1635-6.
  • Colebatch JG, Halmagyi GM, Skuse NF. Myogenic potentials generated by a click-evoked vestibulocollic reflex. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1994;57:190-7.
  • Nguyen KD, Welgampola MS, Carey JP. Test-retest reliability and age-related characteristics of the ocular and cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potential tests. Otol Neurotol 2010;31:793-802.
  • Wang SJ, Jaw FS, Young YH. Ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials elicited from monaural versus binaural acoustic stimulations. Clin Neurophysiol 2009;120:420-3.
  • Welgampola MS, Migliaccio AA, Myrie OA, Minor LB, Carey JP. The human sound-evoked vestibulo- ocular reflex and its electromyographic correlate. Clin Neurophysiol 2009;120:158-66.
  • Cheng PW, Chen CC, Wang SJ, Young YH. Acoustic, mechanical and galvanic stimulation modes elicit ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials. Clin Neurophysiol 2009;120:1841-4.
  • Park HJ, Lee IS, Shin JE, Lee YJ, Park MS. Frequency- tuning characteristics of cervical and ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials induced by air-conducted tone bursts. Clin Neurophysiol 2010;121:85-9.
  • Murnane OD, Akin FW, Kelly KJ, Byrd S. Effects of stimulus and recording parameters on the air conduction ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential. J Am Acad Audiol 2011;22:469-80.
  • Murofushi T, Curthoys IS. Physiological and anatomical study of click-sensitive primary vestibular afferents in the guinea pig. Acta Otolaryngol 1997;117:66-72.
  • McCue MP, Guinan JJ, Jr. Acoustically responsive fibers in the vestibular nerve of the cat. J Neurosci 1994;14:6058-70.
  • McCue MP, Guinan JJ, Jr. Sound-evoked activity in primary afferent neurons of a mammalian vestibular system. Am J Otol 1997;18:355-60.
  • Curthoys IS, Vulovic V, Burgess AM, Cornell ED, Mezey LE, Macdougall HG, et al. The basis for using bone- conducted vibration or air-conducted sound to test otolithic function. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2011;1233:231-41.
  • Curthoys IS. A critical review of the neurophysiological evidence underlying clinical vestibular testing using sound, vibration and galvanic stimuli. Clin Neurophysiol 2010;121:132-44.
  • Kantner C, Gurkov R. Characteristics and clinical applications of ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials. Hear Res 2012;294:55-63.
  • Weber KP, Rosengren SM, Michels R, Sturm V, Straumann D, Landau K. Single motor unit activity in human extraocular muscles during the vestibulo- ocular reflex. J Physiol 2012;590:3091-101.
  • Govender S, Rosengren SM, Colebatch JG. The effect of gaze direction on the ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential produced by air-conducted sound. Clin Neurophysiol 2009;120:1386-91.
  • Cho IK, Suh MW, Moon TH, Rhee CK, Jung JY. Clinical comparison between ocular and cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials. Res Vestibul Sci 2011;10:68-73.
  • Todd NP, Rosengren SM, Govender S, Colebatch JG. Low-frequency tuning in the human vestibular-ocular projection is determined by both peripheral and central mechanisms. Neurosci Lett 2009;458:43-7.
  • Huang YC, Yang TL, Young YH. Feasibility of ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials (oVEMPs) recorded with eyes closed. Clin Neurophysiol 2012;123:376-81.
  • Piker EG, Jacobson GP, McCaslin DL, Hood LJ. Normal characteristics of the ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential. J Am Acad Audiol 2011;22:222-30.
  • Tseng CL, Chou CH, Young YH. Aging effect on the ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials. Otol Neurotol 2010;31:959-63.
  • Welgampola MS, Colebatch JG. Vestibulocollic reflexes: normal values and the effect of age. Clin Neurophysiol 2001;112:1971-9.
  • Su HC, Huang TW, Young YH, Cheng PW. Aging effect on vestibular evoked myogenic potential. Otol Neurotol 2004;25:977-80.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Hatice Seyra Erbek This is me

Evren Hızal This is me

Selim Erbek This is me

Levent Naci Özlüoğlu This is me

Publication Date December 25, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 24 Issue: 6


APA Erbek, H. S., Hızal, E., Erbek, S., Özlüoğlu, L. N. (2014). Ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in response to air conducted stimuli: clinical application in healthy adults. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat, 24(6), 311-315.
AMA Erbek HS, Hızal E, Erbek S, Özlüoğlu LN. Ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in response to air conducted stimuli: clinical application in healthy adults. Tr-ENT. December 2014;24(6):311-315.
Chicago Erbek, Hatice Seyra, Evren Hızal, Selim Erbek, and Levent Naci Özlüoğlu. “Ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials in Response to Air Conducted Stimuli: Clinical Application in Healthy Adults”. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 24, no. 6 (December 2014): 311-15.
EndNote Erbek HS, Hızal E, Erbek S, Özlüoğlu LN (December 1, 2014) Ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in response to air conducted stimuli: clinical application in healthy adults. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 24 6 311–315.
IEEE H. S. Erbek, E. Hızal, S. Erbek, and L. N. Özlüoğlu, “Ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in response to air conducted stimuli: clinical application in healthy adults”, Tr-ENT, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 311–315, 2014.
ISNAD Erbek, Hatice Seyra et al. “Ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials in Response to Air Conducted Stimuli: Clinical Application in Healthy Adults”. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 24/6 (December 2014), 311-315.
JAMA Erbek HS, Hızal E, Erbek S, Özlüoğlu LN. Ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in response to air conducted stimuli: clinical application in healthy adults. Tr-ENT. 2014;24:311–315.
MLA Erbek, Hatice Seyra et al. “Ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials in Response to Air Conducted Stimuli: Clinical Application in Healthy Adults”. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat, vol. 24, no. 6, 2014, pp. 311-5.
Vancouver Erbek HS, Hızal E, Erbek S, Özlüoğlu LN. Ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in response to air conducted stimuli: clinical application in healthy adults. Tr-ENT. 2014;24(6):311-5.