Year 2020,
Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 11 - 27, 29.06.2020
Yunus Aydemir
İshak Aydemir
Çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden bütün Suriye'li katılımcı kadınlara teşekkürlerimizi sunuyoruz.
- AFAD (Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetim Başkanlığı- Disaster and Emergency Management Authority). Women Report of Syrians in Turkey in 2014. Retrived from Accessed 12.01.2018.
Amnesty Organization, Refugees. Asylum-Seekers And Migrants. Retrived from Accessed 25.04.2018
Bıdınger, S., Lang, A., Kuzmova, Y., Hites, D., Akram, S.M. & NoureddinE, E. (2015). Protecting Syrian Refugees: Laws, Policies, and Global Responsibility Sharing, Boston University School of Law, 99-101.
Deniz, T. (2014). Turkey On International Migration Perspectives. TSA Dergisi, 18(1), 175-204.
Doğar, D. (2017). Against All Odds: Turkey’s Response To “Undesirable But Unreturnable” Asylum-Seekers, Refugee Survey Quarterly, 36, 107–125 Doi: 10.1093/rsq/hdw027.
Ercoşkun, B. (2015). Socio - Cultural And Socio - Economic Impact of Syrian Refugees in Turkey. Master Thesis, İstanbul Yeniyüzyıl University, Department of International Relations, İstanbul.
Erdoğan, M. (2015). Türkiye’deki Suriyeliler Toplumsal Kabul ve Uyum, Press of İstanbul Bilgi University, First Edition, Turkey.
EUROSTAT (Europan Statistics- Europan Commision), (2017). Asylum decisions in the EU, 67/2018 - 19 April 2018, EU Member States granted protection to more than half a million asylum seekers in 2017, Retrived from Accessed 26.04.2018.
EUROSTAT (Europan Statistics- Europan Commision), (2016). Eurostat: Your Key to European Statistics 2016. Retrived from database. Accessed 16.06.2018.
Freedman, J. (2012). Analysing The Gendered Insecurities Of Migration: A Case Study Of Female Sub-Saharan African Migrants in Morocco. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 14(1), 36–55.
Freedman, J. (2015). Freea Engendering Security At The Borders Of Europe: Women Migrants And The Mediterranean ‘Crisis’. Journal of Refugee Studies, 29(4), 568-582, doi:10.1093/jrs/few019.
Gıssı, A. (2018). What Does The Term Refugee Mean To You?’: Perspectives From Syrian Refugee Women in Lebanon. Journal of Refugee Studies, doi:10.1093/jrs/fey046.
Gordon, P. (1992). Fortess Europe? The meaning of 1992. London: The Runnymede Trust, Retrived from Accessed 21.08.2018.
Gümüş, G., Kaya, A., Yılmaz, S., Özdemir, S., Başıbüyük, M., And Coşkun, A. (2017). Syrian Refugee Women’s Reproductive Health Issues. KASHED (Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği Dergisi), 3(1), 1-17.
Harunoğulları, M. (2016). Child Labor Among Syrian Refugees And Problems: Case Of Kilis. Journal of Migration, (Göç Dergisi), 3(1), 29-63. DOI:
Helsınkı Cıtızenshıp Assembly. (2007). An Evaluation of UNHCR Turkey’s Compliance with UNHCR’s RSD(Refugee Status Determination, Procedural Standard, Istanbul, Helsinki Citizenship Assembly, Sep. 2007, 3.
Hürriyet Newspaper. (2018). Türkiye'yi Sarsacak Utanç Listesi. Retrived from ttp:// Accessed 22.03.2018.
Inelı-Cığer, M. (2015). Implications of the New Turkish Law on Foreigners and International Protection and Regulation no. 29153 on Temporary Protection for Syrians Seeking Protection in Turkey. Oxford Monitor of Forced Migration 4(2), 28–36.
İldam Çalım, S., Kavlak, O. ve Sevil, Ü. (2012). A Universal Problem: The Immigrant Women's Health and The Language Barrier in Health Care Services. Journal of Health and Society (Sağlık ve Toplum Dergisi), 22(2), 11-19.
Karaca, S., & Doğan, U. (2014). Suriyeli Göçmenlerin Sorunları Çalıştayı Sonuç Raporu. Mersin: Mersin Üniversitesi Bölgesel İzleme ve Uygulama Araştırma Merkezi. 2014.
Karataştan, N. (2017). Difficulties Encountered by Syrian Refugees in Accessing Healthcare Services. Master Thesis, Haliç University Nursing, İstanbul.
Kaya, A. and Kıraç, A. (2016). Vulnerability Assessment Report on Syrian Refugees in Istanbul (İstanbul’daki Suriyeli Mültecilere İlişkin Zarar Görebilirlik Değerlendirme Raporu). Hayata Destek Derneği (Association of Life Support), İstanbul Turkey, Retrived from Accessed 22.03.2018.
Kholberg, J., Buber-Ennser, I., Rengs, B., & Al Zalak, Z. (2017). A Social Survey On Refugees in And Around Vienna in Fall 2015: Methodological Approach And Field Observations. Refugee Survey Quarterly, 36, 90–109 doi: 10.1093/rsq/hdx01211.
Koyuncu, A. (2014). Kentin Yeni Misafirleri Suriyeliler. Çizgi Yayınları, 1. Baskı, Konya, Turkey.
LAW 6458. (2013). Turkey: Foreigners And International Protection, 11 April 2013, Retrived from Accessed 16.06.2018.
Lordoğlu, K., & Aslan, M. (2016). Change Of Labour Markets Of The 5 Cities Which Allow Migrants At Most: 2011-2014. Labour and Society, 2(49), 789-808
Marchand, M. (2008). The Violence Of Development And The Migration/Insecurities Nexus: Labour Migration İn A North American Context. Third World Quarterly, 29(7), 1375–1388.
Mültecilerle Dayanışma Derneği (Association With Refugees). (2015). Admission conditions of Refugees, and The Access to Services And Rights In Turkey (Türkiye’de Mültecilerin Kabul Koşulları Hak ve Hizmetlere Erişimi-Uydu Kentler İzleme ve Raporlama Projesi), İzmir, 2015, Retrived from Accessed 16.03.2018.
Nash, M. And Trlın, A. (2004). Social Work With İmmigrants, Refugees and Asylum-Seekers in New Zealand, New Settlers Programme Massey University. 2004, Retrived from Accessed 22.06.2018.
Nasirova, A. (2014). Investigation of Asylum Seekers' Opinions About Local Community: The Case of Afyonkarahisar. Master Thesis, Hacettepe University, Department of Social Work, Ankara.
Özden, Ş. (2013). Syrian Refugees in Turkey, Migration Policy Center Research Report 2013/05, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, San Domenico di Fiesole, European University Institute, 2013, 5.
Phıllsps, J. (2011). Asylum Seekers and Refugees: What Are The Facts?, Parliament of Australia Department of Parliamentary Services, Parliamentary Library.
Regulatıon 6169. (1994). Turkey: Procedures and Principles related to Possible Population Movements and Aliens Arriving in Turkey either as Individuals or in Groups Wishing to Seek Asylum either from Turkey or Requesting Residence Permission in order to Seek Asylum from Another Country (last amended 2006), 1994/6169, Retrived from Accessed 12.01.2018.
Regulatıon 6883. (2014). Turkey:Temporary Protection Regulation 2014/6883, Turkish Ministry of Interior, 22 October 2014.
Regulaton 8375. (2016) Turkey: Work Permit of Foreigners under Temporary Protection, Turkey. Retrived from Accessed 27.03.2018.
Regulatıon 29153. (2014). Geçici Koruma Altına Alınanlara Verilecek Sağlık Hizmetlerine Dair Esaslar Hakkında 22.10.2014 tarihli ve 29153 sayılı Yönerge, Retrived from,11288/gecici-koruma-altina-alinanlara-verilecek-saglikhizmetlerine-dair-esaslar-hakkinda-22102014-tarihli-ve-29153-sayili-yonerge.html. Accessed 29.03.2018.
Solomos, J. & Beck, L. (1996). Racism and Society. Basingstoke: Macmillan. Retrived from, Accessed 22.08.2018
SCIE (The Social Care Institute for Excellence). (2015). Good Practice in Social Care for Refugees and Asylum Seekers, London, United Kingdom. Retrived from Accessed 18.02.2018.
Sözer, H. (2019). Categories That Blind Us, Categories That Bind Them: The Deployment Of Vulnerability Notion For Syrian Refugees in Turkey. Journal of Refugee Studies,
Sunata, U. & Tosun, S. (2018). Assessing The Civil Society’s Role in Refugee Integration in Turkey: NGO-R as a new typology. Journal of Refugee Studies,
Şimşek, D. (2018). Integration Processes Of Syrian Refugees İn Turkey: ‘Class-Based Integration. Journal of Refugee Studies, doi:10.1093/jrs/fey057
UNHRC (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), (1951). The 1951 Geneva Convention. Retrived from Accessed 14.06.2018.
UNHRC (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), (2017) Forced Displacement in 2017. Retrived from Accessed 14.06.2018
Turkish Ministry of Interior, (2016). Migration Report, Directorate General for Migration Management, 2016, Publication No. 40.
Turkish Ministry of Interior, (2019). Migration Report 2019, Directorate General for Migration Management, Retrived from 21.01.2019.
Turkish Ministry of Interior, (2016). Turkey 2016 Migration Report, Directorate General for Migration Management (İçişleri Bakanlığı Göç İdaresi Genel Müdürlüğü, Retrived from Accessed 21.10.2018.
Yazıcıoğlu, Y. & Erdoğan, S. (2004). SPSS Uygulamalı Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık, Turkey.
Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2016). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık, Turkey.
Difficulties And Problems Faced By Women Asylum-Seekers In Turkey: Case Of Batman Province
Year 2020,
Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 11 - 27, 29.06.2020
Yunus Aydemir
İshak Aydemir
The aim of this study is the examination of the difficulties and problems encountered by Syrian women protected under the Temporary Protection Regulation in the case of Batman (Turkey) province. This study was based on the general screening model to determine the difficulties faced by female asylum-sekeers. The universe of the research consists of the Syrian women living in the provincial centre of Batman under temporary protection status. Snowball sampling method is used in the direction of the research purpose. Interviews were conducted with 301 female asylum seekers who agreed to participate in the study. 97.7 per cent of the women had a temporary protection document, 13 per cent had applied and were in the process of obtaining one, and 1 per cent did not have a temporary protection document. It was found that 76.7 per cent of the women had not received any in-kind and/or cash aid from the government, foundation institutions etc. and 23.3 per cent of the women had received such assistance. 55.5 per cent of the women want to go back to their country when the war ends and 44.5 per cent do not want to return.
- AFAD (Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetim Başkanlığı- Disaster and Emergency Management Authority). Women Report of Syrians in Turkey in 2014. Retrived from Accessed 12.01.2018.
Amnesty Organization, Refugees. Asylum-Seekers And Migrants. Retrived from Accessed 25.04.2018
Bıdınger, S., Lang, A., Kuzmova, Y., Hites, D., Akram, S.M. & NoureddinE, E. (2015). Protecting Syrian Refugees: Laws, Policies, and Global Responsibility Sharing, Boston University School of Law, 99-101.
Deniz, T. (2014). Turkey On International Migration Perspectives. TSA Dergisi, 18(1), 175-204.
Doğar, D. (2017). Against All Odds: Turkey’s Response To “Undesirable But Unreturnable” Asylum-Seekers, Refugee Survey Quarterly, 36, 107–125 Doi: 10.1093/rsq/hdw027.
Ercoşkun, B. (2015). Socio - Cultural And Socio - Economic Impact of Syrian Refugees in Turkey. Master Thesis, İstanbul Yeniyüzyıl University, Department of International Relations, İstanbul.
Erdoğan, M. (2015). Türkiye’deki Suriyeliler Toplumsal Kabul ve Uyum, Press of İstanbul Bilgi University, First Edition, Turkey.
EUROSTAT (Europan Statistics- Europan Commision), (2017). Asylum decisions in the EU, 67/2018 - 19 April 2018, EU Member States granted protection to more than half a million asylum seekers in 2017, Retrived from Accessed 26.04.2018.
EUROSTAT (Europan Statistics- Europan Commision), (2016). Eurostat: Your Key to European Statistics 2016. Retrived from database. Accessed 16.06.2018.
Freedman, J. (2012). Analysing The Gendered Insecurities Of Migration: A Case Study Of Female Sub-Saharan African Migrants in Morocco. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 14(1), 36–55.
Freedman, J. (2015). Freea Engendering Security At The Borders Of Europe: Women Migrants And The Mediterranean ‘Crisis’. Journal of Refugee Studies, 29(4), 568-582, doi:10.1093/jrs/few019.
Gıssı, A. (2018). What Does The Term Refugee Mean To You?’: Perspectives From Syrian Refugee Women in Lebanon. Journal of Refugee Studies, doi:10.1093/jrs/fey046.
Gordon, P. (1992). Fortess Europe? The meaning of 1992. London: The Runnymede Trust, Retrived from Accessed 21.08.2018.
Gümüş, G., Kaya, A., Yılmaz, S., Özdemir, S., Başıbüyük, M., And Coşkun, A. (2017). Syrian Refugee Women’s Reproductive Health Issues. KASHED (Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği Dergisi), 3(1), 1-17.
Harunoğulları, M. (2016). Child Labor Among Syrian Refugees And Problems: Case Of Kilis. Journal of Migration, (Göç Dergisi), 3(1), 29-63. DOI:
Helsınkı Cıtızenshıp Assembly. (2007). An Evaluation of UNHCR Turkey’s Compliance with UNHCR’s RSD(Refugee Status Determination, Procedural Standard, Istanbul, Helsinki Citizenship Assembly, Sep. 2007, 3.
Hürriyet Newspaper. (2018). Türkiye'yi Sarsacak Utanç Listesi. Retrived from ttp:// Accessed 22.03.2018.
Inelı-Cığer, M. (2015). Implications of the New Turkish Law on Foreigners and International Protection and Regulation no. 29153 on Temporary Protection for Syrians Seeking Protection in Turkey. Oxford Monitor of Forced Migration 4(2), 28–36.
İldam Çalım, S., Kavlak, O. ve Sevil, Ü. (2012). A Universal Problem: The Immigrant Women's Health and The Language Barrier in Health Care Services. Journal of Health and Society (Sağlık ve Toplum Dergisi), 22(2), 11-19.
Karaca, S., & Doğan, U. (2014). Suriyeli Göçmenlerin Sorunları Çalıştayı Sonuç Raporu. Mersin: Mersin Üniversitesi Bölgesel İzleme ve Uygulama Araştırma Merkezi. 2014.
Karataştan, N. (2017). Difficulties Encountered by Syrian Refugees in Accessing Healthcare Services. Master Thesis, Haliç University Nursing, İstanbul.
Kaya, A. and Kıraç, A. (2016). Vulnerability Assessment Report on Syrian Refugees in Istanbul (İstanbul’daki Suriyeli Mültecilere İlişkin Zarar Görebilirlik Değerlendirme Raporu). Hayata Destek Derneği (Association of Life Support), İstanbul Turkey, Retrived from Accessed 22.03.2018.
Kholberg, J., Buber-Ennser, I., Rengs, B., & Al Zalak, Z. (2017). A Social Survey On Refugees in And Around Vienna in Fall 2015: Methodological Approach And Field Observations. Refugee Survey Quarterly, 36, 90–109 doi: 10.1093/rsq/hdx01211.
Koyuncu, A. (2014). Kentin Yeni Misafirleri Suriyeliler. Çizgi Yayınları, 1. Baskı, Konya, Turkey.
LAW 6458. (2013). Turkey: Foreigners And International Protection, 11 April 2013, Retrived from Accessed 16.06.2018.
Lordoğlu, K., & Aslan, M. (2016). Change Of Labour Markets Of The 5 Cities Which Allow Migrants At Most: 2011-2014. Labour and Society, 2(49), 789-808
Marchand, M. (2008). The Violence Of Development And The Migration/Insecurities Nexus: Labour Migration İn A North American Context. Third World Quarterly, 29(7), 1375–1388.
Mültecilerle Dayanışma Derneği (Association With Refugees). (2015). Admission conditions of Refugees, and The Access to Services And Rights In Turkey (Türkiye’de Mültecilerin Kabul Koşulları Hak ve Hizmetlere Erişimi-Uydu Kentler İzleme ve Raporlama Projesi), İzmir, 2015, Retrived from Accessed 16.03.2018.
Nash, M. And Trlın, A. (2004). Social Work With İmmigrants, Refugees and Asylum-Seekers in New Zealand, New Settlers Programme Massey University. 2004, Retrived from Accessed 22.06.2018.
Nasirova, A. (2014). Investigation of Asylum Seekers' Opinions About Local Community: The Case of Afyonkarahisar. Master Thesis, Hacettepe University, Department of Social Work, Ankara.
Özden, Ş. (2013). Syrian Refugees in Turkey, Migration Policy Center Research Report 2013/05, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, San Domenico di Fiesole, European University Institute, 2013, 5.
Phıllsps, J. (2011). Asylum Seekers and Refugees: What Are The Facts?, Parliament of Australia Department of Parliamentary Services, Parliamentary Library.
Regulatıon 6169. (1994). Turkey: Procedures and Principles related to Possible Population Movements and Aliens Arriving in Turkey either as Individuals or in Groups Wishing to Seek Asylum either from Turkey or Requesting Residence Permission in order to Seek Asylum from Another Country (last amended 2006), 1994/6169, Retrived from Accessed 12.01.2018.
Regulatıon 6883. (2014). Turkey:Temporary Protection Regulation 2014/6883, Turkish Ministry of Interior, 22 October 2014.
Regulaton 8375. (2016) Turkey: Work Permit of Foreigners under Temporary Protection, Turkey. Retrived from Accessed 27.03.2018.
Regulatıon 29153. (2014). Geçici Koruma Altına Alınanlara Verilecek Sağlık Hizmetlerine Dair Esaslar Hakkında 22.10.2014 tarihli ve 29153 sayılı Yönerge, Retrived from,11288/gecici-koruma-altina-alinanlara-verilecek-saglikhizmetlerine-dair-esaslar-hakkinda-22102014-tarihli-ve-29153-sayili-yonerge.html. Accessed 29.03.2018.
Solomos, J. & Beck, L. (1996). Racism and Society. Basingstoke: Macmillan. Retrived from, Accessed 22.08.2018
SCIE (The Social Care Institute for Excellence). (2015). Good Practice in Social Care for Refugees and Asylum Seekers, London, United Kingdom. Retrived from Accessed 18.02.2018.
Sözer, H. (2019). Categories That Blind Us, Categories That Bind Them: The Deployment Of Vulnerability Notion For Syrian Refugees in Turkey. Journal of Refugee Studies,
Sunata, U. & Tosun, S. (2018). Assessing The Civil Society’s Role in Refugee Integration in Turkey: NGO-R as a new typology. Journal of Refugee Studies,
Şimşek, D. (2018). Integration Processes Of Syrian Refugees İn Turkey: ‘Class-Based Integration. Journal of Refugee Studies, doi:10.1093/jrs/fey057
UNHRC (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), (1951). The 1951 Geneva Convention. Retrived from Accessed 14.06.2018.
UNHRC (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), (2017) Forced Displacement in 2017. Retrived from Accessed 14.06.2018
Turkish Ministry of Interior, (2016). Migration Report, Directorate General for Migration Management, 2016, Publication No. 40.
Turkish Ministry of Interior, (2019). Migration Report 2019, Directorate General for Migration Management, Retrived from 21.01.2019.
Turkish Ministry of Interior, (2016). Turkey 2016 Migration Report, Directorate General for Migration Management (İçişleri Bakanlığı Göç İdaresi Genel Müdürlüğü, Retrived from Accessed 21.10.2018.
Yazıcıoğlu, Y. & Erdoğan, S. (2004). SPSS Uygulamalı Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık, Turkey.
Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2016). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık, Turkey.