Year 2023,
Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 181 - 194, 31.12.2023
Merve Karaman
Fatih Cebeci
Irmak Atak
Taner Artan
This study aims to assess the supervision needs of social workers in various social work institutions in Türkiye based on three functions of supervision (administrative, educational and supportive).
Material and Methods:
The study used a phenomenological approach. Two focus group interviews were conducted. Each group consisted of six social workers from different social work fields. Data collection tools consisted of a “Personal Information Form” and a “Semi-structured Interview Form”. Data were analyzed with thematic analysis method using the MAXQDA 2020 program.
Results and Conclusion:
The analysis of the study were based on social workers’ opinions on supervision and their experiences about administrative, educational and supportive functions of supervision. The results supported the notion that there is a need for supervision at the institutional level for social workers. These findings are important in terms of providing some insight on how social workers define supervision and through which functions they need institutional supervision. As a result, the employer institutions and organizations are recommended to establish a formal, structured, institutional and systematic supervision system for social workers.
- Artan, T., Özkan, A. O., & Açıkgöz, N. (2018a). Evaluation of supervision needs of social workers
working in different professional fields. Turkish Journal of Applied Social Work, 1(1), 75-84.
- Artan, T., Özkan, A. O., Açıkgöz, N., & Salduz, Ç. (2018b). Evaluation of perspectives of social workers
working with immigrants about needs of supervision. Atlas International Refereed Journal
on Social Sciences, 4(13), 1099-1109.
- Atamtürk, E. (2021). A model proposal for social work supervision in child welfare field in the light of
social work practices in the USA. PhD Thesis, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Institute of
Health Sciences.
- Atamtürk, E. (2022). Supervision in social work – a model proposal for supervision system in child
welfare (Sosyal hizmette süpervizyon - çocuk refahı süpervizyon sistemi için bir model önerisi),
Scala Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
- Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW). (2014). Supervision standards. Canberra, ACT: Australian
Association of Social Workers.
- Bride, B. E. (2007). Prevalence of secondary traumatic stress among social workers. Social work,
52(1), 63-70.
- Busse, S. (2009). Supervision between critical reflection and practical action. Journal of Social Work
Practice, 23, 159-173.
- Cunningham, M. (2004). Teaching social workers about trauma: Reducing the risks of vicarious traumatization in the classroom. Journal of Social Work Education, 40(2), 305-317.
- Çokluk, Ö., Yılmaz, K., & Oğuz, E. (2011). A qualitative interview method: Focus group interview.
Theoretical Educational Science, 4(1), 95-107.
- Demirbaş, E. (2021). Determination of secondary traumatic stress levels and coping strategies of
experts providing psychosocial support to children under the child protection law. Unpublished
PhD Thesis, Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa Institute Gradute Education.
- Erera, I. P., & Lazar, A. (1994). The administrative and educational functions in supervision: Indications
of ıncompatibility. The Clinical Supervisor, 12(2), 39-56. doi:10.1300/J001v12n02_04
Hawkins, P., & Shohet, R. (2012). Supervision in the helping professions (4th ed.). London: Open
University Press.
- Istanbul University - Cerrahpasa Faculty of Health Sciences. (2021). Supervision and guidance
trainer training course in the field of refugees, Retrieved from https://sabif.istanbulc.
004F003200370077003200 Accessed 08 September 2021
- Kadushin, A. (1992). Supervision in social work (3rd edn.). New York: Columbia University Press.
- Kadushin, A. (1993). Social work supervision: An updated survey. The Clinical Supervisor, 10(2), 9-27.
- Kadushin, A., & Harkness, D. (2002). Supervision in social work (4th edn). New York: Columbia University
- Karabenk, D. (2018). Burnout levels of social workers and the importance of supervision: The case
of Istanbul province. Master’s Thesis, Kocaeli University Social Sciences Institute, Kocaeli.
- Ketner, M., Cooper-Bolinskey, D., & VanCleave, D. (2017). The meaning and value of supervision in
social work field education. Field Educator, 7(2).
- Kitzinger, J. (1995). Qualitative research: Introducing focus groups. British Medical Journal, 299-302.
Krueger, R. (1994). Focus Groups: A practical guide for applied research. London: SAGE.
- Magnussen, J. (2018). “Supervision in Denmark-an empirical account of experiences and practices”,
European Journal of Social Work, 21(3), 359-373. Doi: 10.1080/13691457.2018.1451827.
- Mo, K. Y., O’Donoghue, K., Wong, P. Y., & Tsui, M. S. (2020). The historical development of knowledge
in social work supervision: Finding new directions from the past. International Social
Work, 1-14.
- Munson, C. (1978). The concepts of effectiveness and efficiency applied to the social work profession:
An historical perspective. Journal of Education for Social Work, 14(2), 90-97.
- Özkan, A. O. (2020). Evaluation of the supervision needs of social workers working in Ministry of
Family, Labor and Social Services: The case of Istanbul province. Master’s Thesis, Istanbul
University-Cerrahpasa Graduate Education Institute, İstanbul.
- Özkan, S. (2016). The difficulties faced by social workers in their practice and the need for supervision.
Master’s Thesis, Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
- Poertner, J., & Rapp, C. A. (1983). What is social work supervision?. The Clinical Supervisor, 1(2), 53-
65. doi:10.1300/J001v01n02_07
- Rankine, M. (2019). The internal/external debate: The tensions within social work supervision.
Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 31(3), 32–45.
- Rose, S., & Palattiyil, G. (2020). Surviving or thriving? Enhancing the emotional resilience of social
workers in their organisational settings. Journal of Social Work, 20(1), 23-42.
- Taşğın, N. Ş. (2019). Social work supervision and recommendations for Türkiye. Community and Social
Work, 30(3), 1005-1032.
- Tsui, M. S. (1997). The roots of social work supervision: An historical review. The Clinical Supervisor,
15(2), 191-198.
- Tsui, M. S. (2005). Functions of social work supervision in Hong Kong. International Social Work,
48(4), 485-493. doi:10.1177/0020872805053471
- Tsui, M. S. (2021). The comprehensive model of social work supervision. In: O’Donoghue, K., & Engelbrecht,
L. (Eds), Routledge international handbook of social work supervision. Routledge.
- Tsui, M.S., O’Donoghue, K., Boddy, J., & Pak, C. M. (2017). From supervision to organisational learning:
A typology to integrate supervision, mentorship, consultation and coaching. British
Journal of Social Work, 1-15.
- Weld, N. (2012). A practical guide to transformative supervision for the helping professions. London
and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Wonnacott, J. (2012). Mastering social work supervision. London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley
Türkiye’de Çalışan Sosyal Hizmet Uzmanlarının Süpervizyon İhtiyaçlarının Değerlendirilmesi: Keşfedici Nitel Bir Çalışma
Year 2023,
Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 181 - 194, 31.12.2023
Merve Karaman
Fatih Cebeci
Irmak Atak
Taner Artan
Bu çalışma, Türkiye'deki çeşitli sosyal hizmet kurumlarında çalışan sosyal hizmet uzmanlarının süpervizyon ihtiyaçlarını, süpervizyonun üç işlevi (idari, eğitici ve destekleyici) temelinde değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır.
Çalışmada fenomenolojik bir yaklaşım kullanılmıştır. İki odak grup görüşmesi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Her grup farklı sosyal hizmet alanlarından altı sosyal hizmet uzmanından oluşmaktadır. Veri toplama araçları “Kişisel Bilgi Formu” ve “Yarı Yapılandırılmış Görüşme Formu”ndan oluşmaktadır. Veriler, MAXQDA 2020 programı kullanılarak tematik analiz yöntemiyle analiz edilmiştir.
Bulgular ve Sonuç:
Araştırmanın analizi, sosyal hizmet uzmanlarının süpervizyona ilişkin görüşlerine ve süpervizyonun idari, eğitimsel ve destekleyici işlevlerine ilişkin deneyimlerine dayanmaktadır. Sonuçlar sosyal hizmet uzmanlarının kurumsal düzeyde süpervizyona ihtiyaç duyduğu fikrini desteklemektedir. Bu bulgular, sosyal hizmet uzmanlarının süpervizyonu nasıl tanımladıkları ve kurumsal süpervizyona hangi işlevler aracılığıyla ihtiyaç duydukları konusunda fikir vermesi açısından önemlidir. Sonuç olarak işveren kurum ve kuruluşların sosyal hizmet uzmanlarına yönelik resmi, yapılandırılmış, kurumsal ve sistematik bir süpervizyon sistemi kurmaları önerilmektedir.
- Artan, T., Özkan, A. O., & Açıkgöz, N. (2018a). Evaluation of supervision needs of social workers
working in different professional fields. Turkish Journal of Applied Social Work, 1(1), 75-84.
- Artan, T., Özkan, A. O., Açıkgöz, N., & Salduz, Ç. (2018b). Evaluation of perspectives of social workers
working with immigrants about needs of supervision. Atlas International Refereed Journal
on Social Sciences, 4(13), 1099-1109.
- Atamtürk, E. (2021). A model proposal for social work supervision in child welfare field in the light of
social work practices in the USA. PhD Thesis, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Institute of
Health Sciences.
- Atamtürk, E. (2022). Supervision in social work – a model proposal for supervision system in child
welfare (Sosyal hizmette süpervizyon - çocuk refahı süpervizyon sistemi için bir model önerisi),
Scala Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
- Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW). (2014). Supervision standards. Canberra, ACT: Australian
Association of Social Workers.
- Bride, B. E. (2007). Prevalence of secondary traumatic stress among social workers. Social work,
52(1), 63-70.
- Busse, S. (2009). Supervision between critical reflection and practical action. Journal of Social Work
Practice, 23, 159-173.
- Cunningham, M. (2004). Teaching social workers about trauma: Reducing the risks of vicarious traumatization in the classroom. Journal of Social Work Education, 40(2), 305-317.
- Çokluk, Ö., Yılmaz, K., & Oğuz, E. (2011). A qualitative interview method: Focus group interview.
Theoretical Educational Science, 4(1), 95-107.
- Demirbaş, E. (2021). Determination of secondary traumatic stress levels and coping strategies of
experts providing psychosocial support to children under the child protection law. Unpublished
PhD Thesis, Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa Institute Gradute Education.
- Erera, I. P., & Lazar, A. (1994). The administrative and educational functions in supervision: Indications
of ıncompatibility. The Clinical Supervisor, 12(2), 39-56. doi:10.1300/J001v12n02_04
Hawkins, P., & Shohet, R. (2012). Supervision in the helping professions (4th ed.). London: Open
University Press.
- Istanbul University - Cerrahpasa Faculty of Health Sciences. (2021). Supervision and guidance
trainer training course in the field of refugees, Retrieved from https://sabif.istanbulc.
004F003200370077003200 Accessed 08 September 2021
- Kadushin, A. (1992). Supervision in social work (3rd edn.). New York: Columbia University Press.
- Kadushin, A. (1993). Social work supervision: An updated survey. The Clinical Supervisor, 10(2), 9-27.
- Kadushin, A., & Harkness, D. (2002). Supervision in social work (4th edn). New York: Columbia University
- Karabenk, D. (2018). Burnout levels of social workers and the importance of supervision: The case
of Istanbul province. Master’s Thesis, Kocaeli University Social Sciences Institute, Kocaeli.
- Ketner, M., Cooper-Bolinskey, D., & VanCleave, D. (2017). The meaning and value of supervision in
social work field education. Field Educator, 7(2).
- Kitzinger, J. (1995). Qualitative research: Introducing focus groups. British Medical Journal, 299-302.
Krueger, R. (1994). Focus Groups: A practical guide for applied research. London: SAGE.
- Magnussen, J. (2018). “Supervision in Denmark-an empirical account of experiences and practices”,
European Journal of Social Work, 21(3), 359-373. Doi: 10.1080/13691457.2018.1451827.
- Mo, K. Y., O’Donoghue, K., Wong, P. Y., & Tsui, M. S. (2020). The historical development of knowledge
in social work supervision: Finding new directions from the past. International Social
Work, 1-14.
- Munson, C. (1978). The concepts of effectiveness and efficiency applied to the social work profession:
An historical perspective. Journal of Education for Social Work, 14(2), 90-97.
- Özkan, A. O. (2020). Evaluation of the supervision needs of social workers working in Ministry of
Family, Labor and Social Services: The case of Istanbul province. Master’s Thesis, Istanbul
University-Cerrahpasa Graduate Education Institute, İstanbul.
- Özkan, S. (2016). The difficulties faced by social workers in their practice and the need for supervision.
Master’s Thesis, Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
- Poertner, J., & Rapp, C. A. (1983). What is social work supervision?. The Clinical Supervisor, 1(2), 53-
65. doi:10.1300/J001v01n02_07
- Rankine, M. (2019). The internal/external debate: The tensions within social work supervision.
Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 31(3), 32–45.
- Rose, S., & Palattiyil, G. (2020). Surviving or thriving? Enhancing the emotional resilience of social
workers in their organisational settings. Journal of Social Work, 20(1), 23-42.
- Taşğın, N. Ş. (2019). Social work supervision and recommendations for Türkiye. Community and Social
Work, 30(3), 1005-1032.
- Tsui, M. S. (1997). The roots of social work supervision: An historical review. The Clinical Supervisor,
15(2), 191-198.
- Tsui, M. S. (2005). Functions of social work supervision in Hong Kong. International Social Work,
48(4), 485-493. doi:10.1177/0020872805053471
- Tsui, M. S. (2021). The comprehensive model of social work supervision. In: O’Donoghue, K., & Engelbrecht,
L. (Eds), Routledge international handbook of social work supervision. Routledge.
- Tsui, M.S., O’Donoghue, K., Boddy, J., & Pak, C. M. (2017). From supervision to organisational learning:
A typology to integrate supervision, mentorship, consultation and coaching. British
Journal of Social Work, 1-15.
- Weld, N. (2012). A practical guide to transformative supervision for the helping professions. London
and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Wonnacott, J. (2012). Mastering social work supervision. London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley