Year 2024,
Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 14 - 27, 30.06.2024
Hüseyin Batman
Children today are frequently subjected to abuse. Among these, sexual abuse is the type of abuse that affects children most negatively. Since sexual abuse usually takes place out of sight and in an environment where no one is around, there are no eyewitnesses other than the child victim and the perpetrator of the incident. This situation increases the importance of children’s statements in the investigation of abuse.
In Turkey, especially as of 2010, important steps have been taken regarding forensic interviews with child victims of sexual abuse. Child Monitoring Centers opened within the Ministry of Health as of 2012 and Forensic Interview Rooms opened within the Ministry of Justice as of 2017 attract attention as very important centers for forensic interviews with child victims.Children who are victims of sexual abuse are often reluctant to tell about the abuse they have experienced to someone they have not met before. In this regard, persuading children to be interviewed and obtaining detailed and valid information from the child depends on the knowledge level and skills of forensic interviewers. Forensic interviewers play very important roles in protecting children within the judicial system and catching perpetrators.
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Destekleyen Kurum yoktur.
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