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Estimates of Length-Based Population Parameters of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Oman Sea

Year 2014, , - , 07.07.2014


This document analyses some population parameters of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) taken by drift gillnet operation from southern part of Iranian coast in the Oman Sea during 2007 to 2009. A total of 9,345 specimens of T. albacares were sampled in the size range of 37 cm to 172 cm fork length (FL). The mean length was estimated to be 86.12 cm. There was influence from seasonal variation on the length distribution of individuals, and it showed a tendency of gradual increase in the model length with the fishing season. The temporal change in length distribution is more likely to be an indication of feeding migration of medium-sized Yellowfin Tuna from the western Indian Ocean into the Oman Sea during January to June. The statistical analysis of lengthweight relationship was achieved by sex. The electronic package "ELEFAN I" was chosen for describing the species' von Bertalanffy growth equation; parameters were L∞= 183.3 cm, K= 0.45 year-1, and t0= -0.184 year. Natural mortality (M) was 0.48 year-1, fishing mortality (F) 1.56 year-1, and total mortality (Z) 2.04 year-1. The exploitation ratio (E) was as high as 0.76. For sustainable exploitation of T.albacares, a decrease in fishing effort of the gillnet fishery would be alternatively an effective measure to decline the fishing pressure on the stock, and to prevent the probably overfishing events.


  • Anderson, R.C. 1988. Growth and migration of juvenile yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the central Indian Ocean. FAO/IPTP Collective Volume of working documents, TWS/88/21: 28-39.
  • Anonymous 1987. Tuna in the Andaman Sea, Bay of Bengal Programme, Report No. 40: 11 pp.
  • Anonymous 2010. Report of the 12 th session of the IOTC Working Party of Tropical Tuna, Victoria, Seychelles, 18-25 October, 75 pp.
  • Anonymous 2011a. Capture production by principal species. (accessed May 18, 2011).
  • Anonymous 2011b. Executive Summary: Status of the Indian Ocean yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) resource, Report of 14 th IOTC Scientific committee, 11 pp.
  • Cayré, P. and Rancharrun, B. 1990. Results of the tagging operations conducted within the Regional Tuna Project (Indian Ocean Commission) in 1988 and 19 FAO/IPTP Collective Volume of working documents, TRW/90/6: 63-85.
  • Chantawong, P. 1998. Tuna fisheries in the East Indian Ocean, 1993-1998. Working paper TWS/98/1/9 presented to 7 th Expert Consultation on Indian Ocean Tunas, 9-14 November, Victoria, Seychelles.
  • Chen, Y. and Paloheimo, J.E. 1994. Estimating fish length and age at 50% maturity using a logistic type model. Aquatic Science. 56: 206-219. doi: 1007/BF00879965
  • Collette, B.B. and Nauen, C.E. 1983. FAO species catalogue.Scombrids of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of tunas, mackerels, bonitos and related species known to date. FAO fish. Symposium, 125(2):137 pp.
  • Enin, U.I. 1994. Length-weight parameters and condition factor of two West African prawns. Revue d’Hydrobiolgie Tropicale, 27(2): 121-127.
  • Eveson, P.J., Million, J., Sardenne, F. and Croizier, G.L. 20 Updated growth estimates for skipjack, yellowfin and bigeye tuna in Indian Ocean using the most recent tag-recapture and otolith data. Report of 14 th IOTC proceedings. 24–29 October, Mauritius, 57 pp. Fonteneau, A. and Pallares, P. 2005. Tuna natural mortality as a function of their age: the bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) case. ICCAT Collective Volume of Scientific Papers, 57(2): 142-161.
  • Gayanilo, F.C.Jr. and Pauly, D. 1997.The FAO-ICLARM Stock Assessment Tools (FISAT) Reference manual. FAO Computerized Information Series (Fisheries), 8: 1-1
  • Gulland, J.A. 1971. The fish resources of the oceans. FAO/Fishing News Books, Ltd., Surrey, England, 255 pp.
  • Hallier, J.P. 2003. IOTC tuna tagging consultancy in the Sultanate of Oman. Report of the 5 th Session of the IOTC Working Party on Tagging, Victoria, 10-13 June, Seychelles, 36 pp.
  • Hosseini, S.A., Kaymaram, F., Azhir, M., Daryanabard, R. and Darvishi, M. 2006. Monitoring plan of tuna stock, yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in Oman Sea along Sistan and Baluchestan province waters, Final Repot of Project, Iranian Fisheries Research Organization, 155 pp. (In Persian).
  • Huang, C.C., Sun, L. and Yang, R.T. 1973. Age, growth and population structure of Indian yellowfin tuna. Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan, 2: 16John, M.E. and Reddy, K.S.N. 1989. Some considerations on the population dynamics of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre) in Indian Seas. Studies on fish stock assessment in Indian waters. Foreign Service Institute Special Publication, 2: 33
  • John, M.E. 1995. Studies on yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre, 1788) in the Indian Seas. PhD. thesis. Mumbai: University of Mumbai.
  • Kaymaram, F., Emadi, H. and Kiabi, B. 2000. 2 nd IOTC proceedings, Victoria, 23-27 September, Seychelles, 283-2
  • Lagler, K.F. 1968. Sampling and Examination of Fishes. In: W.E. Ricker (Ed.), Methods for Assessment of fish Production in Freshwaters. IBP, Handbook III, London: 7-45.
  • Lehodey, P. and Leroy, B. 1999. Age and growth of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) from the western and central Pacific Ocean as indicated by daily growth increments and tagging data, 16-23 June. Working Paper YFT -2, presented at SCTB12 held in Tahiti, French Polynesia, 21 pp.
  • Lessa, R. and Duarte-Neto, P. 2004.Age and growth of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the western equatorial Atlantic, using dorsal fin spines. Fisheries. Research, 69: 157-170. doi: 1016/j.fishres.2004.05.007
  • Maldeniya, R. and Joseph, L. 1986. On the distribution and biology of yellowfin tuna from the western and southern coastal waters of Sri Lanka. Collective Volume of working documents presented at the Expert Consultation on Stock Assessment of Tunas in the Indian Ocean, held in Colombo, Sri Lanka: 28 Nov.-2 Dec. 1985. 51-61.
  • Manooch, C.S. and Hinkley, J. 1991. Age and growth of yellowfin tuna from the eastern Atlantic using otoliths and vertebrae. ICCAT Collective Volume of Scientific Papers, 36: 515–522.
  • Marsac, F. 1991. Growth of Indian Ocean Yellowfin Tuna estimated from size frequencies data collected on French purse seiners. FAO/IPTP Collective Volume of Working Documents, Rome: 35-39.
  • Nootmorn, P. and Panjarata, S. 2001. Preliminary results on age and growth determination, daily increments, of tropical tunas, 3 rd
  • IOTC WPTT proceedings, Victoria, 19-27 June. Seychelles,266-272. Pauly, D. 1979. Theory and management of tropical multispecies stocks: a review with emphasis on the Southeast Asian demersal fisheries. ICLARM Study Review, 1: 35 pp.
  • Pauly, D. 1980. On the interrelationship between natural mortality, growth parameters, and environmental temperature in 175 fish stocks. Journal Du Conseil International Pour L'exploration de la Mer, 39(2): 175-1 doi: 10.1093/icesjms/39.2.175
  • Pauly, D. 1983. Length-converted catch curves: A powerful tool for fisheries research in the tropics. Fishbyte 1(2): 9Pauly, D. 1984. Fish population dynamics in tropical waters: a manual for use programmable calculators. ICLARM studies and reviews 8. Manila, 325 pp.
  • Pillai, P.P., Said Koya, K.P. and Yohanan, T.M. 1992. Fishery biology and status of stock of yellowfin tuna. FAO/IPTP Collective Volume of Working Documents, TWS/91/21.
  • Pillai, P.P., Said Koya, K.P., Pillai, N.G.K. and Jayaprakash, A.A. 1993. Fishery biology of yellowfin tuna occurring in coastal fishery in Indian seas. In: Sudarsan, D. and M.E.John (Eds.), Tuna research in India, Bombay: 23-38.
  • Prathibha, R., Syda Rao, G. and Rammohan, K. 2012. Age, growth and population structure of the yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre, 1788) exploited along the east coast of India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 59(1): 1-6.
  • Ramalingam, A.B., Kar, L., Govindaraj, K. and Prasad, G.V.A. 2012. Study of the growth and population parameters of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Andaman and Nicobar waters based on the length frequency data. Report of14 th IOTC proceedings. 24– 29 October. Mauritius: 17 pp.
  • Rao, D.S., Ramamirtham, C.P., Murty, A.V.S. and Muthusamy, S. 1992. Oceanography of the Arabian Sea with particular reference to the southwest monsoon. Bulletin of Central Marine Fisheries research Institute, 45: 4-8.
  • Romanov, E.V. and Korotkpva, L.P. 1988. Age and growth rates of yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares (Bonaterre 1788) (Pisces, Scombridae) in the north-western part of the Indian Ocean, determinated by counting the rings of vertebrae. FAO/IPTP Collective Volume of Working Documents, TWS/88/38: 68-73.
  • Shuford, R.L., Dean, J.M., Stéquert, B. and Morize, E. 200 Age and growth of yellowfin tuna in the Atlantic Ocean. ICCAT Collective Volume Science Papers, 60(1): 330-341. Silas, E.G., Pillai, P.P., Jayaprakash, A.A. and Pillai M.A. 19 Observations on the fishery and certain aspects of the biology of Yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares. (Bonnaterre) taken by longline gear in the Indian EEZ. IATTC Bulletin, 19(5):176-183. Somvanshi, V.S. 2002. Review of biological aspects of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) from the Indian Ocean. 5 th
  • IOTC proceedings.Victoria, 3-12 Jun, Seychelles, 420-426. Somvanshi, V. S., Bhargava, A. K., Gulati, D. K., Varghese, S. and Varghese, S.P. 2003. Growth parameters estimated for yellowfin tuna occurring in the Indian EEZ. 6 th
  • IOTC proceedings. Victoria, 3-12 June, Seychelles, 191-193. Sparre, P. and Venema, S.C. 1998. Introduction to Tropical Fish Stock Assessment. Manual. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 306, Review 1, FAO, Rome, 376 pp. Stergou, K.I. and Moutopoulos, D.K. 2001. A review of Length-weight relationships of fishes from Greek marine waters. NAGA, ICLARM Q., 24:182.
  • Sue, N.J., Sun, CL. and Ye, S.R. 2003. Estimation of growth parameters and age composition for yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, in the Western Pacific using the length-based MULTIFAN method. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan 30: 171-184.
  • Suzuki, Z. 1971. Comparison of growth parameters estimated for the yellowfin tuna in the Pacific Ocean. Bulletin of Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory 5: 89Tantivala, C. 2000. Some biological study of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and bigeye tuna (Thunnus Obesus) in the eastern Indian Ocean. 2 nd IOTC proceedings. Victoria, 23-27 September, Seychelles, 436-4
  • Vetter, E.F. 1988. Estimation of natural mortality in fish stocks: a review. Fishery Bulletin, 86: 25–43.
  • Yesaki, M. 1991. Population parameter estimates of Indian Ocean yellowfin tuna based on length data. FAO/IPTP Collective Volume of Working Documents, TWS/91/09.
  • Zar, J.H. 1999. Biostatistical Analysis.4 th edition.PrenticeHall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 929 pp.
  • Zhu, G., Xu, L., Dia, X. and Liu, W. 2011. Growth and mortality rates of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacores (Perciformes: Scombridae), in the eastern and central Pacific Ocean. Zoologia, 28 (2): 199–206. doi: 1590/S1984-46702011000200007

Estimates of Length-Based Population Parameters of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Oman Sea

Year 2014, , - , 07.07.2014


This document analyses some population parameters of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) taken by drift gillnet operation from southern part of Iranian coast in the Oman Sea during 2007 to 2009. A total of 9,345 specimens of T. albacares were sampled in the size range of 37 cm to 172 cm fork length (FL). The mean length was estimated to be 86.12 cm. There was influence from seasonal variation on the length distribution of individuals, and it showed a tendency of gradual increase in the model length with the fishing season. The temporal change in length distribution is more likely to be an indication of feeding migration of medium-sized Yellowfin Tuna from the western Indian Ocean into the Oman Sea during January to June. The statistical analysis of lengthweight relationship was achieved by sex. The electronic package "ELEFAN I" was chosen for describing the species' von Bertalanffy growth equation; parameters were L∞= 183.3 cm, K= 0.45 year-1, and t0= -0.184 year. Natural mortality (M) was 0.48 year-1, fishing mortality (F) 1.56 year-1, and total mortality (Z) 2.04 year-1. The exploitation ratio (E) was as high as 0.76. For sustainable exploitation of T.albacares, a decrease in fishing effort of the gillnet fishery would be alternatively an effective measure to decline the fishing pressure on the stock, and to prevent the probably overfishing events.


  • Anderson, R.C. 1988. Growth and migration of juvenile yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the central Indian Ocean. FAO/IPTP Collective Volume of working documents, TWS/88/21: 28-39.
  • Anonymous 1987. Tuna in the Andaman Sea, Bay of Bengal Programme, Report No. 40: 11 pp.
  • Anonymous 2010. Report of the 12 th session of the IOTC Working Party of Tropical Tuna, Victoria, Seychelles, 18-25 October, 75 pp.
  • Anonymous 2011a. Capture production by principal species. (accessed May 18, 2011).
  • Anonymous 2011b. Executive Summary: Status of the Indian Ocean yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) resource, Report of 14 th IOTC Scientific committee, 11 pp.
  • Cayré, P. and Rancharrun, B. 1990. Results of the tagging operations conducted within the Regional Tuna Project (Indian Ocean Commission) in 1988 and 19 FAO/IPTP Collective Volume of working documents, TRW/90/6: 63-85.
  • Chantawong, P. 1998. Tuna fisheries in the East Indian Ocean, 1993-1998. Working paper TWS/98/1/9 presented to 7 th Expert Consultation on Indian Ocean Tunas, 9-14 November, Victoria, Seychelles.
  • Chen, Y. and Paloheimo, J.E. 1994. Estimating fish length and age at 50% maturity using a logistic type model. Aquatic Science. 56: 206-219. doi: 1007/BF00879965
  • Collette, B.B. and Nauen, C.E. 1983. FAO species catalogue.Scombrids of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of tunas, mackerels, bonitos and related species known to date. FAO fish. Symposium, 125(2):137 pp.
  • Enin, U.I. 1994. Length-weight parameters and condition factor of two West African prawns. Revue d’Hydrobiolgie Tropicale, 27(2): 121-127.
  • Eveson, P.J., Million, J., Sardenne, F. and Croizier, G.L. 20 Updated growth estimates for skipjack, yellowfin and bigeye tuna in Indian Ocean using the most recent tag-recapture and otolith data. Report of 14 th IOTC proceedings. 24–29 October, Mauritius, 57 pp. Fonteneau, A. and Pallares, P. 2005. Tuna natural mortality as a function of their age: the bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) case. ICCAT Collective Volume of Scientific Papers, 57(2): 142-161.
  • Gayanilo, F.C.Jr. and Pauly, D. 1997.The FAO-ICLARM Stock Assessment Tools (FISAT) Reference manual. FAO Computerized Information Series (Fisheries), 8: 1-1
  • Gulland, J.A. 1971. The fish resources of the oceans. FAO/Fishing News Books, Ltd., Surrey, England, 255 pp.
  • Hallier, J.P. 2003. IOTC tuna tagging consultancy in the Sultanate of Oman. Report of the 5 th Session of the IOTC Working Party on Tagging, Victoria, 10-13 June, Seychelles, 36 pp.
  • Hosseini, S.A., Kaymaram, F., Azhir, M., Daryanabard, R. and Darvishi, M. 2006. Monitoring plan of tuna stock, yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in Oman Sea along Sistan and Baluchestan province waters, Final Repot of Project, Iranian Fisheries Research Organization, 155 pp. (In Persian).
  • Huang, C.C., Sun, L. and Yang, R.T. 1973. Age, growth and population structure of Indian yellowfin tuna. Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan, 2: 16John, M.E. and Reddy, K.S.N. 1989. Some considerations on the population dynamics of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre) in Indian Seas. Studies on fish stock assessment in Indian waters. Foreign Service Institute Special Publication, 2: 33
  • John, M.E. 1995. Studies on yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre, 1788) in the Indian Seas. PhD. thesis. Mumbai: University of Mumbai.
  • Kaymaram, F., Emadi, H. and Kiabi, B. 2000. 2 nd IOTC proceedings, Victoria, 23-27 September, Seychelles, 283-2
  • Lagler, K.F. 1968. Sampling and Examination of Fishes. In: W.E. Ricker (Ed.), Methods for Assessment of fish Production in Freshwaters. IBP, Handbook III, London: 7-45.
  • Lehodey, P. and Leroy, B. 1999. Age and growth of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) from the western and central Pacific Ocean as indicated by daily growth increments and tagging data, 16-23 June. Working Paper YFT -2, presented at SCTB12 held in Tahiti, French Polynesia, 21 pp.
  • Lessa, R. and Duarte-Neto, P. 2004.Age and growth of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the western equatorial Atlantic, using dorsal fin spines. Fisheries. Research, 69: 157-170. doi: 1016/j.fishres.2004.05.007
  • Maldeniya, R. and Joseph, L. 1986. On the distribution and biology of yellowfin tuna from the western and southern coastal waters of Sri Lanka. Collective Volume of working documents presented at the Expert Consultation on Stock Assessment of Tunas in the Indian Ocean, held in Colombo, Sri Lanka: 28 Nov.-2 Dec. 1985. 51-61.
  • Manooch, C.S. and Hinkley, J. 1991. Age and growth of yellowfin tuna from the eastern Atlantic using otoliths and vertebrae. ICCAT Collective Volume of Scientific Papers, 36: 515–522.
  • Marsac, F. 1991. Growth of Indian Ocean Yellowfin Tuna estimated from size frequencies data collected on French purse seiners. FAO/IPTP Collective Volume of Working Documents, Rome: 35-39.
  • Nootmorn, P. and Panjarata, S. 2001. Preliminary results on age and growth determination, daily increments, of tropical tunas, 3 rd
  • IOTC WPTT proceedings, Victoria, 19-27 June. Seychelles,266-272. Pauly, D. 1979. Theory and management of tropical multispecies stocks: a review with emphasis on the Southeast Asian demersal fisheries. ICLARM Study Review, 1: 35 pp.
  • Pauly, D. 1980. On the interrelationship between natural mortality, growth parameters, and environmental temperature in 175 fish stocks. Journal Du Conseil International Pour L'exploration de la Mer, 39(2): 175-1 doi: 10.1093/icesjms/39.2.175
  • Pauly, D. 1983. Length-converted catch curves: A powerful tool for fisheries research in the tropics. Fishbyte 1(2): 9Pauly, D. 1984. Fish population dynamics in tropical waters: a manual for use programmable calculators. ICLARM studies and reviews 8. Manila, 325 pp.
  • Pillai, P.P., Said Koya, K.P. and Yohanan, T.M. 1992. Fishery biology and status of stock of yellowfin tuna. FAO/IPTP Collective Volume of Working Documents, TWS/91/21.
  • Pillai, P.P., Said Koya, K.P., Pillai, N.G.K. and Jayaprakash, A.A. 1993. Fishery biology of yellowfin tuna occurring in coastal fishery in Indian seas. In: Sudarsan, D. and M.E.John (Eds.), Tuna research in India, Bombay: 23-38.
  • Prathibha, R., Syda Rao, G. and Rammohan, K. 2012. Age, growth and population structure of the yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre, 1788) exploited along the east coast of India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 59(1): 1-6.
  • Ramalingam, A.B., Kar, L., Govindaraj, K. and Prasad, G.V.A. 2012. Study of the growth and population parameters of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Andaman and Nicobar waters based on the length frequency data. Report of14 th IOTC proceedings. 24– 29 October. Mauritius: 17 pp.
  • Rao, D.S., Ramamirtham, C.P., Murty, A.V.S. and Muthusamy, S. 1992. Oceanography of the Arabian Sea with particular reference to the southwest monsoon. Bulletin of Central Marine Fisheries research Institute, 45: 4-8.
  • Romanov, E.V. and Korotkpva, L.P. 1988. Age and growth rates of yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares (Bonaterre 1788) (Pisces, Scombridae) in the north-western part of the Indian Ocean, determinated by counting the rings of vertebrae. FAO/IPTP Collective Volume of Working Documents, TWS/88/38: 68-73.
  • Shuford, R.L., Dean, J.M., Stéquert, B. and Morize, E. 200 Age and growth of yellowfin tuna in the Atlantic Ocean. ICCAT Collective Volume Science Papers, 60(1): 330-341. Silas, E.G., Pillai, P.P., Jayaprakash, A.A. and Pillai M.A. 19 Observations on the fishery and certain aspects of the biology of Yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares. (Bonnaterre) taken by longline gear in the Indian EEZ. IATTC Bulletin, 19(5):176-183. Somvanshi, V.S. 2002. Review of biological aspects of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) from the Indian Ocean. 5 th
  • IOTC proceedings.Victoria, 3-12 Jun, Seychelles, 420-426. Somvanshi, V. S., Bhargava, A. K., Gulati, D. K., Varghese, S. and Varghese, S.P. 2003. Growth parameters estimated for yellowfin tuna occurring in the Indian EEZ. 6 th
  • IOTC proceedings. Victoria, 3-12 June, Seychelles, 191-193. Sparre, P. and Venema, S.C. 1998. Introduction to Tropical Fish Stock Assessment. Manual. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 306, Review 1, FAO, Rome, 376 pp. Stergou, K.I. and Moutopoulos, D.K. 2001. A review of Length-weight relationships of fishes from Greek marine waters. NAGA, ICLARM Q., 24:182.
  • Sue, N.J., Sun, CL. and Ye, S.R. 2003. Estimation of growth parameters and age composition for yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, in the Western Pacific using the length-based MULTIFAN method. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan 30: 171-184.
  • Suzuki, Z. 1971. Comparison of growth parameters estimated for the yellowfin tuna in the Pacific Ocean. Bulletin of Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory 5: 89Tantivala, C. 2000. Some biological study of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and bigeye tuna (Thunnus Obesus) in the eastern Indian Ocean. 2 nd IOTC proceedings. Victoria, 23-27 September, Seychelles, 436-4
  • Vetter, E.F. 1988. Estimation of natural mortality in fish stocks: a review. Fishery Bulletin, 86: 25–43.
  • Yesaki, M. 1991. Population parameter estimates of Indian Ocean yellowfin tuna based on length data. FAO/IPTP Collective Volume of Working Documents, TWS/91/09.
  • Zar, J.H. 1999. Biostatistical Analysis.4 th edition.PrenticeHall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 929 pp.
  • Zhu, G., Xu, L., Dia, X. and Liu, W. 2011. Growth and mortality rates of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacores (Perciformes: Scombridae), in the eastern and central Pacific Ocean. Zoologia, 28 (2): 199–206. doi: 1590/S1984-46702011000200007
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Farhad Kaymaram This is me

Seyed Abbas Hosseini This is me

Mohammad Darvishi This is me

Farokh Parafkandeh This is me

Publication Date July 7, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Kaymaram, F., Hosseini, S. A., Darvishi, M., Parafkandeh, F. (2014). Estimates of Length-Based Population Parameters of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Oman Sea. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 14(1).
AMA Kaymaram F, Hosseini SA, Darvishi M, Parafkandeh F. Estimates of Length-Based Population Parameters of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Oman Sea. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. February 2014;14(1). doi:10.4194/1303-2712-v14_1_12
Chicago Kaymaram, Farhad, Seyed Abbas Hosseini, Mohammad Darvishi, and Farokh Parafkandeh. “Estimates of Length-Based Population Parameters of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus Albacares) in the Oman Sea”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 14, no. 1 (February 2014).
EndNote Kaymaram F, Hosseini SA, Darvishi M, Parafkandeh F (February 1, 2014) Estimates of Length-Based Population Parameters of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Oman Sea. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 14 1
IEEE F. Kaymaram, S. A. Hosseini, M. Darvishi, and F. Parafkandeh, “Estimates of Length-Based Population Parameters of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Oman Sea”, Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 14, no. 1, 2014, doi: 10.4194/1303-2712-v14_1_12.
ISNAD Kaymaram, Farhad et al. “Estimates of Length-Based Population Parameters of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus Albacares) in the Oman Sea”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 14/1 (February 2014).
JAMA Kaymaram F, Hosseini SA, Darvishi M, Parafkandeh F. Estimates of Length-Based Population Parameters of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Oman Sea. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2014;14. doi:10.4194/1303-2712-v14_1_12.
MLA Kaymaram, Farhad et al. “Estimates of Length-Based Population Parameters of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus Albacares) in the Oman Sea”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 14, no. 1, 2014, doi:10.4194/1303-2712-v14_1_12.
Vancouver Kaymaram F, Hosseini SA, Darvishi M, Parafkandeh F. Estimates of Length-Based Population Parameters of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Oman Sea. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2014;14(1).