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Partial Replacement of Fish Meal with Spirulina pacifica in Diets for Parrot Fish (Oplegnathus fasciatus)

Year 2013, , - , 01.04.2013


An 8-week feeding trial was conducted in low temperature season to investigate the effects of fish meal (FM) replacement with spirulina on growth performance, body composition and immune response of parrot fish and dietary antioxidant capacity. Four isonitrogenous (48% crud protein) and isocaloric (17.1 MJ/kg gross energy) diets were formulated to replace FM with 0 (as control), 5, 10 and 15% spirulina (designated as Con, S5, S10 and S15, respectively) and fed to the fish (initial body weight, 57±0.1 g) to apparent satiation. At the end of the feeding trial, significantly (P<0.05) higher weight gain, protein efficiency ratio and feed intake and lower feed conversion ratio were observed in fish fed S5 diet compared to those fed the Con and S15 diets. Hematocrit, hemoglobin and respiratory burst activity were also significantly (P<0.05) increased in fish fed S5 diet. Fish fed S15 diet had significantly (P<0.05) higher muscle protein and lower whole-body lipid than those fed the Con diet. Spirulina supplementation in diets increased dietary polyphenols concentration and antioxidant capacity in a dose dependent manner. A second-order polynomial regression analysis shows that the optimum dietary FM protein replacement level by spirulina is approximately 7.3% for the best growth rate. The findings indicate that spirulina can replace up to 15% FM protein (26% dietary inclusion) in the presence of relatively high soybean meal contents in diets for parrot fish.


  • Abdel-Tawwab, M., Khattab, Y.A.E., Ahmad, M.H. and Shalaby, M.E. 2006. Compensatory growth, feed utilization, whole body composition and hematological changes in starved juvenile Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). Journal of Applied Aquaculture, 18: 17-36.
  • Abdel-Tawwab, M. and Ahmad, M.H. 2009. Live Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) as a growth and immunity promoter for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), challenged with pathogenic Aeromonas hydrophila. Aquaculture Research, 40: 1037-1046.
  • Afanas’ev, I.B., Dorozhko, A.I., Brodskii, V., Kostyuk, A. and Potapovitch, A.I. 1989. Chelating and free radical scavenging mechanisms of inhibitory action of rutin and quercetin in lipid peroxidation. Biochemical Pharmacology, 11: 1763–1769.
  • Anderson, D.P. and Siwicki, A.K. 1995. Basic haematology and serology for fish health programs. In: M. Shari ff, J.R. Arthur. and J.P. Subasinghe (Eds.), Diseases in Asian aquaculture II. Fsh Health Section. Asian Fisheries Society. Manila: 185-202.
  • Andrews, S.R., Sabu, N.P., Pal, A.K., Mukherjee, S.C. and Kumar, S. 2011. Yeast extract, brewer's yeast and spirulina in diets for Labeo rohita fingerlings affect haematoimmunological responses and survival following Aeromonas hydrophila challenge. Research in Veterinary Science, 91: 103–109.
  • AOAC (Association of Official Analytical Chemists), 1995. Official Methods of Analysis of Official Analytical Chemists International 16th ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Arlington, VA, USA.
  • Aquilano, K., Baldelli, S., Rotilio, G. and Ciriolo, M.R. 200 Role of nitric oxide syntheses in Parkinson’s disease: a review on the antioxidant and antiinflammatory activity of polyphenols. Neurochemical Research, 33: 2416–2426.
  • Balasundram, N., Sundram, K. and Samman, S. 2006. Phenolic compounds in plants and agri-industrialbyproducts: antioxidant activity, occurrence, and potential uses. Food Chemistry, 99: 191–203.
  • Belay, A., Ota, Y., Miyakawa, K. and Shimamatsu, H. 19 Production of high quality Spirulina at Earthrise Farms. In: S.M. Phang, Y.K. Lee, M.A. Borowitzka. and B.A. Whitton (Eds.), Algal Biotechnology in the Asia-Pacific Region. University of Malaya: 92-102. Bermejo, P., Piñero, E. and Villar, A.M. 2008. Ironchelating ability and antioxidant properties of phycocyanin isolated from a protean extract of Spirulina platensis. Food Chemistry, 110: 436-445.
  • Bhat, V.B. and Madyastha, K.M. 2000. C-phycocyanin: a potent peroxyl radical scavenger in vivo and in vitro. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 275: 20-25.
  • Borowitzka, M.A. 1994. Products from algae. In: Phang, S.M., Lee, K., Borowitzka, M.A. and Whitton, B.A. (Eds.), Algal Biotechnology in the Asia-Pacific Region. Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur: 5-15.
  • Brand –Williams, W. 1995. Use of a free radical method to evaluate antioxidant activity. Food Science and Technology International, 28: 25-30.
  • Brown, B.A., 1980. Routine hematology procedures. In: Brown, B.A. (Ed.), Hematology, Principles and Procedures, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 71–112 pp.
  • Bueno Galaz, G., Kim, S.S. and Lee, K.J. 2010. Effects of different dietary vitamin E levels on growth performance, non-specific immune responses, and disease resistance against Vibrio anguillarum in parrot fish (Oplegnathus fasciatus). Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science, 23: 916-923.
  • Franova, S., Joskova, M., Sutovska, M., Novakova, E., Adamicova, K., Pechanova, O. and Nosalova, G. 20 The efficiency of polyphenolic compounds on allergen induced hyperreactivity of the airways. Biomedicine & Preventive Nutrition 1: 232–235. Hanel, R., Broekman, D., de Graaf, S. and Schnack, D. 200 Partial replacement of fishmeal by lyophilized powder of the microalgae Spirulina platensis in pacific white shrimp diets, The Open Marine Biology Journal, 1: 1-5. Hardy, R.W. and Tacon, A.G.J. 2002. Fish meal: historical uses, production trends and future outlook for supplies. pp. 311–325. In R.R. Stickney and J.P. MacVey, (Eds.), Responsible marine aquaculture. New York, CABI Publishing, 391 pp.
  • Higgs, D.A., Dosanjh, B.S., Prendergast, A.F., Beams, R.M., Hardy, R.W. Riley, W. and Deacon, G. 1995. Use of rapeseed/canola protein products in finfish diets. In: D.J. Sessa (Ed.), Nutrition and utilization of technology in aquaculture. AOCS Press, Champaign USA: 130-156.
  • Kaushik, S.J., Cravedi, J.P., Lalles, J.P., Sumpter, J., Fauconneau, B. and Laroche, M. 1995. Partial or total replacement of fish meal by soybean protein on growth, protein utilization, potential estrogenic or antigenic effects, cholesterolemia and flesh quality in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture, 133: 257–274.
  • Khokhar, S. and Apenten, R.K.O. 2003. Iron binding characteristics of phenolic compounds: some tentative structure–activity relations. Food Chemistry, 81: 133– 1
  • Kim, S.S., Bueno Galaz, G., Pham, M.A., Jang, J.W., Oh, D.H., Yeo, I.K. and Lee, K.J. 2009. Effects of Dietary Supplementation of a Meju, Fermented Soybean Meal, and Aspergillus oryzae for Juvenile Parrot Fish (Oplegnathus fasciatus). Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science, 22: 849-856.
  • Lee, D.J. and Putnam, G.B. 1973. The response of rainbow trout to varying protein/energy ratios in a test diet. Journal of Nutrition, 103: 916-922.
  • Lee, K.J., Powell, M.S., Barrows, F.T., Smiley, S., Bechtel, P. Hardy, R.W. 2010. Evaluation of supplemental fish bone meal produced from Alaska seafood processing byproduct and dicalcium phosphate in plant-protein based diets for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aqauculture, 302: 248-255.
  • Lim, S.J. and Lee, K.J. 2009. Partial replacement of fish meal by cottonseed meal and soybean meal with iron and phytase supplementation for parrot fish Oplegnathus fasciatus. Aqauculture, 290: 283-289.
  • Moure, A., Cruz, J.M, Franco, D., Dominguez, J.M., Sineiro, J., Dominguez, H., Nunez, M.J., Parajo, J.C. 200 Natural antioxidants from residual sources. Food Chemistry, 72: 145–171. Muller-Feuga, A. 2000. The role of microalgae in aquaculture: situation and trends. Journal of Applied Phycology, 12: 527–534.
  • Nakagawa, H. and Montgomery, W.L. 2007. Algae. In: Nakagawa H, Sato M, Gatlin D III (Eds.), Dietary supplements for the health and quality of cultured fish. CABI Publishing, Cambridge, 133–167.
  • Nam, Y.K., Cho Y.S., Choi, B.N., Kim, K.H., Kim, S,K. and Kim, D.S. 2005. Alteration of antioxidant enzymes at the RNA level during short-term starvation of rockbream Oplegnathus fasciatus. Fisheries Science, 71:1385–1387.
  • Nandeesha, M.C., Gangadhara, B., Varghese, T.J. and Keshavanath, P. 1998. Effect of feeding Spirulina platensis on the growth, proximate composition and organoleptic quality of common carp, Cyprinus carpio. Aquaculture Research, 29: 305-312.
  • Nandeesha, M.C., Gangadhara, B., Manissery, J.K. and Venkataraman, L.V. 2001. Growth performance of two Indian major carps, catla (Catla catla) and rohu (Labeo rohita) fed diets containing different levels of Spirulina platensis. Bioresource Technology, 80: 117
  • Naylor, R.L., Goldburg, R.J., Primavera, J.H. Kautsky, N., Beveridge M.C.M. and Clay, J. 2000. Effect of aquaculture on world fish supplies. Nature, 405: 1017–1024.
  • Olvera-Novoa, M.A., Dominguez-Cen, L.J., OliveraCastillo, L. and Martínez-Palacios C.A. 1998. Effect of the use of the microalgae Spirulina maxima as fish meal replacement in diets for tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters), fry. Aquaculture research, 29: 709-7
  • Palmegiano, G.B., Agradi, E., Forneris, G., Gai, F., Gasco, L., Rigamonti, E., Sicuro, B. and Zoccarato, I. 2005. Spirulina as a nutrient source in diets for growing sturgeon (Acipenser baeri). Aquaculture Research, 16: 188-1
  • Perona, J.S., Cabello-Moruno, R. and Ruiz-Gutierrez, V. 200 The role of virgin olive oil components in the modulation of endothelial function. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 17: 429–445. Qureshi, M.A. and Ali, R.A. 1996. Spirulina platensis exposure enhances macrophage phagocytic function in cats. Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, 18: 457-463.
  • Ravi, M., Lata De, S., Azharuddin, S. and Paul, S.F.D. 20 The beneficial effects of spirulina focusing on its immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties. Nutrition and Dietary Supplements, 2: 73–83. Sakai, M. 1999. Current research status of fish immunostimulants. Aquaculture 172, 63–92.
  • Shan, X., Quan, H. and Dou, S. 2008. Effects of delayed first feeding on growth and survival of rock bream Oplegnathus fasciatus larvae. Aquaculture, 277: 14–
  • Skerget, M., Kotnik, P., Hadolin, M., Hras A.R., Simonic, M. and Knez, Z. 2005. Phenols, proanthocyanidins, flavones and flavonols in some plant materials and the antioxidant activities. Food Chemistry, 89: 191-198.
  • Tacon, A.G.J. 1993. Feed ingredients for warmwater fish: fish meal and other processed feedstuffs. FAO Fisheries Circular No. 856, Rome. 64 pp.
  • Takeuchi, T., Lu, J., Yoshizaki, G. and Satoh, S. 2002. Effect on the growth and body composition of juvenile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus fed raw Spirulina. Fisheries Science, 68: 34-40.
  • Tongsiri, S., Mang-Amphan, K. and Peerapornpisal, Y. 20 Effect of Replacing Fishmeal with Spirulina on Growth, Carcass Composition and Pigment of the Mekong Giant Catfish. Asian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2: 106-110. Vonshak, A. 1997. Spirulina: growth, physiology and biochemistry. In: A. Vonshak (Ed.), Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira): physiology, cell-biology and biotechnology. Taylor & Francis, London, 43–65.
  • Wang, L., Pan, B., Sheng, J., Xu, J. and Hu, Q. 2007. Antioxidant activity of Spirulina platensis extracts by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction. Food Chemistry, 105: 36-41.
  • Wang, X., Kim, K.W., Bai, S.C., Huh, M.D. and Cho, B.Y. 200 Effects of the different levels of dietary vitamin C on growth and tissue ascorbic acid changes in parrot fish (Oplegnathus fasciatus). Aquaculture, 215: 203– 2 Watanabe, T., Verakunpiriya, V., Watanabe, K., Viswanath, K. and Satoh, S. 1998. Feeding of rainbow trout with non-fish meal diets. Fisheries Science, 63: 258–266.
  • Yang, D.P., Kong, D. and Zhang, H. 2007. Multiple pharmacological effects of olive oil phenols. Food Chemistry, 104:1269–1271.

Partial Replacement of Fish Meal with Spirulina pacifica in Diets for Parrot Fish (Oplegnathus fasciatus)

Year 2013, , - , 01.04.2013


An 8-week feeding trial was conducted in low temperature season to investigate the effects of fish meal (FM) replacement with spirulina on growth performance, body composition and immune response of parrot fish and dietary antioxidant capacity. Four isonitrogenous (48% crud protein) and isocaloric (17.1 MJ/kg gross energy) diets were formulated to replace FM with 0 (as control), 5, 10 and 15% spirulina (designated as Con, S5, S10 and S15, respectively) and fed to the fish (initial body weight, 57±0.1 g) to apparent satiation. At the end of the feeding trial, significantly (P<0.05) higher weight gain, protein efficiency ratio and feed intake and lower feed conversion ratio were observed in fish fed S5 diet compared to those fed the Con and S15 diets. Hematocrit, hemoglobin and respiratory burst activity were also significantly (P<0.05) increased in fish fed S5 diet. Fish fed S15 diet had significantly (P<0.05) higher muscle protein and lower whole-body lipid than those fed the Con diet. Spirulina supplementation in diets increased dietary polyphenols concentration and antioxidant capacity in a dose dependent manner. A second-order polynomial regression analysis shows that the optimum dietary FM protein replacement level by spirulina is approximately 7.3% for the best growth rate. The findings indicate that spirulina can replace up to 15% FM protein (26% dietary inclusion) in the presence of relatively high soybean meal contents in diets for parrot fish.


  • Abdel-Tawwab, M., Khattab, Y.A.E., Ahmad, M.H. and Shalaby, M.E. 2006. Compensatory growth, feed utilization, whole body composition and hematological changes in starved juvenile Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). Journal of Applied Aquaculture, 18: 17-36.
  • Abdel-Tawwab, M. and Ahmad, M.H. 2009. Live Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) as a growth and immunity promoter for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), challenged with pathogenic Aeromonas hydrophila. Aquaculture Research, 40: 1037-1046.
  • Afanas’ev, I.B., Dorozhko, A.I., Brodskii, V., Kostyuk, A. and Potapovitch, A.I. 1989. Chelating and free radical scavenging mechanisms of inhibitory action of rutin and quercetin in lipid peroxidation. Biochemical Pharmacology, 11: 1763–1769.
  • Anderson, D.P. and Siwicki, A.K. 1995. Basic haematology and serology for fish health programs. In: M. Shari ff, J.R. Arthur. and J.P. Subasinghe (Eds.), Diseases in Asian aquaculture II. Fsh Health Section. Asian Fisheries Society. Manila: 185-202.
  • Andrews, S.R., Sabu, N.P., Pal, A.K., Mukherjee, S.C. and Kumar, S. 2011. Yeast extract, brewer's yeast and spirulina in diets for Labeo rohita fingerlings affect haematoimmunological responses and survival following Aeromonas hydrophila challenge. Research in Veterinary Science, 91: 103–109.
  • AOAC (Association of Official Analytical Chemists), 1995. Official Methods of Analysis of Official Analytical Chemists International 16th ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Arlington, VA, USA.
  • Aquilano, K., Baldelli, S., Rotilio, G. and Ciriolo, M.R. 200 Role of nitric oxide syntheses in Parkinson’s disease: a review on the antioxidant and antiinflammatory activity of polyphenols. Neurochemical Research, 33: 2416–2426.
  • Balasundram, N., Sundram, K. and Samman, S. 2006. Phenolic compounds in plants and agri-industrialbyproducts: antioxidant activity, occurrence, and potential uses. Food Chemistry, 99: 191–203.
  • Belay, A., Ota, Y., Miyakawa, K. and Shimamatsu, H. 19 Production of high quality Spirulina at Earthrise Farms. In: S.M. Phang, Y.K. Lee, M.A. Borowitzka. and B.A. Whitton (Eds.), Algal Biotechnology in the Asia-Pacific Region. University of Malaya: 92-102. Bermejo, P., Piñero, E. and Villar, A.M. 2008. Ironchelating ability and antioxidant properties of phycocyanin isolated from a protean extract of Spirulina platensis. Food Chemistry, 110: 436-445.
  • Bhat, V.B. and Madyastha, K.M. 2000. C-phycocyanin: a potent peroxyl radical scavenger in vivo and in vitro. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 275: 20-25.
  • Borowitzka, M.A. 1994. Products from algae. In: Phang, S.M., Lee, K., Borowitzka, M.A. and Whitton, B.A. (Eds.), Algal Biotechnology in the Asia-Pacific Region. Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur: 5-15.
  • Brand –Williams, W. 1995. Use of a free radical method to evaluate antioxidant activity. Food Science and Technology International, 28: 25-30.
  • Brown, B.A., 1980. Routine hematology procedures. In: Brown, B.A. (Ed.), Hematology, Principles and Procedures, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 71–112 pp.
  • Bueno Galaz, G., Kim, S.S. and Lee, K.J. 2010. Effects of different dietary vitamin E levels on growth performance, non-specific immune responses, and disease resistance against Vibrio anguillarum in parrot fish (Oplegnathus fasciatus). Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science, 23: 916-923.
  • Franova, S., Joskova, M., Sutovska, M., Novakova, E., Adamicova, K., Pechanova, O. and Nosalova, G. 20 The efficiency of polyphenolic compounds on allergen induced hyperreactivity of the airways. Biomedicine & Preventive Nutrition 1: 232–235. Hanel, R., Broekman, D., de Graaf, S. and Schnack, D. 200 Partial replacement of fishmeal by lyophilized powder of the microalgae Spirulina platensis in pacific white shrimp diets, The Open Marine Biology Journal, 1: 1-5. Hardy, R.W. and Tacon, A.G.J. 2002. Fish meal: historical uses, production trends and future outlook for supplies. pp. 311–325. In R.R. Stickney and J.P. MacVey, (Eds.), Responsible marine aquaculture. New York, CABI Publishing, 391 pp.
  • Higgs, D.A., Dosanjh, B.S., Prendergast, A.F., Beams, R.M., Hardy, R.W. Riley, W. and Deacon, G. 1995. Use of rapeseed/canola protein products in finfish diets. In: D.J. Sessa (Ed.), Nutrition and utilization of technology in aquaculture. AOCS Press, Champaign USA: 130-156.
  • Kaushik, S.J., Cravedi, J.P., Lalles, J.P., Sumpter, J., Fauconneau, B. and Laroche, M. 1995. Partial or total replacement of fish meal by soybean protein on growth, protein utilization, potential estrogenic or antigenic effects, cholesterolemia and flesh quality in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture, 133: 257–274.
  • Khokhar, S. and Apenten, R.K.O. 2003. Iron binding characteristics of phenolic compounds: some tentative structure–activity relations. Food Chemistry, 81: 133– 1
  • Kim, S.S., Bueno Galaz, G., Pham, M.A., Jang, J.W., Oh, D.H., Yeo, I.K. and Lee, K.J. 2009. Effects of Dietary Supplementation of a Meju, Fermented Soybean Meal, and Aspergillus oryzae for Juvenile Parrot Fish (Oplegnathus fasciatus). Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science, 22: 849-856.
  • Lee, D.J. and Putnam, G.B. 1973. The response of rainbow trout to varying protein/energy ratios in a test diet. Journal of Nutrition, 103: 916-922.
  • Lee, K.J., Powell, M.S., Barrows, F.T., Smiley, S., Bechtel, P. Hardy, R.W. 2010. Evaluation of supplemental fish bone meal produced from Alaska seafood processing byproduct and dicalcium phosphate in plant-protein based diets for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aqauculture, 302: 248-255.
  • Lim, S.J. and Lee, K.J. 2009. Partial replacement of fish meal by cottonseed meal and soybean meal with iron and phytase supplementation for parrot fish Oplegnathus fasciatus. Aqauculture, 290: 283-289.
  • Moure, A., Cruz, J.M, Franco, D., Dominguez, J.M., Sineiro, J., Dominguez, H., Nunez, M.J., Parajo, J.C. 200 Natural antioxidants from residual sources. Food Chemistry, 72: 145–171. Muller-Feuga, A. 2000. The role of microalgae in aquaculture: situation and trends. Journal of Applied Phycology, 12: 527–534.
  • Nakagawa, H. and Montgomery, W.L. 2007. Algae. In: Nakagawa H, Sato M, Gatlin D III (Eds.), Dietary supplements for the health and quality of cultured fish. CABI Publishing, Cambridge, 133–167.
  • Nam, Y.K., Cho Y.S., Choi, B.N., Kim, K.H., Kim, S,K. and Kim, D.S. 2005. Alteration of antioxidant enzymes at the RNA level during short-term starvation of rockbream Oplegnathus fasciatus. Fisheries Science, 71:1385–1387.
  • Nandeesha, M.C., Gangadhara, B., Varghese, T.J. and Keshavanath, P. 1998. Effect of feeding Spirulina platensis on the growth, proximate composition and organoleptic quality of common carp, Cyprinus carpio. Aquaculture Research, 29: 305-312.
  • Nandeesha, M.C., Gangadhara, B., Manissery, J.K. and Venkataraman, L.V. 2001. Growth performance of two Indian major carps, catla (Catla catla) and rohu (Labeo rohita) fed diets containing different levels of Spirulina platensis. Bioresource Technology, 80: 117
  • Naylor, R.L., Goldburg, R.J., Primavera, J.H. Kautsky, N., Beveridge M.C.M. and Clay, J. 2000. Effect of aquaculture on world fish supplies. Nature, 405: 1017–1024.
  • Olvera-Novoa, M.A., Dominguez-Cen, L.J., OliveraCastillo, L. and Martínez-Palacios C.A. 1998. Effect of the use of the microalgae Spirulina maxima as fish meal replacement in diets for tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters), fry. Aquaculture research, 29: 709-7
  • Palmegiano, G.B., Agradi, E., Forneris, G., Gai, F., Gasco, L., Rigamonti, E., Sicuro, B. and Zoccarato, I. 2005. Spirulina as a nutrient source in diets for growing sturgeon (Acipenser baeri). Aquaculture Research, 16: 188-1
  • Perona, J.S., Cabello-Moruno, R. and Ruiz-Gutierrez, V. 200 The role of virgin olive oil components in the modulation of endothelial function. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 17: 429–445. Qureshi, M.A. and Ali, R.A. 1996. Spirulina platensis exposure enhances macrophage phagocytic function in cats. Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, 18: 457-463.
  • Ravi, M., Lata De, S., Azharuddin, S. and Paul, S.F.D. 20 The beneficial effects of spirulina focusing on its immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties. Nutrition and Dietary Supplements, 2: 73–83. Sakai, M. 1999. Current research status of fish immunostimulants. Aquaculture 172, 63–92.
  • Shan, X., Quan, H. and Dou, S. 2008. Effects of delayed first feeding on growth and survival of rock bream Oplegnathus fasciatus larvae. Aquaculture, 277: 14–
  • Skerget, M., Kotnik, P., Hadolin, M., Hras A.R., Simonic, M. and Knez, Z. 2005. Phenols, proanthocyanidins, flavones and flavonols in some plant materials and the antioxidant activities. Food Chemistry, 89: 191-198.
  • Tacon, A.G.J. 1993. Feed ingredients for warmwater fish: fish meal and other processed feedstuffs. FAO Fisheries Circular No. 856, Rome. 64 pp.
  • Takeuchi, T., Lu, J., Yoshizaki, G. and Satoh, S. 2002. Effect on the growth and body composition of juvenile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus fed raw Spirulina. Fisheries Science, 68: 34-40.
  • Tongsiri, S., Mang-Amphan, K. and Peerapornpisal, Y. 20 Effect of Replacing Fishmeal with Spirulina on Growth, Carcass Composition and Pigment of the Mekong Giant Catfish. Asian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2: 106-110. Vonshak, A. 1997. Spirulina: growth, physiology and biochemistry. In: A. Vonshak (Ed.), Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira): physiology, cell-biology and biotechnology. Taylor & Francis, London, 43–65.
  • Wang, L., Pan, B., Sheng, J., Xu, J. and Hu, Q. 2007. Antioxidant activity of Spirulina platensis extracts by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction. Food Chemistry, 105: 36-41.
  • Wang, X., Kim, K.W., Bai, S.C., Huh, M.D. and Cho, B.Y. 200 Effects of the different levels of dietary vitamin C on growth and tissue ascorbic acid changes in parrot fish (Oplegnathus fasciatus). Aquaculture, 215: 203– 2 Watanabe, T., Verakunpiriya, V., Watanabe, K., Viswanath, K. and Satoh, S. 1998. Feeding of rainbow trout with non-fish meal diets. Fisheries Science, 63: 258–266.
  • Yang, D.P., Kong, D. and Zhang, H. 2007. Multiple pharmacological effects of olive oil phenols. Food Chemistry, 104:1269–1271.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Sung-Sam Kim This is me

Samad Rahimnejad This is me

Kang-woong Kim This is me

Kyeong-Jun Lee This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013


APA Kim, S.-S., Rahimnejad, S., Kim, K.-w., Lee, K.-J. (2013). Partial Replacement of Fish Meal with Spirulina pacifica in Diets for Parrot Fish (Oplegnathus fasciatus). Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 13(2).
AMA Kim SS, Rahimnejad S, Kim Kw, Lee KJ. Partial Replacement of Fish Meal with Spirulina pacifica in Diets for Parrot Fish (Oplegnathus fasciatus). Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. April 2013;13(2). doi:10.4194/1303-2712-v13_2_01
Chicago Kim, Sung-Sam, Samad Rahimnejad, Kang-woong Kim, and Kyeong-Jun Lee. “Partial Replacement of Fish Meal With Spirulina Pacifica in Diets for Parrot Fish (Oplegnathus Fasciatus)”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 13, no. 2 (April 2013).
EndNote Kim S-S, Rahimnejad S, Kim K-w, Lee K-J (April 1, 2013) Partial Replacement of Fish Meal with Spirulina pacifica in Diets for Parrot Fish (Oplegnathus fasciatus). Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 13 2
IEEE S.-S. Kim, S. Rahimnejad, K.-w. Kim, and K.-J. Lee, “Partial Replacement of Fish Meal with Spirulina pacifica in Diets for Parrot Fish (Oplegnathus fasciatus)”, Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 13, no. 2, 2013, doi: 10.4194/1303-2712-v13_2_01.
ISNAD Kim, Sung-Sam et al. “Partial Replacement of Fish Meal With Spirulina Pacifica in Diets for Parrot Fish (Oplegnathus Fasciatus)”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 13/2 (April 2013).
JAMA Kim S-S, Rahimnejad S, Kim K-w, Lee K-J. Partial Replacement of Fish Meal with Spirulina pacifica in Diets for Parrot Fish (Oplegnathus fasciatus). Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2013;13. doi:10.4194/1303-2712-v13_2_01.
MLA Kim, Sung-Sam et al. “Partial Replacement of Fish Meal With Spirulina Pacifica in Diets for Parrot Fish (Oplegnathus Fasciatus)”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 13, no. 2, 2013, doi:10.4194/1303-2712-v13_2_01.
Vancouver Kim S-S, Rahimnejad S, Kim K-w, Lee K-J. Partial Replacement of Fish Meal with Spirulina pacifica in Diets for Parrot Fish (Oplegnathus fasciatus). Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2013;13(2).