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Comparison of Nutrition Compositions of Juvenile Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) Fed with Live Feed and Formula Feed

Year 2013, , - , 01.04.2013


Compositions of the amino acid and fatty acid in the muscle of the juvenile paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) were assessed after being fed with live feed and formula feed for 60 days. The crude fat content of formula feed group was significantly higher than that of live feed group (P<0.01). However, the muscle moisture and crude protein contents of formula feed group were significantly lower than those of live feed group (P<0.05). Seventeen kinds of amino acids were detected in the muscles of both groups. The total amino acids (TAA), essential amino acids (EAA), half-essential amino acids (HEAA), nonessential amino acids (NEAA), delicious amino acids (DAA) and essential amino acid index (EAAI) concentrations of live feed group were higher than those of formula feed group. Further, fifteen kinds of fatty acids were detected in both groups, including five kinds of saturated fatty acids (SFA), four kinds of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and six kinds of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Concentrations of paddlefish muscle ∑MUFA, ∑UFA, ∑n6PUFA, docosahexenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)+DHA of formula feed group were higher than those of live feed group. Extremely significant differences were observed in the fatty acids (P<0.01) between groups except ∑n6PUFA and EPA+DHA (P>0.05). Based on these comparative studies, our data provides better understanding of artificial culture, feed research and resource protection of paddlefishes


  • Alasalvara, C., Taylora, K.D.A., Zubcov, E., Shahidi, F. and Alexis, M. 2002. Differentiation of cultured and wild sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax): total lipid content,fatty acid and trace mineral composition. Food Chemistry, 79: 145-150. doi: 10.1016/S03088146(02)00122-X
  • Ana, F., Isabel, F.S., Juan, A.S. and José, M.B. 2010. Comparison of wild and cultured sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) quality. Food Chemistry, 119: 1514-1518. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2009.09.036
  • AOAC. 1990. Official methods of analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 15th edition, Washington, DC: AOAC
  • Badiani, A., Anfossi, P., Fiorentini, L., Gatta P.P., Manfredini, M., Nanni, N., Stipa, S. and Tolomelli, B. 19 Nutritional composition of cultured sturgeon (Acipenser spp.). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 9: 171-190 Bing, X.W., Cai, B.Y. and Wang, L.P. 2005. Evaluation of nutritive quality and nutritional components in Spinibarbus sinensis muscle. Journal of Fishery Sciences of China, 12: 211-215
  • Bing, X.W. and Zhang, X.Z. 2006. Evaluation of Nutritional Components and Nutritive Quality of the Muscle of Oxyeleotris marmoratus Bleeker. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 36: 107-111
  • Bİrresen, T. 1991. Quality aspects of wild and reared fish. In: Huss, H.H., Jacobsen, M. and Liston, J. (eds.) Quality Assurance in the Fish Industry. Proceedings of an International Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, August. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1-17
  • Carlson, D.M. and Bonislawsky, P.S. 1981. The paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) fisheries of the midwestern United States. Fisherier, 6: 17-22
  • Chen, J.M., Ye, J.Y., Shen, B.Q., Pan, Q. and Wang, Y.H. 200 A comparative analysis of muscle chemical composition of wild and pond-farmed Hemibarbus maculates (Bleeker). Journal of Shanghai Fisheries University, 16: 87-91 Chen, J., Liang, Y.Q., Huang, D.M., Hu, X.J., Yang, H.Y., Yu, F.H., Fang, Y.L. and Zhu, B.K. 2008. Studies on the body composition of different growth development of Polyodon spathula. Journal of Hydroecology, 1: 65-68
  • Codier, M., Brichon, G., Weber, J.M. and Zwingelstein, G. 200 Changes in the fatty acid composition of phospholipids in tissues of farmed sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) during an annual cycle. Roles of environmental temperature and salinity. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology BBiochemistry & Molecular Biology, 133: 281-288. doi: 1016/S1096-4959(02)00149-5
  • Dillard, J.G., Graham, L.K. and Russell, T.R. 1986. The Paddlefish: Status, Management and Propagation. North Central Division, American Fisheries Society, Columbia, MO Date published
  • Dong, H.W., Han, Z.Z., Kang, Z.P., Qu, L., Guo, W.S., Yang, C.H. and Zou, Z.Y. 2007. Analysis on the rate of flesh content and nutritional value of paddlefish (Polyodon spathule). Freshwater Fisheries, 37: 49-51
  • Duyar, H.A. 2000. PhD Thesis. Department of Fisheries and Processing Technology, Institute of Natural and Applied Science, Ege University, Turkey, 118
  • Gonza′leza, S., Flick, G.J., O’Keefe, S.F., Duncan, S.E., McLean, E. and Craig, S.R. 2006. Composition of farmed and wild yellow perch (Perca flavescens). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 19: 7207 doi: 10.1016/j.jfca.2006.01.007
  • Grigorakis, K. 2007. Compositional and organoleptic quality of farmed and wild gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) and sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and factors affecting it: A review. Aquaculture, 272:55-75. doi: 1016/j.aquaculture.2007.04.062
  • Gu, S.Y. and Zhao, Y. 2008. Comparison of Nutrient Components in the Muscle of Wild and Bred Takifugu obscurus. Journal of Anhui Agriculture Science, 36: 14562-14563
  • Guler, G.O., Aktumsek, A., Cakmak, Y.S., Zengin, G. and Citil, O.B. 2011. Effect of Season on Fatty Acid Composition and n-3/n-6 Ratios of Zander and Carp Muscle Lipids in Altinapa Dam Lake. Journal of Food Science, 76: 594-5 doi: 1111/j.1750382011.02136.x
  • Gutierrez, L.E. and Silva, R.C.M. 1993. Fatty acid composition of commercially important fish from Brazil. Scientia Agricola, 50: 478-483
  • Haliloglu, H.I., Bayir, A., Sirkecioglu, A.N., Aras, N.M. and Atamanalp, M. 2004. Comparison of fatty acid composition in some tissues of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) living in seawater and freshwater. Food Chemistry, 86: 55-59. doi: 1016/j.foodchem.2003.08.028
  • Hang, X.M., Tang, Y.L. and Liu, X.H. 2001. Research Progress of Polyunsaturated fatty acid. Progress of Study in Bioengineering, 21: 18-21
  • Hansen, J., Berge, G.M., Hillestad, M., Krogdahl, A., Galloway, T.F., Holm, H., Holm, J. and Ruyter, B. 200 Apparent digestion and apparent retention of lipid and fatty acids in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) fed increasing dietary lipid levels. Aquaculture, 284:159-166. doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2008.07.043 Ibeas, C., Cejas, J., Gomez, T., Jerez, S. and Lorenzo, A. 19 Influence of dietary n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids levels on juvenile gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) growth and tissue fatty acid composition. Aquaculture, 142: 221-235
  • Ji, H., Sun, H.T. and Shan, S.T. 2011. Evaluation of nutrient components and nutritive quality of muscle between pond and cage-reared paddlefish (Polyodon spathula). Journal of Fisheries of China, 35: 261-267
  • Ji, H. and Wang, C.Z. 2009. China’s limited paddlefish culture focused on meat production. Global Aquaculture Advocate July/August: 30-32
  • Johnston, I.A., Li, X.J., Vieira, V.L.A., Nickell, D., Dingwall, A., Alderson, R., Campbell, P. and Bickerdike, R. 2006. Muscle and flesh quality traits in wild and farmed Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture, 256: 323-3 doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2006.02.048
  • Lees, R.S., Karel, K., Mared, D. and Simoponlos, A. 1990. Omega-3 fatty acids in growth and development in health and disease N K INC. 115-116
  • Li, P., Rodina, M., Hulak, M., Gela, D., Psenicka, M., Li, Z.H. and Linhart, O. 2011. Physico-chemical properties and protein profiles of sperm from three freshwater chondrostean species: a comparative study among Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii), starlet (Acipenser ruthenus) and paddlefish (Polyodon spathula). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 27: 6736 doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0426.2010.01634.x
  • Liang, Z.Q., Li, C.W., Ou, L.Y., Yu, C.S. and Chen, X.Y. 200 Evaluation of Nutritive Quality and Analysis of the Nutritive Compositions in the Muscle of Sinilabeo decorus tungting (Nichols). Acta Nutrimenta Sinica, 31: 411-413 Liu, J.S. and Yu, Z.T. 1990. The paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) and its fisheries in U.S.A. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, 14: 75-83
  • Luo, Z., Li, X.D., Bai, H.J., Yuan, Y.C. and Gong, S.Y. 200 Comparison on nutrient composition and morphology between wild and cultured Synechogobius hasta. Journal of Shanghai Fisheries University, 17: 182-186 Ma, A.J., Chen, S.Q., Lei, J.L., Liu, X.F. and Wang, Y.G. 200 The preliminary study on biochemical composition and its nutrition value of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.). Marine Fisheries Research, 24: 11-14 Ma, A.J., Liu, X.F., Zhai, Y.X., Liu, X.Z. and Zhuang, Z.M. 200 Biochemical composition in muscle of wild and cultivated tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis Gunther). Marine Fisheries Research, 27: 49-54 Mao, G.X. and Zhao, W.L. 2000. Comparison on Muscle Quality of Longchang, Taihu and New Taihu Goose. Animal Science & Veterinary Medicine, 17: 16-19
  • Mattson, F.H. (translation by Xie N.), 1990. Effect of Monounsaturated fatty acids. Foreign Medical Sciences, 3: 160-162
  • Oliveira, E.R.N., Agostinho, A.A. and Matsushita, M. 2003. Effect of biological variables and capture period on the proximate composition and fatty acid composition of the dorsal muscle tissue of Hypophthalmus edentatus (Spix, 1829). Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 46:105-114
  • Orban, E., Di, L.G., Nevigato, T., Casini, I., Santaroni, G., Marzetti, A. and Caproni, R. 2002. Quality characteristics of sea bass intensively reared and from lagoon as affected by growth conditions and the aquatic environment. Journal of Food Science, 67: 542-5 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2621.2002.tb10635.x
  • Pellett, P.L. and Yong, V.R. 1980. Nutritional evaluation of protein foods. Tokyo: The United National University Publishing Company, 26-29
  • Peng, S.M., Huang, X.X., Zhao, F., Shi, Z.H. and Li, W.W. 200 Comparison on the contents of the somatic amino acid both in wild and cultured young fish of silvery pomfret Pampus argenteus. Marine Fisheries, 30: 26-30 Peng, Z.G., Ludwig, A., Wang, D.Q., Diogo, R., Wei, Q.W. and He, S.P. 2007. Age and biogeography of major clades in sturgeons and paddlefishes (Pisces: Acipenseriformes). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 42: 854-8 doi: 1016/j.ympev.2006.09.008
  • Qiaoben, F.L. (Translated by Cai W Q), 1980. Fisheries feed. Beijing: Agriculture publishing company, 114115
  • Rey, A.I., Lopez-Bote, C.J., Kerry, J.P., Lynch, P.B., Buckley, D.J. and Morrissey, P.A. 2004. Modification of lipid composition and oxidation in porcine muscle and muscle microsomes as affected by dietary supplementation of n-3 with either n-9 or n-6 fatty acids and α-tocopheryl acetate. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 133: 223-2 doi: 1016/j.anifeedsci.2003.08.007
  • Rosen, R.A. and Hales, D.C. 1981. Feeding of paddlefish, Polyodon spathula. Copeia, 2: 441-455
  • Shen, S., Zhou, J.C., Zhao, S.M. and Xiong, S.B. 2009. The nutritional composition and evaluation of muscle of Polyodom Spathula. Acta Nutrimenta Sinica, 31: 295297
  • Song, C.X., Wang, C.L., Shao, Y.W., Wang, J.W. and Fan, X.X. 2009. The Nutritional Compositions and Evaluation of Muscle between Wild and Cultivated Sepiella Maindroni. Acta Nutrimenta Sinica, 31: 301303
  • Song, C., Zhuang, P., Zhang, L.Z., Liu, J. and Luo, G. 2007. Comparison of nutritive components in muscles between wild and farmed juveniles of Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis. Acta Zoologica Sinic, 53: 502-510
  • Steven, D.M., Andrew, L., William, L.S. and Boris, G. 19 Frank Chapman Production of Paddlefish, SRAC Publication No. 437 Wang C., Mims S.D. and Xiong, Y.L. 1995. Consumer acceptability of paddlefish, a potential aquaculture species. Meat Focus International, 4: 8-9
  • Wesselinova, D. 2000. Amino acid composition of fish meat after different frozen storage periods. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 9: 41-48. doi: 1300/J030v09n04_05
  • William, E.B., Eric, K.F. and Lance, G. 1997. An overview of Acipenserformes. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 48: 25-71. doi:10.1007/0-306-46854-9_4 pp.25-71
  • Xiong, B.X., Mei, X.H. and Dai, Z.G. 2008. Review on introduction of paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) into China for 20 Years. Freshwater Fisheries, 38: 70-73
  • Yan, A.S., Xiong, C.X., Qian, J.W. and Wang, X.D. 1995. A Study on the Rate of Flesh Content of Mandarinfish and Nutritonal Quality of the Flesh. Tournal of Fisheries of Huazhong Agriculture University, 14: 8084
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Comparison of Nutrition Compositions of Juvenile Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) Fed with Live Feed and Formula Feed

Year 2013, , - , 01.04.2013



  • Alasalvara, C., Taylora, K.D.A., Zubcov, E., Shahidi, F. and Alexis, M. 2002. Differentiation of cultured and wild sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax): total lipid content,fatty acid and trace mineral composition. Food Chemistry, 79: 145-150. doi: 10.1016/S03088146(02)00122-X
  • Ana, F., Isabel, F.S., Juan, A.S. and José, M.B. 2010. Comparison of wild and cultured sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) quality. Food Chemistry, 119: 1514-1518. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2009.09.036
  • AOAC. 1990. Official methods of analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 15th edition, Washington, DC: AOAC
  • Badiani, A., Anfossi, P., Fiorentini, L., Gatta P.P., Manfredini, M., Nanni, N., Stipa, S. and Tolomelli, B. 19 Nutritional composition of cultured sturgeon (Acipenser spp.). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 9: 171-190 Bing, X.W., Cai, B.Y. and Wang, L.P. 2005. Evaluation of nutritive quality and nutritional components in Spinibarbus sinensis muscle. Journal of Fishery Sciences of China, 12: 211-215
  • Bing, X.W. and Zhang, X.Z. 2006. Evaluation of Nutritional Components and Nutritive Quality of the Muscle of Oxyeleotris marmoratus Bleeker. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 36: 107-111
  • Bİrresen, T. 1991. Quality aspects of wild and reared fish. In: Huss, H.H., Jacobsen, M. and Liston, J. (eds.) Quality Assurance in the Fish Industry. Proceedings of an International Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, August. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1-17
  • Carlson, D.M. and Bonislawsky, P.S. 1981. The paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) fisheries of the midwestern United States. Fisherier, 6: 17-22
  • Chen, J.M., Ye, J.Y., Shen, B.Q., Pan, Q. and Wang, Y.H. 200 A comparative analysis of muscle chemical composition of wild and pond-farmed Hemibarbus maculates (Bleeker). Journal of Shanghai Fisheries University, 16: 87-91 Chen, J., Liang, Y.Q., Huang, D.M., Hu, X.J., Yang, H.Y., Yu, F.H., Fang, Y.L. and Zhu, B.K. 2008. Studies on the body composition of different growth development of Polyodon spathula. Journal of Hydroecology, 1: 65-68
  • Codier, M., Brichon, G., Weber, J.M. and Zwingelstein, G. 200 Changes in the fatty acid composition of phospholipids in tissues of farmed sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) during an annual cycle. Roles of environmental temperature and salinity. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology BBiochemistry & Molecular Biology, 133: 281-288. doi: 1016/S1096-4959(02)00149-5
  • Dillard, J.G., Graham, L.K. and Russell, T.R. 1986. The Paddlefish: Status, Management and Propagation. North Central Division, American Fisheries Society, Columbia, MO Date published
  • Dong, H.W., Han, Z.Z., Kang, Z.P., Qu, L., Guo, W.S., Yang, C.H. and Zou, Z.Y. 2007. Analysis on the rate of flesh content and nutritional value of paddlefish (Polyodon spathule). Freshwater Fisheries, 37: 49-51
  • Duyar, H.A. 2000. PhD Thesis. Department of Fisheries and Processing Technology, Institute of Natural and Applied Science, Ege University, Turkey, 118
  • Gonza′leza, S., Flick, G.J., O’Keefe, S.F., Duncan, S.E., McLean, E. and Craig, S.R. 2006. Composition of farmed and wild yellow perch (Perca flavescens). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 19: 7207 doi: 10.1016/j.jfca.2006.01.007
  • Grigorakis, K. 2007. Compositional and organoleptic quality of farmed and wild gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) and sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and factors affecting it: A review. Aquaculture, 272:55-75. doi: 1016/j.aquaculture.2007.04.062
  • Gu, S.Y. and Zhao, Y. 2008. Comparison of Nutrient Components in the Muscle of Wild and Bred Takifugu obscurus. Journal of Anhui Agriculture Science, 36: 14562-14563
  • Guler, G.O., Aktumsek, A., Cakmak, Y.S., Zengin, G. and Citil, O.B. 2011. Effect of Season on Fatty Acid Composition and n-3/n-6 Ratios of Zander and Carp Muscle Lipids in Altinapa Dam Lake. Journal of Food Science, 76: 594-5 doi: 1111/j.1750382011.02136.x
  • Gutierrez, L.E. and Silva, R.C.M. 1993. Fatty acid composition of commercially important fish from Brazil. Scientia Agricola, 50: 478-483
  • Haliloglu, H.I., Bayir, A., Sirkecioglu, A.N., Aras, N.M. and Atamanalp, M. 2004. Comparison of fatty acid composition in some tissues of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) living in seawater and freshwater. Food Chemistry, 86: 55-59. doi: 1016/j.foodchem.2003.08.028
  • Hang, X.M., Tang, Y.L. and Liu, X.H. 2001. Research Progress of Polyunsaturated fatty acid. Progress of Study in Bioengineering, 21: 18-21
  • Hansen, J., Berge, G.M., Hillestad, M., Krogdahl, A., Galloway, T.F., Holm, H., Holm, J. and Ruyter, B. 200 Apparent digestion and apparent retention of lipid and fatty acids in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) fed increasing dietary lipid levels. Aquaculture, 284:159-166. doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2008.07.043 Ibeas, C., Cejas, J., Gomez, T., Jerez, S. and Lorenzo, A. 19 Influence of dietary n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids levels on juvenile gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) growth and tissue fatty acid composition. Aquaculture, 142: 221-235
  • Ji, H., Sun, H.T. and Shan, S.T. 2011. Evaluation of nutrient components and nutritive quality of muscle between pond and cage-reared paddlefish (Polyodon spathula). Journal of Fisheries of China, 35: 261-267
  • Ji, H. and Wang, C.Z. 2009. China’s limited paddlefish culture focused on meat production. Global Aquaculture Advocate July/August: 30-32
  • Johnston, I.A., Li, X.J., Vieira, V.L.A., Nickell, D., Dingwall, A., Alderson, R., Campbell, P. and Bickerdike, R. 2006. Muscle and flesh quality traits in wild and farmed Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture, 256: 323-3 doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2006.02.048
  • Lees, R.S., Karel, K., Mared, D. and Simoponlos, A. 1990. Omega-3 fatty acids in growth and development in health and disease N K INC. 115-116
  • Li, P., Rodina, M., Hulak, M., Gela, D., Psenicka, M., Li, Z.H. and Linhart, O. 2011. Physico-chemical properties and protein profiles of sperm from three freshwater chondrostean species: a comparative study among Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii), starlet (Acipenser ruthenus) and paddlefish (Polyodon spathula). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 27: 6736 doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0426.2010.01634.x
  • Liang, Z.Q., Li, C.W., Ou, L.Y., Yu, C.S. and Chen, X.Y. 200 Evaluation of Nutritive Quality and Analysis of the Nutritive Compositions in the Muscle of Sinilabeo decorus tungting (Nichols). Acta Nutrimenta Sinica, 31: 411-413 Liu, J.S. and Yu, Z.T. 1990. The paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) and its fisheries in U.S.A. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, 14: 75-83
  • Luo, Z., Li, X.D., Bai, H.J., Yuan, Y.C. and Gong, S.Y. 200 Comparison on nutrient composition and morphology between wild and cultured Synechogobius hasta. Journal of Shanghai Fisheries University, 17: 182-186 Ma, A.J., Chen, S.Q., Lei, J.L., Liu, X.F. and Wang, Y.G. 200 The preliminary study on biochemical composition and its nutrition value of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.). Marine Fisheries Research, 24: 11-14 Ma, A.J., Liu, X.F., Zhai, Y.X., Liu, X.Z. and Zhuang, Z.M. 200 Biochemical composition in muscle of wild and cultivated tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis Gunther). Marine Fisheries Research, 27: 49-54 Mao, G.X. and Zhao, W.L. 2000. Comparison on Muscle Quality of Longchang, Taihu and New Taihu Goose. Animal Science & Veterinary Medicine, 17: 16-19
  • Mattson, F.H. (translation by Xie N.), 1990. Effect of Monounsaturated fatty acids. Foreign Medical Sciences, 3: 160-162
  • Oliveira, E.R.N., Agostinho, A.A. and Matsushita, M. 2003. Effect of biological variables and capture period on the proximate composition and fatty acid composition of the dorsal muscle tissue of Hypophthalmus edentatus (Spix, 1829). Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 46:105-114
  • Orban, E., Di, L.G., Nevigato, T., Casini, I., Santaroni, G., Marzetti, A. and Caproni, R. 2002. Quality characteristics of sea bass intensively reared and from lagoon as affected by growth conditions and the aquatic environment. Journal of Food Science, 67: 542-5 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2621.2002.tb10635.x
  • Pellett, P.L. and Yong, V.R. 1980. Nutritional evaluation of protein foods. Tokyo: The United National University Publishing Company, 26-29
  • Peng, S.M., Huang, X.X., Zhao, F., Shi, Z.H. and Li, W.W. 200 Comparison on the contents of the somatic amino acid both in wild and cultured young fish of silvery pomfret Pampus argenteus. Marine Fisheries, 30: 26-30 Peng, Z.G., Ludwig, A., Wang, D.Q., Diogo, R., Wei, Q.W. and He, S.P. 2007. Age and biogeography of major clades in sturgeons and paddlefishes (Pisces: Acipenseriformes). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 42: 854-8 doi: 1016/j.ympev.2006.09.008
  • Qiaoben, F.L. (Translated by Cai W Q), 1980. Fisheries feed. Beijing: Agriculture publishing company, 114115
  • Rey, A.I., Lopez-Bote, C.J., Kerry, J.P., Lynch, P.B., Buckley, D.J. and Morrissey, P.A. 2004. Modification of lipid composition and oxidation in porcine muscle and muscle microsomes as affected by dietary supplementation of n-3 with either n-9 or n-6 fatty acids and α-tocopheryl acetate. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 133: 223-2 doi: 1016/j.anifeedsci.2003.08.007
  • Rosen, R.A. and Hales, D.C. 1981. Feeding of paddlefish, Polyodon spathula. Copeia, 2: 441-455
  • Shen, S., Zhou, J.C., Zhao, S.M. and Xiong, S.B. 2009. The nutritional composition and evaluation of muscle of Polyodom Spathula. Acta Nutrimenta Sinica, 31: 295297
  • Song, C.X., Wang, C.L., Shao, Y.W., Wang, J.W. and Fan, X.X. 2009. The Nutritional Compositions and Evaluation of Muscle between Wild and Cultivated Sepiella Maindroni. Acta Nutrimenta Sinica, 31: 301303
  • Song, C., Zhuang, P., Zhang, L.Z., Liu, J. and Luo, G. 2007. Comparison of nutritive components in muscles between wild and farmed juveniles of Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis. Acta Zoologica Sinic, 53: 502-510
  • Steven, D.M., Andrew, L., William, L.S. and Boris, G. 19 Frank Chapman Production of Paddlefish, SRAC Publication No. 437 Wang C., Mims S.D. and Xiong, Y.L. 1995. Consumer acceptability of paddlefish, a potential aquaculture species. Meat Focus International, 4: 8-9
  • Wesselinova, D. 2000. Amino acid composition of fish meat after different frozen storage periods. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 9: 41-48. doi: 1300/J030v09n04_05
  • William, E.B., Eric, K.F. and Lance, G. 1997. An overview of Acipenserformes. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 48: 25-71. doi:10.1007/0-306-46854-9_4 pp.25-71
  • Xiong, B.X., Mei, X.H. and Dai, Z.G. 2008. Review on introduction of paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) into China for 20 Years. Freshwater Fisheries, 38: 70-73
  • Yan, A.S., Xiong, C.X., Qian, J.W. and Wang, X.D. 1995. A Study on the Rate of Flesh Content of Mandarinfish and Nutritonal Quality of the Flesh. Tournal of Fisheries of Huazhong Agriculture University, 14: 8084
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There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Pei-Song Shi This is me

Yu-Ting Zhu This is me

Qin Wang This is me

Qian-Hong Gu This is me

Bang-Xi Xiong This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013


APA Shi, P.-S., Zhu, Y.-T., Wang, Q., Gu, Q.-H., et al. (2013). Comparison of Nutrition Compositions of Juvenile Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) Fed with Live Feed and Formula Feed. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 13(2).
AMA Shi PS, Zhu YT, Wang Q, Gu QH, Xiong BX. Comparison of Nutrition Compositions of Juvenile Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) Fed with Live Feed and Formula Feed. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. April 2013;13(2). doi:10.4194/1303-2712-v13_2_09
Chicago Shi, Pei-Song, Yu-Ting Zhu, Qin Wang, Qian-Hong Gu, and Bang-Xi Xiong. “Comparison of Nutrition Compositions of Juvenile Paddlefish (Polyodon Spathula) Fed With Live Feed and Formula Feed”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 13, no. 2 (April 2013).
EndNote Shi P-S, Zhu Y-T, Wang Q, Gu Q-H, Xiong B-X (April 1, 2013) Comparison of Nutrition Compositions of Juvenile Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) Fed with Live Feed and Formula Feed. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 13 2
IEEE P.-S. Shi, Y.-T. Zhu, Q. Wang, Q.-H. Gu, and B.-X. Xiong, “Comparison of Nutrition Compositions of Juvenile Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) Fed with Live Feed and Formula Feed”, Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 13, no. 2, 2013, doi: 10.4194/1303-2712-v13_2_09.
ISNAD Shi, Pei-Song et al. “Comparison of Nutrition Compositions of Juvenile Paddlefish (Polyodon Spathula) Fed With Live Feed and Formula Feed”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 13/2 (April 2013).
JAMA Shi P-S, Zhu Y-T, Wang Q, Gu Q-H, Xiong B-X. Comparison of Nutrition Compositions of Juvenile Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) Fed with Live Feed and Formula Feed. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2013;13. doi:10.4194/1303-2712-v13_2_09.
MLA Shi, Pei-Song et al. “Comparison of Nutrition Compositions of Juvenile Paddlefish (Polyodon Spathula) Fed With Live Feed and Formula Feed”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 13, no. 2, 2013, doi:10.4194/1303-2712-v13_2_09.
Vancouver Shi P-S, Zhu Y-T, Wang Q, Gu Q-H, Xiong B-X. Comparison of Nutrition Compositions of Juvenile Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) Fed with Live Feed and Formula Feed. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2013;13(2).