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Use of the Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacterial Preparation Polymyxobacterin in Pond Aquaculture

Year 2013, , - , 01.02.2013


The paper contains results of studies on the application of the bacterial preparation Polymyxobacterin in pond aquaculture for optimization of mineral phosphorus content in water, development of natural forage base, and increase of fish productivity. It was found that in aquatic environment, there are optimal conditions for growth of Paenibacillus polymyxa KB bacterium. Polymyxobacterin application contributes to an increase of mineral phosphorus in pond water by 1.3-3.7 times compared to the control and does not exceed the normative values (less than 0.5 mgP/dm3) that in its turn stimulates phytoplankton vegetation and zooplankton development. After Polymyxobacterin application, due to development of natural forage organisms, fish productivity of nursery and fattening ponds exceeded the control variant by 3.9 and 6.3% for common carp; by 34.1 and 16.7% for silver carp; and by 5.5 and 9.6 for grass carp, respectively


  • Alekin, O.A. 1970. Osnovy gidrokhimii. Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, 412 pp. (in Russian)
  • APHA/AWWA/WEF, 1998. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, In: L.S. Clesceri, A.E. Greenberg and A.D. Eaton (Eds.), American Public Health Association/American Water Works Association/Water Environment Federation, 20 th Edt. Washington, DC.
  • Arsan, O.M., Davidov, O.A. and Dyachenko, T.M. (Eds.) 200 Metody gidroekologichnyh doslidzhen’ poverkhnevyh vod. Logos, Kiev, 408 pp. (in Ukrainian) Bauer, O.N., Musselius, V.A. and Strelkov, Y.A. 1981. Bolezni prudovyh ryb. Legkaya i pishchevaya promyshlennost, Moscow, 320 pp. (in Russian)
  • Bessonov, N.M. and Privezentsev, Y.A. 19 Rybokhozyaistvennaya gidrokhimiya. Agropromizdat, Moscow, 159 pp. (in Russian) Chaikovs’ka, L.O., Melnichuk, T.M. and Garmashov, V.V. 19 Fosfomobilizuyuchi bakterii, vydileni z chernozemy pivdennogo. Sustainable Development of Agroecological Systems in Conditions of Limited Resource Provision: Materials of the Scientific and Methodical Conference, Kiev: 139-1 (in Ukrainian) Das, S.K. and Jana, B.B. 1996. Pond fertilization through inorganic sources: an overview. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 43: 25-43.
  • Das, P.C., Ayyappan, S. and Jena, J. 2005. Comparative changes in water quality and role of pond soil after application of different levels of organic and inorganic inputs. Aquaculture Research (CIFA), 36: 785-798. doi:1111/j.1365-2109.2005.01288.x
  • Debeljak, L., Turk, F.M. and Pipovic, J. 1990. Mineral fertilizers and fish production in carp ponds. In Proceedings, FAO-EIFAC Symposium on Production Enhancement in Still-Water Pond Culture, Prague: 187-1
  • Filatova, I.N., Kuz’minskiy, S.N. and Murza, V.I. 1994. Issledovanie patogennosti fosformobiliziruyushchih shtammov dlya teplokrovnyh organizmov. Mikorbiologichnyi Zhurnal, 56(4): 98-99. (in Russian) Garg, S.K., Bhatnagar, A. and Narula, N. 1998. Application of Azotobacter enhances pond productivity and fish biomass in still water ponds. Aquaculture International, 6(3): 219-231. doi:1023/A:1009254727404
  • Garg, S.K. and Bhatnagar, A. 2000. Effect of fertilization frequency on pond productivity and fish biomass in still water pond stocked with Cirrhinus mrigala (Ham.). Aquaculture Research (CIFA), 31: 353-369. doi:1046/j.1365-2109.2000.00422.x
  • Garg, S.K. and Bhatnagar, A. 1999. Effect of Azospirillum & Azotabacter inoculation on pond productivity and fish growth under fresh water conditions. Indian Journal of Microbiology, 39: 227-233.
  • Garg, S.K. and Bhatnagar, A. 2002. Determination of dosage of Azotobacter and organic fertilizer for optimum nutrient release, net primary productivity and fish growth in fresh water fish ponds. Aquaculture International, 10(2): 87-107. doi:1023/A:1021388328025
  • Green, B.W., Phelps, R.P. and Alvarenga, H.R. 1989. The effects of manures and chemical fertilizers on the production of Oreochromis niloticus in earthen ponds. Aquaculture, 76: 37-42. doi:1016/0044-8486(89)90249-4
  • Jana, B.B. 2007. Distribution pattern and role of phosphate solubilizing bacteria in the enhancement of fertilizer value of rock phosphate in aquaculture ponds: stateof-the-art. First International Meeting on Microbial Phosphate Solubilization Developments in Plant and Soil Sciences, 102: 229-238. doi:10.1007/978-1-40205765-6_34
  • Khizhnyak, M.I. and Tsion, N.I. 2009. Spyrtova barda kak tsinna kormova dobavka I organichne dobryvo u sil’skomu gospodarstvi. Rybogospodarska Nauka Ukrainy, 2: 122-130. (in Ukrainian)
  • Labinskaya, A.S. 1978. Mikrobiologiya s tekhnikoi mikrobiologicheskih issledovaniy. 4th Edition, Meditsina, Moscow, 244 pp. (in Russian)
  • Mikanová, O. and Nováková, J. 2002. Evaluation of Psolubilization activity of soil microorganicms and its sensitivity of soluble phosphate. Rostlinná Vıroba, 9(48): 397-400.
  • Naumov, A.M. 2005. Itogi rabot po profilaktike boleznei u ryb v vodoemah zony sel’skokhozyaistvennogo proizvodstva. Aquaculture and Integrated Technologies: International Conference Materials, Moscow, 3: 77-81. (In Russian)
  • Rodina, A.G. 1954. Deistvie rastitel’nogo udobreniya na protsessy azotfiksatsii i opyty primeneniya azotogena v rybovodnyh prudah. Mikrobiologiya, 23(6): 684692 (in Russian)
  • Rautina D.Y. and Mezharaupe V.A. 1981. Obespechenie pochvy dostupnym fosforom putem vneseniya udobreniy i fosforazlagayushchikh bakteriy. Regulyatsiya Mikrobiologicheskih Processov v Pochve, Riga, 77-82 (in Russian)
  • Sahu, S.N. and Jana, B.B. 2000. Enhancement of the fertilizer value of rock phosphate engineered through phosphate-solubilizing bacteria. Ecological Engineering, 15:27-39. doi:10.1016/S0925-8574(99) 00013-0
  • Salazkin, A.A., Ivanova, M.B. and Ogorodnikov, V.A. 19 Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po sboru i obrabotke materialov pri hidrobiologicheskih issledovaniyah na presnovodnyh vodoemah. Leningrad, 34 pp. (in Russian) Stanier, R.Y., Doudoroff, M. and Adelberg, E.A. 1963. The microbial world. 2nd ed. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 753 pp.
  • Stolovych, V.N., Gadlevskaya, N.N. and Sennikova, D.D. 200 O vozmozhnom povyshenii estestvennoi ryboproduktivnosti prudov, udobryaemyh fosfogipsom. Voprosy Rybnogo Khozyaistva Belarusi, 19: 139-143. (in Russian) Tereschchenko, N.N. 2004. Problemy i perspektivy primeneniya bakterial’nyh preparatov v sel’skohozyaistvennoi praktike. Agrovestnik Tomskoi Oblasti, 2: 1-7.
  • Tokmakova, L.M. and Bliznyuk, N.M. 200 Mikrobiologichnyi zasib polipshennya fosfornogo zhyvlennya kukurudzy. Phosphorus and Potassium in Farming, Problems of Microbiological Mobilization: Materials of International Scientific and Practical Conference, Chernihiv-Kharkiv: 156-159. Tovstyk, V.F. 2004. Rybnytstvo. Espada, Kharkiv, 272 pp. (in Ukrainian)
  • Tripathy, P.P. and Ayyappan, S. 2005. Evaluation of Azotobacter and Azospirillum as biofertilizers in aquaculture. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 21(8-9): 1339-1343 doi:1007/s11274-005-3787-2
  • Velikiy, V.I. and Mudriy, I.V. 1999. Nekotorye ekologogigienicheskie aspekty intensivnogo primeneniya azotnyh mineral’nyh udobreniy v sel’skom khoziastve. Dovkillya ta Zdorov’ya, 4(11): 55-58. (in Russian)
  • Volkogon, V.V. 2007. Mikrobni preparaty v zemlerobstvi yak skladova suchasnoi strategii zberezhennya bioriznomanittya ta pidvyshchennya rodyuchesti gruntiv. Collected Works of the Podillya State Agrotechnical University, 1: 168-171. (in Ukrainian)
  • Vovk, N.I. and Tokmakova, L.N. 1997. Izuchenie patogennosti dlya karpa bakteriy i gribov, chto yavlyaetsya osnovoi biopreparatov. Bulletin of the Institute of Agricultural Microbiology, 7: 18. (in Russian)
  • Vovk, N.I. and Bazaeva, A.V. 2009. Dynamika chysel’nosti fosformobilizuyuchyh bakteriy P. polymyxa КВ u stavoviy vodi. Rybne Gospodarstvo, 66: 73-74. (in Ukrainian)

Use of the Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacterial Preparation Polymyxobacterin in Pond Aquaculture

Year 2013, , - , 01.02.2013


The paper contains results of studies on the application of the bacterial preparation Polymyxobacterin in pond aquaculture for optimization of mineral phosphorus content in water, development of natural forage base, and increase of fish productivity. It was found that in aquatic environment, there are optimal conditions for growth of Paenibacillus polymyxa KB bacterium. Polymyxobacterin application contributes to an increase of mineral phosphorus in pond water by 1.3-3.7 times compared to the control and does not exceed the normative values (less than 0.5 mgP/dm3) that in its turn stimulates phytoplankton vegetation and zooplankton development. After Polymyxobacterin application, due to development of natural forage organisms, fish productivity of nursery and fattening ponds exceeded the control variant by 3.9 and 6.3% for common carp; by 34.1 and 16.7% for silver carp; and by 5.5 and 9.6 for grass carp, respectively


  • Alekin, O.A. 1970. Osnovy gidrokhimii. Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, 412 pp. (in Russian)
  • APHA/AWWA/WEF, 1998. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, In: L.S. Clesceri, A.E. Greenberg and A.D. Eaton (Eds.), American Public Health Association/American Water Works Association/Water Environment Federation, 20 th Edt. Washington, DC.
  • Arsan, O.M., Davidov, O.A. and Dyachenko, T.M. (Eds.) 200 Metody gidroekologichnyh doslidzhen’ poverkhnevyh vod. Logos, Kiev, 408 pp. (in Ukrainian) Bauer, O.N., Musselius, V.A. and Strelkov, Y.A. 1981. Bolezni prudovyh ryb. Legkaya i pishchevaya promyshlennost, Moscow, 320 pp. (in Russian)
  • Bessonov, N.M. and Privezentsev, Y.A. 19 Rybokhozyaistvennaya gidrokhimiya. Agropromizdat, Moscow, 159 pp. (in Russian) Chaikovs’ka, L.O., Melnichuk, T.M. and Garmashov, V.V. 19 Fosfomobilizuyuchi bakterii, vydileni z chernozemy pivdennogo. Sustainable Development of Agroecological Systems in Conditions of Limited Resource Provision: Materials of the Scientific and Methodical Conference, Kiev: 139-1 (in Ukrainian) Das, S.K. and Jana, B.B. 1996. Pond fertilization through inorganic sources: an overview. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 43: 25-43.
  • Das, P.C., Ayyappan, S. and Jena, J. 2005. Comparative changes in water quality and role of pond soil after application of different levels of organic and inorganic inputs. Aquaculture Research (CIFA), 36: 785-798. doi:1111/j.1365-2109.2005.01288.x
  • Debeljak, L., Turk, F.M. and Pipovic, J. 1990. Mineral fertilizers and fish production in carp ponds. In Proceedings, FAO-EIFAC Symposium on Production Enhancement in Still-Water Pond Culture, Prague: 187-1
  • Filatova, I.N., Kuz’minskiy, S.N. and Murza, V.I. 1994. Issledovanie patogennosti fosformobiliziruyushchih shtammov dlya teplokrovnyh organizmov. Mikorbiologichnyi Zhurnal, 56(4): 98-99. (in Russian) Garg, S.K., Bhatnagar, A. and Narula, N. 1998. Application of Azotobacter enhances pond productivity and fish biomass in still water ponds. Aquaculture International, 6(3): 219-231. doi:1023/A:1009254727404
  • Garg, S.K. and Bhatnagar, A. 2000. Effect of fertilization frequency on pond productivity and fish biomass in still water pond stocked with Cirrhinus mrigala (Ham.). Aquaculture Research (CIFA), 31: 353-369. doi:1046/j.1365-2109.2000.00422.x
  • Garg, S.K. and Bhatnagar, A. 1999. Effect of Azospirillum & Azotabacter inoculation on pond productivity and fish growth under fresh water conditions. Indian Journal of Microbiology, 39: 227-233.
  • Garg, S.K. and Bhatnagar, A. 2002. Determination of dosage of Azotobacter and organic fertilizer for optimum nutrient release, net primary productivity and fish growth in fresh water fish ponds. Aquaculture International, 10(2): 87-107. doi:1023/A:1021388328025
  • Green, B.W., Phelps, R.P. and Alvarenga, H.R. 1989. The effects of manures and chemical fertilizers on the production of Oreochromis niloticus in earthen ponds. Aquaculture, 76: 37-42. doi:1016/0044-8486(89)90249-4
  • Jana, B.B. 2007. Distribution pattern and role of phosphate solubilizing bacteria in the enhancement of fertilizer value of rock phosphate in aquaculture ponds: stateof-the-art. First International Meeting on Microbial Phosphate Solubilization Developments in Plant and Soil Sciences, 102: 229-238. doi:10.1007/978-1-40205765-6_34
  • Khizhnyak, M.I. and Tsion, N.I. 2009. Spyrtova barda kak tsinna kormova dobavka I organichne dobryvo u sil’skomu gospodarstvi. Rybogospodarska Nauka Ukrainy, 2: 122-130. (in Ukrainian)
  • Labinskaya, A.S. 1978. Mikrobiologiya s tekhnikoi mikrobiologicheskih issledovaniy. 4th Edition, Meditsina, Moscow, 244 pp. (in Russian)
  • Mikanová, O. and Nováková, J. 2002. Evaluation of Psolubilization activity of soil microorganicms and its sensitivity of soluble phosphate. Rostlinná Vıroba, 9(48): 397-400.
  • Naumov, A.M. 2005. Itogi rabot po profilaktike boleznei u ryb v vodoemah zony sel’skokhozyaistvennogo proizvodstva. Aquaculture and Integrated Technologies: International Conference Materials, Moscow, 3: 77-81. (In Russian)
  • Rodina, A.G. 1954. Deistvie rastitel’nogo udobreniya na protsessy azotfiksatsii i opyty primeneniya azotogena v rybovodnyh prudah. Mikrobiologiya, 23(6): 684692 (in Russian)
  • Rautina D.Y. and Mezharaupe V.A. 1981. Obespechenie pochvy dostupnym fosforom putem vneseniya udobreniy i fosforazlagayushchikh bakteriy. Regulyatsiya Mikrobiologicheskih Processov v Pochve, Riga, 77-82 (in Russian)
  • Sahu, S.N. and Jana, B.B. 2000. Enhancement of the fertilizer value of rock phosphate engineered through phosphate-solubilizing bacteria. Ecological Engineering, 15:27-39. doi:10.1016/S0925-8574(99) 00013-0
  • Salazkin, A.A., Ivanova, M.B. and Ogorodnikov, V.A. 19 Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po sboru i obrabotke materialov pri hidrobiologicheskih issledovaniyah na presnovodnyh vodoemah. Leningrad, 34 pp. (in Russian) Stanier, R.Y., Doudoroff, M. and Adelberg, E.A. 1963. The microbial world. 2nd ed. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 753 pp.
  • Stolovych, V.N., Gadlevskaya, N.N. and Sennikova, D.D. 200 O vozmozhnom povyshenii estestvennoi ryboproduktivnosti prudov, udobryaemyh fosfogipsom. Voprosy Rybnogo Khozyaistva Belarusi, 19: 139-143. (in Russian) Tereschchenko, N.N. 2004. Problemy i perspektivy primeneniya bakterial’nyh preparatov v sel’skohozyaistvennoi praktike. Agrovestnik Tomskoi Oblasti, 2: 1-7.
  • Tokmakova, L.M. and Bliznyuk, N.M. 200 Mikrobiologichnyi zasib polipshennya fosfornogo zhyvlennya kukurudzy. Phosphorus and Potassium in Farming, Problems of Microbiological Mobilization: Materials of International Scientific and Practical Conference, Chernihiv-Kharkiv: 156-159. Tovstyk, V.F. 2004. Rybnytstvo. Espada, Kharkiv, 272 pp. (in Ukrainian)
  • Tripathy, P.P. and Ayyappan, S. 2005. Evaluation of Azotobacter and Azospirillum as biofertilizers in aquaculture. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 21(8-9): 1339-1343 doi:1007/s11274-005-3787-2
  • Velikiy, V.I. and Mudriy, I.V. 1999. Nekotorye ekologogigienicheskie aspekty intensivnogo primeneniya azotnyh mineral’nyh udobreniy v sel’skom khoziastve. Dovkillya ta Zdorov’ya, 4(11): 55-58. (in Russian)
  • Volkogon, V.V. 2007. Mikrobni preparaty v zemlerobstvi yak skladova suchasnoi strategii zberezhennya bioriznomanittya ta pidvyshchennya rodyuchesti gruntiv. Collected Works of the Podillya State Agrotechnical University, 1: 168-171. (in Ukrainian)
  • Vovk, N.I. and Tokmakova, L.N. 1997. Izuchenie patogennosti dlya karpa bakteriy i gribov, chto yavlyaetsya osnovoi biopreparatov. Bulletin of the Institute of Agricultural Microbiology, 7: 18. (in Russian)
  • Vovk, N.I. and Bazaeva, A.V. 2009. Dynamika chysel’nosti fosformobilizuyuchyh bakteriy P. polymyxa КВ u stavoviy vodi. Rybne Gospodarstvo, 66: 73-74. (in Ukrainian)
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Nadiya İ. Vovk This is me

Alevtyna V. Bazaeva This is me

Alexander V. Didenko This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013


APA Vovk, N. İ., Bazaeva, A. V., & Didenko, A. V. (2013). Use of the Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacterial Preparation Polymyxobacterin in Pond Aquaculture. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 13(1).
AMA Vovk Nİ, Bazaeva AV, Didenko AV. Use of the Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacterial Preparation Polymyxobacterin in Pond Aquaculture. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. February 2013;13(1). doi:10.4194/1303-2712-v13_1_01
Chicago Vovk, Nadiya İ., Alevtyna V. Bazaeva, and Alexander V. Didenko. “Use of the Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacterial Preparation Polymyxobacterin in Pond Aquaculture”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 13, no. 1 (February 2013).
EndNote Vovk Nİ, Bazaeva AV, Didenko AV (February 1, 2013) Use of the Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacterial Preparation Polymyxobacterin in Pond Aquaculture. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 13 1
IEEE N. İ. Vovk, A. V. Bazaeva, and A. V. Didenko, “Use of the Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacterial Preparation Polymyxobacterin in Pond Aquaculture”, Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 13, no. 1, 2013, doi: 10.4194/1303-2712-v13_1_01.
ISNAD Vovk, Nadiya İ. et al. “Use of the Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacterial Preparation Polymyxobacterin in Pond Aquaculture”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 13/1 (February 2013).
JAMA Vovk Nİ, Bazaeva AV, Didenko AV. Use of the Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacterial Preparation Polymyxobacterin in Pond Aquaculture. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2013;13. doi:10.4194/1303-2712-v13_1_01.
MLA Vovk, Nadiya İ. et al. “Use of the Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacterial Preparation Polymyxobacterin in Pond Aquaculture”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 13, no. 1, 2013, doi:10.4194/1303-2712-v13_1_01.
Vancouver Vovk Nİ, Bazaeva AV, Didenko AV. Use of the Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacterial Preparation Polymyxobacterin in Pond Aquaculture. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2013;13(1).