Changes in the fatty acid (FA) composition of unfed and fed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) larvae were determined by gas chromatography. Total lipids were extracted from samples by homogenization in chloroform/methanol (2:1, v/v). Fatty acid methyl esters were prepared from total lipid. The sample was saponified with methanolic potassium hydroxide (KOH). The fatty acids esterified with boron trifluoride–methanol (BF–methanol) and fatty acid methyl esters were analyzed with a Shimadzu GCMSQP5000 gas chromatograph.In starved larvae, there was an apparent preference in utilization of oleic acid (C18:1ω-9) in monounsaturated fatty acids than in the fed larvae. In both starved and fed larvae, palmitoleic (C16:1ω-7) acid was preferentiallykept during the same period. Larvae kept 29 days under starvation conditions exhausted linolenic acid (C18:3ω-6), eicosanoic acid (C20:0), docosanoic acid (C22:0) and docosatrienoic acid (C22:3ω-3). They utilized less eicosapentaenoic (C20:5ω-3; EPA) acid and conserved strongly docosahexaenoic (C22:6ω-3; DHA) acid.
Abi-ayad, S.-M.E.-A., Kestemont, P. and Mélard, C. 2000. Dynamics of total lipids and fatty acids during embryogenesis and larval development of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 23: 233–243. doi: 1023/A:1007891922182
Abi-ayad, S.-M.E.-A., Boutiba, Z., Me´lard, C. and Kestemont, P. 2004. Dynamics of total body fatty acids during early ontogeny of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) larvae. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 30: 129–136. doi: 10.1007/s10695-005-3417-9
Cejas, J. R., Almansa, E., Jérez, S., Bolaňos, A., Felipe, B. and Lorenzo, A. 2004. Changes in lipid class and fatty acid composition during development in white seabream (Diplodus sargus) eggs and larvae.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B, 139: 209–216. doi:10.1016/j.cbpc.2004.07.010
Dabrowski, K., Culver, D. A., Brooks, C.L. and Voss, A.C. 19 Biochemical aspects of the early life history of yellow perch (Perca flavescens). In: S.J. Kaushik, P. Luquet, (Eds.), Fish Nutrition in Practice (June 24–27, Biarritz; France). No. 61. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Paris.Colloques: 531–539. Dantagnan, H., Bórquez, A.S., Valdebenıto, I.N., Salgado, I. A., Serrano, E.A. and Izquıerdo, M.S. 2007. Lipid and fatty acid composition during embryo and larval development of puye Galaxias maculatus Jenyns, 1842, obtained from estuarine, freshwater and cultured populations. Journal of Fish Biology, 70: 770–781. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2007.01339.x
Folch, J., Lees, M. and Sldane-Stanley, G.U. 1957. A simple method for the isolation and purification of total lipids from animal tissues. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 226: 97-509.
Giménez, G., Estévez, A., Henderson, R.J. and Bell, J.G. 200 Changes in lipid content, fatty acid composition and lipid class composition of eggs and developing larvae (0-40 days old) of cultured common dentex (Dentex dentex Linnaeus 1758). Aquaculture Nutrition, 14: 300-30 doi: 1111/j.1365202007.00530.x
Gunasekera, R.M., De Silva, S.S. and Ingram, B.A. 2001. Chemical changes in fed and starved larval trout cod, Maccullochella macquarensis during early development. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 25: 255–268. doi: 10.1023/A:1023247718139
Hachero-Cruzado, I., Olmo, P., Sánchez, B., Herrera, M. and Domingues, P. 2009. The effects of an artificial and a natural diet on growth, survival and reproductive performance of wild caught and reared brill (Scophthalmus rhombus). Aquaculture, 291: 82– doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2009.03.004
Haliloğlu, H.İ., Aras, N.M., Yanık, T., Atamanalp, M. and Kocaman, E.M. 2003. Investigation of changes in fatty acid composition at early development stages of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 27: 11051
Holub, D.J. and Holub, B.J. 2004. Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oils and cardiovascular disease. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 263: 217-2 doi: 1023/B:MCBI.0000041863.11248.8d
Izquierdo, M. S. 1996. Essential fatty acid requirements of cultured marine fish larvae. Aquaculture Nutrition, 2: 183–191. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2095.1996.tb00058.x
Izquierdo, M.S. and Fernandez-Palacios, H. 1997. Nutritional requirements of marine fish larvae and broodstock. Ciheam - Options Mediterraneennes, 22: 243–264. doi: 10.1080/0066467012004407
Johnston, T.A., Wiegand, M.D., Leggett, W.C., Pronyk, R. J., Dyal, S. D., Watchorn, K. E., Kollar, S. and Casselman, J. M. 2007. Hatching success of walleye embryos in relation to maternal and ova characteristics. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 16: 295– 30 doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0633.2006.00219.x
Lee, S.M. 2001. Review of the lipid and essential fatty acid requirements of rockfish (Sebastes schlegeli). Aquaculture Research, 32(1): 8-17. doi: 1046/j.1355-557x.2001.00047.x
Li, Y.Y., Chen, W.Z., Sun, Z. W., Chen, J.H. and Wu, K.G. 200 Effects of n-3 HUFA content in broodstock diet on spawning performance and fatty acid composition of eggs and larvae in Plectorhynchus cinctus. Aquaculture, 245: 263–272. doi:1016/j.aquaculture.2004.12.016
Ling, S., Kuah, M.K., Muhammad, T.S.T., Kolkovski, S. and Shu-Chien, A.C. 2006. Effect of dietary HUFA on reproductive performance, tissue fatty acid profile and desaturase and elongase mRNA in female swordtail Xiphophorus helleri. Aquaculture, 261: 204–214. doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2006.06.045
Moss, C.W., Lambert, M.A. and Mervin, W.H. 1974. Comparison of rapid methods for analysis of bacterial fatty acids. Applied Microbiology, 28: 80-85.
Mourente, G. and Vazquez, R. 1996. Changes in the content of total lipid, lipid classes and their fatty acids of developing eggs and unfed larvae of the Senegal sole, Solea senegalensis Kaup. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 15(3): 221-235. doi: 1007/BF01875573
Navas, J.M., Bruce, M., Thrush, M., Farndale, B.M., Bromage, N., Zanuy, S., Carrillo, M., Bell, J.G. and Ramos, J. 1997. The impact of seasonal alteration in the lipid composition of broodstock diets on egg quality in the European sea bass. Journal of Fish Biology, 51: 760–773. doi: 10.1006/jfbi.1997.0484
Parrish, C.C. 1999. Determination of total lipid, lipid classes, and fatty acids in aquatic samples. In: M.T. Arts and B.C. Wainman (Eds.), Lipids in Freshwater Ecosystems. Springer New York: 4–20.
Rainuzzo, J.R., Reitan, K.I. and Olsen, Y. 1997. The significance of lipids at early stages of marine fish: a review. Aquaculture, 155: 103–115. doi: 1016/S0044-8486(97)00121-X
Rinchard, J., Czesny, S. and Dabrowski, K. 2007. Influence of lipid class and fatty acid deficiency on survival, growth, and fatty acid composition in rainbow trout juveniles. Aquaculture, 264: 363–371. doi:1016/j.aquaculture.2006.11.024
Ritar, A.J., Dunstan, G.A., Crear, B.J. and Brown, M.R. 200 Biochemical composition during growth and starvation of early larval stages of cultured spiny lobster (Jasus edwardsii) phyllosoma. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 136A: 353–370. doi: 1016/S1095-6433(03)00167-3
Sargent, J. R. 1995. Origins and functions of egg lipids: nutritional implications. In: Broodstock Management and Egg and Larval Quality. In: N.R. Bromage, and R.J. Roberts (Eds.) Blackwell Sciences Ltd, Oxford: 353–372.
Sargent, J.R., McEvoy, L., Estévez, A., Bell, J.G., Bell, M., Henderson, R.J. and Tocher, D.R. 1999. Lipid nutrition of marine fish during early development: current status and future directions. Aquaculture, 179: 217–229. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2011.03.031
Sargent, J.R., Tocher, D.R. and Bell, J.G. 2002. In: J.E. Halver, and R.W. Hardy (Eds.), The lipids. Fish Nutrition. 3rd edn. Elsevier, USA. 181– 257 pp.
Simopoulos, A. P. 2000. Human Requirements for n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Poultry Science, 79: 7: 961-9
Takeuchi, T. and Watanabe, T. 1982. The effects of starvation and environmental temperature on proximate and fatty acid compositions of carp and rainbow trout. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries. 48:1307–1316.
Tandler, A., Watanabe, T., Satoh, S. and Fukusho, K. 1989. The effect of food deprivation on the fatty acid profile of red sea bream (Pagrus major) larvae. British Journal of Nutrition, 62: 349–361. doi: 1079/BJN19890036
Tocher, D.R. 2003. Metabolism and Functions of Lipids and Fatty Acids in Teleost Fish. Reviews in Fisheries Science, 11: 2: 107–184. doi: 10.1080/713610925
Vassallo-Agius, R., Watanabe, T., Yoshızaki, G., Satoh, S. and Takeuchi, Y. 2001. Quality of eggs and spermatozoa of rainbow trout fed an n-3 essential fatty acid-deficient diet and its effects on the lipid and fatty acid components of eggs, semen and livers. Fisheries Science, 67: 818-827. doi: 10.1046/j.14442902001.00328.x
Wiegand, M.D., Kitchen, C.L. and Hataley, J.M. 1991. Incorporation of yolk fatty acids into body lipids of goldfish (Carassius auratus L.) larvae raised at two different temperatures. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 9: 3: 199-2 doi: 1007/BF02265141
Wiegand, M.D. 1996. Utilization of yolk fatty acids by goldfish embryos and larvae. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 15: 1: 21doi: 1007/BF01874834
Wilson, C.M., Friesen, E.N., Higgs, D.A. and Farrell, A.P. 200 The effect of dietary lipid and protein source on the swimming performance, recovery ability and oxygen consumption of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Aquaculture, 273: 687–699. doi: 1016/j.aquaculture.2007.10.027
Zengin, H. and Akpınar, M.A. 2006. Fatty acid composition of Oncorhynchus mykiss during embryogenesis and other developmental stages. Biologia Bratislava, 61: 3: 305-311. doi: 10.2478/s11756-006-0056-2
Comparison of Changes in Fatty Acid Composition of Starved and Fed Rainbow Trout, (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Larvae
Aç bırakılan ve beslenen Gökkuşağı alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss) yavrularının yağ asidi kompozisyonundaki değişimler gaz kromatografisi ile belirlenmiştir. Örneklerdeki total lipidler kloroform/metanol (2:1, v/v) karışımında homojenize edilerek elde edilmiştir. Yağ asit metil esterleri total lipitden hazırlanmıştır. Örnek metanollü potasyum hidroksit (KOH) ile sabunlaştırılmıştır. Yağ asitleri metanollü-Boron Trifluoride (metanollü-BF) ile esterleştirilmiş ve yağ asit metil esterleri Shimadzu GCMSQP5000 marka gaz kromatografisi ile analiz edilmiştir. Beslenen yavrulara kıyasla, aç bırakılan yavrularda, tek çiftbağlı doymamış yağ asitlerinden oleik asit (C18:1ω-9) kullanımı daha fazla tercih edilmiştir. Aynı periyod esnasında, hem aç bırakılan hem de beslenen yavrularda palmitoleik (C16:1ω-7) asit tercihli olarak korunmuştur. 29 gün aç bırakılan yavrularda linolenik asit (C18:3ω-6), eikosanoik asit (C20:0), dokosanoik asit (C22:0) ve dokosatrienoik asit (C22:3ω-3) tükenmiştir. Bu yavrular, eikosapentaenoik (C20:5ω-3; EPA) asidi az kullanmış ve dokosaheksaenoik (C22:6ω-3; DHA) asidi güçlü bir şekilde korumuşlardır.
Abi-ayad, S.-M.E.-A., Kestemont, P. and Mélard, C. 2000. Dynamics of total lipids and fatty acids during embryogenesis and larval development of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 23: 233–243. doi: 1023/A:1007891922182
Abi-ayad, S.-M.E.-A., Boutiba, Z., Me´lard, C. and Kestemont, P. 2004. Dynamics of total body fatty acids during early ontogeny of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) larvae. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 30: 129–136. doi: 10.1007/s10695-005-3417-9
Cejas, J. R., Almansa, E., Jérez, S., Bolaňos, A., Felipe, B. and Lorenzo, A. 2004. Changes in lipid class and fatty acid composition during development in white seabream (Diplodus sargus) eggs and larvae.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B, 139: 209–216. doi:10.1016/j.cbpc.2004.07.010
Dabrowski, K., Culver, D. A., Brooks, C.L. and Voss, A.C. 19 Biochemical aspects of the early life history of yellow perch (Perca flavescens). In: S.J. Kaushik, P. Luquet, (Eds.), Fish Nutrition in Practice (June 24–27, Biarritz; France). No. 61. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Paris.Colloques: 531–539. Dantagnan, H., Bórquez, A.S., Valdebenıto, I.N., Salgado, I. A., Serrano, E.A. and Izquıerdo, M.S. 2007. Lipid and fatty acid composition during embryo and larval development of puye Galaxias maculatus Jenyns, 1842, obtained from estuarine, freshwater and cultured populations. Journal of Fish Biology, 70: 770–781. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2007.01339.x
Folch, J., Lees, M. and Sldane-Stanley, G.U. 1957. A simple method for the isolation and purification of total lipids from animal tissues. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 226: 97-509.
Giménez, G., Estévez, A., Henderson, R.J. and Bell, J.G. 200 Changes in lipid content, fatty acid composition and lipid class composition of eggs and developing larvae (0-40 days old) of cultured common dentex (Dentex dentex Linnaeus 1758). Aquaculture Nutrition, 14: 300-30 doi: 1111/j.1365202007.00530.x
Gunasekera, R.M., De Silva, S.S. and Ingram, B.A. 2001. Chemical changes in fed and starved larval trout cod, Maccullochella macquarensis during early development. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 25: 255–268. doi: 10.1023/A:1023247718139
Hachero-Cruzado, I., Olmo, P., Sánchez, B., Herrera, M. and Domingues, P. 2009. The effects of an artificial and a natural diet on growth, survival and reproductive performance of wild caught and reared brill (Scophthalmus rhombus). Aquaculture, 291: 82– doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2009.03.004
Haliloğlu, H.İ., Aras, N.M., Yanık, T., Atamanalp, M. and Kocaman, E.M. 2003. Investigation of changes in fatty acid composition at early development stages of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 27: 11051
Holub, D.J. and Holub, B.J. 2004. Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oils and cardiovascular disease. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 263: 217-2 doi: 1023/B:MCBI.0000041863.11248.8d
Izquierdo, M. S. 1996. Essential fatty acid requirements of cultured marine fish larvae. Aquaculture Nutrition, 2: 183–191. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2095.1996.tb00058.x
Izquierdo, M.S. and Fernandez-Palacios, H. 1997. Nutritional requirements of marine fish larvae and broodstock. Ciheam - Options Mediterraneennes, 22: 243–264. doi: 10.1080/0066467012004407
Johnston, T.A., Wiegand, M.D., Leggett, W.C., Pronyk, R. J., Dyal, S. D., Watchorn, K. E., Kollar, S. and Casselman, J. M. 2007. Hatching success of walleye embryos in relation to maternal and ova characteristics. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 16: 295– 30 doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0633.2006.00219.x
Lee, S.M. 2001. Review of the lipid and essential fatty acid requirements of rockfish (Sebastes schlegeli). Aquaculture Research, 32(1): 8-17. doi: 1046/j.1355-557x.2001.00047.x
Li, Y.Y., Chen, W.Z., Sun, Z. W., Chen, J.H. and Wu, K.G. 200 Effects of n-3 HUFA content in broodstock diet on spawning performance and fatty acid composition of eggs and larvae in Plectorhynchus cinctus. Aquaculture, 245: 263–272. doi:1016/j.aquaculture.2004.12.016
Ling, S., Kuah, M.K., Muhammad, T.S.T., Kolkovski, S. and Shu-Chien, A.C. 2006. Effect of dietary HUFA on reproductive performance, tissue fatty acid profile and desaturase and elongase mRNA in female swordtail Xiphophorus helleri. Aquaculture, 261: 204–214. doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2006.06.045
Moss, C.W., Lambert, M.A. and Mervin, W.H. 1974. Comparison of rapid methods for analysis of bacterial fatty acids. Applied Microbiology, 28: 80-85.
Mourente, G. and Vazquez, R. 1996. Changes in the content of total lipid, lipid classes and their fatty acids of developing eggs and unfed larvae of the Senegal sole, Solea senegalensis Kaup. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 15(3): 221-235. doi: 1007/BF01875573
Navas, J.M., Bruce, M., Thrush, M., Farndale, B.M., Bromage, N., Zanuy, S., Carrillo, M., Bell, J.G. and Ramos, J. 1997. The impact of seasonal alteration in the lipid composition of broodstock diets on egg quality in the European sea bass. Journal of Fish Biology, 51: 760–773. doi: 10.1006/jfbi.1997.0484
Parrish, C.C. 1999. Determination of total lipid, lipid classes, and fatty acids in aquatic samples. In: M.T. Arts and B.C. Wainman (Eds.), Lipids in Freshwater Ecosystems. Springer New York: 4–20.
Rainuzzo, J.R., Reitan, K.I. and Olsen, Y. 1997. The significance of lipids at early stages of marine fish: a review. Aquaculture, 155: 103–115. doi: 1016/S0044-8486(97)00121-X
Rinchard, J., Czesny, S. and Dabrowski, K. 2007. Influence of lipid class and fatty acid deficiency on survival, growth, and fatty acid composition in rainbow trout juveniles. Aquaculture, 264: 363–371. doi:1016/j.aquaculture.2006.11.024
Ritar, A.J., Dunstan, G.A., Crear, B.J. and Brown, M.R. 200 Biochemical composition during growth and starvation of early larval stages of cultured spiny lobster (Jasus edwardsii) phyllosoma. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 136A: 353–370. doi: 1016/S1095-6433(03)00167-3
Sargent, J. R. 1995. Origins and functions of egg lipids: nutritional implications. In: Broodstock Management and Egg and Larval Quality. In: N.R. Bromage, and R.J. Roberts (Eds.) Blackwell Sciences Ltd, Oxford: 353–372.
Sargent, J.R., McEvoy, L., Estévez, A., Bell, J.G., Bell, M., Henderson, R.J. and Tocher, D.R. 1999. Lipid nutrition of marine fish during early development: current status and future directions. Aquaculture, 179: 217–229. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2011.03.031
Sargent, J.R., Tocher, D.R. and Bell, J.G. 2002. In: J.E. Halver, and R.W. Hardy (Eds.), The lipids. Fish Nutrition. 3rd edn. Elsevier, USA. 181– 257 pp.
Simopoulos, A. P. 2000. Human Requirements for n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Poultry Science, 79: 7: 961-9
Takeuchi, T. and Watanabe, T. 1982. The effects of starvation and environmental temperature on proximate and fatty acid compositions of carp and rainbow trout. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries. 48:1307–1316.
Tandler, A., Watanabe, T., Satoh, S. and Fukusho, K. 1989. The effect of food deprivation on the fatty acid profile of red sea bream (Pagrus major) larvae. British Journal of Nutrition, 62: 349–361. doi: 1079/BJN19890036
Tocher, D.R. 2003. Metabolism and Functions of Lipids and Fatty Acids in Teleost Fish. Reviews in Fisheries Science, 11: 2: 107–184. doi: 10.1080/713610925
Vassallo-Agius, R., Watanabe, T., Yoshızaki, G., Satoh, S. and Takeuchi, Y. 2001. Quality of eggs and spermatozoa of rainbow trout fed an n-3 essential fatty acid-deficient diet and its effects on the lipid and fatty acid components of eggs, semen and livers. Fisheries Science, 67: 818-827. doi: 10.1046/j.14442902001.00328.x
Wiegand, M.D., Kitchen, C.L. and Hataley, J.M. 1991. Incorporation of yolk fatty acids into body lipids of goldfish (Carassius auratus L.) larvae raised at two different temperatures. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 9: 3: 199-2 doi: 1007/BF02265141
Wiegand, M.D. 1996. Utilization of yolk fatty acids by goldfish embryos and larvae. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 15: 1: 21doi: 1007/BF01874834
Wilson, C.M., Friesen, E.N., Higgs, D.A. and Farrell, A.P. 200 The effect of dietary lipid and protein source on the swimming performance, recovery ability and oxygen consumption of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Aquaculture, 273: 687–699. doi: 1016/j.aquaculture.2007.10.027
Zengin, H. and Akpınar, M.A. 2006. Fatty acid composition of Oncorhynchus mykiss during embryogenesis and other developmental stages. Biologia Bratislava, 61: 3: 305-311. doi: 10.2478/s11756-006-0056-2
Zengin, H., Vural, N., & Çelik, V. K. (2013). Comparison of Changes in Fatty Acid Composition of Starved and Fed Rainbow Trout, (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Larvae. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 13(3).
Zengin H, Vural N, Çelik VK. Comparison of Changes in Fatty Acid Composition of Starved and Fed Rainbow Trout, (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Larvae. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. June 2013;13(3). doi:10.4194/1303-2712-v13_3_02
Zengin, Hatayi, Nilüfer Vural, and Veysel Kenan Çelik. “Comparison of Changes in Fatty Acid Composition of Starved and Fed Rainbow Trout, (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Larvae”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 13, no. 3 (June 2013).
Zengin H, Vural N, Çelik VK (June 1, 2013) Comparison of Changes in Fatty Acid Composition of Starved and Fed Rainbow Trout, (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Larvae. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 13 3
H. Zengin, N. Vural, and V. K. Çelik, “Comparison of Changes in Fatty Acid Composition of Starved and Fed Rainbow Trout, (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Larvae”, Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 13, no. 3, 2013, doi: 10.4194/1303-2712-v13_3_02.
Zengin, Hatayi et al. “Comparison of Changes in Fatty Acid Composition of Starved and Fed Rainbow Trout, (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Larvae”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 13/3 (June 2013).
Zengin H, Vural N, Çelik VK. Comparison of Changes in Fatty Acid Composition of Starved and Fed Rainbow Trout, (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Larvae. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2013;13. doi:10.4194/1303-2712-v13_3_02.
Zengin, Hatayi et al. “Comparison of Changes in Fatty Acid Composition of Starved and Fed Rainbow Trout, (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Larvae”. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 13, no. 3, 2013, doi:10.4194/1303-2712-v13_3_02.
Zengin H, Vural N, Çelik VK. Comparison of Changes in Fatty Acid Composition of Starved and Fed Rainbow Trout, (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Larvae. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2013;13(3).