Research Article
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Year 2022, , 185 - 191, 15.10.2022


Peculiarities of growth and development of shoots of Rhus typhina L. in the conditions of the Right-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine are characterized. The morphological description of inflorescences and flowers of the species is carried out. The description took into account the stages of formation of the vegetative component of the inflorescence, the most significant features of its structure, the number of flowers in the inflorescence, and flowering dates. Pistillate and staminate flowers are collected in complex, botric, botanical, bractose, pyramidal inflorescences - panicles. The studied plants are characterized by acropetal type of inflorescence flowering. Abundance and level of flowering are estimated. In the research conditions generative individuals of R. typhina bloom annually. We estimated the abundance of R. typhina flowering in 4 points that corresponds to a high level.


  • 1. Aksenova, N. & Frolova, L. 1989. Trees and shrubs for amateur gardening and landscaping. MSU Publishing, Moscow, 160 pp.
  • 2. Barbarych, A. 1955. Flora of the Ukrainian SSR. pp. 188-192. In Klokov, M. & Visyulin, O. (eds.). Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kyiv, 7, 658 pp.
  • 3. Bobrov, E. 1949. Flora of the SSSR. pp 527-537. In Komarov, V. (ed.). Publishing house of the Academy. Sciences of the SSSR, Moscow-Leningrad.
  • 4. Bogacińsky, B. & Molski, B. 1969. Przyczynek do morfologii i anatomii owoćоw sumaka octowca – Rhus typhina L. Rocznik Dendrologiczny, (23): 165-183.
  • 5. Bomanowska, A., Kirpluk, I. & Otręba, A. 2019. Invasive plants of the Kampinos National Park outskirts – the current state and threats to the protected area. Chornomors’ky Botanical Journal, 15(2): 102-112.
  • 6. Borodina, N. 1970. Seed propagation of introduced woody plants. pp. 41-43. In Lapin, P. (ed). Nauka, Moscow, 320 pp. (In Russian)
  • 7. Chepik, F. 1981. Fruits and seeds of woody plants: a textbook on dendrology for students of specialization 1512. LTA, Leningrad, 71 pp.
  • 8. Du, N., Tan, X., Li, Q., Liu, X., Zhang, W., Wang, R., Liu, J. & Guo, W. 2017. Dominance of an alien shrub Rhus typhina over a native shrub Vitex negundo var. heterophylla under variable water supply patterns. PLoS ONE 12(4): e0176491.
  • 9. Fedorov, A. & Artyushenko, Z. 1979. Atlas of descriptive morphology of plants. Inflorescences. Nauka, Leningrad, 293 pp.
  • 10. Gallant, J., Kemp, J. & Lacroix, C. 1998. Floral development of dioecious staghorn sumac, Rhus hirta (Anacardiaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences, 159(4): 539-543.
  • 11. Göritz, H. 1973. Laub- und Nadelgehölze fȕr Garten und Landschaft. Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag, Berlin, 407 pp.
  • 12. Guangmei, W., Gaoming, J., Shunli, Y., Yinghao, L. & Hui, L. 2008. Invasion Possibility and Potential Effects of Rhus typhina on Beijing Municipality. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology Sinica, 50(5): 522-530.
  • 13. Ishchuk, H., Shlapak, V., Ishchuk, L., Bayura. O. & Kurka, S. 2021. The introduced North American species of the genus Juglans L. in the Right-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine and their use. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences, 22(1): 77-99.
  • 14. Ishchuk, L. 2006. Hornbeams (Carpinus L.) in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine (biology, introduction, use in culture). National Dendrological Park Sofiyivka of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Printing Company, Uman, 254 pp.
  • 15. Ishchuk, L., Kosenko, I. & Ishchuk, Н. 2020. Growth and development of species and hybrids of the genus Populus L. in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Forestry Ideas. 3&total RowsrsIssue=22&journalFilter=67 (Date accessed: 01.10.2021)
  • 16. Kohno, N., Kaplunenko, N., Minchenko, N., Doroshenko, A., Gorb, V., Orlov, M., Kurdyuk, A., Parkhomenko, L., Tsikalyak, G., Mamushkina, T. & Gordienko, N. 1986. Trees and shrubs cultivated in the Ukrainian USSR (angiosperms). Naukova dumka, Kyiv, 720 pp.
  • 17. Kovalchuk, T. 2019. Bioecological features of species of the genus Rhus L. in the Right-Bank forest-steppe of Ukraine. (Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of PhD in Biology). National Botanical Garden named after M.M. Gryshka of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv.
  • 18. Kovalchuk, T. 2011. History of introduction of species of the genus Rhus L., 95-97. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the International scientific conference dedicated to the 215th anniversary of the foundation of the National Dendrological Park Sofiyivka of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 5-7 October, Uman.
  • 19. Kovalchuk, T. 2017. Morphological features of generative organs of representatives of the genus Rhus L., 114-116. Paper presented at the Biodiversity: theory, practice and methodological aspects of studying in general education and higher education (dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the foundation of the Department of botany, ecology and methods of teaching biology of the V.G. Korolenko Poltava National Pedagogical University), 2-3 November, Poltava.
  • 20. Kovalchuk, T. 2018. Phytoinvasia of Rhus typhina L., 73. Paper presented at the Floral and cenotic diversity in the restoration, preservation and protection of the plant world. Proceedings of the International scientofoc conference, 23-25 April, Kyiv.
  • 21. Krüssmann, G. 1986. Manual of cultivated broad-leaved trees and shrubs. PRU - Z. Timber Press in cooperation with the American Horticultural Society, Portland, Oregon, 3, 510 pp.
  • 22. Kuznetsova, T., Pryakhina, N. & Yakovlev, G. 1992. Inflorescences. Morphological classification. Institute of Chemistry and Pharmacy, St. Petersburg, 130 pp.
  • 23. Lapin, P. 1975. The methodology of phenological observations in the botanical gardens of the USSR. Moscow: State Botanical Garden of the USSR Academy of Sciences. (In Russian).
  • 24. Lipiński, V. 2003. Climate of Ukraine. Kyiv: Raevsky Publishing. (In Ukrainian).
  • 25. Lovett, J. & Lovett, L. 1988. Modules of Production and Reproduction in a Dioecious Clonal Shrub. Ecology, 69(3): 741-750.
  • 26. Marynych, O. & Shyshchenko, P. 2005. Physical Geography of Ukraine: Textbook. Znannia, Kyiv, 511 pp.
  • 27. Maurer, W., & Kushnir, A. 2008. Methodical recommendations for the reproduction of wood ornamental plants of the Botanical Garden of NUBiP of Ukraine. Publishing house of NUBiP of Ukraine, Kyiv, 55 pp.
  • 28. Misnik, G. 1962. Trees and shrubs of the arboretum "Trostyanets". Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kyiv, 122 pp.
  • 29. Misnik, G. 1976. Timing and nature of flowering of trees and shrubs. Naukova Dumka, Kyiv, 390 pp.
  • 30. Olekseychenko, N., Kytaiev, O., & Borshchevskyi, M. 2014. Sumakh olenerogiy (Rhus typhina L.) in the conditions of Kyiv. FSHP Gavryshenko V.M., Korsun-Shevchenko, 151 pp.
  • 31. Pfeiffenschneider M., Gräser P. & Ries C. 2014. Distribution of selected neophytes along the main rivers of Luxembourg. Bulletin Soćiet des naturalistes luxembourgeois, 115: 101-108.
  • 32. Rehder, A. 1949. Manual of cultivated trees and shrubs Hardy in North America: Exclusive of the Subtropical and Warmer Temperate Regions. The Macmillan company, New York, 996 pp.
  • 33. Rubtsov, A. 1998. Temperature threshold of phenophases – a quantitative criterion for the dynamics of seasonal development of wood producers. News the Askania Nova Biosphere Reserve named after F. E. Falz-Fein, Askania-Nova: 59-69.
  • 34. Schmalhausen, I. 1895. Flora of Central and Southern Russia, Crimea and the North Caucasus. A guide to the determination of a variety of spore plants. Khreshchatyk, 33, Kyiv, 1, 505 pp.
  • 35. Sîrbu, C. & Opera, A. 2010. New and rare plants from the flora of Moldavia (Romania). Cercetări Agronomice în Moldova, XLIII, 1 (141): 95-100.
  • 36. Wulf, E., Maleev, V. & Stankov, S. 1948. Trees and shrubs of the arboretum of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden named after V.M. Molotov. 22. Moscow: Ogiz-Selkhozgiz. (In Russian).
  • 37. Zyman, S., Mosiakin, S., Bulakh, O, Tsarenko, O & Felbaba-Klushyna, L. 2004. Illustrated reference book on the morphology of flowering plants. Medium, Uzhgorod, 156 pp.
Year 2022, , 185 - 191, 15.10.2022


Ukrayna'nın Sağ Yaka orman-step bölgesi koşullarında yetişen Rhus typhina L. sürgünlerinin büyüme ve gelişme özellikleri karakterize edilmiştir. Türün çiçek salkımlarının ve çiçeklerinin morfolojik tanımlaması yapılmıştır. Tanımlamada, çiçek salkımlarının en önemli özelliği olan çiçeklenmenin vejetatif bileşeninin oluşum aşamaları, çiçeklenme dönemindeki çiçek sayısı ve çiçeklenme tarihleri dikkate alınmıştır. Pistillat ve staminat çiçekler karmaşık, botric, botanical, braktoz, piramidal salkımlarda toplanmıştır. İncelenen bitkiler, akropetal tipte çiçeklenme ile karakterizedir. Bolluk ve çiçeklenme seviyesine dair bir tahmin ortaya konmuştur. Rhus typhina'nın üretken bireylerinin çalışmanın yapıldığı koşullarda yıllık olarak çiçek açtıkları tespit edilmiştir. Rhus typhina'nın çiçeklenmesinin 4 farklı dönemde yüksek bir seviyeye ulaştığı tahmin edilmektedir.


  • 1. Aksenova, N. & Frolova, L. 1989. Trees and shrubs for amateur gardening and landscaping. MSU Publishing, Moscow, 160 pp.
  • 2. Barbarych, A. 1955. Flora of the Ukrainian SSR. pp. 188-192. In Klokov, M. & Visyulin, O. (eds.). Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kyiv, 7, 658 pp.
  • 3. Bobrov, E. 1949. Flora of the SSSR. pp 527-537. In Komarov, V. (ed.). Publishing house of the Academy. Sciences of the SSSR, Moscow-Leningrad.
  • 4. Bogacińsky, B. & Molski, B. 1969. Przyczynek do morfologii i anatomii owoćоw sumaka octowca – Rhus typhina L. Rocznik Dendrologiczny, (23): 165-183.
  • 5. Bomanowska, A., Kirpluk, I. & Otręba, A. 2019. Invasive plants of the Kampinos National Park outskirts – the current state and threats to the protected area. Chornomors’ky Botanical Journal, 15(2): 102-112.
  • 6. Borodina, N. 1970. Seed propagation of introduced woody plants. pp. 41-43. In Lapin, P. (ed). Nauka, Moscow, 320 pp. (In Russian)
  • 7. Chepik, F. 1981. Fruits and seeds of woody plants: a textbook on dendrology for students of specialization 1512. LTA, Leningrad, 71 pp.
  • 8. Du, N., Tan, X., Li, Q., Liu, X., Zhang, W., Wang, R., Liu, J. & Guo, W. 2017. Dominance of an alien shrub Rhus typhina over a native shrub Vitex negundo var. heterophylla under variable water supply patterns. PLoS ONE 12(4): e0176491.
  • 9. Fedorov, A. & Artyushenko, Z. 1979. Atlas of descriptive morphology of plants. Inflorescences. Nauka, Leningrad, 293 pp.
  • 10. Gallant, J., Kemp, J. & Lacroix, C. 1998. Floral development of dioecious staghorn sumac, Rhus hirta (Anacardiaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences, 159(4): 539-543.
  • 11. Göritz, H. 1973. Laub- und Nadelgehölze fȕr Garten und Landschaft. Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag, Berlin, 407 pp.
  • 12. Guangmei, W., Gaoming, J., Shunli, Y., Yinghao, L. & Hui, L. 2008. Invasion Possibility and Potential Effects of Rhus typhina on Beijing Municipality. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology Sinica, 50(5): 522-530.
  • 13. Ishchuk, H., Shlapak, V., Ishchuk, L., Bayura. O. & Kurka, S. 2021. The introduced North American species of the genus Juglans L. in the Right-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine and their use. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences, 22(1): 77-99.
  • 14. Ishchuk, L. 2006. Hornbeams (Carpinus L.) in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine (biology, introduction, use in culture). National Dendrological Park Sofiyivka of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Printing Company, Uman, 254 pp.
  • 15. Ishchuk, L., Kosenko, I. & Ishchuk, Н. 2020. Growth and development of species and hybrids of the genus Populus L. in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Forestry Ideas. 3&total RowsrsIssue=22&journalFilter=67 (Date accessed: 01.10.2021)
  • 16. Kohno, N., Kaplunenko, N., Minchenko, N., Doroshenko, A., Gorb, V., Orlov, M., Kurdyuk, A., Parkhomenko, L., Tsikalyak, G., Mamushkina, T. & Gordienko, N. 1986. Trees and shrubs cultivated in the Ukrainian USSR (angiosperms). Naukova dumka, Kyiv, 720 pp.
  • 17. Kovalchuk, T. 2019. Bioecological features of species of the genus Rhus L. in the Right-Bank forest-steppe of Ukraine. (Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of PhD in Biology). National Botanical Garden named after M.M. Gryshka of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv.
  • 18. Kovalchuk, T. 2011. History of introduction of species of the genus Rhus L., 95-97. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the International scientific conference dedicated to the 215th anniversary of the foundation of the National Dendrological Park Sofiyivka of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 5-7 October, Uman.
  • 19. Kovalchuk, T. 2017. Morphological features of generative organs of representatives of the genus Rhus L., 114-116. Paper presented at the Biodiversity: theory, practice and methodological aspects of studying in general education and higher education (dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the foundation of the Department of botany, ecology and methods of teaching biology of the V.G. Korolenko Poltava National Pedagogical University), 2-3 November, Poltava.
  • 20. Kovalchuk, T. 2018. Phytoinvasia of Rhus typhina L., 73. Paper presented at the Floral and cenotic diversity in the restoration, preservation and protection of the plant world. Proceedings of the International scientofoc conference, 23-25 April, Kyiv.
  • 21. Krüssmann, G. 1986. Manual of cultivated broad-leaved trees and shrubs. PRU - Z. Timber Press in cooperation with the American Horticultural Society, Portland, Oregon, 3, 510 pp.
  • 22. Kuznetsova, T., Pryakhina, N. & Yakovlev, G. 1992. Inflorescences. Morphological classification. Institute of Chemistry and Pharmacy, St. Petersburg, 130 pp.
  • 23. Lapin, P. 1975. The methodology of phenological observations in the botanical gardens of the USSR. Moscow: State Botanical Garden of the USSR Academy of Sciences. (In Russian).
  • 24. Lipiński, V. 2003. Climate of Ukraine. Kyiv: Raevsky Publishing. (In Ukrainian).
  • 25. Lovett, J. & Lovett, L. 1988. Modules of Production and Reproduction in a Dioecious Clonal Shrub. Ecology, 69(3): 741-750.
  • 26. Marynych, O. & Shyshchenko, P. 2005. Physical Geography of Ukraine: Textbook. Znannia, Kyiv, 511 pp.
  • 27. Maurer, W., & Kushnir, A. 2008. Methodical recommendations for the reproduction of wood ornamental plants of the Botanical Garden of NUBiP of Ukraine. Publishing house of NUBiP of Ukraine, Kyiv, 55 pp.
  • 28. Misnik, G. 1962. Trees and shrubs of the arboretum "Trostyanets". Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kyiv, 122 pp.
  • 29. Misnik, G. 1976. Timing and nature of flowering of trees and shrubs. Naukova Dumka, Kyiv, 390 pp.
  • 30. Olekseychenko, N., Kytaiev, O., & Borshchevskyi, M. 2014. Sumakh olenerogiy (Rhus typhina L.) in the conditions of Kyiv. FSHP Gavryshenko V.M., Korsun-Shevchenko, 151 pp.
  • 31. Pfeiffenschneider M., Gräser P. & Ries C. 2014. Distribution of selected neophytes along the main rivers of Luxembourg. Bulletin Soćiet des naturalistes luxembourgeois, 115: 101-108.
  • 32. Rehder, A. 1949. Manual of cultivated trees and shrubs Hardy in North America: Exclusive of the Subtropical and Warmer Temperate Regions. The Macmillan company, New York, 996 pp.
  • 33. Rubtsov, A. 1998. Temperature threshold of phenophases – a quantitative criterion for the dynamics of seasonal development of wood producers. News the Askania Nova Biosphere Reserve named after F. E. Falz-Fein, Askania-Nova: 59-69.
  • 34. Schmalhausen, I. 1895. Flora of Central and Southern Russia, Crimea and the North Caucasus. A guide to the determination of a variety of spore plants. Khreshchatyk, 33, Kyiv, 1, 505 pp.
  • 35. Sîrbu, C. & Opera, A. 2010. New and rare plants from the flora of Moldavia (Romania). Cercetări Agronomice în Moldova, XLIII, 1 (141): 95-100.
  • 36. Wulf, E., Maleev, V. & Stankov, S. 1948. Trees and shrubs of the arboretum of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden named after V.M. Molotov. 22. Moscow: Ogiz-Selkhozgiz. (In Russian).
  • 37. Zyman, S., Mosiakin, S., Bulakh, O, Tsarenko, O & Felbaba-Klushyna, L. 2004. Illustrated reference book on the morphology of flowering plants. Medium, Uzhgorod, 156 pp.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Research Article/Araştırma Makalesi

Tatiana Kovalchuk This is me 0000-0002-8545-8496

Inna Didenko 0000-0002-4198-3432

Liubov Ishchuk 0000-0003-2150-0672

Halyna Ishchuk 0000-0002-4969-0933

Svitlana Klymenko This is me 0000-0001-6468-741X

Publication Date October 15, 2022
Submission Date February 15, 2022
Acceptance Date August 26, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Kovalchuk, T., Didenko, I., Ishchuk, L., Ishchuk, H., et al. (2022). FORMATION AND MORPHOLOGY OF Rhus typhina L. INFLORESCENCE IN CONDITIONS OF THE RIGHT BANK FOREST STEPPE OF UKRAINE. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences, 23(2), 185-191.
AMA Kovalchuk T, Didenko I, Ishchuk L, Ishchuk H, Klymenko S. FORMATION AND MORPHOLOGY OF Rhus typhina L. INFLORESCENCE IN CONDITIONS OF THE RIGHT BANK FOREST STEPPE OF UKRAINE. Trakya Univ J Nat Sci. October 2022;23(2):185-191. doi:10.23902/trkjnat.1073916
Chicago Kovalchuk, Tatiana, Inna Didenko, Liubov Ishchuk, Halyna Ishchuk, and Svitlana Klymenko. “FORMATION AND MORPHOLOGY OF Rhus Typhina L. INFLORESCENCE IN CONDITIONS OF THE RIGHT BANK FOREST STEPPE OF UKRAINE”. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences 23, no. 2 (October 2022): 185-91.
EndNote Kovalchuk T, Didenko I, Ishchuk L, Ishchuk H, Klymenko S (October 1, 2022) FORMATION AND MORPHOLOGY OF Rhus typhina L. INFLORESCENCE IN CONDITIONS OF THE RIGHT BANK FOREST STEPPE OF UKRAINE. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences 23 2 185–191.
IEEE T. Kovalchuk, I. Didenko, L. Ishchuk, H. Ishchuk, and S. Klymenko, “FORMATION AND MORPHOLOGY OF Rhus typhina L. INFLORESCENCE IN CONDITIONS OF THE RIGHT BANK FOREST STEPPE OF UKRAINE”, Trakya Univ J Nat Sci, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 185–191, 2022, doi: 10.23902/trkjnat.1073916.
ISNAD Kovalchuk, Tatiana et al. “FORMATION AND MORPHOLOGY OF Rhus Typhina L. INFLORESCENCE IN CONDITIONS OF THE RIGHT BANK FOREST STEPPE OF UKRAINE”. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences 23/2 (October 2022), 185-191.
JAMA Kovalchuk T, Didenko I, Ishchuk L, Ishchuk H, Klymenko S. FORMATION AND MORPHOLOGY OF Rhus typhina L. INFLORESCENCE IN CONDITIONS OF THE RIGHT BANK FOREST STEPPE OF UKRAINE. Trakya Univ J Nat Sci. 2022;23:185–191.
MLA Kovalchuk, Tatiana et al. “FORMATION AND MORPHOLOGY OF Rhus Typhina L. INFLORESCENCE IN CONDITIONS OF THE RIGHT BANK FOREST STEPPE OF UKRAINE”. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences, vol. 23, no. 2, 2022, pp. 185-91, doi:10.23902/trkjnat.1073916.
Vancouver Kovalchuk T, Didenko I, Ishchuk L, Ishchuk H, Klymenko S. FORMATION AND MORPHOLOGY OF Rhus typhina L. INFLORESCENCE IN CONDITIONS OF THE RIGHT BANK FOREST STEPPE OF UKRAINE. Trakya Univ J Nat Sci. 2022;23(2):185-91.

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